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1. Intruduction members: Goodafternoon, everybody. I’m Bình, from group D. My group have 4
members that are Diệu, Nguyên, Hường and me. I’m delighted to be here today to tell you about
What would you like company to work for?
2. With thousands of options, how will you choose a job that's right for you? If you don't have any
idea what you want to do, the task may seem insurmountable. Fortunately, it isn't. Follow an
organized process and you will increase your chances of making a good decision. “Choose a job
you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”- according to the words of
3. So first, We will start with the dream profession of most people. we have Businessman,
Workforce management, Financial staff, Marketer, IT staff, Clerk, Office administration and many
others. To best develop yourself, in addition to the dream job, there is another important factor
that determines whether you can pursue and succeed on the career path, which is the Company.
If you are good and can develop and create in your way, the company is an important good
cause. Therefore, choosing a company to work for is also a matter that people ponder.
4. Therefore, to secure our own career and prove ourselves with the dream job, our team choose
Unilever company - one of the truly global businesses with 2.5 billion people using products
every day, 51 billion euros in revenue in 2020 with 58 percent coming from new markets, 25
million retailers making up the network Global.
5. Unilever is a British and Dutch multinational company specializing in the production of consumer
goods such as cosmetics, cleaning chemicals, toothpaste, shampoo, food.... The company has the
highest value. seven in Europe. Unilever is one of the oldest multinational companies; Its
products are available in about 190 countries. Unilever has more than 400 brands, among the
most famous products are OMO, Surf, Dove, Knorr, Comfort, Hazeline, Clear, Pond's, P/S, Close
Up, Vim, Cif, Sunsilk, Sunlight, Lipton, TRESemmé and Lifebuoy. Currently, Unilever is trading in 3
main product lines:
+ Food line for processing and eating.
+ Line of hygiene and personal care products.
+ Line of laundry products for clothes and household items
6. The highlight of Unilever's development strategy includes 6 elements:
 Attractive and attractive advertising: The advertising style that changes from classics, directly
introducing products to metaphors in TV commercials is a prominent highlight in Uinilever's ads.
The advantage of this style is simple, easy to understand and suitable for customers in many
major markets.
 Brand optimization: Between 1999 and 2005, Unilever started its brand optimization program.
Company leaders decided to keep only brands that meet 3 criteria: Brand strength, Growth
potential, Brand size. Besides, the company decided to buy the food company Bestfoods. The
acquisition of Bestfoods helps the company own many famous brands such as Mayonese
Hellmann's, Skippy peanut oil and Knorr soup.
 Diversifying market share: Owning a large market share in 90 countries around the world,
Unilever focuses not only on countries with developed European economies but also poor
countries in Asia and Europe. Fly. Along with developing many different product lines, suitable
for the needs and incomes of millions of people around the world, Unilever is also taking
advantage of having about 50,000 women selling goods in remote villages. in many different
countries. Unilever is also the first company to market small packages of shampoo for poor
customers. In many countries such as China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka... Unilever is also
considered a "local company". direction".
 Competition associated with learning: It can be said that, in the face of threats from
competitors such as Procter&Gamble and L'Oreal in the race for market share, "cosmetic giant"
Unilever had to significantly change its style. advertising and marketing strategies.
 Expansion of new product research and development centers: Along with offering effective
marketing strategies, Unilever also does not forget to expand research and development centers
for new products, creating advantages and their own identity, but still have to be relevant and
attractive to customers in each country and region. For example, when coming to Vietnam,
Unilever also deeply understands the needs of Vietnamese consumers to "Vietnamize" its
products, for example, Sunsilk shampoo contains extra locust extract - a type of shampoo. early
folk of Vietnam; and this brand has also been very successful accounting for 80% of the sales of
Sunsilk shampoo brand.
 Focusing on corporate social responsibility: At the end of 2010, Unilever Global President, Mr.
Paul Polman announced a new sustainable development plan (Unilever Sustainable Living Plan
(USLP) to achieve the goal of rapid growth. double every 10 years, while minimizing
environmental impact and enhancing social benefits. This is an inevitable business model
Unilever decided to implement to adapt to the challenges humanity is facing such as health,
hygiene, nutrition, clean water, climate change…
7. With more than 149,000 employees worldwide and 54 countries choosing Unilever as the
number one employer for students, Unilever is very successful in its path to expanding its
business market when 93% of its leaders are local. , with headquarters in different countries.
With family products close to customers, Unilever also has an impact on society, 1.3 billion
people have improved health and hygiene since 2010, bringing sustainable living, committed to
improving quality of life of people worldwide through product quality. Not only that, Unilever in
Vietnam has been honored as the best place to work in Asia in recent years. July 11, 2019 to be
8. It is no coincidence that Unilever has been voted as "the best place to work in Vietnam" for 4
consecutive years. In general, Unilever provides its employees with a dynamic working
environment and many opportunities for development. “Dynamic” here is reflected from the
space, clothing and working culture.
Unilever's office is designed according to an open system, without partitions, improving teamwork
efficiency and helping the exchange between employees be more open. In addition, Unilever also
equips a gym with many modern equipment to bring a healthy vitality to the company.
When working at Unilever, employees are not required to wear uniforms or fancy clothes. Everyone
has the right to choose the most suitable and comfortable clothes for them to work and move
Work culture
At Unilever, there are always new projects that require employees to always learn and be creative.
The culture of listening at work is also focused on by Unilever. Whoever you are, if you have an idea
you want to contribute, you will always be heard and really thoughtful. In particular, women working
at Unilever will be given the best conditions to feel really comfortable and confident in expressing
their abilities. They always receive attention, share and enjoy the benefits when giving birth to a baby
and spend time taking care of themselves and their families. It can be seen that the goal of the
leaders of Unilever is the balance between work and personal life of employees. This is really an ideal
working environment not only for fresh graduates but also for those who have been working for many
9. Unilever Vietnam currently has 5 factories in Hanoi, Cu Chi, Thu Duc and Bien Hoa industrial
park. The company currently has a nationwide sales distribution system through more than 350
major distributors and more than 150,000 retail stores. Currently the company has a growth rate
of about 35-40% and employs more than 2,000 employees. In addition, the company also
cooperates with many domestic factories and enterprises in manufacturing and processing
activities, supplying production materials and packaging finished products. These business
cooperation activities have helped Unilever Vietnam to save import costs and lower product
costs, to enhance the competitiveness of its products in the Vietnamese market, and at the same
time the company has also helped helping Vietnamese partners develop production, ensure
income for employees and create about 5,500 jobs.
In addition to business activities Unilever Vietnam also actively contributes to social, humanitarian
and community development activities. The company annually contributes about 2 million USD to
community development activities in Vietnam and the company was honored to receive the
certificate of merit from the Prime Minister of our country for "achievement in production and
business and social, humanitarian, educational and health education activities".


10. With more than 20 years of establishment and development, it is the leading family and
personal brand in Vietnam. The number of items of this brand in Vietnamese households is very
large. This is possible thanks to the hard work and contributions from Unilever's human
resources policy. Unilever builds a high-class working environment with remuneration policies
and a friendly, open and professional working regime. Besides the negotiable salary, Unilever's
human resources policy is very satisfactory such as: all business trips are entitled to a subsidy
regime and many other very attractive remuneration regimes. Unilever's employees are allowed
to participate in foreign senior human resource training programs and have contact with many
senior personnel in other countries. This is an opportunity for employees to have the
opportunity to study and work in better conditions and serve the business itself. The
construction of a working environment should be closely linked with the care regimes for
employees' lives. This contributes to making unilever's recruitment easy as well as retaining the
best employees for the business. Thereby, the working spirit of employees is stronger, helping
them to implement employee development strategies in the best way. With Unilever's
recruitment system and staff training focusing on employee life, Unilever is the dream company
of many people.
11. Thank you for listening to our group's presentation.

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