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After you have determined that there is an employer-employee relationship, the next
issue is whether or not such employee is entitled to the labor standards benefit.
LABOR STANDARDS (Second Exam) Is he entitled to the overtime pay, night shift differential, holiday pay, 13th month pay,
among others? And who are exempted by law?

PART V. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Labor Standards apply only if there exists an employer-employee relationship. Where
the legal basis of the complaint is not employment, then the application of the Labor
Standards will not exist.
Article 82. Coverage. The provisions of this Title shall apply to employees in all
establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to government Who are these excluded employees? MEMORIZE
employees, managerial employees, field personnel, members of the family of the
employer who are dependent on him for support, domestic helpers, persons in the 1. government employees - remember to apply the charter test
personal service of another, and workers who are paid by results as determined 2. managerial employees
by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate regulations. 3. field personnel
4. members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him
As used herein, "managerial employees" refer to those whose primary duty for support
consists of the management of the establishment in which they are employed or 5. domestic helpers
of a department or subdivision thereof, and to other officers or members of the 6. persons in the personal service of another
managerial staff. 7. workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary of
Labor in appropriate regulations
"Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural employees who regularly perform
their duties away from the principal place of business or branch office of the 1. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with
reasonable certainty. (a) Government employees whether employed by the National
Government or any of its political subdivision, including those employed
in government-owned and/or controlled corporations
We have already discussed the employment relationship as a condition precedent
before we apply the Labor Code provisions.
These are the ones that are governed by the Civil Service Law. Applying
the charter test, if the government employee is covered by the Civil
This is a very important provision because the subsequent discussions – overtime,
Service Rules then the provisions here in the Labor Code regarding his
rest periods, holiday pay – are in connection to Art. 82. When we talk about the Labor
working conditions, rest periods, among others, will not apply to them. But
Code, we determine whether or not there’s an employer-employee relationship. The
it does not mean that they are not entitled to the holiday pay, among
next thing to consider is whether or not you are entitled to these Labor
others. Another law will apply to them, that is, the Civil Service Law.
Standards. General rule, they are provided in Art. 82 but you have to take note who
are not included therein.
If the issue is not about the employment, even if there is an employer-employee
As used herein, "managerial employees" refer to those whose primary
relationship, the Labor Tribunals do not have jurisdiction.
duty consists of the management of the establishment in which they are
employed or of a department or subdivision thereof, and to other officers
Take note, it states that “the provisions of this Title” meaning, Articles 82 to 96 of
or members of the managerial staff.
the Labor Code. It does not say that there is no employer-employee relationship
among these persons mentioned or that the Labor Code does not apply to them –
There are two kinds of managerial employees we have to consider. They
not necessarily.
are those managerial employees who really manage. Take note, when
we talk about a managerial employee, we do not again look at the title.
This title shall apply to employees in all establishments except to those mentioned
We look at what his duties and functions are. Essentially, when you are a
herein. Now, as I mentioned before, it is very important to determine whether or not
manager, you have the discretion. Let us say, independent judgment as
there is an employer-employee relationship.
to who you can hire, who you can fire, among others. You may be given
the title manager but if you do not exercise discretion, you cannot be
Quick Overview : We already know what an employer is – we have the definition in
considered a managerial employee as mentioned here in Article 82. You
the Labor Code but as I have mentioned, the definition in Art. 97 is circuitous – a
can be called sanitation manager. Just because there is “manager” does
person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an
not mean that he is a managerial employee.
employee. The employee – any individual employed by an employer.
The other kind of managerial employee contemplated under Art. 82 are
The Social Security Law (R.A. 1161) gives us a clearer definition:
the members or officers of the managerial staff. This is further
elucidated in the Implementing Rules and Regulations.
● Employer — Any person, natural or juridical, domestic or foreign, who
carries on in the Philippines any trade, business, industry, undertaking, or
activity of any kind and uses the services of another person who is under MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEES
his orders as regards the employment, except the Government and any IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS BOOK 3 RULE 1
of its political subdivisions, branches or instrumentalities, including
corporations owned or controlled by the Government: Provided, That a Section 2. Exemption - The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to the following
self-employed professional shall be both employee and employer at the persons if they qualify for exemption under the conditions set forth herein:
same time.
(a) Government employees whether employed by the National Government or
● Employee — Any person who performs services for an employer in which any of its political subdivision, including those employed in government-owned
either or both mental and physical efforts are used and who receives and/or controlled corporations;
compensation for such services, where there is an employer-employee
relationship: Provided, that a self-employed professional shall be both (b) Managerial employees, if they meet all of the following conditions:
employee and employer at the same time.
(1) Their primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which
Also, we have already discussed what are the tests to be employed, whether or not they are employed or of a department or sub-division thereof.
there is an employer-employee relationship. Most important – the four-fold test – the
control test but we’ve had cases applying the economic dependence test. (2) They customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more employees

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In determining whether an employee’s actual working hours in the field can be
determined with reasonable certainty, there must be an investigation as to whether
(3) They have the authority to hire or fire employees of lower rank; or their or not such employee’s time and performance are constantly supervised by the
suggestions and recommendations as to hiring and firing and as to the promotion employer.
or any other change of status of other employees, are given particular weight.
If usage of work hours are supervised by the employer, he cannot be considered as
(c) Officers or members of a managerial staff if they perform the following a field personnel.
duties and responsibilities:
(1) The primary duty consists of the performance of work directly related to DEPENDENT ON HIM FOR SUPPORT
management policies of their employer;
Essentially when you hire your siblings or children as working for you. That
(2) Customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent judgment; and person also depends upon you for support. This is common in family
businesses. In that case, they are exempted from labor standards
(3) (i) Regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a managerial employee whose provisions because there is an underlying relationship – the employee,
primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which he is who is your relative, is dependent on you for support.
employed or subdivision thereof; or (ii) execute under general supervision work
along specialized or technical lines requiring special training, experience, or For example: A case was filed by a brother against the sister, alleging that he has
knowledge; or (iii) execute, under general supervision, special assignments and been working for her. There was no proof that he was employed.
tasks; and
(4) Who do not devote more than 20 percent of their hours worked in a work week OF ANOTHER
to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of the
work described in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above. (d) Domestic servants and persons in the personal service of another if
they perform such services in the employer's home which are usually
(d) Domestic servants and persons in the personal service of another if they necessary or desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment thereof, or
perform such services in the employer's home which are usually necessary or minister to the personal comfort, convenience, or safety of the employer
desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment thereof, or minister to the personal as well as the members of his employer's household.
comfort, convenience, or safety of the employer as well as the members of his
employer's household. It is the employer’s household who is being served by the domestic helper or persons
in the personal service of another.
(e) Workers who are paid by results, including those who are paid on piece-
work, "takay," "pakiao" or task basis, and other non-time work if their output rates
are in accordance with the standards prescribed under Section 8, Rule VII, Book Labor Code : Article 145. Assignment to non-household work. No
Three of these regulations, or where such rates have been fixed by the Secretary househelper shall be assigned to work in a commercial, industrial or agricultural
of Labor and Employment in accordance with the aforesaid Section. enterprise at a wage or salary rate lower than that provided for agricultural or non-
agricultural workers as prescribed herein.
(f) Non-agricultural field personnel if they regularly perform their duties away
from the principal or branch office or place of business of the employer and whose
actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. When domestic servants work not anymore in the employer’s household but in
connection to a commercial, industrial, or agricultural enterprise, you will no longer
be considered as a domestic worker or kasambahay. Rather, you will be considered
as a regular worker for agriculture or non-agriculture enterprise where the applicable
Managerial employees, and other officers and members of the managerial staff are minimum wage will be applied to them. For kasambahays, there is a different
excluded from the coverage of Arts. 82 to 96. standard of wage provided for them.

When we talk about managerial employees under Labor Standards, they are different 6. WORKERS WHO ARE PAID BY RESULTS
from the managerial employees under Labor Relations. We are talking about
managerial employees with regard to Articles 82 to 96. (e) Workers who are paid by results, including those who are paid on
piece-work, "takay," "pakiao" or task basis, and other non-time work if their
Are supervisory employees within the term of “managerial employees” to be output rates are in accordance with the standards prescribed under
excluded in Art. 82? Section 8, Rule VII, Book Three of these regulations, or where such rates
have been fixed by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in accordance
3. FIELD PERSONNEL with the aforesaid Section.cralaw

(f) Non-agricultural field personnel if they regularly perform their duties Why are they excluded? They do not have specific hours of work. They are paid to
away from the principal or branch office or place of business of the the extent of the work that they finish. It is not determinative of whether or not there
employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be is an employer-employee relationship.
determined with reasonable certainty.
Do not confuse this arrangement for payment with the quota basis. If you are given
Requisites: working hours and a quota to reach, that makes you a timed-worker. The quota is
merely for purposes of discipline and not as a piece-rate payment.
● Non-agricultural
● Outside of the office 2 kinds of pakyaw workers
● Hours of work cannot be determined with reasonable certainty
a. Piece Rate
If a person is considered as a field personnel (when the 3 requisites are present), b. Task Basis
then you are excluded from the application of Article 82 to 96 of the Labor Code.

If they are required to be at a specific place at a specific time, the employee cannot WORKING CONDITIONS AND REST PERIODS
be said to be a field personnel despite the fact that they are performing work at a
place away from the principal office of their employer. For example: drivers
The time and performance of a field personnel is also not supervised by the employer.
National Sugar v. NLRC
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
against the San Miguel Brewery, Inc. embodying 12 demands for the betterment of
FACTS: Petitioner National Sugar Refineries Corporation (NASUREFCO), a the conditions of employment of its members. The company filed its answer to the
corporation which is fully owned and controlled by the Government, operates three complaint specifically denying its material averments and answering the demands
(3) sugar refineries located at Bukidnon, Iloilo and Batangas. point by point. The company asked for the dismissal of the complaint.

Private respondent union represents the former supervisors of the After the morning roll call, the employees leave the plant of the company to go on
NASUREFCO Batangas Sugar Refinery In 1988, petitioner implemented a Job their respective sales routes either at 7:00 a.m. for soft drinks trucks, or 8:00 a.m. for
Evaluation (JE) Program affecting all employees, from rank-and-file to department beer trucks. They do not have a daily time record. The company never require them
heads. We glean from the records that for about ten years prior to the JE Program, to start their work as outside sales personnel earlier than the above schedule.
the members of respondent union were treated in the same manner as rank-and file
These employees receive monthly salaries and sales commissions in variable
As such, they used to be paid overtime, rest day and holiday pay pursuant to the amounts. The amount of compensation they receive is uncertain depending upon
provisions of Articles 87, 93 and 94 of the Labor Code as amended. With the their individual efforts or industry.
implementation of the JE Program, members of respondent union were re-classified
under levels S-5 to S-8 which are considered managerial staff for purposes of CIR : Outside or field sales personnel are entitled to the benefits of the Eight-Hour
compensation and benefits. Labor Law.

In June 1990, the members of herein respondent union filed a complaint with the ISSUE: Is the Eight-Hour Labor Law applicable to field sales personnel? NO.
executive labor arbiter for non-payment of overtime, rest day and holiday pay
allegedly in violation of Article 100 of the Labor Code. HELD: This was with regard to salesmen or salesperson in connection to the 8-Hour
Labor Law which is now included in the Labor Code. The 8-Hour Labor Law only
ISSUE: WON supervisory employees are within the term managerial employees has application when the employee or laborer is paid in a monthly or daily basis
under Art. 82 and should no longer receive overtime, rest day, and holiday pay? YES, or is paid in hourly or daily compensation. In which case, if he is to work beyond
they should no longer receive overtime, rest day, and holiday pay as a the requisite period of 8 hours, he should be paid additional compensation.
consequence of the JEP.
This law has no application when the employee or laborer is paid on a piece-
HELD: As found out by the Court, the supervisory employees are under the work, pakyaw, or commission basis regardless of the time employed. The
supervision of their respective department superintendents, and that generally, they philosophy behind this is that his earnings are in the form of commission based on
assist the latter in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, communicating the gross receipts of the day. His participation depends upon his industry so that the
and in making decisions in attaining the company's set goals and objectives. These more hours he employs in the work, the greater are his gross returns and the higher
supervisory employees are likewise responsible for the effective and efficient the commission.
operation of their respective departments. It is apparent that the members of
respondent union discharge duties and responsibilities which ineluctably qualify Commissions were extra compensation for their industry. True, that in this case,
them as officers or members of the managerial staff. Therefore, they are not the employees are paid in fixed salary for their service but for their extra work, they
entitled to receive overtime, rest day, and holiday pay. are paid a commission which is in view of extra compensation to which they are
The controversy actually involved here seeks a determination of whether or not these
supervisory employees ought to be considered as officers or members of the Field sales personnel receiving regular monthly salaries are not subject to the 8-
managerial staff. hour Labor Law therefore if they work more than 8 hours, they are not entitled to
overtime pay.
Prior to the JE Program, the union members, while being supervisors, received
benefits similar to the rank-and-file employees such as overtime, rest day and holiday The reasons for excluding an outside salesman are fairly apparent. Such salesman,
pay, simply because they were treated in the same manner as rank-and-file to a greater extent, works individually. There are no restrictions respecting the time
employees, and their basic pay was nearly on the same level as those of the latter, he shall work and he can earn as much or as little, within the range of his ability, as
aside from the fact that their specific functions and duties then as supervisors had his ambition dictates. In lieu of overtime he ordinarily receives commissions as extra
not been properly defined and delineated from those of the rank-and-file. compensation. He works away from his employer's place of business, is not subject
to the personal supervision of his employer, and his employer has no way of knowing
Hence, it can be safely concluded therefrom that the members of respondent union the number of hours he works per day.
were paid the questioned benefits for the reason that, at that time, they were rightfully
entitled thereto. Prior to the JE Program, they could not be categorically classified as
members or officers of the managerial staff considering that they were then treated - Remember the reason why overtime pay is not entitled to them because
merely on the same level as rank-and-file. Not voluntary employee practice. their hours of work is not known

They were reclassified upon the implementation of the JE Program. In other Union Filipino v. Vivar
words, after the JE Program there was an ascent in position, rank and salary. This
in essence is a promotion which is defined as the advancement from one position to FACTS: This labor dispute stems from the exclusion of sales personnel from the
another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and holiday pay award and the change of the divisor in the computation of benefits
usually accompanied by an increase in salary. They are no longer entitled to the from 251 to 261 days.
benefits which attach and pertain exclusively to their positions.
Respondent Filipro, Inc. (now Nestle Philippines, Inc.) filed with the National Labor
- How is managerial employees different from supervisory employees? Relations Commission (NLRC) a petition for declaratory relief seeking a ruling on its
- Managerial employee - exercise discretion, judgement, they are paid to rights and obligations respecting claims of its monthly paid employees for holiday pay
laydown and execute managerial the policies - even the title is not in the light of the Court's decision in Chartered Bank Employees Association v. Ople.
manager, but is a member of managerial staff (under IIR OF the labor
code) they are also excluded. Supervisory employees are also excluded Filipro filed a motion for clarification seeking (1) the limitation of the award to three
if they have managerial function. - they recommend to managers, but they years, (2) the exclusion of salesmen, sales representatives, truck drivers,
have independent decisions and actions . merchandisers and medical representatives (hereinafter referred to as sales
- Nomenclatures of jobs does not automatically exempt them, you have to personnel) from the award of the holiday pay, and (3) deduction from the holiday pay
determine the nature of their job award of overpayment for overtime, night differential, vacation and sick leave benefits
due to the use of 251 divisor.
San Miguel v. Democratic
ISSUE: Whether or not Nestle’s sales personnel are entitled to holiday pay? NO.
FACTS: On January 27, 1955, the Democratic Labor Association filed complaint
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
HELD: When we say field personnel under Art. 82, it means that their actual hours of amount of P75,551.50, representing thirty percent (30%) of the cost of repair of the
work in the field outside of the office cannot be reasonably ascertained. In this case, damaged buses and that despite respondent’s pleas for reconsideration, the same
with regard to sales personnel, the company has no way of determining whether was ignored by management.
or not these sales personnel were really doing their work, going from one place to
another. After a month, management sent him a letter of termination. Thus, on 02 February
2000, respondent instituted a Complaint for Illegal Dismissal with Money Claims for
The requirement that actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with nonpayment of 13th month pay and service incentive leave pay against Autobus.
certainty must be read in conjunction with the implementing rules – field personnel Petitioner, on the other hand, maintained that respondent’s employment was replete
and other employees whose time and performance is unsupervised by the employer with offenses involving reckless imprudence, gross negligence, and dishonesty. To
did not amplify but merely interpreted and expounded the clause "whose actual hours support its claim, petitioner presented copies of letters, memos, irregularity reports,
of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty." and warrants of arrest pertaining to several incidents wherein respondent was
involved. Furthermore, petitioner avers that in the exercise of its management
To determine if the employee is a field personnel excluded under Art. 82 – whether prerogative, respondent’s employment was terminated only after the latter was
or not the employee’s actual working hours in the field can be determined with provided with an opportunity to explain his side regarding the accident on 03 January
reasonable certainty, query must be made as to whether or not such employee's time 2000.
and performance is constantly supervised by the employer.
ISSUE: Is Antonio Bautista entitled to service incentive leave? YES, he was not a
In this case, the salesmen were not supervised. They had this Supervisor of the field personnel but a regular employee.
Day (SOD) schedule, but it is just a schedule and does not signify what they really
did during the day. The purpose of this schedule is merely to ensure that the sales HELD: YES. The issue revolves around the proper interpretation of
personnel are out of the office not later than 8:00 a.m. and are back in the office not Article 95 of the Labor Code vis-à-vis Section 1(D), Rule V, Book III of
earlier than 4:00 p.m. the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor Code which
The criteria for granting incentive bonus are: (1) attaining or exceeding sales volume
based on sales target; (2) good collection performance; (3) proper compliance with The grant of service incentive leave has been delimited by the Implementing Rules
good market hygiene; (4) good merchandising work; (5) minimal market returns; and and Regulations of the Labor Code to apply only to those employees not explicitly
(6) proper truck maintenance. (Rollo, p. 190). excluded by Section 1 of Rule V.

According to the Implementing Rules, Service Incentive Leave shall not apply to
The above criteria indicate that these sales personnel are given incentive bonuses employees classified as "field personnel." The phrase "other employees whose
precisely because of the difficulty in measuring their actual hours of field work. These performance is unsupervised by the employer" must not be understood as a separate
employees are evaluated by the result of their work and not by the actual hours of classification of employees to which service incentive leave shall not be granted.
field work which are hardly susceptible to determination. Rather, it serves as an amplification of the interpretation of the definition of field
personnel under the Labor Code as those "whose actual hours of work in the field
The reasons for excluding an outside salesman are fairly apparent. Such a salesman, cannot be determined with reasonable certainty."
to a greater extent, works individually. There are no restrictions respecting the time
he shall work and he can earn as much or as little, within the range of his ability, as At this point, it is necessary to stress that the definition of a "field personnel" is not
his ambition dictates. In lieu of overtime he ordinarily receives commissions as extra merely concerned with the location where the employee regularly performs his duties
compensation. He works away from his employer's place of business, is not subject but also with the fact that the employee’s performance is unsupervised by the
to the personal supervision of his employer, and his employer has no way of knowing employer.
the number of hours he works per day.
As discussed above, field personnel are those who regularly perform their duties
Holiday Pay (251 or 261 as divisor). Following the criterion laid down in away from the principal place of business of the employer and whose actual hours of
the Chartered Bank case, the use of 251 days' divisor by respondent Filipro indicates work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. Thus, in order to
that holiday pay is not yet included in the employee's salary, otherwise the divisor conclude whether an employee is a field employee, it is also necessary to ascertain
should have been 261. There is thus no merit in respondent Nestle's claim of if actual hours of work in the field can be determined with reasonable certainty by the
overpayment of overtime and night differential pay and sick and vacation leave employer. In so doing, an inquiry must be made as to whether or not the employee’s
benefits, the computation of which are all based on the daily rate, since the daily rate time and performance are constantly supervised by the employer.
is still the same before and after the grant of holiday pay.
Can he be considered as a field personnel and as such not entitled to service
incentive leave?
However, prior to their being declared null and void, the implementing rule and policy
instruction enjoyed the presumption of validity and hence, Nestle's non-payment of No, because Bautista was still under the constant supervision by his employer. It is
the holiday benefit up to the promulgation of the IBAA case on October 23, 1984 of judicial notice that along the routes that are plied by these bus companies, there
was in compliance with these presumably valid rule and policy instruction. are its inspectors assigned at strategic places who board the bus and inspect the
passengers, the punched tickets, and the conductor’s reports.
1984: Fairer reckoning point. Operative fact doctrine.
There is also the mandatory once-a-week car barn or shop day, where the bus is
regularly checked as to its mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic aspects, whether or
Auto Bus v. Bautista
not there are problems thereon as reported by the driver and/or conductor.
FACTS: Antonio Bautista has been employed by Auto Bus Transport Systems, Inc.
They too, must be at specific place as specified time, as they generally observe
(Autobus), as driver-conductor with travel routes Manila-Tuguegarao via Baguio,
prompt departure and arrival from their point of origin to their point of destination. In
Baguio- Tuguegarao via Manila and Manila-Tabuk via Baguio. Respondent was
each and every depot, there is always the Dispatcher whose function is precisely to
paid on commission basis, seven percent (7%) of the total gross income per travel,
see to it that the bus and its crew leave the premises at specific times and arrive at
on a twice a month basis.
the estimated proper time. These, are present in the case at bar. The driver, the
complainant herein, was therefore under constant supervision while in the
On 03 January 2000, while he was driving Autobus No. 114 along Sta. Fe, Nueva
performance of this work. He cannot be considered as field personnel. Thus he, is
Vizcaya, the bus he was driving accidentally bumped the rear portion of Autobus No.
entitled to service incentive leave.
124, as the latter vehicle suddenly stopped at a sharp curve without giving any
warning. He averred that the accident happened because he was compelled by the
Atty. Jazzie’s Discussion
management to go back to Roxas, Isabela, although he had not slept for almost
twenty-four (24) hours, as he had just arrived in Manila from Roxas, Isabela.
We have here a bus driver whose route is from Manila-Tuguegarao. If you just look
at that fact, it may appear that he is a field personnel. But again, when do we consider
Respondent further alleged that he was not allowed to work until he fully paid the
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
an employee as a field personnel and therefore not entitled to these labor standards? 1) the petitioners, as bus drivers and/or conductors, are directed to transport
Field Personnel – those who regularly perform their duties away from the principal their passengers at a specified time and place;
place of business of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot 2) they are not given the discretion to select and contract with prospective
be determined with reasonable certainty. passengers;
3) their actual work hours could be determined with reasonable certainty, as
With regard to this driver, along the road there are inspectors assigned at strategic well as their average trips per month; and
places to ensure they are travelling on time and on the same route. There is also that 4) the respondents supervised their time and performance of duties.
mandatory once-a-week car barn or shop day. Clearly, respondent here is not as field
personnel but rather a regular employee that is entitled to service incentive leave pay. In order to monitor their drivers and/or conductors, as well as the passengers and the
bus itself, the bus companies put checkers, who are assigned at tactical places along
- Does it necessarily mean that once you are a bus driver you are already the travel routes that are plied by their buses. The drivers and/or conductors are
considered a field personnel exempted by article 82? No, xx you must first required to be at the specific bus terminals at a specified time. In addition, there are
ask whether rtthey employee is supervised always dispatchers in each and every bus terminals, who supervise and ensure
prompt departure at specified times and arrival at the estimated proper time.
Dasco v. Philtranco
Obviously, these drivers and/or conductors cannot be considered as field personnel
CASE: This is a complaint for regularization, underpayment of wages, non-payment because they are under control and constant supervision of the bus companies
of service incentive leave (SIL) pay, and attorney’s fees, filed by the petitioners while in the performance of their work. As correctly observed by the NLRC: It is
against Philtranco Service Enterprises Inc., (PSEI). undisputed that the bus drivers/conductors ply specific routes of PSEI, averaging 2
to 5 days per round trip. They follow fixed time schedules of travel and follow the
FACTS: On various dates from 2006 to 2010, the petitioners were employed by the designated route of PSEI.
respondents as bus drivers and/or conductors with travel routes of Manila
(Pasay) to Bicol, Visayas and Mindanao, and vice versa. On July 4, 2011, the Thus, in carrying out their functions as bus drivers/conductors, they are not at liberty
petitioners filed a case against the respondents alleging that: to deviate from the fixed time schedules for departure or arrival or change the routes
other than those specifically designated for PSEI, in accordance with the franchise
1) they cannot be considered as field personnel because their working hours granted to the PSEI, as a public utility provider. In other words, petitioners are clearly
are controlled by the respondents from dispatching to end point and their under the strict supervision and control of PSEI in the performance of their functions
travel time is monitored and measured by the distance because they are otherwise the latter will not be able to carry out its business as public utility service
in the business of servicing passengers where time is of the essence; and provider in accordance with its franchise.

In response, the respondents asserted that: The Court agrees with the above-quoted findings of the NLRC. Clearly, the
petitioners, as bus drivers and/or conductors, are left alone in the field with the duty
1) the petitioners are not entitled to overtime pay and SIL pay because they to comply with the conditions of the respondents’ franchise, as well as to take proper
are field personnel whose time outside the company premises cannot be care and custody of the bus they are using. Since the respondents are engaged in
determined with reasonable certainty since they ply provincial routes and the public utility business, the petitioners, as bus drivers and/or conductors, should
are left alone in the field unsupervised. be considered as regular employees of the respondents because they perform tasks
which are directly and necessarily connected with the respondents’ business.
ISSUE: Are the bus drivers and conductors field personnel and thus not entitled to Thus, they are consequently entitled to the benefits accorded to regular employees
service incentive leave pay? No, they are not field personnel BUT regular of the respondents, including overtime pay and SIL pay.
employees who perform tasks usually necessary and desirable to the
respondents’ business. Atty. Jazzie’s Discussion

HELD: No, they are not field personnel and thus entitled to service incentive leave We have here bus drivers and conductors. As determined by the Supreme Court,
pay. The determination of whether bus drivers and/or conductors are considered as they were monitored – there were checkers assigned at tactical places along the
field personnel was already threshed out in the case of Auto Bus Transport Systems, routes and they are required to be at the terminal at a specific time. There are
Inc. v. Bautista, where the Court explained that: dispatchers at each and every bus terminal to supervise and ensure prompt departure
at specified times and arrival at the estimated proper time.
As a general rule, field personnel are those whose performance of their job/service
is not supervised by the employer or his representative, the workplace being away If required to be at specific places at specific times, these drivers cannot be said to
from the principal office and whose hours and days of work cannot be determined be field personnel, despite performing work away from the principal office of the
with reasonable certainty; hence, they are paid specific amount for rendering specific employer.
service or performing specific work. If required to be at specific places at specific
times, employees including cannot be said to be field personnel despite the fact that In deciding whether or not the employee’s actual working hours in the field can be
they are performing work away from the principal office of the employee. determined with reasonable certainty, a query must be made as to whether or not
such employee’s time and performance is constantly supervised by the
At this point, it is necessary to stress that the definition of a "field personnel" is not employer. That phrase in the IRR – “whose time and performance is unsupervised
merely concerned with the location where the employee regularly performs is by the employer” – that is not an additional requirement that is provided under the
unsupervised by the employer. As discussed above, field personnel are those who Labor Code. Rather it just further explains when you determine whether or not the
regularly perform their duties away from the principal place of business of the actual working hours can be determined with reasonable certainty.
employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with
reasonable certainty. For field personnel to be excluded from these labor standards under Article 82-96,
not agricultural, out of the office, and hours of work cannot be determined with
Thus, in order to conclude whether an employee is a field employee, it is also reasonable certainty. Time and performance is unsupervised by the employer.
necessary to ascertain if actual hours of work in the field can be determined with
reasonable certainty by the employer. In so doing, an inquiry must be made as to - There are inspectors in certain locations, there is control once a week
whether or not the employee’s time and performance are constantly supervised where the bus is barned, and the bus must be at a specific place and time,
by the employer. and dispatchers also monitor the coming and going of the bus. So its easy
for the company to monitor them. This makes them regular employees,
Guided by the foregoing norms, the NLRC properly concluded that the petitioner are and article 82 - 96 of the labor court is therefore applicable to them
not field personnel but regular employees who perform tasks usually necessary and
desirable to the respondents’ business. Evidently, the petitioners are not field
personnel as defined above and the NLRC’s finding in this regard is supported by the HOURS OF WORK
established facts of this case:

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
LABOR CODE Article 83. Normal hours of work. The normal hours of work of COMPRESSED WORK WEEK ARRANGEMENT
any employee shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day.
The Department of Labor already issued a Memorandum for a compressed work
Health personnel in cities and municipalities with a population of at least one week. An employer will work for more than 8 hours per working day for 4 days instead
million (1,000,000) or in hospitals and clinics with a bed capacity of at least one of 5 days. This is to address the issue of traffic especially in NCR.
hundred (100) shall hold regular office hours for eight (8) hours a day, for five
(5) days a week, exclusive of time for meals, except where the exigencies of the Take note that even with this Memorandum, Article 83 was never amended or
service require that such personnel work for six (6) days or forty-eight (48) hours, repealed. There would be legal basis since a Memorandum cannot repeal a Law.
in which case, they shall be entitled to an additional compensation of at least
thirty percent (30%) of their regular wage for work on the sixth day. For - Force leave
purposes of this Article, "health personnel" shall include resident physicians, - Compressed work week
nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, laboratory - Broken time schedule
technicians, paramedical technicians, psychologists, midwives, attendants and all
other hospital or clinic personnel.

Article 84. Hours worked. Hours worked shall include

The eight hour work day was enacted primarily to safeguard the health and welfare (a) all time during which an employee is required to be on duty or to be at a
of the laborer or employee. It is also a way to minimize unemployment by forcing prescribed workplace; and
employers, in cases of work which is more than 8 hours, to utilize different shifts of
laborers or employees working only for 8 hours a day. (b) all time during which an employee is suffered or permitted to work.
The 8-hour law is also for the benefits of the employees so that they could have more
Rest periods of short duration during working hours shall be counted as hours
time to have meaningful lives or enjoy other aspects of life. This must be complied
with by the employer.

Take Note: It shall not exceed 8 hours a day. Therefore, you can work for less than
8 hours and have part-time jobs. Book III Rule 1 of Omnibus Rules to Implement the Labor Code:

Who are included: resident physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, pharmacists,

social workers, laboratory technicians, paramedical technicians, psychologists, SECTION 3. Hours worked. — The following shall be considered as
midwives, attendants and all other hospital or clinic personnel. compensable hours worked:

Effect if the employee exceeds 8 hours: He is entitled to overtime pay. (a) All time during which an employee is required to be on duty or to be at the
employer's premises or to be at a prescribed work place; and
If there is a training agreement, duly accredited by the government office, between
(b) All time during which an employee is suffered or permitted to work.
the resident physician and the hospital, the labor code is not applicable because there
is no employer-employee relationship.
In addition to that, we have Section 4.
Concept of a Working Day
What are the principles in determining that the time spent by an employee is
It is not identical to a calendar day. According to the rule of 24 consecutive hours considered hours worked?
beginning its day at the time of the first hour of work. The length is the same as that
of a calendar day but the time when it begins is not the same as that of a specific GUIDELINES
calendar day.
SECTION 4. Principles in determining hours worked. — The following general
principles shall govern in determining whether the time spent by an employee is
If you go to work and your work is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (with 12:00 nn to 1:00 pm
considered hours worked for purposes of this Rule:
as break), then that is your working hours or working day.
(a) All hours are hours worked which the employee is required to give his
If you are not made to work for more than 8 hours for a working day, then you are not employer, regardless of whether or not such hours are spent in productive labor
entitled to overtime pay. or involve physical or mental exertion.
Scenario: You work 8-5 and reported at 10 am and worked for additional hours. You (b) An employee need not leave the premises of the work place in order that his
did not work for more than 8 hours because you started your working day at 10:00 rest period shall not be counted, it being enough that he stops working, may rest
am. Therefore, you are not entitled to overtime pay. completely and may leave his work place, to go elsewhere, whether within or
outside the premises of his work place.
Establishments with 3 shifts. (day, afternoon, night shifts) If you were made to work
from 7 am to 3 pm and 11 pm to 1 am, you will not be entitled to overtime since within (c) If the work performed was necessary, or it benefited the employer, or the
a working day, you already exceed 8 hours of work. employee could not abandon his work at the end of his normal working hours
because he had no replacement, all time spent for such work shall be considered
Under our Labor Law, it is prohibited that you offset your overtime hours from as hours worked, if the work was with the knowledge of his employer or
undertime hours. immediate supervisor.

(d) The time during which an employee is inactive by reason of interruptions in

his work beyond his control shall be considered working time either if the
Article 88. Undertime not offset by overtime. Undertime work on any particular
imminence of the resumption of work requires the employee's presence at the
day shall not be offset by overtime work on any other day. Permission given to the
place of work or if the interval is too brief to be utilized effectively and gainfully in
employee to go on leave on some other day of the week shall not exempt the
the employee's own interest.
employer from paying the additional compensation required in this Chapter.

What about the preliminary activities before an employee begins his work? For
instance, wearing of gloves, apron, hair net, or safety glasses before going to
If you worked for more than 8 hours for 1 working day, you will be entitled to overtime
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
work. Are they compensable? Generally, they are deemed as working hours when A consensus was reached. There is basis for the petitioner's contentions that the
they are required or controlled by the employer and pursued necessarily for the reduction of work schedule was temporary, that it was taken only after notice and
employer’s benefit. consultations with the workers and supervisors, that a consensus was reached on
how to deal with deteriorating economic conditions and reduced sales and that the
Employees who are required to suit up before the work (PPEs). temporary reduction of working days was a more humane solution instead of a
retrenchment and reduction of personnel. The petitioner further points out that this is
in consonance with the collective bargaining agreement between the employer and
SECTION 5. Waiting time. — its employees.
(a) Waiting time spent by an employee shall be considered as working time if
waiting is an integral part of his work or the employee is required or engaged by The decision to resort to forced leaves was, under the circumstances, a
the employer to wait. management prerogative. The workers' claim of non-resort. to the grievance
machinery is negated by their failure to initiate steps for its employment.
(b) An employee who is required to remain on call in the employer's premises or
so close thereto that he cannot use the time effectively and gainfully for his own This was the discussion in the case of Philippine Graphic Arts v. NLRC where the SC
purpose shall be considered as working while on call. upheld the forced leave arrangement because it was also agreed upon by the
parties. This was to prevent losses on the part of the employer and at the same time
An employee who is not required to leave word at his home or with company protecting the employees source of income. So, it is to balance the respective rights
officials where he may be reached is not working while on call. of both the employers and the employees.

San Juan de Dios v. NLRC

Between “engaged to wait” and “waiting to be engaged”, which one is
compensable? In determining whether waiting time constitutes working time, the
Note: RA 5901 “An act prescribing 40 hours a week of labor for government and
controlling factor is whether such waiting time spent is so spent predominantly for
private hospitals or clinic personnel”
the employer’s benefit or for the employee.
FACTS: Petitioners, the rank-and-file employee-union officers and members of San
Engaged to Wait Waiting to be Engaged Juan De Dios Hospital Employees Association, sent on July 08, 1991, a "four (4)-
page letter with attached support signatures . . . requesting and pleading for the
Compensable Not compensable expeditious implementation and payment by respondent" Juan De Dios Hospital "of
Waiting is an integral part or required the '40-HOURS/5-DAY WORKWEEK' with compensable weekly two (2) days off
provided for by Republic Act 5901 as clarified for enforcement by the Secretary of
Labor's Policy Instructions No. 54 dated April 12, 1988."
When a truck driver that is waiting for his cargo to be unloaded from the container,
his waiting time is compensable as it is an integral part of his work. When a truck Policy Instructions no. 54 : Working Hours and Compensation of Hospital/Clinic
driver has delivered the cargo by 12nn and was asked by his employer to come back Personnel. In effect, RA 5901 requires that the covered hospital workers who used
by 6pm to make another delivery. That waiting time between 12:01pm until 6pm, to work seven (7) days a week should be paid for such number of days for working
when he is free to do other activities, is not compensable. only 5 days or 40 hours a week.
If a driver is designated to arrive at a designated location. For example Gensan. He
leaves at 9 am. He is merely waiting to be engaged. There is idle time but such is not The evident intention of RA 5901 is to reduce the number of hospital personnel,
engaged to wait. considering the nature of their work, and at the same time guarantee the payment to
them of a full weekly wage for seven (7) days.
What about coffee breaks? Employees are allowed to have coffee breaks. Such
coffee breaks are compensable, provided that the employee does not go outside the Consistent with such spirit and intent, it is the position of the Department that
working place. personnel in subject hospital and clinics are entitled to a full weekly wage for seven
(7) days if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day workweek in any given workweek.
What about working while eating? Not automatically compensable. You need to
consider the circumstances of the case. ISSUE: Are petitioners entitled to a full weekly salary with paid two days off if they
have completed the 40 hours/5-day workweek? No, they are not.
Not compensable when the employee is completely free from his duty even if he is
inside the work premises. HELD: A cursory reading of Article 83 of the Labor Code betrays petitioners'
position that "hospital employees" are entitled to "a full weekly salary with paid two
Rest periods shall not exceed 20 minutes to be considered as working hours. (2) days' off if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day workweek". What Article 83
merely provides are: (1) the regular office hour of eight hours a day, five days per
Philippine Graphic Arts v. NLRC week for health personnel, and (2) where the exigencies of service require that health
personnel work for six days or forty-eight hours then such health personnel shall
FACTS: In October, 1984, the petitioner corporation was forced by economic be entitled to an additional compensation of at least thirty percent of their regular
circumstances to require its workers to go on mandatory vacation leave in batches of wage for work on the sixth day.
seven or nine for periods ranging from 15, 30, to 45 days. The workers were paid
while on leave but the pay was charged against their respective earned leaves.
There is nothing in the law that supports then Secretary of Labor's assertion that
"personnel in subject hospitals and clinics are entitled to a full weekly wage for seven
As a result, the private respondents filed complaints for unfair labor practice and (7) days if they have completed the 40-hour/5-day workweek in any given workweek".

Policy Instructions No. 54 being inconsistent with and repugnant to the provision of
LA dismissed the complaint. Article 83 of the Labor Code, as well as to Republic Act No. 5901, should be, as it is
hereby, declared void.
ISSUE: Is the forced vacation leave without pay an unfair labor practice? NO.

HELD: The Court is convinced from the records now before it, that there was no With regard to that 2-day rest period, are the health personnel entitled to a
unfair labor practice. As found by the NLRC, the private respondents themselves compensation pay for the 2-day rest period? No. The law provides that they are
never questioned the existence of an economic crisis but, in fact, admitted its entitled to two rest days in every 5 consecutive days of work, but if they work on the
existence. 6th consecutive day, they will get an additional compensation of 30%. But there is
nothing in Article 83 of the Labor Code that they are entitled to be paid on that 2-day
rest period or rest days.

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When we say on call that is compensable, even if you are not doing anything, that is
Take note of what we have already learned under Article 83, in connection with Article compensable as long as you are under the control of the employer. But when we say
91, specifically with regard to health personnel of hospitals with 100-bed capacity, that you are on call and you are idle [not necessarily idle, but you should always have
the employee can work for 5 consecutive days only. your phone or internet so you can be contacted], that is not compensable. But when
you start working, that’s when it becomes compensable. It is not automatic, you
If they work on the 6th consecutive day, they get additional premium of 30 have to look at the circumstances of each case.
percent. We might encounter few cases in relation to the Blue Sunday Law. It’s an
old law, but with the enactment of the Labor Code, the Blue Sunday Law has already TRAVEL TIME
been repealed.
Going to and from work, that will not be considered as part of the 8 hours.
Pan American v. Pan American
General Rule: The time spent traveling to and from the place of work is not
FACTS: Pan American Airways claims that the one-hour meal period should not be considered as working time.
considered as overtime work because the evidence showed that its employees could
rest completely and were not in any manner under the control of the company during But you also have to consider these factors:
the said one- hour period.
1. If the employee is bound to travel in a conveyance furnished by the
ISSUE: Whether or not the one-hour period is considered as working time? YES. employer, or free to choose his conveyance.

HELD: The one-hour meal period is a working time and thus, compensable. The If he's free, then it's not working hours. Whether or not during the travel,
court found that during that one-hour meal period, the employees (mechanics) were he is subject to employer supervision and control. If he is, then it is
required to stand by for emergency work; that if they happened not to be available considered as working hours.
when called, they were reprimanded by the leadman; that as in fact it happened on
many occasions, the mechanics had been called from their meals or told to hurry up 2. If the travel takes place under vexing and dangerous conditions, that
eating to perform work during this period. would also be considered as working hours.

Why is there a need to determine whether the one-hour meal period is a working When is it considered as working hours?
hour? It is important to determine whether such meal period is considered a working Travel to and from the workplace is not work time. But if the employee receives an
time because the employees (mechanics) in this case are claiming for overtime pay. emergency call outside of his regular working hours and he is asked to report
If such meal period is not considered a working time, then the Pan American immediately to the office, the travel from home to work can be considered as
employees cannot demand for an overtime. compensable hours

When we talk about this concept of working while eating, it is not compensable if Travel in a day's work/Travel is part of your work
the employee is completely free from his duties, even if he does not leave the
workplace. EX: Medical representatives have fixed salary but they also earn commissions. They
need to travel. Since they have to submit a report on which clinics they went to within
In this case, they were not free. They are required to work immediately when a plane that day, then the travel time from one doctor to another is counted as working hours.
arrives, even if they were eating. When they fail to do so, they would be reprimanded
by their leadman. In subsequent articles, we will know that such rest periods shall not Construction workers have many projects. Their travel time from one project to
exceed 20 minutes, including the coffee breaks or snacks. another is considered as compensable hours. Wherein such travel is continued as
hours worked so it is covered in the eight- hour period.
Working While Sleeping
But for example instead of travelling from one project to another, you go home and
If such sleeping falls under the situation of being ‘engaged to wait’, it is rest, then that is not part of the compensable hours.
compensable. As long as they are under supervision.
Travel Away from Home
Take for example the airplane mechanics. If, say, flights are delayed, such mechanics
will just be waiting for the planes to arrive and, in the course of waiting, they may fall General Rule: Considered as working time when it comes across or coincides with
asleep. Such waiting time (including their sleep) is compensable because they are the employee's regular working hours.
engaged to wait. Their sleep can be interrupted anytime. This is, of course, under the
condition that the employee do not leave the workplace. If, for example, you are required to travel to another place for your work, then that will
be considered as work time. It is compensable when it comes across or coincides
ON-CALL with the employee's regular working hours.

General Rule: It is compensable.

However, we have to determine when is an ‘on call’ arrangement compensable. SECTION 6. Lectures, meetings, training programs. — Attendance at lectures,
meetings, training programs, and other similar activities shall not be counted as
‘On call’ arrangement may be compensable when an employee is at the employer’s working time if all of the following conditions are met:
premises, similar to those who sleep while waiting, and can be called anytime to
perform his tasks. He may go outside, provided, that he is so close to the employer’s (a) Attendance is outside of the employee's regular working hours;
premises that he may not be able to use his time for personal purposes. Such ‘on (b) Attendance is in fact voluntary; and
call’ arrangement may be considered compensable. (c) The employee does not perform any productive work during such attendance.

Take note, for an ‘on call’ arrangement to be compensable, first, there must be and Sibal v. Notre Dame
employer-employee relationship that exists. Second, the employee should not be free
to do other things or personal activities during the ‘on call’ waiting period. If the FACTS: Delia R. Sibal was employed as school nurse by Notre Dame of Greater
employee is free to do other things or personal activities, such ‘on call’ waiting period Manila starting January 1973. Prior to school year 1976- 1977, she was compensated
is not compensable. on a 12-month basis, although she worked only during the ten-month period of
classes. She was not required to report for work for the entire Christmas and summer
That’s what you have to watch out for. Not every situation that the worker is on call is vacations.
always compensable. You have to look at the scenario or arrangement for that
person. If he can do other things while on the on-call arrangement, then such However, on March 10, 1976, Notre Dame’s director, Fr. Enrique Gonzales,
work is not compensable. requested Sibal to shorten her summer vacation, from two weeks after the last day

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of classes to two weeks before the first day of classes of the next school year. Sibal It is also compensable even if it is less than 60 minutes, but in no case shall it be
acceded to the request. shorter than 20 minutes. That is based on Section 7 of the IRR Rule.

Again, sometime in April 1980, Fr. Gonzales required Sibal to report during that
summer to help in the library. Sibal contested the order, stating that it will SECTION 7. Meal and Rest Periods. — Every employer shall give his
necessitate a change in the terms and conditions of her employment and that library employees, regardless of sex, not less than one (1) hour time-off for regular meals,
work is alien to her profession as nurse. Fr. Gonzales relented. except in the following cases when a meal period of not less than twenty (20)
minutes may be given by the employer provided that such shorter meal period is
In November 1980, Fr. Gonzales was replaced by Fr. Pablo Garcia. Fr. Garcia credited as compensable hours worked of the employee:
required Sibal to report for work during the summer before the beginning of school
year 1981-1982. In return, Sibal informed him that her contract does not require her (a) Where the work is non-manual work in nature or does not involve strenuous
to report for work during the summer vacation. physical exertion;

That time, Sibal did not receive her vacation pay. During school year 1981-1982, (b) Where the establishment regularly operates not less than sixteen (16) hours a
Sibal was assigned to teach health subjects to 900 students because the two (2) day;
teachers of the health subjects had left the school. For this work, she was not given
compensation for teaching. In December 1981, petitioner received her 13th month (c) In case of actual or impending emergencies or there is urgent work to be
pay which was computed on the basis of a 10-month period only. performed on machineries, equipment or installations to avoid serious loss which
the employer would otherwise suffer; and
On April 5, 1982, Fr. Garcia again required petitioner to work during that summer to
update all the clinical records of the students. Sibal objected to the order by reiterating (d) Where the work is necessary to prevent serious loss of perishable goods. Rest
that her contract does not require her to report for work during summer. In addition, periods or coffee breaks running from five (5) to twenty (20) minutes shall be
she reminded Fr. Garcia that she had not received any compensation for teaching considered as compensable working time.
health subjects the past school year.
Luzon Stevedoring v. Luzon Marine
Failing to receive the compensation demanded, on May 10, 1982, Sibal filed a
complaint. Summons was served on respondent school on the opening day of FACTS: On June 21, 1948, herein respondent Luzon Marine Department Union filed
classes but on the same day also Notre Dame served Sibal her letter of termination a petition with the Court of Industrial Relations containing several demands against
effective immediately. herein petitioner Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc., among which were the petition for full
recognition of the right of COLLECTIVE bargaining, close shop and check off.
ISSUES: (1) Whether or not Sibal illegally terminated? YES
(2) Whether or not the semestral break is part of hours worked? YES However, on July 18, 1948, while the case was still pending with the CIR, said labor
union declared a strike which was ruled down as illegal by this Court in G.R. No. L-
RULING: (1) Yes. Sibal was illegally terminated without prior notice and without giving 2660 promulgated on May 30, 1950. In view of said ruling, the Union filed a
her a chance to defend herself. While it is true that it is the sole prerogative of the "Constancia" with the Court of Industrial Relations praying that the remaining
management to dismiss or lay-off an employee, the exercise of such a prerogative, unresolved demands of the Union presented in their original petition be granted.
however, must be made without abuse of discretion, for what is at stake is not only
private respondent's position (petitioner in this case) but also his means of livelihood. ISSUE: WON the definition of Hours of Work as presently applied to dry land laborers
was equally applicable to seamen?
(2) Yes. The Supreme Court cited the case of University of Pangasinan Faculty Union Were they entitled to overtime pay? Yes.
v. University of Pangasinan which stated that semestral breaks may be considered
as "hours worked" under the Rules implementing the Labor Code and that regular HELD: No. In this particular case, The Supreme Court ruled that it does not need to
professors and teachers are entitled to ECOLA during the semestral breaks, their set a criterion different of that from that applied to laborers on land. For under the
"absence" from work not being of their own will. provisions of Section 1, Commonwealth Act Number 444, the only thing to be done
is to determine the meaning and scope of the term working place.
Why is the semestral break considered as hours worked with regard to these
teachers? Because the semestral break is outside of the control of the employee. Working Place
We are only talking about the regular employees. This cannot apply for part-time
teachers as they are paid per semester only. What is covered here as semestral A laborer need not leave the premises of the factory, shop or boat in order that his
break considered as hours work is with regard to regular professors and teachers. period of rest shall be counted, it being enough that he ceases to work, rest
completely and leave or may leave at his will the spot where he is actually staying
With regard to 8 hours work, if an employer alleges that the employee works less while working, to go somewhere else, whether within or outside the premises of the
than the required hours, the employer bears the burden of proving his allegation that said factory, shop or boat. If these requisites are complied with, the period of such
the employee worked less than the normal hours of employment with substantial rest will not be counted.
NOTE: The circumstances of the seamen are different because they are in their
Entitled to compensation for teaching health subjects. Although the subject respective ship, boat or vessel, but does it mean that they are entitled to overtime
taught is Health and allied to her profession, and is taught during regular working work because they are in the working place of their laborers?
hours, petitioner's teaching the subject in the classroom and her administering to the
health needs of students in the clinic involve two different and distinct jobs. They No. The Supreme Court ruled that there is no different criterion for land laborers and
cannot be equated with each other for they refer to different functions. seamen under these circumstances. It was admitted by the employer that the seamen
rendered 4 hours of overtime. It is no question that they are entitled to their overtime
Article 85. Meal periods. Subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor pay. These cannot be subject of a waiver.
may prescribe, it shall be the duty of every employer to give his employees not
less than sixty (60) minutes time-off for their regular meals. This is non- Silence of Employee, Not Considered as Laches
compensable The laborers in this case declared long before the filing that they have been
demanding their overtime pay. It is not just and humane that he should be deprived
of what is lawfully his under the law, for the true intendent of Commonwealth Act No.
GR: The one-hour mealtime is not compensable. This is because the employer 444 is to compensate the worker for services rendered beyond the statutory period
has no control of where you will eat, or how you spend your mealtime. As long as it's and this should be made to retroact to the date when such services were actually
not less than 60 minutes. However, if it is predominantly spent for the employer's performed.
benefit, as what happened in the case of Pan American, even if their lunch break is
an hour but anytime they can be called to work, then it is compensable. Stolt-Nielsen v. NLRC

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FACTS: The ship captain ordered Meynardo J. Hernandez (hired as a radio officer) Basic Premise of Overtime Pay Work rendered beyond 8 hours, the employee is
to carry the baggage of crew member Lito Loveria who was being repatriated. He entitled to overtime pay.
refused to obey the order out of fear in view of the utterance of the said crew member
"makakasaksak ako" and also because he did not perceive such task as one of his Difference with Regard to Seamen
duties as radio officer. As a result of such refusal, private respondent was ordered to
disembark on April 30, 1990 and was himself repatriated on May 15, 1990. He was There is emphasis on the actual work that they rendered while they are on board.
paid his salaries and wages only up to May 16, 1990. Considering that they are seamen, they are on board for 24 hours. If the employer
would be held liable for overtime pay just because these seamen are there in the
Private respondent filed before the public respondent POEA a complaint for illegal vessel, it would become unfair.
dismissal and breach of contract paying for, among all things, payment of his salaries,
wages, overtime and other benefits due to him for the unexpired portion of the The Supreme Court did not say that they are not entitled to overtime pay. However,
contract which was six (6) months and three (3) days. there must be proof that such seamen actually rendered work for that excess of 8
hours in that ship or vessel.
Petitioner STOLT-NIELSEN in its answer alleged that on April 26, 1990, private
respondent refused to follow the "request" of the master of the vessel to explain to National Development Co. v. CIR
Lolito Loveria the reason for the latter's repatriation and to assist him in carrying his
baggage, all in violation of Article XXIV, Section 1 of the Collective Bargaining FACTS: National Development Company, a government-owned and controlled
Agreement (CBA) and the POEA Standard Contract. Hence, private respondent, after corporation has four shifts of work. One shift was from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., while the
being afforded the opportunity to explain his side, was dismissed for gross three other shifts were from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m; then from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and, finally,
insubordination and serious misconduct. from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

In reply, he denied that the master of the vessel requested him to explain to Loveria In each shift, there was a one-hour mealtime period, to wit: From 11 a.m. to 12
the reason for the latter's repatriation noon for those working between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for those
working between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. The records disclose that although there was a
ISSUES: (1) W/N complainant was legally dismissed on the ground of gross one-hour mealtime, NDC nevertheless credited the workers with eight hours of
insubordination? NO. work for each shift and paid them for the same number of hours.

(2) W/N Private respondent was entitled to the award of overtime pay? NO, it was However, since 1953, whenever workers in one shift were required to continue
unjustified. working until the next shift, NDC instead of crediting them with eight hours of overtime
work, has been paying them for six hours only, NDC alleged that the two hours
HELD: With respect to the first issue, petitioner Stolt-Nielsen emphasizes how corresponding to the mealtime periods should not be included in computing
"employment on board ocean-going vessels is totally different from land-based ones compensation. National Textile Workers Union whose members are employed at the
in that the former strict and faithful compliance of all lawful commands and orders of NDC, maintained the opposite view and asked the Court of Industrial Relations to
the master or captain of the vessel is of paramount and crucial importance." Petitioner order the payment of additional overtime pay corresponding to the mealtime periods.
then cites Part I, Section A (2) of the POEA Standard Employment Contract which
provides: ISSUE: Whether or not the mealtime breaks should be considered working time and
shall not be deducted from their overtime pay? Yes, they should be considered as
2. The seaman binds himself to the following: "a. to faithfully comply with and observe working time.
the terms and conditions of this contract, violation of which shall be subject to
disciplinary action pursuant to appendix 2 of this crew contract. RULING: Yes, it should be considered as working time. Under the law, the idle time
that the employee may spend for resting and during which he may leave the place of
Article 282 of the Labor Code Termination by Employer. work, although not the premises of his employer, is not counted as working time.

The Court agrees that by virtue of the aforementioned CBA and POEA Standard In this case, the CIR found that work in NDC was continuous and it did not permit
Contract provisions cited by the petitioner, private respondent is indeed bound to the employees and laborers to rest completely. Therefore, the mealtime breaks
obey the lawful commands of the captain of the ship, but only as long as these should be counted as working time for purposes of overtime compensation.
pertain to his duties. The order to carry the luggage of a crew member, while being
lawful, is not part of the duties of a radio officer. Assuming arguendo that lawful How was it determined that their shift was continuous and they were not
commands of a ship captain are supposed to be obeyed by the complement of the allowed to leave in the one-hour period? What evidence was considered by the
ship, private respondent's so-called "act of disobedience" does not warrant the court? Their timecards. If the one-hour meal period is not compensable, then the
supreme penalty of dismissal. employees should have timed out their cards but in this case, it was continuous.
That's why the meal period in this case, although they have that "one-hour meal
As to the award of overtime pay period', it is compensable because they are still under the supervision of their
employer – they can be called anytime.
The rendition of overtime work and the submission of sufficient proof that the said
work was actually performed are conditions to be satisfied before a seaman could be Again, here you have continuous shifts. The meal-time break here should be
entitled to overtime pay which would be computed on the basis of 30% of the basic counted as working time for purposes of overtime compensation. The timecards of
monthly salary. In short, the contract provision guarantees the right to overtime the employees showed the work was continuous and without interruption. The
pay but the entitlement to such benefit must first be established. employees cannot freely leave their workplace nor rest completely. Furthermore,
during the period covered by the computation, the work was on a 24-hour basis and
Realistically speaking, a seaman, by the very nature of his job, stays on board a ship only divided into shifts.
or vessel beyond the regular eight-hour work schedule. For the employer to give him
overtime pay for the extra hours when he might be sleeping or attending to his GR: Meal periods should be at least 60 minutes and not compensable unless it falls
personal chores or even just lulling away his time would be extremely unfair and under what has been discussed in the cases of NDC and Pan American. The
unreasonable. mealtime can be less than 60 minutes but in no case shorter than 20 minutes, and to
which such can be considered as compensable.
Petitioner's argument is well taken.
With regard to rest periods No rest periods or coffee breaks can run from 5-20
A close scrutiny of the computation of the monetary award shows that the award for minutes but considered as compensable working hours What about if the meal period
overtime was for the remaining six (6) months and three (3) days of private is shortened at the employees' request as they want to go home early?
respondent's contract at which time he was no longer rendering services as he had
already been repatriated. In light of our aforequoted ruling in Cagampan v. NLRC, EX: Can the lunch break be only from 12:00-12:30 pm and they be allowed to
said award for overtime should be, as it is hereby, disallowed for being unjustified. go home by 4:30? Yes, the request of employees to have their meal periods
shortened so they can leave earlier has been established. The effect is that the
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
shortened meal is not compensable because it was requested by the employees, and Every business enterprise endeavors to increase its profits. In the process, it may
they rendered the 8-hour work. However, to allow such arrangement, the following devise means to attain that goal. Even as the law is solicitous of the welfare of the
conditions must be met: employees, it must also protect the right of an employer to exercise what are clearly
management prerogatives. Thus, management is free to regulate, according to its
a) It must be voluntarily agreed by the employees in writing; own discretion and judgment, all aspects of employment, including hiring, work
b) No diminution whatsoever in their salaries or other benefits existing before assignments, working methods, time, place and manner of work, processes to be
the shortened meal period; followed, supervision of workers, working regulations, transfer of employees, work
c) Their work does not involve strenuous physical as exertion; supervision, lay off of workers and discipline, dismissal and recall of workers.
d) That they still be given their 5-20 minute coffee or rest periods; and
e) The value of the benefits derived by the employees is equal and Further, management retains the prerogative, whenever exigencies of the service
commensurate to the compensation due to them for the shortened meal; so require, to change the working hours of its employees. So long as such prerogative
and is exercised in good faith for the advancement of the employer’s interest and not for
f) With regard to overtime, (if they still work after 4:30) then they will be the purpose of defeating or circumventing the rights of the employees under special
entitled to overtime pay; and laws or under valid agreements.
g) If the effectivity of such working time arrangement must be determined by
the Secretary of the DOLE Take note of what happened here: from a 30-minute compensable meal period,
management changed it with a one-hour meal period that is not compensable,
- in stevedore, the issue is different, because they were still in the boat., wherein thereafter, their dismissal will be extended from employment.
here, in this case, there must be proof that he actually worked more than
8 hours. But the SC said that the management is free to regulate, according to its own
discretion and judgment, all aspects of employment. It retains the prerogative,
IRR SECTION 7 whenever exigencies of the service so require, to change the working hours of its
employees, as long as such prerogative is exercised in good faith for the
- period is 1 hour but may be less, but not less than 20 minutes advancement of the employer’s interest and not for the purpose of defeating or
- If there is work during rest time, - then still compensable circumventing the rights of the employees under special laws or under valid
- Rest time less than 1 hour asked by employees? - yes they may request agreements.
it so they can leave work earlier - in such a situation the shortened meal
period is not compensable. For it to be allowed the DOLE required: The new work schedule, with a non-compensable one-hour lunch break, still complies
- Employee must write it voluntarily with the daily 8-hour work without violating the Labor Code provision. Besides, the
- Waiver of xx new schedule applies to all employees that are similarly situated. Take note that there
- Strenuous physical exertion was a change from paid to unpaid, but no violation of the Labor Code provisions.

Sime Darby v. NLRC

FACTS: Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. is engaged in the manufacture of automotive tires, Article 86. Night shift differential. Every employee shall be paid a night shift
tubes and other rubber products. Prior to the present controversy, all company factory differential of not less than ten percent (10%) of his regular wage for each hour
workers in Marikina including members of the union worked from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 of work performed between ten o’clock in the evening and six o’clock in the
p.m. with a 30 minute paid “on call” lunch break. morning.

Sime issued a memorandum to all factory-based employees advising all its monthly
salaried employees in its Marikina Tire Plant, except those in the Warehouse and Rationale
Quality Assurance Department working on shifts, a change in work schedule.
Work done at night is very exceptional and justified only on the grounds of inevitable
The union filed on behalf of its members a complaint with the Labor Arbiter. However, necessity wherein if there’s no more other alternative schedule but to perform night-
the Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint on the ground that the change in the work work, such would be the arrangement and of course it would just be fair that such
schedule and the elimination of the 30-minute paid lunch break of the factory workers worker will be entitled to a greater pay than an ordinary work to compensate him
constituted a valid exercise of management prerogative and that the new work for the convenience.
schedule, break time and one-hour lunch break did not have the effect of diminishing
the benefits granted to factory workers as the working time did not exceed 8 hours. Such as when you are working in a BPO wherein your employer is from a different
country which has a different timezone. There is no alternative but to perform night
The NLRC sustained the Labor Arbiter and dismissed the appeal. However, upon work.
motion for reconsideration by private respondent, the NLRC reversed its earlier
decision. It is a premium for working when the employee is supposed to sleep. Unless in
accordance with the law of nature, night work cannot be regarded as desirable and
ISSUE: Whether the right to fix the work schedules of the employees rest principally of course when you work at night the experience is different. You cannot even say
on their employer? YES. that it's the same with the morning of that 8 hours of work. It’s really different because
productivity at night might not be the same at morning.
RULING: Yes. The right to fix the work schedules of the employees rest principally
on their employer. In the instant case Sime Darby, as the employer, cites as reason Example From the very beginning you have long sleep at night and then you have
for the adjustment the efficient conduct of its business operations and its improved activities during the day like going to school, then suddenly you will be scheduled for
production. It rationalizes that while the old work schedule included a 30-minute paid night-shift work. In that case, the law compensates for such nature of work.
lunch break, the employees could be called upon to do jobs during that period as they
were “on call.” It also entails additional danger because you need to travel at night.
Even if denominated as lunch break, this period could very well be considered as
working time because the factory employees were required to work if necessary and WORK PERFORMED ON ORDINARY WORKING DAY with NIGHT SHIFT
were paid accordingly for working. DIFFERENTIAL

With the new work schedule, the employees are now given a one-hour lunch break Daily Wag - 400.00 (10:00 pm to 6:00 am, with compensable break)
without any interruption from their employer. Since the employees are no longer
required to work during this one-hour lunch break, there is no more need for them to Wage/Hour - 400.00/ 8 hours
be compensated for this period. (No more interruption = no need to be compensated) - 50.00 per hour

Total Wage for the Day - Regular Daily Wage + NSD Pay

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
FACTS: NSD (HK corp in PH) employed Edgar Santos as technician with P5,501/mo
- 400.00 x 110% during graveyard shift (10PM til 6 AM). On 8 January 1993, Santos did not report for
- 440.00 work, resumed only on 9 January BUT he made two entries in his daily time record
to make it appear that he reported on the 8th.
This is only for illustration purposes. Not for bar exams.
Supervisor Limsiaco knew that he was not present on the 8th and found that he
Mercury Drug v. Dayao falsified the DTR entry. An investigation was conducted and he was asked to file a
explanatory memo within 48 hrs. Santos claimed in his memo that he was absent
FACTS: Nardo Dayao and 70 others filed a case in the Court of Industrial Relations and the entry was only due to carelessness – found unsatisfactory so he was
against Mercury Drug Co., Inc., and/or Mariano Que, President & General Manager, dismissed. Filed a complaint for illegal dismissal + damages.
and Mercury Drug Co., Inc., Employees Association. They prayed for:
LA: legal dismissal BUT no due process so indemnify him 1k + pay unpaid night
1) payment of their unpaid back wages for work done on Sundays and legal differentials of 19,801.47.
holidays plus 25% additional compensation from date of their employment
up to June 30, 1962; NLRC: affirmed, conclusions were sufficiently supported by evidence
2) payment of extra compensation on work done at night;
3) reinstatement of Januario Referente and Oscar Echalar to their former What is the working schedule of the employees?
positions with back salaries (subsequently Referente and Echalar were
dropped as party petitioners in this case because the court has no From 10pm-6am that’s why the employees are claiming for night shift differential.
jurisdiction over the subject of the claims); and,
4) as against the respondent union, for its disestablishment and the refund ISSUE: Who has the burden to prove the payment of night shift differential? NSD
of all monies it had collected from petitioners. (Court held that 'petitioners' (the employer)
cause of action against the respondent Association should be dismissed
without prejudice to the refiling of the same as an unfair labor practice What did the Supreme Court say? It is the employer who has custody of the
case) pertinent documents that can prove whether or not they did in fact paid such benefit
to its employee which is in this case the night shift differential pay.
Mercury Drug
The Supreme Court held that the burden of proving payment rests on the employer
- That the company being a service enterprise is excluded from the as the non-payment of night shift differential is a negative allegation which need not
coverage of the Eight Hour Labor Law, as amended; be supported by evidence unless it is an essential part of his cause of action. The
- That no court has the power to set wages, rates of pay, hours of burden of proving that payment of such benefit has been made rests upon the party
employment or other conditions of employment to the extent of who will suffer if no evidence at all is presented by either party.
disregarding an agreement thereon between the respondent company
and the petitioners, and of fixing night differential wages; But take note as to how you will interpret this ruling of the SC. In this case, it has
- That the petitioners were fully paid for services rendered under the terms already been established that the employees work from 10pm-6am so there is no
and conditions of the individual contracts of employment; dispute that they work at night.

ISSUE : Are petitioners entitled to 25% additional compensation for performing work The question now is, were they given their night shift differential? In connection
during Sunday and legal holidays and nighttime service? YES to that, it is the employer who has the burden of proof to show that the benefit as
provided under Article 86 was given to these employees.
HELD: The Court finds merit in the claim for the payment of additional compensation
for work done on Sundays and holidays. While an employer may compel his It means the employer must show that the employee has been duly paid of his night
employees to perform service on such days, the law nevertheless imposes upon him shift differential because it has possession of the documents and timecards among
the obligation to pay his employees at least 25% additional of their basic or regular others, and in the absence of proof, the presumption is that the employer did not
salaries. pay such benefits to the employees.

What is the defense of Mercury Drug? There is already a waiver in their contract However, this presumption upon the employer is correct provided that the employee
for night shift differential. Additional compensation for nighttime work or night shift has already established that he is entitled to such benefits. In this case, there is no
differential is founded on public policy. Therefore, this is not subject to waiver. This is issue as to his working hours (10pm-6am). It means the employee must first establish
a common issue with regard to benefits under the Labor Code. And again, we his allegation.
emphasize this, employment is higher than property right because there are
instances wherein the benefits cannot be subject to waivers. As in this case of The burden of proving entitlement to night shift differential, overtime pay, and
Mercury Drug. holiday pay among others rests on the employee. If it can be proven that he
indeed worked within that period, then the employer will have now the burden to show
The "waiver rule" is not applicable in the case at bar. Additional compensation for that indeed they paid such benefit or labor standard benefit.
nighttime work is founded on public policy, hence the same cannot be waived. (Article
6, Civil Code). The Court ruled that any agreement in a contract of employment which Why would this be relevant?
would exclude the 25% additional compensation for work done during Sundays and
holidays is null and void as mandated by law. Example: If it has been established in this case that their work is from 8am- 5pm but
extends from 5pm-12midnight. There is overtime and night shift differential.
The private respondents were at a disadvantage insofar as the contractual
relationship was concerned. Workers in our country do not have the luxury or freedom But who has the burden of proof that the employee actually worked for that
of declining job openings or filing resignations even when some terms and conditions additional hours? It is the employee. You must show proof as to what days you
of employment are not only onerous and iniquitous but illegal It is precisely because worked beyond 8 hours to be entitled to night shift differential. Once it is established,
of this situation that the framers of the Constitution embodied the provisions on social the burden of proof is now upon the employer to show that he has paid the
justice (Section 6, Article II) and protection to labor (Section 9, Article II) in the corresponding labor standard benefit.
Declaration of Principles and State Policies.
The ruling in National Semiconductor vs. NLRC is correct because it has already
Who has the burden of proof that such benefit has been paid? The employer. been established that the working schedule of the employee is from 10pm-6am. So,
The employer admitted that the respondents rendered overtime. the burden of proof is with the employer that he has paid that additional 10% of his
regular wage for the night shift differential.
National Semiconductor v. NLRC
TAKE NOTE: Night shift differential and overtime work are to be treated
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020

EX: You work from 8am-5pm then you have overtime by 5pm- 12midnight. That’s Wage/Hour - 400.00/8 hours
already an additional of 7 hours of work which is equivalent to overtime. Also, the - 50.00
10pm-12midnight is already night shift differential.
Work in Excess of 8 hours - 50.00 x 130% x 130% x number of hrs of OT
Night shift differential here for every hour is 10% of his daily hour wage so that is work
110% of his regular hour wage for the 2 hours, 10pm-12mn. - 84.50 x 2 hours
- 169.00
- it was evident that the employees rendered nightshift work, the same with
the mercury case Total Wage for the Day - Daily Wage with Holiday Pay + Overtime Pay
- All that is left to be proved is whether the nightshift differential was paid, - 520.00 + 169.00
the burden of proof of the payment of which is on the one who is liable to - 689.00
If overtime falls within the period covered by night differential, premiums for
For overtime work that has night shift differential - the burden is shifted on the overtime work should first be integrated into the regular hourly rate of the employee
employee. before computing the night shift pay.
- this is because it is different from the normal course of business
- Employee must now prove that he actually worked beyond 8 hours
- Once established, the employer will now prove that the payment was DAY - (25%) OF THE HOURLY RATE
Daily Wage - 400.00 (2:00 pm to 12:00 mn, with compensable break)

Article 87. Overtime work. Work may be performed beyond eight (8) hours a day Wage/Hour - 400.00/8 hours
provided that the employee is paid for the overtime work, an additional - 50.00
compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at least twenty-five percent
(25%) thereof. Work performed beyond eight hours on a holiday or rest day shall Work in Excess of 8 hours - 50.00 x 125% x number of hours of Overtime
be paid an additional compensation equivalent to the rate of the first eight hours Work
on a holiday or rest day plus at least thirty percent (30%) thereof. - 62.50 x 2 hours
- 125.00
Cost Of Living Allowance is excluded when computing for overtime pay.
NSD - 125 x 10%
Take Note: Overtime pay should not be confused with the term premium pay. - 12.50

Overtime pay is the one mentioned under Article 87 or the compensation for work Wage for the Day - Regular Daily Wage + Overtime Pay + NSD
rendered in excess of 8 hours in a day. It is computed by multiplying the overtime - 400.00 + 125.00 + 12.50
hourly rate by the number of hours worked in excess of 8 hours. - 537.50

Premium pay refers to the additional compensation as required by law for work Can Overtime Pay be integrated in the Basic Salary provided? YES.
performed within 8 hours of non-working days such as rest days and regular or
special holidays. 1. A clear written agreement knowingly and freely entered into by the
Let’s assume that you have an employee who renders work from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 2. The mathematical result shows that the agreed legal wage rate and the
If he works for overtime for 2 hours. overtime pay, computed separately, are equal or higher than the separate amounts
legally due.
DAY (25%) OF THE HOURLY RATE Is it necessary that the 8-hour working hours be continuous? NO. The
minimum working hours need not be continuous as to constitute as the legal
Daily Wage - 400.00 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with 1 hour lunch break) working day of 8 hours as long as 8 hours is within such working day. Whether it is
continuous or broken, once the employee has rendered more than 8 hours, then
Wage/Hour - 400.00/8 hours the employee is entitled to overtime pay.
- 50.00
With regards to the entitlement of overtime pay, an express instruction from the
Work in Excess of 8 hours - 50.00 x 125% x number of hours of Overtime employer to the employee to render overtime is not required. It is sufficient that
Work the employee is permitted to work. Neither is an express approval from the superior
- 62.50 x 2 hours a requisite to make overtime work compensable.
- 125
If an employee demands overtime pay? It is his burden to prove that he has
Total Wage for the Day - Regular Daily Wage + Overtime Pay rendered overtime work.
- 400.00 + 125.00
Unless there is an agreement more favorable to the worker, the overtime rate is 30%
of the rate for the first 8 hours on a holiday or rest day. Thus, the holiday or rest day However, if there is a compressed workweek proposed, the same shall be valid
premium should be first added to the regular base pay before computing the provided the following conditions are present:
overtime pay on such day.
1. The employees voluntarily agree to work nine (9) hours a day from
DAY OR A SPECIAL DAY - (30%) OF THE HOURLY RATE 2. That there will not be any diminution whatsoever in the weekly or
monthly take-home pay and fringe benefits of the employee.
3. The value of the benefits that will accrue to the employees under the
Daily Wage - 400.00 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with 1 hour lunch break)
proposed work schedule is more than, or at least commensurate with

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
or equal to, the one-hour overtime pay that is due them during the
weekdays based on the employees’ qualification. Prior to its implementation, the ER shall notify the Department through the
4. The one-hour overtime pay of the employees will become due and Regional Office which has jurisdiction over the workplace, of the adoption of any
demandable if ever they are permitted or made to work on any Saturday of the above FWAs.
during the effectivity of the new working time arrangement, since the The notice shall be in the Report Form attached to this advisory.
agreement between the employees and management is that there will be The Regional Office shall conduct an ocular visit to validate whether the
no Saturday work in exchange for a longer workday during weekdays. adoption of the FWAs in in accordance with this issuance.
5. The work of the employees does not involve strenuous physical
exertion and they are provided with adequate rest periods or “coffee Take Note:
breaks” in the morning and afternoon.
6. The effectivity of the proposed working time arrangement shall be of On waiver or quitclaim : Not allowed in overtime pay.
temporary duration as determined by the Minister of Labor and Exception: If the waiver is in exchange of some benefits which shall be equivalent
Employment. to the overtime pay which he should have been entitled to under the law.

No law amending Article 87 but only declarations by the Department of Labor. The overtime pay is compensation added to the regular wage but the regular base
pay or basic pay should exclude money received by an employee in different
DEPARTMENT ADVISORY No. 2 Series of 2009 concepts, such as Christmas bonus and other fringe benefits.
Guidelines on the Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs)
For purposes of computing the overtime pay, the COLA shall not be included
I. Purpose - x x x Adoption of FWAs is considered as better alternative than in the computation thereof.
the outright termination of the services of the employees or the total closure
of the establishments. Anchored on voluntary basis and conditions mutually We have also seen that night shift differential is different from overtime pay. It is
acceptable to both the ER and EEs, it is recognized as beneficial in terms of payment for work during the night while overtime pay is payment for working more
reduction of business costs and helps in saving jobs while maintaining than 8 hours within the working day.
competitiveness and productivity in industries.
II. Concept - x x x
● Not exceeding 20 minutes, treated as worked or compensable hours.
Flexible work arrangements refer to alternative arrangements or schedules ● More than 20 minutes, may not be treated as hours worked provided employees
other than the traditional or standard work hours, workdays or workweek. can leave their workplace and use the time effectively for their own interest.
The effectivity and implementation of any of the FWAs provided herein shall be ● Employer may extend working hours of his employees outside of the regular
temporary in nature. schedules to compensate for the loss of man-hours without being liable for
overtime pay.
III. Flexible Work Arrangements ● Industrial enterprises with 1 or 2 work shifts may adopt any of the workshifts to
prevent serious loss or damage to materials, machineries, or equipment that
The following are the FWAs which labor and management may consider: may result.
● Days when work was not required and no work could be done because of
1. Compressed Workweek wherein the normal workweek is reduced shutdown due to electrical power interruptions, lack of raw materials, and repair
to less than 6 days but the total number of work hours of 48 hours of machineries are not deemed hours worked.
per week shall remain. The normal workday is increased to more
than 8 hours but not to exceed 12 hours, without corresponding Article 88. Undertime not offset by overtime. Undertime work on any
overtime premium. particular day shall not be offset by overtime work on any other day. Permission
given to the employee to go on leave on some other day of the week shall not
The concept can be adjusted accordingly depending on the normal exempt the employer from paying the additional compensation required in this
workweek of the company pursuant to the provisions of Department Chapter.
Advisory No. 02, series of 2004, dated December 2, 2004.

2. Reduction of Workdays wherein the normal workdays per week are

reduced but should not last for more than 6 months. Article 89. Emergency overtime work. Any employee may be required by the
employer to perform overtime work in any of the following cases:
3. Rotation of Workers wherein the employees are rotated or
alternately provided work within the workweek.
a) When the country is at war or when any other national or local
emergency has been declared by the National Assembly or the Chief
4. Forced Leave wherein the employees are required to go on leave
for several days or weeks utilizing their leave credits if there are any.
b) When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or property or in case of
imminent danger to public safety due to an actual or impending
5. Broken-time schedule wherein the work schedule is not continuous
emergency in the locality caused by serious accidents, fire, flood,
but the work hours within the day or week remain.
typhoon, earthquake, epidemic, or other disaster or calamity;
c) When there is urgent work to be performed on machines, installations,
6. Flexi-holidays schedule wherein the employees agree to avail the
or equipment, in order to avoid serious loss or damage to the employer
holidays at some other days provided there is no diminution of
or some other cause of similar nature;
existing benefits as a result of such arrangement.
d) When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage to perishable
goods; and
7. Under these FWAs, the ERs and the EEs are encouraged to explore
e) Where the completion or continuation of the work started before the
alternative schemes under any agreement and company policy or
eighth hour is necessary to prevent serious obstruction or prejudice to
practice in order to cushion and negate the effect of the loss of
the business or operations of the employer.
income of the EEs.
Any employee required to render overtime work under this Article shall be paid the
IV. Administration of Flexible Work Arrangements
additional compensation required in this Chapter.
The parties to the flexible work schemes shall be primarily responsible for its
administration. x x x
Why do you need to take note of this? Under the instances in Article 89,
V. Notice Requirement overtime work is an obligation. This means that for work or overtime work not
covered by Article 89, it is optional on the part of the employee. The employee can
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
complied by both employers and employees. It can be beyond by the agreement
validly refuse to render overtime. between the parties. But in this case, nothing in their agreement to include COLA for
purposes of computation of the overtime pay.
It’s a situation where an employer may legally compel his employees to render
overtime work with the corresponding overtime pay. TAKE NOTE: Though the employees have already received their overtime pay, but
were not given their 10% night shift differential, PNB can still pay it because these
are two different benefits under the Labor Code.

IRR BOOK III RULE I The Labor Code provisions are just minimum working standards. The law
SECTION 10. Compulsory overtime work. — In any of the following cases, an allows voluntary agreements which comply with the minimum standards that
employer may require any of his employees to work beyond eight (8) hours a day, we have under the law.
provided that the employee required to render overtime work is paid the additional
compensation required by these regulations: Bisig v. Philippine Refining

(a) When the country is at war or when any other national or local emergency has Facts: This is an appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila
been declared by Congress or the Chief Executive; dated December 8, 1966, in Civil Case No. 65082, holding that Christmas bonus
and other fringe benefits are excluded in the computation of the overtime pay of
(b) When overtime work is necessary to prevent loss of life or property, or in case the members of the appellant union under Section 6, Article VI of the 1965 collective
of imminent danger to public safety due to actual or impending emergency in the bargaining agreement.
locality caused by serious accident, fire, floods, typhoons, earthquake, epidemic
or other disaster or calamities; The rate mentioned in this case is not really that of a higher rate but if you consider
the compensation pay which includes already the computation for overtime pay, it’s
(c) When there is urgent work to be performed on machines, installations, or higher than the 25% required under Article 87.
equipment, in order to avoid serious loss or damage to the employer or some other
causes of similar nature; But again, as a general rule, it is not included as held in this case, bonuses and fringe
benefits for purposes of computing the overtime pay. However, it can be included if
(d) When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage to perishable goods; the parties agreed and if there’s a collective bargaining agreement. In this case,
there’s nothing in their collective bargaining agreement which would include fringe
(e) When the completion or continuation of work started before the 8th hour is benefits and Christmas bonus in the regular base pay as the basis for the overtime
necessary to prevent serious obstruction or prejudice to the business or pay.
operations of the 6employer; or
However, the Supreme Court noted here that they had a contractual agreement
(f) When overtime work is necessary to avail of favorable weather or regarding regular pay plus 50% thereof which includes an overtime compensation
environmental conditions where performance or quality of work is dependent and therefore it’s actually higher than what is required under the law. So again, the
thereon.cralaw In cases not falling within any of these enumerated in this Section, regular base pay as basis for computation of overtime work excludes money received
no employee may be made to work beyond eight hours a day against his will. in different concepts such as Christmas bonus, and other fringe benefits.

In fine, the parties may agree for the payment of overtime compensation in an amount
Article 90. Computation of additional compensation. For purposes of to be determined by applying a formula other than the statutory formula of "regular
computing overtime and other additional remuneration as required by this wage plus at least twenty-five per centum additional" provided that the result in
Chapter, the "regular wage" of an employee shall include the cash wage only, applying the contractual formula is not less than the result in applying said
without deduction on account of facilities provided by the employer. statutory formula.

Regular wage is straight time pay In the case at bar, it is admitted that the contractual formula of "regular base pay plus
Additional compensation is the overtime pay or 13 month pay and other premium 50% thereof" yields an overtime compensation which is higher than the result in
pay applying the statutory formula as elaborated in the Nawasa case. Consequently, its
Other facilities provided by the employer are not included validity is upheld and the parties are enjoined to accord due respect to it.

Now, as provided in Article 87, the rate is 30% for the first eight hours on a holiday
or rest day. And then the holiday or rest day premium should be first added to the
The employees were ascertaining here that for purposes of computing the overtime
regular base pay before computing the overtime pay of such day.
pay, the longevity pay and cost of living allowance should be included.
What would happen if someone worked on a holiday for eight hours? In the
The Supreme Court said no because it would have a higher base. Higher base x 25%
subsequent article, this would be 130% so that would be:
for overtime pay then they will be entitled to higher overtime pay. The SC said that
for purposes of computation of overtime, cost of living allowance (COLA) is not
400 x 130% = 520 so the 520 will be the basis for the computation of the
overtime pay.
What is the rationale behind overtime pay? The employee puts more effort,
520 will be divided by eight (hours of work) = 65.
physical and mental. He is delayed in going home to his family and to other things for
relaxation, and he might miss important engagements. So that extra compensation,
65 x 130% x 2 hours
more or less, as determined by the Supreme Court, would justify what was lost to that
employee due to that additional time to work.
But what is stated in Article 87 is the 30%. That 30% is different. So unless there
is an agreement that is more favorable to the worker, the overtime rate 30% for
Nonetheless, when we talk about overtime pay, it cannot be interpreted beyond what
the first eight hours on a holiday or rest day and then the premium pay should
is provided under Article 87 unless there is a Collective Bargaining Agreement
first be added to the regular base pay before you compute the overtime pay.
(CBA). If in the CBA, the employees together with the union, representing the
employees, have agreed for a higher percentage for purposes of computing the
Now, we’ve already discussed how work day is computed so do take note of that
overtime pay, that is valid.
because that is very important with regard to overtime work.
Also, if they’ve agreed among others for the inclusion of benefits and allowance in
What about an express instruction from the employer? Is it required so that
computing the overtime pay, that is valid if provided in the CBA. What the law and
your overtime work would be entitled to that 25% or 30% under Article 87?
jurisprudence emphasize is it should not be less than what is provided under
Not necessarily. As long as the employee is permitted to work within or beyond
Article 87 because we are talking about standards – minimum, that should be
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
the 8 hours’ work. Verbal instructions or if seen by the employer that the upon the order of his immediate superior, notwithstanding the fact that there was a
employee is working beyond the working hours, that is already an express standing circular to the effect that before overtime work may be performed with pay,
approval by a superior and the employee is entitled to an overtime pay. This is the approval of the corresponding department head should be secured, such
also clear in that case of REOTAN V. NATIONAL RICE AND CORN overtime services are compensable in spite of the fact that said overtime
CORPORATION. What happened in this case? services were rendered without the prior approval of the Department Head.

- the important thing is that the parties agreed that a higher multiplier EXAMPLE: There’s no substitute ready or because he performed over time,
is used notwithstanding the fact that there’s a memorandum or circular that would require the
- Divisor: number of ACTUAL working days in a year approval of their head, such overtime services will still be considered as
compensable. In spite of the fact which as in this case, said overtime services were
Reotan v. National Rice rendered without the prior approval of the department head.
Facts: Fermin Reotan, Silvestre Reotan and Praxedes Balane were guards- On the part of the employer, he should take note of this because if you allow the
watchmen in the agencies or branches of the National Rice and Corn Corporation employee to work beyond the eight hours’ work, even if there’s a memorandum which
(NARIC). Inasmuch as these agencies had each only two (2) guards-watchmen, the requires the approval of the department head or the boss, they can still claim it. So,
latter had been required by their immediate superiors to work in two (2) shifts of 12 don’t be angry to your employer if they would tell you to go home after your shift
hours daily each, except when they were on vacation or sick leave of absence. because you’ll be working overtime and he has to pay for it.

Having made demands of payment of the corresponding overtime compensation In that case, they are also making sure that there’s no need for you to work beyond
which were not heeded by the NARIC, on July 15, 1954, plaintiffs filed their respective the eight hours working time because you can work for it the next day. But of course,
claims for overtime with the Wage Administration Service, which, on February 16, if it is voluntary on the part of the employee, and if I were the employer I will find that
1955, rendered decision in their favor. Inasmuch as, this notwithstanding, the NARIC willingness, hard work and volition that the employee really wants to work voluntarily
persisted in its refusal to pay said compensation, plaintiffs instituted the present beyond the working hours. That is what should be noted.
separate actions, which were jointly heard and disposed of in one decision, as above
stated. Why is there an emphasis on that? Because I mentioned earlier that I did not study
Computer Engineering. When I started working as a Computer Engineer, there are
Issue: Whether or not NARIC should give overtime pay to the appellants times that there are tasked given and I don’t know how to do it. So voluntarily I do
notwithstanding its nature as Government Owned and Controlled Corporation subject stay more than eight hours. But I did not charge it as an overtime pay and I do not
to the Civil Service Law. ask for overtime pay because during that time, it was voluntary on my part to work
beyond the eight hours working time.
What is the defense here on the part of NARIC that the employees are not
entitled to overtime pay? The defense here of NARIC is that it is a government- Admittedly, there are a lot who work more than eight hours but they do not claim for
owned corporation and that it is an exception to the payment of overtime. an overtime pay.

Is that the only defense? Because you mentioned earlier that it is not a defense When you say more than eight hours, we are talking of eight productive hours. It is
because they are covered by the Civil Service Law. But nonetheless, just because not included in that eight hours when an employee sat to open his Facebook or
they are covered with such law, they are not entitled to overtime pay? Tinder.

What was their defense here? Aside from the applicability of the Civil Service Law. TAKE NOTE : there was a policy that the general manager has approved the
When can the employees claim for an overtime pay? overtime work - nevertheless, since the petitioners proved that they actually rendered
work - as long as it was necessary and it benefited the company - overtime pay is still
Because that ruling of the Supreme Court is even applicable to private entities. Again, claimable.
what was the other defense here on the part of the employer?
For holidays and Sundays, there are jurisprudence which require a written approval
Is NARIC liable for overtime payment, notwithstanding the Resolution? YES. or authority before an employee can render overtime. However, this is not the
controlling rule.
TAKE NOTE: One of their defenses is that there was a resolution wherein they
issued that there would be no overtime pay or meal allowance allowed unless it has William Lines v. Lopez
been previously approved by its general manager and in case of absolute
necessity. Facts: Eugenio Lopez was employed as storekeeper on 5 May 1947 and was
terminated on 13 October 1962. He received a separation pay of 1,586.00.
However, the Supreme Court said any agreement or contract between the employer
and laborer employee contrary to the provision of this Act shall be null and void ab 17 March 1964 (1 year, 5 months and 2 days from separation) : Lopez filed a petition
initio. That’s the same thing when this eight-hour labor law was incorporated into the with CIR claiming salary differentials in the amount of 2,816.00, premium pay for
Labor Code provision. As long as the work performed was necessary and it benefited services rendered on Sundays and holidays, as well as daily overtime compensation
the employer to which the employee could not abandon his work at the end of his with a request for reinstatement.
With regard to money claims and overtime pay, there is that period of 3 years,
Section 6 of Commonwealth Act No. 444 specifically provides that 'any agreement otherwise, that action shall be barred. The claimant- respondent can only collect for
or contract between the employer and the laborer or employee contrary to the the overtime compensation.
provision of this Act shall be null and void ab initio'. Even in cases of disaster or
calamity, to prevent loss of life and property, Section 3 of said Commonwealth Act It was clearly proven that he worked 2 hours more, in excess of the regular 8 hours
No. 444 provides that 'in all such cases the laborers and employees shall be entitled a day. Therefore, he is entitled to overtime within 3 years prior to the filing of the
to receive compensation for the overtime work performed at the same rate as the complaint. Moreover, for purposes of computing overtime pay, the court ruled that
regular wages or salary, plus at least 25 per centum additional'. Sundays and Legal Holidays are not included based on the principle that being
on board the vessel on these days were part and parcel and inherent in the work of
Section 4 of the same Act provides that 'no person, firm, or corporation ... shall said seamen.
compel an employee or laborer to work during Sundays and legal holidays, unless he
is paid an additional sum of at least 25 per centum of his regular remuneration." Action to Recover Compensation
Principle of estoppel cannot be invoked against the employees, with regard to
overtime pay. And overtime pay in arrears retroacts to the day when the services
If the work performed was necessary, or that it benefited the company or that were actually rendered.
the employee could not abandon his work at the end of his eight hour work because
there was no substitute ready to take his place and he performed overtime services
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
But, take note of the 3-year period as allowed under the law. Any waiver or quitclaim Acting on a certification of the President of the Philippines, the Court of Industrial
executed by the employee as a general rule is not valid or binding. You can still Relations conducted a hearing on the controversy then existing between petitioner
question it in the proper administrative office. and respondent unions which the latter embodied in a "Manifesto", namely:

Integration of Overtime Pay in the Basic Salary It is also possible that the ● implementation of the 40-Hour Week Law (Republic Act No. 1880);
overtime pay is integrated in the basic salary. There can be an agreement between ● alleged violations of the collective bargaining agreement concerning
the employer and the employee that the overtime pay will be part of the basic salary "distress pay";
but subject to the following requisites: ● minimum wage of P5.25;
● promotional appointments and filling of vacancies of newly created
1) There must be a clear written agreement between the parties positions;
2) Knowingly entered into by the parties, ● additional compensation for night work;
3) Mathematical result will show that the agreed legal wage rate and the ● wage increases to some laborers and employees; and strike duration pay.
overtime pay, computed separately will be equal or at least higher than
the amounts legally due. a.) Whether or not NAWASA is a public utility and, therefore, exempted from
paying additional compensation for work on Sundays and legal holidays. The
When we say “Labor Standards,” we mean the minimum. As long as it can be proven court agrees with petitioner that the NAWASA is a public utility because its primary
that the employer gave the minimum standards in favor of the employee, then the function is to construct, maintain and operate water reservoirs and waterworks for the
employer will not be bound for any difference. The only exception is if there is a CBA, purpose of supplying water to the inhabitants, as well as consolidate and centralize
which entitles the employees to a higher rate. all water supplies and drainage systems in the Philippines.

Article 4 was applied. We likewise agree with petitioner that a public utility is exempt from paying
additional compensation for work on Sundays and legal holidays conformably
In case of seamen, the question is whether or not they actually rendered service in to Section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. 444 which provides that the prohibition,
excess of 8 hours in one working day. regarding employment of Sundays and holidays unless an additional sum of 25% of
the employee's regular remuneration is paid shall not apply to public utilities such as
Overtime pay should not be confused with night shift differential. those supplying gas, electricity, power, water or providing means of transportation or
Overtime Pay Night Shift Differential In other words, the employees and laborers of NAWASA can be made to work on
Sundays and legal holidays without being required to pay them an additional
Added to the minimum wage for Added to the minimum wage for compensation of 25%.
hours worked beyond the 8-hour each hour of work performed from
period 10PM to 6AM In the collective bargaining agreement entered into between the NAWASA and
respondent unions it was agreed that all existing benefits enjoyed by the employees
25% - rate of overtime pay for regular 10% of his regular wage for each and laborers prior to its effectivity shall remain in force and shall form part of the
day hour of work agreement, among which certainly is the 25% additional compensation for work on
30% - rate of overtime pay if you Sundays and legal holidays therefore enjoyed by said laborers and employees. It
work more than 8 hours on a holiday may, therefore, be said that while under Commonwealth Act No. 444 a public utility
or rest day is not required to pay additional compensation to its employees and workers for work
done on Sundays and legal holidays, there is, however, no prohibition for it to pay
If an employee worked more than 8 hours and he worked between those hours of 10 such additional compensation if it voluntarily agrees to do so. The NAWASA
PM to 6 AM, he is entitled to both Overtime Pay and Night Shift Differential. Because committed itself to pay this additional compensation. It must pay not because of
the Night Shift differential is different. It is payment for work during the night while compulsion of law but because of contractual obligation.
Overtime Pay is payment for the excess of the regular 8-hour work.
b.) In determining whether one has worked in excess of eight hours, whether
How do you compute for Overtime Pay? You take the daily rate, then divide it by or not the undertime for that day should be set off. There is merit in the decision
8, and that would be the additional overtime rate that he will have beyond the 8-hour of respondent court that the method used by petitioner in offsetting the overtime with
period. Under Article 87, he will be entitled to 25% of that Regular Wage. So you have the undertime and at the same time charging said undertime to the accrued leave of
to compute how much is his hourly rate, daily rate, divided by 8 hours, and that per the employee is unfair, for under such method the employee is made to pay twice
hour rate, multiply by 125%. for his undertime because his leave is reduced to that extent while he was made to
pay for it with work beyond the regular working hours.
If for example he works on his rest day, a Special Non-Working Holiday, then his pay
with the Premium pay, not just the regular pay for that 8-hour period, divide it by 8, The proper method should be to deduct the undertime from the accrued leave but
multiply that by 130% and you will get his Overtime rate. pay the employee the overtime to which he is entitled. This method also obviates the
irregular schedule that would result if the overtime should be set off against the
NWSA (National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority) v. NWSA UNION undertime for that would place the schedule for working hours dependent on the
Doctrine: The NAWASA is a public utility. Although pursuant to Section 4 of
Commonwealth Act 444 it is not obliged to pay an additional sum of 25% to its c.) In computing the daily wage, whether or not the additional compensation
laborers for work done on Sundays and legal holidays, yet it must pay said additional for Sunday work should be included. The way to determine the daily rate of a
compensation by virtue of the contractual obligation it assumed under the collective monthly employee is to divide the monthly salary by the actual number of working
bargaining agreement. hours in the month. Thus, according to respondent court, Section 8 (g) of Republic
Act No. 1161, as amended by Republic Act 1792, provides that the daily rate of
Since, there is a bargaining agreement between the Petitioner and the Respondent, compensation is the total regular compensation for the customary number of hours
Petitioner will have to pay compensation on Sundays and legal holidays, for the worked each day. In other words, according to respondent court, the correct
circumstance is also included in Article 93, paragraph d of the Labor Code. computation shall be (a) the monthly salary divided by the actual of working hours in
a month or (b) the regular monthly compensation divided by the number of working
Facts: Petitioner National Waterworks & Sewerage Authority is a government-owned days in a month.
and controlled corporation created under Republic Act No. 1383, while respondent
NWSA Consolidated Unions are various labor organizations composed of laborers d.) How should the collection bargaining agreement of December 28, 1956 and
and employees of the NAWASA. The other respondents are intervenors Jesus Resolution No. 29, series of 1957 of the Grievance Committee be interpreted
Centeno, et al., hereinafter referred to as intervenors. and construed insofar as the stipulations therein contained relative to "distress
pay" is concerned. Paragraph 3, Article VIII, of the collective bargaining agreement
entered into between the employer and respondent unions, provides:
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020

Because of the peculiar nature of the function of those employees and laborers of the
Sewerage Division who actually work in the sewerage chambers, causing "unusual Where, however, the choice of the employee as to his rest day based on
distress" to them, they shall receive extra compensation equivalent to twenty-five religious grounds will inevitably result in serious prejudice or obstruction to the
(25%) of their basic wage. operations of the undertaking and the employer cannot normally be expected to
resort to other remedial measures, the employer may so schedule the weekly
Petitioner contends that the distress pay should be given only to those who actually rest day of his choice for at least two (2) days in a month.
work inside the sewerage chambers while the union maintains that such pay should
be given to all those whose work have to do with the sewerage chambers, whether For every six consecutive working days (working week), the employee is
inside or outside. The Court of Industrial Relations sustained the latter view holding entitled to a rest period or rest day of not less than 24 hours. Rest is at least
that the distress pay should be given to those who actually work in and outside the in 24 hours, no work is given to you.
sewerage chambers, and by sewerage chambers should be understood to mean as
the surroundings where the work is actually done, not necessarily inside the General Rule: Employees’ preference must be respected by the employer if it is
sewerage chambers. based on religious grounds but take note of the exception mentioned under the
implementing rules.
It is clear then that all the laborers whether of the sewerage division or not
assigned to work in and outside the sewerage chambers and suffer in unusual Exception: If it causes obstruction to the operation, rest day can be scheduled at
distress because of the nature of their work are entitled to the extra compensatory. least 2 days in a month in accordance with the preference of the employee.

The basis of overtime is you rendered work more than 8 hours in one working day. When it comes to health personnel (San Juan De Dios v. NLRC) in a hospital with
So, if you exceeded the 8 hours, you are entitled for an overtime pay regardless of 110-bed capacity, you have 5 continuous days of work. When you work on the 6th
your work effort or working hours previous to such day or thereafter. day, you will get a premium of 30%. This is based on Article 83 of the Labor Code.

If a worker incurs undertime hours, then his undertime hour should not be Blue Sunday Law where the rest day was on Sundays. (No longer applicable)
offset against the overtime hours. So, what will happen? The employee will not With the repeal of Blue Sunday Law, Sunday is no longer the designated rest day.
be paid for the hours that he did not work during the day and with regard to his
overtime work, he will be entitled for an overtime pay. Is it allowed for an employee to waive her right to additional compensation
for rest day? An express waiver of compensation for work is not valid. Therefore,
They are separate and distinct. It is very clear under Article 88. it does not bar claims for extra compensation. Article 91 in connection with related
Implementing Rules.

SUMMARY Article 92. When employer may require work on a rest day. The employer
may require his employees to work on any day:

Regular Working Day 8 hours a) In case of actual or impending emergencies caused by serious
accident, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other disaster
Overtime Work Entitled to an additional 25% or calamity to prevent loss of life and property, or imminent danger
to public safety;
Night Shift Additional 10% of regular wage b) In cases of urgent work to be performed on the machinery,
equipment, or installation, to avoid serious loss which the employer
Worked more than 8 hours during a Additional 10% for every hour plus 25% would otherwise suffer;
Night Shift for overtime pay c) In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to special
circumstances, where the employer cannot ordinarily be expected to
resort to other measures;
d) To prevent loss or damage to perishable goods;
Article 91. Right to weekly rest day. e) Where the nature of the work requires continuous operations and the
stoppage of work may result in irreparable injury or loss to the
It shall be the duty of every employer, whether operating for profit or not, to provide employer; and
each of his employees a rest period of not less than twenty-four (24) consecutive f) Under other circumstances analogous or similar to the foregoing as
hours after every six (6) consecutive normal work days. determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.

The employer shall determine and schedule the weekly rest day of his employees
subject to collective bargaining agreement and to such rules and regulations as
the Secretary of Labor and Employment may provide. However, the employer IRR Book III Rule III Weekly Rest Periods
shall respect the preference of employees as to their weekly rest day when such
preference is based on religious grounds. Section 6. When work on rest day authorized. — An employer may require any
of his employees to work on his scheduled rest day for the duration of the following
emergencies and exceptional conditions:

IRR Book III Rule III Weekly Rest Periods (a) In case of actual or impending emergencies caused by serious accident, fire,
flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other disaster or calamity, to prevent loss
Section 1. General statement on coverage. — This Rule shall apply to all of life or property, or in cases of force majeure or imminent danger to public safety;
employers whether operating for profit or not, including public utilities operated
by private persons. (b) In case of urgent work to be performed on machineries, equipment or
installations to avoid serious loss which the employer would otherwise suffer;
Section 4. Preference of employee. — The preference of the employee as to
his weekly day of rest shall be respected by the employer if the same is based (c) In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to special circumstances, where
on religious grounds. The employee shall make known his preference to the the employer cannot ordinarily be expected to resort to other measures;
employer in writing at least seven (7) days before the desired effectivity of the
initial rest day so preferred. (d) To prevent serious loss of perishable goods;

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
(e) Where the nature of the work is such that the employees have to work During the Special Non-working days, the no work, no pay principle applies. If they
continuously for seven (7) days in a week or more, as in the case of the crew do not report for work, they will not receive pay for these days. There are also local
members of a vessel to complete a voyage and in other similar cases; and non-working days.
(f) When the work is necessary to avail of favorable weather or environmental Under Paragraph (a), the employee works on a rest day, to which he is entitled to a
conditions where performance or quality of work is dependent thereon. premium pay, which is an additional 30 percent of his regular daily wage. In other
words, he will be compensated for 130% of his daily wage. In an 8-hour work where
No employee shall be required against his will to work on his scheduled rest he earns a daily wage of ₱ 400.00, when he works on a rest day, then he shall receive
day except under circumstances provided in this Section: Provided, However, that 130% of ₱ 400.00 (which shall be ₱ 520.00).
where an employee volunteers to work on his rest day under other circumstances,
he shall express such desire in writing, subject to the provisions of Section 7 When it will be asked in the bar, or if I will ask in the exam, the question will not state
hereof regarding additional compensation. the minimum wage because it differs in every region. What you shall remember is
that it will be 130% of the daily wage, or 100% of daily wage plus 30% additional
- Take note that e and f are not included under Article 92. They still fall based on his daily wage.
under analogous circumstances.
- He is entitled to additional compensation even if it is voluntary. For the scenario under Paragraph (b), the employee has no rest day and he is entitled
- to an additional compensation of 30% for work rendered on Sundays and holidays.

What is the effect when an employee works on his rest day? The employee is Who are covered under this scenario? An example would be security guards. They
entitled to an additional rate 30% of his daily wage. do not have fixed rest days. If they work on a Sunday or holiday, the Sunday will be
presumed as their rest day and if they work on that Sunday, then he is eligible to
If he works for 8 hours, that should be 130% of his daily wage. No employee shall be receive the additional premium of at least 30 percent of his regular wage.
required against his will to work on his scheduled rest day, except for those reasons
mentioned in Article 92 and the Implementing Rules of the Labor Code. Under Paragraph (c), work is performed on a special non-working holiday. Take note
that we have regular holidays and special non- working holidays.
In case work on rest day is required but is not based on one of those grounds
mentioned by the Labor Code, the employee may work on voluntary basis. You If work is performed on a special non-working holiday under Paragraph (c), then the
cannot force an employee to go to work. You cannot make that as a ground for employee shall be entitled to an additional pay of at least 30 percent of his regular
suspension or dismissal if the employee refuses to work on a rest day and the daily wage.
circumstances do not fall under Article 92.
However, if that special non-working holiday falls on the rest day of the
Even if the work rendered on a rest day is either voluntary or under Article 92, the employee, his additional compensation is at least 50% of his daily wage.
employee shall be paid the additional compensation. If an employee agrees to
voluntary work on a rest day, such agreement must be made in writing, unless Take note: Do not confuse special non-working holidays with special working
otherwise provided for by the Implementing Rules. holidays. In the latter, there is no additional compensation.

When an employee works on a special working holiday, he shall only be entitled to

his regular daily wage. No premium shall be paid since it is considered an ordinary
Article 93. Compensation for rest day, Sunday or holiday work. working day.

a) Where an employee is made or permitted to work on his scheduled rest For Paragraph (d), if there is a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), that would
day, he shall be paid an additional compensation of at least thirty be the applicable rate, provided that it is higher than the premium pay as provided
percent (30%) of his regular wage. An employee shall be entitled to under Article 93 of the Labor Code.
such additional compensation for work performed on Sunday only
when it is his established rest day.

b) When the nature of the work of the employee is such that he has no Article 94. Right to holiday pay.
regular workdays and no regular rest days can be scheduled, he
shall be paid an additional compensation of at least thirty percent a) Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during regular
(30%) of his regular wage for work performed on Sundays and holidays, except in retail and service establishments regularly
holidays. employing less than ten (10) workers;
b) The employer may require an employee to work on any holiday but
- Example: security guards, if they work everyday, then such employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to twice his
Sunday shall be his presumed rest day. regular rate; and
c) As used in this Article, "holiday" includes: New Year’s Day, Maundy
c) Work performed on any special holiday shall be paid an additional Thursday, Good Friday, the ninth of April, the first of May, the twelfth
compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) of the regular wage of the of June, the fourth of July (no longer applicable), the thirtieth of
employee. Where such holiday work falls on the employee’s scheduled November, the twenty-fifth and thirtieth of December and the day
rest day, he shall be entitled to an additional compensation of at least designated by law for holding a general election.
fifty percent (50%) of his regular wage.

d) Where the collective bargaining agreement or other applicable

Take note of the paragraph a. It is very clear that if the employer is engaged in retail
employment contract stipulates the payment of a higher premium pay
and service and has less than 10 employees, even if the employee works during a
than that prescribed under this Article, the employer shall pay such
regular holiday, the employee shall not be entitled to holiday pay.
higher rate.

IRR Book III Rule IV Holidays with Pay

SPECIAL NON-WORKING DAYS (as what may be proclaimed by the Office of the
President or Congress without prejudice to the CBA)
SECTION 4. Compensation for holiday work. — Any employee who is permitted
or suffered to work on any regular holiday, not exceeding eight (8) hours, shall be
August 21 - Ninoy Aquino Day
paid at least two hundred percent (200%) of his regular daily wage. If the holiday
November 2 - All Saints Day
work falls on the scheduled rest day of the employee, he shall be entitled to an
December 8 - Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion
additional premium pay of at least 30% of his regular holiday rate of 200% based
December 31 - Last day of the year
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
on his regular wage rate. Compensable even if unworked Not compensable if unworked
subject to certain conditions
12 Regular Holidays: Important to memorize these
Limited to the list enumeration Not exclusive since a law or
REGULAR HOLIDAYS ordinance may provide other special
(As amended by RA 9849) holidays

New Year’s Day 1 January Rate is 200% of the regular rate if Rate is 130% of the regular wage if
Maundy Thursday Movable Date worked, 260% if it falls on a rest day worked, 150% if it falls on a rest day
Good Friday Movable Date
Araw ng Kagitingan 9 April
Labor Day 1 May IRR Book III Rule IV Holidays with Pay
Independence Day 12 June
National Heroes Day Last Monday of August Section 5. Overtime pay for holiday work. — For work performed in excess of
Eidl-Fitr Movable Date eight hours on a regular holiday, an employee shall be paid an additional
Edil Adha Movable Date compensation for the overtime work equivalent to his rate for the first eight hours
Bonifacio Day 30 November on such holiday work plus at least 30% thereof.
Christmas Day 25 December
Rizal Day 30 December Where the regular holiday work exceeding eight hours falls on the scheduled rest
day of the employee, he shall be paid an additional compensation for the overtime
work equivalent to his regular holiday-rest day for the first 8 hours plus 30%
PURPOSE: To prevent the diminution of the monthly income earned by an employee
thereof. The regular holiday rest day rate of an employee shall consist of 200% of
on account of interruptions. They are entitled to be paid on that day even if they did
his regular daily wage rate plus 30% thereof.
not report to work and must be duly compensated.

The worker is forced not to work because of a celebration but he should not be
deprived of what he should have earned. IRR Book III Rule IV Holidays with Pay

He is entitled to the 100% regular holiday pay + COLA. Section 6. Absences. —

Article 94 is based on the fact that the workers are forced to take a rest but he is not (a) All covered employees shall be entitled to the benefit provided herein when
deprived of what they should have earned on the said regular holiday. they are on leave of absence with pay. Employees who are on leave of absence
without pay on the day immediately preceding a regular holiday may not be paid
It is important to remember what are treated as regular or special holidays because the required holiday pay if he has not worked on such regular holiday.
of the difference in premium pay.
(b) Employees shall grant the same percentage of the holiday pay as the benefit
granted by competent authority in the form of employee's compensation or social
HOW TO COMPUTE WAGES ON HOLIDAYS security payment, whichever is higher, if they are not reporting for work while on
such benefits.

REGULAR HOLIDAYS SPECIAL HOLIDAYS (c) Where the day immediately preceding the holiday is a non-working day in the
establishment or the scheduled rest day of the employee, he shall not be
If it is the employee’s regular work If unworked - No pay, unless there is a deemed to be on leave of absence on that day, in which case he shall be entitled
day: favorable company policy or CBA to the holiday pay if he worked on the day immediately preceding the non-working
granting payment of wages on day or rest day.
If unworked - 100% special days if unworked

If worked - If worked - DOUBLE HOLIDAY

1st 8 hours - 200% 1st 8 hours - plus 30% of the daily rate
Excess of 8 hours - plus 30% of of 100% If double holiday (2 Regular Holidays on the same day) (e.g Araw ng Kagitingan
hourly rate on said day Excess of 8 hours - plus 30% of falls on Good Friday/Maundy Thursday):
hourly rate on said day
If it is the employee’s rest day: ● If the employee does not report for work, entitled to 200% of his basic
If falling on an employee’s rest day and wage (100% each of the holiday). If the employee is paid for only 1 holiday,
If unworked - 100% if worked - it would constitute a diminution of salary, from 12 paid holidays it will only
1st 8 hours - plus 50% of the daily rate be 11 paid holidays
If worked - of 100%
1st 8 hours - plus 30% of 200% Excess of 8 hours - plus 30% of hourly ● If the employee reports for work, entitled to 300% (100% each of the
Excess of 8 hours - plus 30% of rate on said day holiday plus 100% regular work)
hourly rate on said day
● If the employee reports for work but on his rest day, entitled to an
We are referring to employees who are additional 30% for each 100% wage so 390% (100% each of the holiday
paid on a monthly basis, not on per day plus 100% regular work).
(no work, no pay)
For monthly paid employees, if the monthly salaries are computed using factors which
The employee should not have been already constituted the payment for the 12 legal holidays, no additional payment is
absent without pay on the working day given.
preceding the regular holiday.
For work rendered on a legal holiday, an additional compensation of 100% of the
When the holiday falls on a Sunday and regular salary shall be paid to the employees.
the following Monday is not a holiday,
you have to consider if the employee What if the employee is daily paid? If he is considered as a regular employee, he
rendered work on a Sunday or not. will still be entitled to the holiday pays even if these are not worked. If he works, he
is entitled to 200% and 300% if it falls on a double holiday.

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
That is why it is very important to determine the status of the employee.
be entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days with pay.
TWO SUCCESSIVE REGULAR HOLIDAYS b) This provision shall not apply to those who are already enjoying the
benefit herein provided, those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at
An employee decides to take a vacation. An employee may not be paid for the least five days and those employed in establishments regularly
successive holidays if he does not report for work on the day immediately preceding employing less than ten employees or in establishments exempted
the first holiday. Unless he works on the first holiday. In the latter case, he will be from granting this benefit by the Secretary of Labor and Employment
entitled to his regular wage on the first holiday plus the holiday pay and holiday pay after considering the viability or financial condition of such
on the second holiday. establishment.
c) The grant of benefit in excess of that provided herein shall not be
Rationale: The law does not want the employees to decide just when they want to made a subject of arbitration or any court or administrative action.
report for work as this might compromise the work schedule and operation of the
Every employee who has rendered at least one year of service is entitled to a
IRR Book III Rule IV Holidays with Pay yearly service incentive leave of 5 days with pay. (12 months whether continuous
or broken)
Section 8. Holiday pay of certain employees. — - you only need to proove that you worked atleast 1 year
- The employer has then the burden of proof that it gave the entitlement
(a) Private school teachers, including faculty members of colleges and
universities, may not be paid for the regular holidays during semestral Are part-time workers subject to incentive leave? YES. They are entitled to the
vacations. They shall, however, be paid for the regular holidays during Christmas full benefits of the 5-day service incentive leave, not pro rata.
Are piece rate workers subject to incentive leave? NO.
(b) Where a covered employee, is paid by results or output, such as payment on
piece work, his holiday pay shall not be less than his average daily earnings for When the employer claims that he is not obligated to pay service incentive leave
the last seven (7) actual working days preceding the regular holiday; Provided, to his employees, he has the burden of proof to show why he is exempted from this
However, that in no case shall the holiday pay be less than the applicable statutory provision. He could prove that he has less than 10 employees. If he fails to show
minimum wage rate. such proof, then he will be deemed covered by Article 95.

(c) Seasonal workers may not be paid the required holiday pay during off-season Presumption: Employees are entitled to service incentive leave.
when they are not at work. If the employer alleges otherwise, he has the burden of proof.

(d) Workers who have no regular working days shall be entitled to the benefits COMMUTATION OF SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE
provided in this Rule.
It shall be commutable to its money equivalent if it is not used or exhausted at the
end of the year. The basis of conversion shall be the salary rate at the date of
Remember what we have discussed under Article 82 of the Labor Code as to who commutation. The use of the commutation of the service incentive leave may be
are considered covered employees for conditions of employment (Article 82 to 96). on a pro rata basis.
With regard to holiday pay, field personnel are not covered. The actual works in the
field must be ascertained. Pro rata: He has worked for more than a year but less than two years, his service
incentive leave for the second year will be pro rata.
What about part-timer? They are still entitled to holiday pay but since they only work
part-time, their holiday pay is also only partial. The amount of holiday pay of a part- Domestic Workers: They are entitled to service incentive leave but need not be
timer is to be determined on a case to case basis wherein you have to consider which converted to cash as it can be carried over to succeeding years.
of the following yields the highest amount:
1. Based on his regular wage per day; or
2. Based on his basic wage on the working day immediately preceding the There is no provision in the Labor Code which mandates the employer to give
holiday, if the employee is present or on leave with pay on the last working vacation or sick leave. These are voluntary in nature. The employee has the burden
day immediately prior to the holiday; or of proof to prove entitlement to vacation and sick leave benefits. You may present
3. The average of his basic wages for the last 7 working days for employees your contract or company policy or CBA.
paid by results; or
4. The basic wage on the particular holiday if worked. If the employer already grants vacation leave with pay, you cannot anymore
demand the service incentive leave pay.
IRR Book III Rule IV Holidays with Pay

Section 7. Temporary or periodic shutdown and temporary cessation of IRR Book III Rule V Service Incentive Leave
work. —
Section 1. Coverage. — This rule shall apply to all employees except:
(a) In cases of temporary or periodic shutdown and temporary cessation of
work of an establishment, as when a yearly inventory or when the repair or (a) Those of the government and any of its political subdivisions, including
cleaning of machineries and equipment is undertaken, the regular holidays falling government-owned and controlled corporations;
within the period shall be compensated in accordance with this Rule.
(b) Domestic helpers and persons in the personal service of another;
(b) The regular holiday during the cessation of operation of an enterprise due to
business reverses as authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Employment may (c) Managerial employees as defined in Book Three of this Code;
not be paid by the employer.
(d) Field personnel and other employees whose performance is unsupervised by
the employer including those who are engaged on task or contract basis, purely
commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed amount for performing work
Article 95. Right to service incentive leave. MANDATORY irrespective of the time consumed in the performance thereof;

a) Every employee who has rendered at least one year of service shall (e) Those who are already enjoying the benefit herein provided;

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RULING: NO. Section 2, Rule IV, Book III of the implementing rules and Policy
(f) Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least five days; and Instruction No. 9 issued by the then Secretary of Labor are null and void since in
the guise of clarifying the Labor Code's provisions on holiday pay, they in effect
(g) Those employed in establishments regularly employing less than ten amended them by enlarging the scope of their exclusion.
It is clear that monthly paid employees are not excluded from the benefits of
Section 2. Right to service incentive leave. — Every employee who has holiday pay. However, the implementing rules on holiday pay promulgated by the
rendered at least one year of service shall be entitled to a yearly service incentive then Secretary of Labor excludes monthly paid employees from the said benefits
leave of five days with pay. by inserting, under Rule IV, Book Ill of the implementing rules, Section 2, which
provides that:
Section 3. Definition of certain terms. — The term "at least one-year service"
shall mean service for not less than 12 months, whether continuous or broken "employees who are uniformly paid by the month, irrespective of the number of
reckoned from the date the employee started working, including authorized working days therein, with a salary of not less than the statutory or established
absences and paid regular holidays unless the working days in the establishment minimum wage shall be presumed to be paid for all days in the month whether
as a matter of practice or policy, or that provided in the employment contract is worked or not.”
less than 12 months, in which case said period shall be considered as one year.
In the case at bar, the provisions of the Labor Code on the entitlement to the
Section 4. Accrual of benefit. — Entitlement to the benefit provided in this Rule benefits of holiday pay are clear and explicit – it provides for both the coverage
shall start December 16, 1975, the date the amendatory provision of the Code of and exclusion from the benefits.
took effect.
In Policy Instruction No. 9, the then Secretary of Labor went as far as to
Section 5. Treatment of benefit. — The service incentive leave shall be categorically state that the benefit is principally intended for daily paid
commutable to its money equivalent if not used or exhausted at the end of the employees, when the law clearly states that every worker shall be paid their
year. regular holiday pay. This is a flagrant violation of the mandatory directive of
Article 4 of the Labor Code, which states that "All doubts in the implementation
Section 6. Relation to agreements. — Nothing in the Rule shall justify an and interpretation of the provisions of this Code, including its implementing rules
employer from withdrawing or reducing any benefits, supplements or payments as and regulations, shall be resolved in favor of labor.”
provided in existing individual or collective agreements or employer's practices or
policies. Discussion: Policy Instruction Number 9 that was also mentioned in the case of
Mantrade and Chartered Bank in which the Supreme Court held that Section 2,
REGULAR HOLIDAYS Rule IV, Book III of the implementing rules and Policy Instruction No. 9 issued by
the then Secretary of Labor are null and void since in the guise of clarifying the
Insular v. Inciong Labor Code's provisions on holiday pay, they in effect amended it differed from
what is provided in the Labor Code by enlarging the scope of their exclusion.
FACTS: On June 20, 1975, Insular Bankof Asia and America Employees Union
(IBAAEU) filed a complaint against the Insular Bankof Asia and America for the In this case, it is clear that monthly paid employees are not excluded from
payment of holiday pay. On August 25, 1975, Labor Arbiter granted the petitioner's the benefits of holiday pay contrary to the findings of the Ministry of Labor.
complaint for payment of holiday pay.
In the case of Chartered Bank, since the private respondents premise its action
On December 16, 1975, Presidential Decree No. 850 was promulgated amending, on the invalidated rule and policy instruction that was mentioned in the case of
among others, the provisions of the Labor Code on the right to holiday pay. Insular, the employees belonging to the petitioner association are entitled to the
legal holiday pay. Also, the divisor assumes an important role determining
On February 16, 1976, by authority of Article 5 of the same Code, the Department of whether or not the holiday pay is included in the computation over the monthly
Labor (now Ministry of Labor) promulgated the rules and regulations for the paid employee’s daily salary rate.
implementation of holidays with pay.
In computing the compensation for its employees, the divisor they used was 251
On April 23, 1976, Policy Instruction No. 9 was issued by the then Secretary of with regard to the overtime pay, the basis using that divisor was the deduction of
Labor (now Minister) interpreting the above-quoted rule, pertinent portions of which the Sundays and Saturday and the 10 legal holidays from the 365 days.
The higher the divisor, the smaller daily wage on the part of the employee. It is
The ten (10) paid legal holidays law, to start with, is intended to benefit better to determine whether or not if it satisfies the minimum wage limit.
principally daily employees. In the case of monthly, only those whose
monthly salary did not yet include payment for the ten (10) paid legal It will also determine whether or not if the regular holiday pay is included in the
holidays are entitled to the benefit. monthly wage.

Under the rules implementing P.D. 850, this policy has been fully clarified to Essentially when you say payment of entitlement to the payment of a holiday
eliminate controversies on the entitlement of monthly paid employees. pay, it is easier to compute if employees are paid in a daily rate; if monthly rate,
The new determining rule is this: compute that by monthly rate x 12 divide it by the number of days.

If the monthly paid employee is receiving not less than P240, the maximum EXAMPLE: If they only work for 5 days a week (Sun and Sat not included so
monthly minimum wage, and his monthly pay is uniform from January to deduct 104 days: 52 Sundays plus 52 Saturdays), do not include the legal
December, he is presumed to be already paid the ten (10) paid legal holidays since they are entitled to such.
[Monthly Rate x 12 mo. / (365-104)] = Daily Rate
However, if deductions are made from his monthly salary on account of
holidays in months where they occur, then he is still entitled to the ten (10) The quotient should not be less than the minimum daily wage.
paid legal holidays. ..." (emphasis supplied).
Since they are using 251 (365 days - 104 Sundays and Saturdays – 10 Legal
Insular Bankof Asia and America by reason of the ruling laid down by the Holidays). Regular holidays here are excluded.
aforecited rule implementing Article 94 of the Labor Code and by Policy
Instruction No. 9, stopped the payment of holiday pay to its employees. Same issue in Mantrade vs Bacungan, Policy instruction No. 9, “while additional
exclusion is only in the form of a presumption that all monthly paid employees
ISSUE: W/N Policy Instruction No. 9 was valid. IT WAS NULL AND VOID. have already been paid holiday pay, it constitutes a taking away or a deprivation
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which must be in the law if it is to be valid. An administrative interpretation which (b) personnel on daily basis who are paid on actual days worked and they receive
diminishes the benefits of labor more than what the statute delimits or withholds unworked holiday pay and
is obviously ultra vires.”
(c) collegiate faculty who are paid on the basis of student contract hour.
DISCUSSION : The law clearly states that every worker shall be paid their
regular holiday pay. Monthly paid workers are not excluded. Before the start of the semester they sign contracts with the college undertaking to
- section 8 of the IRR (take note) meet their classes as per schedule. Unable to receive their corresponding holiday
- pay, as claimed, from 1975 to 1977, private respondent National Alliance of Teachers
and Office Workers (NATOW) in behalf of the faculty and personnel of Jose Rizal
Far East v. Lebatique College filed with the Ministry of Labor a complaint against the college for said alleged
non-payment of holiday pay, docketed as Case No. RO4-10-81-72.
FACTS: Far East Agricultural Supply, Inc. hired Jimmy Lebatique as his
company driver. His main task is to deliver animal feeds to the company’s clients. He ISSUE: Whether or not the school faculty who according to their contracts are paid
was hired in 1996. Sometime in 2000, he complained of non-payment of overtime per lecture hour are entitled to unworked holiday pay. No payment for REGULAR
pay. HOLIDAY but with payment for Special Holidays or for other reasons that
classes are suspended or shortened.
He was suspended on the alleged illegal use of company vehicle. Even so, he
reported the next day but he was prohibited to enter the company premises. RULING: Labor Arbiter Julio Andres, Jr. found that faculty and personnel employed
Eventually, he was terminated by telling him that he needs to look for another job by by JRC who are paid their salaries monthly, are uniformly paid throughout the school
the General Manager of the company. He, then, filed a complaint for illegal dismissal year regardless of working days, hence their holiday pay are included therein while
and nonpayment of overtime pay, service incentive leave and other pay. the daily paid employees are remunerated for work performed during holidays per
affidavit of JRC's treasurer.
The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of Lebatique. However, it was reversed by the NLRC
saying that there is no dismissal to speak of since he was only suspended and that it There appears to be no problem therefore as to the first two classes or categories of
found out that he is a field personnel. However, upon appeal on the CA, it ruled in JRC's workers.
favor of Lebatique.
The problem, however, lies with its faculty members, who are paid on an hourly
ISSUE: basis, for while the Labor Arbiter sustains the view that said instructors and
a) Whether or not Lebatique was illegally dismissed. YES professors are not entitled to holiday pay, his decision was modified by the National
b) Whether or not Lebatique was a field personnel. NO, HE WAS A Labor Relations Commission holding the contrary. Otherwise stated, on appeal the
REGULAR EMPLOYEE. He was under the control and supervision of Far NLRC ruled that teaching personnel paid by the hour are declared to be entitled to
East. holiday pay.

HELD: Under [Article 94(a) and (b) of the Labor Code, and the Omnibus Rules, Book III,
a) The Court ruled that yes, he was illegally dismissed. According to the Rule IV, Section 8], apparently, the JRC, although a non-profit institution is under
petitioner he abandoned his work and it was a valid ground for dismissal. obligation to give pay even on unworked regular holidays to hourly paid faculty
members subject to the terms and conditions provided for therein.
However, according to the Court, Lebatique did not abandon his work; he
was illegally dismissed and it is upon the petitioner to prove the valid We believe that the aforementioned implementing rule is not justified by the
dismissal that he abandoned his work. The Court said that there was no provisions of the law which after all is silent with respect to faculty members paid
abandonment of work since the mere proof of filing a complaint is already by the hour who because of their teaching contracts are obliged to work and consent
enough to say that there was no intent to abandon his work. to be paid only for work actually done (except when an emergency or a fortuitous
b) No, he is not a field personnel and therefore, entitled to the payment of event or a national need calls for the declaration of special holidays).
service incentive leave.
Regular holidays specified as such by law are known to both school and faculty
NOTE: It is important to determine whether or not he is a field personnel because if members as "no class days;" certainly the latter do not expect payment for said
he is a field personnel, he is not entitled to the benefits – payment of overtime and unworked days, and this was clearly in their minds when they entered into the
service incentive leave. teaching contracts.

Why can’t he be considered a field personnel? He is a driver; he’s out in the field On the other hand, both the law and the Implementing Rules governing holiday
driving. According to the Court, a) Lebatique is directed to deliver the goods on pay are silent as to payment on Special Public Holidays.
specified time of days and also, b) he is not given the discretion to select and contract
with clients. Further, c) Far East issued a directive that company drivers should stay It is readily apparent that the declared purpose of the holiday pay which is the
in the client’s premises during truck ban hours from 5PM to 9AM and from 9AM to prevention of diminution of the monthly income of the employees on account of work
5PM. In other words, during working hours, he is under the control and supervision interruptions is defeated when a regular class day is cancelled on account of a special
of the employer. Therefore, that is not the field personnel considered to be exempted public holiday and class hours are held on another working day to make up for time
from these benefits – overtime pay and service incentive leave pay. lost in the school calendar.

Take note of the coverage under Article 82 and, this applies to the provisions from Otherwise stated, the faculty member, although forced to take a rest, does not earn
Article 83 up to Article 96. Service incentive leave is included there. what he should earn on that day. Be it noted that when a special public holiday is
declared, the faculty member paid by the hour is deprived of expected income, and it
Take note that for every benefit, take note who is entitled and who is not entitled as does not matter that the school calendar is extended in view of the days or hours lost,
provided by law. for their income that could be earned from other sources is lost during the extended
Jose Rizal College v. NLRC
Similarly, when classes are called off or shortened on account of typhoons, floods,
FACTS: JRC is a non-stock, non-profit educational institution duly organized and rallies, and the like, these faculty members must likewise be paid, whether or not
existing under the laws of the Philippines. It has three groups of employees extensions are ordered.
categorized as follows:
(a) personnel on monthly basis, who receive their monthly salary uniformly throughout
the year, irrespective of the actual number of working days in a month without a) Exempting JRC from paying hourly paid faculty members their pay for
deduction for holidays; regular holidays, whether the same be during the regular semesters of the
school year or during semestral, Christmas, or Holy Week vacations;
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
There is no question that Wellington complied with the minimum norm laid down
b) Ordering JRC to pay said faculty members their regular hourly rate on by the law – by paying its employees "a salary of not less than the statutory or
days declared as special holidays or for some reason classes are called established minimum wage," and that the monthly salary thus paid was "not less than
off or shortened for the hours they are supposed to have taught, whether the statutory minimum wage multiplied by 365 days divided by twelve.”
extensions of class days be ordered or not; in case of extensions said
faculty members shall likewise be paid their hourly rates should they teach The monthly salary was fixed by Wellington to provide for compensation for every
during said extensions. working day of the year including the holidays specified by law — and excluding only
Sundays. The “314 factor” simply deducted 51 Sundays from the 365 days normally
Discussion comprising a year, and used the difference as basis for determining the monthly
Take note how the SC here distinguished regular holidays and its corresponding pay salary.
and special public holidays. This refers only to faculty paid by the hour, like us law
teachers. Essentially, no work, no pay. (Even if there is work sometimes, there is still The monthly salary thus fixed actually covers payment for 314 days of the year,
no pay. Making an exam is still work! But who’s counting?) including regular and special holidays, as well as days when no work is done by
reason of fortuitous cause, as above specified, or causes not attributable to the
In the instant case, those who are paid by the hour do not expect to work, and employees.
therefore, they are not to be paid, unless they can render work, like [in AdDU], when
there are make-up classes—MUCs are chargeable. Discussion
Was the factor used here proper? No. The Regional Director said that the factor
Also, take note here with regard to the rule that if there is no work due to a special used by Wellington did not take into consideration the other holidays that fall on a
public holiday, the treatment is not the same. In instances when classes are called Sunday. He ordered Wellington to pay additional working days in 1988, 1989 and
off or shortened on account of typhoons, floods, rallies, and even school activities, 1990 because in these years, the regular working holidays fell on a Sunday.
teachers expect that there are classes on such days if not for the fortuitous events.
Thus, they can charge for that. Again, this is only applicable for the faculty who are With regard to fixed monthly pay employees, you have to take note whether, indeed,
paid per hour. the regular pay is already embedded in such. You have to compute the whole
deducted monthly pay. Compute it by 12 but do not divide it by 365 because it means
Here, the teachers will be paid for the Christmas vacation as provided for in the IRR. that they worked for every year.
The case of JRC shall be controlling over the IRR with regard to regular holiday pay.
What happened here is that only the divisor that he used was 314 which merely
Wellington v. Trajano deducted the days that the employees did not work, including Sundays. However, it
did not include their regular holiday pay which they were not required to work but
FACTS: On 6 August 1991, a routine inspection was conducted by a Labor nevertheless, they are entitled to pay. The higher the divisor, the lower is their daily
Enforcement Office on Wellington Flour Mills, an establishment owned & operated by wage.
P Wellington Investment and Manufacturing Corporation. His report, with a copy
“explained to and received by” Wellington’s personnel manager, set forth the finding Compare 365 and 314, the difference is large but the SC said that it was not enough.
of “non-payment of regular holidays falling on a Sunday for monthly-paid You only included Sundays which were not worked. You should also include holidays
employees.” which they did not work even if it falls on a Sunday. You should treat them differently.

Wellington sought reconsideration, arguing that their monthly salaries already There is no provision of law requiring any employer to make such adjustments in the
includes holiday pay for all regular holidays, hence there is no legal basis for LEO’s monthly salary rate set by him to take account of legal holidays falling on Sundays in
finding. It pays its employees a fixed monthly compensation using the “314” a given year, because in fact, this is out of the control on the part of the employee.
factor, which undeniably covers and already includes payment for all the working
days in a month as well as the 10 unworked regular holidays within a year. As earlier mentioned, what the law requires of employers opting to pay by the month
is to assure that "the monthly minimum wage shall not be less than the statutory
The Regional Director ruled that “when a regular holiday falls on a Sunday, an extra minimum wage multiplied by 365 days divided by twelve," and to pay that salary "for
or additional working day is created and the employer has the obligation to pay the all days in the month whether worked or not," and "irrespective of the number of
employees for the extra day except the last Sunday of August since the payment for working days therein."
the said holiday is already included in the 314 factor,” and accordingly directed
Wellington to pay its employees compensation corresponding to four (4) extra That salary is due and payable regardless of the declaration of any special holiday in
working days. the entire country or a particular place therein, or any fortuitous cause precluding
work on any particular day or days (such as transportation strikes, riots, or typhoons
P filed an MR, pointing out that it was in effect being compelled to “shell out an or other natural calamities), or cause not imputable to the worker.
additional pay for an alleged extra working day” despite its complete payment of all
compensation lawfully due its workers, using the 314 factor. This was taken as an The SC ruled that if the holiday falls on a Sunday, that is beyond the control of the
appeal, and acted on by R Undersecretary Trajano. The latter held that the “divisor employee. Thus, you must account for all of these days not only Sundays but also
being used by P does not reliably reflect the actual working days in a year,” and regular holidays falling on a Sunday as provided by law.
demanded Wellington to pay the six additional working days resulting from regular
holidays falling on Sundays in 1988, 1989 and 1990. P’s reconsideration was denied. SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE : You can convert it into cash when unutilized

ISSUE: Whether or not a monthly-paid employee, receiving a fixed monthly Bonifacio Murillo v. Sun Valley Realty
compensation, is entitled to an additional pay aside from his usual holiday pay,
whenever a regular holiday falls on a Sunday. NO or YES? FACTS: Petitioners were employed in April 1967 as maintenance men tasked with
the upkeep of the roads and water system of the Sun Valley Subdivision. On January
HELD: The theory loses sight of the fact that the monthly salary in Wellington — 11, 1980, they were notified by the respondents that their contract was to be
which is based on the so-called "314 factor" — accounts for all 365 days of a year; terminated by January 31.
i.e., Wellington's "314 factor" leaves no day unaccounted for; it is paying for all the
days of a year with the exception only of 51 Sundays. Thus, on that day, they were terminated but the private respondent has not complied
with or filed any application for the clearance to terminate from the Ministry of Labor.
There is no provision of law requiring any employer to make such adjustments in the Therefore, on February, the next month, they filed for a complaint for illegal dismissal,
monthly salary rate set by him to take account of legal holidays falling on Sundays in and praying among others, the grant of emergency leave allowance and payment of
a given year, or, contrary to the legal provisions bearing on the point, otherwise to service incentive leave.
reckon a year at more than 365 days. Employers shall assure that employees get
their monthly rate. The Labor Arbiter ruled in their favor but this was reversed by the NLRC due to a
defect in their position paper. They contended that, among others, they were entitled
to these benefits.
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If the service charge will be abolished by the employer, the share of the employees
ISSUE: will be deemed integrated in their wages. With this amendment, the employer cannot
a) Whether or not they were illegally dismissed. YES claim that before they charged their customers with service charge but with this
b) Whether or not they are entitled to such service incentive leave. YES amendment, they will not charge a service charge. If it is abolished, considering that
the employees were entitled to 85% before, they will be deemed integrated with the
HELD: wages.
a) Yes. Under the rules, it requires that the clearance was to be secured by the
employer before one would shut down his business. There is no showing that the With regard to service charges, if the owner decides to continue, he must maintain
employer, here, applied for the clearance to shut down prior to the petitioner’s the average share of the establishment because that is the matter of the right of the
dismissal from work. The petitioners, here, were, in fact, illegally dismissed. employees.

b) Yes. The Court ruled that they are entitled to such pay because it was a general However, take note that service charge is not in the nature of profit share in favor
rule that the policy in the Labor Code is to include all establishments under the of the employees. It means that it cannot be deducted from wage. As long as it is
coverage in the provision granting such service incentive leave to workers. considered as service charge, the share distributed to the employees will not be
considered as part of their wages.
The employers, here, claims for the exception, citing Rule 5, Section 1 paragraph
10 (g) that those employed in establishments regularly employing less than 10 Once abolished, the share of the employees will be deemed integrated in their wages.
employees. They claim that they only have 6 employees and hence, covered by
the exception. General rule: Tips do not form part of the service charge.

However, such claim was not proven by them because as held by the SC, it was Exception: Where the establishment does not collect service charges but has a
incumbent upon them to prove that they belong to a class exempted by law from practice of pooling tips, it should be monitored and accounted for in the same manner
the general rule. Specifically, it was their duty and not of the employees that they as that of a service charge.
have less than 10 employees. Having failed to discharge this task, the employer
must be deemed covered by the general rule notwithstanding the failure of the
employees to allege the exact number of people. Hence, they are entitled to such IRR Book III Rule VI Service Charges
service incentive leave.
SECTION 1. Coverage. — This rule shall apply to all establishments collecting
It is not enough to allege that he has only 6 employees. What proof could be shown service charges such as hotels, restaurants, and other similar establishments,
to show that you have less than 10 employees? Payroll records where the including those entities operating primarily as private subsidiaries of the
employees sign when they receive their salary SSS records where the Government. (as amended)
employees are listed
SECTION 2. Definition of terms - x x x
a. Covered employees refer to all employees except managerial employees as
- The employer raised the defense that it was not obligated to pay the SIL defined herein under the direct employ of the covered establishment, regardless
to its employees. of their positions, designations or employment status, and irrespective of the
- Burden to show that the employer is exempted from the SIL rests upon method by which their wages are paid.
the employer. (Less than 10 employees in his establishment yo!)
c. Managerial employees refer to any person vested with power and prerogatives
to lay down and execute management policies or hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off,
Article 96, amended by RA 11360 (2019) recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees or to effectively recommend such
managerial actions.
Service charges. – All service charges collected by hotels, restaurants and
similar establishments shall be distributed completely and equally among the SECTION 3. Distribution of service charges. — All service charges collected
covered workers except managerial employees. by covered employers shall be distributed completely and equally, based on actual
hours or days of work or service rendered, among the covered employees,
In the event that the minimum wage is increased by law or wage order, service including those already receiving the benefit of sharing in the service charge.
charge paid to the covered employees shall not be considered in determining the
employer’s compliance with the increased minimum wage. SECTION 4. Frequency of distribution. — The shares referred to herein shall
be distributed and paid to the employees not less than once every two (2) weeks
To facilitate resolution of any dispute between the management and the or twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days.
employees on the distribution of service charges, a grievance mechanism is
established or if inadequate, the grievance shall be referred to the regional office SECTION 5. Integration of service charges. — In case the service charges is
of the Department of Labor and Employment which has jurisdiction over the abolished the share of covered employees shall be considered integrated in their
workplace for conciliation. wages. The basis of the amount to be integrated shall be the average monthly
share of each employee for the past twelve (12) months immediately preceding
For purposes of this Article, managerial employees refer to any person vested with the abolition of withdrawal of such charges.
powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies or hire,
transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall discharge, assign or discipline employees or to SECTION 6. Relation to agreements. — Nothing in this Rule shall prevent the
effectively reconcile such managerial actions. employer and his employees from entering into any agreement with terms more
favorable to the employees than those provided herein, or be used to diminish any
Old version: Article 96. Service charges. All service charges collected by hotels, benefit granted to the employees under existing laws, agreement and voluntary
restaurants and similar establishments shall be distributed at the rate of eighty- employer practice.
five percent (85%) for all covered employees and fifteen percent (15%) for
management. The share of the employees shall be equally distributed among Check Section 5 and 6 from Codals
them. In case the service charge is abolished, the share of the covered employees
shall be considered integrated in their wages. Tips and Service Charges are different. When you say tip, this is a reward to the
one who rendered you services. A recognition for their excellent service. Tip is not
Discussion compulsory. But for Service Charges, even if you don’t like the service, you need to
pay for it.
This law was approved on 7 August 2019 and the IRR was issued on 19 November

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
EXAMPLE: Bellboy, you give him tip but the tip is not the service charge included in employees a 13th month pay or its equivalent — whether out of pure generosity
the bill when you check out. Tips do not form part of the service charges mentioned or on the basis of a binding agreement and, in the latter ease, regardless of the
under Article 96. conditional character of the grant (such as making the payment dependent on profit),
so long as there is actual payment. Otherwise, what was conceived to be a 13th
Tip pocketing can be considered as a serious offense of dishonesty. month salary would in effect become a 14th or possibly 15th month pay.

EXCEPTION: If there is no Service Charge but there is Pooling of Tips, the employer The term "its equivalent" ... shall include Christmas bonus, mid-year bonus, profit-
and employee are not prohibited from implementing their own rules on how they will sharing payments and other cash bonuses amounting to not less than 1/12th of the
distribute the tips. In this case, not reporting the tip can be a ground for dishonesty. basic salary but shall not include cash and stock dividends, cost of living allowances
The Service Charge is not in the nature of a profit share. This must not be deducted and all other allowances regularly enjoyed by the employee, as well as non-monetary
from wage. It is not part of the wage. benefits. Where an employer pays less than 1/12th of the employee's basic salary,
the employer shall pay the difference."
13th MONTH PAY (PD 851) To require employers (already giving their employees a 13th month salary or its
19 December 1976 equivalent) to give a second 13th month pay would be unfair and productive of
undesirable results. To the employer who had acceded and is already bound to give
bonuses to his employees, the additional burden of a 13th month pay would amount
Section 1. All employers are hereby required to pay all their employees receiving to a penalty for his munificence or liberality. The probable reaction of one so
a basic salary of not more than P1,000 a month, regardless of the nature of their circumstance would be to withdraw the bonuses or resist further voluntary grants for
employment, a 13th-month pay not later than December 24 of every year. fear that if and when a law is passed giving the same benefits, his prior concessions
might not be given due credit; and this negative attitude would have an adverse
Section 2. Employers already paying their employees a 13th-month pay or its impact on the employees.
equivalent are not covered by this Decree.
Discussion: The issue was whether or not PD 851 obliges the employer to give its
workers a 13th month salary in addition to what they have been receiving (Christmas,
IRR of PD 851 milling, amelioration bonuses wherein their value already exceeds the disputed 13th
month pay).
Coverage: All employers are required to pay their rank and file employees 13th
month pay, regardless of the nature of their employment and irrespective of the Remember that when we talk of 13th month pay, it is in the nature of additional
methods by which their wages are paid, provided they worked for at least one (1) income granted to employees who are not receiving the same. Essentially to increase
month during a calendar year. The 13th month pay should be given to the employees the real wages of the workers.
not later than December 24 of every year.
We say that the 13th month is based on wage but it is not part of wage.

EMPLOYERS NOT COVERED BY PD 851 Framanlis v. Minister of Labor (GR No.72616-17, March 8, 1989)

1. The Government and any of its political subdivisions, including Held: With regard to the 13th month pay, petitioners admitted that they failed to pay
government-owned and controlled corporations, except those their workers 13th month pay in 1978 and 1979. However, they argued that they
corporations operating essentially as private subsidiaries of the substantially complied with the law by giving their workers a yearly bonus and other
Government. non-monetary benefits amounting to not less than 1/12th of their basic salary, in the
2. Employers already paying their employees 13-month pay or more in a form of:
calendar year of its equivalent at the time of this issuance.
3. Employers of those who are paid on purely commission, boundary, or 1. a weekly subsidy of choice pork meat for only P9.00 per kilo and later increased to
task basis, and those who are paid a fixed amount for performing a P11 per kilo in March 1980, instead of the market price of P10 to P15 per kilo;
specific work, irrespective of the time consumed in the performance
thereof, except where the workers are paid on piece-rate basis in which 2. free choice pork meat in May and December of every year; and
case the employer shall grant them 13th month pay. We refer to
workers paid a standard amount for every unit of used produced 3. free light or electricity.
without regard to the time spent producing the same.
4. all of which were allegedly "the equivalent" of the 13th month pay.
Unfortunately, under Section 3 of PD No. 851, such benefits in the form of food or
1. Casual workers free electricity, assuming they were given, were not a proper substitute for the 13th
2. Seasonal workers month pay required by law.

Neither may year-end rewards for loyalty and service be considered in lieu of 13th
month pay.
Computation of 13th Month Pay
Philippine Duplicators v. NLRC (GR No. 110068, February 15, 1995)
Total basic salary earning during the year / 12 months
= The Third Division in Duplicators found that:
PROPORTIONATE 13th month pay
In the instant case, there is no question that the sales commission earned by the
salesmen who make or close a sale of duplicating machines distributed by petitioner
What is the intention of the law?
corporation, constitute part of the compensation or remuneration paid to salesmen
for serving as salesmen, and hence as part of the "wage" or salary of petitioner's
National Federation v. Ovejera (GR No.L-59743, May 31, 1982)
salesmen. Indeed, it appears that petitioner pays its salesmen a small fixed or
guaranteed wage; the greater part of the salesmen's wages or salaries being
Held: The evident intention of the law, as revealed by the law itself, was to grant an
composed of the sales or incentive commissions earned on actual sales closed by
additional income in the form of a 13th month pay to employees not already
them. No doubt this particular salary structure was intended for the benefit of the
receiving the same. Otherwise put, the intention was to grant some relief — not to
petitioner corporation, on the apparent assumption that thereby its salesmen would
all workers — but only to the unfortunate ones not actually paid a 13th month salary
be moved to greater enterprise and diligence and close more sales in the expectation
or what amounts to it, by whatever name called; but it was not envisioned that a
of increasing their sales commissions. This, however, does not detract from the
double burden would be imposed on the employer already paying his
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
character of such commissions as part of the salary or wage paid to each of its Kamaya v. NLRC (GR No. 75289, August 31, 1989)
salesmen for rendering services to petitioner corporation.
x x x there is no law that mandates the payment of the 14th month pay. This is
In other words, the sales commissions received for every duplicating machine sold emphasized in the grant of exemption under Presidential Decree 851 (13th Month
constituted part of the basic compensation or remuneration of the salesmen of Pay Law) which states: "Employers already paying their employees a 13th month pay
Philippine Duplicators for doing their job. The portion of the salary structure or its equivalent are not covered by this Decree." Necessarily then, only the 13th
representing commissions simply comprised an automatic increment to the monetary month pay is mandated. Having enjoyed the additional income in the form of the 13th
value initially assigned to each unit of work rendered by a salesman. month pay, private respondents' insistence on the 14th month pay for 1982 is already
an unwarranted expansion of the liberality of the law.
These commissions are not overtime payments, nor profit-sharing payments nor any
other fringe benefit. Thus, the salesmen's commissions, comprising a predetermined Also contractually, as gleaned from the collective bargaining agreement between
percent of the selling price of the goods sold by each salesman, were properly management and the union, there is no stipulation as to such extra remuneration.
included in the term "basic salary" for purposes of computing their 13th month pay. Evidently, this omission is an acknowledgment that such benefit is entirely contingent
or dependent on the profitability of the company's operations.
In Boie-Takeda the so-called commissions "paid to or received by medical
representatives of Boie-Takeda Chemicals or by the rank and file employees of Verily, a 14th month pay is a misnomer because it is basically a bonus and, therefore,
Philippine Fuji Xerox Co.," were excluded from the term "basic salary" because these gratuitous in nature. The granting of the 14th month pay is a management prerogative
were paid to the medical representatives and rank-and-file employees as which cannot be forced upon the employer. It is something given in addition to what
"productivity bonuses." The Second Division characterized these payments as is ordinarily received by or strictly due the recipient. It is a gratuity to which the
additional monetary benefits not properly included in the term "basic salary" in recipient has no right to make a demand. 7
computing their 13th month pay. We note that productivity bonuses are generally tied
to the productivity, or capacity for revenue production, of a corporation; such bonuses This Court is not prepared to compel petitioner to grant the 14th month pay solely
closely resemble profit-sharing payments and have no clear director necessary because it has allegedly ripened into a company practice" as the labor arbiter has put
relation to the amount of work actually done by each individual employee. More it. Having lost its catering business derived from Libyan students, Kamaya Hotel
generally, a bonus is an amount granted and paid ex gratia to the employee; its should not be penalized for its previous liberality.
payment constitutes an act of enlightened generosity and self-interest on the part of
the employer, rather than as a demandable or enforceable obligation. An employer may not be obliged to assume a "double burden" of paying the 13th
month pay in addition to bonuses or other benefits aside from the employee's basic
A bonus is a "gratuity or act of liberality of the giver which the recipient has no right salaries or wages. Restated differently, we rule that an employer may not be obliged
to demand as a matter of right." to assume the onerous burden of granting bonuses or other benefits aside from the
employee's basic salaries or wages in addition to the required 13th month pay.
If an employer cannot be compelled to pay a productivity bonus to his employees, it
should follow that such productivity bonus, when given, should not be deemed to fall Discussion:
within the "basic salary" of employees when the time comes to compute their 13th
month pay. There are really employers who give out 14th month or 15th month pay to their
employees. It is basically a bonus and based on the gratuitous part of the employer.
It is also important to note that the purported "commissions" paid by the Boie-Takeda The only ground that you can question if it is withdrawn later on is if it can be alleged
Company to its medical representatives could not have been "sales commissions" in as company practice.
the same sense that Philippine Duplicators paid its salesmen Sales commissions.
Medical representatives are not salesmen; they do not effect any sale of any article When it comes to 13th month pay, what is required under the law is that it must be
at all. In common commercial practice, in the Philippines and elsewhere, of which we paid before 24 December. Some employers make it a practice to pay in June and
take judicial notice, medical representatives are employees engaged in the promotion December.
of pharmaceutical products or medical devices manufactured by their employer.
Take note:
x x x accordingly, that additional payments made to employees, to the extent they - who is entitled? How is it computed? What is the basis?
partake of the nature of profit-sharing payments, are properly excluded from the ambit
of the term "basic salary" for purposes of computing the 13th month pay due to
employees. Such additional payments are not "commissions" x x x

However, what particular types of earnings and remuneration are or are not properly DEFINITION
included or integrated in the basic salary are questions to be resolved on a case to 97 onwards we do not apply those exempted from Article 82 to 96.
case basis, in the light of the specific and detailed facts of each case. In principle, Article 97 to 101 are preliminary matters as to wages.
where these earnings and remuneration are closely akin to fringe benefits, overtime
pay or profit-sharing payments, they are properly excluded in computing the 13th
month pay. However, sales commissions which are effectively an integral portion of
the basic salary structure of an employee, shall be included in determining his 13th Article 97. Definitions. As used in this Title:
month pay.
(a) "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corporation,
x x x both productivity bonuses and sales commissions may have an incentive effect. business trust, legal representatives, or any organized group of
But there is reason to distinguish one from the other here. Productivity bonuses are persons.
generally tied to the productivity or profit generation of the employer corporation. (b) "Employer" includes any person acting directly or indirectly in the
Productivity bonuses are not directly dependent on the extent an individual employee interest of an employer in relation to an employee and shall include the
exerts himself. A productivity bonus is something extra for which no specific additional government and all its branches, subdivisions and instrumentalities, all
services are rendered by any particular employee and hence not legally demandable, government-owned or controlled corporations and institutions, as well
absent a contractual undertaking to pay it. Sales commissions, on the other hand, as non-profit private institutions, or organizations.
such as those paid in Duplicators, are intimately related to or directly proportional to (c) "Employee" includes any individual employed by an employer.
the extent or energy of an employee's endeavors. (d) "Agriculture" includes farming in all its branches and, among other
things, includes cultivation and tillage of soil, dairying, the production,
cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural and horticultural
commodities, the raising of livestock or poultry, and any practices
performed by a farmer on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with
The discussions in these cases are not opposite or contrary to each other. They
such farming operations, but does not include the manufacturing or
present different factual situations although they use the same word commissions to
processing of sugar, coconuts, abaca, tobacco, pineapples or other
which the legal characterizations must accordingly differ.
farm products.
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
Why was there an issue as to whether or not the term wage includes allowances
(e) "Employ" includes to suffer or permit to work. or commissions? It’s because if it would be deemed included, it would entitle the
(f) "Wage" paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or employees to a higher separation pay. Because here, their one month salary
earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in terms exclusive of allowances and commissions, could be the basis for the computation of
of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or separation pay. But here, the Supreme Court held that first, the allowances given to
commission basis, or other method of calculating the same, which is the employees are considered part of the basic salary of the employee and also with
payable by an employer to an employee under a written or unwritten regard to commission, it is included in the term salary.
contract of employment for work done or to be done, or for services
rendered or to be rendered and includes the fair and reasonable value, So you would see that in the case of Songco, the Supreme Court again emphasized
as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, of board, salary and wages are synonymous, even the term “pay” that is received by the
lodging, or other facilities customarily furnished by the employer to the employee.
employee. "Fair and reasonable value" shall not include any profit to
the employer, or to any person affiliated with the employer. These commissions are direct remunerations for services rendered to the
increase of the income of Zuelig, therefore, the same should be included for the
purposes of computing the separation pay. In this case, since the commissions were
These are simple definitions, but I want you to understand the definition of wage. earned by actual market transactions, this should be included in the separation pay.

You would see that wages are separate from the other benefits that we have already What should be taken into account is the average commissions earned during
discussed from Article 82-96. Because when we talk about wages, it covers all their last year of employment. Otherwise, the Supreme Court also noted that if we
employees. Because remember, when we discussed Article 82, we specifically do not include the commissions for the purposes of including it in the salary in
discussed who are not covered by the benefits mentioned by Article 83-96. computing the separation pay, what about those employees who rely on their
commissions from their employer since the nature of their work is commission based?
When you look at the definition here of wages, it refers to the remuneration or
earnings of an employee. In common parlance, wage is distinguished from salary. They could not have received anything. So according to the Supreme Court, it would
That when we say wages, rank and file employees or blue-collared workers, and with be an absurd situation. This narrow interpretation is not in accord with the liberal spirit
regard to salaries, for high ranking officers or managers. But when you look at the of our labor laws and considering the purpose of separation pay which is, to alleviate
definition under our law, wages and salaries refer to the same thing. There’s no the difficulties which confront a dismissed employee thrown into the streets to face
distinction under our law. the harsh necessities of life.

What is important is that whether we refer to them as wages or salaries, these refer Salary is separate from allowances. Again, there was a discussion here that for
to the payment for the work done by an employee. the purpose of separation pay, this includes allowances. Also, tip and gratuity pays
are not included in term salary or wages.
TAKE NOTE: There’s no need for a written contract for an employee to be entitled to
such wages, and the definition of wages was explained further in the case of Songco. This is because essentially, when we talk about gratuity pay, this is intended to
reward the worker for having rendered a satisfactory or efficient service to the
Difference between Salary and Wage company. Sometimes the gratuity pay is given by the employer for the performance,
but also there is gratuity pay that comes in the form of tips from the customers.

Songco v. NLRC - Take note how the salary or wage is given - how it is structured
- Salary is different from gratuity pay - it does not form part of the salary or
Issue: Basis of separation pay due to petitioners. They received at least wage
40,000.00 as salary + commissions. - There is no need that the salary or wage is written

CBA provides for a Retirement Gratuity in the amount equivalent to one (1) month’s Article 98. Application of Title. This Title shall not apply to farm tenancy or
salary per year of service. leasehold, domestic service and persons working in their respective homes in
needle work or in any cottage industry duly registered in accordance with law.
Petitioners: Their basic salary, earned sales commission and allowances should be
added together.
We have a separate law for domestic services, the Kasambahay Law.
Article 97(f) is explicit that commission is included in the definition of the term wage. Lower than minimum wage but the employee shall still be entitled to the same
benefits such as SSS.
Salary is the reward or recompense for services performed. Employees of cooperatives - if allowed by dole - not entitled to minimum wage

Why were the commissions deemed included in the definition of wage or

salaries as provided by Article 97? Commission is the recompense, compensation
or reward of an agent, salesman, executor, trustees, receiver, factor, broker or bailee,
when the same is calculated as a percentage on the amount of his transactions or on
the profit to the principal. Article 99. Regional minimum wages. The minimum wage rates for agricultural
and non-agricultural employees and workers in each and every region of the
The nature of the work of a salesman and the reason for such type of country shall be those prescribed by the Regional Tripartite Wages and
remuneration for services rendered demonstrate clearly that commission are Productivity Boards. (As amended by Section 3, Republic Act No. 6727, June 9,
part of petitioners' wage or salary. 1989).

The Court takes judicial notice of the fact that some salesmen do not receive any It’s the lowest wage rate that the employer is bound to pay its workers.
basic salary but depend on commissions and allowances or commissions alone, are
part of petitioners' wage or salary. We take judicial notice of the fact that some The classification of workers is also very important. It is the nature of work that
salesman did not receive any basic salary but depend on commissions and classifies.
allowances or commissions alone, although an employer-employee relationship
exists. Bearing in mind the preceding discussions, if we adopt the opposite view that Here in the Philippines, we have different minimum wages per region. As of the
commissions do not form part of wage or salary, then, in effect, we will be saying that present, effective February 16, 2019 for Region XI, if you are a non-agricultural,
this kind of salesmen do not receive any salary and therefore, not entitled to industrial, commercial, retail or service, the minimum wage is P396. For agricultural,
separation pay in the event of discharge from employment. the minimum is P391. For retail or service, where the employees are not more than
ten, the minimum is P381. These are the statutory minimum wage, meaning, the
lowest wage rate fixed by law that an employer can pay his workers.
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020

It is very clear under Article 99 and the wage orders that there’s a difference in the
classification of industrial and commercial workers and agricultural workers. Article 100. Prohibition against elimination or diminution of benefits. Nothing
However, when we say agricultural workers, that is at present covered under P391, in this Book shall be construed to eliminate or in any way diminish supplements,
you do not say that a worker engaged in farming, he is automatically entitled to the or other employee benefits being enjoyed at the time of promulgation of this Code.
P391 minimum wage. “in connection to farming”

When we talk about agricultural here, there are two: plantation and non-plantation. If Be familiar with the requisites:
you fall under non-plantation agricultural wage, you are entitled to the higher pay of
P396. What do I mean by that? 1. The grant or benefit is founded on a policy or has ripened into a practice
over a long period of time;
If you work in a farm but you are an accountant, so you don’t fall under the definition 2. The practice is consistent and deliberate;
of an agricultural worker. Or for example, you are the operator of a tractor, still in 3. The practice is not due to error in the construction or application of a
connection with agriculture but you are not considered as an agricultural worker. doubtful or difficult question of law; and
4. The diminution or discontinuance is done unilaterally by the employer.
So when we say an agricultural worker as mentioned in this wage order, we are
referring to persons who practice directly in connection to agriculture. Essentially, the Instances that we could not say that there is a diminution of benefits:
farmers themselves, those who are tilling the soil, among others.
1. If it is merely a correction of error. If it is really an error, it must be corrected
Do not confuse that with those who are involved in the actual manufacturing or as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be taken against the employer and
process, for example the manufacture of sugar from sugarcanes, they are not will be considered as in violation of Article 100.
considered as agricultural workers. 2. Due to a negotiated benefit between the employer and the employees,
such as a CBA, wage order compliance.
An employee here cannot waive his right to minimum wage because it is contrary to 3. Benefits on reimbursement.
public policy and contrary to law and therefore void. Even if an employee signs an 4. Reclassification of position, such as to manager who are not entitled to
agreement, that he voluntarily agrees that his wage is below the statutory minimum overtime pay.
wage, such waiver is not recognized. Even with such waiver, the employee can go to 5. Contingent and productivity benefits.
the NLRC and file a complaint for underpayment of wages.
Vergara v. Coca Cola
An employee is not estopped to sue for underpayment of wages. A laborer or
employee who accepts a lower wage than the minimum wage can always go to the FACTS: Petitioner Ricardo E. Vergara, Jr. was an employee of respondent Coca-
NLRC and claim for the deficiency. Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. from May 1968 until he retired on January 31, 2002 as
a District Sales Supervisor (DSS) for Las Piñas City, Metro Manila.
TAKE NOTE: This wage order does not apply to household or domestic helpers
because we have a different law for that. Also, to those who are employed or At that time, the company’s retirement plan stated that the annual performance
registered in cottage industries. So, they can receive below minimum wage but there incentive pay of sales supervisors shall be considered in the computation of
must be a certification similar to those who are working under duly-registered retirement benefits using the following formula:
cooperatives. But to be exempted, it must still be approved by the Secretary of Labor.
Basic monthly salary + monthly average performance incentive (which is the
There’s also a special law for barangay micro-business enterprises, they have total performance incentives earned during the year immediately preceding
requirements that they need to comply and submit to the DTI. There must be a + 12 months) x number of years in service.
certificate of authority for them to be exempted. So you cannot just say a small
business is already exempted. Unsatisfied with the retirement pay he got, Vergara filed a complaint against the
company with the National Labor Relations Commission for payment of the sum of
But when we talk about exemptions here, exemption only to the minimum wage. What P474,600 representing unpaid sales management incentives (SMI), and the recovery
do I mean by that? There is no exemption as to the other benefits, like SSS, Philhealth of the P496,016.67 that the company deducted from his pay to cover for the unpaid
among others. accounts of two dealers within his sales territory.
The ability of the employer to pay is immaterial. (poor financial conditions) After going through the NLRC, the parties entered into a compromise agreement
with the company reimbursing Vergara the P496,016.67 it deducted for the earlier
If totong nalugi na ang small business, wala ring makuha si employee. However for mentioned unpaid accounts.
bigger companies, they have assets.
The CA dismissed petitioner’s case on January 9, 2007 and denied his motion for
Waiver of right to minimum wage reconsideration two months thereafter. Hence, this present petition.
- not allowed because it is contrary to law and against public policy - it is
void ISSUE: Whether the SMI should be included in the computation of petitioner’s
retirement benefits on the ground of consistent company practice (NO)
The employee can sue for the amount of the difference.
If there was FIling of complaint before the Labor Arbiter RULING: Generally, employees have a vested right over existing benefits voluntarily
- compromise can be made in the mediation granted to them by their employer. Thus, any benefit and supplement being enjoyed
- There will be release waiver and quitclaim by the employees cannot be reduced, diminished, discontinued or eliminated by the
- What cannot be waived is future pay employer.
- What can be waived is payment for labor done - through a compromise
- You cannot pay future fraud. To be considered as a regular company practice, the employee must prove by
- Once you file a complaint before the LA, you are seeking for the difference substantial evidence that the giving of the benefit is done over a long period of time,
of your actual pay and the minimum wage. Once there is compromise, the and that it has been made consistently and deliberately.
Release, Waiver, and Quitclaim is already valid. If you are not amenable, The benefit must be characterized by regularity, voluntary and deliberate intent of
then there is no problem. Then you file a Position Paper. the employer to grant the benefit over a considerable period of time.

NON-DIMINUTION OF BENEFITS In this case, the Court found no substantial evidence to prove that the grant of SMI
to all retired DSSs regardless of whether or not they qualify to the same had ripened
into company practice. Despite more than sufficient opportunity given him while his
case was pending before the NLRC, the CA, and even to the Court, petitioner utterly
failed to adduce proof to establish his allegation that SMI has been consistently,
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
deliberately and voluntarily granted to all retired DSSs without any qualification or In other words, they were able to establish that it has been a practice of Wesleyan
conditions whatsoever. University to give 2 retirement plans, one under the CBA retirement plan and
another under the PERAA plan. They are not one and the same.
The only two pieces of evidence that he stubbornly presented throughout the entirety
of this case are the sworn statements of Renato C. Hidalgo (Hidalgo) and Ramon V. Further, any doubt in the interpretation of the provisions of the CBA should be
Velazquez (Velasquez), former DSSs of respondent who retired in 2000 and 1998, resolved in favor of the employees. Nothing was mentioned in the CBA that there is
respectively. They claimed that the SMI was included in their retirement package only one retirement benefit. Therefore, for the retiring employees, the employer
even if they did not meet the sales and collection qualifiers. However, juxtaposing cannot say they only gave one retirement benefit because that would constitute
these with the evidence presented by respondent would reveal the frailty of their diminution of benefits under Art 100.
The verity of all these statements and representations stands and holds true to Us,
considering that petitioner did not present any iota of proof to debunk the same. 1. In Case of Error
2. Negotiated Benefits
We rule that petitioner could have salvaged his case had he step up to disprove 3. Voluntarily Agreed Upon by The Employee
respondent’s contention that he miserably failed to meet the collection qualifiers of 4. Wage Order Compliance
the SMI. 5. Benefits On Reimbursement Basis (cost of lodging and meals when
assigned to another station - if you are not assigned to that station
Atty. Jazzie’s Discussion : Regularity and Deliberateness over a significant anymore- no longer entitled to benefits)
period of time. 6. Reclassification of Position (say if you are a rank and file employee, and
you are not managerial or supervisory - no longer entitled to overtime pay
There was no diminution of benefits here. Take note of the requisites for there to be - there is no diminution of benefits)
diminution of benefits: 7. Based On Contingent Benefit or Conditional Bonus (not demandable
unless contingency or condition already happened)
1. The grant or benefit is founded on a policy or has ripened into a practice
over a long period of time; In Case of Error
2. The practice is consistent and deliberate; In the cases we’ve discussed, one exception was already mentioned, in case of error.
3. The practice is not due to error in the construction or application of a But again, it must be corrected immediately.
doubtful or difficult question of law; and
4. The diminution or discontinuance is done unilaterally by the employer Negotiated Benefits
Another exception is if it involves negotiated benefits. In other words, based on the
Here, Vergara was saying that it has been a regular practice that employees would CBA agreement, they agreed for lower or diminution of benefits of some sort and in
be granted the SMI. For it to be considered a company practice, the employee must exchange of some or other benefits. If there is CBA, it is okay because it is voluntary.
prove by substantial evidence that the benefit has been observed for a long period
of time, consistently and deliberately. In this case, there was no showing that the Voluntary Agreed Upon By the Employees
employer agreed to continue giving the benefit in favor of the employee. In this case, Another instance is the case of Waterfront Insular Hotel wherein the employees
Vergara was not able to show such substantial evidence. agreed for a lower salary just to help Waterfront. It is allowed because it was
voluntarily agreed upon by the employees.
The principle against diminution of benefits is applicable only if the grant or benefit is
founded on an express policy or has ripened into a practice over a long period of time Wage Order Compliance
which is consistent and deliberate. It presupposes that a company practice, policy For example, if you give an across the board salary increase to rectify a salary
and tradition favorable to the employees has been clearly established; and that the distortion caused by compliance with the wage disorder. It cannot be said to have
payments made by the company pursuant to it have ripened into benefits enjoyed by ripen to a company practice.
What do you mean by that?
Coca-Cola here also had their witnesses which would show that there has never been What if, for example, every year, there is a wage increase because of a wage order?
a practice of granting these benefits consistently to all employees. For three years there is a wage increase however on the fourth year, there is no wage
order. The employees cannot invoke the non-diminution of benefits because the
Wesleyan v. Wesleyan employer is only complying with the wage order which just so happened that every
year there was an increase.
Unilateral changes or suspensions in the implementation of the provisions of the
CBA, therefore, cannot be allowed without the consent of both parties. Even if the company for example continuously grants a wage increase based on a
wage order or, let us say, pursuant to a Collective Bargaining where it was stated that
This is about the non-diminution rule found in Article 100. The issue was whether the there is an increase every year for the next five years, the same would not
university practice, Wesleyan University’s granting its employees two sets of automatically ripen into a company practice.
retirement benefits have already been established as defined by law.
Benefits on Reimbursement Basis
TAKE NOTE: We mentioned in the case of Central, that an exception to the rule is EXAMPLE: An employee is given a per diem to cover cost for meals and lodging in
that when the practice is due to error in the construction or application of a doubtful connection to his travels outside of his permanent office or station. But what if after
or difficult question of law. The error, however, must be corrected immediately after many years, he is no longer traveling and is now working in an office? He can longer
its discovery; otherwise, the rule on Non-Diminution of Benefits would still apply. be entitled to the per diem because these are benefits that’s essentially on
reimbursement basis on expenses in connection to meals and lodging and other
But in this case, if there was an error, it was never corrected by the University. travel expenses.

They also said that only one retirement benefit was referred to in the CBA and the Reclassification of Position
PERAA (Private Education Retirement Annuity Association) program. The EXAMPLE: If you are promoted from rank and file to manager. As a manager, you
Supreme Court said that these are two entirely different benefits and they have been are not entitled to overtime pay. You can no longer invoke that you were entitled to
granting it to the previous employees who have already retired from the work. overtime pay before because there is no diminution of benefits in that case. However,
Therefore, it has already been an established policy. it must be done in good faith because if it could be shown that the employee was
promoted so that the employer is no longer required to pay for the benefits that he is
In this case, respondent was able to present substantial evidence in the form of entitled, then the employee can claim for diminution of benefits.
affidavits to support its claim that there are two retirement plans.
Based on Contingent Benefit or Conditional Bonus

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
EXAMPLE: Bonus is given to employees based on profits. If the company has a huge b) the provision of deductible facilities must be voluntarily accepted in
profit for the year then there is a bonus for the employees. So, if, consistently, they writing by the employee; and
profit for the past three years and then on the fourth year they suffered losses or the c) The facilities must be charged at fair and reasonable value
profit is not huge enough then the employee cannot demand from the employers
because it is based on a condition or a contingent for the employee to be entitled to Facilities include articles or services for the benefit of the employee or his family but
such benefit. That is the same thing with productivity benefits or productivity bonus exclude tools of the trade or articles or services primarily for the benefit of the
because that is also subject to a contingency or a condition. employer or necessary to the conduct of the employer’s business. If it is primarily for
the employee’s gain.

Under Article 100, there is that phrase there "in any way diminish supplements”. We’ll Supplements are paid to employees on top of their basic pay and are free of charge.
still discuss this along the way when we go to wage deductions but for now, I want to Since it does not form part of the wage, a supplement’s value may not be included in
mention the difference between facilities and supplements. the determination of whether an employer complied with the prescribed minimum
wage rates. If it is mainly for the employer’s advantage.
Facilities Supplements Supplements, therefore, constitute extra remuneration or special privileges or
benefits given to or received by the laborers over and above their ordinary earnings
Part of the basic salary of the employee Grants given by employers to or wages. The board and lodging provided by Our Haus are categorized as
employees which is over and above the supplements, not as facilities.
basic wage and should not be credited
against the basic salary Our Haus is engaged in the construction business, a labor-intensive enterprise. The
success of its projects is largely a function of the physical strength, vitality and
Include articles or services for the Constitute extra remuneration or efficiency of its laborers. Its business will be jeopardized if its workers are weak,
benefit of the employee or his family but special privileges or benefits given to or sickly, and lack the required energy to perform strenuous physical activities. Thus, by
exclude tools of the trade or articles or received by the laborers over and ensuring that the workers are adequately and well fed, the employer is actually
services primarily for the benefit of the above their ordinary earnings or wages investing on its business.
employer or necessary to the conduct
of the employer’s business. Purpose Test: If the benefit or privilege granted to the employee is clearly for the
employer’s convenience, it will NOT be considered as a facility but a supplement.
The determination of whether or not an item is a facility or a supplement is not on the
kind of what is being received or what is received by the employee but rather what is Under the purpose test, the subsidized meals and free lodging provided by Our Haus
the intention or purpose given by the employer to the employee in giving this, whether are actually supplements. Although they also work to benefit the respondents, an
facility or supplement. If it is necessary for the daily needs of the employee and his analysis of the nature of these benefits in relation to Our Haus’ business shows that
family, that is considered as a facility and it can be credited against the wages. This they were given primarily for Our Haus’ greater convenience and advantage.
is because, even if this will not be given by the employer, the employee would
nevertheless spend for this facility. In giving of facilities, the purpose is not only the Consequently, the daily wages paid to the respondents are clearly below the
benefit of the employee but also to benefit the employer. prescribed minimum wage rates in the years 2007- 2010.

Usually, when we talk about facility i.e. basic commodities, that partakes the nature Comments
of a facility. But in the case of supplement, you can live without it. Here, there was a purpose test mentioned to determine whether or not the benefits
given in favor of the employee constitutes a facility or supplement. Again, when we
Our Haus v. Parian mention facility, it is part of the wage. Consequently, it is part of the computation
whether or not there is compliance for the minimum wage.
FACTS: Respondents Alexander Parian, Jay C. Erinco, Alexander Canlas, Bernard
Tenedero and Jerry Sabulao were all laborers working for petitioner Our Haus Realty TAKE NOTE: Our Haus’ allegation that it is not liable for violation of the minimum
Development Corporation, a company engaged in the construction business. On May wage, or underpayment of wages because these employees were given meals and
2010, the petitioner company experienced financial distress and had to suspend lodging. These are needed by the employees but these are necessarily for the benefit
some of its construction projects to alleviate its condition. The respondents were of the employer because the employer needs the employee’s constant presence.
among those who were affected who were asked to take vacation leaves.
This is similar to scenario where, a doctor who hires a driver on a 24/7 duty with
Eventually, these laborers were asked to report back to work but instead of doing so, lodging and meals, such lodging and meals should not be included in the computation
they filed with the LA a complaint for underpayment of their daily wages claiming of wages because it is the employer who benefits. The fact that he is a doctor that is
that except for Tenedero, their wages were below the minimum rates prescribed in on-call 24/7 indicates that the benefits from lodging and meals of the driver is for the
the following wage orders from 2007 to 2010. They also claimed that Our Haus failed doctor.
to pay them their holiday, Service Incentive Leave (SIL), 13th month and overtime
pays. You have to be very careful in considering whether or not it is a facility or a
supplement. It is important to note that facilities are included in the computation of
ISSUE: Whether or not the lodging and meals are included in the computation of the minimum wage because it is included in the computation for 13th month pay also, in
wages? NO. computation for separation pay. In the case of supplements, these are excluded.

HELD: NO. Our Haus asks us to believe that there is a substantial distinction between The purpose test was mentioned. If a benefit or privilege granted to the employee is
the deduction and the charging of a facility’s value to the wages. In reality, deduction clearly for the employer’s convenience, it will not be considered as a facility but a
and charging both operate to lessen the actual take-home pay of an employee; they supplement. Careful consideration is given to the nature of the employer’s business
are two sides of the same coin. In both, the employee receives a lessened amount in relation to the work performed by the employee. This test is used to address
because supposedly, the facility’s value, which is part of his wage, had already been inequitable situations wherein employers consider a benefit deductible from the
paid to him in kind. As there is no substantial distinction between the two, the wages even if the factual circumstances show that it clearly redounds to the
requirements set by law must apply to both. employers’ greater advantage.

Under the law, only the value of the facilities may be deducted from the This will be further discussed in wage reduction. It is included here because I want to
employees’ wages but not the value of supplements. emphasize that even if it is a supplement, if there is a diminution in the supplement,
there is also a violation of Article 100 because Article 100 not only includes employee
The requirements for charging the value of facilities are the following: benefits but also includes supplements as we have mentioned.

a) proof must be shown that such facilities are customarily furnished by This is similar to Article 127 which also deals with diminution of benefits.
the trade;
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Are they entitled to that? EXAMPLE: For night-shift differential, it will only apply to
those employees who are paid by results if they are supervised by the employer. If
Article 127. Non-diminution of benefits. No wage order issued by any regional they are not supervised, then they are not entitled to night-shift differential.
board shall provide for wage rates lower than the statutory minimum wage rates
prescribed by Congress. (As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989) Also, piece-rate employees can be entitled to holiday pay and 13th month pay. But
of course, to be entitled for the 13th month pay, he must have rendered at least 1
month of service or work for the calendar year.

Article 101. Payment by results. FORMS OF PAYMENT

The Secretary of Labor and Employment shall regulate the payment of wages by
results, including pakyao, piecework, and other non-time work, in order to ensure
the payment of fair and reasonable wage rates, preferably through time and Article 102. Forms of payment. No employer shall pay the wages of an employee
motion studies or in consultation with representatives of workers’ and employers’ by means of promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any
organizations. object other than legal tender, even when expressly requested by the employee.

Payment of wages by check or money order shall be allowed when such manner
of payment is customary on the date of effectivity of this Code, or is necessary
This is only a mode of paying wages but does not define the essence of the relation. because of special circumstances as specified in appropriate regulations to be
It is not determinative whether or not there is an employer-employee relationship. issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or as stipulated in a collective
bargaining agreement.
Take note of the spelling. Under the Labor Code it is spelled as “pakyao”, But there
are already several cases decided by the Supreme Court where it is spelled as
“pakiao” or “pakyaw”.
General Rule: Wages shall be paid by legal tender, just form of payment or money
For payments by results including pakyao how would you know if there is no which you can compel the other party to accept as payment of an obligation (not just
violation of the minimum wage law? money issued by the Central Bank).

Usually there is a time and motion studies that is to be conducted together with the Exception: Facilities such as board and lodging facilities that are customarily
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). furnished by the employer to the employee. It must be in writing and the value thereof
must be fair and reasonable.
If you are paid on a piece-rate, while again is allowed under the law, to determine
whether or not you are being paid below the minimum wage, there has to be time Facilities may be resorted to under the following conditions:
and motion study to determine how much work is done in a day or in the 8-hour
work for such work. Through it, the average rate for 8 hours can be determined, not 1) It must be customarily provided by the trade or industry.
expert or entry level. 2) It must be fair and reasonable.
3) It must be accepted in writing.
So if you are a piece-rate worker you cannot immediately, for example, go the Labor 4) The employer must not gain peculiarly. Technically speaking, this is not
Arbiter and demand for underpayment of wages for violation of minimum wage law. an additional requisite, it could be under the requirement that it is fair and
You have to have first a finding that you are being paid lower than what should have reasonable.
been allowed based on your work since you are being paid by results. In other words,
we have to consider how much you can finish in an 8- hour work because that is the It is important that the employer has proof that he has paid wages to the
basis of our minimum wage. First, ask for a time and motion study and by that time, employee.
based on the findings of the DOLE, if you’re being paid for less then, that is the time
you can file for underpayment of wages. In connection to that, IRR Book II Rule VIII

Another in thing that you should consider, in a time and motion study, what should
Section 2. Payment by check. — Payment of wages by bank checks, postal
be considered is the average rate, which should not be the fastest, nor the slowest
checks or money orders is allowed where such manner of wage payment is
especially if you are a new employee.
customary on the date of the effectivity of the Code, where it is so stipulated in a
collective agreement, or where all of the following conditions are met:
When we talk about persons or employees paid by results under Article 101, we have
to distinguish those who are supervised and not supervised.
(a) There is a bank or other facility for encashment within a radius of one (1)
kilometer from the workplace;
A piece-rate worker belongs to the first type if he, for example, performs his work
within the company premises.
(b) The employer or any of his agents or representatives does not receive any
pecuniary benefit directly or indirectly from the arrangement;
EXAMPLE: Dy Keh Beng vs International Labor where he was a piece-rate worker
and the element of control was present.
(c) The employees are given reasonable time during banking hours to withdraw
their wages from the bank which time shall be considered as compensable hours
However, there are also those who are paid by results or pakyao who are
worked if done during working hours; and
unsupervised where they execute the result but again there is no control with regards
to the means and methods. As long as you are paid per piece for the result of your
(d) The payment by check is with the written consent of the employees concerned
work. In that case, it will fall under paid by results being unsupervised.
if there is no collective agreement authorizing the payment of wages by bank
However again, whether supervised or unsupervised, they are similar in determining
the pay rate – the basis is the unit of work produced or the quantity thereof.
Relate Section 2 to Article 102.
When we talk about payment by result, it is only a method of compensation and does
not define, by itself, what is the relationship between the parties. It is only a method At present, by virtue of an issuance by DOLE, payment of wages through an ATM
of computing compensation but not determinative of the existence of an employee- has been allowed.
employer relationship.
Remember that there are establishments or employers who have ATM machines
With regard to these persons employed who are paid by results if it is determined that within their premises. Effect: The employees can no longer use the excuse that they
if they are really employees, what about those other benefits that we have discussed? will take a break to withdraw their salaries.
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
radius to a commercial, savings or rural bank shall pay the wages and other
benefits of their employees through any of said banks and within the period of
Article 103. Time of payment. Wages shall be paid at least once every two (2) payment of wages fixed by Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended, otherwise
weeks or twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days. If on account known as the Labor Code of the Philippines.
of force majeure or circumstances beyond the employer’s control, payment of
wages on or within the time herein provided cannot be made, the employer shall
pay the wages immediately after such force majeure or circumstances have
ceased. No employer shall make payment with less frequency than once a month.
Article 105. Direct payment of wages. Wages shall be paid directly to the
The payment of wages of employees engaged to perform a task which cannot be workers to whom they are due, except:
completed in two (2) weeks shall be subject to the following conditions, in the
absence of a collective bargaining agreement or arbitration award: a. In cases of force majeure rendering such payment impossible or under
other special circumstances to be determined by the Secretary of
1. That payments are made at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days, Labor and Employment in appropriate regulations, in which case, the
in proportion to the amount of work completed; worker may be paid through another person under written authority
2. That final settlement is made upon completion of the work. given by the worker for the purpose; or
b. Where the worker has died, in which case, the employer may pay the
wages of the deceased worker to the heirs of the latter without the
necessity of intestate proceedings. The claimants, if they are all of age,
The IRR likewise provides that payment shall be made not less than once every two
shall execute an affidavit attesting to their relationship to the deceased
weeks or twice a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days. Why 16 days? We have
and the fact that they are his heirs, to the exclusion of all other persons.
months which have 31 days.
If any of the heirs is a minor, the affidavit shall be executed on his
behalf by his natural guardian or next-of-kin. The affidavit shall be
For employees who are engaged in a task basis and if they have not finished their
presented to the employer who shall make payment through the
tasks within that 15-day period. Is the employer obligated to give something to the
Secretary of Labor and Employment or his representative. The
worker? YES. He is still covered by Article 103. The wage to be paid shall be based
representative of the Secretary of Labor and Employment shall act as
on the percentage of completion.
referee in dividing the amount paid among the heirs. The payment of
wages under this Article shall absolve the employer of any further
Article 104. Place of payment. Payment of wages shall be made at or near the liability with respect to the amount paid.
place of undertaking, except as otherwise provided by such regulations as the
Secretary of Labor and Employment may prescribe under conditions to ensure
greater protection of wages.
Remember that it must be the employee who will receive the wages. What if the
employer or the general manager is approached by the wife with kids demanding the
Generally, payment of wages are manual. Now, that practice is no longer common. wages of the husband? Can the employer be compelled to give the wages to the
There are more modes of payment such as through bank transfers. wife? NO, it will be in violation of Article 105.

Article 106. Contractor or subcontractor. Whenever an employer enters into a
IRR Book III Rule VIII contract with another person for the performance of the former’s work, the
employees of the contractor and of the latter’s subcontractor, if any, shall be paid
Section 4. Place of payment. — As a general rule, the place of payment shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
at or near the place of undertaking. Payment in a place other than the work place
shall be permissible only under the following circumstances: In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the wages of his
employees in accordance with this Code, the employer shall be jointly and
(a) When payment cannot be effected at or near the place of work by reason of severally liable with his contractor or subcontractor to such employees to the
the deterioration of peace and order conditions, or by reason of actual or extent of the work performed under the contract, in the same manner and extent
impending emergencies caused by fire, flood, epidemic or other calamity that he is liable to employees directly employed by him.
rendering payment thereat impossible;
The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate regulations, restrict
(b) When the employer provides free transportation to the employees back and or prohibit the contracting-out of labor to protect the rights of workers established
forth; and under this Code. In so prohibiting or restricting, he may make appropriate
distinctions between labor-only contracting and job contracting as well as
(c) Under any other analogous circumstances; Provided, That the time spent by differentiations within these types of contracting and determine who among the
the employees in collecting their wages shall be considered as compensable parties involved shall be considered the employer for purposes of this Code, to
hours worked; prevent any violation or circumvention of any provision of this Code.

(d) No employer shall pay his employees in any bar, night or day club, drinking There is "labor-only" contracting where the person supplying workers to an
establishment, massage clinic, dance hall, or other similar places or in places employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the form of tools,
where games are played with stakes of money or things representing money equipment, machineries, work premises, among others, and the workers recruited
except in the case of persons employed in said places. and placed by such person are performing activities which are directly related to
the principal business of such employer. In such cases, the person or intermediary
Reason: So that the employee will not automatically spend his salary to gambling and shall be considered merely as an agent of the employer who shall be responsible
other similar things. to the workers in the same manner and extent as if the latter were directly
employed by him.

RA 6727 : Wage Rationalization Act

If you are talking about a contracting arrangement, you have the principal, contractor,
Section 7. Upon written permission of the majority of the employees or workers and the employees. In a lawful contracting arrangement, the relationship is trilateral.
concerned, all private establishments, companies, businesses, and other entities
with twenty five (25) or more employees and located within one (1) kilometer CONTRACTING or SUBCONTRACTING refers to an arrangement whereby a
principal agrees to farm out to a contractor the performance or completion of a
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
specific job or work within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of whether equivalent position with full back wages and to pay the latter's 13th month pay for the
such job or work is to be performed or completed within or outside the premises of year 1976.
the principal.
NLRC: Except for the modification reducing the complainant's back wages to two (2)
CONTRACTOR refers to any person or entity engaged in a legitimate contracting or years without qualification, the Decision appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED in an
subcontracting arrangement providing services for a specific job or undertaking other respects.
farmed out by the principal under a Service Agreement.
CONTENTION OF PBCOM: Maintains that no employer-employee relationship was
There are instances where you have the principal, contractor, subcontractor, and established between itself and Ricardo Orpiada and that Ricardo Orpiada was an
employees or principal, contractor, and employees. employee of (CESI) and not of the bank. The bank documents its position by
pointing to the following provisions of its letter agreement with CESI:
TRILATERAL RELATIONSHIP - You have two contracts but three different parties.
1. The individual/s you i.e. (CESI) will assign to us i.e. petitioner) will be subject to
I. Service Contract - principal (indirect employer) and contractor our acceptance and will observe work-days, hours, and methods of work (sic);
(manpower services) on the other hand, they will not be asked to perform job (sic) not normally related
II. Employment Contract - contractor and its employees to the position/s for which Tempo Services were contracted.
2. Such individuals will nevertheless remain your own employees and you will
If it falls under labor-employee contracting, that is not valid. therefore, retain all liabilities arising from the new Labor Code as amended Social
Security Act and other applicable Governmental decrees, rules and regulations,
provided that, on our part, we shall:
Article 107. Indirect employer. The provisions of the immediately preceding a. Require your employers assigned to us to properly accomplish your daily
article shall likewise apply to any person, partnership, association or corporation time record, to faithfully reflect all hours worked in our behalf whether such
which, not being an employer, contracts with an independent contractor for the work be within or beyond eight hours of any day.
performance of any work, task, job or project. b. Notify you of any change in the work assignment or contract period
affecting any of your employers assigned to us within 24 hours, after such
change is made.

Article 108. Posting of bond. An employer or indirect employer may require the
contractor or subcontractor to furnish a bond equal to the cost of labor under A. Whether or not an employer-employee relationship existed between the PBCom
contract, on condition that the bond will answer for the wages due the employees and Ricardo Orpiada. YES
should the contractor or subcontractor, as the case may be, fail to pay the same. B. Is the relationship between the bank and CESI one of employer and job
(independent) contractor or one of employer and "labor-only" contractor? Labor-Only
C. Who is liable for payment of wages of Ricardo Orpiada? PBCom and CESI are
Why would an employer or an indirect employer require for such bond? Since jointly and severally liable.
they may be held liable to the employees.
Article 109. Solidary liability. The provisions of existing laws to the contrary
notwithstanding, every employer or indirect employer shall be held responsible A. YES. This Court listed certain factors to be taken into account in determining the
with his contractor or subcontractor for any violation of any provision of this Code. existence of an employer-employee relationship. These factors are:
For purposes of determining the extent of their civil liability under this Chapter,
they shall be considered as direct employers. (1) The selection and engagement of the putative employee; In the present case,
Orpiada was not previously selected by the bank. The selection of Orpiada by CESI
- Liability of the indirect employer for violations under the Labor Code. was, however, subject to the acceptance of the bank and the bank did accept him.
- Employers would not be held liable to benefits of the employee such CESI had hired Orpiada from the outside world precisely for the purpose of assigning
as SSS and PhilHealth (not under the Labor Code). or seconding him to the bank.

(2) The payment of wages; With respect to the payment of Orpiada's wages, the
There is a legitimate contracting/independent contracting and not labor-only bank remitted to CESI amounts corresponding to the "daily service rate" of Orpiada
contracting. and the others similarly assigned by CESI to the bank, and CESI paid to Orpiada and
the others the wages pertaining to them.
The distinctions are important because they will have different liabilities.
(3) The power of dismissal; In respect of the power of dismissal we note that the
PBCOm v. NLRC bank requested CESI to withdraw Orpiada's assignment and that CESI did, in fact,
withdraw such assignment. Upon such withdrawal from his assignment with the bank,
Facts: Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) and the Corporate Orpiada was also terminated by CESI.
Executive Search Inc. (CESI) entered into a letter agreement dated January 1976
under which CESI undertook to provide "Temporary Services" to petitioner consisting (4) The power to control the putative employees' conduct, although the latter is
of eleven (11) messengers. The contract period is described as being "from January the most important element. Turning to the power to control Orpiada's conduct, it
1976—." The petitioner in truth undertook to pay a "daily service rate of P18," on a should be noted immediately that Orpiada performed his sections within the bank's
per person basis. Ricardo Orpiada was assigned to work with the petitioner bank. premises, and not within the office premises of (CESI).

CESI hired Ricardo Orpiada on 25 June 1975 as a Tempo Service employee, and As such, Orpiada must have been subject to at least the same control and
assigned him to work with the petitioner bank as evidenced by the appointment memo supervision that the bank exercises over any other person physically within its
issued to him on 25 June 1975. On or about October 1976, the PBCom requested premises and rendering services to or for the bank, in other words, any employee or
(CESI) to withdraw Orpiada's assignment because, in the allegation of the bank, staff member of the bank.
Orpiada's services "were no longer needed."
B. CESI was engaged in "labor-only" contracting. CESI is not a parcel delivery
On 29 October 1976, Orpiada instituted a complaint in the Department of Labor (now company: as its name indicates, it is a recruitment and placement corporation
Ministry of Labor and Employment) against the petitioner for illegal dismissal and placing bodies, as it were, in different client companies for longer or shorter periods
failure to pay the 13th month pay provided for in Presidential Decree No. 851. Labor of time. The undertaking of (CESI) was to provide its client with a certain number of
Arbiter: Respondent bank is ordered to reinstate complainant to the same or persons able to carry out the work of messengers. Such undertaking of CESI was
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complied with when the requisite number of persons were assigned or seconded to
the petitioner bank.
(1) Does not have substantial capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment,
C. PBCom and CESI are jointly and severally liable. Under the general rule set machineries, work premises and other materials; and
out in the first and second paragraphs of Article 106, an employer who enters into a
contract with a contractor for the performance of work for the employer, does not (2) The workers recruited and placed by such person are performing activities
thereby create an employer-employee relationship between himself and the which are directly related to the principal business or operations of the employer
employees of the contractor. Thus, the employees of the contractor remain the in which workers are habitually employed.
contractor's employees and his alone.
(b) Labor-only contracting as defined herein is hereby prohibited and the person
Nonetheless when a contractor fails to pay the wages of his employees in acting as contractor shall be considered merely as an agent or intermediary of the
accordance with the Labor Code, the employer who contracted out the job to the employer who shall be responsible to the workers in the same manner and extent
contractor becomes jointly and severally liable with his contractor to the employees as if the latter were directly employed by him.
of the latter "to the extent of the work performed under the contract" as such employer
were the employer of the contractor's employees. (c) For cases not falling under this Rule, the Secretary of Labor and Employment
shall determine through appropriate orders whether or not the contracting out of
EER for a LIMITED PURPOSE. The law itself, in other words, establishes an labor is permissible in the light of the circumstances of each case and after
employer-employee relationship between the employer and the job contractor's considering the operating needs of the employer and the rights of the workers
employees for a limited purpose, i.e., in order to ensure that the latter get paid the involved. In such case, he may prescribe conditions and restrictions to insure the
wages due to them. protection and welfare of the workers.

“Labor Only Contracting.” A similar situation obtains where there is "labor only" In contrast, job contracting - contracting out a particular job to an independent
contracting. The "labor-only" contractor-i.e. "the person or intermediary" is considered contractor is defined by the Implementing Rules as follows:
"merely as an agent of the employer."

The employer is made by the statute responsible to the employees of the "labor Section 8. Job Contracting. — There is job contracting permissible under the
only" contractor as if such employees had been directly employed by the Code if the following conditions are met:
(a) The contractor carries on an independent business and undertakes the
EER between the EMPLOYER and the EMPLOYEES of the Labor Only contract work on his own account under his own responsibility according to his
Contractor. Thus, where "labor only" contracting exists in a given case, the statute own manner and method, free from the control and direction of his employer or
itself implies or establishes an employer-employee relationship between the principal in all matters connected with the performance of the work except as to
employer (the owner of the project) and the employees of the "labor only" contractor, the results thereof; and
this time for a comprehensive purpose: "employer for purposes of this Code, to
prevent any violation or circumvention of any provision of this Code. " (b) The contractor has substantial capital or investment in the form of tools,
equipment, machineries, work premises, and other materials which are necessary
The law in effect holds both the employer and the "labor-only" contractor responsible in the conduct of his business.
to the latter's employees for the more effective safeguarding of the employees' rights
under the Labor Code. The bank and (CESI) urge that (CESI) is not properly regarded as a "labor-only"
contractor upon the ground that (CESI) is possessed of substantial capital or
SC: The petition for certiorari is DENIED and the decision promulgated on 29 investment in the form of office equipment, tools and trained service personnel.
December 1983 of the National Labor Relations Commission is AFFIRMED.
We are unable to agree with the bank and (CESI) on this score. The definition of
Questions: "labor-only" contracting in Rule VIII, Book III of the Implementing Rules must be
read in conjunction with the definition of job contracting given in Section 8 of the
Is there an employer-employee relationship between Orpiada and PBCom? same Rules.
The undertaking given by CESI in favor of the bank was not the performance of a
Is there labor-only contracting? Yes. specific — job for instance, the carriage and delivery of documents and parcels to
the addresses thereof. There appear to be many companies today which perform this
How did the Supreme Court arrive with the said conclusion? Where "labor only" discrete service, companies with their own personnel who pick up documents and
contracting exists in a given case, the statute itself implies or establishes an packages from the offices of a client or customer, and who deliver such materials
employer-employee relationship between the employer (the owner of the project) and utilizing their own delivery vans or motorcycles to the addresses. In the present case,
the employees of the "labor only" contractor, this time for a comprehensive the undertaking of (CESI) was to provide its client-the bank, with a certain number of
purpose: "employer for purposes of this Code, to prevent any violation or persons able to carry out the work of messengers.
circumvention of any provision of this Code." The law in effect holds both the
employer and the "labor-only" contractor responsible to the latter's employees for the Such undertaking of CESI was complied with when the requisite number of persons
more effective safeguarding of the employees' rights under the Labor Code. were assigned or seconded to the petitioner bank. Orpiada utilized the premises and
office equipment of the bank and not those of (CESI). Messengerial work – the
Atty. Jazzie’s Discussion The SC discussed that portion wherein assuming that delivery of documents to designated persons whether within or without the bank
there was an allegation that even he was an employee of PBCom, he was merely a premises — is of course directly related to the day-to-day operations of the bank.
casual employee. That was their defense. The SC said that even if he was merely a Section 9(2) quoted above does not require for its applicability that the petitioner
casual employee, the fact that he has been working for more than a year, he is must be engaged in the delivery of items as a distinct and separate line of business.
considered to be a regular employee, who should enjoy the benefit of security of
tenure. Atty. Jazzie’s Discussion Very important discussion here is that the Supreme Court
emphasized the four-fold test, the essential requisites to have an employer-
What was the basis of the Supreme Court in saying that there was labor-only employee relationship. Based from that, the SC said that there is an employer-
contracting and not a legitimate job contracting? Section 9 of Rule VIII of Book employee relationship between the bank and Orpiada.
III entitled "Conditions of Employment," of the Omnibus Rules Implementing the
Labor Code provides as follows: Who exercises the power to select in this case? The SC noted that among the
Section 9. Labor-only contracting. — (a) Any person who undertakes to supply four elements, the 2 are attributed to the contractor and the other 2 are attributed to
workers to an employer shall be deemed to be engaged in labor-only contracting PBCom.
where such person:
So what are these factors?
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
transfer of funds received and relayed by her, respectively, tallies with that of the
1. Power to Select PBCom had the right to accept or to refuse to accept register.
Orpiada in this case. So, the power to select was attributed to PBCom
The guidelines were laid down merely to ensure that the desired end-result was
2. Payment of Wages This power was attributed to CESI. achieved. It did not, however, tell Neri how the radio/telex machine should be
operated. It can also be noted that:
3. Power to Dismiss This power was attributed to CESI.
● Neri and Cabelin reported for work wearing the prescribed uniform of
4. Power of Control The SC took into consideration that the right of control BCC;
belongs to the bank. Orpiada performed his duties within the premises of ● Leaves of absence were filed directly with BCC; and
PBCom and not within the office premises of CESI. The SC also discussed ● Salaries were drawn only from BCC.
that the nature of work of Orpiada is directly related to the nature of the ● Neri secured a certification from BCC that she was employed by the latter.
business of the bank.
It was BCC alone which had the power to reassign petitioners. Petitioners cannot be
TAKE NOTE: As to how the SC arrived at the conclusion that CESI was only held to be employees of FEBTC as BCC "carries an independent business" and
considered as a labor-only contractor and that the petitioner Bank is liable to Orpiada undertakes the performance of its contract with various clients according to its "own
as if Orpiada has been directly employed not only by CESI but also by the bank. manner and method, free from the control and supervision" of its principals in all
matters "except as to the results thereof." BCC has not committed any violation.
However, the SC held here that in ruling that there is labor-only contracting, CESI
and PBCom are solidarily liable. Nonetheless if the bank is the one who will pay the This is a case for conversion of employment status so that Petitioners can receive
employees because there is an agreement between the bank and CESI, the bank the same salary being given to regular employees of FEBTC. However, as
can seek reimbursement from the contractor. determined, petitioners are not regulars of FEBTC but of BCC. As such, they are not
entitled to the same salaries as FEBTC’s regular employees.
But on the part of the employee, the liability is solidary between the contractor and
the principal. QUESTIONS What is the difference between this case and that earlier case of
PBCom because remember, PBCom was also cited here?
Neri v. NLRC
One main distinction is the right to control.
Facts: : Virginia Neri and Jose Cabelin were hired by Building Care Corp (BCC), In BCC, it is emphasized here that FEBTC did not have control over the work of Neri
a corporation engaged in providing technical maintenance, engineering, because BCC was the one who had control over the daily incoming and outgoing
housekeeping, security and other specific services to its clientele. Neri and Cabelin telegraphic transfer of funds received by relayed by Neri and that it tallies with their
were assigned to work in Cagayan de Oro City Branch of Far East Bank and Trust register.
Company (FEBTC).
Furthermore, there was also a difference as to the payment of wages. In BCC, Neri
Neri as a radio/telex operator and Cabelin as janitor, before being promoted to was paid in lump sum, unlike that of the PBCom case wherein CESI was paid on a
messenger (only Cabelin was promoted). Neri and Cabelin instituted a complaint daily rate on a per person basis.
against FEBTC and BCC at the DOLE to compel FEBTC to accept them as regular
employees and for it to pay the differential between the wages being paid them Take note of the distinction of the PBCom case and the Neri case.
by BCC and those received by FEBTC employees with similar length of service.
Here, BCC was able to prove that it was a legitimate job contractor. The presumption
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. The LA also held that is that there is labor-only contracting. In other words, if you alleged that you are
they were regular employees of BCC, not FEBTC because BCC proved that it had involved in job contracting or legitimate job contracting, you have the burden of proof
substantial capital. to show that there is substantial capital or investments in costs or machineries. The
SC emphasized that it is not required that the contractor must be able to prove
The NLRC affirmed the decision of the LA. Neri and Cabelin contend that BCC is substantial capital and investments (emphasize on the word ”either”).
engaged in Labor-only contracting because it failed to adduce evidence that it
invested in the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises and other In this case, while it was said that the services may be directly-related to the principal
materials which are necessary in the conduct of its business. Further, Neri and business, it may be shown that it was necessary in the conduct of their business and
Cabelin argue that they are performing duties which are directly related to the further, it was also proven that the bank here, Far East Bank, had no control over the
principal business or operations of FEBTC. petitioners in this case.

Issue: W/N BCC is a labor-only contractor, as such, Neri and Cabelin may be Rosewood v. NLRC A legitimate contracting business
recognized as regular employees of FEBTC? They are considered as regular
employees of Building Care Corp. Facts: All the complainants were employed by the Veterans Philippine Scout
Security Agency as security guards: Napoleon Mamon on October 7, 1989; Arsenio
Ruling: No. BCC is not a labor-only contractor. Gazzingan on September 25, 1988; Rodolfo C. Velasco on January 5, 1987;
Armando Ballon on June 28, 1990; Victor Aldeza on March 21, 1990; and Jose L.
The Court held that BCC need not prove that it made investments in the form of tools, Cabrera in January 1988. Complainants were constructively and illegally dismissed
equipment, machineries, etc., because it has established that it has sufficient by the security agency which placed them on floating status and at the same time
capitalization. gave assignments to newly hired security guards.

Be that as it may, the Court has already taken judicial notice of the general practice On May 13, 1991, a complaint for illegal dismissal; underpayment of wages; and for
adopted in several government and private institutions and industries of hiring nonpayment of overtime pay, legal holiday pay, premium pay for holiday and rest day,
independent contractors to perform special services. These services range from thirteenth month pay, cash bond deposit, unpaid wages and damages was filed
janitorial, security and even technical or other specific services considered directly against Veterans Philippine Scout Security Agency and/or Sergio Jamila IV
related to the principal business of the employer. Nevertheless, they are not (collectively referred to as the "security agency," for brevity).
necessary in the conduct of the principal business of the employer.
Thereafter, Rosewood was impleaded as a third-party respondent by the security
Applying the “right of control” test, they are still considered employees of BCC. In agency.
the case of petitioner Neri, it is admitted that FEBTC issued a job description which
detailed her functions as a radio/telex operator. However, a cursory reading of the LABOR ARBITER: The labor arbiter noted the failure of the security agency to
job description shows that what was sought to be controlled by FEBTC was actually present evidence to refute the complainants' allegation. The labor arbiter held
the end-result of the task, e.g., that the daily incoming and outgoing telegraphic Rosewood jointly and severally liable with the security agency as the complainants'
indirect employer under Articles 106, 107 and 109 of the Labor Code.
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reassigned to another principal necessarily ends such responsibility. The principal is
NLRC: Dismissed petitioner's appeal made liable to his indirect employees, because it can protect itself from irresponsible
contractors by withholding such sums and paying them directly to the employees or
Issue: Whether Rosewood is solidarily liable with the security agency for the by requiring a bond from the contractor or subcontractor for this purpose.
payment of back wages, wage differential and separation pay? Rosewood is
solidarily liable to pay the complainants ONLY wage differentials during the With the foregoing discussion in mind, we now take up in detail the petitioners liability
period that the complainants were actually under its employ. Rosewood is to each of the complainants.
exonerated from the payment of backwages and separation pay.
Mamon worked for petitioner for a period of a little more than one year beginning
Ruling: Yes. The arbiter ruled that petitioner was liable in solidum with the agency February 3, 1990 until May 16, 1991. Inasmuch as petitioner was his indirect
for salary differentials based on Articles 106, 107 and 109 of the Labor Code which employer during such time, it should thus be severally liable for wage differential from
hold an employer jointly and severally liable with its contractor or subcontractor, as if the time of his employment until his relief from duty. He was relieved upon the request
it is the direct employer. We quote said provisions below: of petitioner, after it had learned of the complaint for underpayment of wages filed by
Mamon and several other security guards.

Gazzingan was assigned to petitioner as a security guard for a period of one year.
Article 106. Contractor or subcontractor. Whenever an employer enters into a For said period, petitioner is solidarily liable with the agency for underpayment of
contract with another person for the performance of the former’s work, the wages based on Articles 106, 107 and 109 of the Code. His dismissal cannot be
employees of the contractor and of the latter’s subcontractor, if any, shall be paid blamed on the petitioner. Like Mamon, Gazzingan had already been assigned to
in accordance with the provisions of this Code. another client of the agency when he was illegally dismissed. Thus, Rosewood
cannot be held liable, jointly and severally with the agency, for back wages and
In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the wages of his separation pay.
employees in accordance with this Code, the employer shall be jointly and
severally liable with his contractor or subcontractor to such employees to the Rodolfo Velasco was assigned to petitioner from December 31, 1988 until May 16,
extent of the work performed under the contract, in the same manner and extent 1991. Thus, petitioner is solidarily liable for wage differentials during such period.
that he is liable to employees directly employed by him. Petitioner is not, however, liable for back wages and separation pay, because
Velasco was no longer working for petitioner at the time of his illegal dismissal.
The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate regulations, restrict
or prohibit the contracting-out of labor to protect the rights of workers established Ballon. Petitioner was the indirect employer of Ballon during the period beginning
under this Code. In so prohibiting or restricting, he may make appropriate November 6, 1990 until May 15, 1991; thus, it is liable for wage differentials for said
distinctions between labor-only contracting and job contracting as well as period. However, it is not liable for back wages and separation pay, as there was
differentiations within these types of contracting and determine who among the no evidence presented to show that it participated in Ballon's illegal dismissal.
parties involved shall be considered the employer for purposes of this Code, to
prevent any violation or circumvention of any provision of this Code. Aldeza. Petitioner is liable for wage differentials in favor of Aldeza during the period
he worked with petitioner, that is, October 16, 1990 until May 15, 1991.
There is "labor-only" contracting where the person supplying workers to an
employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the form of tools, The cause of Aldezas illegal dismissal is imputable, not to petitioner, but solely to the
equipment, machineries, work premises, among others, and the workers recruited security agency. In Aldezas case, the solidary liability for back wages and separation
and placed by such person are performing activities which are directly related to pay arising from Articles 106, 107 and 109 of the Code has no application.
the principal business of such employer. In such cases, the person or intermediary
shall be considered merely as an agent of the employer who shall be responsible Cabrera was an employee of the security agency, but he never rendered security
to the workers in the same manner and extent as if the latter were directly services to petitioner. This fact is evident in the labor arbiter’s findings. Hence,
employed by him. petitioner is not liable to Cabrera for anything.

Article 107. Indirect employer. The provisions of the immediately preceding article In all these cases, however, the liability of the security agency is without question, as
shall likewise apply to any person, partnership, association or corporation which, it did not appeal from the Decisions of the labor arbiter and Respondent Commission.
not being an employer, contracts with an independent contractor for the
performance of any work, task, job or project. SC: The petition is partially GRANTED. The assailed Decision is hereby MODIFIED,
such that petitioner, with the security agency, is solidarily liable to PAY the
Article 109. Solidary liability. The provisions of existing laws to the contrary complainants only wage differentials during the period that the complainants were
notwithstanding, every employer or indirect employer shall be held responsible actually under its employ, as above detailed. Petitioner is EXONERATED from the
with his contractor or subcontractor for any violation of any provision of this Code. payment of back wages and separation pay.
For purposes of determining the extent of their civil liability under this Chapter,
they shall be considered as direct employers. Atty. Jazzie’s Discussion Under the facts of this case, there is no labor-only
contracting. It is a legitimate contracting business. This is a job-contracting
agency. The security agency is the direct employer of the employees. But even if
there is a job contracting and there is no labor-only contracting, the principal can still
The joint and several liability of the employer or principal was enacted to ensure be held liable for the benefits under the Labor Laws.
compliance with the provisions of the Code, principally those on statutory minimum
wage. The contractor or subcontractor is made liable by virtue of his or her status Again, with regard to the benefits, these refer to the payment of wages, 13th month
as a direct employer, and the principal as the indirect employer of the contractor's pay, holiday pay, among others. The nature of Rosewood's liability is solidarily with
employees. the direct employer, Veterans Security Agency.
Rosewood should not, however, be held liable for wage differentials incurred while The indirect employer's liability, however, extends only to the period during
the complainants were assigned to other companies. which they were working for the petitioner and the fact that they were
reassigned to another principal necessarily ends such responsibility of the
Under these cited provisions of the Labor Code, should the contractor fail to pay the indirect employer.
wages of its employees in accordance with law, the indirect employer (the petitioner
in this case), is jointly and severally liable with the contractor, but such responsibility The provisions of Article 106 and Article 107 of the Labor Code cannot apply to the
should be understood to be limited to the extent of the work performed under the petitioner considering that the complainants were no longer working or no longer
contract, in the same manner and extent that he is liable to the employees directly assigned to it when they were illegally dismissed.
employed by him.
An indirect employer should not be made liable without a finding that it had
The indirect employer's liability to the contractor's employees extends only to the committed or conspired with the illegal dismissal. The proposition that payment
period during which they were working for the petitioner, and the fact that they were
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
of backwages and separation pay should be covered by Article 109 of the Labor Code the person or intermediary shall be considered merely as an agent of the
(which holds that an indirect is solidarily liable with his contractor or subcontractor for employer who shall be responsible to the workers in the same manner and
any violation of any provision of this code) would have been tenable if there had been extent as if the latter were directly employed by him.
proof that the principal conspired with the contractor in connection to the illegal
dismissal. What about the nature of work of the petitioners in this case? Novelty
contends that the services which are directly related to manufacturing garments
The SC here specified, one at a time, the extent of the liability of Rosewood to the are sewing, textile cutting, designs, dying, quality control, personnel,
employees or complainants, taking into consideration, say, the wage differentials of administration, accounting, finance, customs, delivery and similar other activities;
the employees but only for the period they actually worked for Rosewood. The nature and that allegedly, it is only by stretching the imagination that one may
of the liability is solidary. It is very clear under Article 109. conclude that the services of janitors, janitresses, firemen, grasscutters,
mechanics and helpers are directly related to the business of manufacturing
Solidary Liability - Anyone of the Joint Liability - As many debtors as
debtors would be liable for the full there as debts; cannot compel the The SC said here that the work of gardeners in maintaining clean and well-kept
obligation debtor to pay more than his grounds around the factory, mechanics to keep the machines functioning
proportionate share properly, and firemen to look out for fires, are directly related to the daily
operations of a garment factory.
Surety - Solidarily liable together with Guarantor - Only liable after the
the principal debtor exhaustion of the assets of the principal That fact is confirmed by Novelty’s rehiring the workers or renewing the contract
debtor with Lipercon every year from 1983 to 1986, a period of three (3) years.

Guarin v. NLRC TAKE NOTE: The Supreme Court here emphasized that he who alleges that he
is engaged in independent or job contracting has the burden of proof to show the
Facts: Novelty Philippines, Inc., is a domestic corporation engaged in the garment presence of the requisites, including the substantial capital or investment in the
manufacturing business. It entered into a contract with Lipercon Services, Inc., its form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among others.
service contractor who provides workers for other companies. Under their contract of
services, it stipulated there, particularly in paragraph 1, that – In this case, it was not the employees who had the burden of proof. The
petitioners need not prove the negative fact that the contractor does not have
“The Contractor shall provide the Company with contractual laborers, helpers, substantial capital or investment in tools to engage in job contracting. The case
janitors, as requested by the Company from time to time, and for such other activities of Guarin was also mentioned in the case of Rhone Poulenc.
that may be contracted out at the discretion of the Company.”
Rhone Poulene v. NLRC CSI is engaged in job contracting
Other stipulations include that Lipercon shall comply with labor laws and that there
is no employer-employee relationship between Novelty and the employees that Facts: Rhone-Poulenc Agrochemicals Philippines, Inc., is a corporation engaged
would be assigned by Lipercon to Novelty. in the manufacture of agro-chemicals. Its business operations involve the formulation,
production, distribution and sale in the local market of its agro-chemical products.
Also, that Lipercon shall have exclusive discretion as to the selection, engagement,
and discharge of its personnel, and that the contract will remain in full force from July As a consequence of the sale by Union Carbide, Inc. of all its agricultural-chemical
6, 1983 to 1984, renewable at the option of Novelty and either party may terminate divisions worldwide in favor of RhonePoulenc Agrochemie, France, the petitioner's
the contract upon giving a 30-day notice upon the other party. mother corporation, Rhone-Poulenc acquired from Union Carbide Philippines Far
East, Inc. (Union Carbide for short) the latter's agro-chemical formulation plant in
Petitioners here were hired by Lipercon and assigned to Novelty as helpers, janitors, Namayan, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila.
janitresses, firemen, and mechanics under the agreement between Lipercon and
Novelty. They worked there for around 3 years. Rhone-Poulenc and Union Carbide agreed on a three-month transition period for
the turnover of the Namayan plant. Hence, both Union Carbide and Rhone-Poulenc
On December 31, 1986, Novelty terminated its agreement with Lipercon, which shared and operated the same facilities.
resulted in the dismissal of Guarin and the others. Thereafter, they filed a complaint
for illegal dismissal. Prior to the sale, Union Carbide had entered into a contract with Contemporary
Services, Inc. (CSI) for the latter's supply of janitorial services. During the transition
Issue: W/N, as found by the NLRC, Lipercon is an independent contractor and that period, Union Carbide continued to avail itself of CSI's janitorial services. Thus,
Guarin and the others are its employees. Lipercon was only a Labor Only Rhone-Poulenc found itself sharing the Namayan plant with Union Carbide while the
Contractor factory was being serviced and maintained by janitors supplied by CSI.

Ruling: Under the Contract of Services between Novelty and Lipercon, Lipercon was Midway through the transition period, Union Carbide instructed CSI to reduce the
only a labor-only contractor. It is only an agent of Novelty securing workers for the number of janitors working at the plant from eight (8) to seven (7). Paulino Roman,
latter, who is the direct employer. one of the janitors, was recalled by CSI for reassignment. However, Roman refused
to acknowledge receipt of the recall memorandum.
Even though the NLRC found that Lipercon was not a mere labor only contractor
because it had substantial capital or investments in the form of tools, equipment, Union Carbide formally notified CSI of the termination of their janitorial service
machineries, etc., the NLRC pointed out that “it claims to have possessed substantial agreement citing as reason the global buy-out by Rhone-Poulenc, Agrochemie,
capital and equipment essential to carry out its business as a general independent France of Union Carbides Inc.'s agrochemical business. CSI issued a memorandum
contractor”, the SC said that such finding of NLRC, is based on insubstantial to the seven remaining janitors assigned to the Namayan plant, including Urcisio
evidence. Orain, recalling and advising them to report to the CSI office for reassignment. Like
Roman, the janitors refused to acknowledge receipt of the recall memorandum.
The SC reiterated the rule that the burden of proof on the contractor to prove that it
has substantial capital, investment, etc. and that petitioners Guarin, et. al. need not Meanwhile, in anticipation of the pull-out by Union Carbide, Rhone-Poulenc started
prove that Lipercon has substantial capital, etc. Article 106, paragraph (4) of the screening proposals by prospective service contractors. It likewise invited CSI to
Labor Code provides that – submit to its Bidding Committee a cost quotation of its janitorial services. However,
another contractor, the Marilag Business and Industrial Services, Inc. passed the
There is "labor-only" contracting where the person supplying workers to an bidding committee's standards and obtained the janitorial services contract.
employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the form of tools,
equipment, machineries, work premises, among others, and the workers The eight janitors reported for work at the Namayan plant but were refused
recruited and placed by such person are performing activities which are admission and were told that another group of janitors had replaced them. These
directly related to the principal business of such employer. In such cases, janitors then filed separate complaints for illegal dismissal, payment of 13th month
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salary, service leave and overtime pay against Union Carbide, Rhone- Poulenc and petitioner derived from the continuous availment by Union Carbide of the services of
CSI. CSI’s janitors was merely incidental.

Labor Arbiter Asuncion ruled that CSI is a legitimate service contractor and that The NLRC also overlooked the fact that it was still Union Carbide who paid CSI for
Roman and Orain were employees of CSI. The NLRC ordered Rhone-Poulenc to the services of these janitors. Also, even prior to the expiration of the transition period,
reinstate Roman and Orain and to pay one year backwages, or to grant them the petitioner, in anticipation of the pullout of Union Carbide and it hired service
separation pay if reinstatement was not feasible. agencies, started screening its own service contractors. Under these circumstances,
the petitioner may not be deemed to have absorbed the respondent janitors as its
Rhone-Poulenc maintains that it is CSI, and not Union Carbide and Rhone- own employees.
Poulenc, as successor, which is the actual employer of the janitors. It insists that
CSI is a legitimate independent contractor providing janitorial services to a wide range
of clientele including Union Carbide. Guarin Case Rhone Poulenc Case

Issue 1: Whether or not the janitors were employees of Union Carbide? NO There was failure to prove the essential It was established that CSI had other
requisites for one to be considered to clients and that it had substantial
Ruling: No, there is no employer-employee relationship between Union Carbide be engaged in legitimate job capital.
and the janitors. The janitors themselves admitted that they were selected and hired contracting.
by CSI and were assigned to Union Carbide. CSI likewise acknowledged that the two
janitors were its employees. The janitors drew their salaries from CSI and not from It also noted the number of employees The janitors that were farmed out to
Union Carbide. CSI exercised control over these janitors through Richard Barroga, that were farmed out by Lipercon in Union Carbide were only 8.
also a CSI employee, who gave orders and instructions to CSI janitors assigned to favor of Novelty, which was 120. For
the Namayan plant. Moreover, CSI had the power to assign its janitors to various such number of employees, how can it
clients and to pull out, as it had done in a number of occasions, any of its janitors not be engaged in work which is directly
working at Union Carbide. related to the function of the principal in
this case.
Employer-employee relationship; Elements in determining the existence of employer-
employee relationship. — In determining the existence of employer-employee
relationship, the following elements are generally considered, namely: DISTINCTIONS
"Labor-Only Contracting" and "Job Contracting"
(1) the selection and engagement of the employees;
(2) the payment of wages;
(3) the power of dismissal; and Labor-Only Contracting Legitimate Job Contracting
(4) the power to control the employee’s conduct—although the latter is the most
important element. An employer-employee relationship is There is no employer-employee
created by law between the principal relationship between the contractor's
Although the application of the aforementioned four-fold test will not establish an and the employees supplied by the employees and the principal.
employer-employee relationship, a person or employer who contracts with another labor-only contractor
for the performance of the former’s work or of any work nevertheless becomes liable
to the employees of the contractor. The principal is considered as the direct The principal is only considered as the
employer of the employees supplied by indirect employer, as defined under
Issue 2: Whether or not CSI is a labor-only contractor? CSI is engaged in job the labor-only contractor Article 107 of the Labor Code
The principal is solidarily liable with the The solidary obligation of the principal
Ruling: No, CSI is engaged in job contracting. As to whether CSI is engaged in labor- labor-only contractor to the employees and the legitimate job contractor is only
only contracting or in job contracting, applying the test prescribed by the Labor Code in the same manner and extent that the for a limited purpose – to ensure that
and the implementing rules, the Court finds sufficient basis from the records to principal is liable to the employees the employees are paid their wages
conclude that CSI is engaged in job contracting. directly hired by him. and other benefits under the Labor
In Kimberly Independent Labor Union v. Drilon, the Court took judicial notice of the
general practice adopted in several government and private institutions and The labor-only contractor is considered The contractor undertakes to perform a
industries of hiring a janitorial service on an independent contractor basis. merely as an agent to provide supplies, specific job for the principal.
recruits, and places personnel to work
Even on the supposition that the janitors were, indeed, employees of Union Carbide for the principal.
or that CSI is a labor-only contractor, thus making Union Carbide a direct employer
of these janitors, Rhone-Poulenc, as purchaser of Union Carbide’s business, is not
compelled to absorb these janitors into its workforce. An innocent transferee of TESTS EMPLOYED BY THE SC (Based on the Cases Discussed)
a business establishment has no liability to the employees of the transferor to
continue employing them. 1. Right of Control Test - Determine whether the method of manner of the contractor
in performing the contracted job is completely free from control and direction of the
Is there labor-only contracting here? NO. CSI is engaged in job contracting. principal, except as to the results thereof (cases of PBCOM and Far East Bank).

Even if there is legitimate job contracting, is Rhone Poulenc here liable for the 2. Substantial Capital or Investment Test - Determine whether the contractor has
dismissed employees? NO. The Janitorial Service Agreement does not bind Rhone substantial capital or investment in the form of tools, machineries, equipment, work
Poulenc. The SC said that even on the supposition that the janitors were, indeed, premises, and other materials which are necessary in the conduct of his business.
employees of Union Carbide or that CSI is a labor-only contractor, thus making Union
Carbide a direct employer of these janitors, petitioner Rhone-Poulenc, as purchaser NOTE: Under Department Order 174 – the substantial capital is P 5 million in shares
of Union Carbide’s business, is not compelled to absorb these janitors into its or stocks (corporation, partnership or single proprietorship).
workforce. An innocent transferee of a business establishment has no liability to the
employees of the transferor to continue employing them. 3. Direct Relation to The Principal's Business Test - Determine whether the
employees recruited, supplied, or placed by the contractor performed activities which
What about the fact that these janitors were working during the transition are directly related to the main business of the principal.
period between Union Carbide and Rhone Poulenc? During the three-month
transition period prior to Union Carbide’s turnover of the facilities, the service 4. Legal Rights and Benefits Compliance Test - Determine whether the service
contract between Union Carbide and CSI was still in force. Whatever benefit the agreement between the principal and the contractor assures the employee of the

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
latter farmed out to the former, the entitlement to all labor and occupational safety part of the basic salary shall not be included in the computation of the 13th-month
and health standards, free exercise of their right to self-organization, security of pay. Under the Revised Guidelines on the
tenure, and social and welfare benefits. If these are given by the contractor, there is
compliance to the legal rights and benefits compliance test. Implementation of the 13th-Month Pay Law, it was specifically stated that the
minimum 13th-month pay required by law shall not be less than one-twelfth (1/12) of
Among the four, the legal rights and benefits compliance test is the least used test the total basic salary earned by an employee within a calendar year. Furthermore,
employed by the courts. the term "basic salary" of an employee for the purpose of computing the 13th-month
pay was interpreted to include all remuneration or earnings paid by the employer for
Insert masada case services rendered, but does not include allowances and monetary benefits which are
not integrated as part of the regular or basic salary, such as the cash equivalent of
Dep order 174 - “substantial capital” can be considered if it is 5,000,000 pesos unused vacation and sick leave credits, overtime, premium, night differential and
holiday pay, and cost-of-living allowances. However, these salary-related benefits
Central v. Central should be included as part of the basic salary in the computation of the 13th-month
pay if, by individual or collective agreement, company practice or policy, the same
Facts: Central Azucarera De Tarlac (petitioner) is a domestic corporation engaged in are treated as part of the basic salary of the employees. Based on the foregoing, it is
the business of sugar manufacturing, while respondent is a legitimate labor clear that there could have no erroneous interpretation or application of what is
organization which serves as the exclusive bargaining representative of petitioner's included in the term "basic salary" for purposes of computing the 13th-month pay.
rank-and-file employees. In compliance with PD 851, petitioner granted its employees
the mandatory 13th month pay since 1975. The formula used by petitioner in As correctly ruled by the CA, the practice of petitioner in giving 13th-month pay based
computing the 13th-month pay was: Total Basic Annual Salary divided by 12. on the employees' gross annual earnings which included the basic monthly salary,
Included in petitioner's computation of the Total Basic Annual Salary were the premium pay for work on rest days and special holidays, night shift differential pay
following: basic monthly salary; first 8 hours overtime pay on Sunday and and holiday pay continued for almost thirty (30) years and has ripened into a company
legal/special holiday; night premium pay; and vacation and sick leaves for each year. policy or practice which cannot be unilaterally withdrawn. Article 100 of the Labor
Throughout the years, petitioner used this computation until 2006. Code, otherwise known as the Non-Diminution Rule, mandates that benefits given to
employees cannot be taken back or reduced unilaterally by the employer because
On November 6, 2004, respondent staged a strike. During the pendency of the strike, the benefit has become part of the employment contract, written or unwritten. The
petitioner declared a temporary cessation of operations. In December 2005, all the rule against diminution of benefits applies if it is shown that the grant of the benefit is
striking union members were allowed to return to work. Subsequently, petitioner based on an express policy or has ripened into a practice over a long period of time
declared another temporary cessation of operations for the months of April and May and that the practice is consistent and deliberate. Nevertheless, the rule will not apply
2006. The suspension of operation was lifted on June 2006, but the rank-and-file if the practice is due to error in the construction or application of a doubtful or difficult
employees were allowed to report for work on a 15 day-per-month rotation basis that question of law. But even in cases of error, it should be shown that the correction is
lasted until September 2006. In December 2006, petitioner gave the employees their done soon after discovery of the error.
13th-month pay based on the employee's total earnings during the year divided by
12. Respondent objected to this computation. It averred that petitioner did not adhere
to the usual computation of the 13th-month pay. It claimed that the divisor should
have been 8 instead of 12, because the employees worked for only 8 months in 2006. Department Order 174 s.2017
It likewise asserted that petitioner did not observe the company practice of giving its
employees the guaranteed amount equivalent to their one month pay, in instances Section 5. Absolute Prohibition against Labor-Only Contracting. Labor-Only
where the computed 13th-month pay was less than their basic monthly pay. Contracting which is totally prohibited, refers to an arrangement where:

Since the parties failed to reach a settlement, respondent applied for preventive (a) i. The contractor or subcontractor does not have substantial capital or
mediation before the National Conciliation and Mediation Board. However the parties ii. The contractor or subcontractor does not have investments in the
still failed to settle the dispute. On March 29, 2007, respondent filed a complaint form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among others;
against petitioner for money claims based on the alleged diminution of and
benefits/erroneous computation of 13th-month pay before the Regional Arbitration iii. The contractor’s or subcontractor’s employees recruited and placed
Branch of the NLRC. The Labor Arbiter (LA) dismissed the complaint. The NLRC by such person are performing activities which are directly related to
reversed the decision however, and ordered petitioner to adhere to its established the principal business or operations of the principal or
practice of granting 13th-month pay on the basis of gross annual basic which includes
basic pay, premium pay for work in rest days and special holidays, night shift (b) The contractor or subcontractor does not exercise the right to control
differential and paid vacation and sick leaves for each year. Additionally, respondent over the performance of the work of the employee
is ordered to observe the guaranteed one month pay by way of 13th month pay. The
CA affirmed the decision of the NLRC. The substantial capital has been raised to 5 Million for one to be considered as
legitimate job contracting.
Issue: Whether there was an error in the computation of the 13th-month pay of its
employees as a result of its mistake in implementing P.D. No. 851 TAKE NOTE of the requisites for there to be Labor-Only Contracting:

Ruling: NO, there was no error, even if there was it has already ripened into company 1. No substantial capital or investment which relates to the job, work or
practice. The 13th-month pay mandated by Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 851 service to be performed AND employees recruited, supplied or placed by
represents an additional income based on wage but not part of the wage. It is such contractor or subcontractor are performing activities which are
equivalent to one-twelfth (1/12) of the total basic salary earned by an employee within directly related to the main business of the principal; OR
a calendar year. All rank-and-file employees, regardless of their designation or 2. The contractor does not exercise the right to control over the performance
employment status and irrespective of the method by which their wages are paid, are of the work of the contractual employee
entitled to this benefit, provided that they have worked for at least one month during
the calendar year. If the employee worked for only a portion of the year, the 13th- This is very important because if there is labor-only contracting, what would
month pay is computed pro rata. be the effect? The contractor may be merely treated as an agent of the principal.
The principal will be the one considered as an employer as if he is the one who
The Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D. No. 851 defines "basic salary" to directly employed the employees. Therefore, he would be responsible for all their
include all remunerations or earnings paid by an employer to an employee for entitlements and benefits under the labor law.
services rendered but may not include cost-of-living allowances granted pursuant to
Presidential Decree No. 525 or Letter of Instructions No. 174, profit-sharing Nonetheless, even if it is considered as a labor-only contracting, you still apply the
payments, and all allowances and monetary benefits which are not considered or rules in solidary liability. On the part of the employees, this is for their benefit because
integrated as part of the regular or basic salary of the employee at the time of the they can go to either of them. When we talk about solidary liability, any one of them
promulgation of the Decree on December 16, 1975. The Supplementary Rules and can be held or can be compelled to pay as in this case, the benefits that are entitled
Regulations clarifies that overtime pay, earnings, and other remuneration that are not to the employees.
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020

EFFECT OF LABOR-ONLY CONTRACTING Effect: Same as Labor-Only Contracting.

1. The subcontractor will be treated as the agents of the principal, and

representations by the subcontractor to the employees will bind the DO 174, Series of 2017
principal. Therefore the representations by the subcontractor to the
employees will bind the principal. Section 8. Permissible Contracting or Subcontracting Agreements.
2. The principal will become the employer as if it directly employed the Notwithstanding Sections 5 and 6 hereof, contracting or subcontracting shall
workers, and will be responsible for all their entitlements and benefits only be allowed if all the following circumstances concur:
under labor laws (for all purposes under Social Legislation and Labor
Legislation) not just under the Labor Code a) The contractor or subcontractor is engaged in a distinct and independent
3. The principal and subcontractor will be solidarily treated as employer. business and undertakes to perform the job or work on its own responsibility,
4. The employees will become employees of the principal, subject to the according to its own manner and method;
classifications of employees under the Labor Code.
If one is considered as a Labor-Only Contractor, essentially the effect is that the b) The contractor or subcontractor has substantial capital to carry out the job
contractor is eliminated by law to which the principal will be considered as the farmed out by the principal on his account, manner and method, investment in
employer of those who were hired. the form of tools, equipment, machinery, and supervision;

Labor-Only Contracting is considered as legally wrong. This is an attempt to evade c) In performing the work farmed out, the contractor or subcontractor is free from
obligations of an employer. the control and/or direction of the principal in all matters connected with the
performance of the work except as to the result thereto; and
Also prohibited is contracting with a cabo, as defined under Section 3 of DO 174,
Series of 2017: d) The Service Agreement ensures compliance with all the rights and benefits
for all the employees of the contractor or subcontractor under the labor laws.
"Cabo" — refers to a person or group of persons or to a labor group which, under
the guise of a labor organization, cooperative or any entity, supplies workers to an REMEMBER: In labor-only contracting, the indirect employer has control over the
employer, with or without any monetary or other consideration, whether in the employees while in legitimate job contracting, the principal has no control over the
capacity as an agent of the employer or as an ostensible independent contractor. employees. Now we already have an idea as to what constitutes labor-only
contracting and what is legitimate job contracting. Let us go to the cases.


Section 6. Other Illicit Forms of Employment Arrangements. In addition to
Section 5 of these Rules, the following are hereby declared prohibited for being 1. RIGHT OF CONTROL TEST - addresses the issue of whether the
contrary to the law or public policy: contractors’ manner and method of performing the contracted job, work,
or service are completely free from the control and direction of the
a) When the principal farms out work to a "Cabo". principal except as to the result thereof.

b) Contracting out of job or work through an in-house agency, 2. SUBSTANTIAL CAPITAL OR INVESTMENT TEST - seeks to address
the issue of whether the contractor has substantial capital or investment
c) Contracting out of job or work through an in-house cooperative which merely in the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work, premises, and other
supplies workers to the principal. Take note that a cooperative can be materials which are necessary in the conduct of its business.
considered as a labor-only contractor or a legitimate job contractor depending
upon the circumstances. 3. DIRECT RELATION TO THE PRINCIPAL’S BUSINESS TEST - seeks to
address the issue of whether the employees recruited, supplied or placed
d) Contracting out of a job or work by reason of a strike or lockout whether actual by a contractor are performing activities which are directly related to the
or imminent. main business of the principal.

e) Contracting out of a job or work being performed by union members and such 4. LEGAL RIGHTS AND BENEFITS COMPLIANCE TEST - addresses the
will interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights to issue of whether the Service Agreement between the principal and
self-organization as provided in Article 259 of the Labor Code, as amended. contractor assures the employees of the latter farmed out to the former of
their entitlement to all labor and occupational safety and health standards,
f) Requiring the contractor's/subcontractor's employees to perform functions free exercise of their right to self-organization, security of tenure, and
which are currently being performed by the regular employees of the principal. social and welfare benefits.

g) Requiring the contractor's/subcontractors employees to sign, as a These tests are just in connection to the circumstances mentioned under the
precondition to employment or continued employment, an antedated resignation Department Order. All of these must be present for a legitimate contracting.
letter; a blank payroll; a waiver of labor standards including minimum wages and
social or welfare benefits or a quitclaim releasing the principal or contractor from Section 9. Solidary Liability. In the event of violation of any provision of the Labor
liability as to payment of future claims; or require the employee to become Code, including the failure to pay wages, there exists a solidary liability on the part
member of a cooperative. of the principal and the contractor for purposes of enforcing provisions of the Labor
Code and other social legislations, to the extent of the work performed under the
h) Repeated hiring by the contractor/subcontractor of employees under an employment contract. For Labor-Only Contracting
employment contract of short duration,

i) Requiring employees under a contracting/subcontracting arrangement to sign For legitimate job contracting : There is solidary liability between the principal and
a contract fixing the period of employment to a term shorter than the term of the the contractor but in connection on to Labor Code provisions.
Service Agreement, unless the contract is divisible into phases for which
substantially different skills are required and this is made known to the employee NFA v. MASAD GR No. 163448 (March 8, 2005)
at the time of engagement.
There was a legitimate contracting. Who will be liable for the roll-up costs for the
j) Such other practices, schemes or employment arrangements designed to security guards?
circumvent the right of workers to security of tenure.

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
Held: Hence, the prescribed increases or the additional liability to be borne by the The right of first preference as regards unpaid wages recognized by Article 110 does
principal under Section 6 of RA 6727 is the increment or amount added to the not constitute a lien on the property of the insolvent debtor in favor of workers. It is
remuneration of an employee for an 8-hour work. but a preference of credit in their favor, a preference in application. It is a method
adopted to determine and specify the order in which credits should be paid in the final
x x x Since the increase in wage referred to in Section 6 pertains to the "statutory distribution of the proceeds of the insolvent's assets. It is a right to a first preference
minimum wage" as defined herein, principals in service contracts cannot be made to in the discharge of the funds of the judgment debtor.
pay the corresponding wage increase in the overtime pay, night shift differential,
holiday and rest day pay, premium pay and other benefits granted to workers. While The DBP anchors its claim on a mortgage credit. It creates a real right which is
basis of said remuneration and benefits is the statutory minimum wage, the law enforceable against the whole world. It is a lien on an identified immovable property,
cannot be unduly expanded as to include those not stated in the subject provision. which a preference is not. A recorded mortgage credit is a special preferred credit
under Article 2242 (5) of the Civil Code on classification of credits. The preference
At any rate, the interest of the employees will not be adversely affected if the given by Article 110, when not falling within Article 2241 (6) and Article 2242 (3) of
obligation of principals under the subject provision will be limited to the increase in the Civil Code and not attached to any specific property, is an ordinary preferred
the statutory minimum wage. This is so because all remuneration and benefits other credit although its impact is to move it from second priority to first priority in the order
than the increased statutory minimum wage would be shouldered and paid by the of preference established by Article 2244 of the Civil Code.
employer or service contractor to the workers concerned. Thus, in the end, all
allowances and benefits as computed under the increased rate mandated by RA In fine, the right to preference given to workers under Article 110 of the Labor Code
6727 and the wage orders will be received by the workers. cannot exist in any effective way prior to the time of its presentation in distribution
proceedings. It will find application when, in proceedings such as insolvency, such
Moreover, the law secures the welfare of the workers by imposing a solidary liability unpaid wages shall be paid in full before the "claims of the Government and other
on principals and the service contractors. Under the second sentence of Section 6 of creditors" may be paid. But, for an orderly settlement of a debtor's assets, all creditors
RA 6727, in the event that the principal or client fails to pay the prescribed wage must be convened, their claims ascertained and inventoried, and thereafter the
rates, the service contractor shall be held solidarily liable with the former. preferences determined in the course of judicial proceedings which have for their
object the subjection of the property of the debtor to the payment of his debts or other
lawful obligations.

It is clear from the wording of the law that the preferential right accorded to employees
Article 110. Worker preference in case of bankruptcy. In the event of and workers under Article 110 may be invoked only during bankruptcy or judicial
bankruptcy or liquidation of an employer’s business, his workers shall enjoy first liquidation proceedings against the employer. The law is unequivocal and admits of
preference as regards their wages and other monetary claims, any provisions of no other construction.
law to the contrary notwithstanding. Such unpaid wages and monetary claims shall
be paid in full before claims of the government and other creditors may be paid. Indubitably, the preferential right of credit attains significance only after the properties
(As amended by Section 1, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989) of the debtor have been inventoried and liquidated, and the claims held by his various
creditors have been established.

What Article 110 of the Labor Code establishes is not a lien, but a preference of credit
Take note that it must be read together with Articles 2241, 2242, 2244 of the Civil
in favor of employees. This simply means that during bankruptcy, insolvency or
Code which refer to preference and concurrence of credits.
liquidation proceedings involving the existing properties of the employer, the
employees have the advantage of having their unpaid wages satisfied ahead of
When we say concurrence of credits, the credits have the same rank. What will
certain claims which may be proved therein.
remain as assets of the employer will be divided among those concurrence credits.
Rubberworld v. NLRC
For preference credits, we are referring to specific property and whose credits are
preferred over them. If this property will be sold, such proceeds will go to this
Labor claims cannot proceed independently of a bankruptcy liquidation proceeding,
preferred party.
since these claims "would spawn needless controversy, delays, and confusion." With
more reason, allowing labor claims to continue in spite of a SEC suspension order in
What do we need to take note of this, especially for those who will still have Credit
a rehabilitation case would merely lead to such results.
Transactions, you have to take note that Article 2241 enumerates preferred creditors
in connection with a movable property. Article 2242 enumerates who are the
The preferential right of workers and employees under Article 110 of the Labor code
preferred creditors in connection with a real estate property. What do you mean by
may be invoked only upon the institution of insolvency or judicial liquidation
that? Meaning, if the debtor is insolvent, who shall be, among the creditors, be the
proceeding. Indeed, it is well-settled that "a declaration of bankruptcy or a judicial
one preferred to be paid. Article 2244 enumerates those that are preferred credits
liquidation must be present before preferences over various money claims may be
that are not falling under the categories of Art. 2241 and 2242.
enforced." But debtors resort to preference of credit — giving preferred creditors the
rights to have their claims paid ahead of those of other claimants — only when their
In concurrence of credits, if the debtor has no more preferred credits but still has
assets are insufficient to pay their debts fully. The purpose of rehabilitation
assets which are not enough to pay all his obligations, the concurrence of credits
proceedings is precisely to enable the company to gain a new lease on life and
shall apply.
thereby allow creditors to be paid their claims from its earnings. In insolvency
proceedings, on the other hand, the company stops operating, and the claims of
Why is that related with Article 110? If you try to look at Article 110, it would appear
creditors are satisfied from the assets of the insolvent corporation. The present case
that the worker is highly prioritized or the first priority. But if you relate that to the
involves the rehabilitation, not the liquidation, of petitioner-corporation. Hence, the
provisions of the Civil Code on preference and concurrence of credits, first, there
preference of credit granted to workers or employees under Article 110 of the Labor
must be a bankruptcy proceeding for an employee to raise Article 110. Second, when
Code is not applicable.
we say priority, priority after the preferred credits. You cannot say that the employees
will always be first paid with the assets of the employer.
Robledo v. NLRC
Article 110 only holds true when the property is not subject to a lien.
Held: Now, the claims of petitioners are actually money claims against the estate of
Felipe Bacani. They must be filed against his estate in accordance with Sec. 5 of
Rule 86.
Article 110 of the Labor Code cannot be viewed in isolation but must be read in
relation to the Civil Code scheme on classification and preference of credits. The rationale for the rule is that upon the death of the defendant, a testate or intestate
proceeding shall be instituted in the proper court wherein all his creditors must appear
and file their claims which shall be paid proportionately out of the property left by the
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
deceased. The objective is to avoid duplicity of procedure. Hence the ordinary actions the amount of compensation. We cannot, however, apply the foregoing rule in the
must be taken out from the ordinary courts. Under Art. 110 of the Labor Code, money instant petition and treat the fixed fee of P3,000.00 as full and sufficient consideration
claims of laborers enjoy preference over claims of other creditors in case of for private respondent's services, as petitioner would have it.
bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer's business.
We have already shown that the P3,000.00 is independent and different from the
compensation which private respondent should receive in payment for his services.
ATTORNEY’s FEES While petitioner and private respondent were able to fix a fee for the latter's promise
to extend services, they were not able to come into agreement as to the law firm's
actual performance of services in favor of the union. Hence, the retainer agreement
cannot control the measure of remuneration for private respondent's services.
Article 111. Attorney’s fees.
In any case, whether there is an agreement or not, the courts can fix a reasonable
a. In cases of unlawful withholding of wages, the culpable party may be compensation which lawyers should receive for their professional services. However,
assessed attorney’s fees equivalent to ten percent of the amount of the value of private respondent's legal services should not be established on the basis
wages recovered. of Article 111 of the Labor Code alone.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person to demand or accept, in any judicial
or administrative proceedings for the recovery of wages, attorney’s In the first place, the fees mentioned here are the extraordinary attorney's fees
fees which exceed ten percent of the amount of wages recovered. recoverable as indemnity for damages sustained by and payable to the prevailing
part. In the second place, the ten percent (10%) attorney's fees provided for in Article
111 of the Labor Code and Section 11, Rule VIII, Book III of the Implementing Rules
Article 111 is not limited to wage recoveries. There are other instances wherein labor is the maximum of the award that may thus be granted. Article 111 thus fixes only
related claims on the part of the employee. The limit to the amount of attorney’s fees the limit on the amount of attorney's fees the victorious party may recover in any
that can be demanded in connection to recovery of wages. judicial or administrative proceedings and it does not even prevent the NLRC from
fixing an amount lower than the ten percent (10%) ceiling prescribed by the article
Take Note: Non-lawyers as a general rule are not allowed to appear before the NLRC. when circumstances warrant it.
In certain instances, it may be allowed, but it does not mean that they are not entitled
to attorney’s fees. Article 111 of the Labor Code regulates the amount recoverable as attorney's fees in
the nature of damages sustained by and awarded to the prevailing party. It may not
RA 9406 on representation of PAO - The amounts collected from the cost of suit, be used therefore, as the lone standard in fixing the exact amount payable to the
attorney’s fees, and contingent fees imposed upon the adversary of the PAO’s client lawyer by his client for the legal services he rendered. Also, while it limits the
after a successful litigation shall be collectively referred to as success fees shall be maximum allowable amount of attorney's fees, it does not direct the instantaneous
deposited as a Special Trust Fund. and automatic award of attorney's fees in such maximum limit.


We agree with the NLRC's assessment that fifty percent of the judgment award as
attorney's fees is excessive and unreasonable. The financial capacity and economic
Article 112. Non-interference in disposal of wages. No employer shall limit or
status of the client have to be taken into account in fixing the reasonableness of the
otherwise interfere with the freedom of any employee to dispose of his wages. He
shall not in any manner force, compel, or oblige his employees to purchase
merchandise, commodities or other property from any other person, or otherwise
Furthermore, petitioner's contingent fee falls within the purview of Article 111 of the
make use of any store or services of such employer or any other person.
Labor Code. This article fixes the limit on the amount of attorney's fees which a
lawyer, like petitioner, may recover in any judicial or administrative proceedings since
the labor suit where he represented private respondents asked for the claim and The employee cannot be told what to do with his wages. In some workplaces, it
recovery of wages. In fact, We are not even precluded from fixing a lower amount cannot be allowed that the canteen cannot be managed by the employer. These are
than the ten percent ceiling prescribed by the article when circumstances warrant it. usually run by cooperatives or outsiders.
Nonetheless, considering the circumstances and the able handling of the case,
petitioner's fee need not be further reduced. Although the employer cannot interfere with the employee as to how he will dispose
of his wages, the employer can advise the employee.
Traders v. NLRC

There are two commonly accepted concepts of attorney's fees, the so-called ordinary
and extraordinary. In its ordinary concept, an attorney's fee is the reasonable Article 113. Wage deduction. No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of any
compensation paid to a lawyer by his client for the legal services he has rendered to person, shall make any deduction from the wages of his employees, except:
the latter. The basis of this compensation is the fact of his employment by and his
agreement with the client. a. In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by the employer,
and the deduction is to recompense the employer for the amount paid
In its extraordinary concept, an attorney's fee is an indemnity for damages ordered by him as premium on the insurance;
by the court to be paid by the losing party in a litigation. The basis of this is any of the b. For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his union to
cases provided by law where such award can be made, such as those authorized in check-off has been recognized by the employer or authorized in writing
Article 2208, Civil Code, and is payable not to the lawyer but to the client, unless they by the individual worker concerned; and
have agreed that the award shall pertain to the lawyer as additional compensation or c. In cases where the employer is authorized by law or regulations issued
as part thereof. by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.

Evidently, the P3,000.00 monthly fee provided in the retainer agreement between the
union and the law firm refers to a general retainer, or a retaining fee, as said monthly What are authorized to be deducted:
fee covers only the law firm's pledge, or as expressly stated therein, its "commitment
to render the legal services enumerated." The fee is not payment for private 1. Value of meals and other facilities. Remember the requisites for it to be
respondent's execution or performance of the services listed in the contract, subject considered validly deducted.
to some particular qualifications or permutations stated there. 2. Where the employee is insured with his consent by the employer,
deductions for the amount paid by the said employer as premiums for the
Generally speaking, where the employment of an attorney is under an express valid said insurance. Union dues. There must be authority in writing of the
contract fixing the compensation for the attorney, such contract is conclusive as to individual concerned.
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3. Court awards, subject to execution or attachments but take note only for RCPI also supposedly paid to one Atty. Rodolfo M. Capocyan the 10% fee that
debts or obligations incurred for food, shelter, clothing, or medical properly pertained to respondent union. Atty. Capocyan was a mere fictitious
attendance. character, his attorney’s fees, which included the claim of respondent, necessarily
4. Withholding tax and deductions for the SSS premium share of the devolved upon RCPI.
employee, Philheaht, HMDF.
5. Cooperative. There was no valid novation of the prior judgment because the pre-existing
obligation thereunder and the new one sought to be created are not absolutely
What if the employee is indebted to the employer? Deductions may be allowed is incompatible. The said agreement simply gave RCPI a method and more time for
such indebtedness has become due and demandable. the satisfaction of the said judgment, until the terms of said agreement had been
fully complied with.
What if the employee is obligated to a third person who is a friend of the
employer? This is allowed if such deduction is authorized in writing by the employee The Supreme Court mentioned that RCPI cannot invoke the lack of individual
to which the employer shall agree to make the deduction. The employer is not written authorization for the payment of the service fee as required under the
obligated to do so. requirement of Article 113.
What about unpaid absences? That is allowed as deduction. If the employee is paid
Prior to the payment made for its employees:
on a monthly basis, they shall determine the daily wage before making the
appropriate deductions.
1. The petitioner is now ordered by the regional director of labor to
deduct the “attorney’s fees” from the total amount of due to its
Rule VIII. Payment of Wages employees and to deposit it actually to the regional office and not to
the representative of other union.
SECTION 14. Deduction for loss or damage. — Where the employer is engaged 2. Under the facts of this case it was shown that the compromise
in a trade, occupation or business where the practice of making deductions or agreement entered into by petitioner and the subsequent union
requiring deposits is recognized to answer for the reimbursement of loss or BMRCPINLF was considered in bad faith.
damage to tools, materials, or equipment supplied by the employer to the 3. The Supreme Court also noted that even if there was no written
employee, the employer may make wage deductions or require the employees to authorization was made, it was remedied by the subsequent
make deposits from which deductions shall be made, subject to the following compromise agreement whereby the employees expressly uphold
conditions: the 10% deduction and held the RCPI free from any claim. However,
that provision did not free RCPI from its liability because it released that
(a) That the employee concerned is clearly shown to be responsible for the loss amount in favor of the union by virtue of that CBA which was executed in
or damage; bad faith. That’s is the connection to Article 113.

(b) That the employee is given reasonable opportunity to show cause why HELD: In this case, the wage deductions were valid. However, since the RCPI
deduction should not be made; released it in favor of a different personality, different from what the court ordered
and person receiving was not actually entitled thereto, the liability of the RPCI was
(c) That the amount of such deduction is fair and reasonable and shall not exceed not extinguished.
the actual loss or damage; and
The basis of the claim of the union is that the deduction is a union service fee, but
(d) That the deduction from the wages of the employee does not exceed 20 in fact it is an attorney’s fee.
percent of the employee's wages in a week.
Recall that in Article 111, if you are not an attorney and there is no attorney-client
relationship with the employee, you are not entitled to that 10%. Take note that the
Union here is the one claiming the 10% not personal lawyers of the employees.
Article 114. Deposits for loss or damage. No employer shall require his worker
to make deposits from which deductions shall be made for the reimbursement
The Supreme Court made mention of Article 222. There are instances where it is
of loss of or damage to tools, materials, or equipment supplied by the employer,
allowed for non-lawyers to appear before Regional Labor Arbiters (LA/NLRC). One
except when the employer is engaged in such trades, occupations or business
of the basis is the provision of Article 222 of the Labor Code. Under the same
where the practice of making deductions or requiring deposits is a recognized
provision no attorney’s fees, negotiations fees or similar charges of any kind arising
one, or is necessary or desirable as determined by the Secretary of Labor and
from any CBA shall be imposed on any individual member of the contracting union.
Employment in appropriate rules and regulations.
In this case, it is payment for the individual union members, which is contrary
to the provisions under Article 222, what is allowed in the last paragraph is
Article 115. Limitations. No deduction from the deposits of an employee for the attorney’s fees may be charged against union funds to be agreed by the parties.
actual amount of the loss or damage shall be made unless the employee has
been heard thereon, and his responsibility has been clearly shown.
Finally, the ruling of this case was contrary to the last paragraph stating “Any
contract, agreement or arrangement of any sort to the contrary shall be null and
Article 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited. It shall be unlawful
void. “
for any person, directly or indirectly, to withhold any amount from the wages of
a worker or induce him to give up any part of his wages by force, stealth,
intimidation, threat or by any other means whatsoever without the worker’s The Supreme Court has not nullified nor reversed this ruling of RCPI. Be wary of
consent. this provision that deductions are not allowed for the payment of attorney’s fees.
Even if there was consent of the employees, it appears that it was contrary to the
provisions under Article 222, it should be null and void.

RCPI V. SECRETARY RCPI is still liable for the union service fee of private MILAN V. NLRC An employer is allowed to withhold terminal pay and benefits
respondent. pending the employee’s return of its properties.

Facts: The union was awarded 15% of the total backpay of the RCPI employees Facts: Solid Mills’ employees and their families were allowed to occupy the SMI
as its union service fee, with petitioner being directed to deposit said amount with Village out of liberality and for the convenience of the employees on the condition
the NCR office. RCPI directly paid its employees the full amount of their backpay, that the employees would vacate the premises anytime the Company deems fit.
without deducting the service fee, completely ignoring the service fee due to the
respondent union. The Supreme Court in this case stated that requiring clearance before the release
of last payments to the employee is a standard procedure among employers,
whether public or private.
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Clearance procedures are instituted to ensure that the properties, real or personal, ISSUE: WON there is underpayment of wages? YES.
belonging to the employer but are in the possession of the separated employee, are
returned to the employer before the employee’s departure. The SC made mention in HELD: Labor Arbiter Pati accepted the private respondent’s bare claim that the
this case Articles 110, 113, and 116 of the Labor Code. It also cited Article 1706 of reason the monetary benefits received by petitioner between 1981 to 1987 were less
the Civil Code. than minimum wage was because petitioner did not factor in the meals,
lodging, electric consumption and water she received during the period in her
TAKE NOTE: In the MOA, grant of separation pay “less accountabilities”, accrued computations. Granting that meals and lodging were provided and indeed
sick leave benefits, vacation leave benefits, and 13th month pay of the employees; constituted facilities, such facilities could not be deducted without the employer
this became the mode of contention on the part of the employees. They contended complying first with certain legal requirements.
that they have no accountability based on their EER relationship.
Without satisfying these requirements, the employer simply cannot deduct the value
However, the SC discussed in this case the term debt and accountability. It further from the employee’s wages:
emphasized that it may be true that not all employees enjoyed the privilege of staying
in Solid Mills’ property. 1. Proof must be shown that such facilities are customarily furnished by the
However, this alone does not imply that this privilege when enjoyed was not a result 2. The provision of deductible facilities must be voluntarily accepted in writing
of the employer-employee relationship. Those who did avail of the privilege were by the employee.
employees of Solid Mills. Therefore, petitioners’ continued possession of the subject 3. Facilities must be charged at fair and reasonable value.
property should be included in the term accountability.
IN THIS CASE: Requirements were not met in the instant case.
Accountabilities (means obligation or debt). As long as the debt or obligation was
incurred by virtue of the EER, generally, it shall be included in the employees’ 1. Private respondent failed to present any company policy or guideline to
accountabilities that are subject to clearance procedures. show that the meal and lodging are part of the salary.
2. He failed to provide proof of the employee’s written authorization and he
The accountabilities of employees are personal. They need not be uniform among failed to show how he arrived at the valuations.
all employees in order to be included in accountabilities incurred by virtue of an
employer-employee relationship. The return of the property’s possession became an Curiously, in the case at bench, the only valuations relied upon by the labor arbiter in
obligation or liability on the part of the employees when the employer-employee his decision were figures furnished by the private respondent’s own accountant,
relationship ceased. without corroborative evidence.

The employees’ benefits are not being reduced but they are only being subjected More significantly, the food and lodging, or the electricity and water consumed by the
to the condition that the employees return the properties properly belonging to the petitioner were not facilities but supplements.
employer. “No one shall be enriched or benefited at the expense of another.”
A benefit or privilege granted to an employee for the convenience of the
Thus, Solid Mills has the right to withhold petitioners’ wages and benefits because of employer is not a facility. The criterion in making a distinction between the two not
this existing debt or liability. The employees shall return the housing in exchange for so much lies in the kind (food, lodging) but the purpose. Considering, therefore, that
the release of their benefits, as agreed upon by the parties. hotel workers are required to work different shifts and are expected to be available at
various odd hours, their ready availability is a necessary matter in the operations of
Mabeza v. NLRC Mabeza is entitled to the payment of the deficiency in her wages a small hotel, such as the private respondent’s hotel.
equivalent to the full wage applicable from May 13, 1988 up to the date of her illegal
dismissal. It is therefore evident that the petitioner is entitled to the payment of the deficiency in
her wages equivalent to the full wage applicable from May 13, 1988 up to the date of
FACTS: Norma Mabeza contends that around the first week of May, 1991, she and her illegal dismissal.
her co-employees at the Hotel Supreme in Baguio City were asked by the hotel’s
management to sign an instrument attesting to the latter’s compliance with minimum Barred by prescription. Claims covering the period of OCtober 1987 up to the time
wage and other labor standard provisions of law. of the filing of the cse on May 13, 1988.

Mabeza signed the affidavit but refused to go to the City Prosecutor’s Office to swear Special Steel Products Inc. v. Villareal and So Special Steel has no legal authority
to the veracity and contents of the affidavit as instructed by management. The to withhold the 13th month pay and other benefits of respondents.
affidavit was nevertheless submitted on the same day to the Regional Office of the
Department of Labor and Employment in Baguio City. FACTS: Special Steel Products, Inc., petitioner, is a domestic corporation engaged
in the principal business of importation, sale, and marketing of BOHLER steel
After she refused to proceed to the City Prosecutor’s Office, Mabeza avers that she products. Lutgardo C. Villareal and Frederick G. So, respondents, worked for
was ordered by the hotel management to turn over the keys to her living quarters petitioner as assistant sales manager and salesman, respectively.
and to remove her belongings from the hotel premises. She thereafter reluctantly
filed a leave of absence from her job which was denied by management. When she Sometime in May 1993, Villareal obtained a car loan from the Bank of Commerce,
attempted to return to work on May 10, 1991, the hotel’s cashier informed her that with petitioner as surety, as shown by a continuing suretyship agreement and
she should not report to work and, instead, continue with her unofficial leave of promissory note wherein they jointly and severally agreed to pay the bank
absence. P786,611.60 in 72 monthly installments.

ACTION FILED: Consequently, Mabeza filed a complaint for illegal dismissal On January 15, 1997, Villareal resigned and thereafter joined HiGrade Industrial and
before the Arbitration Branch of the National Labor Relations Commission—CAR Technical Products, Inc. as executive vice president.
Baguio City. In addition to her complaint for illegal dismissal, she alleged
underpayment of wages, non-payment of holiday pay, service incentive leave pay,
Sometime in August 1994, petitioner sponsored respondent Frederick So to attend
13th month pay, night differential and other benefits.
a training course in Kapfenberg, Austria conducted by BOHLER, petitioner’s
principal company.
RESPONDENT’S CONTENTION: Private respondent Peter Ng alleged before that
petitioner surreptitiously left her job without notice to the management and that she
When respondent returned nine months thereafter, petitioner directed him to sign a
actually abandoned her work. He maintained that there was no basis for the money
memorandum providing that BOHLER requires trainees from Kapfenberg to continue
claims for underpayment and other benefits as these were paid in the form of facilities
working with petitioner for a period of three (3) years after the training.
to petitioner and the hotel’s other employees.

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Otherwise, each trainee shall refund to BOHLER $6,000.00 (US dollars) by way CONCLUSION: In fine, we rule that petitioner has no legal right to withhold
of set-off or compensation. On January 16, 1997 or 2 years and 4 months after respondents’ 13th month pay and other benefits to recompense for whatever amount
attending the training, respondent resigned from petitioner. it paid as security for Villareal’s car loan; and for the expenses incurred by So in his
training abroad.
Immediately, petitioner ordered respondents to render an accounting of its
various Christmas giveaways they received. These were intended for distribution Five J Taxi v. NLRC Maldigan (entitled to refund of deposits) Sabsalon (not entitled
to petitioner’s customers. In protest, respondents demanded from petitioner payment to any refund, he even has a debt to Five J Taxi)
of their separation benefits, commissions, vacation and sick leave benefits, and
proportionate 13th month pay. But petitioner refused and instead, withheld their 13th FACTS: Domingo Maldigan and Gilberto Sabsalon were hired by the petitioners
month pay and other benefits. as taxi drivers and, as such, they worked for 4 days weekly on a 24-hour shifting
schedule. Aside from the daily "boundary" of P700.00 for air-conditioned taxi or
ACTION FILED: On April 16, 1997, respondents filed with the Labor Arbiter a P450.00 for non-air-conditioned taxi, they were also required to pay P20.00 for car
complaint for payment of their monetary benefits. washing, and to further make a P15.00 deposit to answer for any deficiency in
their "boundary," for every actual working day.
ISSUE: May an employer withhold its employees’ wages and benefits as lien to
protect its interest as a surety in the latter’s car loan and for expenses incurred in a They eventually stopped working for the company. Sometime in 1989, Maldigan
training abroad? NO. requested petitioners for the reimbursement of his daily cash deposits for 2 years,
but herein petitioners told him that not a single centavo was left of his deposits as
RULING: Article 116 of the Labor Code, as amended, provides: these were not even enough to cover the amount spent for the repairs of the taxi he
was driving.
ART. 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited It shall be unlawful for any
person, directly or indirectly, to withhold any amount from the wages (and benefits) This was allegedly the practice adopted by petitioners to recoup the expenses
of a worker or induce him to give up any part of his wages by force, stealth, incurred in the repair of their taxicab units. When Maldigan insisted on the refund of
intimidation, threat or by any other means whatsoever without the worker’s consent. his deposit, petitioners terminated his services.

The above provision is clear and needs no further elucidation. Indeed, Special Steel Sabsalon, on his part, claimed that his termination from employment was effected
has no legal authority to withhold respondents’ 13th month pay and other benefits. when he refused to pay for the washing of his taxi seat covers.
What an employee has worked for, his employer must pay.
ISSUE: WON the deposits and car wash expenses should be reimbursed by Five J
DOCTRINE: Thus, an employer cannot simply refuse to pay the wages or benefits of Taxi?
its employee because:
Deposits – YES Car Wash Expenses – NO
1. he has either defaulted in paying a loan guaranteed by his employer; or
HELD: It can be deduced therefrom Article 114 provides the rule on deposits for loss
2. violated their memorandum of agreement; or or damage to tools, materials or equipment supplied by the employer. Clearly, the
same does not apply to or permit deposits to defray any deficiency which the taxi
3. failed to render an accounting of his employer’s property. driver may incur in the remittance of his "boundary." Also, when private respondents
stopped working for petitioners, the alleged purpose for which petitioners required
such unauthorized deposits no longer existed. In other case, any balance due to
Article 2071, inapplicable in the case of Villareal Nonetheless, petitioner, relying on
private respondents after proper accounting must be returned to them with
Article 2071 contends that the right to demand security and obtain release from the
legal interest.
guaranty it executed in favor of Villareal may be exercised even without initiating a
separate and distinct action. There is no guaranty involved herein and, therefore,
the provision of Article 2071 does not apply. The accounting shows that from 1987-1991, Sabsalon was able to withdraw his
deposits through vales or he incurred shortages, such that he is even indebted
to petitioners in the amount of P3,448.00.
A guaranty is distinguished from a surety in that a guarantor is the insurer of the
solvency of the debtor and thus binds himself to pay if the principal is unable to pay,
while a surety is the insurer of the debt, and he obligates himself to pay if the principal With respect to Maldigan's deposits, nothing was mentioned questioning the same
does not pay. even in the present petition. We accordingly agree with the recommendation of the
Solicitor General that since the evidence shows that he had not withdrawn the same,
he should be reimbursed the amount of his accumulated cash deposits.
Based on the above distinction, it appears that the contract executed by petitioner
and respondent Villareal (in favor of the Bank of Commerce) is a contract of
surety. In fact, it is denominated as a continuing suretyship agreement. On the matter of the car wash payments, the labor arbiter had this to say in his
decision: "Anent the issue of illegal deductions, there is no dispute that as a matter
of practice in the taxi industry, after a tour of duty, it is incumbent upon the driver to
Hence, Special Steel could not just unilaterally withhold respondent’s wages or
restore the unit he has driven to the same clean condition when he took it out, and
benefits as a preliminary remedy under Article 2071. It must file an action against
as claimed by Five J Taxi, private respondents were made to shoulder the expenses
Villareal. Thus, the Appellate Court aptly ruled that petitioner may only protect its
for washing, the amount doled out was paid directly to the person who washed the
right as surety by instituting an action to demand a security.
unit, thus we find nothing illegal in this practice, much more to consider the
amount paid by the driver as illegal deduction in the context of the law."
Articles 1278 and 1279, in the case of So. As to So, petitioner maintains that there
can be a set-off or legal compensation between them. Consequently, it can
Consequently, private respondents are not entitled to the refund of the P20.00
withhold his 13th month pay and other benefits. For legal compensation to take place,
car wash payments they made. It will be noted that there was nothing to prevent
the requirements set forth in Articles 1278 and 1279 of the Civil Code must be
private respondents from cleaning the taxi units themselves, if they wanted to save
their P20.00. Also, as the Solicitor General correctly noted, car washing after a tour
of duty is a practice in the taxi industry, and is, in fact, dictated by fair play.
In the present case, set-off or legal compensation cannot take place between
petitioner and So because they are not mutually creditor and debtor of each
Discussion When you talk about taxi drivers, at the end of their trip, they pay their
boundary. Usually, as what happened in this case, with regard to their deposit, they
remit their boundary every day. They have an additional Php15 to defray any
A careful reading of the Memorandum dated August 22, 1994 reveals that the lump shortage. This is very common among drivers. This Php15 daily deposit is supposed
sum compensation of not less than US $6,000.00 will have to be refunded by each to answer for the shortage in boundary. In addition to that, they are also required to
trainee to BOHLER, not to petitioner. give the Php20 for car wash. On the part of the Php15 deposit to defray any shortage,
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
the Supreme Court ruled that such is not allowed. The rule on deposits is not accomplishments. The NLRC held that the Diaz voluntarily resigned as evidenced by
applicable to this case because Article 114 refers to loss or damages that was already the language used in his resignation letter and demand letters.
incurred by the employee. Nonetheless, because the Supreme Court ruled that they
are entitled for the return of their deposits, considering that Sabsalon has already ISSUE:
made previous withdrawals, they are only entitled to the remaining balance. On the
other employee, there was no proof that any withdrawal was made, 5J Taxi was 1. WON the withholding of Diaz’s salary was a valid exercise of management
required to return the said cash deposits to Maldigan. prerogative. – NO.

What about the Php 20 car wash payments? It will be noted that there was nothing 2. WON the Diaz has been constructively dismissed. – YES.
to prevent the private respondents in cleaning the taxi themselves if they want to save
the Php 20. However, it must be noted that car washing after a tour of duty is a
3. WON the Diaz should be awarded separation pay equivalent to at least one month
practice in the taxi industry. The Php 20 carwash payment was validly paid.
pay in lieu of reinstatement, full backwages, and other privileges and benefits. – YES.
Therefore, there was no obligation on the part of the employer to return the car wash
payments. When you talk about loss or damages, the amount of deduction must be
the value of the thing at the time it was lost or damaged and not the purchase price. 4. WON Hartmanshen and Schumacher may be held solidarily and personally liable
with SHS for the payment of monetary award to Manuel. – NO.
SHS Perforated v. Diaz There was unlawful withholding of Diaz’s salary. Contrary to
Article 116 and not falling under the exceptions in Article 113. 1ST ISSUE : Withholding of Salaries Not a Management Prerogative
Management prerogative refers "to the right of an employer to regulate all aspects of
employment, such as the freedom to prescribe work assignments, working methods,
FACTS: SHS Perforated Materials, Inc. (SHS) – a start-up corporation organized and
processes to be followed, regulation regarding transfer of employees, supervision of
existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and registered with the
their work, lay-off and discipline, and dismissal and recall of work.
Philippine Economic Zone Authority.
"Although management prerogative refers to "the right to regulate all aspects of
Hartmannshenn – president of SHS, German National
employment," it cannot be understood to include the right to temporarily
Schumacher – treasurer and board of directors of SHS
withhold salary/wages without the consent of the employee. To sanction such
Diaz – Manuel F Diaz
an interpretation would be contrary to Article 116 of the Labor Code, which provides:
Manuel F. Diaz was hired by SHS as Manager for Business Development on
ART. 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited. – It shall be unlawful for
probationary status from July 18, 2005 to January 18, 2006, with a monthly salary of
any person, directly or indirectly, to withhold any amount from the wages of a worker
or induce him to give up any part of his wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat
or by any other means whatsoever without the worker’s consent.
In addition to his responsibilities mentioned in his Contract of Probationary
Employment, Diaz was also instructed by Hartmannshenn to report to the SHS office
Any withholding of an employee’s wages by an employer may only be allowed
and plan at least two (2) days every work week to observe technical processes
in the form of wage deductions under the circumstances provided in Article
involved in the manufacturing of perforated materials, and to learn about the products
113 of the Labor Code, as set forth below:
of the company, which Diaz was hired to market and sell.
ART. 113. Wage Deduction. – No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of any
During Diaz’s employment, Hartmannshenn was often abroad and, because of
person, shall make any deduction from the wages of his employees, except:
business exigencies, his instructions to Diaz were either sent by electronic mail or
relayed through telephone or mobile phone. When he would be in the Philippines, he
and the Diaz held meetings. As to Diaz’s work, there was no close supervision by a. In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by the employer, and the
him. deduction is to recompense the employer for the amount paid by him as premium on
the insurance;
During meetings with the Diaz, Hartmannshenn expressed his dissatisfaction over
Diaz’s poor performance. Diaz allegedly failed to make any concrete business b. For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his union to check-off has
proposal or implement any specific measure to improve the productivity of the SHS been recognized by the employer or authorized in writing by the individual worker
office and plant or deliver sales except for a meager ₱2,500.00 for a sample product. concerned; and

On November 16, 2005, in preparation for his trip to the Philippines, Hartmannshenn c. In cases where the employer is authorized by law or regulations issued by the
tried to call Diaz on his mobile phone, but the latter failed to answer. On November Secretary of Labor.
18, 2005, Hartmannshenn arrived in the Philippines from Germany, and on November
22 and 24, 2005, notified Diaz of his arrival through electronic mail messages and Absent a showing that the withholding of complainant’s wages falls under the
advised him to get in touch with him. exceptions provided in Article 113, the withholding thereof is thus unlawful. Petitioner
contends that Art 116 only applies when it is established that an employee is entitled
On November 29, 2005, Hartmannshenn instructed its Account Services Department to his salary and wages.
head to not release Diaz’s salary. The next day, on November 30, 2005, Diaz served
on SHS a demand letter and a resignation letter. His letter stated: His resignation Was Diaz not entitled to salary because of his failure to report to work and
from SHS effective is immediately upon receipt of his due and demandable salary failure to account for his whereabouts and work accomplished during the
which has been illegally withheld. That it was due to these illegal and unfair labor period in question? As can be gleaned from Diaz’s Contract of Probationary
practices that he offers his resignation Employment and the exchanges of electronic mail messages between
Hartmannshenn and Diaz, the latter’s duties as manager for business development
Petitioner’s Contentions: Diaz was unable to give a proper explanation for his entailed cultivating business ties, connections, and clients in order to make sales.
behavior. Hartmannshenn then accepted Diaz’s resignation and informed him that
his salary would be released upon explanation of his failure to report to work, and Such duties called for meetings with prospective clients outside the office rather than
proof that he did, in fact, work for the period in question. Diaz agreed to these "exit" reporting for work on a regular schedule. In other words, the nature of Diaz’s job did
conditions through electronic mail. Instead of complying with the said conditions, not allow close supervision and monitoring by petitioners. Neither was there any
however, Diaz sent another electronic mail message to Hartmannshenn and prescribed daily monitoring procedure established by petitioners to ensure
Schumacher on December 1, 2005, appealing for the release of his salary. that Diaz was doing his job.

NLRC: The withholding of Diaz’s salary was said to be a valid exercise of Therefore, granting that Diaz failed to answer Hartmannshenn’s mobile calls and to
management prerogative. The act was deemed justified as it was reasonable to reply to two electronic mail messages and given the fact that he admittedly failed to
demand an explanation for failure to report to work and to account for his work report to work at the SHS plant twice each week during the subject period, such

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
cannot be taken to signify that he did not work from November 16 to November 30, supervision and monitoring by petitioners. Neither was there any prescribed daily
2005. monitoring procedure established by petitioners to ensure that Diaz was doing his
Although it cannot be determined with certainty whether Diaz worked for the entire
period from November 16 to November 30, 2005, the consistent rule is that if doubt Therefore, granting that Diaz failed to answer Hartmannshenn’s mobile calls and to
exists between the evidence presented by the employer and that by the employee, reply to two electronic mail messages and given the fact that he admittedly failed to
the scales of justice must be tilted in favor of the latter in line with the policy mandated report to work at the SHS plant twice each week during the subject period, such
by Articles 2 and 3 of the Labor Code to afford protection to labor and construe doubts cannot be taken to signify that he did not work from November 16 to November 30,
in favor of labor. For petitioners’ failure to satisfy their burden of proof, Diaz is 2005.
presumed to have worked during the period in question and is, accordingly,
entitled to his salary. Therefore, the withholding of Diaz’s salary by petitioners is What were the evidences shown by the Diaz here that he exerted effort during
contrary to Article 116 of the Labor Code and, thus, unlawful. his employment? He presented the electronic mail reports sent to Hartmannshenn
and the receipt presented by Diaz as evidence of his having worked during the
2 ND ISSUE : Diaz was constructively dismissed. There is constructive dismissal subject period, as well as eight notarized letters of prospective clients vouching for
if an act of clear discrimination, insensibility, or disdain by an employer becomes so meetings they had with Diaz during the subject period. The consistent rule is that if
unbearable on the part of the employee that it would foreclose any choice by him doubt exists between the evidence presented by the employer and that by the
except to forego his continued employment. It exists where there is cessation of work employee, the scales of justice must be tilted in favor of the latter in line with the
because continued employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely, as policy mandated by Articles 2 and 3 of the Labor Code to afford protection to labor
an offer involving a demotion in rank and a diminution in pay. and construe doubts in favor of labor.

What made it impossible, unreasonable or unlikely for Diaz to continue working Discussion In this case, the withholding of the salary of the petitioner for the
for SHS was the unlawful withholding of his salary. For said reason, he was remaining period was not valid, as it is contrary to Article 116 of the Labor Code.
forced to resign. It is of no moment that he served his resignation letter on November
30, 2005, the last day of the payroll period and a non-working holiday, since his salary Also, citing that any form of withholding may only be allowed in the case of wage
was already due him on November 29, 2005, being the last working day of said deductions as provided under Article 113. Considering that there was no compliance
period. with the requirements under Article 113, the withholding thereof was considered as
In fact, he was then informed that the wages of all the other SHS employees were
already released, and only his was being withheld. In this case, the withholding of On the allegation that there was no proof that the respondent here worked during the
Diaz’s salary does not fall under any of the circumstances provided under Article 113. said payroll period, the evidence shown by SHS here were not enough. On the other
Neither was it established with certainty that Diaz did not work from November 16 to hand, respondent was able to prove (that he worked). There were even notarized
November 30, 2005. Hence, the unlawful withholding of Diaz’s salary amounts to letters that he conducted meetings with prospective clients.
constructive dismissal.
And then, applying the provisions of the Labor Code that in case of doubt between
3 RD ISSUE Diaz is entitled to separation pay. Diaz was constructively dismissed the evidence presented by the employer and that by the employee, the scales of
and, therefore, illegally dismissed. Although Diaz was a probationary employee, justice must be tilted in favor of the employee. TAKE NOTE: If you look at the
he was still entitled to security of tenure. Section 3 (2) Article 13 of the Constitution provisions – Article 114, 115, 116, and 117, these are still in connection with Article
guarantees the right of all workers to security of tenure. 113, pertaining to Wage Deductions.

This Court has held that probationary employees who are unjustly dismissed during Solas v. Power & Telephone Supply There was valid withholding of his salary as
the probationary period are entitled to reinstatement and payment of full backwages partial payment of his debt.
and other benefits and privileges from the time they were dismissed up to their actual
reinstatement. FACTS: Herbert Solas entered into a contract of employment with Power and
Telephone Supply Philippines, Inc., to be the Assistant Sales Manager of the
Diaz’s reinstatement, however, is no longer feasible as antagonism has caused a company with a monthly salary of P21,600.00, excluding bonuses and commission.
severe strain in their working relationship. Under the doctrine of strained relations,
the payment of separation pay is considered an acceptable alternative to POWER & TELEPHONE SUPPLY granted petitioner Herbert Solas and Franklin D.
reinstatement when the latter option is no longer desirable or viable. Payment Quiachon an amount of P85,418.00 each, corresponding to their sales commission
liberates the employee from what could be a highly oppressive work environment, from the month of January to June of 1998. From that time up to the present, no
and at the same time releases the employer from the obligation of keeping in its other sales commission was ever again given to them.
employ a worker it no longer trusts. Therefore, a more equitable disposition would be
an award of separation pay equivalent to at least one month pay, in addition to his On 04 February 2000, Solas requested for the release of his alleged commission
full backwages, allowances and other benefits. which had already accumulated since July of 1998. However, in an inter-office
memorandum, said request was denied, and instead, the petitioner was even
4 TH ISSUE. Hartmanshenn and Schumacher cannot be held personally liable mandated to settle his outstanding obligation with the company.
Corporate directors and officers are only solidarily liable with the corporation for
termination of employment of corporate employees if effected with malice or in bad On 07 February 2000, Solas likewise received another memorandum requiring him
faith. Bad faith does not connote bad judgment or negligence; it imports dishonest to return the issued cellular phone, car and key to his office, which he allegedly all
purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious doing of wrong. To sustain such a complied. Solas averred that these were all forms of harassment including the non-
finding, there should be evidence on record that an officer or director acted payment of his salary for the month of February 2000, and onwards.
maliciously or in bad faith in terminating the employee.
Hence, on 15 February 2000, he instituted a case for illegal constructive
Hartmanshenn withheld Diaz’s salary in the sincere belief that Diaz did not work for dismissal, recovery of 10% sales commission on gross sales, and attorney's fees.
the period in question and was, therefore, not entitled to it. There was no dishonest
purpose or ill will involved as they believed there was a justifiable reason to withhold ISSUE: Was there a valid reason to withhold his salary for the month of February
his salary. Thus, although they unlawfully withheld Diaz’s salary, it cannot be 2000? YES.
concluded that such was made in bad faith. Accordingly, corporate officers,
Hartmannshenn and Schumacher, cannot be held personally liable for the corporate HELD: There was valid reason for respondents' withholding of petitioner's salary for
obligations of SHS. the month of February 2000. Solas does not deny that he is indebted to his employer
in the amount of around P95,000.00. Power and Telephone Supply Philippines, Inc.
What about the defense of SHS here that it cannot be proven that the Diaz explained that petitioner's salary for the period of February 1-15, 2000 was applied
worked for that period, for him to be entitled to the wages during the said as partial payment for his debt and for withholding taxes on his income; while
payroll period? The SC said that the nature of the Diaz’s job did not allow close
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
for the period of February 15-28, 2000, Solas was already on absence without leave, Liability for wages and benefits in case of change of corporate personality.
hence, was not entitled to any pay. There are no specific provision under the Labor Code because they deal more
on obligations and contracts. GR: A corporation has a personality which is separate
Company Car. The company car was actually issued to Franklin D. Quiachon and distinct from its stockholders or directors.
although petitioner and another employee, Nelson Gatbunton, may borrow the car for
company operations with the consent of Quiachon as stated in an office Under Corporation Law, there is a Doctrine of Piercing the x x x x
memorandum dated March 10, 1999. Since Nelson Gatbunton had to attend official
business in Clark, said employee was then given use of the company car.
RA 6727
Office Key. The taking of the office key from petitioner was also justified, as WAGE RATIONALIZATION ACT
respondents stated that the company's office consisted only of one big room without
separate or individual offices, so it was only the main door that required a key. The Amended the original Articles 120 and 127 of the Labor Code. RA 6727 was an act
key to the office door could be borrowed by any employee from a co-employee in to rationalize wage policy determination by establishing the mechanism and proper
possession thereof in case of overtime or weekend work, but not a single employee standards therefor, amending for the purpose Article 99 and incorporating Articles
had the exclusive use of the key to the office. 120 to 127 into PD 442 (Labor Code of the Philippines). It fixes wage rates,
providing wage incentives or industrial disperse to the countryside and for other
Cellphone. Respondents maintain that said phone remained the property of the purposes.
company, and it became company policy for its employees to pay for personal calls.
When petitioner's debts and advances accumulated, and he showed no intention of With RA 6727, two bodies were created.
paying for them despite receipt of bonuses, the company had to take measures to
regulate the use of the company cellphones.
1. National Wage and Productivity Commission (NWPC) – It is the bigger
body. However, it does not issue wage orders. At the very least, it reviews wage
Solas never refuted respondents' explanations for withholding his salary and the orders. It is not required for NWPC to review the wage orders.
reasons why he was required to return the company car, key and cellphone. 2. Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board (RTWPB) – It issues
wage orders covering the respective regions.
Verily, the only conclusion that may be reached is that respondents' explanations are
truthful and, based thereon, the NLRC and the CA committed no grave abuse of
When we talk about minimum wage, it differs per region.
discretion in ruling that there was no constructive dismissal in this case.
Two Ways of Adjusting the Minimum Wage
Commissions. Lastly, as to petitioner's claim for commissions, the NLRC and the
CA were correct in not sustaining the award thereof by the LA. It must be borne in
mind that there is no law which requires employers to pay commissions; thus, it is (1) Floor Wage - involves the fixing of determinate amount that would be added to
incumbent upon petitioner to prove that that there is indeed an agreement between the prevailing statutory minimum wage
him and his employer for payment of the same. The employment certificate was
insufficient to prove that Solas was entitled to his claim for sales commissions since (2) Salary Ceiling Method - where the wage adjustment is applied to employees
it does not give the details as to the conditions for payment of the same or the agreed receiving a certain denominated salary ceiling

Article 118. Retaliatory measures. It shall be unlawful for an employer to Employees Confederation v. NWPC The delegation to fix the wages per region
refuse to pay or reduce the wages and benefits, discharge or in any manner through the RTWPB is valid.
discriminate against any employee who has filed any complaint or instituted any
proceeding under this Title or has testified or is about to testify in such
proceedings. FACTS: ECOP questioned the validity of the wage order (October 23, 1990) issued
by the RTWPB, pursuant to the authority granted by RA 6727. The wage order
Article 119. False reporting. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any increased the minimum wage by P17.00 daily in the National Capital Region.
statement, report, or record filed or kept pursuant to the provisions of this Code The wage order is applied to all workers and employees in the private sector with an
knowing such statement, report or record to be false in any material respect. increase of P 17.00, including those who are paid above the statutory wage rate.
ECOP appealed with the NWPC but it dismissed the petition. The Solicitor General
posits that the Board upon the issuance of the wage order fixed minimum wages
Article 118: It shall be unlawful to do the following against any employee who filed according to the Salary Ceiling Method. Petitioners insist that through RA 6727, the
a complaint or has testified: power of RTWPB was delegated to grant minimum wage adjustments and in the
absence of authority, it can only adjust floor wages.
1) Refuse to pay
2) Reduce the wages and benefits ECOP: The grant of an across-the-board wage increase to workers already being
3) Discharge or in any manner discriminate paid more than existing minimum wage rates is in excess of the Board’s authority.
They may only prescribe minimum wages not determine salary ceilings.
If the employee is dismissed = illegal dismissal
SolGen: The Board did not grant additional or other benefits to workers and
Article 248 on unfair labor practice in connection with labor relations employees but rather fixed minimum wages according to the “salary-ceiling method”.

Article 119 - Most common false reporting is making an employee sign a blank ISSUE: Whether or not the wage order issued by RTWPB dated October 23, 1990 is
payroll. Why is tit blank? The employee would fill it up to show that they are valid.
complying with the payment of minimum wages.
HELD: The Court agrees with the Solicitor General. It noted that there are two ways
Payroll: Period, regular pay, hours worked. If there are additional pays, they shall in the determination of wage, these are floor wage method and salary ceiling
also be reflected on the payroll. method. The floor wage method involves the fixing of determinate amount that would
be added to the prevailing statutory minimum wage, while the salary ceiling method
involves the wage adjustment is applied to employees receiving a certain
1) We emphasize what is written in the Labor Code
denominated salary ceiling.
2) Take into consideration the IRRs
3) Decided cases
RA 6727 gave statutory standards for fixing the minimum wage.

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
refused to give the same increase to its regular employees who were receiving
more than P100 per day and recipients of the P900 CBA increase.
Art. 124. Standards/Criteria for Minimum Wage Fixing. — The regional
minimum wages to be established by the Regional Board shall be as nearly
The Union demanded from the bank the correction of the alleged wage distortion. It
adequate as is economically feasible to maintain the minimum standards of living
contended that the bank's implementation of RA 6727 resulted in the
necessary for the health, efficiency and general well-being of the employees within
categorization of the employees into two groups:
the framework of the national economic and social development program. In the
determination of such regional minimum wages, the Regional Board shall, among
other relevant factors, consider the following: a. probationary employees and regular employees receiving P100 or less a day,
(a) The demand for living wages;
b. the regular employees receiving over P100 a day. Thus, between the two
(b) Wage adjustment vis-a-vis the consumer price index; groups, there emerged a substantially reduced salary gap.

(c) The cost of living and changes or increases therein; BANK: Averred that its implementation of RA 6727 did not constitute a distortion
because only 143 employees or 6.8% of the bank's population of a total of 2,108
(d) The needs of workers and their families; regular employees benefited.

(e) The need to induce industries to invest in the countryside; The Union and the Bank ultimately agreed to refer the issue for compulsory arbitration
to the NLRC. The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of the union and ordered the Bank to
(f) Improvements in standards of living; restore to its employees the P900 CBA wage gap they used to enjoy over non-regular
employees by granting them a P750.00 monthly increase. On appeal, the NRLC
(g) The prevailing wage levels; reversed the decision of the Labor Arbiter and ruled that there is a wage distortion.

(h) Fair return of the capital invested and capacity to pay of employers; ISSUES:

(i) Effects on employment generation and family income; and 1 Was there a wage distortion? (YES)

(j) The equitable distribution of income and wealth along the imperatives of 2 Can the bank be compelled to add on legislative increases without regard to what
economic and social development. is already given to the employees? (NO)

HELD: Wage Distortion Results In Elimination Or Severe Contraction Of

Intentional Quantitative Differences in wage or salary rates between and among
employee groups in an establishment as to effectively obliterate the distinctions
The wage order was not acted in excess of board’s authority. The law gave embodied in such wage structure based on skills, length of service, or other logical
reasonable limitations to the delegated power of the board. bases of differentiation.

RA 6727 is meant to rationalize wages, by having permanent boards to decide wages In mandating an adjustment, RA 6727 did not require that there be an elimination or
rather than leaving wage determination to Congress year after year and law after law. total abrogation of quantitative wage or salary differences. A severe contraction
thereof is enough such as in this case where the contraction between personnel
Discussion In this case, the SC clarified that the delegation to fix the wages per groupings comes close to 83% which can be considered severe. The intention of the
region through the RTWPB is valid. It was through an act of Congress. law and the agreement of the parties along with the often repeated rule that all doubts
in the interpretation and implementation of labor laws should be resolved in favor of
1st Wage Order – prescribed the Floor Wage Method; it fixes the determinate amount labor, must always prevail and be given effect.
that would be added to the prevailing statutory minimum wage (add 17 to the
prevailing minimum wage) Employers Cannot Be Compelled to Add On Legislative Increases in Salaries
Without Regard to What They Are Already Paying to Their Employees The
Salary Ceiling Method - even if above the prevailing minimum wage rate, it would still intentional quantitative differences in wage among employees of the bank have been
apply to you within that ceiling (up to 125) set by the CBA to about P900 per month. However, giving the employees an across-
the-board increase of P750 as ruled by the Labor Arbiter may not be conducive to
With regard to the issue of the wage order here, the first wage order in the NCR was the policy of encouraging "employers to grant wage and allowance increases to their
increasing the minimum wage by ₱17.00. The subsequent wage order clarified that employees higher than the minimum rates of increases prescribed by statute or
even those who were already above the minimum wage, as long as the minimum administrative regulation," particularly in this case where both Republic Act 6727 and
wage was 125.00, they shall also receive an increase of 17.00 per day. the CBA allow a credit for voluntary compliance.

NOTE: The advantage of the salary ceiling method is it reduces disputes arising from To compel employers simply to add on legislative increases in salaries or
wage distortion, which often happens if you have the floor wage method. allowances without regard to what is already being paid, would be to penalize
employers who grant their workers more than the statutory prescribed
Floor Wage Method was applied in the recent wage order here in Region 11 minimum rates of increases. Clearly, this would be counter-productive so far as
(increasing the minimum wage). It focused only on a fixed amount without mentioning securing the interests of labor is concerned.
any ceiling with regard to those who were already being earned by wage workers.
Metro Transit v. NLRC The distortion was rectified on 17 April (rank-and-file) and 1
However, the increasing trend used is the second mode, which is the Salary December (supervisory) 1991.
Ceiling Method.
FACTS: Metro is the operator and manager of the Light Railway Transit System in
Metrobank v. NLRC There was wage distortion and such shall be corrected using Metro Manila. It employs close to 1,000 rank-and-file and over 200 supervisory
the formula by the dissenting opinion of Bonto-Perez. employees. SEAM is a union composed of supervisory employees of petitioner
Metro. In May 1989, SEAM was certified as the sole bargaining unit for the
supervisory employees of Metro.
FACTS: The Metropolitan Bank entered into a CBA with the Union, granting a
monthly P900 wage increase to regular employees. Subsequently, the bank,
pursuant to RA 6727, gave the P25 increase per day or P750 a month to its On 1 December 1989, the first collective bargaining agreement between petitioner
probationary employees and to those who had been promoted to regular or Metro and private respondent SEAM took effect. Prior to December 1989, Metro
permanent status but whose daily rate was P100 and below. The bank however had a CBA only with its rank-and-file employees. During the period when no CBA
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
governed the terms and conditions of employment between Metro and its supervisory ISSUE:
employees, whenever rank-and-file employees were paid a statutorily mandated
salary increase, supervisory employees were, as a matter of practice, also paid the (1) Was there a Wage Distortion? (YES)
same amount plus P50.00.
(2) Assuming that a distortion existed, was it rectified? (YES)
On 17 April 1989, Metro paid its rank-and-file employees a salary increase of P500.00
per month in accordance with the terms of their CBA. Metro, however, did not HELD:
extend a corresponding salary increase to its supervisory employees. On 1
December 1989, Metro, in compliance with its CBA with SEAM, paid its supervisory
(1) Was there a Wage Distortion? Yes.
employees a salary increase of P800.00 per month.
The Court finds and so holds that a wage distortion did occur when the salaries of
On 17 April 1990, Metro paid its rank-and-file and supervisory employees a P600.00
rank-and-file employees were increased by P500.00 per month on 17 April 1989 as
monthly increase. The payment thus made to rank-and-file employees was in
stipulated in their CBA and no corresponding increase was paid to the supervisory
compliance with the second year salary increase provided in their CBA. On the other
employees. This fact was admitted by Atty. Virgilio C. Abejo, counsel for petitioner
hand, the P600.00 per month paid to supervisory employees was advanced from their
Metro, during the oral hearing and Metro is bound by that admission. In addition, Atty.
second year salary increase, provided in their CBA, of P1,000.00 per month effective
Abejo explained that his client, as a matter of practice, granted its supervisory
1 December 1990. On 1 December 1990, Metro paid its supervisory employees the
employees a salary increase (and a premium) whenever it paid its rank-and-file
remaining balance of P400.00 per month in addition to the P600.00 a month it had
employees a salary increase.
earlier started to pay.
(2) Assuming that a distortion existed, was it rectified? Yes.
The third year salary increases due rank-and-file and supervisory employees were
paid on 17 April and 1 December 1991, respectively, as scheduled in their
corresponding CBAs. After careful examination of the provisions of the CBA between Metro and SEAM, in
particular the provisions relating to anniversary salary increases every 1 December
beginning 1989 to 1991, we believe and so hold that together with the increase of
On 24 March 1992, private respondent SEAM filed a Notice of Strike before the
P550.00 referred to in Part I above, those provisions will have adequately rectified
National Conciliation and Mediation Board ("NCMB") charging petitioner Metro with
the wage distortion which arose in respect of rank-and-file and supervisory
(a) discrimination in terms of wages; (b) underpayment of salary increase per CBA
for 1990 and/or adjustment of salaries for correction of disparity/inequity in pay with
rank-and-file employees and (c) harassment and demotion of union officers.
Conciliation and mediation efforts before the NCMB failed. On 23 June 1992, acting The CBA of supervisory employees granted them an aggregate monthly
on a petition filed by Metro, the Secretary of Labor assumed jurisdiction over the labor increase of P2,800.00 over three (3) years
dispute and certified the same to public respondent NLRC for same compulsory
arbitration. CBA Effectivity

NLRC: Metro was ordered to pay the amount of P550.00 per month wage increase Increase Date Amount
effective April 17, 1989 and onwards to each supervisory employee and likewise pay
the sum of P600.00 per month representing underpayment in the correction of Year I 1-Dec-89 800.00
inequities in pay or underpayment of CBA wage increase effective December 1, 1990
and onwards. Year Ii 1-Dec-90 1,000.00

PET: Metro denies that it underpaid its supervisory employees. Metro maintains that: Year III 1-Dec-91 1,000.00

(a) the first increase of P800.00 effective 1 December 1989 as provided in its CBA
with SEAM is higher than the P500.00 increase paid its rank-and-file employees; Upon the other hand, the CBA of the rank-and-file employees granted them
monthly increases totalling P1,850.00 also over three (3) years:
(b) that assuming arguendo a distortion in pay still existed, the same was corrected
when the majority of the supervisory employees, in a referendum, voted to accept the
CBA Effectivity
advance payment of P600.00 out of the scheduled CBA increase of P1,000.00
effective 1 December 1990;
Increase Date Amount
(c) it was actually SEAM who had proposed the advance payment of P600.00 from
Year I 17-Apr-89 500.00
their scheduled second year increase of P1,000.00;
Year Ii 17-Apr-90 600.00
(d) SEAM had further agreed that, come 1 December 1990, only the balance of
P400.00 would have to be paid to supervisory employees; and Year III 17-Apr-91 750.00
(e) payment by Metro of the balance of P400.00 on 1 December 1990 was merely its
compliance with the scheduled second year increase aligned with Metro's After all the above listed salary increases had become effective, the last being on 1
subsequent agreement with SEAM to advance the effectivity date of the first P600.00. December 1991, supervisory employees as a group were receiving P950.00
more per month than rank-and-file employees as a group.
RES: There is an existing wage distortion in respect of the salaries of rank-and-file
and supervisory employees was when Metro, on 17 April 1989, paid its rank-and-file Adding to this figure the amount of P550.00 per month which we in Part I have held
employees their CBA-stipulated P500.00 increase but did not grant a corresponding petitioner Metro must pay, the increase in pay of supervisory employees would
increase (and a premium) to its supervisory employees. Furthermore, the advance be P1,500.00 more per month than the increases in pay of rank-and-file
by Metro of the P600.00 on 17 April 1990 only "artificially" reduced the existing employees.
distortion. The advance was, according to SEAM, extended merely to give the
appearance of a reduction of the existing distortion in pay between the rank-and-file We consider the difference of P1,500.00 per month a significant differential that
and supervisory employees. On 1 December 1990, when supervisory employees clearly distinguishes, on the basis of pay scales, a rank-and-file employee from a
were paid the balance of P400.00 the distortion existing prior to 17 April 1990 was supervisory employee.
reinstated. SEAM claims, on top of the salary increases granted to supervisory
employees by their CBA, they should be paid the increase corresponding to the Applying the above increases to the actual salaries being received by rank-and-file
P500.00 increase given rank-andfile employees not only for 1989 but also onwards. and supervisory employees of Metro, we find that indeed the distortion caused by the
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
CBA-stipulated wage increase granted rank-and-file employees on 17 April 1989 was specific, detailed and comprehensive procedure for the correction thereof, thereby
rectified by 1 December 1991. implicitly excluding strikes or lockouts or other concerted activities as modes of
settlement of the issue.
The record before us does not include the actual amounts of the rank-and-file and
supervisory employees' salaries. In its position paper before the NCMB, however, The provision states that the employer and the union shall negotiate to correct the
private respondent SEAM stated: distortions. Any dispute arising from wage distortions shall be resolved through the
grievance procedure under their collective bargaining agreement and, if it remains
The highest salary of some rank-and-file employees at present (before adding the unresolved, through voluntary arbitration.
CBA increase) is P4,790.00 which is higher than some supervisors with [a] salary of
P3,980.00. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, such dispute shall be decided by
the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators within ten (10) calendar
Taking the above SEAM figures and adding to them the respective CBA-stipulated days from the time said dispute was referred to voluntary arbitration. In cases where
increases to the salary of the highest paid rank-and-file employee and to the lowest there are no collective agreements or recognized labor unions, the employers and
paid supervisory employee, plus the P550.00 in wage already held due to all workers shall endeavor to correct such distortions. Any dispute arising there from
supervisory employees as of 17 April 1989, we find that the salary of the lowest paid shall be settled through the National Conciliation and Mediation Board and, if it
supervisory employee was, by 1 December 1991, P690.00 more than the salary of remains unresolved after ten (10) calendar days of conciliation, shall be referred to
the highest paid rank-and-file employee. the appropriate branch of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). It shall
be mandatory for the NLRC to conduct continuous hearings and decide the dispute
The difference in monthly wage scales of P690.00 clearly and substantially within twenty (20) calendar days from the time said dispute is submitted for
distinguishes, on the basis of pay, a rank-and-file employee from a supervisory compulsory arbitration. The pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall
employee. That differential would, of course, be significantly greater for average rank- not in any way delay the applicability of any increase in prescribed wage rates
and-file employees receiving a salary less than P4,790.00 and for average pursuant to the provisions of law or Wage Order.
supervisory employees receiving a salary greater than P3,980.00
The legislative intent that solution of the problem of wage distortions shall be sought
Discussion Is it required that any correction of the wage distortion must result by voluntary negotiation or arbitration, and not by strikes, lockouts, or other
to the same gap between two different levels as it was before any wage concerted activities of the employees or management, is made clear in the
increase? NO. It is not required to maintain the same historical gap – the gap prior rules implementing RA 6727 issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment
to the wage increase. What is essential is that there must be a substantial gap pursuant to the authority granted by Section 13 of the Act. Section 16, Chapter I of
between those two levels despite the fact that there is a wage increase. In this case, these implementing rules, after reiterating the policy that wage distortions be first
it is not necessary that you would maintain the gap between these two levels in settled voluntarily by the parties and eventually by compulsory arbitration, declares
connection to wage rate. that, "Any issue involving wage distortion shall not be a ground for a
strike/lockout." (Section 16, Chapter I, IRR)
Should a wage distortion exist, there is no legal requirement that in the rectification
of that distortion by re-adjustment of the wage rates of the differing classes of Did the Supreme Court rule that there was wage distortion under these
employees, the gap which had previously or historically existed be restored in circumstances? No. There is nothing in here wherein the Supreme Court said that
precisely the same amount. In other words, correction of a wage distortion may be there was a wage distortion.
done by reestablishing a substantial or significant gap (as distinguished from the
historical gap) between the wage rates of the differing classes of employees. Why is this case included? This is so you would know that if there is an issue on
wage distortion, it cannot be ground for a strike. It was clearly established that the
In this case, it was true that there was a wage distortion when an increase was given employees conducted a strike or slowdown due to wage distortion. In fact, the
to the rank-and-file employees but not to the supervisory employees. Take note that workers involved even issued a joint notice reading as follows:
later on, in December, there was already an increase given to the latter.
The Court ruled that there was indeed a distortion caused by the CBA-stipulated HINDI IPINATUTUPAD NG SMC MANAGEMENT ANG TAMANG WAGE
wage increase granted to the rank-and-file employees on 17 April 1989, but this was DISTORTION
subsequently rectified by 1 December 1991. The additional payments corrected the
wage distortion. Liability was between April to December. NASIP A strike is not the solution when there is wage distortion. The legislative intent
that solution of the problem of wage distortions shall be sought by voluntary
Ilaw at Buklod v. NLRC negotiation or arbitration, and not by strikes, lockouts, or other concerted activities of
the employees or management, is made clear in the rules implementing RA 6727
issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment pursuant to the authority granted
FACTS: The union known as Ilaw at Buklod Ng Manggagawa (IBM) said to represent
by Section 13 of the Act. While the issue here was wage distortion, it was San Miguel
4,500 employees of San Miguel Corporation, more or less, working at the various
who alleged that the strike or slowdown be declared illegal based on the fact that
plants, offices, and warehouses located at NCR presented to the company a
wage distortion is not a valid ground for a strike.
"demand" for correction of the significant distortion in the workers' wages.
Even if there was no such illegal prohibition, and even assuming the controversy
In that demand, the Union explicitly invoked Section 4 (d) of RA 6727 which reads
really did not involve the wage distortions caused by RA 6727, the Supreme Court
as follows: Where the application of the increases in the wage rates under this
ruled that the concerted activity in question would still be illicit because contrary to
Section results in distortions as defined under existing laws in the wage structure
the workers' explicit contractual commitment "that there shall be no strikes,
within an establishment and gives rise to a dispute therein, such dispute shall first
walkouts, stoppage or slowdown of work, boycotts, secondary boycotts, refusal to
be settled voluntarily between the parties and in the event of a deadlock, the same
handle any merchandise, picketing, sit-down strikes of any kind, sympathetic or
shall be finally resolved through compulsory arbitration by the regional branches
general strikes, or any other interference with any of the operations of the COMPANY
of the National Labor Relations Commission having jurisdiction over the workplace.
during the term of their collective bargaining agreement.
ISSUE: Whether or not the strike is legal in the resolution of wage distortion? No.
What you have to remember is that if wage distortion is an issue, strike is not
a valid solution. You have the solution laid down in R.A. 6727 – voluntary
HELD: The strike involving the issue of wage distortion is illegal as a means of negotiation or arbitration.
resolving it. The legality of these activities is usually dependent on the legality of the
purposes sought to be attained and the means employed therefore. It goes without
Nasipit v. Nasipit Not applicable to NIASSI’s employees since only the minimum-
saying that these joint or coordinated activities may be forbidden or restricted by law
wage earners are entitled to the prescribed wage increase.
or contract. In the instance of "distortions of the wage structure within an
establishment" resulting from "the application of any prescribed wage increase by
virtue of a law or wage order," Section 3 of Republic Act No. 6727 prescribes a FACTS: Nasipit Integrated Arrastre and Stevedoring Services, Inc. (or NIASSI) is a
domestic corporation with office at Talisay, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. Nasipit
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
Employees Labor Union (or Union) was the collective bargaining agent of the rank- minimum wage rates, based on the standards or criteria set by Article 124 of the
and-file employees of NIASSI. Labor Code.

The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (or Wage Board) of Caraga Interpretation of the CBA Provision
Region issued Wage Order RXIII-02 which granted an additional PhP 12 per day
cost of living allowance to the minimum wage earners in that region. In relation Furthermore, the Union’s reliance on the above quoted CBA provision and on the
to this, the Union file a complaint against NIASSI before the Department of Labor and flawed arbitrator’s case disposition is really misplaced. Consider that in his decision,
Employment (DOLE) Caraga Regional Office for the inspection of NIASSI’s records Chavez, after admitting that NIASSI’s employees were receiving a wage rate higher
and the enforcement of Wage Order. The Union alleged that NIASSI failed to than the prescribed minimum wage, proceeded to fault NIASSI for not presenting
implement the wage order. However, the inspection team sent by DOLE noted that evidence to show that the overage or excess resulted from general wage increases
the wage order was not applicable to NIASSI’s employees since they were already granted by the company itself within one year from the effectivity of the CBA in 1997.
receiving a wage rate higher than the prescribed minimum wage. By simplistically utilizing the adage "doubt is resolved in labor," instead of relying on
the case records and the evidence adduced, the voluntary arbitrator extended the
The case eventually reached to the National Conciliation and Mediation Board coverage of WO RXIII-02 to include those who, by the terms of the order, are not
(NCMB) for voluntary arbitration. The Voluntary Arbitrator Jesus Chavez rendered a supposed to receive the benefit. If only the voluntary arbitrator was circumspect
decision granting the Union’s prayer for the implementation of the wage order with enough to consider the facts on hand, he would have seen that the CBA provision on
the reason that such wage order did not specifically prohibit the grant of wage noncreditability finds no application in the present case, because creditability is not
increase to employees earning above the minimum wage. Chavez also noted that the real issue in this case. And neither is the interpretation of the CBA provision.
the Collective Bargaining Agreement (or CBA) between NIASSI and the Union
provides that wage increases granted by the company within one year from signing Discussion If there is a Wage Order increasing the minimum wage, as a rule, it would
the CBA shall not be creditable to future legally mandated wage increases. only affect those who are earning below the minimum wage with the new minimum
NIASSI contented that its employees enjoy a daily wage level higher than the
minimum wage mandated by the subject wage order, as such the wage order is not For those already earning higher than the minimum wage, they cannot insist that they
applicable. Furthermore, the interpretation of the CBA provision on wage crediting be given the same increase. Their salary could only be increased if the wage order
finds no application either. imposing a new wage increase would cause a wage distortion.

ISSUE: Whether Wage Order RXIII-02 is applicable to NIASSI’s employees who, at When we say wage distortion, because of the increase in the minimum wage, those
the time of the issuance and effectivity of the wage order, were already receiving a who are affected cannot necessarily say that the historical gap be maintained, and
wage rate higher than the prevailing minimum wage they cannot also say that they are entitled to the same increase, as provided in the
wage order.
RULING: NO. Wage Order RXIII-02’s coverage is specific
Those are the things you should consider in connection to the provisions under Article
Section 1 of WO RXIII-02, an Section 1(a) of the IRR provides the Coverage which 120-127, as well as R.A. 6727.
states that “The minimum wage rates prescribed under the Order shall apply to the
minimum wage earners in the private sector regardless of their position, designation TAKE NOTE
or status and irrespective of the method by which their wages are paid.”
1. What is a wage distortion?
Moreover, Section 1(c) of the IRR provides that “Workers and employees who, prior
to the effectivity of the Order were receiving a basic wage rate per day or its monthly 2. When is there a wage distortion?
equivalent of more than those prescribed under the Order, may receive wage
increases through the correction of wage distortions in accordance with Section 1,
3. What are the two bodies?
Rule IV of this Rules.
4. What are the two ways of adjusting the minimum wage?
Under the principle of expressio unius est exclusio alterius, the express mention of
one excludes all others. The wage order is specific enough to cover only minimum
wage earners. Necessarily excluded are those receiving rates above the prescribed Prubankers v. Prudential There was no wage distortion. A disparity in wages
minimum wage. The only situation when employees receiving a wage rate higher between employees holding similar positions but in different regions does not
than that prescribed by the Wage Order may still benefit from such order is through constitute wage distortion as contemplated by law.
the correction of wage distortions.
FACTS: On Nov 18 1993 the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board of
Authority of RTWPB Region V issued Wage Order No. RB 05-03 which provided for a Cost of Living
Allowance (COLA) to workers in the private sector who had rendered service for at
least 3 months before its effectivity, and for the same period thereafter, in the
Moreover, as discussed in Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company, Inc. vs National
following categories:
Wages and Productivity Commission:
● P17.50 in Naga & Legaspi;
R.A. No. 6727 declared it a policy of the State to rationalize the fixing of minimum
● P15.50 in the municipalities of Tabaco, Daraga & Pili and the city of Iriga;
wages and to promote productivity improvement and gain-sharing measures to
● P10.00 in all other areas of the Bicol Region.
ensure a decent standard of living for the workers and their families; to guarantee the
rights of labor to its just share in the fruits of production; to enhance employment
generation in the countryside through industrial dispersal; and to allow business and On Nov 23 1993 the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board of Region VII
industry reasonable returns on investment, expansion and growth. issued Wage Order No. RB VII-03, which directed the integration of the COLA
mandated pursuant to Wage Order No. RO VII-02-A into the basic pay of all workers.
The wage order also called for an increase in the minimum wage rates for all workers
In line with its declared policy, R.A. No. 6727 created the NWPC, vested with the
and employees in the private sector as follows:
power to prescribe rules and guidelines for the determination of appropriate minimum
wage and productivity measures at the regional, provincial or industry levels;
● P10.00 in Cebu, Mandaue & Lapulapu;
● P5.00 in the municipalities of Compostela, Liloan, Consolacion, Cordova,
and authorized the RTWPB to determine and fix the minimum wage rates applicable
Talisay, Minglanilla, Naga and the cities of Davao, Toledo, Dumaguete,
in their respective regions, provinces, or industries therein and issue the
Bais, Canlaon and Tagbilaran.
corresponding wage orders, subject to the guidelines issued by the NWPC. Pursuant
to its wage fixing authority, the RTWPB may issue wage orders which set the daily
Pursuant to the said wage orders, RESP granted a COLA of P17.50 to its employees
at its Naga branch and integrated the P150.00 per month COLA into the basic pay of
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
its rank-and-file employees at its Cebu, Mabolo and P. del Rosario branches. On A wage distortion shall mean a situation where an increase in prescribed wage results
June 7 1994, PET wrote to RESP requesting that a Labor Management Committee in the elimination of severe contraction of intentional quantitative differences in wage
be convened to discuss and resolve the wage distortions that resulted from the or salary rates between and among employee groups in an establishment as to
implementation of the wage orders. PET also demanded that PET extend the effectively obliterate the distinctions embodied in such wage structure based on skills,
application of the wage orders to its employees outside Region V & Region VII, length of service, or other logical bases of differentiation.
claiming that the regional implementation of the said orders resulted in a wage
distortion. Wage Distortion presupposes a classification of positions and rankings at various
levels where a significant change occurs at the lowest level of positions in terms of
VA: Ruled that the regional implementation of the wage orders by PET resulted in a basic wage without a corresponding change in the other level in the hierarchy
wage distortion nationwide which should be resolved in accordance with Art. 124 of negating as a result thereof the distinction between one level of position from the next
Labor Code. higher level and resulting in a parity between the lowest level and the next level or
rank. This concept assumes an existing grouping or classification of employees which
CA: Ruled that there was no wage distortion on the following grounds: establishes distinctions among such employees on some relevant or legitimate basis.

The variance in the salary rates in different regions are justified by R.A. 6727. EX: You work in a company, you are a minimum wage earner here in Davao City,
391.00. The next higher in position has a salary of 450.00. Thereafter, a wage order
The distinctions between each employee group in the region are maintained, as all was issued increasing the 391.00 minimum wage by 30.00 so it becomes 421.00.
employees were granted an increase in minimum wage rate. The difference between those two positions will be contracted. So, a distortion will
take place. There will be instances wherein they will even be the same. That is the
situation that is covered under Art. 124.
PET’s contentions: RESP’s regional implementation:
Elements of Wage Distortion
1. A wage distortion exists, because the implementation of the two Wage Orders has
resulted in the discrepancy in the compensation of employees of similar pay
1. An existing hierarchy of positions with corresponding salary rates;
classification in different regions.
2. A significant change in the salary rate of a lower pay class without a concomitant
2. Implementation violated the principle of equal work, equal pay; increase in the salary rate of a higher one;

3. RESP-Bank when it adopted a uniform wage policy has sufficiently established a 3. Elimination of the distinction between the two levels; and
management practice thus, it is estopped from implementing a wage order for a
specific region only. 4. The existence of the distortion in the same region of the Country

ISSUE: WON a wage distortion resulted from RESP’s implementation of the Why is it that there is no wage distortion with regard to similarly-situated
aforecited Wage Orders? (NO) employees but in different regions? Because it is an accepted fact that in each
region, there are different cost of living expenses. There are several factors to
HELD: NO. There was no wage distortion as there is no wage parity between consider. In Manila, the minimum wage is around 500.00. In Davao, 391.00.
employees in different rungs, instead there is a wage disparity between employees
in the same rung but located in different regions of the country. A disparity in wages Is there wage distortion? NO. As we very well know, in Manila or in the NCR, the
between employees holding similar positions but in different regions does not cost of living is higher.
constitute wage distortion as contemplated by law. – Different regional wages are Any wage order that would increase the minimum wage of one employee in another
mandated by the law (specifically RA 6727) as there is recognition that there exist region, will not cause a wage distortion with a similar employee, even if they have
regional disparities in the cost of living. RA 6727 recognizes that there are different similar employer. The SC emphasized the 4 elements for wage distortion to exist.
needs for the different situations in different regions of the country.
EQUAL PAY, EQUAL WORK: RA 6727 mandates that wages in every region must
be set by the particular wage board of that region, based on the prevailing situation
therein. Necessarily, the wages in different regions will not be uniform. Thus, under WOMEN (ARTICLES 132-140)
RA 6727, the minimum wage in Region 1 may be different from that in Region 13,
because the socioeconomic conditions in the two regions are different.

MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CONTENTION: Said nationwide uniform wage policy of Art. 132. Facilities for women. The Secretary of Labor and Employment shall
the Bank had been adopted prior to the enactment of RA 6727. After the passage of establish standards that will ensure the safety and health of women employees.
said law, the Bank was mandated to regionalize its wage structure. In appropriate cases, he shall, by regulations, require any employer to:

NOTE: In this case, the fourth element of wage distortion is absent. The Supreme (a) Provide seats proper for women and permit them to use such seats
Court emphasized that we are talking about different regions with different minimum when they are free from work and during working hours, provided they
wages. This disparity in wages between employees holding similar positions but in can perform their duties in this position without detriment to
different regions does not constitute wage distortion. It is the hierarchy of positions efficiency;
and disparity of their corresponding wages and other emoluments that are sought to (b) To establish separate toilet rooms and lavatories for men and women
be preserved by the concept of wage distortion. Petition is DENIED. provide at least a dressing room for women; For transgenders, that is
more a gender issue rather than a labor issue.
Discussion In the present case, it is clear that no wage distortion resulted when (c) To establish a nursery in a workplace for the benefit of the women
respondent implemented the subject Wage Orders in the covered branches. In the employees therein; and Breastfeeding stations for mothers. In the more
said branches, there was an increase in the salary rates of all pay classes. recent years, it has been implemented.
Furthermore, the hierarchy of positions based on skills, length of service and other (d) To determine appropriate minimum age and other standards for
logical bases of differentiation was preserved. In other words, the quantitative retirement or termination in special occupations such as those of flight
difference in compensation between different pay classes remained the same in all attendants and the like. It is possible that for certain types of employees
branches in the affected region. Put differently, the distinction between Pay Class 1 in connection with their functions. You have to consider women in
and Pay Class 2, for example, was not eliminated as a result of the implementation relation to the work they perform.
of the two Wage Orders in the said region. Hence, it cannot be said that there was a
wage distortion.

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
that married women are not qualified for employment in PT&T, and not merely
because of her supposed acts of dishonesty.
We have to keep in mind the nature of the work of the employee in applying
paragraph (a). Grace’s dismissal was not due to concealment. That it was so can easily be seen
from the memorandum sent to private respondent by Delia M. Oficial, the branch
For example, the need to provide seats for cashier may not be applicable to supervisor of the company, with the reminder, in the words of the latter, that "you're
salesgirl in department stores whose work necessarily involves walking around fully aware that the company is not accepting married women employee, as it was
and assisting customers. verbally instructed to you." Again, in the termination notice sent to her by the same
branch supervisor, private respondent was made to understand that her severance
from the service was not only by reason of her concealment of her married status but,
over and on top of that, was her violation of the company’s policy against marriage.
Art. 134. Family planning services; incentives for family planning. Verily, private respondent's act of concealing the true nature of her status from PT&T
could not be properly characterized as willful or in bad faith as she was moved to act
the way she did mainly because she wanted to retain a permanent job in a stable
a. Establishments which are required by law to maintain a clinic or infirmary shall
company. In other words, she was practically forced by that very same illegal
provide free family planning services to their employees which shall include, but
company policy into misrepresenting her civil status for fear of being disqualified from
not be limited to, the application or use of contraceptive pills and intrauterine
work. While loss of confidence is a just cause for termination of employment, it should
not be simulated. It must rest on an actual breach of duty committed by the employee
and not on the employer's caprices. Furthermore, it should never be used as a
b. In coordination with other agencies of the government engaged in the promotion subterfuge for causes which are improper, illegal, or unjustified.
of family planning, the Department of Labor and Employment shall develop and
prescribe incentive bonus schemes to encourage family planning among female
Private respondent, it must be observed, had gained regular status at the time of her
workers in any establishment or enterprise
dismissal. When she was served her walking papers, she was about to complete the
probationary period of 150 days as she was contracted as a probationary employee.
This has not been strictly followed. That her dismissal would be effected just when her probationary period was winding
down clearly raises the plausible conclusion that it was done in order to prevent her
from earning security of tenure.

Art. 136. Stipulation against marriage. It shall be unlawful for an employer to The government, to repeat, abhors any stipulation or policy in the nature of that
require as a condition of employment or continuation of employment that a woman adopted by petitioner PT&T. The Labor Code state, in no uncertain terms, as follows:
employee shall not get married, or to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting
married, a woman employee shall be deemed resigned or separated, or to actually (Section 136. Stipulation against marriage.)
dismiss, discharge, discriminate or otherwise prejudice a woman employee merely
by reason of her marriage.
It is not relevant that the rule is not directed against all women but just against married
women. And, where the employer discriminates against married women, but not
against married men, the variable is sex and the discrimination is unlawful. Upon the
PT&T V. NLRC other hand, a requirement that a woman employee must remain unmarried could be
justified as a "bona fide occupational qualification," or BFOQ, where the particular
FACTS: Grace de Guzman was initially hired by petitioner as a reliever, specifically requirements of the job would justify the same, but not on the ground of a general
as a "Supernumerary Project Worker," for a fixed period for C.F. Tenorio who went principle, such as the desirability of spreading work in the workplace. A requirement
on maternity leave. Under the Reliever Agreement which she signed with petitioner of that nature would be valid provided it reflects an inherent quality reasonably
company, her employment was to be immediately terminated upon expiration of the necessary for satisfactory job performance.
agreed period. Thereafter, private respondent's services as reliever were again
engaged by petitioner, this time in replacement of one Erlinda F. Dizon who went on Petitioner's policy is not only in derogation of the provisions of Article 136 of the Labor
leave during both periods. After August 8, 1991, and pursuant to their Reliever Code on the right of a woman to be free from any kind of stipulation against marriage
Agreement, her services were terminated. in connection with her employment, but it likewise assaults good morals and public
policy, tending as it does to deprive a woman of the freedom to choose her status, a
On September 2, 1991, private respondent was once more asked to join petitioner privilege that by all accounts inheres in the individual as an intangible and inalienable
company as a probationary employee, the probationary period to cover 150 days. In right.
the job application form that was furnished her to be filled up for the purpose, she
indicated in the portion for civil status therein that she was single although she had - Take note of this case, there were already several special laws in 1997
contracted marriage a few months earlier. for women workers
- Even if it was true that there was concealment on the part of de guzman,
It now appears that private respondent had made the same representation in the two the same cannot be considered. Because she concealed it because of the
successive reliever agreements. When petitioner supposedly learned about the same policy of the employer
later, its branch supervisor in Baguio City, Delia M. Oficial, sent to private respondent - There was no valid cause for dismissal
a memorandum requiring her to explain the discrepancy. In that memorandum, she
was reminded about the company's policy of not accepting married women for DUNCAN V. GLAXO WELLCOME PHILIPPINES
FACTS: Pedro Tecson was hired by Glaxo Wellcome Philippines, Inc. as medical
In her reply, private respondent stated that she was not aware of PT&T's policy representative on October 24, 1995, after Tecson had undergone training and
regarding married women at the time, and that all along she had not deliberately orientation.
hidden her true civil status. Petitioner nonetheless remained unconvinced by her
explanations. Private respondent was dismissed from the company which she readily Thereafter, Tecson signed a contract of employment which stipulates, among others,
contested by initiating a complaint for illegal dismissal, coupled with a claim for non- that he agrees to study and abide by existing company rules; to disclose to
payment of cost of living allowances (COLA). management any existing or future relationship by consanguinity or affinity with co-
employees or employees of competing drug companies and should management find
ISSUE: Was she illegally dismissed? YES that such relationship poses a possible conflict of interest, to resign from the
RULING: Grace de Guzman was illegally dismissed. In this case, private respondent
from employment on account of her dishonesty, the record discloses clearly that her The Employee Code of Conduct of Glaxo similarly provides that an employee is
ties with the company were dissolved principally because of the company's policy expected to inform management of any existing or future relationship by
consanguinity or affinity with co-employees or employees of competing drug
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
companies. If management perceives a conflict of interest or a potential conflict of the products sold by Glaxo. In any case, Tecson was given several months to
between such relationship and the employee’s employment with the company, the remedy the situation, and was even encouraged not to resign but to ask his wife to
management and the employee will explore the possibility of a "transfer to another resign form Astra instead.
department in a non-counterchecking position" or preparation for employment outside
the company after six months. Tecson was initially assigned to market Glaxo’s Glaxo also points out that Tecson was aware that such policy was stipulated therein.
products in the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area. Subsequently, Tecson In said contract, he also agreed to resign from respondent if the management finds
entered into a romantic relationship with Bettsy, an employee of Astra that his relationship with an employee of a competitor company would be detrimental
Pharmaceuticals, a competitor of Glaxo. Bettsy was Astra’s Branch Coordinator in to the interests of Glaxo.
Albay. She supervised the district managers and medical representatives of her
company and prepared marketing strategies for Astra in that area. ISSUES:

Even before they got married, Tecson received several reminders from his District (1) Whether the Glaxo’s policy against its employees marrying employees
Manager regarding the conflict of interest which his relationship with Bettsy might from competitor companies is valid, and in not holding that said policy
engender. Still, love prevailed, and Tecson married Bettsy in September 1998. violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution; YES.

In January 1999, Tecson’s superiors informed him that his marriage to Bettsy gave (2) Whether Tecson was constructively dismissed. NO.
rise to a conflict of interest. Tecson’s superiors reminded him that he and Bettsy
should decide which one of them would resign from their jobs, although they told him
HELD: Glaxo’s policy prohibiting an employee from having a relationship with an
that they wanted to retain him as much as possible because he was performing his
employee of a competitor company is a valid exercise of management prerogative.
job well.
Glaxo has a right to guard its trade secrets, manufacturing formulas, marketing
Tecson requested for time to comply with the company policy against entering into a
strategies and other confidential programs and information from competitors,
relationship with an employee of a competitor company. He explained that Astra,
especially so that it and Astra are rival companies in the highly competitive
Bettsy’s employer, was planning to merge with Zeneca, another drug company; and
pharmaceutical industry.
Bettsy was planning to avail of the redundancy package to be offered by Astra. With
Bettsy’s separation from her company, the potential conflict of interest would be
eliminated. At the same time, they would be able to avail of the attractive redundancy The prohibition against personal or marital relationships with employees of competitor
package from Astra. companies upon Glaxo’s employees is reasonable under the circumstances because
relationships of that nature might compromise the interests of the company. In laying
down the assailed company policy, Glaxo only aims to protect its interests against
In August 1999, Tecson again requested for more time resolve the problem. In
the possibility that a competitor company will gain access to its secrets and
September 1999, Tecson applied for a transfer in Glaxo’s milk division, thinking that
since Astra did not have a milk division, the potential conflict of interest would be
eliminated. His application was denied in view of Glaxo’s "least-movement- possible"
policy. Indeed, while our laws endeavor to give life to the constitutional policy on social
justice and the protection of labor, it does not mean that every labor dispute will be
decided in favor of the workers. The law also recognizes that management has rights
In November 1999, Glaxo transferred Tecson to the Butuan City-Surigao City-Agusan
which are also entitled to respect and enforcement in the interest of fair play.
del Sur sales area. Tecson asked Glaxo to reconsider its decision, but his request
was denied.
The challenged company policy does not violate the equal protection clause of the
Constitution. It is a settled principle that the commands of the equal protection clause
Tecson defied the transfer order and continued acting as medical representative in
are addressed only to the state or those acting under color of its authority.
the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area.
In any event, from the wordings of the contractual provision and the policy in its
During the pendency of the grievance proceedings, Tecson was paid his salary, but
employee handbook, it is clear that Glaxo does not impose an absolute prohibition
was not issued samples of products which were competing with similar products
against relationships between its employees and those of competitor companies. Its
manufactured by Astra. He was also not included in product conferences regarding
employees are free to cultivate relationships with and marry persons of their own
such products.
choosing. What the company merely seeks to avoid is a conflict of interest between
the employee and the company that may arise out of such relationships. As succinctly
TECSON: Glaxo’s policy against employees marrying employees of competitor explained by the appellate court, thus:
companies violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution because it creates
invalid distinctions among employees on account only of marriage. They claim that
The policy being questioned is not a policy against marriage. An employee of the
the policy restricts the employees’ right to marry.
company remains free to marry anyone of his or her choosing. The policy is not aimed
at restricting a personal prerogative that belongs only to the individual. However, an
They also argue that Tecson was constructively dismissed as shown by the following employee’s personal decision does not detract the employer from exercising
circumstances: management prerogatives to ensure maximum profit and business success.

(1) he was transferred from to the Butuan-Surigao-Agusan sales area, (2) Tescon was made known of the policy prior to his employment. Tecson, therefore,
he suffered a diminution in pay, was aware of that restriction when he signed his employment contract and when he
(3) he was excluded from attending seminars and training sessions, and entered into a relationship with Bettsy. Since Tecson knowingly and voluntarily
(4) prohibited from promoting Glaxo’s products which were competing with entered into a contract of employment with Glaxo, the stipulations therein have the
Astra’s products. force of law between them and, thus, should be complied with in good faith." He is
therefore estopped from questioning said policy. Tecson was not constructively
GLAXO: Policy is a valid exercise of its management prerogatives and does not dismissed.
violate the equal protection clause; and that Tecson’s reassignment does not amount
to constructive dismissal. Constructive dismissal is defined as a quitting, an involuntary resignation resorted to
when continued employment becomes impossible, unreasonable, or unlikely; when
It likewise asserts that the policy does not prohibit marriage per sebut only proscribes there is a demotion in rank or diminution in pay; or when a clear discrimination,
existing or future relationships with employees of competitor companies, and is insensibility or disdain by an employer becomes unbearable to the employee. None
therefore not violative of the equal protection clause. It maintains that considering the of these conditions are present in the instant case. The record does not show that
nature of its business, the prohibition is based on valid grounds. Tescon was demoted or unduly discriminated upon by reason of such transfer. Glaxo
properly exercised its management prerogative in reassigning Tecson to the Butuan
According to Glaxo, Tecson’s marriage to Bettsy, an employee of Astra, posed a real City sales area because it was merely in keeping with the policy of the company in
and potential conflict of interest. Astra’s products were in direct competition with 67% avoidance of conflict of interest, and thus valid.
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
Tecon’s wife holds a sensitive supervisory position as Branch Coordinator in her explanation. However, after submission of the explanation, she was nonetheless
employer-company which requires her to work in close coordination with District dismissed by the company. Due to her urgent need for money, she later submitted a
Managers and Medical Representatives. She therefore takes an active participation letter of resignation in exchange for her thirteenth month pay.
in the market war characterized as it is by stiff competition among pharmaceutical
companies. Moreover, and this is significant, petitioner’s sales territory covers Respondents later filed a complaint for unfair labor practice, constructive dismissal,
Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte while his wife is supervising a branch of her separation pay and attorney’s fees. They averred that the aforementioned company
employer in Albay. The proximity of their areas of responsibility, all in the same Bicol policy is illegal and contravenes Article 136 of the Labor Code. They also contended
Region, renders the conflict of interest not only possible, but actual, as learning by that they were dismissed due to their union membership.
one spouse of the other’s market strategies in the region would be inevitable.
ISSUE: Whether the company policy of Starpaper prohibiting an employee to have a
By the very nature of his employment, a drug salesman or medical representative is relationship with his/her co-employee is a valid exercise of management prerogative?
expected to travel. He should anticipate reassignment according to the demands of NO, it is violative of Article 136. The SC was looking for the reasonableness of
their business. It would be a poor drug corporation which cannot even assign its such prohibition.
representatives or detail men to new markets calling for opening or expansion or to
areas where the need for pushing its products is great. More so if such reassignments HELD: The requirement that a company policy must be reasonable under the
are part of the employment contract. circumstances to qualify as a valid exercise of management prerogative was also at
issue in the 1997 case of Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Company v. NLRC. In
As noted earlier, the challenged policy has been implemented by Glaxo impartially said case, the employee was dismissed in violation of petitioner’s policy of
and disinterestedly for a long period of time. In the case at bar, the record shows that disqualifying from work any woman worker who contracts marriage. We held that the
Glaxo gave Tecson several chances to eliminate the conflict of interest brought about company policy violates the right against discrimination afforded all women workers
by his relationship with Bettsy. When their relationship was still in its initial stage, under Article 136 of the Labor Code, but established a permissible exception, viz.:
Tecson’s supervisors at Glaxo constantly reminded him about its effects on his
employment with the company and on the company’s interests. After Tecson married A requirement that a woman employee must remain unmarried could be justified as
Bettsy, Glaxo gave him time to resolve the conflict by either resigning from the a "bona fide occupational qualification," or BFOQ, where the particular requirements
company or asking his wife to resign from Astra. Glaxo even expressed its desire to of the job would justify the same, but not on the ground of a general principle, such
retain Tecson in its employ because of his satisfactory performance and suggested as the desirability of spreading work in the workplace. A requirement of that nature
that he ask Bettsy to resign from her company instead. Glaxo likewise acceded to his would be valid provided it reflects an inherent quality reasonably necessary for
repeated requests for more time to resolve the conflict of interest. When the problem satisfactory job performance.
could not be resolved after several years of waiting, Glaxo was constrained to
reassign Tecson to a sales area different from that handled by his wife for Astra.
The cases of Duncan and PT&T instruct us that the requirement of
reasonableness must be clearly established to uphold the questioned
Notably, the Court did not terminate Tecson from employment but only reassigned employment policy. The employer has the burden to prove the existence of a
him to another area where his home province, Agusan del Sur, was included. In reasonable business necessity. The burden was successfully discharged in Duncan
effecting Tecson’s transfer, Glaxo even considered the welfare of Tecson’s family. but not in PT&T.

Clearly, the foregoing dispels any suspicion of unfairness and bad faith on the part of We do not find a reasonable business necessity in this case.
Petitioners’ sole contention that "the company did not just want to have two (2) or
- the policy here is a prohibition of employees marrying employees of their more of its employees related between the third degree by affinity and/or
competitors consanguinity" is lame. That the second paragraph was meant to give teeth to the
- this policy is allowed since it will be detrimental to the company’s business, first paragraph of the questioned rule is evidently not the valid reasonable business
- it is not an absolute prohibition it is only limited in marriage between glaxo necessity required by the law.
employees and its employees of its competitors
It is significant to note that in the case at bar, respondents were hired after they were
STAR PAPER v. SIMBOL Take note of this case. There were many principles found fit for the job, but were asked to resign when they married a co-employee.
discussed. 2 types of employment policies involving spouses. Invalid if the employer Petitioners failed to show how the marriage of Simbol, then a Sheeting Machine
fails to show that such prohibition is related to business necessity. Operator, to Alma Dayrit, then an employee of the Repacking Section, could be
detrimental to its business operations. Neither did petitioners explain how this
FACTS: The respondents in this case were employees of Starpaper, aside from detriment will happen in the case of Wilfreda Comia, then a Production Helper in the
Lorna Estrella who was allegedly dismissed due to immoral conduct. Estrella was Selecting Department, who married Howard Comia, then a helper in the cutter-
hired on July 29, 1994. She met Luisito Zuñiga, also a co-worker. Petitioners stated machine. The policy is premised on the mere fear that employees married to each
that Zuñiga, a married man, got Estrella pregnant. The company allegedly could have other will be less efficient. If we uphold the questioned rule without valid justification,
terminated her services due to immorality but she opted to resign on December 21, the employer can create policies based on an unproven presumption of a perceived
1999. danger at the expense of an employee’s right to security of tenure.

The respondents each signed a Release and Confirmation Agreement. They stated Disparate Impact Theory
therein that they have no money and property accountabilities in the company and
that they release the latter of any claim or demand of whatever nature. Petitioners contend that their policy will apply only when one employee marries a
co-employee, but they are free to marry persons other than co-employees. The
Respondents offer a different version of their dismissal. Simbol and Comia allege that questioned policy may not facially violate Article 136 of the Labor Code but it creates
they did not resign voluntarily; they were compelled to resign in view of an illegal a disproportionate effect and under the disparate impact theory, the only way it could
company policy. As to respondent Estrella, she alleges that she had a relationship pass judicial scrutiny is a showing that it is reasonable despite the discriminatory,
with co- worker Zuñiga who misrepresented himself as a married but separated man. albeit disproportionate, effect. The failure of petitioners to prove a legitimate business
After he got her pregnant, she discovered that he was not separated. Thus, she concern in imposing the questioned policy cannot prejudice the employee’s right to
severed her relationship with him to avoid dismissal due to the company policy. be free from arbitrary discrimination based upon stereotypes of married persons
working together in one company.
On November 30, 1999, she met an accident and was advised by the doctor to
recuperate for twenty-one (21) days. She returned to work but she found out that her Lastly, the absence of a statute expressly prohibiting marital discrimination in our
name was on-hold at the gate. She was denied entry. She was directed to proceed jurisdiction cannot benefit the petitioners. The protection given to labor in our
to the personnel office where one of the staff handed her a memorandum. The jurisdiction is vast and extensive that we cannot prudently draw inferences from the
memorandum stated that she was being dismissed for immoral conduct. She refused legislature’s silencethat married persons are not protected under our Constitution and
to sign the memorandum because she was on leave for twenty-one (21) days and declare valid a policy based on a prejudice or stereotype. Thus, for failure of
has not been given a chance to explain. The management asked her to write an petitioners to present undisputed proof of a reasonable business necessity, we rule
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
that the questioned policy is an invalid exercise of management prerogative. into consideration (OKAY LANG yung buntis sa mercury drug pero as a security
Corollarily, the issue as to whether respondents Simbol and Comia resigned guard hindi.)
voluntarily has become moot and academic.
There may also be instances, although the employers are also careful of this, if the
On The Alleged Resignation of Estrella The contention of petitioners that Estrella nature of the work includes travel and they would tend to have a preference over
was pressured to resign because she got impregnated by a married man and she male employees because it would be easier for them to travel, because if they employ
could not stand being looked upon or talked about as immoral is incredulous. If she women for such positions, then there is a probability that they will get pregnant and
really wanted to avoid embarrassment and humiliation, she would not have gone back won't be assigned to travel or will be assigned at the nearest location.
to work at all. Nor would she have filed a suit for illegal dismissal and pleaded for
reinstatement. We have held that in voluntary resignation, the employee is compelled Of course, this is discrimination, but if you won't be employed or promoted because
by personal reason(s) to dissociate himself from employment. It is done with the of that, then you have to prove that that is the basis of the discrimination which is not
intention of relinquishing an office, accompanied by the act of abandonment. Thus, it that easy if you are the employee. Hence, if you are discriminated against, then you
is illogical for Estrella to resign and then file a complaint for illegal dismissal. Given have the burden of proof that by reason of you being a woman, or being pregnant,
the lack of sufficient evidence on the part of petitioners that the resignation was that you are not promoted or accepted to a certain position.
voluntary, Estrella’s dismissal is declared illegal.

Discussion Art. 138. Classification of certain women workers. Any woman who is
permitted or suffered to work, with or without compensation, in any night club,
Take note of the differences among the cases of PT&T, Duncan and Starpaper. Here cocktail lounge, massage clinic, bar or similar establishments under the effective
in this case, the Supreme Court that banning spouses from working in the same control or supervision of the employer for a substantial period of time as
company is not a valid exercise of management prerogative. determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, shall be considered as an
employee of such establishment for purposes of labor and social legislation.
According to the Supreme Court, to justify a bona fide occupational qualification the
employer must the two (2) factors:

1. That the employment qualification is reasonably related to the essential Article 138 establishes the employer-employee relationship between the women
operation of the job involved. mentioned therein and their employer in a night club, cocktail lounge, massage clinic,
2. That there is a factual basis for believing that all persons meeting the bar or similar establishments.
qualification would be unable to properly perform the duties of the job.
Anti sexual harassment act sec 3
The basis of Starpaper here in saying that spouses working in the same place will
affect their business is not impressed with merit.
How could Star Paper assert that its policy is valid?
RA 10151 repealing Articles 130 and 131
It could have shown that employing spouses in the same company would result to
loss of check and balance, control or a connivance could arise, if ever. If you are the Night Workers fall under Articles 154-161 of the Labor Code. Take note on who are
employer, you have to justify why do you have a particular prohibition. If it just a considered as night workers
prohibition without any valid justification, it will result to discrimination.

The questioned policy here was considered in violation of Article 136. Article 154. Coverage. - This chapter shall apply to all persons, who shall be
employed or permitted or suffered to work at night, except those employed in
- What is lacking for the prohibition (policy) to be upheldd, is the agriculture, stock raising, fishing, maritime transport and inland navigation, during
reasonableness of the prohibition - a period of not less than seven (7) consecutive hours, including the interval from
- No spouse employment and anti-nepotism midnight to five o'clock in the morning, to be determined by the Secretary of Labor
- No spouse policy - invalid if employer fails to present that such prohibition and Employment, after consulting the workers' representatives/labor
is a business necessity, here there was no reason behind the prohibition. organizations and employers.
Hence it wasnt reasonably necessary.
- when allowed? Like in banks , guard and teller are married Night worker' means any employed person whose work requires performance of
a substantial number of hours of night work which exceeds a specified limit. This
limit shall be fixed by the Secretary of Labor after consulting the workers'
PROHIBITED ACTS representatives/labor organizations and employers.

Art. 137. Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for any employer:

Article 155. Health Assessment. - At their request, workers shall have the right
a. To deny any woman employee the benefits provided for in this Chapter to undergo a health assessment without charge and to receive advice on how to
or to discharge any woman employed by him for the purpose of reduce or avoid health problems associated with their work:
preventing her from enjoying any of the benefits provided under this
Code. (a) Before taking up an assignment as a night worker
(b) At regular intervals during such an assignment; and
b. To discharge such woman on account of her pregnancy, or while on (c) If they experience health problems during such, an assignment which
leave or in confinement due to her pregnancy; are not caused by factors other than the performance of night work.

c. To discharge or refuse the admission of such woman upon returning to With the exception of a finding of unfitness for night work, the findings of such
her work for fear that she may again be pregnant. assessments shall not be transmitted to others without the workers' consent and
shall not be used to their detriment.

Here, discrimination by reason of pregnancy. However, you also have to consider the Night worker – any employed person whose work requires performance of a
nature of the work. If the pregnancy of the woman would be counter-productive, then substantial number of hours of night work which exceeds a specified limit. This limit
the nature of the job in connection with the prohibition on pregnancy should be taken shall be fixed by the Secretary of Labor after consulting the workers'
representatives/labor organizations and employers.
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
An example of this would be the call center agents, and therefore, these provisions
would be applicable to them. Article 159. Compensation. The compensation for night workers in the form of
working time, pay or similar benefits shall recognize the exceptional nature of night
Article 156. Mandatory Facilities. - Suitable first-aid facilities shall be made
available for workers performing night work, including arrangements where such
workers, where necessary, can be taken immediately to a place for appropriate They are entitled to the night shift differential.
treatment. The employers are likewise required to provide safe and healthful
working conditions and adequate or reasonable facilities such as sleeping or These provisions regarding night workers – they are considered as special group
resting quarters in the establishment and transportation from the work premises because working at night is different from normal. We grow up sleeping at night and
to the nearest point of their residence subject to exceptions and guidelines to be spending the day awake. Here, the nature of the work is night because they render
provided by the DOLE. service to different parts of the world or different time zones compared here in the
Philippines. The advantage of this is that they have higher pay and they have
additional benefits as provided for in the law.
You've probably seen this at call centers wherein they have their own shuttle or van
because that is required under the law. Again, there are a lot of them who are night Here, they have health assessment under Article 155 and mandatory facilities.
workers, and the shift of the others end at dawn. It would be difficult for them to go
home. So that is one of the concerns that are addressed in the law.

Article 161. Night Work Schedules. - Before introducing work schedules

Article 157. Transfer. – Night workers who are certified as unfit for requiring the services of night workers, the employer shall consult the workers'
night work, due to health reasons, shall be transferred, whenever practicable, to a representatives/labor organizations concerned on the details of such schedules
similar job for which they are fit to work. and the forms of organization of night work that are best adapted to the
If such transfer to a similar job is not practicable, these workers shall be granted establishment and its personnel, as well as on the occupational health measures
the same benefits as other workers who are unable to work, or to secure and social services which are required. In establishments employing night
employment during such period. workers, consultation shall take place regularly."
A night worker certified as temporarily unfit for night work shall be given the same
protection against dismissal or notice of dismissal as other workers who are
prevented from working for reasons of health.


Article 158. Women Night Workers. - Measures shall be taken to ensure that an
Republic Act No. 10361
alternative to night work is available to women workers who would otherwise be
called upon to perform such work:
NOTE: KASAMBAHAY LAW repealed articles 141-152 of the Labor Code.
(a) Before and after childbirth, for a period of at least sixteen (16) weeks, which
shall be divided between the time before and after childbirth;
SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. – As used in this Act, the term:
(b) For additional periods, in respect of winch a medical certificate IS produced
stating that said additional periods are necessary for the health of the mother or (d) Domestic worker or “Kasambahay” refers to any person engaged in
child: domestic work within an employment relationship such as, but not limited to, the
following: general househelp, nursemaid or “yaya”, cook, gardener, or laundry
(1) During pregnancy; person, but shall exclude any person who performs domestic work only
occasionally or sporadically and not on an occupational basis.
(2) During a specified time beyond the period, after childbirth is fixed pursuant to
subparagraph (a) above, the length of which shall be determined by the DOLE The term shall not include children who are under foster family arrangement, and
after consulting the labor organizations and employers. are provided access to education and given an allowance incidental to education,
i.e. “baon”, transportation, school projects and school activities.
During the periods referred to in this article:

(i) A woman worker shall not be dismissed or given notice of dismissal, except for
just or authorized causes provided for in this Code that are not connected with
pregnancy, childbirth and childcare responsibilities. SEC. 7. Guarantee of Privacy. – Respect for the privacy of the domestic worker
shall be guaranteed at all times and shall extend to all forms of communication
(ii) A woman worker shall not lose the benefits regarding her status, seniority, and and personal effects. This guarantee equally recognizes that the domestic
access to promotion which may attach to her regular night work position. worker is obliged to render satisfactory service at all times.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers may be allowed to work .at night only if a SEC. 8. Access to Outside Communication. – The employer shall grant the
competent physician, other than the company physician, shall certify their fitness domestic worker access to outside communication during free time: Provided,
to render night work, and specify, in the case of pregnant employees, the period That in case of emergency, access to communication shall be granted even
of the pregnancy that they can safely work. during work time. Should the domestic worker make use of the employer’s
telephone or other communication facilities, the costs shall be borne by the
The measures referred to in this article may include transfer to day work where domestic worker, unless such charges are waived by the employer.
this is possible, the provision of social security benefits or an extension of
maternity leave. SEC. 9. Right to Education and Training. – The employer shall afford the
domestic worker the opportunity to finish basic education and may allow
The provisions of this article shall not leave the effect of reducing the protection access to alternative learning systems and, as far as practicable, higher
and benefits connected with maternity leave under existing laws. education or technical and vocational training. The employer shall adjust the
work schedule of the domestic worker to allow such access to education or
training without hampering the services required by the employer.

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
SEC. 10. Prohibition Against Privileged Information. – All communication (b) Waiving a particular rest day in return for an equivalent daily rate of pay;
and information pertaining to the employer or members of the household shall
be treated as privileged and confidential, and shall not be publicly disclosed by
(c) Accumulating rest days not exceeding five (5) days; or
the domestic worker during and after employment. Such privileged information
shall be inadmissible in evidence except when the suit involves the employer or
any member of the household in a crime against persons, property, personal (d) Other similar arrangements.
liberty and security, and chastity. Bawal ang chismis
SEC. 22. Assignment to Nonhousehold Work. – No domestic worker shall be
assigned to work in a commercial, industrial or agricultural enterprise at a wage
rate lower than that provided for agricultural or nonagricultural workers. In such
Section 11.Employment Contract.– An employment contract shall be cases, the domestic worker shall be paid the applicable minimum wage.
executed by and between the domestic worker and the employer before the
commencement of the service in a language or dialect understood by both the SEC. 23. Extent of Duty. – The domestic worker and the employer may mutually
domestic worker and the employer. The domestic worker shall be provided a agree for the former to temporarily perform a task that is outside the latter’s
copy of the duly signed employment contract which must include the following: household for the benefit of another household. However, any liability that will be
incurred by the domestic worker on account of such arrangement shall be borne
(a) Duties and responsibilities of the domestic worker; by the original employer. In addition, such work performed outside the household
(b) Period of employment; shall entitle the domestic worker to an additional payment of not less than
(c) Compensation; the existing minimum wage rate of a domestic worker. It shall be unlawful for
(d) Authorized deductions; the original employer to charge any amount from the said household where the
(e) Hours of work and proportionate additional payment; service of the domestic worker was temporarily performed.
(f) Rest days and allowable leaves;
(g) Board, lodging and medical attention;
(h) Agreements on deployment expenses, if any;
(i) Loan agreement; APEX V. NLRC The Kasambahay Law was not yet enacted. She was considered as
(j) Termination of employment; and a regular employee who was illegally dismissed.
(k) Any other lawful condition agreed upon by both parties.
FACTS: Private respondent was employed by Apex Mining to perform laundry
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall develop a model
services at its staff house. She was originally paid on a piece rate basis, but was
employment contract for domestic workers which shall, at all times, be made
eventually paid P250 a month which was eventually increased to 575 pesos. She met
available free of charge to domestic workers, employers, representative
an accident , and reported it to her immediate supervisor and the personnel officer.
organizations and the general public. The DOLE shall widely disseminate
Because of such accident she was not able to continue with her work. She was
information to domestic workers and employers on the use of such model
eventually dismissed. She went to DOLE and the judgement ordered APEX to pay
employment contract.
her Salary DIfferential , emergency living allowance, Separation pay, and 13th month
In cases where the employment of the domestic worker is facilitated through a
private employment agency, the PEA shall keep a copy of all employment
contracts of domestic workers and shall be made available for verification and ISSUE: Should private respondent be considered as mere househelper or domestic
inspection by the DOLE. servant? And not a regular employee?

RULING: NO. Rule XIII, section I (b), Book 3 of the Labor Code, as amended defines
the terms “househelper” or “domestic servant.
SEC. 13. Recruitment and Finder’s Fees. – Regardless of whether the domestic
worker was hired through a private employment agency or a third party, no share House helper - synonymous to the term “domestic servant”, it refers to any person,
in the recruitment or finder’s fees shall be charged against the domestic worker by male or female, who renders services in and about the employer’s home and which
the said private employment agency or third party. services are usually necessary or desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment
thereof, and ministers exclusively to the personal comfort and enjoyment of the
employer’s family.
SEC. 14. Deposits for Loss or Damage. – It shall be unlawful for the employer
or any other person to require a domestic worker to make deposits from which
deductions shall be made for the reimbursement of loss or damage to tools, The definition cannot be interpreted to include househelper or laundrywomen working
materials, furniture and equipment in the household. in staffhouses of a company, like petitioner who attends to the needs of the
company's guest and other persons availing of said facilities. By the same token, it
cannot be considered to extend to then driver, houseboy, or gardener exclusively
SEC. 15. Prohibition on Debt Bondage. – It shall be unlawful for the employer working in the company, the staffhouses and its premises.
or any person acting on behalf of the employer to place the domestic worker under
debt bondage. The criteria is the personal comfort and enjoyment of the family of the employer in
the home of said employer. While it may be true that the nature of the work of a
SEC. 20. Daily Rest Period. – The domestic worker shall be entitled to an househelper, domestic servant or laundrywoman in a home or in a company
aggregate daily rest period of eight (8) hours per day. staffhouse may be similar in nature, the difference in their circumstances is that in
the former instance they are actually serving the family while in the latter case,
whether it is a corporation or a single proprietorship engaged in business or industry
SEC. 21. Weekly Rest Period. – The domestic worker shall be entitled to at least or any other agricultural or similar pursuit, service is being rendered in the staffhouses
twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of rest in a week. The employer and the or within the premises of the business of the employer.
domestic worker shall agree in writing on the schedule of the weekly rest day of
the domestic worker: Provided, That the employer shall respect the preference of
the domestic worker as to the weekly rest day when such preference is based on Section 24. Minimum Wage. – The minimum wage of domestic workers shall
religious grounds. Nothing in this provision shall deprive the domestic worker and not be less than the following:
the employer from agreeing to the following:
(a) Two thousand five hundred pesos (P2,500.00) a month for
(a) Offsetting a day of absence with a particular rest day; those employed in the National Capital Region (NCR);

(b) Two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) a month for those employed in chartered

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
cities and first class municipalities; and unjustly dismissed, the domestic worker shall be paid the compensation already
earned plus the equivalent of fifteen (15) days work by way of indemnity. If the
(c) One thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) a month for domestic worker leaves without justifiable reason, any unpaid salary due not
those employed mother municipalities. exceeding the equivalent fifteen (15) days work shall be forfeited. In addition, the
employer may recover from the domestic worker costs incurred related to the
After one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, and periodically deployment expenses, if any: Provided, That the service has been terminated
thereafter, the Regional Tripartite and Productivity Wage Boards (RTPWBs) within six (6) months from the domestic worker’s employment.
shall review, and if proper, determine and adjust the minimum wage rates of
domestic workers. If the duration of the domestic service is not determined either in stipulation or by
the nature of the service, the employer or the domestic worker may give notice to
SEC 25. Payment of Wages. – Payment of wages shall be made on time end the working relationship five (5) days before the intended termination of the
directly to the domestic worker to whom they are due in cash at least once a service.
month. The employer, unless allowed by the domestic worker through a written
consent, shall make no deductions from the wages other than that which is The domestic worker and the employer may mutually agree upon written notice to
mandated by law. No employer shall pay the wages of a domestic worker by pre-terminate the contract of employment to end the employment relationship.
means of promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any
object other than the cash wage as provided for under this Act. - Take note of this since it is very different with what is provided by the
Labor Code.
- Deployment expenses: Shouldering transportation fees.
The domestic worker is entitled to a thirteenth month pay as provided for by law.
SEC. 33. Termination Initiated by the Domestic Worker. – The domestic worker
- Take note that a domestic worker is entitled to a 13th month pay. may terminate the employment relationship at any time before the expiration of
the contract for any of the following causes:
SEC. 27. Prohibition on Interference in the Disposal of Wages. – It shall be
unlawful for the employer to interfere with the freedom of any domestic worker (a) Verbal or emotional abuse of the domestic worker by the employer or any
to dispose of the latter’s wages. The employer shall not force, compel or oblige member of the household;
the domestic worker to purchase merchandise, commodities or other properties
from the employer or from any other person, or otherwise make use of any store
(b) Inhuman treatment including physical abuse of the domestic worker by the
or services of such employer or any other person.
employer or any member of the household;

SEC 28. Prohibition Against Withholding of Wages. – It shall be unlawful for

(c) Commission of a crime or offense against the domestic worker by the employer
an employer, directly or indirectly, to withhold the wages of the domestic worker.
or any member of the household;
If the domestic worker leaves without any justifiable reason, any unpaid salary
for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days shall be forfeited. Likewise, the
employer shall not induce the domestic worker to give up any part of the wages (d) Violation by the employer of the terms and conditions of the employment
by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other means whatsoever. contract and other standards set forth under this law;

- A unique provision (e) Any disease prejudicial to the health of the domestic worker, the employer, or
member/s of the household; and
SEC. 29. Leave Benefits. – A domestic worker who has rendered at least one
(1) year of service shall be entitled to an annual service incentive leave of five (f) Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
(5) days with pay: Provided, That any unused portion of said annual leave shall
not be cumulative or carried over to the succeeding years. Unused leaves shall
SEC. 34. Termination Initiated by the Employer. – An employer may terminate
not be convertible to cash.
the services of the domestic worker at any time before the expiration of the
contract, for any of the following causes:

(a) Misconduct or willful disobedience by the domestic worker of the lawful order
of the employer in connection with the former’s work;
SEC. 30. Social and Other Benefits. – A domestic worker who has rendered
at least one (1) month of service shall be covered by the Social Security System
(b) Gross or habitual neglect or inefficiency by the domestic worker in the
(SSS), the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), and the Home
performance of duties;
Development Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG, and shall be entitled to all the benefits
in accordance with the pertinent provisions provided by law.
(c) Fraud or willful breach of the trust reposed by the employer on the domestic
Premium payments or contributions shall be shouldered by the employer.
However, if the domestic worker is receiving a wage of Five thousand pesos
(P5,000.00) and above per month, the domestic worker shall pay the (d) Commission of a crime or offense by the domestic worker against the person
proportionate share in the premium payments or contributions, as provided by of the employer or any immediate member of the employer’s family;
(e) Violation by the domestic worker of the terms and conditions of the employment
The domestic worker shall be entitled to all other benefits under existing laws. contract and other standards set forth under this law;

(f) Any disease prejudicial to the health of the domestic worker, the employer, or
member/s of the household; and

(g) Other causes analogous to the foregoing.

SEC. 32. Termination of Service. – Neither the domestic worker nor the
employer may terminate the contract before the expiration of the term except for
grounds provided for in Sections 33 and 34 of this Act. If the domestic worker is

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
Take Note: We do not have a regular employment when it comes to domestic
workers or kasambahay. They are not considered regular employee on fixed disposed of or distributed in accordance with his directions; or
period or contract. What is important is whether or not there is a valid cause for
termination, initiated by the worker or the employer as provided under Sections 33 Sells any goods, articles or materials to be processed or fabricated in or about a
and 34. home and then rebuys them after such processing or fabrication, either by himself
or through some other person.

1. Minimum wage
2. Other mandatory benefits, such as the daily and weekly rest periods
3. Service Incentive Leave
4. 13th month pay REPUBLIC ACT No. 11210 - also applies to employees in the public sector
5. Freedom from employer’s interference in the disposal of wages
6. Coverage under the SSS, PhilHEalth, and Pag-Ibig Laws
7. Standard of treatment REPUBLIC ACT No. 11210 “Expanded Maternity Leave in the Private
8. Board, lodging, and medical attendance Sector”
9. Right to privacy
10. Access to outside communication COVERAGE: Female employees who gave birth starting 11 March 2019
11. Access to education and training
12. Right to form, join or assist labor organization
13. Right to be provided a copy of the employment contract BENEFITS
14. Right to Certificate of Employment
15. Right to terminate the employment; and
16. Right to exercise their own religious beliefs and cultural practices. 105 DAYS 7 DAYS 15 DAYS 30 DAYS 60 DAYS
Paid leave Leave Additional Additional Paid leave
for live birth transferable paid leave for leave without for
HOMEWORKERS (regardless to fathers solo parents pay miscarriage
of the mode (not limited to under RA (Optional) and
of delivery) the father, it 8972 Emergency
can be termination of
Chapter IV anyone who pregnancy
can give
the female
Article 153. Regulation of industrial homeworkers. The employment of worker)
industrial homeworkers and field personnel shall be regulated by the government
through the appropriate regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and AMOUNT OF BENEFITS: Employer shall pay the salary differential which is the
Employment to ensure the general welfare and protection of homeworkers and difference between the full salary and the actual cash benefit received from SSS
field personnel and the industries employing them.
What is Industrial Homework? A system of production under which the work for ● Female employee must have paid at least 3 monthly contributions to
an employer or contractor is carried out by a homeworkers at his/her home. the SSS in the 12-month period immediately preceding the semester
Materials may or may not be furnished by the employer or contractor. It is a of her childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency terminiation of pregnancy
decentralized form of production where there is ordinarily very little supervision or ● Female employee must have notified the employer of her pregnancy
regulation of methods of work. (Take note: it differs from a regular factory and the probable date of her childbirth
production since it is decentralized where there is little supervision on methods of
● No prior notice required in case of emergency.
● The enjoyment of the maternity leave cannot be deferred.
What does home mean? Any home, house, apartment, or other premises used ● Can be credited at combinations of pre or post natal leave.
regularly in whole or in part as dwelling place except those situated within the ● As long as it does not exceed 105 days or 60 days, as the case may
premises or compound of an employer, contractor, or sub-contractor and the work be.
performed therein is under the supervision of the latter.

The employer has the duty to remit the necessary SSS, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig PATERNITY LEAVE ACT OF 1996
premiums. If there are complaints, these can be raised before the regional director Republic Act 8187
of DOLE.

Note: This is different from work from home. This only applies to industrial work. SEC. 2. Notwithstanding any law, rules and regulations to the contrary, every
There are materials that instead of working at the factory, you do it at home. married male employee in the private and public sectors shall be entitled to a
paternity leave of seven (7) days with full pay for the first four (4) deliveries of
Article 154. Regulations of Secretary of Labor. The regulations or orders to be the legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting. The male employee applying
issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be designed to assure the minimum terms for paternity leave shall notify his employer of the pregnancy of his legitimate
and conditions of employment applicable to the industrial homeworkers or field spouse and the expected date of such delivery.
personnel involved.
For purposes of this Act, delivery shall include childbirth or any miscarriage.
Article 155. Distribution of homework. For purposes of this Chapter, the
"employer" of homeworkers includes any person, natural or artificial who, for his
account or benefit, or on behalf of any person residing outside the country, directly
or indirectly, or through an employee, agent contractor, sub-contractor or any Purpose: To enable the husband to lend support to his wife during the period of
other person: recovery or nursing to their newly-born child.
Delivers, or causes to be delivered, any goods, articles or materials to be Limitation: It is only for the first four deliveries, legitimate spouse, whom the
processed or fabricated in or about a home and thereafter to be returned or to be husband is living together or cohabiting with. If they are not living together, the
AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
father can still avail of this if the reason that they are not living together is because ● Granted after the female employee has undergone surgery but without
of the occupation or work station to which the male employee is assigned to. prejudice to the employer allowing the employee to receive pay before or
during surgery.
Delivery includes childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion (not illegal abortion). ● Non-cumulative and non-convertible to cash.

This is without prejudice to the employer’s policy of allowing the employee to avail Gynecological disorders:
of the benefit before or during delivery provided not more than 7 calendar days.
● Disorders that would require surgical procedures such as dilation involving
Take note: This is not convertible to cash. a surgery of the female reproductive organ as certified by a competent

● Employed at the time of delivery. LEAVE BENEFITS FOR WOMEN WORKERS

● Married or cohabiting with such spouse who gave birth at the time of birth Republic Act 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of
or miscarriage. 2004)
● Applied for paternity leave within a reasonable time from the expected
date of delivery or within that period as provided by the company rules
and regulations or the CBA. Section 43. Entitled to Leave. – Victims under this Act shall be entitled to take a
paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days in addition to other paid leaves under
the Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations, extendible when the
SOLO PARENT LEAVE necessity arises as specified in the protection order.
Republic Act 8972
Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this section shall
be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code and Civil Service
Section 8. Parental Leave. - In addition to leave privileges under existing laws,
Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an employer who shall prejudice any person for
parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days every year shall be
assisting a co-employee who is a victim under this Act shall likewise be liable for
granted to any solo parent employee who has rendered service of at least one
(1) year.

10 days is for the female employee to attend to medical concerns or legal concerns.
● Must be a solo parent. This can be exercised at the option of the employee.
● One who has given birth as a result of rape or other crimes of chastity.
● In case of death of a spouse. Requirement: A Certification from the barangay chairman or councilor or prosecutor
● If the spouse is obtained from criminal detention for at least one year. or clerk of court that an action relative to this matter is pending. This is non-cumulative
● In case of physical or mental incapacity of the spouse as certified by a and non-convertible.
public medical practitioner.
● Legal separation or separation de facto from the spouse for at least one Discussion: You would see that there is favor, not a total bias, in favor of the
year. employees. If you are an employer you should take into consideration these leaves
● In cases of declaration of nullity of marriage or annulment with custody of to which the employees are entitled to. At times, you cannot fault the employer that
children. they are giving these leaves to the employees who are entitled to such under the law.
● In case of abandonment of the other spouse for at least one year. At the same time, the employer needs to consider how the grant of such leaves will
● In cases of those unmarried. affect the operation of the business.
● Any person who solely provides parental care and support to a child
provided licensed as a foster parent by DSWD or he or she is duly
appointed as a legal guardian by the court.
Republic Act 7877
● Any family member who assumes responsibility as the head of the family.

Requirements: Take note when is there sexual harassment.

● Service of at least one year whether continuous or broken.

● Notify, within a reasonable time, the employer that the employee will avail SECTION 3. Work, Education or Training -Related, Sexual Harassment
of it. Defined. – Work, education or training-related sexual harassment is committed
● A solo parent ID from the DSWD. by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the employer,
teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or any other person who, having
Take Note: No employer shall discriminate any solo parent employee with respect authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work or training
to terms and conditions of employment on account of his/her being a solo parent. or education environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual
favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement
for submission is accepted by the object of said Act.
Republic Act 9710 (The Magna Carta for Women) (a) In a work-related or employment environment, sexual harassment is
committed when:

SECTION 18. Special Leave Benefits for Women. — A woman employee having (1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the employment,
rendered continuous aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months for the re-employment or continued employment of said individual, or in granting said
last twelve (12) months shall be entitled to a special leave benefit of two (2) months individual favorable compensation, terms of conditions, promotions, or
with full pay based on her gross monthly compensation following surgery caused by privileges; or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting, segregating
gynecological disorders. or classifying the employee which in any way would discriminate, deprive
ordiminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect said
● This is regardless of age and civil status. employee;
● Requirement: Continuous, aggregate employment of at least 6 months for
the last 12 months. (2) The above acts would impair the employee’s rights or privileges under

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020
existing labor laws; or

(3) The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive

environment for the employee.

(b) In an education or training environment, sexual harassment is


(1) Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of the offender;

(2) Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or tutorship is

entrusted to the offender;

(3) When the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a passing grade,
or the granting of honors and scholarships, or the payment of a stipend,
allowance or other benefits, privileges, or consideration; or

(4) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or offensive

environment for the student, trainee or apprentice.

Any person who directs or induces another to commit any act of sexual
harassment as herein defined, or who cooperates in the commission thereof by
another without which it would not have been committed, shall also be held
liable under this Act.

SECTION 5. Liability of the Employer, Head of Office, Educational or

Training Institution. – The employer or head of office, educational or training
institution shall be solidarily liable for damages arising from the acts of sexual
harassment committed in the employment, education or training environment if
the employer or head of office, educational or training institution is informed of
such acts by the offended party and no immediate action is taken.

Under this Law, you can also file a separate action for civil aspect and criminal

Libres v. NLRC

Held: There was no illegal suspension because it was based on established facts.

Republic Act No. 7877 was not yet in effect at the time of the occurrence of the act
complained of. It was still being deliberated upon in Congress when petitioner's
case was decided by the Labor Arbiter. As a rule, laws shall have no retroactive
effect unless otherwise provided, or except in a criminal case when their application
will favor the accused. Hence, the Labor Arbiter have to rely on the MEC report and
the common connotation of sexual harassment as it is generally as understood by
the public. Faced with the same predicament, the NLRC had to agree with the
Labor Arbiter. In so doing, the NLRC did not commit any abuse of discretion in
affirming the decision of the Labor Arbiter.

AMPATUAN · MASAPOL · with notes from SR 2019-2020

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