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Word-Based Lexical Studies


Kukuh Setyojati_2201421041_English Education ( A )

Week 14 WBLS


1. Translate the underlined words or expressions into Indonesian.

2. Find a synonym for each word written in bold.


The more we know the better we forgive.

Whoever feels deeply, feels for all who live.
-Madame de Staël

Craig, a close friend of mine in graduate school, brought energy and life into any room he
entered. He focused his entire attention on you while you were talking, and you felt incredibly
important. People loved him.
One sunny autumn day, Craig and I were sitting in our usual study area. I was staring out the
window when I noticed one of my professors crossing the parking lot.
“I don’t want to run into him,” I said.
“Why not?” Craig asked.
I explained that the previous spring semester, the professor and I had parted on bad terms. I
had taken offense at some suggestion he had made and had, in turn, given offense in my answer.
“Besides,” I added,” the guy just doesn’t like me.”
Craig looked down at the passing figure. “Maybe you’ve got it wrong,” he said. “Maybe
you’re the one who’s turning away – and you’re just doing that because you’re afraid. He
probably thinks you don’t like him, so he’s afraid. He probably thinks you don’t like him, so he’s

not friendly. People like people who like them. If you show an interest in him, he’ll be interested
in you. Go talk to him.”
Craig’s words smarted. I walked tentatively down the stairs into the parking lot. I greeted my
professor warmly and asked how his summer had been. He looked at me, genuinely surprised.
We walked off together talking, and I could imagine Craig watching from the windows, smiling
Craig had explained to me a simple concept, so simple I couldn’t believe I’d never known it.
Like most young people I felt unsure of myself and came to all my encounters fearing that others
would judge me-when, in fact, they were worrying about how I would judge them. From that day
on, instead of seeing judgment in the eyes of others, I recognized the need people have to make
a connection and to share something about themselves. I discovered a world of people I never
would have known otherwise.
Once, for example, on a train going across Canada, I began talking to a man everyone was
avoiding because he was weaving and slurring his speech as if drunk. It turned out that he was
recovering from a stroke. He had been an engineer on the same line we were riding, and long
into the night he revealed to me the history beneath every mile of track: Pile O’Bones Creek,
named for the thousands of buffalo skeletons left there by Indian hunters; the legend of Big Jack,
a Swedish track-layer who could lift 500-pound steel rails; a conductor named McDonald who
kept a rabbit as his traveling companion.
As the morning sun began to tint the horizon, he grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.
“Thanks for listening. Most people wouldn’t bother.” He didn’t have to thank me. The pleasure
had been all mine.
On a noisy street corner in Oakland, California, a family who stopped me for directions turned
out to be visiting from Australia’s isolated northwest coast. I asked them about their life back
home. Soon, over coffee they regaled me with stories of huge saltwater crocodiles “with backs as
wide as car hoods.”
Each encounter became an adventure, each person a lesson in life. The wealthy, the poor, the
powerful and the lonely; all were as full of dreams and doubts as I. And each had a unique story
to tell, if only I were willing to hear.
An old, stubble-bearded hobo told me how he’d fed his family during the Depression by firing
his shotgun into a pond and gathering up the stunned fish that floated to the surface. A traffic

patrolman confided how he’d learned his hand gestures by watching bullfighters and symphony
conductors. And a young beautician shared the joy of watching residents in a nursing home smile
after receiving a new hairstyle.
How often we allow such opportunities to pass us by. The girl who everyone thinks is
homely, the boy with the odd clothes-those people have stories to tell, as surely as you do. And
like you, they dream that someone is willing to hear. This is what Craig knew. Like people first,
ask questions later. See if the light you shine on others isn’t reflected back on you a hundredfold.
Kent Nerburn

(Taken from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul)

1. Translate the underlined words or expressions into Indonesian.

Underlined Words Meaning

graduate school Lulusan sekolah

incredibly important Sangat penting

our usual study area Tempat belajar kami yang biasa

I don’t want to run into him Saya tidak ingin bertemu denganya
the professor and I had Profesor dan saya berpisah dengan cara yang
parted on bad terms buruk
taken offense Tersinggung

in turn Bergiliran

given offense Menyindir

figure Sosok

Maybe you’ve got it wrong Mungkin anda salah mengerti

Craig’s words smarted Kata – kata craig benar/cerdas

tentatively Ragu - ragu

genuinely surprised Benar – benar terkejut

came to all my encounters
Datang ke semua pertemuan saya karena takut
fearing that others would
orang lain akan menghakimi saya
judge me
weaving and slurring his Pidatonya berlibet dan mengumpat seolah –
speech as if drunk olah ia mabuk
an engineer on the same Seorang insinyur di jalur yang sama dengan
line we were riding yang kami tumpangi
As the morning sun began
Saat mentari pagi mulai mewarnai cakrawala
to tint the horizon
Most people wouldn’t
Kebanyakan orang tidak akan peduli
Australia’s isolated Pantai barat laut Australia yang terisolasi

northwest coast
over coffee Sembari meminum kopi

Regaled menghibur
Each encounter became an
adventure, each person a Setiap pertemuan menjadi petualangan, setiap
lesson in life. The wealthy, orang menjadi pelajaran dalam hidup. Yang
the poor, the powerful and kaya, yang miskin, yang berkuasa dan yang
the lonely; all were as full kesepian; semua penuh dengan mimpi dan
of dreams and doubts as I. keraguan seperti saya. Dan masing-masing
And each had a unique memiliki cerita unik untuk diceritakan, andai
story to tell, if only I were saja aku mau mendengarnya
willing to hear
hobo gelandangan

residents in a nursing home Penghuni panti jompo

How often we allow such Seberapa sering kita membiarkan kesempatan
opportunities to pass us by seperti itu berlalu begitu saja
homely, Tidak menarik
Like people first, ask
Seperi orang dulu, ajukan pertanyaan
questions later. See if the
kemudian. Lihat apakah cahaya yang Anda
light you shine on others
bersinar pada orang lain tidak dipantulkan
isn’t reflected back on you a
kembali pada Anda seratus kali lipat

2. Find a synonym for each word written in bold.

Bold Word Synonym

entire Whole

autumn Fall

staring Gazing

noticed Seen

previous Past

friendly Affectionate

recognized Disvovered/known

turned out Became

revealed Disclosed

asked Requested

confided Talked

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