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Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Faculty of Pharmacy, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan

ISSN: 2410-6275 Jan 2020 DOI: 10.22200/pjpr.2020118-23

Research Article
Antihistamine effect and complication within the population of
Karachi; a cross sectional study
Alveena Sadiq1, 2*, Saman Shahab Farooqui1, Atiya Kaleem1, Quratulain Pirzada1, 3, Saima
iqbal1, Khadija Aslam1 and Safila Naveed1
Faculty of Pharmacy, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Pakistan
NabiQasim Industries Pvt Ltd
Pliva Pakistan Pvt Ltd
Background: As we know that allergies all over the world is the utmost medical problem and in Karachi,
Received: Jan, 24, 2021 Pakistan, every 2nd person is complaining of allergy due to pollution. Antihistamines are considered as one the
Revised: Mar, 23, 2021 most widely used and abused medications after analgesics. Antihistamines are generally used in the palliative
Accepted: Apr, 04, 2021 treatment in allergic condition like hay fever urticaria. Some of pruritus, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, nasal
Online: Apr 30, 2021 discharge, mild asthma etc. Methodology: The study conducts among the population of Karachi to check
awareness regarding antihistamine and its complication i.e. sedation affect daily routine or not. This may help to
estimate the level of awareness among the population of Karachi towards the usage of these drugs and
accordingly enable us to make efforts to improve the same. Results: Total no of participantsis 470 that responded
to the survey, and the finding indicated that the main antihistamine used is cetirizine and loratadine. A
proportion of 91.5% of total number of respondent have used antihistamine for allergic disease and have
information about antihistamine medications and 8.5% had used antihistamine for allergic diseases while 53.2%
used antihistamine as a OTC drug and 45.8% used as a prescription drug.31.9% have experienced sedation after
using antihistamine while 44.7% have not experienced any sedative effect. Nearly 23.4% not aware of the
sedative effect of antihistamine. Conclusion: The most used antihistamine is cetirizine and loratadine and the
most participants have an information regarding the complications and the side effects of antihistamine in

Keywords: Awareness, Allergy, Antihistamine, Sedations, Cetirizine, Loratadine

Introduction production of antigen specific IgE, which
Allergic diseases are the utmost common binds to mast cells (Galli and Tsai, 2012).
medical problem in Pakistan, affecting at Upon re-exposure to the allergen, bridging
least one of every tenth citizen of Karachi. of the mast cell bound allergen specific IgE
Histamine is measured to be an influential results in the release of newly formed
mediator in the allergic reaction.(Johnston et bioactive and pro inflammatory mediators
al., 1992, Saleem et al., 2009) Histamine, 4- which results in the symptoms of allergic
(2-aminoethyl) imidazole, intrinsically could rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticarial and
not attract for enough attention from many subsidizes to the symptom of atopic
years. Histamine plays an important role in dermatitis and respiratory illness (Galli and
human physiology, influencing Tsai, 2012, Axelrod et al., 2008).
immunoregulation of the acute and chronic Antihistamine is conventionally used to refer
inflammatory response through 4 types of to drugs that block the stimulation of H1-
receptors, called H1, H2, H3, and H4 (Black et receptors. clinically used of antihistamines
al., 1972, Mahdy et al., 2011). The allergic has lengthened progressively for nearly 50
response in peoples with atopic disorders years (Levi et al., 1982). Antihistamines are
involves exposure of the immune system to generally used in the palliative treatment in
the antigen, in response of this a mediator allergic condition like hay fever urticaria,
release with amplification signals and pruritus, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, nasal
discharge, mild asthma etc. Few of
*Corresponding Author: Alveena Sadiq
Address: Faculty of Pharmacy, Jinnah University
antihistamines possess potent antiemetic
for Women, Karachi, Pakistan action and hence are commonly used in the
Email address: Vol: 06 Issue: 01 PP: 18-23

Vol:6 Issue:1 Jan, 2020 19

prevention and treatment ofmotion sickness, We tried to assess the knowledge towards
nausea in pregnancy and post-operative the usage of antihistamines. This may help
vomiting (Schellack et al., 2019, Simons et to estimate the level of awareness among the
al., 2007). The antihistamine can be divided population of Karachi towards the usage of
into at least six traditional classes, according these drugs and accordingly enable us to
to their chemical structure and all these are make efforts to improve the same.
of type of histamine H1-receptor antagonist. Methodology
However, this classification arrangement has A cross sectional study was conducted using
limited value for evaluating the efficacy and an electronic questionnaire that was
adverse effects of specific agents. For distributed in the population of Karachi to
example, some of the newer non-sedating assess their knowledge, attitude and practice
antihistamines, such as astemizole, regarding anti histamine use and awareness.
loratadine, fexofenadine and terfenadine are The questionnaire distributed among the
in the same piperdine chemical class as the students, housewife and in working
older sedating agent (Weiler et al., 2000, men/women through social media site.
Thurmond et al., 2008, Casale and Questionnaire
Oppenheimer, 2002) The questions were related to the choice of
The ‘first generation’ antihistamines, such as the antihistamine drugs prescribed (whether
promethazine, caused sedation. With newer first or second generation), knowledge about
generation like ‘second generation’ their common side effects and clinical
antihistamines, such as loratadine, and ‘third guidelines, choice and usage of these drugs
generation’ antihistamines such as in various age groups, and finally
desloratadine problem of sedation is less information about their dosage and
(Walsh et al., 2001, Simon and Simons, availability. 12 out of 15 question are
2008). The first-generation antihistamines multiple choice while 3 question are free
not much part in therapeutics due to hand.
sedation. The unfavorable adverse effect We design questionnaire that is based on
profile has prompted the worldwide Allergy many questions through which we checked
and Asthma European Network to the participant knowledge, attitude, and
recommend making these antihistamines practice towards antihistamines. The
prescription-only, instead of over the questions we asked from participants are
counter, drugs. Nowadays, the second- following.
generation ones are recommended over the 1. Have you taken any antihistamine
first-generation drugs due to their lesser side medicine for allergic diseases?
effect (lesser sedation and cholinergic) 2. If yes, so which antihistamine you use?
profile. (Randall and Hawkins, 2018, Casale 3. In which condition/type of allergy you use
et al., 2003, Golightly and Greos, 2005) antihistamine?
This Study has shown awareness, 4. Have you taken as OTC (over the counter)
knowledge, and practice regarding or Prescribed by Doctor?
antihistamine among the population of 5. If taken as OTC so, what dose you have
Karachi, compared the patient treated with taken?
sedating and non-sedating antihistamines. 6. When do you use antihistamine? Vol: 06 Issue: 01 PP: 18-23

Vol:6 Issue:1 Jan, 2020 20

7. At which time you take anti allergic? The most used drugs in an antihistamine are
8. Is antihistamine affect your daily routine cetirizine and loratadine taken in allergic
due to drowsiness or sedation when you diseases. In this study 12.8% of male and
take? 87.2% females taken part. We questioned
9. If allergies did not subside what do you from both participants, are they taken any
do? anti-allergic/antihistamine in case of allergic
10. Do you think that increasing the dose of disease so, 91.5% responded “YES” and
anti-allergic has side effect? 8.5% responded “NO”, then we asked more
11 Do you have an idea about the question from participants, is that
contraindication of anti-allergic? antihistamine affect your daily routine so
12. Is there any disease you have rather than 44.7% answer is “NO”, 31.9% answered in
allergy? “YES” and 23.4% answered in “Maybe”.
13. If yes, so mentioned ------------------------ The next question we asked from
--- participants is, do you think that increasing
14. How could you manage dose? the dose of anti-allergic has side effects? So,
15. Do you use anti-allergic for insomnia? 87.2% answered in “YES” and 12.8%
Statistical Analysis answered in “NO” which means the
Data were coded, recorded, and analyzed participants have enough knowledge about
statistically via Microsoft excel. Description increasing dose effects and their side effects.
data were presented in frequencies and Then next question we asked from
percentages in Bar chart form for better participants towards contraindication of anti-
understanding. allergic, 76.1% participants answered in
Result & Discussion “YES” and rest of that is 23.9% answered
Demographic details of participants “NO”. The next question we asked after
The number of participants in this study is contraindication is that is any other disease
470 from different areas of Karachi. The age you have rather than allergy so, 10.6%
of most participants is between 25 to 50 answer was “YES” so we asked a question
years. The percentage of female participants that mentioned your disease so, mostly
is 87.2% while that of male participants is answered that they have migraine problem
12.8%. Most of the participants are an office and use pain killer for that problem too
going while the rest are housewife and while, 89.4% answers were “NO”. The next
students (see Table: 1) question we asked from participants was
Table 1: Background Characteristics (n=470) about insomnia because mostly had
Variable Percentage complained about insomnia,93.6% answered
Age groups Less than 17%
25years 73%
in “NO” while 5.3% answered in
25-35 10% “sometime” and 1.2% answered in “YES”
36-50 (see figure:1).
Gender Male 12.8%
Female 87.2% We questioned from participants which
Residency Karachi 99.9% antihistamine they use? Thus, most of the
I. Participant’s awareness, participants answered that they use cetirizine
viewpoint, and practice regarding and loratadine (see figure 2) then next
antihistamine: question we asked that in which Vol: 06 Issue: 01 PP: 18-23

Vol:6 Issue:1 Jan, 2020 21

condition/type of allergy you use of taking in the morning (see figure 4).
antihistamine? So, the answers varied from Afterward, we asked other questions in the
each other mostly participants take in flu & same context that if you use antihistamine
itching, some take in sinusitis some people for insomnia then which generic, they use
take in skin allergies, etc. so, have you taken and dose so, 96% answered they do not use
as OTC (over the counter) or Prescribed by antihistamine for insomnia and 4% answered
Doctor?. Therefore, 53.2% of participants they used some time and most commonly
answered that they take up antihistamine as use antihistamine is cetirizine. After these all
an “OTC” and 46.8% of participants taken discussion we asked the last question about
antihistamine as a prescription drug (see the behavior of participants towards the
figure 3). effect of antihistamines that if allergies do
Subsequently, we asked questions from not subside so what step you have taken so,
participants that at which time they take mostly answered that they consult with a
antihistamines so mostly answered they take doctor and the remaining answered that they
antihistamines at bedtime and its range up to used another antihistamine while 1.5%
76% and 19.1% answered they take answered they increased the dose (see figure
antihistamines in the evening while resting 5).
Participants Awareness, Viewpoint And Practice Regarding











Have you taken Is antihistamine Do you think that Do you have an Is there any Do you use anti-
any antihistamine affect your daily increasing the idea about the disease you have allergic for
or anti allergic routine due to dose of anti- contraindication rather than insomnia?
medicine for drowsiness or allergic dose has of anti-allergic? allergy?
allergic diseases? sedation when side effect?
you take?

YES NO Maybe/sometimes

Figure 1: Participant’s awareness, viewpoint, and practice regarding antihistamine. Vol: 06 Issue: 01 PP: 18-23

Vol:6 Issue:1 Jan, 2020 22

If allergies doesn't subside what do

you do?
160 400
140 350
120 300
100 250
80 200
60 150
40 100
20 50
0 0
loratadin fexofena deslorata At bed time Evening Morning
cetirizine others
e dine dine Total 360 90 20
Total 141 140 90 70 29

Figure 2: Most frequently used antihistamine Figure 5: Behavior against antihistamine effect.
Have you taken as OTC (over the Limitations:
counter) or Prescribed by Doctor? The present study deals with the citizen of
Karachi to check the awareness and
160 knowledge about the use of antihistamine. In
140 the future, the studies should show the same
problem with a more diverse sample of
multiple populations and cover other cities
of Pakistan too with more antihistamine
40 medication. Further, we concluded this study
20 in one city in Pakistan. Future research
cetirizi loratad fexofe deslora should focus on all cities of Pakistan.
ne ine nadine tadine Conclusion
Total 141 140 90 70 29
Antihistamine is effective against allergic
diseases and has been used to treated allergic
Figure 3: Use of antihistamine as an OTC or
Prescribed by doctor. rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria, and
pruritus, etc. The older antihistamine cause
ANTIHISTAMINE sedation so, they must be superseded by
400 second-generation drugs i.e., cetirizine and
loratadine are commonly used antihistamine
for the treatment of various allergies and
have less sedation as compared to the first
200 In terms of knowledge, attitude, and practice
150 regarding the use of antihistamine. We
100 found that nearly all participants in which
50 males and females participated and they
have known the effects of antihistamine and
At bed time Evening Morning
its complication. The survey shows that the
Total 360 90 20
citizen of Karachi (from age 25 to 50)
Figure 4: At which time antihistamines. Vol: 06 Issue: 01 PP: 18-23

Vol:6 Issue:1 Jan, 2020 23

having a basic knowledge about the use of Saleem, T Khalid, U Sherwani, UUR Ghaffar, SJBE,
Nose and Disorders, T. (2009). Clinical profile,
antihistamine it is maybe due to pollution outcomes and improvement in symptoms and
and garbage, highly allergic diseases spread productivity in rhinitic patients in Karachi, Pakistan. 9:
in Karachi and the frequent use of
Schellack, N Shirindza, N and Mokoena, TJSaPJ.
antihistamine in this condition. We also (2019). An overview of allergic conjunctivitis. 86: 13-
concluded that the use of antihistamine is 22.
more in females as compared to men. The Simon, FER and Simons, KJJWaOJ. (2008). H1
reason behind this figure out has not been antihistamines: current status and future directions. 1:
identified but it may be due to the self-
Simons, FER Early Prevention of Asthma in Atopic
attentiveness factor is more in females as Children Study Group %J Annals of Allergy, A and
compared to men. In this study, we also Immunology. (2007). H1-antihistamine treatment in
young atopic children: effect on urticaria. 99: 261-266.
concluded that the most used antihistamines
are cetirizine and loratadine among the Thurmond, RL Gelfand, EW and Dunford, PJJNRDD.
(2008). The role of histamine H 1 and H 4 receptors in
citizen of Karachi, and most of the people of allergic inflammation: the search for new antihistamines.
Karachi using antihistamine as an OTC 7: 41-53.

medication but, they have an awareness Walsh, GM Annunziato, L Frossard, N Knol, K

Levander, S Nicolas, J-M Taglialatela, M Tharp, MD
regarding the dose, side effect, and Tillement, JP and Timmerman, HJD. (2001). New
contraindications. insights into the second generation antihistamines. 61:
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