Everyday Sciecne Course Content

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University of Lakki Marwat, Lakki Marwat

Everyday Science
Credit Hours
Theory = 3.0

Course Instructor: Dr. Nasir Rahman

Assistant professor



Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. To develop inquiring minds and curiosity

about science and the natural world.
2. To acquire knowledge, conceptual
understanding and skills to solve problems and
make informed decisions in scientific and
other contexts.


S. No Detailed Contents
01 Science,
Introduction, History of Science, Achievements of some giants of Science in
Chronological order, Islamic Science, Contribution of Muslim Scientists,
Famous muslim scientist, Nature of science, Scientific method, impact of
science on society.
02 The Universe,
Introduction, The origin, The Big Bang, The structure, the galaxies, solar
system, The sun, the moon, the earth,structure of the earth, earth
atmospheres, the green house effect, global warming, ozone depletion, acid
rain, stattelites, earthquake, eclipses, the mystery of Stonehenge, day-night
University of Lakki Marwat, Lakki Marwat

and seasons, volcanoes, minerals, glossary of cosmology

03 Energy,
Introduction and sources of energy, Fossil Fuels, Major oil producing
countries, Global search of Crude oil, Petroleum products, natural gas, hydel
power or hydro-electric power, solar energy, nuclear energy, the nuclear
reactor, heavy water, nuclear safety, nuclear fusion, energy coversion,
radiation and living things,
04 Products of science,
Ceramics, Semi-conductors, Communications systems, Laser, Telescope,
Camera, Fertilizers, Nanotechnology, Plastics, Computer
05 Living Creature:
Brain, Heart, Tissues, Epithelial Cell, Origin of Modern Humans, Pest
Control, Protein, Vertebrate, Invertebrate, Liver, Enzymes, Organisms
(Common to all living things), Blood Group system. Plants, Seed, Flower,
Gene, Evolution Laws, Nucleic Acid (DNA and RNA)
06 Diseases and Threats to Living organism:
Swine flow, Hepatitis, Dengue fever, Corona virus, SARS (Severe acute
respiratory syndrome virus), Plants and Crop Diseases (Rust, Smut, Late
Blight, Canker),

 Teaching Methodology

 Lecturing
 Written Assignments
 Quizzes
University of Lakki Marwat, Lakki Marwat

 Assessment
 Sessional (10 %)
 Assignments 5 %
 Quizzes 5 %
 Mid Term (30%)
 Final Term (50%)
 Med Term: Med term covers first three sections (Science-Energy)
 Final term: Final term covers last three sections (Products of science-Human

Text book:

[1]. Prof. Dr. Akram Kashmiri (Third edition, A. H. Publisher)

[2]. Everyday science by Dr. Riaz ul haq

Reference Book(s)

[1]. Exploring physical science 1977 by walter A. Thurber

[2]. Exploring Life science 1975 by walter A. Thurber
[3]. Encyclopedic Manual of everyday science, Author, Dr. Rabnawaz Samo Publisher;
Maktab e Faridi.

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