Modules in Ethics - Final

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09266462905 | FB: Vanito Swabe
Email: lordivan.


Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
 Define personality based on various social perspectives
 Differentiate personality and character
 Connect their desired career to their personality
 Elucidate several theories on personality

Motivational Task: Assess how healthy your self-esteem is. Try to look at yourself in the mirror. What
can your see? List down your strengths and weaknesses. Capitalize on your good points and your bad

Character, individuality and personality refer to the sum of the characteristics possessed by a

Character refers especially to moral qualities, ethical standards, principles and the like.
Individuality refers to the distinctive qualities that makes recognizable as a person differentiated
from others.
Personality refers particularly to the combination of outer and inner characteristics that determine
the impression that a person makes up on other.

How to develop a good personality? - Simply Be Yourself.

Nobody can help you develop yourself except you. Neither your parents, friends, teachers, wealth, nor
knowledge can do the job for you, although all these play vital parts in having a self-image and self-
identity. It is you who synthesizes all the elements that help you become what you are. The decision as
to what sort of life you will lead and what sort of an example you will follow is largely up to you. You
cannot escape your share of the responsibility. You are the major player in the mind of life you would
like to have.

Man alone has the ability to reconstruct things of the past, learn from them and envision his future.
Gradually, his whole life takes on a new significance, a deeper meaning and renewed responsibility
and challenge. Again, experience is the best teacher. Learn from your mistakes. Remember, failure is
the first step to success.

Moreover, a person must have a strong relationship with the divine first. A person who has spiritual
oneness with God’s creations and with other human beings is able to identify a relationship between
himself and his creator. He/she experiences the highest spiritual awareness of all; and it is only through
this that he/she finds fulfilment in everything he/she does.

Acceptance of Others

Nobody is perfect. Each one of us has his/her own weaknesses, idiosyncrasies, inconsistencies and
habits that can be intractable at times. The individual who has a great tolerance of the shortcomings of
others - that of his employer, his employee or that of his co-worker, or one who has great compassion
for one’s troubles and mistakes, a willingness to admit an equal right to exist for those who do not see
or act as he does, has indeed an appreciation of people as people. It is too bad that only in times of
crises do men sometimes rise to heights of almost pure wonder. This kind of acceptance and
appreciation of people for who they are is tantamount to how one feels and responds to situations,
ideas and ideals. Love and accept people for they are all children of God.
We can also practice the Ten Commandments of Human Relations so that we can deal with others
harmoniously (Ledesma, 1997).
1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.
2. Smile at people. It takes 65 muscles to frown and only 15 to smile.
3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyone’s ear is the sound of his/her own name.
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you want to have friends, be friendly.
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure.
6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can learn to like everybody if you try.
7. Be generous with praise. Learn to appreciate others and be cautious with criticisms.
8. Be considerate with the feelings of others. It will be appreciated.
9. Be attentive to others’ opinions. There are three sides to a controversy -yours, the other fellow’s
and the right one.
10. Be of service to others. What counts most in life is what we do to others and how we treat them.

Philosophies of Life

Our principle or personal philosophy is our way of looking at the world and the people around us. Some
people do not have any philosophy or way of thinking. They may be “eclectic”, meaning they partake of
several basic philosophies. It is our philosophy that guides and directs our lives.

Roughly enumerated below are three general types of people based on their basic life philosophies
(Santos, 1996; Gregorio & Gregorio, 1979):

a) The Realist
Realism tries to show life as it is. The realist believes that the world is composed of real,
substantial material entities. For him/her, substance is more important than idea. Laws exist in
material nature which establish and control the existence of every entity. Hence, man’s most
important feature is is ability to adapt and use the laws of the universe.
b) The Idealist
The idealist finds answers by searching within man’s mind and soul. The idealist believes in
God. He/she looks up to Him for ultimate answers to reality. He/she also believes that the
most important thing about man is his soul and spiritual kinship with the Divine Being. He/she
makes decisions based on the rationality of his/her personal knowledge and ideas.
c) The Pragmatist
The pragmatist looks for meanings in their practical bearings and believes that experience is
composed of circumstances, events, ideas, people, and environment, and the interaction
among all these things is the basis of reality. He/she is concerned with change for he believes
that experience is never static.

Every individual has his/her own life philosophy. If we only espect and give high regard to one’s
principles, there would be no conflict, problem, war, or chaos. We will be experiencing a very peaceful
and serene life, full of happiness and contentment.

A Healthy Self-Esteem

As quoted from Santos (1999), “A positive self-image has nothing to do with being conceited or
showing off. In fact, a healthy self-esteem makes you feel confident without having to brag or
constantly proving yourself to others. A person with high self esteem is also easy to spot. You can see
it in the way a girl dresses and carries herself. She’s usually a good student, not because she wants to
impress others, but because she enjoys doing things well. And generally, she is well-liked because
she’s relaxed and fun to be with.”

Assertiveness plays and important role in employee-employer relationships and personnel-client
transactions. It is manifested in one’s actions and words, and is developed by cultivating and improving
one’s attitudes and means of communication. Research shows that managers hire assertive people
because they:
1. Dispel negative sentiments among other employees;
2. Promote healthy and direct professional employer-employee relationships;
3. Clearly show their participation in the attainment of stated goals;
4. Help polarize the current problems in the organization;
5. Take direct accountability of their actions;
6. Are first to assume frontline positions and volunteer to take difficult tasks;
7. Promote cooperation and clear lines of communications among co-employees.

Developing your boldness takes more than talking aggressively. Being assertive means beahving
confidently. Positive behavior is shown in one’s thoughts, words, and actions. Assertive workers relish
their work, leisure, as well as their personal life. Effectiveness and efficiency at work, favorable
relationships with superiors and co-workers are just some of the products of assertiveness.

A Test of Assertiveness

Based on the scale below, put your score on the blank before each item.
5 - always 4 - often 3 - sometimes 2 - seldom 1 - never

______1. I am not afraid to speak to high-ranking officials or officers

______2. I admit to my mistakes readily.
______3. I verbally express my feelings of anger and frustrations to concerned people.
______4. I can calmly and rationally correct other’s mistakes without offending them.
______5. I can say “no” when someone asks me to do something I cannot or am not willing to do.
______6. I do not feel nervous when speaking to a large group.
______7. I can delegate tasks to other people without feelin guilty or shy.
______8. I don’t get wayed by others’ opinions. I firmly and confidently hold on what I believe is right.
______9. I eagerly establish camaraderie and familiarity with new acquaintances.
______10. I consider my priorities as important and as significant as others.
______11. I can take responsibility for new and strange tasks with confidence.
______12. I do not blame others for failures and disappointments.
______13. I can confidently advocate my views to people in authority.
______14. I do not doubt others’ capability and integrity when assigning them tasks.
______15. I do not keep quiet when I know my views are correct even if they oppose the mainstream
of opinions.

Sum up all your scores for the 15 items and find out your degree of assertiveness based on the
following rating:
Degree of Assertiveness Total Score
Very assertive 71-above
Fairly assertive 51-70
Moderately assertive 31-50
Non-assertive 15-30

Practical Ways to Develop Assertiveness

 Use Effective Speech
Assertive words are direct and concise. Being straight to the point will always elicit positive
reactions. Use clear and stressful language that will quickly and effectively deliver the
message you want to convey.
Clarity and exactness in your statements are also required. Accurate and timely expression of
your feelings will also make people take note of you.

 Use Effective Gestures

Gestures amd actions give life to words that we say. They clarify and magnify facts and
emotions. They attract attention and make people pay closer attention.

 Be Consistent
Learn to be consistent in your words and actions. Consistency enhances an individual’s
convincing powers. When you are known to be consistent, other people will surely relate
positively to you.

 Improve Assertiveness through Body Language

The way things are said counts more than the types of words used. Proper use of body
language is vital in the development of assertiveness.

Major Reference: Ramirez & Beltran (2004), “Man, Values, and Work Ethics”


I. Essay

1. How will you accept love from people?

2. Answer the quiz on assertiveness. What is your score? Where do you fall? Do you
thing you can develop your assertiveness? Why or why not?

3. Describe the real you. What are your values? How can you strengthen values?

II. Simulation Activity

Prepare for a mock job interview to be conducted by your instructor. Research the
common questions that your “employer” may ask and how to answer it. Secure a sample
Application Letter and Resume with 2x2 ID Picture. Be in formal attire.


Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
 Appreciate unique Filipino culture
 Distinguish ethics as a part of non-material culture
 Expound the relativity of Ethics

Motivational Task: Does these pictures offend you?

Photo taken from:

If yes, you might be guilty o Ethnocentrism!
People who are ethnocentric apply their own values in judging the behavior and beliefs of other
people raised in other cultures. Ethnocentrism contributes to social solidarity and a sense of value and
community. However, it also fuels conflict.

If not, you are a cultural relativist.

Cultural Relativism is the way of looking at all values, beliefs, and norms within its own social
context. In other words, “right” and “wrong” are culture-specific: what is considered moral to this society
might be immoral to the other. There is no universal standard of morality. Hence, no one has the right
to judge other society’s customs.


Sociologists define culture as the sum total of ways built up by a group of human beings and
transmitten from one generation to another. It consists of the sum total of skills, beliefs, and
Culture has two major components with corresponding sub-components:
1. Material Culture - reflects a society’s values and a society’s technology, the knowledge that
people apply to the task of living in their surroundings.
Examples include books, buildings, physical objects that future generations can use to try and
understand us.

2. Non-material Culture - intangible parts of a culture which reflects beliefs, values, rules, and
language. This form dictates how a peeople behaves.
Examples include pagmamano, pamamanhikan, tabi-tabi, panalangin, etc.

Characteristics of Culture

1. Culture is Learned - Each child goes through a process of enculturation when they grow up in a
culture. Children learn by observing the behaviors of people in their surroundings, including the
recognition of symbols specific to that culture.

2. Culture is Shared - Culture is an attribute not of individuals per se but of individuals as members of
groups. Culture is transmitted by society. Enculturation unifies people by providing us with common

3. Culture is Symbolic - Symbols can either be verbal (linguistic) or nonverbal (object, written symbol).

4. Culture is Relative - Culture defines what people eat, how food is prepared, and when and how food
is eaten. Sexual activities are also dictated by culture (with who, how, where, and when).

5. Culture is Integrated - Culture envelopes each of us, and touches every aspect of our lives. Culture
is systematic and integrated (it is not a random phenomenon). Cultures teach us to share certain core
values that helps shape the personality of the individuals within a culture.

6. Culture is Dynamic - Humans are creative animals and always do not strictly follow the dictates of
their culture. There is individual interpretation of each aspect of culture that is in part due to family and
personal history. There is Real and Ideal culture.

7. Culture is Adaptive - Modern technology has provided for the adaptation of humans to every part of
the globe, as ancient technologies provided successful to environments on a smaller scale.

Levels of Culture

 National: learned behavioral patterns, beliefs, values, and institutions shared by the citizens of a

 International: cultural traditions that expand beyond cultural boundaries.

 Subculture: different traditions practiced by groups set within a larger culture. Frequently
regionally based.

What makes Cultural Change?

 Diffusion: borrowing of traits between cultures.

 Acculturation: exchange of cultural features that results from long-term exposure between
 Independent invention: Developing to solution to problems by individual cultures.
Example: agriculture.

Cultural Values and Work Productivity

Filipino work values that serve as the foundation for productivity as prescribed in the TESDA
handbook, are listed below:

1. Industriousness
2. Order and efficient use of time
3. Spirit of inventiveness and sense of responsibility
4. Teamwork and spirit of service
5. Professionalism

These five basic work values ensure the full use of talents, skills, and resources, rather than leave
them unused or underutilized. These also guarantee that we do not misuse these skills and talents.
These also provide us with the highest motives for doing our work well.

Strengths of Filipino Character

1. Pakikipagkapwa-tawo 5. Hardwork and Industry

2. Family Orientation 6. Spirituality
3. Sense of Humor 7. Ability to Survive
4. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity

Weaknesses of the Filipino Character

1. Extreme Personalism
2. Extreme Family Centeredness
3. Lack of Discipline
4. Colonial Mentality
5. Kanya-kanya Syndrome
6. Lack of Self-analysis and Self-reflection

Work Productivity

According to Mison, et. al. (1990), “It is better to be an interesting personality than an efficient
machine.” But if you do not adjust yourself to the stresses of life and the pressure of work and
collegues, you are neither an interesting personality nor an efficient machine. They further suggest the
following plan on how to get things done to improve personal efficiency:

 Clear off enough space

 Do not let minor annoyances stop you or worse, prevent you from event starting a task
 Be task equipped
 Use your common sense
 Take pride on what you have done

In addition, one thing that we Filipinos can learn from the Japanese is their innovativeness and work
acumen, not to mention their discipline and order. They have developed their own version of work
management that become famous all over the world:

1. Seire means to decide what your need and then get rid of the things you don’t need.
2. Seiton means to arrange things you need so they can be easily used.
3. Seiso means to sweep and wash eveything - to keep things clean.
4. Seiketsu means overall neatness - the result of following the other three “s” correctly.

From Basic Management Philosophy Handbook of Toyota for its joint venture with General Motors.

Major Reference: Ramirez & Beltran (2004), “Man, Values, and Work Ethics”

I. Essay

1. Select one verse from the Bible which is work-related. Give your own interpretation of
the verse you chose.

2. Why are workers considered the biggest assets in the organization?

3. Can animals develop their own culture? Explain why or why not.

II. Simulation Activity

The class will be divided into six groups. Each group will select a leader-facilitator. THe
group will have to role play as scene in a workplace that will show both positive and negative
attitudes and values in a workplace in the Philippine setting.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
 Examine Quezon’s view on Ethics and the ideal Filipino values for today’s world
 Express appreciation on Filipino culture and values
 Give personal moral principles as a Filipino
 Propose own version of “An Ideal Filipino Work Ethics”

The Filipino Values for Today

In today’s changing world, there is really a need to transform Filipino values. A person must go through
a process of metamorphoses in converting himself to a new Filipino, a modern-day worker suited to a
new millenium, a Filipino who views himself with dignity. Fr. Gorospe enumerated the core values of a
true Filipino:

1. Truth, Love, and Faith - As a human being, one must always seek truth to live up in coformity
with the duly accepted norms of society and to what is righteous within the contect of eternal
principles of right or law of order. For in truth, you show your love for work and inspire and
transform others, your shouw your love and faith to your creator as you show it to others, and give
the community satisfaction and hope for a just a humane society.

2. Integrity - Integrity and honesty are the wholeness of a man’s moral nature, which means he is
sound, incorruptible and particularly strict about fulfilling the trust given him by others - a virtue of
uprightness and soundness. A common FIlipino adage tells us, kung maiksi ang kumot, matuto
kang mamaluktot. Give your best so that your promotion and advancement will be based on
merits. Work honestly, diligently and with commitment. Rely on your own efforts and not because
of the vicious systems of lagay, padulas, or padrino. Get rid of the idea that it is not what you know
but whom you know that matters in aiming something.

3. Hard Work - Filipinos are hardworking and responsible given the right conditions and
motivations. Many of our countrymen today leave the country for greener pasteurs abroad. They
tend to endure emotional sickness in order to give their families a good life. On the other hand, the
government should exert effort to educate people on how to spend their money wisely, let them
discard Filipino attitude of being “one day millionaires”.

4. Social Justice - This is impartiality in dealing with other people. It requires the sharing of talents
and material possessions especially with the unfortunate. Adhering to the well-founded principle
that all earthly goods belong to human beings, we should at least learn the art of sharing what we
have with the less privileged so that they will have more decent life. Our intellect and skills should
be used not only for ourselves but also for those who have been less endowed.
As Matthew 23:12 (Holy Bible) says, “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who
humbles himself will be exalted.”, let us take the challenge to feed the hungry and to clothe the
naked, not because it is the good thing to do, but because it is a divine obligation.

President Manuel L. Quezon’s Code of Ethics

1. Have Faith in the Divine Providence that guides the destinies of men and nations.

2. Love your country for it is the home of your people, the seat of your affection and the source of your
happiness and well-being. It's defense is your primary duty. Be ready to sacrifice and die for it if

3. Respect the Constitution which is the expression of your sovereign will. The government is your
government. It has been established for your safety and welfare. Obey the laws and see that they are
observed by all and that public officials comply with their duties.

4. Pay your taxes willingly and promptly. Citizenship implies not only rights but obligations.

5. Safeguard the purity of suffrage and abide by the decisions of the majority.

6. Love and respect your parents. It is your duty to serve them gratefully and well.

7. Value your honor as you value your life. Poverty with honor is preferable to wealth with dishonor.

8. Be truthful and be honest in thought and in action. Be just charitable, courteous but dignified in your
dealings with your fellowmen.

9. Lead a clean and frugal life. Do not indulge in frivolity or pretense. Be simple in your dress and
modest in behavior.

10. Live up to the noble traditions of our people. Venerate the memory of our heroes. Their lives point
the way to duty and honor.

11. Be industrious. Be not afraid or ashamed to do manual labor. Productive toil is conducive to
economic security and adds to the wealth of the nation.

12. Rely on your efforts for your progress and happiness. Be not easily discouraged. Persevere in the
pursuit of your legitimate ambitions.

13. Do your work cheerfully, thoroughly, and well. Work badly done is worse than work undone. Do not
leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

14. Contribute to the welfare of your community and promote social justice. You do not live for
yourselves and your family alone. You are a part of society to which you have definite responsibilities.

15. Cultivate the habit of using goods made in the Philippines. Patronize the products and trades of
your countrymen.

16. Use and develop our natural resources and conserve them for posterity. They are an inalienable
heritage of your people. Do not traffic with your citizenship.

Attributes of Filipinos based on Specific Character Traits

1. Personal Traits
a) Katimpian (Self-discipline)
b) Kapunyagian (Perseverance)
c) Kasipagan (Industriousness)
d) Katiyagaan (Patience)
e) Katapatan (Commitment)
f) Kagitingan (Integrity)

2. Relational Traits
a) Marunong Makisama (able to get along with others)
b) Marunong Makitungo (flexible)
c) Marunong Makiramay (empathic)
d) Madaling Lapitan (approachable)
e) Madaling Kausapin (easy to talk to)
f) Matulungin (helpful, supportive)
g) Masayahin (happy disposition, congenial)

3. Team Traits
a) May Pag-aalala (concerned)
b) May Paggalang (respectful)
c) May Pananagutan (accountable)
d) May Pagkalinga (caring)
e) May Pakikibaka (involved)
f) May Pagmamakasakit (selfless)

Major Reference: President Manuel L. Quezon’s “Code of Ethics” / E.O. no. 217


I. Essay

1. Based on the given Filipino values for today’s world, put your insights on how could you
contribute to attain those ideals as a future professional.

a) Truth, Love, and Faith

b) Integrity

c) Hard Work

d) Social Justice

II. Problem Tree Analysis

Refer to Manuel L. Quezon’s Code of Ethics. Find a particular office or organization and
cite one item of the code which corresponds to the problem of that office/organization. Craft a
problem tree out of it and write your analysis comprehensively.


Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
 Survey the Filipino orientation for success
 Evaluate several successful Filipino’s core traits
 Highlight the connection of the social reality and the realization of ideals
 Create a vision that will contribute to the development of the Filipino nation

Motivational Task: Listen to the song, “I have a Dream” by Abba which will inspire you that you can
really attain your dreams. Give your insights through a 10-mins focus group discussion.

You can reach your Goal!

After landing on a good job, you will be able to pursue and reach your goal. All of us have dreams of
success. All of us have goals in life. This is why we do our best and work to the fullest. One may dream
of becoming rich, live a peaceful life, and not have any problems when she/he grows old. Others may
dream admiration by many people. Others may view success as have a happy family, a loving
wife/husband, and cheerful children. Still, everyone equates success by having a good, long life, free
from disease and heartache.

The Bible says that, “If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart”
(Psalms 37:4). To delight means we must put God first in our life. Jesus said the same thing when He
told His disciples to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything they need in
life will be given to them” (Matthew 6:33). At the end, find happiness in everything you do. For love is
the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with others. Hence, love is the
source of success (Schutz, 1982).

Observe proper timing; anticipate and have foresight in all of your undertakings. Work with ethics. By
placing God at the center of your life, YOU CAN REACH YOUR GOALS! Remember, “Big steps start
with small steps.” Why not start now?

How to take Succes

Sometimes people get exhilarated with success. As the saying in Filipino goes, “Nakalalasing ang
tagumpay, minsan ito ay lumalampas sa ating tuktok.”, meaning, we tend to disregard what is right
after reaping success. We tend to forget others and our relationship with God, that God created us in
His likeness, that we serve as his temple on earth. We should be drawn towards the positive. Let us
not destroy ourselves and the lives of others by morally making use of our God-given gifts, skills,
abilities, and education as means but rather, let us make this world a better place to live in, making use
of all these talents in a positive way so that we will attain the perfect happiness… God himself.
Proverbs 3:5-7 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your
ways be mindful of Him, and he will make your path straight. Be not wise in your eyes, fear the Lord
and turn away from evil.

I. Research Paper

Choose one successful Filipino and research on his/her life, struggles, and success. Make a
research paper based on available online sources. The paper should contain the following:
A. Cover Page
B. Introduction (Why did you chose him/her?)
C. Early Life (family background, etc.)
D. Education
E. Life Struggles (what circumstance/s inspired him/her to reach success?)
F. The Turining Point (how did he/she able to reach his./her success?)
G. Present Life
H. Greatest Legacy and Contribution to the Philippine Society
I. Conclusion (what lesson have you learned from him/her?)
J. Course Narrative (what is/are the greatest lesson/s you have learned in Ethics?)
K. Pictures (with caption)
L. References

In crafting your final output, consider this format:

 Font Style - Candara
 Font Size - 11”
 Font Color - Black
 Margin - Left: 1.5”, other sides: 1”
 Spacing - 1.5
 Submit in a short size bond paper
 Provide folder with fastener (not plastic folder)
 Minimum of 10 pages excluding the cover page

Deadline: 2 working days after the Final Examination

Late papers will not be accepted.


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