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Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1115

DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5916-7


Assessment of barite of Lasbela, Balochistan, Pakistan, as drilling

mud and environmental impact of associated Pb, As, Hg, Cd
and Sr
Bushra Shahab1 • Erum Bashir1 • Maria Kaleem1 • Shahid Naseem1 •

Tahir Rafique2

Received: 15 January 2016 / Accepted: 19 July 2016 / Published online: 25 July 2016
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Barite deposits of the Lasbela District, Keywords Barite  Drilling mud  Trace elements 
Balochistan, hosted in the Ferozabad Group (FG) of Environmental impacts  Lasbela
Jurassic are relatively pure and have BaO value ranging
from 40.18 to 60.91 % with minor amounts of Sr, Fe and
Ca. The measured average density of the studied samples Introduction
(4.21 g/cm3) is compatible with the API-13A specification.
The quantity of water-soluble alkaline earth metals found is Barite (BaSO4) is known for its heavy specific gravity and
very low (av. 50.76 mg/kg) and safe to be used in the used primarily as a weighting agent for drilling fluids; in
drilling mud. The scanning electron microscope study of addition, it has application as radiation-shielding material
some of the selected samples revealed nearly 10 % parti- (Fugaru et al. 2015; Godwin 2012) and heavy weight
cles are fine (\6 lm) and have equant, subrounded to aggregate (Naseem et al. 2011). Nearly 85 % of the
rounded shape; however, larger particles ([10 lm) are worldwide barite production is consumed in drilling of oil
tabular and low in quantity. The average content of Pb and gas wells (Scott et al. 2010). In exploration, drilling
(3418 mg/kg) in the barite samples is relatively high as mud plays a vital role and is used as weighting agent. It is
designated by the API specification (1000 mg/kg), while normally powder of some heavy minerals, viz. ilmenite,
Hg, As and Cd contents are very low, except in a few haematite, galena and barite (Julius et al. 2015), and bal-
samples. The average content of Sr is 1.19 %, indicating ances high subsurface formation pressure during oil and
hydrothermal origin of the barite deposits of the study area gas well drilling. Among these, barite is widely used in the
and to some extent it is toxic in biological functions. Some mud because of easy availability, low price, high specific
of the samples have elevated amount of SiO2 gravity, low hardness and brittle nature. The production of
(1.83–8.88 %) which may cause risk of silicosis in the barite powder requires certain specification to meet the
persons either involved in milling industry or at well site. requirement of petroleum industry. The specification of
The positive loadings of first factor of principal component barite for drilling mud is established by API-13A (2010)
analysis for Ba and S, and density revealed genetic alliance (Table 1).
with MVT/SEDEX mineralization, and negative loadings In Pakistan, barite is mainly obtained from the districts
of Ca, Mg and Fe demonstrate hydrothermal alteration of of Lasbela (Fig. 1) and Khuzdar (Ahsan and Mallick 1999).
host rock. Other deposits are located in Hazara District (Ali et al.
2011). During the last few decades, the production of barite
in Pakistan was poor, but recently production of barite
& Bushra Shahab increased to 75,000 metric tons; this promotes Pakistan
from 12th to 8th rank in the world as producer of barite
Department of Geology, University of Karachi, (Jewell and Kimball 2015). Pakistan’s barite has a good
Karachi 75470, Pakistan demand in the international market. Persons involved in
Applied Chemistry Research Centre, PCSIR Laboratories mining and processing of barite are often affected from the
Complex, Karachi 75280, Pakistan toxicity of barium and allied hazardous elements (OGP

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Table 1 Physical and chemical

Parameters Specification Current study
specifications of drilling barite
(after, API Specification 13A, Min. Max. Mean
Density 4.10 g/cm3, minimum 3.85 4.42 4.21
Water-soluble alkaline earth metals, as Ca 250 mg/kg, maximum 16.35 185.60 50.76
Residue greater than 75 lm Maximum allowed, 30 % 0.67 1.03 0.78
Particles less than 6 lm Maximum allowed, 30 % 9.78 12.13 11.03
Maximum mercury 1.0 mg/kg 22.4 148.6 NE
Maximum cadmium 3.0 mg/kg 0.50 30.90 NE
NE Not estimated due to higher isolated patchy values

2009); furthermore, prolong exposure to fine quartz (SiO2) about 1 kg sample is selected for physical, chemical and
particles (\10 lm) poses a health hazard and may cause grain size analysis.
silicosis (Salisu et al. 2015). In the barite mineralized area, The geochemical analyses were performed by XRF,
groundwater quality is also contaminated (Suresh et al. following the method of Salisu et al. (2015) using Thermo
2007). Hydrocarbon exploration companies face the prob- Fisher Scientific Niton XRF Analyzer (XL3 Analyzer
lem of disposing drilling waste that have the potential to version 7.0.1) and calibration with certified reference
impact the environment too (Onwukwe and Nwakaudu materials from National Institute of Standards and Tech-
2012). Barite is often associated with minerals of Pb nology (NIST, USA). Alternately, for chemical analysis of
(galena), Hg (cinnabar) and As (orpiment, realgar, niccol- BaSO4, pulverized barite samples were digested by car-
ite, etc.), which are proved hazardous materials not only for bonate fusion method and wet acid treatment and estimated
human life, but also for other biota (Neff 2005). A hypo- gravimetrically (API 2010). Water-soluble alkaline earth
thetical model is presented to elaborate the phenomenon of metals (as Ca) were determined by using EDTA complex
contamination from barite and associated hazardous ele- titration method. The density of the pulverized barite
ments, from mining, processing and drilling areas (Fig. 2). samples was determined by Le Chatelier specific gravity
In this study, the distribution of major and trace ele- bottle, using good-quality kerosene oil at controlled tem-
ments within a suit of selected samples has been used. The perature. For grain size analysis, a 200-mesh sieve is used
distribution and variations of chemical elements mainly and the grains with size designated as [75 lm are retained.
determined and related to the physical and chemical The surface morphology and size of micronized grains of
properties of the host minerals (Perri et al. 2014) and barite sample was examined by using JEOL JSM 5910
assessment of environmental impact of associated toxic SEM in the Faculty of Science Laboratory, University of
elements with barite. Furthermore, the principal component Karachi, Pakistan. Analytical data of barite were statisti-
analysis (PCA) has been used to better understand the cally analyzed, and component plot on rotated space dia-
distribution of and relationships among major and trace gram was prepared by IBM SPSS software (version 22).
elements; PCA is a technique to combine numerous vari-
ables into several latent variables that underlie the multi-
variate data (Perri and Ohta 2014; Perri et al. 2014, 2015). General geology and mineralization
The environmental problem related to barite used in the
drilling mud is demonstrated diagrammatically to make In the Lower Indus Basin (LIB), Wulgai Formation is
public aware of concern to opt for proper mitigation pro- probably the earliest Triassic sedimentary rock, poorly
gram (Fig. 2). exposed in the Zhob, Kalat and Khuzdar areas (Kazmi and
Jan 1997). The upper contact of the Wulgai Formation is
transitional with the Early Jurassic sequence and shows
Methodology facies change in the sedimentation, from shale of Wulgai
Formation to thin-bedded limestone and intercalated shale
Thirty-three barite samples were collected from seventeen of Jurassic rock. The Lower Jurassic consists of clastic
different locations (Fig. 1). Large (15 cm) pieces of barite sediments, dominantly continental origin, that grade up
were excavated from open-cast mine are first crushed in a into the marine carbonates and subordinate amount of
jaw crusher to 10–15 mm size and pulverized in a hammer argillaceous rocks, and finally at the end of Middle Juras-
mill. Further beneficiation was done with the help of sic, regressive phase is evident (Asim et al. 2014). Seismic
classifier (Fig. 2). After proper coning and quartering, interpretation and well data indicate Jurassic rocks as a part

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1115 Page 3 of 10 1115

Fig. 1 Geological map of Lasbela area showing sample sites of barite; Top left, map of Pakistan, showing study area

of platform cover in major areas of the LIB. In the Kirthar fold and thrust belt along the western margin of the Indian
and Sulaiman provinces, the Jurassic rocks are found in the Plate. During the obduction of Bela ophiolite, the Jurassic
anticlinal core; however, in the Western Fold Belt (WFB), rock of the study area bifurcated in two parts, the eastern
Jurassic rocks are widely distributed and form extensive main Mor Range, a broad belt about 300 km striking north
thrust blocks and sheets. The WFB represents the foreland south, while the western part is known as Piaro Ridge, a

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Fig. 2 Schematic model showing environmental impact of Lasbela barite during mining, milling and drilling process and possibilities of
silicosis and health hazards of Hg, Cd, Sr, As, Pb and Ba in the mine workers, labors and inhabitants of drilling site (without scale)

small, narrow wedge-shaped belt (Fig. 1). Small- to med- the presence of large barite deposits (Gunga, Surmai and
ium-size barite deposits are widespread in both belts. The Duddar) in association with Zn–Pb in the Anjira
Mor Range is located in the southern part of the WFB and Formation.
mainly consists of rocks of FG (Jurassic) in association The FG was deposited on the shelf flank of a rift system
with Bela ophiolite of Cretaceous age (Naseem et al. 2016). resulting from the breakup of Gondwanaland and the sep-
The Kharrari, Malikhore and Anjira formations constitute aration of the India from Madagascar (Gnos et al. 1997).
the FG. The listric faulting during the rifting causes ascent of
The Kharrari Formation (Early Jurassic) consists of hydrothermal solutions, rich in Ba, Zn, Pb, which was
flaggy, gray micritic limestone, followed by calcareous deposited in the lower Kharrari and Malikhore formations
sandstone and quartzose sandstone; it is deposited in a similar to the Mississippi Valley type (MVT) as indicated
shore face to inner shelf environment (Hasany et al. 2007). by Bradley and Leach (2003), while stratiform (SEDEX)
The clastic fraction of the formation contains Pb–Zn–barite mineralization is common in top most Anjira Formation
mineralization (Ahsan and Mallick 1999). Malikhore For- (Ahsan and Mallick 1999).
mation occupies the middle part of the FG and mainly
consists of hard, compact, thick-bedded micritic limestone
deposited in platform conditions (Sheikh et al. 2006). The Results and discussion
sulfide-hosted (SEDEX/MVT) Pb–Zn–barite–fluorite min-
eralization within the formation is common (Husain et al. Physical and chemical parameters
2002). The youngest formation of FG is Anjira of Upper
Toarcian to Middle Bajocian age and is differentiated into Barium sulfate and density
lower black carbonaceous shale, siltstone and mudstone
unit and an upper thin interbedded limestone in association Ideally barite has 65.70 % BaO and 34.30 % SO3, whereas
with shale (Shah 2009). Ahsan and Mallick (1999) reported in the presence of impurities the content of BaO and SO3

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Table 2 Density, water-soluble alkaline earth metals (WSAEM), major and trace element composition of Lasbela Barite
Sample SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 BaO CaO MgO MnO SO3 CO2 Sr Pb Cd As Hg Density WSAEM

GM1 2.48 0.27 0.27 57.89 3.02 0.08 BDL 30.22 0.41 1.08 95 17.1 14.3 54.7 4.31 135.67
GM3 2.01 0.79 0.79 59.12 2.99 0.12 BDL 30.86 1.03 1.08 59 1.5 BDL 107.5 4.34 119.09
GM7 2.45 0.24 0.24 60.91 3.01 0.11 BDL 31.79 0.53 1.09 66 3.7 25.9 147.21 4.39 32.70
PL3 6.00 0.46 0.46 52.55 2.41 0.05 BDL 27.43 1.84 1.38 2857 30.9 165.7 92.8 4.13 40.87
PL5 8.44 1.17 1.17 51.02 3.69 0.07 0.19 26.63 1.76 1.21 1865 BDL 76.6 148.6 4.11 33.47
RN2 2.58 0.06 0.06 58.03 1.34 0.01 BDL 30.29 0.19 2.25 84 BDL 39.6 139.1 4.29 40.76
RS1 4.95 0.51 0.51 53.85 3.79 0.02 BDL 28.12 2.52 1.42 74 1.3 48.6 111.6 4.17 39.22
GL1 3.94 0.39 0.40 51.84 5.75 0.21 BDL 27.06 3.68 1.43 231 BDL BDL 104.9 4.14 29.38
HM1 4.40 0.73 0.73 45.63 10.31 0.01 0.19 23.82 6.30 1.16 173 0.6 23.58 139.3 3.95 37.56
HM3 4.79 0.30 0.30 49.64 5.26 0.01 BDL 25.91 2.28 2.55 14108 1.2 27.13 BDL 4.21 40.87
CL2 2.98 0.15 0.15 54.97 2.61 0.12 0.55 28.69 1.52 2.05 117 0.5 44.5 32.4 4.24 57.22
CL4 4.64 0.14 0.14 55.98 0.59 0.01 BDL 29.22 0.4 2.84 136 1.6 48.6 23.7 4.25 49.05
JR3 8.21 2.65 2.65 40.18 10.08 2.03 0.21 20.97 1.4 0.53 787 1.4 21.0 43.0 3.85 32.70
JR4 7.58 1.10 1.10 51.68 6.312 0.02 0.2 26.97 1.5 1.01 515 1.4 BDL BDL 4.13 35.13
KD1 8.88 1.25 1.25 49.94 4.81 0.01 BDL 26.06 4.5 1.33 119 BDL 34.1 BDL 4.08 40.87
KD2 4.56 0.61 0.61 55.87 2.811 BDL BDL 29.16 3.11 2.14 74 0.6 24.1 BDL 4.25 40.87
AD4 8.63 0.55 0.55 49.96 5.00 BDL BDL 26.07 0.46 0.70 19474 0.9 21.0 31.7 4.11 40.87
AD7 5.01 1.48 1.48 51.24 6.71 0.02 BDL 26.74 0.89 0.81 2907 BDL BDL BDL 4.12 57.22
LN2 6.16 1.03 1.03 57.12 1.86 0.01 0.31 29.81 0.89 1.45 560 1.0 14.4 BDL 4.27 51.48
LN7 5.36 0.24 0.24 57.21 0.97 0.02 0.23 29.86 0.57 1.45 823 1.4 18.2 23.0 4.42 40.87
AR4 1.83 0.22 0.22 59.35 2.30 BDL BDL 30.98 1.64 0.50 64 1.3 56.1 BDL 4.37 106.06
ZK2 2.92 0.36 0.36 60.37 0.55 0.02 0.42 31.51 1.47 1.51 159 BDL 13.9 BDL 4.34 40.87
ZK7 2.56 0.508 0.50 59.96 1.13 0.03 0.35 31.30 2.21 1.13 3226 1.3 11.6 BDL 4.31 61.31
ZK9 5.05 0.89 0.89 55.31 0.88 0.02 BDL 28.87 1.09 0.94 761 0.6 11.3 24.7 4.21 24.52
KH1 3.59 0.19 0.19 53.87 5.82 BDL BDL 28.12 0.54 0.59 9992 0.5 16.0 22.4 4.19 32.70
KH4 4.40 0.31 0.31 56.04 4.86 0.12 0.32 29.25 0.56 0.50 6125 1.1 37.9 BDL 4.25 37.56
KH5 4.08 0.24 0.24 55.62 6.55 0.01 BDL 29.03 1.83 0.52 45675 BDL 527.5 27.4 4.22 185.60
BN2 5.54 0.38 0.38 58.74 0.65 0.02 BDL 30.66 0.36 1.08 319 BDL BDL BDL 4.33 36.79
BN3 4.01 0.33 0.33 59.02 1.018 BDL 0.23 30.81 0.21 0.79 524 BDL 59.7 34.8 4.28 16.35
KN1 6.01 1.31 1.30 52.17 5.03 0.01 BDL 27.23 0.98 1.03 473 1.0 BDL 27.1 4.11 32.70
KN3 4.51 0.23 0.23 56.67 5.21 0.01 0.33 29.58 0.25 1.37 176 1.1 7.2 24.0 4.28 26.95
GH9 2.88 0.39 0.39 48.68 10.91 BDL BDL 25.41 10.57 0.39 82 BDL 9.0 34.0 4.15 40.87
GH10 4.70 0.34 0.34 48.97 9.21 0.02 0.42 25.56 1.87 0.54 97 1.4 BDL 28.5 4.16 36.79
Min 1.83 0.06 0.06 40.18 0.55 0.01 0.19 20.97 0.19 0.39 59.0 0.5 7.2 22.4 3.85 16.35
Max 8.88 2.65 2.65 60.91 10.91 2.03 0.55 31.79 10.57 2.84 45675 30.9 527.5 148.6 4.42 185.60
Av 4.73 0.60 0.60 54.22 4.16 0.12 0.30 28.30 1.79 1.19 3418 NE NE NE 4.21 50.76
Units: All major oxides including Sr are in %, trace elements and WSAEM are in mg/kg and density in g/cm
NE Not estimated due to higher isolated patchy values

decreases. Important impurities diluting the quality of 1.83 to 8.88 %, and it is high in the samples of barite
barite are SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, SrO, CO2 and hosted in sandstone beds of Kharrari Formation, and such
several trace elements (Pb, Cu, Cd, As, Hg). The range of samples are slight harder. Total iron (Fe2O3) varies from
BaO in the studied samples is from 40.18 to 60.91 % with a 0.06 to 2.65 % with a mean of 0.60 %. Iron is beneficial in
mean of 54.22 % (Table 2). Despite the nonmetallic min- mud because the density of iron-bearing minerals is high.
eral, barite has exceptionally high density, mainly due to The average contents of CaO and CO2 in barite samples are
the presence of barium (Ba) whose atomic weight is high 4.16 and 1.79 %, respectively, most probably high amount
(137.327). The binary plot between BaO and density is is the reflection of associated limestone of Malikhore
positive (Fig. 3a), which is also supported by the strong Formation. In the samples, Mg is extremely low except in
correlation matrix 0.941. The amount of SiO2 ranges from sample JR3 (1.22 %). The contrast difference in the ionic

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Fig. 4 Physical, chemical and trace elements of studied barite on

rotated space diagram (PCA)

Table 3 Factor loading values and variance %

Variables Factors
1 2 3 4

Fe -.803 -.167 .357 .197

Ba .954 -.115 .202 .128
Ca -.891 -.068 -.072 -.108
Mg -.723 -.036 .385 .114
S .954 -.115 .202 .128
Sr .387 .172 -.264 -.652
Pb -.199 -.103 -.873 .208
Fig. 3 a Plots of density (g/cm3) versus BaO (%) of studied samples; Cd .079 .815 -.005 .447
b water-soluble alkaline earth metals (WSAEM) versus Ca (%) of
barite samples of Lasbela area As .061 .914 -.091 .115
Hg -.095 .525 .329 -.491
Density .940 -.169 .086 .112
size of Mg (0.66 Å) and Ba (1.32 Å) is probably respon-
sible to hinder the uptake of Mg in the barite. The PCA Variance % 38.48 16.62 11.27 8.62
(Fig. 4) demarcated source apportionment of elements by Cumulate % 38.99 55.10 66.37 74.99
means of factor loading (Table 3). The positive and neg-
ative loadings of first factor is related to major chemical
composition of barite in consequence of either MVT or and \4.10 g/cm3 in 57, 33 and 10 % samples, respectively
SEDEX mineralization and subsequent hydrothermal (Table 2). The low-grade barite is also utilized in the
alteration, which substitute Ca, Mg and Fe of host rocks of industry, probably to mix it with high-grade barite to obtain
the study area. desirable grade. According to Scott et al. (2010), low-grade
The high density of barite is one of the important factors barite may have deleterious impurities and significantly
that make it permissible to use as a drilling fluid. Due to increase the quantity of drilling fluid required to drill a
high density of the mineral, drilling fluid produces a well, which in turn increases the quantity of disposal waste.
pressure that balances the formation pressure and prevents
the blowout of the well. Due to low production of high- Water-soluble alkaline earth metals (WSAEM)
grade barite in the market, the API 13A (2010) recom-
mended density of high-quality barite (4.21 g/cm3) may be The solubility product constant of barium sulfate is high
replaced by marginally low density (4.11 g/cm3). Analyt- 1.08 9 10-10 and pure barite is highly insoluble in water,
ical results have indicated density [4.21, 4.19–4.10 but in the presence of certain accessory minerals, some of

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1115 Page 7 of 10 1115

GM2, AR4, ZK7 and CL4) show positive relation with

increasing Ca content, possibly due to the presence of

Grain size and shape

The control of particle size of barite powder significantly

affects the way in which the mud interacts with the
lithology being drilled. Particle size plays an important role
in the rheological behavior of drilling mud and helps the
formation of a filter cake that prevents the loss of circu-
lating fluids. The grain size mainly depends upon the
milling method and time of grinding (Zhou et al. 2015).
Shape of the grinded particles is also important; the fine-
size (\6 lm) particles have equivalent spherical diameter
(API 2010). The scanning electron microscope (SEM)
studies of some selected samples revealed equant, sub-
rounded to rounded particles; however, larger particles
([10 lm) are tabular (Fig. 5). In general, shape analysis is
crucial in the preparation of good drilling mud. Rounded-
shape particles have more wettability properties, and it will
increase floatability of barite particles in the drilling mud
(Ulusoy and Yekeler 2007).

Trace elements and health hazards

The concentration of trace elements in the minerals largely

depends on the composition of mother fluid and physico-
chemical parameters, which actually is the reflection of
Fig. 5 Scanning electron images of barite samples: a GM7, b ZK2 genetic process (Dill 2010). The environment of natural
mineral forming processes is not ideal and uniform in
the elements become soluble. One of the most significant character, but in general shows intermingling. The PCA is
minerals is gypsum CaSO42H2O, which is slightly soluble valuable to elucidate the distribution of trace elements in
in water (2.6 g/l) and releases Ca2? ions, and similarly barite and to identify the mineral formation process (Edet
carbonate minerals (calcite, dolomite, ankerite and side- et al. 2014; Engle and Rowan 2014).
rite), though not soluble in water but can release their
cations (Ca2? and Mg2?) in the presence of hydroxyl ions Mercury
(API 1993). Total water-soluble material in barite used in
the drilling should be less than 1000 mg/l, while soluble Trace quantities of Hg are often associated with the barite
alkaline earth metals (Ca) are allowed up to 250 mg/kg deposits of hydrothermal origin as cinnabar (Jurković et al.
(API 2010). This may react with other components in 2011). In general, Hg concentration in barite ranges from
drilling fluids and cause adverse changes in the drilling 0.05 to 31 mg/kg, and it is high in vein-type MVT barite
fluid properties and different types of logging. deposits as compared to bedded deposits (Parker 2003).
In the studied samples of barite, the WSAEM ranges Genetically the barite deposits of Lasbela District are MVT
from 16.35 to 185.6 with a mean of 50.76 mg/kg (Tables 1, and SEDEX (Ahsan and Mallick 1999). Moderately high
2); however, samples collected from Khinyar Dhora, loading of second factor (0.525) on PCA diagram shows
Ghormas and Arara (Fig. 1) have indicated relatively high incorporation of Hg in barite crystals due to its genetic
WSAEM, but well within the prescribed limits of API 13A association (Fig. 4). Majority of the barite samples of study
(2010) protocol. The scatter plot between WSAEM and area either have traces of Hg or are found below the
total Ca content of barite samples displays that at detection limit of the instrument, only nine samples have
50.76 mg/kg value with variable concentrations of Ca from high ([50 mg/kg) content of Hg (av. 116 mg/kg). High
0.39 to 7.79 %, it has little impact on the water-soluble Hg-bearing sites are confined in Chilro and surrounding
alkaline earth metals (Fig. 3b). Six samples (KH5, GM1, areas (Fig. 1). High Hg in the barite samples of the Lasbela

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area can be removed by simple leaching treatment, as Arsenic

suggested by Holmes et al. (2008). The quantity of Hg may
also be reduced by mixing the low-Hg-bearing barite. Due Arsenic is more widespread in hydrothermal stage in the
to high vulnerability of Hg for human beings, the maxi- form of arsenide (niccolite, NiAs), sulfides (orpiment,
mum allowable limit is *1 mg/kg for barite used in dril- As2S3 and realgar, AsS) along with barite. The associated
ling (API 2010). Discharge of drilling mud contaminates arsenic minerals of barite gradually leached out from the
the environment (Parker 2003). Mercury is highly poi- drilling mud may contaminate the soil and groundwater of
sonous element, and exposures can result in neurological, the area. In aqueous phase, As is prefer to form oxyanions
cardiovascular collapse, renal failure and gastrointestinal arsenide and arsenate ions depending upon the pH of the
damage (WHO 2005). system (Smedley and Kinniburgh 2002).
Nearly 60.6 % samples of barite of study area have very
Cadmium low amount of As (Table 2). Remaining samples (13 nos.),
have an average content of 53.7 mg/kg, while one sample
Geochemically it is chalcophile element and prefers to form (KH5) has indicated very high content (527 mg/kg).
sulfides, mainly as greenockite (CdS), and originates in Arsenic can cause damage to the human cardiovascular,
anoxic hydrothermal environments of SEDEX and MVT gastrointestinal, dermal, hepatic, pulmonary, renal, neuro-
affinity (Fleurance et al. 2013). High loading (0.815) of sec- logical, respiratory and reproductive systems (Kumar 2015;
ond factor for Cd, associated with barite deposits of the study Mandal and Suzuki 2002).
area, reflect sulfide deposition (Fig. 4). Cadmium is mainly
found in association with zinc ore, because both of them have Lead
close geochemical behavior; however, it is also associated
with the minerals of Pb, Cu, Ba and Hg (Fatoye et al. 2014). Small deposits of galena are seen associated with barite
Majority of the studied samples either have very low Cd deposits in the study area. Wide fluctuation in Pb content is
concentration or are found below the detection limit; seen as indicated by very low content to as high as
however, its value is low in sample GM7 (3.7 mg/kg), 45,675 mg/kg in the KH5 locality near Khinyar in District,
moderate in GM1 (17.1 mg/kg) and high in PL3 (30.9 mg/ Lasbela; however, the average Pb content in barite samples
kg). These values are higher than the permissible limit of is about 3418 mg/kg (Table 2). During the drilling activity
3 mg/kg (API 2010) set for drilling mud (Table 1). The in a region, Pb gradually accumulates with age in bones,
presence of high-Cd-bearing rocks poses health threat to kidney, liver and spleen. Adewole et al. (2010) recom-
the inhabitants of the area and may concentrate in the soil, mended controlling higher Pb in the disposed drill wastes
groundwater and vegetation (Burke et al. 2016). Cadmium material and keeping it to 0.005 mg/l with the threshold
intoxication can lead to the damage of excretory, skeletal, level of 0.05 mg/l.
respiratory and reproductive system; in addition, it is also
suspected for carcinogenicity in humans (Godt et al. 2006). Barium

Strontium Barite (BaSO4) and witherite (BaCO3) are the two main
minerals of Ba, commonly associated with sediment-hosted
Strontium (Sr) is an alkaline earth metal and strong litho- stratiform barite deposits (Lingang et al. 2014). In general,
phile element; its abundance in the crustal rocks is 375 mg/ barite is considered harmless due to high insolubility, but
kg. Celestite (SrSO4) is capable of existing as solid solution in contrast witherite is not inert and can easily dissolve
in barite (BaSO4) in nearly all geological environments during weathering process and disperse in the areas of
(Hanor 2000). In hydrothermal environment, Sr may enter occurrence (Salisu et al. 2015). Similarly during drilling
into the lattice, substituting Ba from barite; therefore, high operation a number of acids, alkalis and chemicals are
SrSO4 2.33–3.42 % is the signature of hydrothermal origin. added in the mud, which may mobilize Ba from barite and
The average content of Sr in barite samples of Lasbela area witherite and accumulate it in the soil and groundwater of
is 1.19 % (Table 2), which corresponds to 2.54 % SrSO4. the area (Fig. 2). Drinking water with high Ba when enters
Strontium in low quantities is beneficial along with Ca the human body gets quickly absorbed in the intestine and
and vitamin D to strongly bind the bone tissues and obstructs K in the cell and mimics the functions of Ca in
increase bone density, thus reducing the process of osteo- muscle contraction (WHO 2001). Prolong exposure of
porosis in humans (Jonathan 2003). On the contrary, pro- barium compounds is responsible for hypertension, gas-
long consumption of high Sr ([4 mg/l) may interfere the trointestinal disturbances, renal function and muscular
Ca, which often leads to fractures and osteodystrophy weakness. Experiment on animals revealed no evidence of
(Khan et al. 2010; Polyakova and Synzynys 2010). carcinogenic symptoms of Ba salts (NTP 1994).

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1115 Page 9 of 10 1115

Barite and silicosis elevated amount of SiO2 (1.83–8.88 %) which may cause
risk of silicosis in the persons either involved in milling
Ingestion of pure barite powder is nearly harmless, some- industry or at well site. Considering all the physical,
times direct contact may cause dryness and itching on skin. chemical and toxic trace element, it is concluded that the
The inhalation of barite powder by mine workers, pro- barite samples match API (1993) specification as men-
cessers and drillers may cause several disorders in respi- tioned in Section 13A, and with few exceptions, it can be
ratory system. Excessive barite dust may cause nuisance improved by applying different techniques. Overall quality
condition such as coughing, sneezing and nasal irritation. and quantity of Lasbela barite is satisfactory for use in
Silica (SiO2) in the form of quartz and other polymorphs Pakistan as well as to promote export potential.
are generally associated with barite, and during pulver-
ization fine quartz (\10 lm) particle may separate from Acknowledgments Special appreciation is extended to Mr. Shabir
Ahmed Baloch, proprietor of the Industrial Mineral Syndicate, Kar-
barite matrix (Fig. 2). Prolonged breathing in of fine silica
achi, for many years of cooperation with the authors on the studies of
particles may induce pneumoconiosis in the workers, barite deposits of Lasbela, Pakistan. We thank three anonymous
commonly known as silicosis (Seaton et al. 1986). Silicosis reviewers for their constructive comments which improved the
is the commonest occupational lung disease worldwide manuscript. Services of Mr. Munirullah, Graphic Designer, Depart-
ment of Geology, University of Karachi is acknowledged for graphic
(Glazer and Newman 2004). Excessive inhalation of fine
crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive development
of silicosis; with passage of time (*10 years), it may turn
to acute and chronic silicosis, and sometimes predisposed References
to develop tuberculosis in the workers (Salisu et al. 2015).
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