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One-year Marketing Plan

Thienlong group

Trần Kim Dự
Phan Khánh Hải
Ngô Hớn Khang
Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Thiện
Điền Nguyễn Xuân Vinh
Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 1

2. Company Description ............................................................................................................. 2
3. Strategic Focus and Plan....................................................................................................... 3
Mission ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Core competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage ..................................................................... 3

4. Situation Analysis .................................................................................................................. 3

SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Industry Analysis: trends of common pens and premium pens ................................................................ 5
Competitors Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 6
Company Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 8
Customer Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 8

5. Market-Product Focus ........................................................................................................... 9

Marketing and Product Objectives ........................................................................................................... 9
Target Markets........................................................................................................................................ 10
Points of Differences .............................................................................................................................. 10
Positioning .............................................................................................................................................. 11

6. Marketing Program.............................................................................................................. 11
Product Strategy ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Price Strategy.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Promotion Strategy ................................................................................................................................. 13
Place (Distribution) Strategy .................................................................................................................. 15
1. Executive Summary
Thienlong group offers a variety of stationery products, including pens, office, art, and
school supplies. Throughout 31 years of operation and manufacturing, the Group has gained five
international management criteria: ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental
management), OHSAS 18001 (health and working management), SA 8000 (society
commitment), and ISO 17025 (laboratory controlling). For the past 10 years (1998 – 2008),
Thienlong group has been ranked as the number one in the Stationery Category casted by Saigon
Tiep Thi magazine.
To consolidate the position and pursue the mission “serving study and conquer the peak
of knowledge as a supplier of writing instruments and stationery", the Group has to make most of
its core competency, its internal strength and external opportunities as well as try the best to
diminish its weaknesses and avoid threats. That up-to-date technology, continuous innovation,
high-quality products, and excellent manpower can differentiate Thienlong group with many
competitors, especially in the competition in pen market.
In 2013, the image of Thienlong pens will be emphasized in both markets for low to mid-
end class and for business people who have higher income. Up to now, Waterman, Joon, Parker,
and Underwood are famous brand names that compete with Thienlong in premium product line.
Besides, China pens and Ben Nghe pens are competitive products compared to Thienlong pens in
common product line. In this situation, Thienlong group decided to focus on the expectation of
customers toward ballpoint pens and try to solve all existing quality concerns.
To specify the mission and goals in ballpoint pen market, Thienlong group has listed
gaining 65% of market share for pen by the end of 2013 as the main marketing and product
objectives, followed by sub-objectives in current market, new market, and technical competency.
On the way to reach this target, Thienlong should enhance its points of differences such as the
smooth of inks and brand equity, to encourage people to choose Thienlong pens instead of the
others. Although the common product line seems quite easy for the Group to strengthen the
impact of Thienlong products, it is totally different in the premium product line because
customers often do not consider Thienlong pens as an expression of prestige. Therefore, it will
be harder to change customers’ perception in this market.

In order to accomplish these objectives, Thienlong group will apply four marketing mix
elements, especially the promotion and place strategies. While product strategy focus on making
greater appeal, price strategy is for maintain the acceptable price compared with Thienlong’s
competitors. Promotion strategy includes IMC program with three alternatives of promotional
mix: personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing. Place strategy is applied with push
and pull strategies, depends on the product line. Each strategy has their own way to implement,
but all four strategies have the same goal of contributing to the fame of Thienlong pens.
Based on the market and that we have been in business for over 30 years already, we are
looking to do two things. The first is strengthening the products’ name and image in both the
common product line and premium product line, and secondly will be to increase market share
over the next year. With the focus solely on gaining more exposure and becoming more of a
company that consumers really trust, we will gain brand loyalty which should boost our sales

2. Company Description
Founded in 1981, Thienlong group provided only some simple pens with small-scale
production process. By 1991, the Group has successfully expanded its market of art, office, and
school supplies, especially the market of pens, over the whole nation by staying focus on
customers and evolving to meet their needs. Thanks to excellent workforce, advanced
technology, and modern equipment, Thienlong is now considered as the number one company in
the field of manufacturing pens in Vietnam. Thienlong Pens have reached every corner of life,
serving the needs of studying and working.
For domestic market, the distribution network of Thienlong stationery has widely covered
64/64 cities and provinces with over 100 distributors and 40,000 points of sale. In terms of
export market, Thienlong products are currently available in all five continents of the world.
Thienlong group believes its high-quality strategy has proven successful. This marketing
plan outlines how the Group reinforces the market share in organizational goods market and
expands influence in customer goods.

3. Strategic Focus and Plan
This section involves two key parts that influence the marketing plan: (1) Mission and (2)
Core competency of Thienlong Pen.
“Thienlong is determined to serve study and conquer the peak of knowledge as a
supplier of writing instruments and stationery".
In this fast-developing modern lifetime, the mission of Thienlong group is to create utility
stationery in elegant shapes in order to please customers of low to mid-end incomes who desire
to study, to work, to conquer knowledge, and to broaden their minds. The Group will always
devote itself to the conveniences and confidence of the users.
Core competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage
In order to pursue that mission, Thienlong group has leveraged its core competencies,
which take take the forms of up-to-date technology, continuous innovation, and excellent staffs.
On the way to create the image of Thienlong stationery as delicate and easy-to-use products,
these competencies then differentiate our products by the best services for consumers, including
product offerings and post-purchase services.
When Thienlong group continuously improves its core competencies in response to the
changing market conditions to thrive more and more, it create sustainable competitive
advantages, involving improving the quality of products, dynamic product lines, and strong man
force in close-knit relationships.
4. Situation Analysis
This situation analysis defines and interprets the current environment in which Thienlong
group finds itself by providing a brief SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
analysis. After this overview, there are four subsections, including industry, competitors,
company, and consumers analyses that provide more in-depth description of the Group.
SWOT Analysis
Table 1 shows the current strengths and weaknesses of Thienlong group as well as
opportunities and threats in the market. The goal of this analysis is to enhance the strengths as
much as possible while reducing weaknesses in order to take full advantages of the market’s
opportunities and avoid threats.

Table 1. SWOT Analysis for Thienlong group
Strengths Weaknesses
Experienced and entrepreneurial
Management, management and board. High qualified
workforce workforce depending on over 200 000
graduates per year.1
Provide unique brand personality and Many competitors with same or lower
Offerings brand equity. quality and price. Current models are
not really attractive.
Establishing strong distribution system Many products have only one
Marketing with distributors, selling points, marketing strategy; restricted in using
bookstores, supermarkets… products. High inventory cost.
High growth rate in revenues/profit
Finance ratios (412/37, 484/47, 618/58) for the
last three years.2
A 150-billion-VND factory named High production cost.
Thienlong Long Thanh built in 2008
with the productivity of 200 million
products per year. 3
Opportunities Threats
Market scale is very wide and increases Avoid misunderstanding in
continuously. Vietnamese often take international communication.
priority to select Vietnamese stationary Joining WTO brings huge foreign
products if Vietnamese products are the competitors such as Parker, Sheaffer,
same in prices and quality as foreign etc. Some Vietnamese business people
products. often refer high brand name like Parker
instead of domestic firms.
The credibility of Vietnamese high- Chinese competitors see Vietnam as a
quality product certification. potential market where they can export
Competitive large quantities of pens and put
domestic production into hard situation
because of their low price strategy.
Production technology is developed Vietnamese firms rely too much on
continuously, which leads to increase in imported machines and facilities.
quality and reduction in variable cost.

General Statistics Office, (2010). Higher education report.
Co, C. (2011, 08 05). Interview by N Nguyen [Personal Interview]. Thienlong group: Stationery is not a small
market. , Ho Chi Minh City.
Co, C. (2011, 08 05). Interview by N Nguyen [Personal Interview]. Thienlong group: Stationery is not a small
market. , Ho Chi Minh City.

Target consumers’ incomes are Inflation makes it hard to balance
increasing. between quality and profit.
Government supports Vietnamese Because some countries reserve a
Legal/ products and prohibits product portion in their industry for domestic
Regulatory counterfeiting. companies, Vietnamese companies
cannot enhance export.
Thienlong group manifest its strengths as excellent managers and staffs, famous brand
name in associated with the personality traits including simple and convenient, large amount of
distribution networks, and strong investment in manufacturing and R&D department. In addition,
favorable external factors such as the increase in population and customers’ incomes,
technological benefits from foreign machines, the protection from business law make it easy for
the Group to compete with other competitors.
While a future opportunity can be a potential strength, a future threat can be a potential
weakness. Thienlong products have to compete with more and more famous foreign brand name
and even Chinese business rivals who are usually known as suppliers of super low-price
products. With these outside threats, the Group should improve its main weaknesses involving
limited marketing strategy, high production cost, and the appearance of current models.
Industry Analysis: trends of common pens and premium pens

Common pens: Nowadays, pen is an indispensable part of modern life because it is tied to
the studying, working, and daily behaviors of everybody. Among 2 million Vietnamese students,
each student’ averagely use is about two pens/month4, with the price 3000 each pen, that means
the expenditure of the students for pens is about 150 billion VND per year. If we include other
pens’ users such as high school pupils and officers, the total expenditure for pen become
extremely large. Therefore, it is expected that demand of pen market will growing continuously,
which opens a new wide future for Thienlong and for the pen industry as a whole.

Vietnam Student Association (2009 - 2013). (2009).
Preliminary review in union work and student movement-congress midterm VIII.

Premium pens: As a product, it is a status symbol, a sign of prosperity and education.
Premium pen is a symbol of power. In the premium segment, the increasing in customers’
incomes and their personal needs of status, prestige and self-respect create a potential chance for
pen manufacturers to invest in this product segment. Although the sales of premium pens are not
as large as the common pens’, this line of products can bring big revenue due to its high prices.
A price of premium pens may up to over 100 times of common pens. This highly profitable
segment comes with the challenges from well-known foreigner companies such as Parker, Allan
D’lious, and Waterman. Therefore, it seems like in premium line, Vietnamese producers are just
in the stage of introduction and raising awareness.

Competitors Analysis
Stationery market, pen market in particular, belongs to monopolistic competition where
there are many sellers competing with their products on a substitutable basis. Thienlong pens
have to face with two types of competitors, one from foreign countries, and another from
different Vietnamese brands.
Foreign competitors: In the competition with foreign companies, there are two concerns,
one of famous and luxurious brand name such as Waterman, Joon, Parker or Underwood and the
other of very cheap products from China. The well-known foreign brands attract customers who
have high income because their models are
very luxury and it demonstrates the level of
user. At this present, Thienlong group is
striving to raise awareness and interest of its
luxurious brand name Bizner in premium pen
market. It is a hard task which needs at least
six months because Thienlong is very new
and slightly weak on this section. Another

foreign competitor that is very famous in the ballpoint pen market in Viet Nam is Chinese pens.
Because of the inferior about the diversity of the products, Thienlong has lost a large number of
customers who concerned about the appearance of products to China, which usually produces
pens with diversity, colorful models, and low prices. Table 2 illustrates some different factors
between Thienlong pens and those imported from China.
Table 2
Factor Imported products From China Thienlong
Quality Low quality, use in short time High quality
Price Low price Moderate
Services Doesn’t have Customer care and some services
On newspapers and magazines
Advertising No
for students
Reputation No Develop more than 20 years
Market Over country Over country
Model Variety, good looking, attractive Variety, but not attractive
Domestic competitors: In domestic competition, only in Ho Chi Minh City, there are over
3000 business registered in pen market activities and nearly 50 businesses, who directly
manufacture pens. Among these competitors, Ben Nghe Company should be the first one to
mention because Ben Nghe and Thienlong seem like going in a parallel road when if there is one
product of Thienlong group, there will be also mostly the same product of Ben Nghe. With the
same target markets and advertising channels, Ben Nghe is considered as a huge competitor of
Thienlong because of its benchmarking strategy.
Figure 1 shows us about the competition of Thienlong with other competitors.5
Figure 1
Market Share of Viet Nam Stationery


Thien Long
Ben Nghe
55% Imported Products


TVSI, T. (2010, 0003 26). Updated analysis report of thienlong group . Retrieved from

Company Analysis
Common pens are the segments bringing the largest profit for Thienlong. Thienlong pen
is account for the largest share in Vietnam pen market and remain the growth rate at about 25%
per year on average. According to a research of AC Nielsen Vietnam in 2009, Thienlong have
55% share of pen industry in Vietnam. Thienlong pen is so popular that when asking students
about their choice of pens, most of them had used Thienlong pen at least one time. These
achievements are resulted from the advantages of being the pioneer in manufacturing pens in
Vietnam. Early customers recall the pioneer brand name if they satisfy with the product. This
pioneer position also brings long-term market-share reward. However, Thienlong pen can lose
these advantages within the blink of an eye over pricing, services or lagging technology.
Therefore, Thienlong should emphasize on continuous innovation and 4P strategies.
Throughout over 30 years of operation, Thienlong group always highlight “the best
quality” as its guideline of production. To consolidate this statement, the Group has given its
managers and staffs numbers of chances to attend refresher courses in well-developed foreign
countries in order for them to contribute their best abilities to the success of Thienlong group.
Besides human factor, the Group always invests strongly on R&D and manufacturing to meet the
high requirements of target markets.
In recent days, Thienlong group has conducted many social activities such as Exam
Consultation and Exam Strengthening starting from 2002, The Thienlong Used Pens for Cash,
Secretary’s Day, etc. as “a homage to the society” that greatly contributes to the development of
the Group. These activities can also be considered as a typical marketing strategy to create the
image of the Group in associated with education, which will gain wide acceptance from
Customer Analysis
This section describes (1) the characteristics of customers who are expected to buy
Thienlong pens and (2) quality concerns of Vietnamese today.
Customer characteristics: depending on two different product lines, there are two target
markets with two typical traits. The common line is responsible for activating the physiological
needs of writing. Whatever ethnic groups people belong to, wherever people live, each time they
study or work, they do need pens as an indispensable tool to complete their job. In this segment,
the Group mainly focuses on low to mid-end incomes who stress on utility like place and

possession utilities. In contrast, people of higher incomes who seek to satisfy personal needs will
be target market of premium product line. In this case, the group should encourage their
purchases by arousing their need to demonstrate success, credibility, and value in their business.
Quality concern: Because there are numbers of stationery suppliers, customers have
wider choices for their products, so they highly concern about the qualities of what they will pay
for. First and foremost, people will evaluate a pen through its quality of ink. Certainly, customers
do not want stuck ink while writing. The ink should flows fluently either under low temperatures
or under high temperatures until cartridge is
empty. Secondly, whether the products are safe for
health or not has great impact on customers’
buying. If one day the scientists realized there
were some chemical components affecting
customers’ health, the Group would go bankruptcy
soon. Thirdly, the shapes of pens should be comfortable for customers to hold in a long time of
writing and make sure that the cartridges are large enough for long writing without changing for
new cores or new inks. Last but not least, color have been listed as hot subject with pens.
Teenagers, especially students from secondary and high schools, are so interesting in various
colors for marking, highlighting, or drawing, that they require the colors of pens should be
diverse, different kind of thickness and clear.

5. Market-Product Focus
This section describes the marketing and product objectives for Thienlong group in 2013
and the target markets, points of difference, and positioning of its lines of Thienlong Pens.
Marketing and Product Objectives
To gain 65% market share for pen by 2013.
 Current market: Understand the latest preferences of customers in the identified
segments to maximize sales volumes at 1.2 billion VND. Distribution system should
emphasize on places that are near schools, offices to create utilities for ultimate
customers as well as facilitating the purchases with organizations as their support goods.
 New market: Thienlong group seeks to expand its premium products among people of
high incomes in the two metropolitan areas Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi Capital with the
first step of raising awareness and interest, while setting up Thienlong representatives in

all South-East Asian countries before May 2013. The result will be an increase in the
market share by 10%
 Technical competency: 15 percent of profit will be spend on investment in Research and
Development field to improve the production process and bring out 5 new models for
common pens and 1 new models for premium pen that will be launch in 2014.
Target Markets
Thienlong used to focus only on students in secondary, high schools, and universities
because the number of students in Vietnam increases year by year with the stable rise in demand
of writing lessons. However, as time passes, Thienlong group has realized a bigger and potential
market that covers their previous target market. That is people of low to mid-end incomes. In
2013, Thienlong strategy will concentrate both on them and on one more market for business
people. Therefore, Thienlong should do the best to improve itself ceaselessly to make this
ambition real.
Points of Differences
The “points of difference” is characteristics that differentiate Thienlong pens from
competitors and help Thienlong become more attractive. Therefore, these differences will
encourage more consumers to choose Thienlong. It consists of the following points:
1. The smooth of ink and tips: The closed cycle, high technology, advanced equipment
imported from India, Germany ensure the smooth of ink and tips on writing that hardly
any firms can catch that technology. Using Thienlong pens, the customers do not have to
worry about stuck ink until the cartridge is empty or the effect of temperatures.
2. Brand name: To remedy the inborn defect of Vietnamese industry and catch up with the
tastes of target customers, Thienlong group has decided to launch several new pen
designs that stick to Thienlong’s logos. That job will help people to recognize Thienlong
pens much more easily and avoid piracy that can cause the lost in annual revenue of the
Group. Brand of Thienlong is designed very attractive and easy to create impression with
customer. Each product of company are printed with symbol “TL”, very easy to
remember, “T” stands for “Thien”, “L” stands for “Long”.

For a long time, in customers’ mind, Thienlong pens are cheap and high quality.TL-027,
TL-011, TL-018EF, TL-020, TL-025, TL-033 are representative products of this positioning. It
is an advantage over other products such as pens made in China, which is very cheap but low
quality, or premium product lines of foreigner such as Parker, Waterman, which are high quality
but too expensive for Vietnamese. In the marketing plan, Thienlong still keeps this advantage
positioning in customers’ mind.
Furthermore, in premium pen lines, because of the effect of common pen lines, customers
often do not consider Thienlong pens as an expression of prestige. That why premium pens of
Thienlong such as TL -INNOVA hay TL -048RENOWN is not successful. Thienlong should
increases the reputation image for premium pens of Thienlong to obtain a positioning in
customers’ mind as very prestige.

6. Marketing Program
This section contains details about the four marketing mix elements of Thienlong pens,
including product, price, promotion, and place strategy. Because the Group markets pen – a low-
involvement product - and its brand is a market leader, attention is placed on maintaining product
quality, avoiding stockout situations, and reinforcing consumers that they made the right choice.
Therefore, the two promotion and place strategies play the key role among those four strategies.
Product Strategy
As there are so many substitutes in pen market, Thienlong choose to use product
modification, which means making greater appeal by improving the smooth of inks as well as
changing product shapes and packaging.
Smooth inks: Thienlong is currently put the smooth ink pens apart from another products
of pen product line. However, in 2013, the Group will combine this key factor in every pen and
promote that features to encourage perspective audiences and make repeated purchases from
current market.

Product shape: The new 3-triangle shape in common pen line accommodated with
comfortable finger-friendly designed rubber grip will definitely bring hours of enjoyable writing
to pupils, students, office workers as well as ensure the space of pen cases. Besides, new shape
for premium pens instead of the current straight one with elegant patterns or stone will attract
more businesspeople purchases.
Packaging: First, Thienlong logos and
packaging all will be done with professional
programs and printed via Pad printer, Hot Stamping,
UV in five colors with a high tech machine imported
from India, Germany. Packaging will show legal
requirements as well as enhance brand recognition.
Second, we decide to sell Thienlong pens as a box of 20 pens, a basket of 5 pens, besides selling
one by one as in bookstores. We will redesign the baskets in order to provide convenience for
users when open them.
Price Strategy
Pens sold by sellers in monopolistic competition are close substitutes while the demand is
elastic. That will results in the stable and acceptable prices for the product line of Thienlong
group in compared with its huge competitor Ben Nghe Company.
For common pen lines for students, workers, officers, etc. such as TL-027, TL-18, the
prices is 3,000 VND on average. It is suitable price, which pairs cheap price and good quality.
For higher product lines, Thienlong have cheap price compared to foreign competitors
whose prices usually range from 300 000 VND to over 4 000 000 VND each pen. Price of
TL060 Bizner is 166,000 VND or FT-08 Bizner’s price is 155,000 VND. With the cheaper price
for the same quality and luxury as foreigner premium products’, Thienlong products are highly
Price is the indicator of value. Because of the instability of Vietnam’s economy, the price
is gradually increasing, which then force Thienlong to increase perceived benefits to maintain the
value of products. Realizing that, the Group decides to invest strongly on technology, which first
requires high fixed costs but bring extremely large profit and minimized the variable costs later.
We can expect the reduction in total cost, which offers Thienlong group a chance to control the
price better.

Promotion Strategy
Promotion is the main communication
means between Thienlong group and customers.
While the common line has started its growth stage,
the premium line just takes the start at introduction
stage. Depending on the product life cycle, the
Group seeks to gain brand preference and solidify
distribution at common pens together with trying to
arouse awareness and interest in premium pens.
With great support from financial sources that
Volunteers gathering at the
ensure the objective and task budgeting approach, “Examination Season Supporting
Thienlong will use both push and pull strategy in its Campaign” are ready for the assisting
channel of distribution. Push strategy is used in common product line and pull strategy will be
used for the premium one.
In parallel with the IMC program, Thienlong will use three alternatives of promotional
mix, including personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing.
Public relations: Publicity activities such as community involvement projects and
sponsorships are used to increase the credibility of Thienlong brand and to form an association
between Thienlong and education. Those activities influence both the customers of common
pens and premium pens in terms of image management. For 10 years, the company has
continually carried out the popular “Examination Season Supporting Campaign” which helps
pupils to overcome difficulties before they take the exam. The campaign hopes to create the best
condition for those examinees. Moreover, through this significant campaign, the company could
deliver its thoughtful image to people, especially students and pupils. Other educational
campaigns as donating drums to rural schools, giving scholarships to poor pupils also raise the
awareness of the company. Therefore, Thienlong has successfully proved that it spends many
considerations to consumers and cares much about customer values.

Building Ban Chang School in 2008
Thienlong also illustrates its social responsibility through recycle campaign. Each of
unusable ballpoint pens, fountain pens, brushes that a person gives back to the company worth
200 VND. Eventually, the money will be donated to support poor pupils. The company has
effectively applied the green marketing to indicate its efforts to preserve the environment. Thus,
it has received many responses from consumers as they realize the benefits. By a simple task,
which is returning those unusable pens to the company, consumers could protect the environment
and donate to funds, simultaneously. Thus, the company can save the cost of production and
increase awareness through the campaign.
Direct marketing & Personal selling: Catalogs about Thienlong premium pens will be
transfer to the target audiences through emails and face-to-face communication at retail shops,
which is owned by Thienlong group itself. The goal is to encourage first-time and repeat
purchases. The personal selling elements will also take the role of post-purchase services. Each
customer of Thienlong premium pens will be asked for email address or phone number in order
for later contacting. The after-purchase comes in either two ways:
 Phone: Thienlong uses follow-up calls to comfort buyers that they made the right
decision. Buyers are questioned whether they will purchase products again or not. Doing
so, users are encouraged to make repeated purchases.
 Email: Thienlong uses email to appreciate buyers for using its
products. Furthermore, it can conduct a survey through email to ask about purchaser’s
opinion. The company can improve the quality of product base on the survey.

Place (Distribution) Strategy
At present, Thienlong has more than 100 distributors, 3 system warehouses which is
ready for storing and transporting to anywhere at any time all over Vietnam.
In the next year, distribution system of
Thienlong pens will expand in two dimensions. First,
we reinforce our traditional marketing channels.
Because common pen is a low-cost product and
frequently purchased by consumers, we choose the
intensive distribution through both wholesalers and
retailers. Take a deeper look at the wholesalers; we
only use two types of limited-service wholesalers:
rack jobbers who furnish the shelves that display
Thienlong pens in retail stores and
stationery stores, and cash and carry
wholesalers including Metro, BigC,
Maximark. Those Thienlong shelves will
be redesigned, in term of the arrangement
of the products, the shape, and decoration
of the shelves in order to make it more
appeal to customers.
Second, the Group will use vertical marketing
system under the form of corporate systems for
premium pen line. Because it seeks to reduce
distribution costs and gain greater control over resale
of Thienlong pens, it pursues forward integration in
selective distribution. Each high-income customer
visiting retail shops of Thienlong group will satisfy
with the quality of both pens and services following.
Consider how impressive these pens were display,
how luxurious these shapes reflect at the picture on the right hand. It makes the customers desire
to take trial and leads to adoption.


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