Cbmec-2-Week-15 - Cuestas

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CBMEC2- Mrs. Jovyna A. Pesidas

Name: Melvin R. Cuestas

Course and Year : BSBA HRM 3RD YEAR

Date Submitted: December 9, 2021

Activities (Formative)

Title: Minute Papers

Things to do:

Please answer the following given questions:

a. What did you learn from our topics?

Ans. That learning strategy vs tactics is very important in every firm or any companies in
terms of determining the company success and the decisions and actions to get there with
proper manner. I learned that it’s not actually a “versus” but instead it’s a connection,
Strategy is the engineer of the building while tactics are the labor workers. Only senior
managers can only change the strategy of a firm because it is a long scaling decision while
tactics can be change anytime as long as it follows the strategy.

b. What did you like best in our topic? Why?

Ans. The concept itself it give us knowledge how things goes in every firm in terms of achieving
their goals and vision.
Assessment (Summative)

Title: Essay writing

Date of Submission:

Rubric Used: Rubric for Essay Writing

Things to do:

1. Please answer the following given questions:

a. Discuss the four strategic types as theorized by

Wheelen and Hunger (2004).

Ans. Wheelen and Hunger (2004) theorized that strategic type is a category of firms based on
common strategic orientation and a combination of structure, culture, and process consistent
with strategy. Competing firms within a single industry can be categorized on the basis of their
general strategic orientation into four types.
1. Defender - companies with a limited product line that focus on improving the efficiency of
their existing operations
2. Prospectors – companies includes firms With fairly broad product lines that focus on product
innovation and market opportunities.
3. Analyzers - business organizations that operate in at least two different product-market
areas, one stable and one variable. In the stable areas, efficiency is emphasized
4. Reactors – companies that lack a Consistent strategy-structure-culture relationship.

b. Differentiate between strategy and tactics. (atLeast four)

1. Only senior managers can change strategy while tactics can be change
by anyone part of the firm.
2. Strategic decision is long term view while tactical is short term view.
3. Strategy is base on planning while tactics is base on doing.
4. Strategy tells what tactics should be used while tactics follows what
strategy tells to do.

2. Write your answers on a worksheet

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