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Being a working student is quite a challenge. The researchers have found an importance that not

all the working students can handle their time. According to Astin .(1993), that “the balancing school work

with the labor market way also lead students to put forth less effort into both because they are spreading

themselves ‘too thin.” which reflects negative effect toward the said situational event.

As per Van de Water, G., Augenblick, J., (1987) which states that, “It was found that work had no

impact on the academic performance and very little impact on the academic progress of full-time

undergraduates.” on the other hand, parted into a good explanation in regards of the said matter. The

researchers are to prove both parties and to explain the significance of the reasoning behind the


The researchers have also concluded this study to further do broad research in accords of this

topic. The analysts long for most understandable reasoning and impressions regarding the said matter. It

also gives the researcher a chance to deeply conduct, evaluates truthfully, analyze particular issue/s that

affects the students which may be the reason for them to stop or struggle in the midst of the senior year.

According to Antonio Di Paolo and Alessia Matano (2016) the effects of working during higher

education on students' academic and labor market performance. As a labor market outcome the

probability of having a permanent job is positively affected by working while studying. The choice to

engage in some kind of working activity during university besides forced decisions due to financial

constraints is generally motivated by the willingness to gain work experience and related skills that

might improve post-graduation job opportunities (Humburg & Van der Velden, 2015). However, there is

an important trade-off that should be taken into account when deciding to work while studying, since

this could divert student effort away from academic learning, which in turn might harm employability.
The researcher regards those academic outcomes, working while studying significantly increase

the elapsed time-to-degree and the academic performance in terms of likelihood of obtaining a higher

mark is only marginally affected by carrying out working activities during university.

According to Hovdhaugen (2015) indeed a combination of full-time studying and part-time

working can have detrimental effects on the physical and mental health of students. In an additional,

state that new students who choose to do a part-time job while having full-time academic load were

most likely to suffer from stress. (French & Hood, 2015).Believed that students who are working part-

time will most likely miss lecturers and fell that they could achieve higher grades had they not been

working.It can be concluded that postgraduate has been experiencing working while studying and there

are positive and negative impacts at university. The students who have to work while studying are to be

committed, responsible and have good time management.

There are some cases in which lifestyle and education have been affected by being an employed

student. Several quasi-experimental studies indicate that working while in college is associated with

lower levels of academic achievement (Dadgar, 2012; DeSimone, 2008; Scott-Clayton, 2011a; Scott-

Clayton & Minaya, 2014; Soliz & Long, 2014; Stinebrickner & Stinebrickner, 2003). Working can also

disrupt one's education, particularly when they work longer hours Bozick, 2007; Ehrenberg & Sherman,

1987; Horn & Malizio, 1998; Orszag, Orszag, & Whitmore, 2001; Van Dyke, Little, & Callender, 2005), and

some possibility is their extended time for degree taking (Bound, Lovenheim, & Turner, 2012).

Moreover, high-quality work experiences— more particularly if, on the other hand, the jobs inside

campuses and are academic-related jobs may promote college attainment.

Part-time jobs can have a positive outcome in which includes one's improvement in terms of

time management skills and becoming more efficient. In this matter, educators and parents are agreed

to the said matter for they believe that employment "builds character" (Greenberg & Steinberg, 1986).
However, the excessive workload can have a detrimental effect not only on student's performance

academically but also in psychological and physical. The combination of work and education can affect

mental health that may cause negative effects such as stress and fatigue that lead to worse academic

performance. Rolfe (2002) reports that UK students believe that excessive and unsocial hours of part-

time work sometimes lead to tiredness and depression.

According to Kahenkaski and Pabilonia (2019), that time spent working reduces the time

available for educational activity, so that it may lead to lower educational achievement. Beff (2010)

found that working part-time significantly reduced the probability of graduation because sometimes it

may lead to dropout. The researcher examining the impact of employment of 16 years old on several

outcomes and applying a structural modeling approach, then it shows that part-time employment has

an impact on exam results for girls but there was no impact for boys. In conclusion, the researcher

addresses the issue of part-time job on the student who's working at the age of 16.

Curtis (2002) that part-time student has a serious effect on their study (e.g. low attendance, lack

of concentration, low grades) so they have to balance their work, life and study and need to adjust in

everything. In this study, it focuses on working student dealing commitment with job and study to

perform a better learning process. However, being part-time students can increase self-worth,

motivation to learn, and job performance (Shannon 2017).the researcher stated that if a working

student is motivated then they will conquer the challenges and struggle during their study.

Le Febure, (2017) the main idea "investigated differences in the demographic and

socioeconomic characteristics of working learners and non-working learners and how working learner

status is related to a measure of postsecondary readiness well as a career sureness using self-reported

data from a national assessment of educational achievement. Working students in high school do not

have enough focus on their academic performance (Le Febure, M.2017). Working students have an
advantage over non-working students because being employed students have more experience in the

working field and they already know their wants in the future or the course they take in college.

According to Neyt, Omey, Verhaest and Baert (2017), student employment are advantage to the

non- working students especially in their academic performance. Several studies shows that student

employment is connected with promtem behavior among youths. Alcohol use, crime and drug use

(Mcmorris Uggen, 2000).Combining study and work is associated with psychological and psychosomatic

stress. Stein and Dornbush (1991).

Student employment had negative impact in student performance inside the school and also may

lead them to wrong decisions.

Baert,Rotsaert,Verhaet & Omey,2016; Watts and Pickering,2000).One Important reason why

many students combine study and work is that it proides them with an income, which may help them to

satisfy their cosumption aspirations. The student employment rate is around 49% in the United States

(US) and 47% Europe Beerkus (2011).In addition from the field of psycholoy , Steinberg and

Dornbusch(1991) found that combining study amd work is associated with psychological and

psychosomatic stress.

Researcher asserts that working while studying has negative to the student but in over all

students who are engaged in work has a positive outcome to their education when the job is related to

their field of study.

Bartolj and Polanc (2016) they study the potential benefits of a working student on post collage

evidence bof small positive effects of student work experience on wages and likelihoods of first regular

employment specially when jobs can be deemed as high skilled and,related to the field of studies and

based on Darolia (2014) and Ehrenberg (1987) who found that there is no harmful effect of being a
working student. In conclusion researcher prove that working student has no bad effect to their

academic performance on their school and also researcher said that student work has more gain skills

and experiences.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to know the effects in academic performance of being a working students, and to prove

that being working student is not a problem to get their goals in life in fact they gain more skills and

experiences. This study sought to answer this question:

1. What are the difficulties faced by the working students?

2. How do they cope up with these difficulties?

3. What are average grades of working students quarterly?

4. How many of the FGNMHS-SHS population who are working student?


Bartoli, T. & Polanec S. (2016). Does work harm academic performance of students? Evidence using

propensity score matching. Development of Economics.

Broton, Goldrick-rab and Benson (2016). Working for college: The casual impacts of financial grants on

undergraduate employment. Education evaluation and policy analysis, 4(4)

Chantrea, B., Chansophy, H. & Chantyta, H. (N.D.). Working and Studying at the Same Time.



Essays, UK. (2018). The Impact of Part Time work towards Academic Performance. Retrieved from


Lefebvre, M. (2017). Working While Learning: Predictors of working learner Status in high school. ACT

Research Report.



Neyt, B. Omey, E.,Verhaest, D. & Baert, S. (2017). Does student work really affect educational outcomes?

Institute of labor Economics, No.11023.

Neyt, Brecht; Omey, Eddy; Verhaest, Dieter; Baert, Stijin. (2017). Does Student Work Really Affect

Educational Outcomes? GLO Discussion Paper, No.121.

Paolo, A. & Matano, A. (2016). The impact of working while studying on the academic and labour market

performance of graduates: The joints Role of Work intensity and Job-Field match.



Rokicka, M (2014) the impact of students' part-timr work on educational outcomes. Institute for social &

economic research, no42

Tumin & Faizuddin. (2018). The Experience of working while Studying:A case study of postgraduate

student at International Islamic.

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