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Emily Weigand

Professor Suk

EDUC 230-02 Education Field Experience

Fall 2021

My Philosophy

There are many things I want my classroom to be when I become a teacher, but the most

important is I want it to feel like home. I feel that it isn’t enough to simply teach and make sure

your students are getting their work done. I want my students to be excited to come to my class. I

want them to walk into the school full of anticipation for what’s to come. I want all of my

students to know that my classroom is a safe space, and that my room is full of love and respect

for each individual that walks through the door. I think that the tone you set for your class is

almost more important than the material you teach, because anyone can repeat words from a

chalkboard but it takes an educator and a role model to open up your heart to a bunch of children.

I believe that learning should be exhilarating and fun. As kids get older, they tend to grow out of

loving school, because the fun gets taken out of it. No matter what grade I am teaching, I want to

make learning fun. Whether my students are 6 or 16, I want them to want to come to school. If

you teach a lesson in a lighthearted, upbeat manner, students will internalize it that way.

I strongly feel that is the job of the individual to bring their best attitude to school, no matter if it

is a teacher, staff member, or student. If I being my personal baggage to work and come in with a

bad attitude, how can I expect my students to not reflect that? However, I believe it is the same

way the other way around. As an educator, I have the tools at my disposal to make learning fun
and safe. I cannot do give a student my best if they do not do the same for me. The student has to

be willing to learn just as the educator has to be willing to teach.

As for the physical environment, I want my classroom to feel like a breath of fresh air while

feeling secure and comfortable. I will have bright, cheery colors on all of the walls with posters

and illustrations throughout. I would also like to have a cozy corner with a bookshelf and some

bean bags or floor pillows. Whether this is a space where a student can go when they are feeling

overwhelmed, or simply a place to read when there is spare time, I want it to feel comforting.

I want my classroom to feel like a calm and happy space, but also where students feel safe

enough to show their real and raw emotions. If a student of mine is having a rough day or is

feeling down, I want them to feel secure enough in my room to express those emotions in a

healthy way. I will discuss emotions with my class on a regular basis, whether it be through

reading books about dealing with emotions or watching a video. I will also be sure to be

transparent with my students to a certain degree when it comes to feeling different emotions. I

believe that if they see me expressing sadness or anger, then they will further understand that

these feelings are very common and completely valid.

I want my students to collaborate and work together as much as possible, and be comfortable

enough to ask a friend for help before coming directly to me. Working in groups allows students

to enhance their social skills and become more aware of how people should communicate with

each other. On the other hand, I always want my students to have the option to work alone if they

would be more comfortable with that.

All in all, I want my classroom to be a safe space where kids look forward to coming every

single day.

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