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x ve » \ 47 (stKICeS. ee (MaIkICeS. ow ype oP reakvin y Diageral matting, py Bealor tabi id 3 Adertityy (op Unit matrix (7) 4, Upper triangular O4=0, for oj 123 ‘matin : [ oe 5 Ooo6b 5 Stnclly Upper Oj = 0, for tn j o 23 4 angular mab yt i [? a Ariangular: oS i 0 00 Wy lower aij =0 for isj [F33] trakny 200 4 so Ti ngular either upper trang. ae spo 2 . ear mabix or lous | 0 us| + (2 20 ele 00 Bie : Fhiangales roalein £ . Piette. aan oo oy = 9 [E8e) [88 i e. : meee ". \ 356 ool i 3 [* zr ‘I toy Ske thie AT = Oo) ay=-aji, -3 ' Wp Shey syromebte 7 [Ee hell! | = © gheisia f | Scanned with CamScanner 1 y! Orthogonal ANEW oy [* k v a rig le “Aclempel ent 7 nein 7 a rvolurtary Ne A : le |; It “ ootl > Las, Nilpotent Neo foo) \ heash Walie of he lee | Called the tridoy aff, : new Reiodie | v NH, A Leask value of ba Perted of .n | Conjuaet (a) Matra “bl dial by [ri i) [t4- lac b eleenl Uy iad 44 ‘Yep acing each eleper| ' U cya ually ah ‘conn “Wransposed Conje AY 6) A? (ny! Ae ea lee ) UR "tata. [ Hermitiany > | WA Ae fi : . Maa or : ee ee { [a Skee hemitian ° | ) Uritny Moline) Ament os ae | Scanned with CamScanner Tridergonal ay =0 for ifr @ jrivt Scanned with CamScanner Froper Hes oP -brace ofa motrixi- Ft ty tv(eA) = Kk ti(H) , ker é ny ty (AX8)= tv (1) + ty(B) ay 4v(AB) = ty (BA) t-(A).46@) uy by (Fn) =n 5 tr (skew sym. matrix) =0 4 tr(nil- potent matin) =o S Properties of transpose ofa i matvia t- tr t hy, (a") =* 2 a (kA = KAT, KER. € _ by A=8 =y A= 6 i y (ht B)T = A+B" + 5y (ne)’ = pat wf AB is Confimatle: 7 | & (ABc)' = Clata™ if awcis Corfimmable oF - \ GAAS -- Ag) = AS Roa Ara ER Scanned with CamScanner | Propesties of syromelite and | Skevo Eyrrmelite matrives s- VTP A is a square recchig; | ) Ae AT, AAT, AN AY ate cage ertcal “matrices « Q.Tf A is square roaterie then A-fl stg. a: skeud symm etic matna. ‘ go Uf A cisia symrnebie motrin then “Ay kA, AT ATA BAB: axe aio» sypomrdhic malitces, whee neN) ker! | ondus& ris o& squove rnalite: of = ovetes that of! Ae: yy Tf A is a sheuo-sypeehic mabix theo Oh, fe syremelates rain tov MeN, 3 byoA te ais lskene symrrelie matrin, fon i nN ow EA te abe sho eyes 2 moatsta where (KER. © Sy rf! A,8 ‘as tice aviaatictees’ then” abe Op AL6, ABTBA ane semrmelric mabices 1G by AB- pa ft ¢ akao Syme t te a cyprmnastc roa when ABs BA anuvo skew? y G Tf Ae Ue 2 maisices “ther cymmebst gatas ABBA que skew eyrmelite matiiees by ABTBA iso sheca syne mialsix - : sy thes te qe iskewe = symnmabsie oy, cides thet of A cthen BAB ts alton Skevo sujrornetsie rnabita: byt: Ai te skeso syromebic 7 matt, candc % 7a Colum” melita: Phen. ACIS & 22m malktt » oe bt 8, Every square malin A ears be uniquely expresied ts sum of a syrnmdrte and skeus syenndste roalricesioP| Same orden ter. Ke [xeea] + [Fe-r)) \ , Note: TF a, malin, A ts both sym: & skews: symmalric, Phen. A is a mh mahia. Scanned with CamScanner s Square matrix , T aa = Ate (a) Bea a At AT Is symmebric mately Pea (aa = (VAT. yar aaa” is. symmetric matria fatay? Tat (ala = ATS akg = AA Is Symmetric matriz, (a-at)= aT( ay ALA = -(a-A") : =P A-AT is Skew sunmel ic | 2» Tf vA is square matyiy, | | ay VA de Sxyrmoctie ATSA Cay 21 (Ae HA | =o-A % syromeltic (kay “ | ka)T= eRe KA =P KA is symmetiic OY a oa = AT is syrmrnebiie Ly (A), ar “FAT ig comme bite (wT =(a)T 2 at Nis Symmetric recibir Scanned with CamScanner = BAB IS supornbsic erate | yy vA iss skew sunmnebite aAt=-A | Cry = (Aye cay a Sa is saymetie | (gery wrt ea? ; | | 2 pint! sy AM is skew syrnebie | then’ A” is) syoeif nis even - Show sym'it ised. | (aye eae een) ~(kA) Th A isi sleio- symm, \ j ‘74 | =r KA Js, skews syrenebte I | @eOTe Kee ALB | . ale || hte Ve siynalite | ( Set I ae) +60) | sions OED BTAT+ ates? id eoBA TAS! | = AeorBR | Paes fpbotal => ABTBA vis" syne e Scanned with CamScanner (AB- pay! = ley? -(BayT = BAT. flat 2 BA-AB = ~(AB-Ba) ABBA is shes Lummi (AB = BAT BA = AB (“AB=BA) =~ AB Js summebte ALB are skews symmehic Spoate—Ay pag. | Ge ey ATSB 2 EB =A) +8) = -(nt 6) Ww Prt-B. Is. bheus summebte COE <8) a, A a ee eg = (8)A)- Ca) CB) - = BA AB =~ (AB-eA) ABBA Ve 'cheus egret (A64BA)T — (aeyF— (bayT 4 = BAT + AT gr * COCA) +CA)Ce) = ABL BAN! AB+BA, Is Symmebtic pneliin, @ =A f10 wkevs sumac AT a Ga), (CANT BlaT (ay Scanned with CamScanner = BT(-A)(8) rd gheus symmety, BAB Theorn: every square mating, be uniquely exprested cs Sumy" ! symmebic and “Skew symimel ys * raatrices of same order. j.,, -[2arad] +(2 @-a9] Let W be a , squase-rating Aca? = AER = = Atay AtAT AReptg where P. Q= awl ore Gee = AMAT abn ve qe (at A, of. LP P is symmetric ane “try Q is skew syromelric. Fr malits Uniqueness hel A=BtC where B if isypn § Cis shen: regen AT -640) + ATS Bre" Now, ATAT = Bech s—c 2B > AtAT I B= AtAT \ . 2 AS A-AT = @+0-(8-c) = A-A 2c, ot squone oe can be uniquely - exprerse d\ as um “of Symmetite. and ckew agree i _ matices Scanned with CamScanner ws aur i mmatait which ie beth yin: ard skew, eypronehic is mall matrix Be got Med, AeA 3 Ne -A to 2A re oO fheoe p the prcducl of a sqm F skew cys med rte is 6kew byrne f and only if -the A predict Io. Commutative « A Proof? Let A Be som: matving vlog B be skew: sym rib med, (Bre -'B “I A,8 commite, AB= BAL ( (ae)h= BT. AT sg = ~BA ‘ = AB is skew Sypraneli ea tralia Tropertics of Orthogonal walt: T4838) an. ethoqonaly ‘Wabi then [Al= tia 4 2y dent ity dak Ierqo 4 ortho. onal .metvit: ) nN Boot aT. 1 Be A ets =F } ay eked Scanned with CamScanner — Wa igtier y is an orthoronal. matrix. ooh product leeo eho -onal ae 1s alco | orthogera]. + / | Proof: Let A,B be the -lwe | orthogonal matrlees then ie I ‘ Ante MAcL, BB = 88-1 (ap) fag)" ’= AB ry) : | FA (88%at) [o)s-el5) > SIA (BAD wli- > Sean ail ‘ , (alt (ep) ae a'lpay? >! | hs 2p (Atm 6) | es 2B (es) = 86 4 == , exe) (rb)! = (8) |e) = “AB Is an ethegeral in Ay BA He ctl” an orthogend methin | | } Uy Tr Frarapote .of.-an othegeral roatrix | alre orthagonal - ar Frosh det AiB-ar, orthagenal malin AM opine ir ! Scanned with CamScanner det ATOR then BB = Atay)! =a ar BB = GA" 2 AAT =2 = BB =2p -7 | = Bile an orthegonal matin. t | By iy The Sum’ of “the eqeares,. of -the elements of an 701 oF colunen ah | or+he eal mala is 2. \ Wythe curs of “the preduch Ie correspo clement oF 7 Pwo” yous oy . Colurms 1S sero. Scanned with CamScanner Similegiley, ATA: 2 * Ae an orthogonal mahi, aree det = atbh= balay Bade beh =r C4 d= }, athe) abtcd = tth-o acthd ahh = Properties of Teempotent martricess- (AX A) | WEF Dis an idempotent mebiix then: AY. 4 » PEN Preoft Ab gy, ML RA SADA AM eA Alay i SADA Slly, A= 2% TF Als ab idempotent Matrix -then by Ba Ease de ako idernpole id ABS Bheo ee eve an ickmpoent nb ata BL ei 6%. Ga) (3-*) 2 D*TAsaren STA Ata Scanned with CamScanner . a : an Wempetent meiy vy = ACTA) = aT Se AS ad idempotent Aske =A eat ne fi\ ot 3 Gaga)= Ga xa e fee? a3 Th oe. a = Peo 9,4 Mp — -- 1%, =2 Nest =nCn f: n (Tea) = 06 4° 1 (tra) - Gr + OCT At % mls “ros Gra. -—--+ %Ga” TP EAH MTAP Pee aren = Tether a eae oN HEA S19, rey Be Scanned with CamScanner — Tot (of nes) A Toray 4% \ wh NB are dornpeherh _Poaliices ther re. ; NBT ave Meron clen| "DEL BA are tdemportersd AB are idempotent . Poof: REA Bee (yh. gt COy- (By . gr (apy Fp -2.a( AP) (NB) A (0n6) losin “A (ne 6) = A (Ae?) = Np Silty, (BA)* = BA 5) DnB A ord ebook sthen: \both: 1, are: idempotent matvices and ialeb AB ong! SA YB ore \elernpoterbes* 1 Nene a?, B28 | W487. eB | soot A Scanned with CamScanner =y A,B ave idempotent ratrhees ; ty If A,B ane idernpotent matvices «cach that NB = BA =o -then APB Is also an idempotent matrit. Proof! WEA, BEB (ate)*= at apten tet =A +t OFO+8 =h4B S NaB) is bdempolent Properties io? involdtarey ui mabriai- (MeL) | whi ty Tdenlity mata ‘Ie “the! simplest inviolubary matrix, a» Hott ip an inweluttary matvix then ‘ oh Scanned with CamScanner c_ ° hen Hy We ate ab vr. y ok fre - -A js an Inve lulany tral iy . d ey Nel We Ah eT AoA n= Wee wT =A NAM AT AA AL pp DT = AAS As AA HT Rroperties of ‘Conjugal of a mat rut yt A,B ave Q matrices * whose conjugabis are AB — -then (Aaa ifAre)- A258 | liv GA =kR , KER iy (We)= AB Properties of “Franspere Conpaahr of a mal vit! DY A,B, ave “lwo ie : uh ose cbranspored cory are i at aesp theo AY oy Eee | Scanned with CamScanner st \\ VO yee ¢ iy (naB) = AY + et ity (OBE =e BNA ip EE ke Properties of * ~Heimnitan &, Gkeuw thermitian matrices: wap 4 js hermitian or skew thermitian «then (KA): is = alto jhermitian o ckeus i hermitian, KER . wt A,B are hermitiew malik then AB bs alo: hermibian . A,B commute. By Df ao bermifan / Skew, chereni fan then ité conjugal also hemitian-er skew ‘hermitian > Wy ‘A is a eqquave wai sthen: AER is Kermitidin , ALAT Is askew hetnifian. 5 Frey square matrix can bain uniquely. eapiessee ase sah Sam of hermitian & 4 a _ herroibion,. ‘mer tices Sr Al = pis@ where Po BEA Sheinitlan Saka Askew 5 _ | here ‘hen Scanned with CamScanner GIF A is skeas-hermilian™ | -lhen A & skew hewsitiam rakerts x 2] aA Prooht AF ew Gay =. ata =x Z = a* =F : =-IA STA is: skews hermibian Fy All -the elements of, -the panci pal diagonal” of | oe ts hermitian’ mratit ave real tir Skeus hermifsan mat yix ave eithér 'o!} — mae Results Scanned with CamScanner Sly, [6 Bo Ooc Daade fie (pe A (Es% then O or n_ [x oo ae a wo 007° =|0 BH AIG 9 3] then xoo Groom cl “Tensor of | Matrices by Kety PCa.) be a neil ww’ +the reclanlar centesin co- ordinatz systern. i » Rellecton “of Rtn. aaah Ret Pex,y) be the image of R47 ates vellection 4 Cary) _ io i sthep 3) “a X=, 5 If) + €y, Scanned with CamScanner YVe-qin Ut OY; > (| -[k 4] [?) YJ OY Lay “The vesdtrie’) f) isthe veflection ‘ep! o Wn Xeaxks 2» Reflection of \P in Y- ays AA writ ek POc,¥) be ; at Kev “the image Phy oF Pal eS veflettion fp Wn Y-axis ther) AA X= =2)'= ep 47 OY, | Yq, =O% Pr Pog” ry d (I e aJE8), Ua orn \ The: prcebrix [a iil tgrthe evefléction vo! PCa 04) iy Yeailbern emus p e 2 Béllestiom Jo inthe ei" Let PGE ye be the» image - ot i “Gl election | in. A ey origin then tie, i _ ena toy) Ye ~4, =(o)%) +i Scanned with CamScanner r “1 O7f 3, [4] . [: US] the malin E187 Ge the reflecbion of PF (a,y) in | prigio ' ty Rellecion ie the ne yx a Ke yr =(COxuAy, Ye Ot Oy Gi Cae spike medi x [ee ye the veflection-de Cary) in ye? 5 Relledion ct the pait_| wert the Nor yack’ byaiboi Korg, = Ont oy He al The mabyix [s Te WeIhe "el leclioh of ft tayo 1. yee, Scanned with CamScanner by Reflection eget hs line iy Ye zane Shane. on . Let (v,¥) = Chk) be the image of P Cay s4)) tort thes “then | chewy, 2 keg - eeu a b a im wag TL IT Gar ty Says, ¢ ee = “211804 0, “| key i= 2a,S0 Co 3yCS k= aSinre+ yy (t-2co): 4 | x £0810 $in20 fix) y |= ia 0826) a) i * Then pee Ge So ve Saal? “Gel ' the reflection of, "inst ye ctanens +(e 7g} 2r Scanned with CamScanner Zt Plx,y) ig the pesifion . of Pla,.y) afte actating OP +hyeugh an onde 2 in orbideckusice direction. tee. 9 Phe? deb OP =cpl=y det lxop = then Worl .= «+0 Ta Draw PL 10x, PMitox then ‘oL=a,, PL=y, - 7 OM =x ond ply <} Freon Dow, Cosa = oL 4 or = Sing = PL oy vi = | a astm “ Fyom poral Val }ae geld COS (B+). gMnte op ol Scanned with CamScanner CoCa- 6 oSy = X v XE Vole ~ ¥50 XH ICe i. Snot) - PI os ee | SoGct CoSy = ¥ Ye a # ae, AY = Sp, F = 0 a CoS [¥]- is 5) ("] ¢ (anti lect] If op ise “ackaled “throws an angle | © In Cleckecicedy? -then f ral ES fog he & pip qdoalhe [3] [8 4 [ ‘| chy Maiq eal TedaboAWl eS Leap tony, | | 0) sof erene 20d} |B Hoe Re rene obey © FO). t-2by Cfo) 4% £0) ee. Oo * ie 2 (Fea) tAD a2 Bid! YE be = (ep She P38 aS} prot [c - 2u-( 2] Resa t 20 1 ayy, [x33], pe (og [Fah _ft-3t2 34349 ie O+ oto 4-642 [© Le ABA 42D=0 Scanned with CamScanner rr A+3et 2D cpHes AA. 43 ftat)= my AP+3VE +BAT~ AT 12 72_ (A> 3A +3AT 414) — AT% Pe per 2 Te Acs Bc3 efi ey c= ae | 4 Scanned with CamScanner me le heals [sy ~ [ot 4 = [é oe 4 al -a”, AePp “then Lind ‘a NG AGA. <1: | i ; be ‘ 1). a {rote lt a 5 sne3t & spel) Lak) ni ngt) es 27% 28 ] n= Qt YWix a? = Pig [a=3} } Scanned with CamScanner v ‘o oo 1 ’ eee] cand 1. bette wa) Identite matrit of order 3 - HQ> fauy ig a mais suc dthat pg Ly —then fod Init ar ~of Pe (hee ~ |eso 4 1 8(s0%n) 50 Pg at 3Q-P oT o o o} 200 0 5 20400 200g cm See = lor] = toa. Scanned with CamScanner det dybyed be “ure a0 * gattaying the sytem of en Atbes abterd = 283 ody). > edein A “fe Sten tay ty A. Otbes, abyord = 23, acbihe, % ° cds wI2 1 : & raxve) Catebatd) = XY Contb)ateld-tab-te) xy 4 1 Mdebe)et eg = aNaga3} 25274282 419 = Gch) cut 2) Cara) Cat) ond = GM atu) (a2peats) | a=4 cy beau d=3) td = 2 ; ow) = Brus) Ctpuadta), : car Gey, 28, bey, doy = atdeg >it ee) sx = Gy axa) (atasaite)| ‘ex2, b=5, dae =4 Con «Gr sx4e) (th3x+2) AHS Cab, b= 3,d=2 rr as Ls 38 wtasaed 4 A Scanned with CamScanner sit [aces en aot 5 ay, Br Pe 4 BoP. A nen 261 numbers satigh ing Xb 20 then (hin, =o Map, 20 (i tAto Ob 0) a B, 20 Gnd satisfies 4k -0 Rak co afm a] fer a, ln “| (* , = (sree Hee By Pio + pe ae Wekl zo = AR -KT Cae 4 --[ 4 PititB? 6 pres) Lok Si —%B, =o dy =n Ba Ait Br=0 +el- ©) ay Ba 41 G4) = -eP =(@)7_ 253I StI 3B 427 2a =) en 25 Ree Ory! Lise Stor . 4 vty at Scanned with CamScanner * Ae BEAT ge > Sf J Find all possible 9 be order fdenti del NE * [59]: 2tr Find: the squore vot of! nil Matix of order 2; bet, = Batic. where Be iia “fed oH ns 4 Vebe abtbd je J ered, love i a4 Scanned with CamScanner i . cased) . se ged then o-dz0,b=0,06 ede bez0=> a0 a=09 dag [84] caseiild tf az-d the bce r Wee Ler box, CHB BOR artbeso DP ae-be tel RA tank sec = 7 1 | Cot. 2a cos@020) Jatrix> Such that P be a 2e2 PP er: af @= rae" and ®-L3] =H p ther "find | Su tan I" see a [cot 220 cosGont) A lols jo Jol gt Ae [G -2\ [a o)- eo iste. iby’ g ar [3 26-3 (Ca)? cae) LO, a 1 O& ef to an Me f3) 26-33 26-9 o i en = - (: wad fea seayy © tLe I “Scanned with CamScanner Qe PAPE A Re Pepe n® \ = (By = UGE ushere FT 2) ond T be a athe Identity rnatitx of odor 25 RS € §1,2,3} then find the otal no: of ordered paivs.(1/5) \s" thet Pa-I ae 9S 2 L Peg? wtf +6)" wo ws uw ws uw ’ mh Mg aye este Cust us “4 , eae Sud? wigs us| af us) ast w(t Guo ht tay) 20", att j wo (uF Guo") Wo, “aay, (TEL3 us" Te ugh Scanned with CamScanner WS. ey at, oT? 4 US = 14,7 /10,13jlb— — > se $4234, Sey neo (s=a] P= 3 = 14M | adel ushich | e al ‘not posible HSN E C1) ; bet k bed a ve wal erie ard a a [2k ave, ove] | af lacie a] + Jacl | a then | Find Ck]. 7 inl Ste Cat aE Cue + 2G) lg = Sak ay 8k ue ukes ay Be yk Sek, BHA UE ay, ta | = BR by okay = BA 2k bk ty = (2b 3.Cantr PQQ WR: = (ht 3 3 \ Scanned with CamScanner Since RB ts skew sym.) Ie] =o lacya} tladja] = 10% tT, Jat. pnt In}? 18) 10! (Geny)4 0 <1" 2k+1=to ghe4q jn % oth ¥Yruws Ce] -y ket M ‘be a 3x3 mabix satisfying M (3) - (J ©. 3 M [3] : [4] 4 [i] {2} Sind -the sum of diagenal entities of M- ket Mela bo ) Ar bir S| a, b, S| On bs ' 2 Ps bs gil? : > fPr ican f by Fla " by}? Les a. 5 Sn ctitl Scanned with CamScanner A k Fi pa Cy S t bo ll =)" Q ba G3 —bt 1 r&b. Ee t Q3 bs. i : “I ~B, =1 Q,~b, =I 3b) <1 li an=3 Qy, =2 a) b | fr © Oy biG tl] = ale Ag) by Cs t (24 afpipsers 200 ot, sabe! Most! by te, C= -abs ; (eB e2e S$ Ostbstg = =ta- Cye l2-Ayh=7 UU thites s Otaxt =F “Scanned with CamScanner i | thich of the Hollousing ts fave i mot fhe square of a 3x4 ; \ il maliix sht’, with veal erdities | O ft 9. @Oft 6 0° Ml © oe 0 O-l oO (| o 0 S| © o-t ® ; O10 @fteo H Oo -l © Ovo i OF Oazibfse |: ol R=@)* | TAL |e Ml \Al = 181" >, ' ps3) G33) Hii © 0 Bhd yy kore) «oy Wi} tale -1 tale “fe ° [93 © -)0 | ur 28] oo-l) .. Loo] tAl= -1() 0 TAL ==] Scanned with CamScanner TH «9,7 are “the anges el a we) Such that Le) = [s Se Sa C Find P(x) #(psee) arp te T =» Pe) £(p) [ex G5 [66-58 oa SG GSp Se Spt Gp os ppt) Sinfespar Foote) F(A) *[-sinGeepts)! COS ae) e [ors sn (e2]s Sint °costt Ow ads) oa io Hany, 6 2x2 unit matt then Prove that TraA=z-al& S| PAST als | Lrasl oly [eo tong, } i Bl ry ( Fat ol LE ; ‘tos) { % a y' vf a, Me Te! Se Se cd Ly, 1) [ise & | Cet Sy by, “RoC dey, | | Wy CetQ tay, Set Ce me hb | A * cine) oo ~ids,~/) Ur Sency, Hh. oncutl Scanned with CamScanner 2 \ . SSeS ~25,.C, | ] i\* rita Tp & an idempotent non-zero mating I ig an Ten tity makiiy af same order that of A such cthat (Tra) =T +1244 then Find iid, nen u A is an idempotent mali, (arate THA) A Teta =r +(a- A Ht Fah ee Show that maby a} PJean be decomposed @-G gum of unit & nilpotent’ matin Ale find Aero w= fe] [ot}e (23) lel 6 = [5 3] 3 : me “(ee meu AG) BIE] = fhe: ITE a be yet foes au Scanned with CamScanner TF a “5 at that [% 3a ay) rt ele Bw is ‘enthsgonal cthen! find the no. > of ordered spats Cayz)! ‘ detitom ft %. aay og ty 4 ee | STI T oF) orthesoal Pea a % -sa rein | 5 ¢ R= |%, 90 Ia [% gal 2y | “hy may “ean gy =I | % sa2/L% saz], De aatea® TRyohateay -d=saiia] | | FB -nata Co = “s 3 tectag? ae | ia <1) aren ire a wy, (fu se “ch gtactays ty2srpet ‘al, | i al Bom g) MELD" tg. of ordered YS pases Scanned with CamScanner

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