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There are many manual systems of passing information available in Ambo University.
Manual notice boards located at specific key locations. This system is taking many papers,
time and information is not reach large area. in our cause study, these projects are solved
problem that related manual notice board (wooden notice board) through development new
Notice board system application for mobile phone. This application installs on any android
mobile phone. In this system user can create own account, access notice, notify own message
on this application. generally, Notice Board App helps used to broadcast (notify message)
and easy way to access notify information on your phone at everywhere and every time.
First of all, we would like to say hot thanks to God who helped us in our daily life. Next,
we have intensive thanks to our Advisor Instructor ______. for her contribution that she played
on this project by giving comment, advice and other assistance for us while we are doing this
project. Mrs. __________. also have great thanks from us for all what she helped us by
providing reference materials which help us as bridge to do this project. We heartily want to
give unlimited thanks for our co-advisor instructor ________. who also gives essential advice
on our project.

AU Ambo university

SRS requirements specified

AVD Android virtual devise

SDLC system development life cycle

SSADM structure system design model

DFD data flow diagram

ER Entity relationship

UML Unified model language

OOSAD Object Oriented System Analysis and Design

The notice board is a place where people can read about different announcements such test results,
attendance, seminars or they can share some information regarding any user normal [1].
Notice Board App helps you access online notices on your phone These mobile application
notice board has used to get their latest release of academic news. Notice Board brings the notice
board to a virtual location where Students can read notices and Administrator may create any notice
category from their own desks.

Ambo University is one of the universities founded in _____ E.C. The university commenced
with 72 students 66 academic staff and____ administration support staff. Starting from its
foundation instructor evaluation system is the first task for this university. In this case there are
three evaluation types. Those are: student evaluation, peer evaluation and department head

Literature review
There are several online notice boards available. However, this section presents overview of some of
the existing online notice boards
Statements of the Problem
Following problems are encountered due to manual (wooden notice boards) in given area
around a particular place.

 Multiple people struggle and cluster a single wooden notice board for information just
released e.g., Exam results.
 People mutilate, remove or destroy paper notices from the notice board leaving other
people to be uninformed.
 Some people don't have the sufficient time to stand and read from that notice board.
 There is unregulated display of information, difficulty in storage and no efficient
reference to the past relevant information being posted.
 Generally manual notice board is not sufficient for user.
Objective of the project
Our project have general and specific objectives are described below.
General objective
The general objective of these project is to build android application to notice board system
University Institution of Technology (IOT).
Specific objective
specific objectives to achieve these projects are the following specific objectives are
1) Easy way to broadcast your message.
2) Helps you to be updated with what’s going on in college.
3) Faster dissemination of notices regarding education, technical events, cultural events
Limitations Of the Project
 Lack of computer lab
 of line application
 Lack of time

Our team members will use many methodologies to develop this project by analysing the
existing system and develop a new system that completely replaced the existing system. Those

Data collection
 Observation: - To understand directly how the existing system works currently, we have
used observation
 By interviewing: Most analysts use interviewing as a primary way of gathering requirement
in information system projects. We have used interview to gather facts, opinions, and truths of
users about the current system.

 Document analysis: - Using this method the team will try to analyse written documents
in the organization which have importance to the project.
 Brainstorming: -Discuss all the details information based from the observation.
System analysis and design
After the existing problem is analysed, the proposed system will be designed. In this case we
will follow the OOSAD procedures. Our group members choose OOSAD and software
engineering for analysis and design part. Because it is so simple to show the design of our
proposed system and it is used to solve the problem step by step.

Typically, OOSAD uses Unified Modelling Language (UML) to represent and visualize the interacting
objects and models in the system. This may include the following:

 Use Cases
 Class Diagrams
 State Diagrams
 Sequence Diagrams

System Development
After completing the development of the system, the testing process will be taken place. This
part recognizes that the system works correctly or not, accurate or not, updates the features if
necessary. It will be carried out after all coding process completed. If this process realizes the
functionalities of the system and is ok.
Project Plan and Time Table
Our Group member understands all given time and after analysing the project duration with
how many times needed for chapters to complete, we plan our project as shown on figure

To show the precedence of each activity


22 2022
1 week






Project proposal

analysis phase
System & object


Document and
Budget plan our project

For the successful accomplishment of our project, we estimated the costs associated to each
item required. This will help us to limit the constraints related to cost while the project is

Items Quantity Unit (Birr) Total (Birr)

Flash disk 1(8GB) 250 200
Printer cost ------ pages 2.0 200
Photo copy 2.00
Pen 6 15 90
Others Un specified cost 800 500
Note book 2 40 80
Total -------- ----------- ----------
Table of hardware

Items Quantity Unit (Birr) Total (Birr)

Android studio 1 free Free download
OS 1 free Free download
App editor 1 free Free download
Total 3 ------- --------
Table of software
We are used tools for development these projects are software requirement and Hardware

Software requirement: This project uses the following system development tools for different

 android studio: - This tool provided us with the interface and editor to develop apps.
 App editor application: -
 OS (operating system)

Hardware requirements.

 Computer: - this computer must have 100GB hard disk, RAM 2GB and above
processor 2.20 GHZ
 Note book
 Flash disk




This section describes the project as per the various stages of the Software Development life
cycle. The model of software development life cycle used in this project is the waterfall
method. The Waterfall Method is comprised of a series of very definite phases, each one run
intended to be started sequentially only after the last has been completed, with one or
more tangible deliverables produced at the end of each phase of the waterfall method of
SDLC. Essentially, it starts with a heavy, documented, requirements planning phase that
outlines all the requirements for the project, followed by sequential phases of design, coding,
test-casing, optional documentation, verification, validation, and
finally, deployment/release.






1. Requirement Analysis

Existing system is time consuming and it makes difficult to convey huge number of users
about any event. Also, there is always a big crowd in front of noticeboard. So, it was hectic to
read any useful instruction and information. Thus, all the problems of the existing system are
summarized and proposing a new system that works as an online application.

2. Design
It includes translation of the requirements specified in the SRS into a logical structure that
can be implemented in a programming language. The output of the design phase is a design
document that acts as an input for all the subsequent SDLC phases. The design of this app is
simple and user-friendly containing five main activities, namely:
1) Registration
2) Login
3) Dashboard
4) Details of Notices
5) Admin Panel
Administrator related functionality. Administrator manages all information and has access rights to
add, delete, edit and view the data related to inputs of Student
Student fill his/her details regarding his/her personal profile. According to that, he/she gets the list of
Notice available.

3. Coding/Implementation
It includes translation of the requirements specified in the SRS into a logical structure that
can be implemented in a programming language. The output of the design phase is a design
document that acts as an input for all the subsequent SDLC phases. The project is
implemented using the Android virtual devise (AVD). This emulator helped to implement the
project in a real-like environment and sketch out the details of how it will work on a real
hardware. Each activity is linked with another and interconnectivity is transparent and
4. Testing
It includes detection of errors in the application. The testing process starts with a test plan
that recognizes test-related activities, such as test case generation, testing criteria, and
resource allocation for testing. The code is tested and mapped against the design document
created in the design phase. The output of the testing phase is a test report containing errors
that occurred while testing the application. Testing of the project has not been done on real
hardware and also on the emulator or software environment. Testing has been done for each
of the individual activities of the project.
5. Maintenance
It includes implementation of changes that software might undergo over a period of time, or
implementation of new requirements after the software is deployed at the customer location.
The maintenance phase also includes handling the residual errors that may exist in the
software even after the testing phase. The project maintenance is low cost and efficient as
user will get this application at free of cost and also this application is shared over network,
therefore maintenance is little bit difficult

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