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PMR Model Paper (Set 1)

Paper 1 Time: 1 hour

Instructions: For Question 1 to Question 40, each question is followed by four choices of
answers. Choose the best answer for each question.

1 Diagram 1 shows the pendulum experiment to study the factor that affects the
period of swing.

Diagram 1
Which factor affects the time taken to complete one swing?
A The shape of the bob
B The thickness of the thread
C The length of the pendulum
D The weight of the bob

2 Diagram 2 shows four organisms. P and R have chloroplasts but Q and S do not
have chloroplasts.

Diagram 2
Which statement about P, Q, R and S is correct?
A P and R can move but P and S cannot.
B P and S have a cell membrane but Q and R do not.
C Q and R are unicellular but P and S are multicellular.
D P and R can make their own food but Q and S cannot.

3 Eating too much of one type of nutrient can cause diseases. Which pair is not
Excess nutrient Disease
A Fats Heart disease
B Proteins Kwashiorkor
C Common salt Hypertension
D Sugar Diabetes

4 Diagram 3 shows a cross section of the human skin.

Diagram 3
Which receptor is the most sensitive to pain?

5 Diagram 4 shows the position of substance P in a measuring cylinder containing

two liquids of different densities.

Diagram 4
What is the density of solid P?

A 0.25 g/cm3
B 2.6 g/cm3
C 11.4 g/cm3
D 14.0 g/cm3

6 Which arrangement of atoms shows a compound of two elements?



7 Which is the common characteristic of fish, amphibians and reptiles?

A Have gills
B Are cold-blooded
C Carry out external fertilisation
D Have dry scales

8 Which of the following applies the concept of density?

I Spraying pesticides on plants
II Transporting timber logs on water
III Spraying oil on stagnant water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

9 Diagram 5 shows the arrangement of two sets of apparatus.

Diagram 5
Which statement is not true?
A The hydrogen carbonate indicator in test tube Q turns yellow.
B The hydrogen carbonate indicator in test tube P does not change.
C Photosynthesis occurs in test tube P.
D Respiration does not take place in test tube P.

10 Diagram 6 shows a step taken when testing a leaf for starch.

Diagram 6
Why is the leaf placed in warm ethanol?
A To dissolve the starch
B To soften the leaf
C To stop chemical reactions in the leaf
D To remove the green colour from the leaf

11 Why is it better to use a longer spanner to tighten a nut on a bolt?

A There is less friction.
B The user exerts a lesser force.
C Lesser work is done by the user.
D A smaller turning effect is required on the spanner.

12 Which pollutant is not correctly matched to its effect?

Pollutant Effect
A Dust The greenhouse effect
B Chlorofluorocarbons The thinning of the ozone layer
C Sulphur dioxide Acid rain
D Carbon monoxide A high level in the body can lead to death

13 The table shows parts of the respiratory system through which inhaled air enters
the lungs. They are not arranged in the correct sequence.
P – Trachea
Q – Alveolus
R – Bronchiole
S – Bronchus
Which is the correct sequence?
A P →Q →R →S

B P →S →R →Q

C S →R →Q →P

D S →P →R →Q

14 Diagram 7 shows three beakers, P, Q and R, containing different volumes of

water at 90 °C.

Diagram 7
Arrange beakers P, Q and R according to the amount of heat each contains in
ascending order.
A Q, R, P
B R, P, Q
C P, R, Q
D P, Q, R

15 Diagram 8 shows an experiment on heat.

Diagram 8
What is observed after the round-bottomed flask is held between the palms which
have been rubbed together for a few minutes?
A Water vapour forms on the outside of the flask.
B Water is sucked into the glass tube.
C Steam appears inside the flask.
D Bubbles escape from the end of the glass tube.

16 Table 1 shows the results of tests on four food samples, P, Q, R and S.

Food Results of food tests
Iodine test Millon’s test Benedict’s test
P Brown solution Brick red precipitate Orange precipitate
Q Blue-black solution No change Orange precipitate
R Blue black solution Brick-red precipitate Blue-black solution
S Blue black solution Brick-red precipitate Orange precipitate
Table 1
Which food sample contains starch and sugar only?

17 Diagram 9 shows an interaction between organisms.

Diagram 9
Which organisms have the same type of interaction as shown in Diagram 9?
A The owl and the rat
B The Venus flytrap and insects
C Lichens
D The remora fish and the shark

18 Diagram 10 shows the human digestive system.

Diagram 10
The table shows the activities that take place in the digestive system.

I Reabsorption of water from food

II Absorption of digested food
III Secretion of gastric juices containing proteases

Which activities take place in P, Q and R respectively?


19 The following information is about the parts of the human circulatory system
through which deoxygenated blood enters the lungs.
P – Vena cava
Q – Lungs
R – Pulmonary artery
S – Right atrium

T – Right ventricle

Which sequence represents the flow of deoxygenated blood in the human body?

A S →T →P →R →Q

B P →Q →R →S →T

C P →S →T →R →Q

D Q →S →R →T →P
20 Diagram 11 shows an experiment to study the response of roots and shoots to
various stimuli.

Diagram 11
Which conclusions are true?

Roots Shoots
A Negative hydrotropism Negative phototropism
B Positive hydrotropism Negative phototropism
C Positive geotropism Positive phototropism
D Positive hydrotropism Positive phototropism

21 Diagram 12 shows the life cycle of a flowering plant.

Flowering plant

Pollen Ovule



Diagram 12

What do P and Q represent?

A Dispersal Germination
B Fertilisation Germination
C Pollination Fertilisation
D Germination Dispersal

22 At which stage is human growth minimal?

A Infancy
B Childhood
C Adolescence
D Adulthood

23 Diagram 13 shows three wires in a cable.

Diagram 13
Which connections for wires P, Q and R are correct?
I Wire P is connected to the neutral pin.
II Wire Q is connected to the earth pin.
III Wire R is connected to the live pin.
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

24 Which conditions are most likely to make an object very stable?
Base area Position of the centre of gravity
A Small Low
B Small High
C Large Low
D Large High

25 Diagram 14 shows the apparatus used to carry out the electrolysis of water.

Diagram 14
Which statements about the experiment are true?
I The gas given off at P is oxygen.
II The gas given off at Q can be tested with a lighted splinter.
III The gas given off at Q is acidic.
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

26 Which substances have pH values of 3, 7 and 9?

pH 3 pH 7 pH 9
A Pure water Lemon juice Toothpaste
B Toothpaste Pure water Lemon juice
C Lemon juice Pure water Toothpaste
D Lemon juice Toothpaste Pure water

27 Diagram 15 shows the set-up of an experiment.

Diagram 15
Which energy changes result in the bulb lighting up?
A Electrical energy → chemical energy → light energy + heat energy

B Chemical energy → electrical energy → light energy + heat energy

C Kinetic energy → electrical energy → light energy + heat energy

D Kinetic energy → chemical energy → electrical energy

28 Diagram 16 shows an experiment on air pressure.

Diagram 16
When the test tube is inverted under the surface of the water in the beaker, water
rushes upwards and almost completely fills the test tube. Which statement
explains the onservation?
A The air in the test tube contracts.
B The atmospheric pressure is higher than the air pressure in the test tube.
C The density of the air in the test tube decreases.
D The atmospheric pressure increases.

29 Diagram 17 shows a woman pushing a trolley with a horizontal force of 50 N.
The trolley moves 4 m horizontally.

Diagram 17
Calculate the total energy used by the woman to push the trolley.
A 100 J
B 150 J
C 200 J
D 250 J

30 Diagram 18 shows a balsam plant immersed in a red ink solution for one day.

Diagram 18
A cross section of the stem is prepared. Which part of the stem is stained red?


31 Diagram 19 shows a box being pulled on a cement floor.

Diagram 19
The friction between the floor and the box is not affected by the _____________.
A direction of movement of the box
B condition of the floor
C weight of the box
D the surface area in contact

32 Diagram 20 shows a uniform ruler balanced by loads P and Q. The weights used
in these loads are of equal mass.

Diagram 20

In which situation is the uniform ruler not in equilibrium?

Number of Length x in cm Number of Length y in cm

weights in P weights in Q
A 1 6 2 3
B 2 7 2 8
C 3 8 2 12
D 4 9 2 18

33 Which is the correct sequence of blood flow during a dialysis treatment?

A Artery → dialysis machine → vein

B Artery → vein → dialysis machine

C Dialysis machine → artery → vein

D Vein → dialysis machine → artery

34 Diagram 21 shows a process that occurs in the productive system of an adult


Diagram 21

What process is shown in Diagram 21?

A Ovulation
B Menstruation
C Implantation
D Fertilisation

35 Diagram 22, when substance P is heated strongly, the gas given off turns purple
acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution colourless.

Diagram 22

What are substance P and gas Q?

Substance P Gas Q
A Calcium carbonate Carbon dioxide
B Iron sulphide Sulphur dioxide
C Silicate Hydrogen sulphide
D Potassium oxide Oxygen

36 Diagram 23 shows an electrical circuit containing three similar bulbs P, Q and R.

Diagram 23

Which statement about the circuit is correct?

A Bulb P is brighter than bulb Q.
B The readings of ammeters A1 and A2 are the same.
C Voltmeter V2 has a bigger reading than voltmeter V1.
D If fuse X melts, all the bulbs will not light up.

37 Diagram 24 shows the cross section of a plant stem.

Diagram 24
How does the plant support itself?
A Woody tissues
B Tendrils
C Water buoyancy
D Turgidity of cells

38 A 1 500 W, 240 V electric appliance is used for 4 hours every day. If one unit of
electricity costs 20 sen, what is the cost of using the appliance for 30 days?
(1 unit of energy = 1 kilowatt hour of energy)
A RM30.00
B RM36.00
C RM48.00
D RM72.00

39 The information below is about the benefits of space exploration.

• Communication among countries

• Weather forecasts
• Locate natural resources

The above benefits are obtained through __________.

A sounding rockets
B probes
C satellites
D radio telescopes

40 Which is not a phenomenon of the Sun?
A Solar wind
B A sunspot
C A prominence
D A black hole

PAPER 2 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

SECTION A (40 marks)
Instructions: Answer all questions. The time suggested to answer this section is 60 minutes.

1 Diagram 1 shows a human cheek cell.

Diagram 1
(a) On Diagram 1, label the following parts:
nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm
(3 marks)
(b) State the functions of any two cell structures:
Cell structure Function
Cell membrane
(2 marks)

2 Diagram 2 shows the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter.

Diagram 2
(a) Compare the arrangement of particles in P, Q and R.
(i) P: _________________________________________________
(ii) Q: _________________________________________________
(iii) R: _________________________________________________
(3 marks)
(b) Classify the following substances into the three states of matter:
cork, mercury, iron, oxygen, helium, alcohol


State of matter


(3 marks)

3 Diagram 3.1 shows the various parts of the human eye.

Diagram 3.1
(a) Label the parts P, Q, R and S using the words from the following list:
retina, sclera, blind spot, yellow spot

(4 marks)
(b) What happen to the images of objects that are formed on P and Q?
(2 marks)
(c) Diagram 3.2 shows a type of vision defect.

Diagram 3.2
Name the vision defect shown in Diagram 3.2 and the lens that can be
used to correct the defect.
(i) Vision defect: _____________________________________
(ii) Correction: _______________________________________
(2 marks)

4 Diagram 4 shows an experiment to study the reaction between metals and a non-

Diagram 4
(a) What is the aim of this experiment?
(1 mark)
(b) State the variables of the experiment.
(i) Manipulated variable: _____________________________
(ii) Responding variable: ______________________________
(2 marks)
(c) State the function of the following substances:
(i) Potassium manganate(VII) crystals: ____________________
(ii) Glass wool: ________________________________________
(2 marks)
(d) Table 1 shows the results of the experiment.
Metal Observation
Copper Copper powder glows after being
heated for long time.
Magnesium Magnesium powder burns vigorously
with a bright flame.
Zinc Zinc powder burns moderately.
Table 1
(i) Based on the results, arrange the rate of reaction of metals with
oxygen in ascending order.
(ii) Write a chemical reaction (in words) for the reaction between
heated copper and oxygen.
(iii) What compounds are formed when metals are heated in the
presence of oxygen?
(3 marks)

5 Diagram 5 shows an experiment to investigate the effect of different types of

surfaces on the magnitude of frictional force.

Diagram 5

Table 2 shows the results obtained.

Type of surface Reading of the spring balance (N)
P 3.0
Q 4.0
R 2.0
S 2.5
Table 2
(a) State the variables of the experiment.
(i) Manipulated variable: _____________________________
(ii) Responding variable: ______________________________
(2 marks)
(b) What is the direction of the frictional force in this experiment?
(1 mark)
(c) Based on the results in Table 1, arrange surfaces P, Q, R and S according
to their roughness in ascending order.
(1 mark)
(d) What inference can be made from the results of the experiment?
(1 mark)
(e) Predict the reading of the spring balance if the same wooden block is
pulled on surface P with a larger surface area in contact.
(1 mark)

(f) Explain your answer in 5(e).
(1 mark)

6 Diagram 6.1 shows a model used in the study of the breathing mechanism and
Diagram 6.2 shows the human respiratory system.

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2

(a) Match the parts of the model labelled (i) to (iv) in Diagram 6.1 to the
parts of the human respiratory system in Diagram 6.2.
(i) ______________________ (iii) ______________________
(ii) ______________________ (iv) ______________________
(2 marks)
(b) (i) What happens when the rubber sheet of the model is pulled
(ii) Which breathing process is represented by the movement in (b)
(2 marks)
(c) During the breathing process in (b)(ii), what happens to the following
(i) The rib cage: ________________________________________
(ii) The diaphragm: ______________________________________
(2 marks)

SECTION B (20 marks)
Instructions: Answer all questions. The time suggested to answer this section is 30 minutes.

7 Diagram 7 shows four plants, P, Q, R and S.

Diagram 7
(a) Observe the plants and state two characteristics that can be used to
classify the plants.
(i) ___________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________
(2 marks)
(b) Classify plants P, Q, R and S into two groups based on their common
P, Q, R, S


Two examples of plants Two examples of plants

(4 marks)
(c) State one observable difference between flowers T and U below.

flower T flower U
(2 marks)

(d) State one observable difference between seeds V and W.

seed V seed W
(2 marks)

8 Diagram 8.1 shows the set-up of an experiment to investigate the relationship

between current and voltage. Diagram 8.2 shows a graph of voltage against
current based on the results of the experiment.

Diagram 8.1 Diagram 8.2

(a) State the variables of this experiment.

(i) Manipulated variable: _____________________________
(ii) Responding variable: ______________________________

(iii) Constant variable: _________________________________
(3 marks)

(b) Recorded the voltmeter reading and the ammeter reading in the spaces
(i) (ii)

Voltmeter reading: ________ V Ammeter reading: _____ A

(2 marks)
(c) Based on the graph in Diagram 8.2, what is the relationship between
voltage and current?
(1 mark)
(d) What is the quantity measured by the ratio of voltage/current in this
(1 mark)
(e) Write a word formula for the relationship between voltage and current if
the resistance is constant.
(1 mark)
(f) What will happen to the current in the circuit if the voltage is increased?
(1 mark)
(g) Predict the reading of the ammeter if the voltmeter reading is 6.0 V.
(1 mark)


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