(No Kunci) Bahasa Inggris Xi Ips Chairul

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SOAL B Ulangan semester Ganjil Kelas 11 2021

1. "Let’s hang out tonight!" What does the expression mean?

a. A statement of the offer.
b. A question of an offer.
c. A statement of suggestion.
d. A suggestion in the form of a question.
e. Both an offer and a suggestion.
2. How do you ask for a suggestion?
a. Let me do it for you?
b. Would you like to do something?
c. I will do something for you if you do something for me.
d. Do you have any suggestion?
e. I suggest that you do something.
3. Which sentence that expresses suggestion?
a. Would you like me to bring your belongings?
b. I will give you $30 for your bike.
c. What can I do for you, Sir?
d. What about asking Diana to come here?
e. What would you like to eat?

One Sunday morning, Jane was sitting in the porch as she saw her friend, Bella, passing by.
“Where are you going, Bella?” she asked. “I’m going to the groceries; I need to buy some
tomatoes,” Bella answered. “Why don’t you buy some organic tomatoes from me? I grow
some vegetables, and the tomatoes are ready to harvest,” she said.
“Well, that sounds good,” replied Bella. “How much is one kilogram?”
“A dollar for one kilo, please,” said Jane. “I need five kilograms, but it is just too expensive,”
Bella explained. “What’s your offer?” asked Jane. “How about three dollars for five
kilograms?” Bella tried to bargain. Jane was thinking before saying, “Well, that sounds good.
Let’s get them for you.”

4. What did Jane mean when she asked. “Why don’t you buy some organic tomatoes
from me?”
a. Bella suggested that Jane should sell her tomatoes.
b. Bella offered to buy tomatoes from Jane’s organic farm.
c. Jane suggested that Bella should buy the tomatoes from groceries.
d. Jane suggested that Bella should buy the tomatoes from her.
e. Bella offered $1 for each kilogram of tomatoes.

One Sunday morning, Jane was sitting in the porch as she saw her friend, Bella, passing by.
“Where are you going, Bella?” she asked. “I’m going to the groceries; I need to buy some
tomatoes,” Bella answered. “Why don’t you buy some organic tomatoes from me? I grow
some vegetables, and the tomatoes are ready to harvest,” she said.
“Well, that sounds good,” replied Bella. “How much is one kilogram?”
“A dollar for one kilo, please,” said Jane. “I need five kilograms, but it is just too expensive,”
Bella explained. “What’s your offer?” asked Jane. “How about three dollars for five
kilograms?” Bella tried to bargain. Jane was thinking before saying, “Well, that sounds good.
Let’s get them for you.”

5. According to the passage, Bella said “How about three dolars for five kilograms?”
What does it mean?
a. Jane will give Bella two kilograms of tomatoes for a dollar.
b. Bella suggested that Jane should lower the price.
c. Jane suggested Bella to buy more tomatoes.
d. Bella offered the price that she has to pay for the tomatoes.
e. Jane offered the price that Bella has to pay for her tomatoes.

Father : I want to have these songs in my mobile phone. Where should I save the copy of it
Tom? Is it okay if I save it into my phone memory?

Tommy: No it is not. Don’t you save it in there! It will affect the performance of your mobile

6. We can predict that Tommy will suggest father to save the copied songs in the……
a. memory card
b. inbox
c. outbox
d. computer
e. external hard-disk

Dion : Do you have any idea on how to duplicate this colorful leaflet in a minute?
Vian : I guess we can ……………….
Dion : What a brilliant idea.

7. From the incomplete dialogue above, predict Vian's solution to Dion's problem.
a. scan and print it.
b. photocopy it
c. duplicate it using Corel Draw
d. imitate it using Photoshop
e. take a photo of it

Jenifer: Uhhhhh I’m so tired. It dried my throat.

You : ...
Jenifer: Ohh thank you. You’re so kind.
You : Never mind.

8. The most appropriate offer you can use is….

a. Would you like some mineral water?
b. Do you need some food?
c. Can I call delivery pizza for us?
d. Would you like some brunch?
e. Do you mind if I take several lemons?

The class captain: I need to contact Mr. Bono as soon as possible but my phone is run out of

Hendi : Why do you want to contact him?

The class captain : I want to clarify whether tomorrow we’ll have a quiz or not?
You : ....

9. The quickest response you can say is…….

a. You can use my phone
b. Do you need to refill your phone balance?
c. Don’t you miss the account?
d. I will buy pulse for your mobile phone after school.
e. Would you like some pulse?

Father: Could you help me to feed the bird please?

Son : What do you want me to do Dad?
Father: She needs a ripe fruit. Could you go and get it please?
Son : Does ... ?
Father: Yes it does.
Son : Wait a minute. I’ll go and get it.
Father: Thank you Son.
Son : You’re welcome.

10. The best statement that sounds logic to complete the passage is...
a. a slice of papaya sound good?
b. a cut of coconut sound good?
c. a bunch of grapes sound good?
d. a durian sound good?
e. a basket of bananas sound good?
11. Which one is not the purpose of expressing opinion?
a. To deliver facts.
b. To agree with something.
c. To disagree with something.
d. To communicate personal thought.
e. To share perspective with others.
12. Which one is an expression of asking for an opinion?
a. What is the capital city of Spain?
b. Is Madrid the capital city of Spain?
c. What do you think about Madrid?
d. I think Madrid is a beautiful city.
e. However, I don’t want to live in Madrid.
13. Which one is the expression of opinions?
a. Naturally, Honey Bear live in the forest.
b. Honey Bear uses its fang and claw to catch its prey.
c. People usually use Honey Bear fur for clothes or rags.
d. Every year, hundreds of Honey Bears are killed for human needs.
e. Personally, I consider Honey Bears as charming animal.

Tim : “I read the headline this morning. Police just busted the biggest drug
syndicate in our city. In my opinion, drug dealers should be punished to
Mark : “I don’t think so. It would break human rights to the very bottom.”
14. What does Mark imply?
a. Mark agrees with Tim’s opinion.
b. Mark thinks that drug dealers should be punished to death.
c. Mark doesn’t understand what Tim says.
d. Mark thinks that drug dealers should not be punished to death.
e. Mark doesn’t care with Tim’s opinion.
15. Which one is an expression of agreement?
a. I don’t think so
b. I could not agree more
c. I’d say different
d. That’s not the point
e. It doesn’t seem so
16. Which one is the expression of disagreement?
a. I was thinking about that.
b. Yes, but…
c. That’s right
d. You got the point
e. Well said.

Jane : “I like your haircut, John.”

John : “……………....”
17. What would John say if he doesn’t like his haircut?
a. Yeah, me too
b. It is cool, isn’t it?
c. Thank you!
d. Well, I’m not sure about that.
e. Of course.

Jimmy : “I think it is going to rain soon.”

Thomas : “……………… Let’s take the umbrella with us.”
18. What does Thomas probably say?
a. I don’t believe that.
b. That’s not possible
c. I think you’re right
d. I’m not sure about that
e. I don’t think so

Hanna : “What do you think of the plan to open a branch in Bandung?”

Jessica : ”……………………………”
19. What is the appropriate response to Hanna’s question?
a. I think it is a real branch
b. I don’t want to open it for you
c. I think it is an excellent idea
d. I don’t think it will be opened
e. I think I will leave the office open

George : Do you want to say something about the latest Leonardo Di Caprio’s
James : “………………………………………..”
20. What is the appropriate response to George’s question?
a. It’s a real thriller, don’t you think?
b. It’s quite interesting to read.
c. I don’t watch a movie on weekends.
d. I think Leonardo Di Caprio is an excellent actor.
e. I would like to watch a movie with you.
SMA Nusa Cendana
Jl. Jawa No 10 Bandung
Bandung, 2nd September 2014
Dear Students,
We are honored to invite you to be participants in our annual English Contest
2014. The competition will be held in,
Place : Students’ hall of SMA Nusa Cendana
Date : Thursday - Saturday, 4 – 6 September 2014
Competition Category :
1. Storytelling
2. Spelling bee
3. Speech
Each school can send the best representative of 2 students for each competition.
Enclosed you will find the description and the rules of all competition. The
winners will get special award from the Education Board of Bandung and some
prizes from our sponsors.
We look forward to your participation in the competition.
Sincerely Yours,
English Contest Commitee

21. The word “participant” can be replaced with … ...

a. Committee
b. Student
c. Contestant
d. Judge
e. Partygoers

SMA Nusa Cendana

Jl. Jawa No 10 Bandung
Bandung, 2nd September 2014
Dear Students,
We are honored to invite you to be participants in our annual English Contest
2014. The competition will be held in,
Place : Students’ hall of SMA Nusa Cendana
Date : Thursday - Saturday, 4 – 6 September 2014
Competition Category :
1. Storytelling
2. Spelling bee
3. Speech
Each school can send the best representative of 2 students for each
competition. Enclosed you will find the description and the rules of all
competition. The winners will get special award from the Education Board of
Bandung and some prizes from our sponsors.
We look forward to your participation in the competition.
Sincerely Yours,
English Contest Commitee
22. The competition is conducted in … days.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five

SMA Nusa Cendana

Jl. Jawa No 10 Bandung
Bandung, 2nd September 2014
Dear Students,
We are honored to invite you to be participants in our annual English Contest
2014. The competition will be held in,
Place : Students’ hall of SMA Nusa Cendana
Date : Thursday - Saturday, 4 – 6 September 2014
Competition Category :
1. Storytelling
2. Spelling bee
3. Speech
Each school can send the best representative of 2 students for each competition.
Enclosed you will find the description and the rules of all competition. The
winners will get special award from the Education Board of Bandung and some
prizes from our sponsors.
We look forward to your participation in the competition.
Sincerely Yours,
English Contest Commitee

23. The word “annual” means …..

a. The competition date
b. The competition month
c. The competition year
d. The competition is held every month
e. The competition is held every year

Dear all staffs,

Please report your progress to the supervisor no later than tomorrow at 16.00
Attend staff meeting on Thursday, 4th September at 13.00.
Being late will result on penalty for each department.
Manager on Duty

24. Where do you think the situation illustrated in the invitation takes place?
a. In a company
b. At school
c. At supermarket
d. In the street
e. At the parking lot

Dear all staffs,

Please report your progress to the supervisor no later than tomorrow at 16.00
Attend staff meeting on Thursday, 4th September at 13.00.
Being late will result on penalty for each department.
Manager on Duty

25. The word “penalty” in line 4 has the closest meaning to …..
a. Scoring goal
b. Punishment
c. Progress
d. Reward
e. Achievement

Mr. Mark Beaukees and Mrs. Tiara Beaukees

Together with
Mr. Daniel Kinrys and Julie Kinrys
Honorly request your company
In celebrating the wedding of their children:
Robert and Samantha
At Ballroom Hyatt Hotel, Bandung
Sunday, September 7th , 2014 at 20.00 pm onwards
Dress: formal
RSVP on September 3rd , 2014
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 157 Bandung

26. The phrase “Honorly request your company” is what we called …...
a. The opening
b. The date and time
c. The invitation
d. The closing

Mr. Mark Beaukees and Mrs. Tiara Beaukees

Together with
Mr. Daniel Kinrys and Julie Kinrys
Honorly request your company
In celebrating the wedding of their children:
Robert and Samantha
At Ballroom Hyatt Hotel, Bandung
Sunday, September 7th , 2014 at 20.00 pm onwards
Dress: formal
RSVP on September 3rd , 2014
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 157 Bandung

27. Who are Daniel and Julie Kinrys?

a. The committee of the wedding
b. The parents of the bride or the groom
c. The bride or the groom
d. The preacher
e. The orchestra

Dear bookworms,
J.K Rowling’s new books are here!
Get 20 % off by showing us your student’s identity.
Lots of merchandises above 500.000 rupiahs purchase
Come to Gramedia, Jl. Merdeka Bandung on 6th September 2014
Gramedia management
28. What is a bookworm?
a. A person who loves to read
b. A person who collects books and worms
c. A person who gets the discount
d. A person who buys the books
e. A person who comes to Gramedia

Dear bookworms,
J.K Rowling’s new books are here!
Get 20 % off by showing us your student’s identity.
Lots of merchandises above 500.000 rupiahs purchase
Come to Gramedia, Jl. Merdeka Bandung on 6th September 2014
Gramedia management
29. How can we get the 20 % discount?
a. By shopping above 500.000 rupiahs
b. By showing student’s identity
c. By bringing books
d. By buying the merchandises
e. By participating in a quiz
30. The number of person can come with one invitation is ….
a. 2 people
b. 1 person who work for the firm
c. 2 persons who work for the firm
d. 1 person only
e. 1 person who doesn’t work for the firm
31. The most suitable event for the invitation is ....
a. wedding anniversary
b. wedding party
c. baby birth
d. birthday party
e. reunion party

32. From the invitation, we know that Jessica Pearson is ....

a. the host
b. the guest
c. the employee
d. the invitation designers
e. the one who deliver the invitation

Claude was to continue farming with his father, and after he returned from his
wedding journey, he fell at once to work. The harvest was almost as abundant
as that of the summer before, and he was busy in the fields six days a week.
One afternoon in August he came home with his team, watered and fed the
horses in a leisurely way, and then entered his house by the back door. Enid,
he knew, would not be there. She had gone to Frankfort to a meeting of the
Anti-Saloon League. The Prohibition party was bestirring itself in Nebraska
that summer, confident of voting the State dry the following year, which
purpose it triumphantly accomplished. 
Enid’s kitchen, full of the afternoon sun, glittered with new paint, spotless
linoleum, and blue-and-white cooking vessels. In the dining-room the cloth
was laid, and the table was neatly set for one. Claude opened the icebox,
where his supper was arranged for him; a dish of canned salmon with a white
sauce; hard-boiled eggs, peeled and lying in a nest of lettuce leaves; a bowl of
ripe tomatoes, a bit of cold rice pudding; cream and butter. He placed these
things on the table, cut some bread, and after carelessly washing his face and
hands, sat down to eat in his working shirt. He propped the newspaper against
a red glass water pitcher and read the war news while he had his supper.
He was annoyed when he heard heavy footsteps coming around the house.
Leonard Dawson stuck his head in at the kitchen door, and Claude rose
quickly and reached for his hat; but Leonard came in, uninvited, and sat down.
His brown shirt was wet where his suspenders gripped his shoulders, and his
face, under a wide straw hat which he did not remove, was unshaven and
streaked with dust. 
  “Go ahead and finish your supper,” he cried. "What’s the news?"
  “The Germans have torpedoed an English passenger ship, the Atlantic; it was
coming this way, too" responded Claude.
  “That’s all right,” Leonard declared. “Maybe Americans will stay at home
now, and mind their own business. I don’t care how they chew each other up
over there, not a bit! I’d as soon one got wiped off the map as another.”
  “Your grandparents were English people, weren’t they?" 
  “That’s a long while ago. Yes, my grandmother wore a cap and little white
curls, and I tell Susie I wouldn’t mind if the baby turned out to have my
grandmother’s skin. She had the finest complexion I ever saw," Leonard

33. In Leonard's opinion, what is good about the English?

a. They have nice skin
b. They have white hair
c. They are at war with Germany
d. They send passenger ships to the US
e. They purchase American crops
Claude was to continue farming with his father, and after he returned from his
wedding journey, he fell at once to work. The harvest was almost as abundant as
that of the summer before, and he was busy in the fields six days a week. One
afternoon in August he came home with his team, watered and fed the horses in a
leisurely way, and then entered his house by the back door. Enid, he knew, would
not be there. She had gone to Frankfort to a meeting of the Anti-Saloon League.
The Prohibition party was bestirring itself in Nebraska that summer, confident of
voting the State dry the following year, which purpose it triumphantly
Enid’s kitchen, full of the afternoon sun, glittered with new paint, spotless
linoleum, and blue-and-white cooking vessels. In the dining-room the cloth was
laid, and the table was neatly set for one. Claude opened the icebox, where his
supper was arranged for him; a dish of canned salmon with a white sauce; hard-
boiled eggs, peeled and lying in a nest of lettuce leaves; a bowl of ripe tomatoes, a
bit of cold rice pudding; cream and butter. He placed these things on the table, cut
some bread, and after carelessly washing his face and hands, sat down to eat in his
working shirt. He propped the newspaper against a red glass water pitcher and
read the war news while he had his supper.
He was annoyed when he heard heavy footsteps coming around the house.
Leonard Dawson stuck his head in at the kitchen door, and Claude rose quickly
and reached for his hat; but Leonard came in, uninvited, and sat down. His brown
shirt was wet where his suspenders gripped his shoulders, and his face, under a
wide straw hat which he did not remove, was unshaven and streaked with dust. 
  “Go ahead and finish your supper,” he cried. "What’s the news?"
  “The Germans have torpedoed an English passenger ship, the Atlantic; it was
coming this way, too" responded Claude.
  “That’s all right,” Leonard declared. “Maybe Americans will stay at home now,
and mind their own business. I don’t care how they chew each other up over there,
not a bit! I’d as soon one got wiped off the map as another.”
  “Your grandparents were English people, weren’t they?" 
  “That’s a long while ago. Yes, my grandmother wore a cap and little white curls,
and I tell Susie I wouldn’t mind if the baby turned out to have my grandmother’s
skin. She had the finest complexion I ever saw," Leonard responded.

34. Which answer best describes Susie, Leonard's wife?

a. She is pregnant
b. She is organized and clean
c. She is moral and religious
d. She is dirty and messy
e. She is white-haired

Claude was to continue farming with his father, and after he returned from his
wedding journey, he fell at once to work. The harvest was almost as abundant as
that of the summer before, and he was busy in the fields six days a week. One
afternoon in August he came home with his team, watered and fed the horses in a
leisurely way, and then entered his house by the back door. Enid, he knew, would
not be there. She had gone to Frankfort to a meeting of the Anti-Saloon League.
The Prohibition party was bestirring itself in Nebraska that summer, confident of
voting the State dry the following year, which purpose it triumphantly
Enid’s kitchen, full of the afternoon sun, glittered with new paint, spotless
linoleum, and blue-and-white cooking vessels. In the dining-room the cloth was
laid, and the table was neatly set for one. Claude opened the icebox, where his
supper was arranged for him; a dish of canned salmon with a white sauce; hard-
boiled eggs, peeled and lying in a nest of lettuce leaves; a bowl of ripe tomatoes, a
bit of cold rice pudding; cream and butter. He placed these things on the table, cut
some bread, and after carelessly washing his face and hands, sat down to eat in his
working shirt. He propped the newspaper against a red glass water pitcher and
read the war news while he had his supper.
He was annoyed when he heard heavy footsteps coming around the house.
Leonard Dawson stuck his head in at the kitchen door, and Claude rose quickly
and reached for his hat; but Leonard came in, uninvited, and sat down. His brown
shirt was wet where his suspenders gripped his shoulders, and his face, under a
wide straw hat which he did not remove, was unshaven and streaked with dust. 
  “Go ahead and finish your supper,” he cried. "What’s the news?"
  “The Germans have torpedoed an English passenger ship, the Atlantic; it was
coming this way, too" responded Claude.
  “That’s all right,” Leonard declared. “Maybe Americans will stay at home now,
and mind their own business. I don’t care how they chew each other up over there,
not a bit! I’d as soon one got wiped off the map as another.”
  “Your grandparents were English people, weren’t they?" 
  “That’s a long while ago. Yes, my grandmother wore a cap and little white curls,
and I tell Susie I wouldn’t mind if the baby turned out to have my grandmother’s
skin. She had the finest complexion I ever saw," Leonard responded.
35. What is Leonard's opinion of the war?
a. He does not care and believes the US should stay out of the war
b. He supports Germany
c. He is saddened that a German ship was attacked
d. He supports England
e. He is interested in news of the war

In 1998 NASA launched the Mars Climate

Orbiter. It was a robotic space probe launched on December 11, 1998
to study the climate on Mars as well as the atmosphere and surface
changes. There were more than 200 hundred NASA personnel working on
this project as well as millions of dollars poured into it's
research, development, and ultimate completion. On September 23, 1999
the space craft lost communication. This was due to the grounded
computer software using imperial units of measurements rather than
the agreed upon metric units. The spacecraft was at a dangerously low
altitude due to this discrepancy and thus incorrectly entered the
atmosphere and disintegrated.  

36. What is this scenario an example of?

a. lack of accuracy
b. lack of completeness
c. lack of timeliness
d. lack of relevance
e. lack of personnel

In 1998 NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. It was a robotic space probe launched on
December 11, 1998 to study the climate on Mars as well as the atmosphere and surface
changes. There were more than 200 hundred NASA personnel working on this project as well
as millions of dollars poured into it's research, development, and ultimate completion. On
September 23, 1999 the space craft lost communication. This was due to the grounded
computer software using imperial units of measurements rather than the agreed upon metric
units. The spacecraft was at a dangerously low altitude due to this discrepancy and thus
incorrectly entered the atmosphere and disintegrated. 

37. Which sentence is not relevant to the outcome detailed in the information? 
a. There were more than 200 hundred NASA personnel working on this project
as well as millions of dollars poured into it's research, development, and
ultimate completion.
b. On September 23, 1999 the space craft lost communication.
c. This was due to the grounded computer software using imperial units of
measurements rather than the agreed upon metric units.
d. In 1998 NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter.
e. The spacecraft was at a dangerously low altitude due to this discrepancy and
thus incorrectly entered the atmosphere and disintegrated.

Airline competitor scenario:

American Airlines flies from JFK airport in New York to Paris, France once daily. They have
recently lowed their prices for this route. Airlines like to typically lower their prices to
European countries because flights to these countries are the most popular international
destination for US citizens.

Several other airlines fly this exact

route. They quickly receive information that AA has lowered their
price for this route. They follow and reduce their prices as well to
maintain a competitive price. If others don't lower their prices quickly to an
even playing field with AA they will lose more than just a bit of
money in the difference of cost in the flights. They will lose
business all together as most people will shop around for the best

38. What is this scenario an example of?

a. Timely information
b. Airline importance and safety
c. Airlines charge too much
d. Completeness
e. Inaccuracy
Everyone loves pets! Whether you a dog person or a cat person it's rare to find people who
don't love these cute adorable balls of fur. In my opinion, if you really love your pet you will
get them “fixed.” “Fixing” your pet is the term used when you get your pet spayed or
neutered. It's a simple, quick and safe surgery that renders your pet unable to become a
mother or father. Over the years this surgery has proven to be safe and effective, with
virtually not risk at all. Over population of these animals have been a problem on the rise as
many researches have found. We have an abundance of cat and dogs that are left homeless,
hungry, abandoned or in a homeless shelter where they might be put to sleep because the
home is too crowded. This is an unfortunate consequence for the animals if the owners don't
fix their pet and let them run loose to procreate. Get your pet fixed today to avoid over
population and detriment of these animals.

I disagree with the previous person's

stance. I think the surgery is unnecessary and expensive. I have a black labrador retriever and
it's the best dog I have ever had. I don't
want my dog or cat to be put under for surgery when nothing is wrong
with them. I love my animals and I want their bodies to stay intact
and not be mutilated. It's a fact that these surgeries are risky and
often end up hurting the animal more, my friend told me they heard of
a dog who died when they went under for the surgery. This make me
sad. We don't have overpopulation of dogs and cats. Pets are
wonderful and you shouldn’t make them have surgery. Don't do it.

39. What is the main point of the passage?

a. fixing your dog or cat
b. overpopulation
c. risky surgery
d. dogs and cats are cute
e. animal cruelty

Many parents wonder if extracurricular activities offer positive effects on students who
participate. They always think that academics is number one and encourage their children to
play less but study more. Most parents never think that extracurricular activities such as,
sports and art can actually give impact on their children success in the future. There are many
benefits that the children can get through extracurricular activities.

Firstly, the children can have great chances to socialize with their friends. It will build their
confidence to work together with people in a team. They will know how to deal with people
with different characters.

Secondly, extracurricular activities give impact on the children’s time and stress management
skill. Dealing with stressful school work and need to focus on the competition at the same
time will train them to organize their time well. They will also know how to manage their
emotion so that it won’t affect their neither performance nor academics record.

Last, it gives the children a lot of fun. Playing together with their friends, competing in
competitions, meeting new friends, are things they never forget.
To conclude, extracurricular activities can actually give impact on their children success in
the future since it offers many benefits.

40. The following statements are true based on the text above, except ….
a. Extracurricular activities will give bad effect on students’ academic records.
b. Sports can help the students to develop their time management skill.
c. Joining art club gives so much fun for the students.
d. Joining a sport club gives the students chance to know how to work together in
a team.
e. Play sports help the students to manage their anger.

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