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I. Chuyển các câu sau sang bị động.

1 - I had written a letter……………………………………………

2 - He had cooked food………………………………………..
3 - They had played football…………………………………
4 - She had made cake………………………………………………..
5 - He had learned English…………………………………………………
6 - They had started Generator………………………………………
7 - She had made changes………………………………………
8 - I had repaired L.C.D………………………………………
9 - I had made Tutorials………………………………………
10 - They had implemented rules………………………………………
11 - Somebody had taken medicine.………………………………………
12 - Someone had understood World………………………………………
13 - Somebody had built buildings………………………………………
14 - Somebody had cooked French fries………………………………………
15 - Someone had selected players………………………………………
16 - People had painted homes………………………………………
17 - People had fought with enemies………………………………………
18 - People had called them………………………………………
19 - People had used make-up………………………………………
20 - Someone had cleaned the room………………………………………
21 - Mary had celebrated independence Day………………………………………
22 - Ba had gone to take him………………………………………
23 - John had bought Milk………………………………………
24 - Hoa had taken Chicken………………………………………
25 - Peter had cooked biryani………………………………………
26 - Brain had controlled our body………………………………………

27 - Heart had pumped blood………………………………………
28 - Your brother had earned money………………………………………
29 - Her sister had recited Holy Book………………………………………
30 - Their workers had installed windows………………………………………
31 - A friend of mine had bought a mobile………………………………………
32 - Your kids had eaten all of the eggs………………………………………
33 - Ba had sold Biryani………………………………………
34 - Our students had recorded voice………………………………………
35 - Their learners had operated computer………………………………………
36 - She had done marketing………………………………………
37 - I had drunk Water………………………………………
38 - He had listened Songs………………………………………
39 - I had eaten Ice-Cream………………………………………
40 - He hadn’t performed prayer………………………………………
41 - They hadn’t bought Laptops………………………………………
42 - They hadn’t caught Fishes………………………………………
43 - She hadn’t killed mosquitoes………………………………………
44 - He hadn’t loved Bodybuilding………………………………………
45 - She hadn’t run Free Service………………………………………
46 - They hadn’t published my Designs………………………………………
47 - He hadn’t started a new Business………………………………………
48 - He hadn’t ruled the country………………………………………
49 - They hadn’t showed aero planes………………………………………
50 - She hadn’t stolen Petrol………………………………………

1. I hadn’t worn blue shoes. ………………………………………

2. Joe hadn’t cleaned the tables. ………………………………………
3. We hadn’t lost the key.   ………………………………………

4. They hadn’t started a fight.   ………………………………………
5. I hadn’t read an article.   ………………………………………
6. I had not closed the window.   ………………………………………
7. They had not bought the paper.  
8. She had noticed me. ………………………………………
9. She solved the problem.   ………………………………………
10. Mary had recorded that song .………………………………………
1. Dr. Richard had saved Silvia's life.………………………………………
2. The Americans had discovered another planet.
3. Hospital staff had accepted the injured man.
4. Jerry had received the check just in time.
5. Jim had received an anonymous gift.………………………………………
6. Peter had designed the plan of that villa.……………………………………
7. Firefighters had put out the fire successfully.
  1. Had your parents invited the Browns?………………………………………
2. Had your children washed the glasses?………………………………………
3. Had Mary cleaned the room?………………………………………
4. Had they informed her?………………………………………
5. Had the officers noticed him?………………………………………
6. Had the boys moved the table?………………………………………
7. Had her mother prepared the dinner?………………………………………
8. Had you thrown the fresh tomato to him?………………………………………
9. Had Peter written a letter to John?………………………………………
10. Had your parents sold him a big house?………………………………………

11. Had they sent her an e-mail?………………………………………
12. Had he examined her leg?………………………………………
13. Had the cameraman had filmed all the scenes?
14. Had your friends taken the dog to the school?
15. Had your uncles looked after him?………………………………………
16. Had she shouted at her sons?………………………………………
17. The police hadn’t arrested all the thief.………………………………………
18. They had received the parcel………………………………
19. Mary hadn’t finished the job by Monday
20. I had learnt an important lesson……………………………………….
21. Amar had made a big mistake……………………………………….
22. Pooja hadn’t won a big prize…………………………………………
23. Had Sue informed him?………………………………….
24. Had the teacher punished the boy?………………………..
25. Had the master spanked the poor boy?…………………………………
26. Ram had written a letter………………………………………….
27. Mary had lost her bag………………………………………………
28. Somebody had posted the letter…………………………………….
29. Ha hadn’t told him the truth…………………………………….
30. Sue hadn’t helped me………………………………………
31. Ronan had never seen a lion before……………………………..
32. She had done her work by Monday……………………………….
33. The servant had posted the letter…………………………..
34. He hadn’t solved all the sums before ten………………………………….
35. Peter had already heard the news……………………………………

36. She hadn’t written such a letter……………………………………
37. Had the children broken the slate?…………………………………
38. Had your sister already made a plan?…………………………..
39. Had the police already caught the thieves?
40. ….…………………………………………………..
41. Had your teacher stopped the lesson by 11?
42. ….…………………………………………….
43. He hadn’t killed a snake before……………………………………
44. Have you ever seen the Taj before?……………………………………..

1. I had bought two laptops………………………………………………………

2. They had sold their home……………………………………………………

3. The boy had solved the puzzle………………………………………………

4. She had written the essay…………………………………………………….…

5. They had sent him to Mumbai……………………………………………….

6. She had taken the tablet………………………………………………………

7. The bandits had looted the shop……………………………………………..

8. He had accepted the offer………………………………………………..

9. The mechanic had repaired the car……………………………………………

10. A girl from Kerala had won the first prize.

11. Our team hadn’t won the match…………………………………….
12. The noise had frightened the horse……………………………….
13. He had bought her mother a necklace……………………………………
14. I had sent him a letter by Monday…………………………………….

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