The Project Notes' Merline (1) - Dikonversi

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The Project Notes/Activities and Output

Subject : British And Amrican Drama

Name : Merlina Santi
SRN : 1903057
Title of the Project : A Comperativ Analyzing Of The Drama Reader’s On Motivation And
Result Of The Study Showed

Activity/Note Description
(DescribeWhat You Do-
minimum 50 words)

Activity -1 I undertook an action research

Determining the project project in the context of drama
education with the aim of it
being to explore the place of
drama in society, and to
investigate (through an action
research project) the potential
of drama education as an agent
of social change. By
completing this course
students/readers will
understand the role of drama in
modeling social reality and
conditions, both in celebrating
and interrogating the social
world, and in providing
mechanisms for social change.

Activity -2 Define Project Goal

Designing the steps for the First and foremost , i should
meet with my friends like a
project team and key stakeholders to
define the ultimate goal or
outcome of my project. After
the primary goals have been
established, break each down
into smaller, more manageable
pieces such as during project
scheduling.even Consider the
needs and expectations of all
and/or beneficiaries
when determining my goals.

Activity -3
Scheduling the project The day 1 : I define the project
goals with the drawing
The day 2 : i tre to making mad
maping and search another idea
from internet\
Day 3 : i meet wih my friends
wo want tobe a participant and
comple my project
Day 4 : Make a discussion aout
the material and the technique
for the project.
Day 4 : Make the project so
simple but structural so it can
be eac to understand
Day 5 : Did the presentating for
the audience about my poject
that have done
Day 6 : Last project is make
the analys and the result ot the
project of mine.
Activity -4 I do prepare visual aids to
Starting the project represent part or all of the
project. Visualization is very
common in creative,
construction, and software
development verticals.
However, using visualizations
can be useful when managing
any type of project because
they provide team members
and stakeholders with an easy-
to-understand picture of the
project's objectives, results,
results, products, services,
and/or functional`
Activity -5 Sign in the way of its success.
Working the project Document any risks and
constraints on budget, time, or
stage 1 resources that could affect my
team's ability to reach goals,
milestones, and outcomes.
Then i try to resolve as many
of these problems as i can. This
will help prevent delays once
the project is in progress i think
Activity -6 It’s important to know the
Working the project budget right from the start.
Even if i don’t have a complete
stage 2
picture of the benefit my
project will generate, create a
budget in as much detail as i
can. The clearer i can be about
your budget during the project
design phase, the less likely are
to experience unexpected cost
overruns later. Estimating your
budget will also help me
determine the feasibility of the

Activity -7 Now that i have a picture of the

Working the project project’s goals, risks, and
budget, i decide how success
stage 3
will be determined. List the
criteria i’ll use to judge
whetherdeliverables, outcomes,
and the final product have been
achieved. i also determine what
processes must be followed in
order for the project and its
elements to be approved, and
who is responsible for approval

Activity-8 Analyze the situation and

Evaluating/Editing the process identify problems. Conduct a
“situation analysis” or “needs
dan resulting the project draft assessment,” which involves
clearly identifying my target
group so i can gain a deep
understanding of readers needs.
my target population includes
direct recipients—those who
will benefit from the immediate
outcomes of my project—as
well as the
ultimate beneficiaries, or those
who will be impacted by my
project in the long term.

Activity-9 The structure of the project in

Presenting the project my presentation is the thing to
allow the process of further
investigation. My project must
not only help students answer
the driving questions I
presented at the time of their
presentation, but must also
provoke them to ask and
answer their own questions. I
personally think, all project
design involves breaking down
larger work components into
smaller ones that contribute to
achieving the ultimate goal.
Therefore, readers should use
prompting questions to
brainstorm small questions that
will help them arrive at the
final answer.

Activity-10 After the presentation I have

Revising after the to make revisions to see if
any gaps in the presentation
are true and with that I can
start this brainstorming
method with a basic project
of the material, but the goal
is to get the recipient of the
material involved in the
process of self-investigation
in other words, answering
one question. should
encourage the audience to
ask themselves other
questions. This pattern of
discovery and exploration
continues throughout the life
of the project, until the
questions are answered. It
can also help to focus on the
real world that affects the
listener's life; this will more
involve or encourage
learning goals at home.

Activity-11 Lastly, include time and

Finalizing the project guidelines for reflection,
feedback, and revision. Both
during and after the project,
include opportunities for me
and the recipient of the
material to reflect on lessons
learned, give and receive
feedback, and have made
necessary revisions. I've also
included guidelines in the
project design document about
when, how, and with whom to
conduct reflection and
feedback sessions. The sessions
are also quite well structured,
and occur at key points
throughout the project life
cycle. The aim is to help
recipients of the material
understand what they are doing
right, what needs to be
improved, and how the project
relates to better learning

Activity-12 “Good project design is not

Resubmitting the project only a blueprint for
construction, it is a sequential
timeline in which workers and
materials arrive on site when
needed,” says designer Pablo
Solomon. “Specifications must
be thought out and explained
for all materials and processes.
And all permits and inspections
must be timely, accurate and

Environmental projects can be

very complex. For the project.
presentation speculation is also
included, there are various
online resources, which can be

These materials attempt to

provide participants with
learning how to design a
project, utilize resources
properly, follow performance
measures when designing
course materials, and much

“All issues relevant to the

environment, from aesthetics to
sustainability to low impact to
regulatory compliance, must be
addressed in the project
design,” Solomon adds. This is
also followed by a final entry
regarding my project.

The Project Maker/Student


(Merlina Santi)

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