Lesson 4: Spiritual Self: Let Us Begin! Activity 7: Just Give Me A Reason

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Lesson 4 : Spiritual Self



Let us begin!
Activity 7: Just give me a reason.

Instruction: Answer the following questions with all honesty. For completing this activity, you will
get 10 points in your merit card.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Why or why not?

I do believe in the saying that, “Everything happens for good”. In addition, I am more
convinced by the following quote “everything happens for good and for a reason. The reason is
usually good”. Life is more about how we view the events that occur in our lives. That viewpoint
differs from person to person. Some individuals will agree with the quote, while others will disagree.
None of the viewpoints, however, is incorrect. I believe that there are two ways to look at a scenario
that has occurred. Accepting what has occurred and viewing it favorably is one option. Another
option is to be negative about the circumstance and wonder why it occurred to me. It is possible that
what has occurred did not occur for no apparent reason. Nonetheless, you will eventually realize
that everything happened for a reason. This is based on my personal experiences. Additionally,
these factors make us stronger and better prepared for the future. Life is too short to waste time
overthinking things. Instead, concentrate on the lessons you can learn from things that will help you
become a better person.

If yes, identify a personal experience where something happened and you don’t know the reason at
first and eventually realized the reason or purpose of such event or experience. (e.g.: sudden death
of someone you love or why you did not get something you wanted according to your desires).

Guide questions:
1. How did you feel about what happened?
That was when my grandmother died. She was suffering from sickness and cried for help but
we and the doctor can’t do anything for her illness. She was too old and We dont want her to die.
Lately I realized that She died on purpose so that she wont feel the pain anymore and how noisy the
world is.

2. What was your first reaction?

Having someone very closed to you died is really painful. Thats what I feel that time. As if the
world has come to its end because my grandmother was the source of the strenght of the family.

3. Did it made you weaker or stronger?

To be honest I really dont know if it made me weak or stronger. The only thing that resides in
my heart when that happend is pain.
4. What did you realized about what happenend (the purpose/reason) and about yourself?
A lot of realizations stumbled upon me that moment . One of the greatest example is we
cannot escape death. It is a natural cycle of life . All good things come to its end.

5. How will you approach future happenings?

No one can ever predict what lies ahead at the end of the tunnel. Approaching and face it by
my own. If i ever encounter another problem, I will move back a bit and analyze the situation
by looking at it in a bigger- weight the decisions and possible outcome. I want to become
more intellectual when it comes on decision making by utilizing all of the experiences I have
Lesson 4 : Spiritual Self



Let us check your progress!

Activity 8: Beyond Physical

Instructions: Answer the following questions with all honesty. For this activity, you will get 5 points
for each question answered correctly.

1. Identify the sources of meaning according to Dr. Viktor E. Frankl.

a. Love
b. Work
c. Suffering

2. Make a poem, drawing, song, etc that symbolizes about the meaning and purpose of your life.

What was once held of Light, resembles Life.

Is that too much for a human's eyes to handle?

An ungrounded element–the absolute Self

All of the colors and shades that we see

What was created by the encroachment of darkness?

Is consciousness's very life limitless?

And all of mortal breath's thoughts, sorrows, and joys,

Wrestling Life and Death in a war of attrition?

3. Do you think you have a spiritual self? Why or why not? If yes, identify a personal spiritual
experience that influenced your life.
The feeling that the body is separate from the surroundings (me / not-me) is the basis for the
self. In fact, there is no distinction between what we consider the body and the rest of existence;
matter/energy in, matter/energy out, like a continuous conveyor belt of cosmic matter. This indicates
that the sensation of being separate, as well as the sense of self that arises from it, are both
illusions. To be sure, it's a necessary illusion, but it's still an illusion. The brain develops this illusion
because the body need a navigator/guidance system to assist it navigate while it searches for food,
mates, safety, and comfort.
Unit 2 – Lesson 4 Spiritual Self


Course, Yr., & Section
Supply each section with necessary response to get 25 points.

Summarize the most important points you have learned in this
lesson in one paragraph.
Your Spiritual Self is the most beautiful and powerful version of yourself. It's your true self, the part
of you that hasn't been conditioned, the you without patterns. There's no need to get caught up in the lingo
because this is a personal matter for everyone of us. Higher Self, The Universe, God, Higher Power, your
inner Buddha, your genuine self... It's the part of you that is connected to everything, the portion that is love.
There is a teaching about “Divinity” residing within us in all of the great spiritual traditions around the world.
From Native American, Hindu, and Buddhist traditions to Christianity and renowned mystics and scientists,
there is something for everyone. Traditions that honor the earth or the Light within humanity range from those
who believe in "God" to those that honor the planet or the Light within people. We all appear to understand
that we are more than just bodies. Within us, there is light/God/Divine consciousness.

Recall meaningful points (useful or valuable things) from the
lesson you learned.
The meaniningful points or valuable things I acquire from the lesson is- We cannot
mapulate natural things that is happening to us spiritually. Things happen for a reason no matter how hard we
try to make any changes on the pattern of life.

Formulate questions. (What are the most confusing points, and
why they were confusing?)
Scale to measure science and spirituality beliefs?

C o m m e n t o n t h e v a lu e o f y o u r le a r n in g . ( W h a t is / a r e t h e
im p o r t a n c e o f y o u r le a r n in g f o r y o u a s a s t u d e n t o r a s a h u m a n
b e in g in g e n e r a l? )
Spiritual people reach their full potential. Spiritual people strive for a better life and
place a high value on personal development and fulfillment. Because it demands people to focus on
their personal beliefs and strive on becoming a better individual, spirituality might be regarded a
road toward self-actualization.

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