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Tutorial Letter 103/0/2021



Department of Psychology
Please register on MyUnisa, activate your myLife e-mail address and
make sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module website,
This tutorial letter contains resource material and further information
about the psychological interview assignments.


Read me first 3

Assignment 04: Information 4

Assignment 04: Task 5

Assignment 04: Interview scenario 6

Assignment 04: Proposed interview questions 9

Assignment 04: Assignment questions 13

Assignment 05: Information 21

Assignment 05: Task 22

Assignment 06: Information 26

Assignment 06: Task 27

Assignment 07 and 08: Information 28


R ead me first
About this module You will receive several tutorial letters during the course of this
year. Some of these letters will have been included in the study
package you receive upon registration. Others will follow later.
Remember, the tutorial letters are also available on MyUnisa.
So, you can download these letters should you need to.

Tutorial Letter 101 Provides general administrative information about this module.

Tutorial Letter 102 Contains the first part of the assessment material as well as any
required resource materials.

Tutorial Letter 103 Contains the second part of the assessment material as well the
required resource materials.

Tutorial Letter 201 Provides feedback about Assignment 01.

Tutorial Letter 202 Provides feedback about Assignment 04.

Tutorial Letter 203 Contains information about the examination.

Resource material You find the resource material for this module in tutorial letters
for this module and the prescribed book. You have to study all the material
provided in tutorial letters. But you do not have to study the entire
prescribed book. The sections you have to read and/or study are
indicated below. Note the difference between background
material and prescribed material. You will not be examined on
background material. But you will be examined on the sections
indicated as prescribed material.

Background reading Part 1 Chapters 1 and 2

Part 2 Chapter 3

Prescribed reading Part 2 Introduction to Part 2

Chapters 4, 5 and 6 (In 6: ONLY sections 6.1 – 6.10 on
Karen Horney’s work)

Part 3 Introduction to Part 3

Chapter 10

Part 4 Introduction to Part 4

Chapters 11 and 14

Part 5 Introduction to Part 5

Chapters 15, 16 and 17


A ssignment 04
IMPORTANT NOTE Please note that you have to submit this assignment

Also, note that you have to activate your email address. If this address is not
activated, you will not be able to partake in the course.

Your final mark consists of an examination mark and a

year mark. The examination mark is the mark obtained in
the examination paper written at the end of the course.
The year mark is the mark obtained for the assignments
you submitted during the year. The examination mark
counts 80% of the final mark and the year mark 20% of
the final mark. All assignments contribute towards your
year mark. Because there are a number of assignments,
the contribution of each assignment is quite small. For
example, if an assignment contributes 20% towards the
year mark, its actual contribution towards the final mark is

Project A scenario is provided for which a psychological interview

is required. The interview consists of 10 questions and is
based on TWO personality theories (5 questions per
theory). The interview has to be assessed to determine
whether the interview questions and the personality
theories on which they are based fit the purpose of the

Resource material Tutorial Letter 103

The prescribed book for PYC4804

Time required 1 week

Unique number 772477

Submission Final due Contribution to year Contribution to final

date mark mark

5 July 20% 4 marks


T ask
Assignment 04
Task Assess whether the questions in a psychological interview are
formulated correctly.

Method 1. Read/study Chapter 4: The analytical theory of Carl Jung

2. Read/study Chapter 17: African Perspectives
3. Read the interview scenario (in TL103)
4. Consider the proposed interview questions
5. Read the resource called: Review scale (in TL102)
6. Read the resource called: Notes on review criteria (in
7. Answer the assignment questions online using the MCQ
8. Submit the MCQ answers on MyUnisa as Assignment 04 for
9. Remember, if your email address is not
activated, you will not be able to partake in the course.

Resource material Tutorial Letter 103: Assignment 04

- Interview scenario
- Proposed interview questions
- Assignment questions

Tutorial Letter 102: Resources

- Resource: Review scale
- Resource: Notes on the review criteria

Prescribed book:
- Chapter 4: The analytical theory of Carl Jung
- Chapter 17: The African perspectives


I nterview scenario
Assignment 04
You own a consultation business, PsyConsult, which specialises in psychological
consultation. You employ a number of professional psychologists, as well as student
psychologists, who do their practical placements at your company.
One of your clients is ProICT, a company that specialises in the security of information
computer technology (ICT). They provide specialist ICT security personnel on contract
to various organisations. The individuals who are contracted out are highly qualified
and experienced information technologists who test the security of ICT systems in
organisations. An important focus of their work is to trace and catch people who try to
hack organisations’ information systems.
At PsyConsult, every day begins with a morning meeting to discuss the business of the
day. This morning’s meeting is attended by two senior psychologists, Julie and Ben,
and four student psychologists, Sam, Thumi, Liz and Bongi. You chair the meeting.
You inform everybody that you were contacted by the head of recruitment at ProICT,
Patrick Mubiana and that you met with him the previous afternoon. According to
Patrick, they are in the process of hiring new personnel for a range of positions in the
ICT security business. Due to the high-risk nature of the work, potential candidates
need to be thoroughly screened for psychological stability. This makes the selection
process very difficult, especially because hard evidence has to be produced to justify
the selection of some candidates and the rejection of others. This requires scientific
and objective procedures. Patrick needs PsyConsult to assist with the selection
The selection procedures at ProICT are as follows: All candidates have to be suitably
qualified, academically and professionally. Apart from these qualifications, successful
candidates should also have the psychological profile to manage a high-risk and
psychologically demanding job. This means the applicants have to be profiled, which
requires psychological questionnaires and interview protocols specifically developed for
this purpose. The questionnaires are used to screen applicants. Those who pass the
initial screening are shortlisted to be interviewed for the final selection.
Patrick has already obtained the questionnaires which are to be used in the screening
round of selection, but he is concerned about some of the interview questions. His team
identified several interview questions that may be problematic. Patrick wants
PsyConsult to review these questions.

Discussing the problem …

Julie: So, there are 10 interview questions that may be problematic?
You: Yes, and we have to determine what may be wrong with them.

Ben: I presume the interview questions are based on proper psychological

You: Yes, the interview protocols are based on psychological theory. The
appropriateness of these theories is part of what we have to look at in our
review of the questions.
Julie: And I assume we have to consider this in relation to the purpose the
interviews are intended for?
You: Exactly! Patrick gave me a list of the questions that his team thinks may be
problematic. I suggest we focus on the interview questions that look really
bad in terms of their psychometric indicators.

Assess new questions to be included in the two interview protocols

required by ProICT.

ProICT acquired two interview protocols for screening applicants to work in

specialised security. They tested the interview questions in a pilot study and
identified 10 questions (five in each of the two interviews) that need to be
replaced with new questions.

Martha obtained the relevant materials from ProICT and compiled the interview
specification outline. She gives the specification outline to the psychologists at
PsyConsult and tasks them with formulating new interview questions.

Interview specification outline

ProICT’s interview protocols outline both the purposes of the interviews as well as
the theories the interview questions are based on. The applicants who complete
the questionnaires successfully are interviewed individually. It is important to
ensure that those who get appointed are psychologically healthy and
interpersonally well-adjusted individuals who will be able to function optimally in
their work environments.

Interviewing for extraversion and sensation-thinking behaviour: The relevance of

Jung’s analytical theory

According to Jung’s theory, each individual can be characterised as oriented

primarily inwardly (introverted) or outwardly (extraverted). Introversion is an inner
directedness of psychic energy, whereas extraverts source energy from the
outside world. Even though both these attitudes are present in all people, one is
usually dominant and the other subordinate. Apart from its two attitudes, the
psyche also has four functions, namely sensation, intuition, thinking and feeling.
As is the case with the attitudes of the psyche, even though all four functions are


present in every person, one function is usually conscious and dominant and the
other unconscious and secondary.

Jung differentiates eight personality types based on the attitudes and functions of
the psyche. When the job requirements of an ICT security specialist are viewed in
terms of these attitudes and functions of the psyche, it is clear that successful
applicants should be extraverted as they have to work closely with other people
and be able to function well as part of a team. Furthermore, when seen in terms
of Jung’s typology, the kind of person who would function effectively as an ICT
security specialist is someone who perceives their world as structured and lives
according to fixed, objective rules. Such individuals are likely to display
‘sensation’ as the dominant irrational function, rather than having to rely on
intuition in order to make decisions about their world. As such, they demonstrate
objectivity in their approach to solving problems and understanding and
explaining the world. Such a person is also likely to be strongly oriented towards
thinking rather than feeling with regards to their rational psychic functioning.

Interviewing for Ubuntu values and a community orientation: The relevance of the
African perspective

The African perspective assumes a unity of consciousness and expresses a

worldview founded on a holistic and anthropocentric ontology. This suggests that
humans form an indivisible whole with the cosmos and thus implies a unity with
God, all people and with nature. The individual is rooted within a collective
existence that is typified by the philosophy of Ubuntu, a code of ethics that
governs interaction with others and refers to the human and humane qualities,
such as compassion, care, empathy, humility and honesty, that differentiate us
from animals. From this perspective, personhood and identity are entirely
embedded in a collective existence of interdependence between the individual
and the community. Due to the nature of the job, successful applicants need to
display a community approach to their work and the ability to work closely with
other team members in a tight-knit unit, and thus, need to demonstrate an
understanding of the values associated with Ubuntu.

Assess new questions to be included in the two interview protocols

required by ProICT.

The student psychologists submit the new questions they formulated for the
interviews. You use the assessment criteria and the rating scales provided below
to review the proposed questions.

You indicate your rating as either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. In other words, you indicate 1 if

your rating is 1, and you indicate 4 if the rating is 4, etcetera.


You note that not all rating points are necessarily used in each one of the rating
questions. When there are fewer than five rating points, one or more points on
the rating scale are not used for rating. For example: If four ratings are spread
across a five-point scale, and rating 3 is not included in the rating scale, the only
possible ratings are 1, 2, 4 or 5.

P roposed interview questions

Assignment 04
Interview question 1

Would you characterise yourself as having a lively interest in the world around you, or
are you the kind of person who pays more attention to your own emotions and

The question is based on Jung’s analytic theory and seeks to differentiate between
Jung’s concepts of rational and irrational functions of the psyche. According to Jung,
rational people are outwardly focused, whereas irrational people tend to be more
focused on their inner experiences. Thus, respondents who characterise themselves as
having a lively interest in the world around them tend to be more rational, whereas
those who tend to pay more attention to their own emotions and experiences are more

Interview question 2

Are you a structured person who lives their life according to fixed, objective rules
without paying too much attention to their own emotions and experiences?

This question is based on Jung’s typology of the eight different personality types that
can be distinguished on the basis of the dominant attitudes and functions of the psyche.
The extravert-thinking type perceives the world as structured and lives according to
fixed, objective rules, with all subjective feelings being repressed. Individuals who
indicate that they are structured and live their lives according to objective rules without
paying too much attention to their emotions and experiences are of the extravert-
thinking type, whereas those who do not believe themselves to be this kind of person
are not of the extravert-thinking type.


Interview question 3

Which do you prefer – taking solitary walks where you can reflect upon your inner
experiences or going to parties with lots of people where you can have interesting


Jung’s theory distinguishes between two attitudes of the psyche. Introversion refers to
an inner directedness of psychic energy, whereas extraversion is directed towards
external reality. Introverts are likely to prefer solitary walks where they can reflect
inwardly on their emotions and experiences, whereas extraverts prefer the company of
others, like going to parties, where they can show a lively interest in the external world.
Individuals who indicate that they prefer to take solitary walks whilst reflecting on their
inner experiences are likely to be more introverted, whereas those who indicate that
they would rather spend time going to parties and have interesting conversations with
others are likely more extraverted.

Interview question 4

Which personality type best describes you – the extravert-feeling type or the introvert-
thinking type?


This question is based on Jung’s analytical theory, which distinguishes between eight
personality types on the basis of the dominant attitudes and functions of the psyche.
This question differentiates between two of Jung’s personality types, namely the
extravert-feeling type and the introvert-thinking type. Respondents are required to
indicate which of the two personality types best describes them.

Interview question 5

Which one of the following three statements best describes you:

Statement A: I tend to be highly intellectual, philosophical and extremely private

Statement B: I tend to be intensely emotional and highly sensitive and prefer to express
my feelings privately in writing
Statement C: I tend to be eccentric, to daydream and to generate new ideas through


Jung identified two attitudes and four functions of the psyche and combined these to
constitute eight personality types. This question distinguishes among three of the eight
personality types. Option (A) reflects the introvert-thinking type, (B) reflects the
introvert-feeling type, and (C) reflects the introvert-intuitive type.


Interview question 6

You notice that the performance of a colleague on your team is not up to standard. You
decide to talk to him. He indicates that he is overwhelmed by his workload. Would you
offer to help find a workable solution such that your colleague is able to get through all
his work, or do you leave him to find a solution to the problem on his own?


This question is based on the African philosophy of Ubuntu which is typified by the
values of humaneness, compassion, care, understanding and empathy. The question
implements the theory by offering respondents a choice between two different
scenarios, one of which reflects the values of compassion, care and empathy.
Individuals who indicate that they would help to find a workable solution demonstrate
an appreciation for the values of empathy and interdependence that underlie the
philosophy of Ubuntu. Individuals who indicate that they would not help the colleague
but rather leave him to find a solution on his own do not demonstrate an appreciation
for the values of empathy and interdependence that form part of the philosophy of

Interview question 7

Teamwork is very important in this job. Do you prefer to work alone, or do you prefer to
work as part of a team? Please elaborate.


This question is based on the values that inform the African perspective. These values
centre on cooperation, interdependence and collective responsibility. Respondents who
embrace these values are likely to display a preference for working as part of a team
rather than working alone. Respondents who indicate that they prefer to work alone
display a preference for individuality and independence whereas those who indicate
that they work well as part of a team display the values associated with a community
orientation and collective functioning.

Interview question 8

When deciding on a particular course of action, do you prefer to arrive at a decision on

your own or to confer with others about the way forward?


The African perspective highlights the importance of collectivism in the person’s

everyday functioning. As such, the African ethos emphasises community over
individuality and centres on agreement and communality. The question implements the
theory by asking respondents whether they prefer to make a decision on their own
(which reflects an individualist orientation) or to confer with others about the way


forward (which reflects a collectivist orientation). Individuals who indicate a preference

for conferring with others about the way forward display the collective orientation
associated with the African perspectives. Conversely, those who indicate a preference
for arriving at a decision on their own are motivated more by individualism than

Interview question 9

Which do you value more – competition or cooperation? Please elaborate.


The African perspective emphasises values that centre on interdependence and

cooperation rather than values related to individuality and difference. This question
seeks to distinguish individuals who value communality over individuality. Respondents
who indicate that they value competition over cooperation demonstrate values
associated with a collectivist orientation, whereas those that indicate that cooperation is
more important demonstrate values that are more characteristic of an individualist

Interview question 10

Do you have a problem working with people from cultural backgrounds that are different
to your own?


The question employs the philosophy of Ubuntu associated with the African
perspectives. The values typified by Ubuntu are characterised by humaneness,
compassion, care, understanding and empathy. Individuals who embrace these values
respect the uniqueness of others and their contributions and are unlikely to have a
problem working with people from cultural backgrounds different to their own. As such,
individuals who indicate that they have a problem working with others from different
cultural backgrounds to their own do not live according to Ubuntu’s code of ethics.
Those who indicate that they do not have a problem working with people from cultural
backgrounds different to their own demonstrate an awareness of the values and
philosophies associated with Ubuntu.


A ssignment questions
Assignment 04
Read the interview scenario and the proposed questions. Use the following questions
to review the proposed interview. Submit the assignment electronically on myUnisa.
Provide your ratings on a multiple choice question form. For example, if you select a
rating of ‘2’, then mark ‘2’ on the mark reading sheet.

1. Question 1 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

2. Question 1 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

3. Question 1 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d


4. Question 2 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

5. Question 2 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

6. Question 2 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

7. Question 3 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e


Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

8. Question 3 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

9. Question 3 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

10. Question 4 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

11. Question 4 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a

Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a + b
Rate 5 if a + b + c

12. Question 4 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

13. Question 5 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

14. Question 5 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

15. Question 5 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice


Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

16. Question 6 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

17. Question 6 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

18. Question 6 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

19. Question 7 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading


c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response

d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

20. Question 7 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

21. Question 7 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

22. Question 8 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e


23. Question 8 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

24. Question 8 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

25. Question 9 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

26. Question 9 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c


27. Question 9 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d

28. Question 10 is formulated correctly if:

a the question is not using psychological jargon and is formulated in everyday
b the question is not leading
c the question is not likely to elicit a socially desirable response
d the question is not likely to elicit a minimalist answer
e the question is not ambiguous

Rate 1 if none or one of a, b, c, d, e

Rate 2 if two of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 3 if three of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 4 if four of a, b, c, d, e
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d+e

29. Question 10 is grounded in theory if:

a the theory the question is based on is correct
b the question implements the theory it is based on correctly
c the question operates correctly in terms of the theory it is based on

Rate 1 if not a
Rate 2 if a
Rate 4 if a+b
Rate 5 if a+b+c

30. Question 10 qualifies for practical use if:

a the question is comprehensible by those it is intended for
b the question serves the purpose of the interview
c the question is valid in practice
d the question is reliable in practice

Rate 1 if not a + not b

Rate 2 if a or b
Rate 3 if a+b
Rate 4 if a+b+c
Rate 5 if a+b+c+d


A ssignment 05

Assignment 05 and Assignment 06 deal with the writing and
assessment of psychological interview questions. These two
assignments constitute a group. You cannot submit
Assignment 06 unless you have submitted Assignment 05.
Also, note that you have to submit these assignments online.
You cannot submit hard copies.

Project The task is to formulate TEN interview questions for a

psychological interview. In order to do so, you have to provide
a scenario for which a psychological interview is required. The
interview questions should be based on TWO personality
theories (choose TWO theories from the following
chapters: Chapter 11: Maslow’s theory, Chapter 15: The
ecosystemic approach and Chapter 16: Eastern perspectives.)
Formulate five interview questions per theory, giving a total
of TEN interview questions. The assignment should be
presented in the prescribed format.

Resource material Tutorial Letter 102

The prescribed book for PYC4804

Time required 3 weeks

Unique number 870329

Submission Final due Contribution to year Contribution to final

date mark mark

23 July 15% 3 marks


T ask
Assignment 05
Project Formulate interview questions for a psychological questionnaire.

Step 1 Write a scenario for which a psychological interview is required.

Choose TWO of the theories indicated below on which to base your
interview questions.

Base the interview on TWO personality theories, selected from

Step 2
amongst the following chapters in the prescribed book: Chapter
11 (Maslow), Chapter 15 (Ecosystemic approach), and Chapter 16
(Eastern perspectives)

Step 3 Formulate TEN interview questions based on TWO theories:

Base questions 1 to 5 on the first theory you selected.
Base questions 6 to 10 on the second theory you selected.

Use the following format for each question:

- Number the question, for example: “Interview question 1”
- Write down the question

Note that psychological interviews generally contain open-ended

questions, which differ from closed-ended questions that are usually
found in psychological questionnaires. You may find one or two
closed-ended type questions which an interviewer may pose to a
respondent, but, for the most part, interviews contain open-ended
questions. Open-ended questions allow respondents to produce
their own responses rather than having a response set from which
they are required to select an answer. This assignment requires that
you formulate interview questions and NOT questionnaire items. If
you formulate questionnaire items rather than interview questions,
you will not receive any marks for the formulation of your questions.

Under the heading “Question Justification” write a short paragraph in

which you explain and justify the interview question in terms of the
psychological theory it is based on and in terms of the purpose of
the item given the scenario you provided.

In the question’s justification, you need to indicate the theory (or the
part/aspect of the theory) on which the question is based. You also
need to indicate how the question implements the theory, that is,
how the question translates the psychological concept/aspect under


investigation into ordinary language. Finally, you also need to

indicate how the question operates in terms of the theory (i.e. what
do the responses to the question tell you in terms of the theory on
which the question is based?).

As an example, consider the following interview question:

‘Would you say you are the kind of person who is outward looking or
are you more focused on your own experiences and emotions?’

Question justification

(1) The question is based on Frankl’s notion of self-transcendence,

one of the characteristics associated with optimally developed
people. Self-transcendence involves moving beyond self-absorption
and focusing rather on developing productive relationships with
others and the world. (2) The question implements ‘self-
transcendence’ in the notion that people who display self-
transcendent behaviour are outward-looking rather than turned in on
themselves. (3) The item operates to distinguish between individuals
who display self-transcendent behaviour (those who indicate they
are outward looking) and those who do not (individuals who indicate
that they are more focused on their own experiences and emotions).

As you can see, in the question’s justification above you need to

indicate 3 things:
(1) First, provide a theoretical statement (a statement which
indicates the particular aspect of a theory on which the item is
based). In this instance, the question employs the notion of self-
transcendence, and hence, one has to indicate what the theory says
about self-transcendence.
(2) Second, indicate how the theoretical concept under investigation
(in this case, self-transcendence) is implemented in the question.
Implementation refers to how the theoretical concept of interest is
translated into ordinary, everyday language (study the resource
called ‘Notes on the review criteria’ about implementing the theory in
TL 102). For example, ‘self-transcendence’ can be implemented in
the notion of ‘being outward-looking rather than focussed on your
own experiences and emotions’.
(3) Third, indicate how the question operates in terms of the theory.
How a question operates in terms of the theory refers to how the
question functions in terms of the theory, i.e. what the question does
with the theory on which it is based (see the Notes on the Review
Criteria in TL102). In the example above, the question operates to
distinguish between respondents who indicate that they are outward
looking and those who are more focused on themselves and their
own experiences and emotions. In terms of the theory, respondents


who indicate that they are outward looking display self-transcendent

qualities, and those who indicate that they are more focused on their
own experiences and emotions do not demonstrate self-

Step 4
Use the following format for your assignment:

Page 1: On the first page, provide the title of the psychological

interview as well as your student number:

Example 1: “Psychological interview for a job position”

“Interview formulated by: 01214473”
Example 2: “Psychological interview for assessing depression”
“Interview formulated by: 23135126
(Note that these are merely examples of the kinds of scenarios you
can use in the construction of your interview questions. You can
develop any scenario that lends itself to the development of
interview questions. Note, however, that because the interview
questions are based on a specific theory, the theory you choose
must lend itself to the information required from the
questions/interview. In other words, you cannot use a particular
theory to assess for depression if the theory does not tell you
anything about depression. Different theories conceptualise
psychological functioning/behaviour in different ways, so make sure
that the theory you choose lends itself to whatever your interview
questions are designed to assess.)

Page 2: Use the heading “Interview scenario” and compose your

interview scenario. Remember also to indicate how the theories
support the interview – for example, if you want to use a particular
theory to determine whether an individual shows the characteristics
associated with optimal development, you need to indicate how the
theory conceptualises optimally developed people.

Page 3: Use the heading “Proposed interview questions” and

formulate the proposed questions. Remember to provide a
justification for each question. A question is justified by indicating the
theory (or part of the theory) that informs the item and by explaining
how the question implements the theory and how it operates in
terms of the theory.

Note: If your work does not fit on single pages as indicated

above, simply continue to the next page, and increase the page
numbers accordingly.

Go to MyUnisa and submit your assignment as Assignment 05 for

Step 5
PYC4804. The assignment has to be submitted in PDF format. Also,


if you do not submit Assignment 05 and 06 online, you cannot

partake in the peer review process.

Very important: Regularly visit the course page for PYC4804 on

myUnisa to look for new announcements and additional resource
material. Also, remember to activate your email


A ssignment 06
IMPORTANT NOTE Assignment 05 and Assignment 06 concern the writing and
review of psychological interview questions. These two
assignments constitute a group. You cannot submit
Assignment 06 unless you submitted Assignment 05.
Remember, you have to submit these assignments online.

Project The task is to review your own interview questions as well as

the questions your peers formulated for their interviews. After
submitting Assignment 05, you will receive an email (delivered
to your email address). The email contains
the links to the interviews that have been allocated to you for
review. You submit your reviews using the online review forms.
(The link to these forms is provided in the email delivered to
your address.) These forms are saved on a
server at Unisa. When the peer review system is run, your
saved forms automatically become your Assignment 06.

You receive your marks for Assignment 05 and Assignment 06

simultaneously. Your Assignment 05 mark is based on the
marks you were assigned by your peers as well as the mark
you give yourself. The mark you receive for Assignment 06 is
based on the quality and standard of your reviews of the
interviews allocated to you for review.

Resource material The review forms (provided online).

Your own interview, as well as interviews submitted by your
peers allocated to you for review.

Time required 1 week

Unique number 763365

Final due Contribution to year Contribution to final

Submission date mark mark

6 August 15% 3 marks


T ask
Assignment 06
Project Review your own psychological interview as well as the interviews
submitted by your peers, allocated to you for review.
Step 1 Read the resource: Review Scale in Tutorial Letter 102
Step 2 Read the resource: Notes on review criteria, in Tutorial Letter 102
Step 3 Use the online review form to assess your own interview and the interviews
submitted by your peers, allocated to you for review. (The online form
corresponds with the review questions in the rating scale used to review the
interview questions/questionnaire items)
Step 4 Submit the review forms on the peer review platform (they automatically
become your Assignment 06 for PYC4804 when the peer review system is

1. Open the email containing the links to the assignments you have to review as well as
the link to the online form you have to use for submitting your reviews.
2. Click on the assignment links or open your browser and copy the links into the
address line of the browser page to download the assignments.
3. Use the “Review Scale” to conduct the reviews. The review scale is provided in
Tutorial Letter 102 as resource material.
4. Click on the link (or copy the link into the address line of a browser page) to open the
online form required for submitting your reviews.
5. For each interview, you reviewed (including your own) enter the ratings as well as
comments into the form.
6. You will be able to access the form online repeatedly to add new information or
change the information you entered previously. But this will only be allowed until the
due date for Assignment 06. After the due date, you will not be able to access the
form. The form automatically becomes your Assignment 06.


A ssignments 07 & 08

Online examination This module’s examination is online. This means you will be
required to log in on a particular date and time to complete
your examination online. The dates provided below are
provisional and will be confirmed at a later stage.

Assignment 07 This assignment is a mock examination. It is not compulsory

to complete the assignment. However, we strongly recommend
that you do so to familiarise yourself with the online
examination procedure and to test the stability of your internet
connection. You will receive further information about this
Assignment at the beginning of September.

Unique number 885075

Provisional date Contribution to year mark Contribution to final mark

23 September 0% 0%

Assignment 08 This assignment is the actual examination. If you do not log in

to complete this assignment you will be marked absent from
the examination. You will receive further information about the
exam at the beginning of September.

Time required 3 hours

Unique number 868644

Submission Provisional date Contribution to year mark Contribution to final mark

1 October 0% 80%

End of resource.


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