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All living spells have blindsight 60'; are immune to gaze attacks, mind-affecting spells and

abilities, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning; are not subject to extra
damage from critical hits or flanking; and have resistances to damage and spells

Chilling Fog

A chilling fog is a sentient cone of cold spell. This living spell looks like a 10-foot diameter
fog cloud that radiates freezing cold as it closes in on its prey. Upon engulfing its target, the
target is subject to freezing winds.


A chillspark is the combination of two sorcerer spells: breath of winter and leaping lightning.
This living spell resembles a lightning blast, and instead of engulfing its foes, it leaps from
target to target, striking them with electricity. A chillspark is also able to perform short-burst
teleports, and uses them to get into ideal striking positions. Chillsparks are extremely hard to
disperse or counterattack, because of their great speeds, and can attack three or four targets
at a time.

Corrosion Web

Unlike other living spells, the corrosion web is actually two spells: an acid orb spell
combined with a web spell. This hybrid spell looks like the collapsed remains of a spider web,
but one that is covered in a thick caustic acid that dissolves skin and bone. The corrosion web
throws itself onto its foes trying to catch its prey within its ropy body.


A frostclutch, the merging of Bigby's grasping hands and ice tomb, resembles a fully-formed
icy hand the size of a medium humanoid. This living spell then tries to grab its prey, flying
through the air at its target. The frostclutch freezes to the touch, and any creature grabbed by
it begins freezing to death. Because of the physical structure, it is extremely difficult to free
oneself from the frostclutch.


Glitterfire is a living spell that combines a fireball spell with a glitterdust spell; a common
strategy on the battlefield during the Last War to uncover invisible troops.
Glitterfire looks like a low cloud of bright, crackling motes of light that leaves small explosions
in its wake. As it approaches its prey, it fires a blast of glitterdust, blinding its prey, as well as
making them visible if they were invisible. It then engulfs the target, subjecting it to the intense
flame of the fireball at its core.

Living Blasphemy

A living blasphemy is the living version of the blasphemy spell. It resembles a 15-foot-tall
pillar of inky darkness infused with strange images and scenes. As it crawls across the
ground, it targets any non-evil creature in the area. Once it engulfs such prey, it can weaken,
daze, paralyze, or even kill its target. It also banishes any non-evil summoned creature that
may enter its range.

Rumors speak of living dictum spells that affect non-lawful creatures; living holy word that
affects non-good creatures; and living word of chaos that affect non-chaotic creatures

Living Burning Hands

A living burning hands spell resembles a fluid mass of fire that crawls along the ground
towards its target. When it catches its prey, it tries to engulf it within its flames. The flames
from a living burning hands spell will set anything flammable instantly aflame.

Living Cloud of Daggers

A living cloud of daggers is one of the more common living spells within the Mournland. It
resembles a mystical swarm of translucent, sharpened daggers that fly at nearby creatures
with malicious intent. Once a living cloud of daggers targets its prey, it stalks them
relentlessly, flying towards them and slamming them with concussive force. Living clouds of
daggers tend to instinctively target arcane spellcasters first.

Living Cloudkill

A living cloudkill is the cloudkill spell come to life. It appears to be a thick, green fog that
hangs low on the ground, with elongated green tendrils that are always stretching out for prey.
A living cloudkill spell tries to engulf its prey. If the prey is weak enough, the living cloudkill
can kill it automatically. If not, being engulfed in the living cloudkill makes the target weaker
and weaker, as its target breathes in the poisonous gases within the cloudkill. A living cloudkill
will try to slam·any targets who try to escape its grasp.
Living Fireball

A living fireball is a living spell created from the fireball spell. Appearing as a ball of flickering
flame, this spell rolls towards its prey, leaving cinder in its wake. It hits its target with
concussive force, engulfing it. When the living fireball engulfs a target, it explodes, sending
sparks of flame in every direction before regrouping and continuing its attack.

Living Flaming Sphere

A living flaming sphere is almost identical to a flaming sphere conjured by wizards;

however, it quickly becomes evident that no wizard has cast it. It flies across the battlefield,
ricocheting off the environment to target its prey. When it engulfs its target, it blasts them with
internal inferno. It leaves a trail of ash in its wake, and is susceptible to cold attacks.

Shroud of Death and Despair

A shroud of death and despair is a living spell made from the combination of a crushing
despair spell and a finger of death spell. It appears as an enormous amoebic cloud of black
energy that looms just above the ground. It reaches out for its prey with black tendrils. Like
other living spells, it tries to engulf its prey. When a target is engulfed, they are subject to
crushing despair that weakens them. Weaker creatures are killed outright, while tougher
creatures suffer necrotic damage while within the shroud.

Sickening Sleep

A sickening sleep living spell is a sentient enfeeblement spell. It appears as a gray swirling
mist that hangs thick in the air. It attempts to engulf its prey. Once it does, its targets begin to
feel their strength drained away. As they do, they succumb to a deep sleep.

Withering Grasp

A withering grasp is a combination of two powerful wizard spells: Evard's black tentacles
and ray of enfeeblement. This living spell almost resembles a living creature, with sickly black
tentacles erupting from the ground. it stalks the shadows, using its tentacles to grasp its prey
and drag them into its body. Once engulfed, a creature grows weaker and weaker, to prevent
its escape. Withering grasps are occasionally mistaken for black puddings by unknowing

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