Qdoc - Tips Grade 9 Math

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Hansarang Christian Academy

Zone 3 – B Sampaloc street., Signal village, Taguig City

S.Y: 2016 – 2017
3rd Monthly !amination "

________ Date:

Prepare !y: "anna #race C. "onrae
#art $. M%lti&le Choice
Direction: 'ead each (%estion care)%lly. Choose the letter o) the correct

 _______________ ________________ 
a. yes !. no c. may!e . none o$ t%e a!ove
3. &%ic% e'uation is not an e(ample o$ a irect variation)

−7 5
 y =  x + 1  y =  x  y = 4  x  y =−9  x
a. 3 !. 16 c. .

Directions: Write a DIRECT VARIATION equation that relates the two

Then solve ( !oints each"
1. suppose y varies directly as x, and y = 6 when x = 8. Find y when x = 16.

*. suppose y varies irectly as (, an y +  -%en ( + 3*. /in y -%en ( + 0.

Directions: Write an INVER#E VARIATION equation that relates the two

Then solve ( !oints each"
0. i$ y varies inversely as (, an y + *3 -%en ( + 1, 2n y -%en ( + 

*. i$ 4 varies irectly as (, an 4 + 35 -%en ( + 1, 2n 4 -%en ( + 

Directions: Write DIRECT #$%ARE VARIATION equation that relates the

two variables.
 T%en solve
solve 63 points
points eac%7
0. y varies irectly as t%e s'uare o$ (. i$ y is *8 -%en ( is 3, 2n y -%en ( is *.
*. i$ y varies irectly as t%e s'uare o$
o$ (, an y + 1 -%en ( + *, -%at is t%e value
o$ y -%en ( + 8)

Directions: Write &OINT VARIATION equation that relates the two

Then solve ( !oints each"
/or 60 an *7 i$ y varies 9ointly as ( an 4 an  is t%e constant variation.
*. ; + __________< ( + *< 4 + = <  + 3

3. y + _________< ( + > < 4 + *5 <  + *8

Directions: Write CO'INED VARIATION equation that relates the two

Then solve ( !oints each"
1. the variable u varies direclty as the product of v and w and inversely as x. nd
the equation of variation if x = 4 when u = , v = !, and w = ".

". the variable y varies direclty as x and inversely as #. if y = 1 when x =  and # 

= !, nd the constant of variation.

#olve each ra)ical equation. Choose the correct answer *ro+ the bo,
below. Write the letter on the blan- be*ore each nu+ber.

. √  x
 x − 12= 3

/. √  x
 x + 3 = 7

. √ 6  y =3

 0. √ 3  y −5= √ 2  y + 1

1. 2 √ 4  y + 5  3 /

#i+!li*4 the *ollowin5 ra)icals ( !oints"

. √ 3

/. √ 2 + 3

3 2 .5
. 3
3 .2

 0. 6 √  x
 x −9 √  x
 x −√  x
3 3 3

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