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B, 4B and SE-01 series

Plik: B-41500-09-09 B-42_3.doc

Service Guide 2

Introduction __________________________________________________________________4
1.Program description __________________________________________________________4
1.1. General rules in scale programming:_________________________________________________5
1.2. Basic programming functions _______________________________________________________5
1.2.1. . Entering a service catalogue _____________________________________________________________ 5
1.2.2. Scale monitoring - CAL-tE / bIPOL ________________________________________________________ 6
1.2.3. Sensitivity calibration - CAL______________________________________________________________ 6 Part weight calibration _________________________________________________________________ 6 Calibration correction function - CAL-dd __________________________________________________ 7
1.2.4. Writing primary zero value of a scale – ZerO _________________________________________________ 7
1.2.5. Scale type selection - SCALE ____________________________________________________________ 7
1.2.6. Type selection – tYP ___________________________________________________________________ 7
1.2.7. Temperature compensation – CAL-tE_______________________________________________________ 8
1.2.7. Linearity calibration – LinEAr ____________________________________________________________ 8
1.2.8. Activation of needed keys – buton _________________________________________________________ 9
1.2.9. RS232C interface installation – Serial ______________________________________________________ 9 RS232C interface installation- rS-232__________________________________________________ 10 Choose transmission protocol option - Prot ______________________________________________ 11
1.2.10. Communicate Err-b switch off option - Err-b ______________________________________________ 14
1.2.11.Constant tare after start option - tara-r ____________________________________________________ 14
1.2.12.Automatic tare after start option - tara-S ___________________________________________________ 14
1.2.13. Preliminary filter USr-A and specific filter USr-B setting option ________________________________ 15
1.2.14. User functions selection – On-F _________________________________________________________ 15
1.2.12. Exiting a service catalogue – CodE-1 ____________________________________________________ 15
1.2.13. Increase scale resolution _______________________________________________________________ 16
1.3 Scale programming sequence_______________________________________________________16
2. Mechanics description _______________________________________________________17
2.1. Strain gauge mounting verification _________________________________________________17
2.2. Overload limiter set up ___________________________________________________________17
2.3. Load cell centricity correction _____________________________________________________17
2.4. Four load cells centricity correction_________________________________________________19
3. Electronics description _______________________________________________________20
3.1. Load cells connection ___________________________________________________________20
3.2. Main board (EACB41500, EACB4200 i EACB51000) ________________________________20
3.2.3. 5- key keyboard install in main bard EACB41500 ___________________________________22
3.3.Display board (EWYD62020 i EWYR62010) __________________________________________22
4.Typical scale damages ________________________________________________________23
4.1. Defects and errors communicates___________________________________________________23
4.2. Typical damages description_______________________________________________________24

Service Guide 3

5.Diagram list
Pic. B-42_3 B-42_3 program diagram

Part A
Pic.SEB-41500-02-04 Connection diagram - mainboard EACB41500 (OSA and OSN casing) - LED
Pic.EACB 41500/A-1 Main board EACB41500 schematic diagram - pages.1-5
Pic.EFPZ 02100/B Feeder board schematic diagram – transformer TSZZ

Part B
Pic.SEB-42000B-02-04 Connection diagram - mainboard EACB42000 ( OSA and OSN casing) - LCD
Pic.EACB 42000/B Mainboard EACB 42000/B schematic diagram – pages. 1-8
Pic.EFPZ 02100/B Feeder board schematic diagram – transformer TSZZ

Part C
Pic.SEB-51000A-02-04 Connection diagram - mainboard EACB51000/A (ODN / IP65 casing) – pages.1-2
Pic.EACB 51000/D-4 Mainboard EACB 51000/A schematic diagram - pages.1-6
Pic.EFPZ 02000/C Feeder board schematic diagram – transformer TSZZ, connecting signals
Pic.EWYD62020/A Block diagram – display board LED 25mm

Service Guide 4

This instruction describes scales with strain gauge, one of SMD mainboard (EACB41500(MONO-LED),
EACB42000/B(MONO-LCD), EACB51000/A(LONG-BOARD)), and B41-4 controller (or later) manufactured by
AXIS. The program describe is common for all mainboard version. Documentation for individual version of
mainboard is placed in parts A, B and C properly.

1.Program description
In B-40_8 version of program introduced: 7-key keyboard (key F replaced by MENU), special function
package (function ACt) and two new type of scales – double range and two divide . This changes extorted necessity
of application second EEPROM (UC16) in each scale’s. The additional changes in this version of program are:
improved highlighting control , capability of set OUT7 (no logged work on RS485) and different FIS_E protocol.
Name of the program is signalised on a display after switching on (after self-tests). It is also written on a
label placed on an EPROM inside a casing.
The program consists of two sections: available only for a service (service function catalogue) and available
for user (weighing, special functions). This instruction describes only service functions; user functions are described
in User Manual (Functions Description). If the scales has been fitted with non-standard functions of users, this fact is
written down in name of program, the service should be acquainted with User Manual.
The program can be used in scales with both LCD and LED display. The text below bases on LCD version.
Names of function and programs option have been prepared for display in 7-digits display.

Scale programming, i.e. adjusting working mode to several types of scales and writing necessary parameters,
takes place by choosing (enabling) adequate options (functions) from service catalogue. Information about selected
options and parameters is written to EEPROM data memory (UC9).RS232 interface settings, internal clock and
special function setting are stored in unprotected EEPROM memory (UC16).

To avoid damaging of memory contents during scale operation (ex. disturbing impulse from the mains) a
memory write protection switch is used. The switch junction pins 9 and 10 of Z5 interface is available after breaking
of legalization label and opening a scale case.
To exclude an unauthorised access to the service catalogue, a 5-digit security code is used (COdE
function).If coding function is enabled (CODE-1), all user functions are accessible including starting zero control
(Err-b) and protection against calibration with wrong weight.

To enter the catalogue, write the code and deactivate coding function (COdE-0). It is advised to use StAn-0
option, which disables all programmed functions, including starting zero control (no Err-b communicate) and, if
enabled, dIodA function (C key does not work as 0 key). Additionally, MENU key is used as direct access to
calibrating function (CAL).
To check a scale before coding, use StAn-1 option, which enables all programmed functions, including
starting zero control (Err-b communicate) and, if enabled, dIodA function but excluding protection against calibrating
with a wrong weight.

Because of several cases that a scale was not coded (in a service or in a production line), “-CODE-“
communicate was introduced, which appears after switching-on a scale and reminds that the scale must be
coded before sending it to a customer. While programming, the communicate can be omitted by pressing
MENU key. MENU key can be also used to shorten scale zeroing after switching-on, previous value is called

Service Guide 5

1.1. General rules in scale programming:

• call option set with MENU key. The abbreviations of option names appear on a display.

• choose (accept) needed option with T key while abbreviation of the option displays,

• some options need to choose 0 or 1; 0 means to resign and return to the previous step whereas 1 enables an option

• if the point in the upper left corner of a display (LED display) lights, the displayed option is active,

• C-8 communicate reminds that temperature compensation coefficient is not set, to omit press MENU key (out of

• to skip zeroing of a scale ("b-41-4" or "------" communicate) press MENU key,

• to set needed numeral parameters, input real values with keys :
- →0← ← - changes a value of a number,
- – sets a coma (decimal point),
-T – moves numbers left (switch to next number),
-MENU – finishes setting.
• while programming use program diagram for easier orientation.

1.2. Basic programming functions

While programming a scale, first operation is entering service catalogue (see chapter 1.2.1), so next programming
operations, described in chapters 1.2.2÷12, can be done.
It is advised to follow operation sequence as described in chapter 1.3

1.2.1. . Entering a service catalogue (a scale decoding – needed to be done necessarily at the very beginning!)
• connect the scale to the mains,

• set the memory write protection switch on a position “Pr-on” (appears on a display),

• switch the scale off and on with the power key, then press and hold MENU key,

• keep holding MENU key while C-5 communicate and acoustic signal occurs,

• drop MENU key and then quickly press TARE key (while •CodE communicate), a dot appears at the last

If the write protection switch is in a wrong position, “Pr-OFF” communicate appears.
If a scale is not coded, service catalogue appears (CodE, StAn,...).
• enter each code digit (4,0,5,2,0) with keys:
-C or →0←
← - to change a digit,
-T - to move to next position
• if the code is entered press MENU key,

• chose CodE-0 with T,

• chose StAn option and select 0,

• go through service operations or press MENU key to go through to weighing mode.

Service Guide 6

1.2.2. Scale monitoring - CAL-tE / bIPOL

After the enter to CALIb menu and CAL_tE option in this menu, it is possibly to read an indication in
internal graduation (A/C).
It should be as in table below:

( AD7730 A/C converter, B, 4B, SE scale)

Indication without weight >1.000
Indication with maximum weight <60.000

In case of big value difference it belongs to execute one of action:

- selection affection of converter A/C (CALIb menu, CZUL option) or change the weight of pan.

For verification of thermometer in weights please remove any weight from a pan, and press key several times
until t occurs, accept it with T key. Read temperature indication (graduated in °C with two positions by decimal
point). Press OFF key to leave the function.
It is possible to use function bIPOL instead of function CAL-tE. In this case values of indications have been
decreased two times and shows negative value of voltage too. Sign “-“ (when the scale is weighted) means inverting
polarization of output signal.

1.2.3. Sensitivity calibration - CAL

(StAn-0 should be set before - see chapter 1.2.1)

• tare a scale with T key,

• press MENU key, select F1-CAL and then chose 2,

• when CAL communicate is displayed press MENU key,

• when C communicate appears put Max weight on a pan and press MENU key (and wait!).

Attention: CAL.OFF communicate means that Pr switch is in a wrong position. Part weight calibration

To calibrate a scale with a weight lower than Max weight use CAL-Pt function from CALIb menu.

• after entering the function press MENU key and chose FPA-1,

• enter weight value which is used for calibration (to set a value, use keys as described in chapter 1.1),

• when " C " communicate appears, put the weight on a pan and press MENU key. While calibration a scale
displays ”CCCC” communicate and then it goes to weighing mode.
Unlike in previously used CAL-PA function, a scale does not zeroes during calibration so the function can be called
many times by pressing MENU key. It is comfortable when there are not enough calibrating weights.
In this case use following method:
-load a scale with disposed weights and use CAL-Pt function,
-replace calibration weights with goods with the same weight, put on calibrating weights and use CAL-Pt function
again, etc.

Service Guide 7 Calibration correction function - CAL-dd

CAL-dd function is used to correct scale sensitivity without calibrating weight in range of ±99 readability
units (with StAn-0 option).
After selecting this option set a sign and correction value with key. Minus decreases scale sensitivity, if the sign is
omitted scale sensitivity is increased. The value must be set in units that scale weights in and the decimal point must
be also taken to consideration (to set a value use keys as in chapter 1).

1.2.4. Writing primary zero value of a scale – ZerO

With each switching on, a scale checks if a zero value does not differ more than ±10% in relation to primary zero
value stored in EEPROM. In case of incorrect zero value a scale displays “Err-b” communicate.
After replacing a strain gauge, clearing a memory or other operations which changes primary or switch-on zero value,
following operations should be done:
• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key

• when C-5 communicate appears, drop MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• enter CALIb menu and choose ZERO option,

• after self-tests, skip ”-CODE-” communicate with MENU key. When a result from A/C converter appears, press
C or →0← ← key.

Attention: “Err-b” communicate can be disabled by setting Err-b-0 option from trYb menu. Similarly, it is possible
to disable automatic tare after plugging a scale to the mains (tArA-S option) and last “constant” (written manually)
tare replacing after plugging a scale to the mains (tArA-r option).

1.2.5. Scale type selection - SCALE (concerns scales after replacing or clearing a memory)
• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• choose trYb and then SCALE menu,

• choose appropriate scale type:

-initial choice – by series literal mark and first digits of a type,
-final choice – choose proper scale type,

1.2.6. Type selection – tYP

• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• choose trYb and then tYP menu,

• choose appropriate type:

-StAnd – one range type (standard)

-n_ZA – two range type

-n_dZ – two divide type.

Service Guide 8

1.2.7. Temperature compensation – CAL-tE

Unlike in previous versions, scales do not need temperature compensation. Temperature compensation can
be done only in specific cases, after mounting R14 150k NTC thermistor (replaced with normal resistor).

• place switched-off scale in temperature I (5±5 oC) and leave it for minimum 4h,

• switch a scale on for about 0,5h,

• switch a scale off and on with appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key,

• when C-5 communicate appears, drop MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• chose CALIb menu and CAL_tE option, wait until a scale is stable and "b-41-…"communicate disappears,

• set L-10C with key and confirm with T key,

• put Max weight on a pan, set H-10C with MENU key and confirm with T key,

• take off the weight and rise temperature to temperature II ( 35÷5 oC),

• switch on a scale for 4 hours,

• switch a scale off and on with appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key,

• when C-5 communicate appears, drop MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• chose CALIb menu and CAL_tE option, wait until a scale is stable and "b-41-.."communicate disappears,

• set L-30C with key and confirm with T key,

• put Max weight on a pan, set H-30C with MENU key and confirm with T key,

• take off the weight, set count with key and confirm with T key – temperature compensation coefficients are

• chose StOP to finish compensation.

1.2.7. Linearity calibration – LinEAr

Use his function when scale is unlinear
• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• enter CALIb menu and choose LInEAr option,

• tare a scale with TARE key and then press MENU key,

• put 1/5 of the max weight on the pan and press MENU key,

• put 2/5 of the max weight on the pan and press MENU key,

• put 3/5 of the max weight on the pan and press MENU key,

• put 4/5 of the max weight on the pan and press MENU key,

• put Max weight on the pan and press MENU key,

• take the weight off the pan,

Service Guide 9

• choose StOP.

SEt option enables to set values of used weights, different than multiplies of 1/5 Max weight; to set values use C (or
0), , , T MENU keys.
SEt-1 – first weight value
SEt-2 – second
SEt-3 – third
SEt-4 – fourth

1.2.8. Activation of needed keys – buton

After activating successive functions, necessary keys are activated automatically and it is not necessary to
activate them, except several situations, when keys are specially deactivated.

• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• chose trYb menu and button option,

• chose MENU, or C key and activate (chose 1) or deactivate it (chose 0),

• press MENU key to go to weighing mode.

Attention: Activate only those keys which are necessary for user.

1.2.9. RS232C interface installation – Serial

Scale can be equipped in one or two serial interfaces. Interfaces can be execute in standard RS485 (marked
RS485 label ) or standard RS232C (marked RS232C-I i RS232C-II labels).

Table below shows a possible configurations (with EIRS94000 board):

No. RS485 RS232C-I RS232C-II

1 ↔ computer (printer)
2 ↔computer (printer)
3 ↔ computer →printer
4 ↔ computer →printer
5 ↔ computer ←scanner

Main connection marks RS485 and RS232C-I. They enable two-way data transmission and they can be use
to connect various devices: computer , scanner, printers and additional indicators (with and without keyboard).

Additional connect marks RS232C-II and enable one-way data transmission. It can be use to send data to:
printers, additional indicator (without keyboard) or computer. This connect can realize continuous transmission
(independent of main connection function’s).

The use of both connections require special program.

Service Guide 10

It is possible to simulate keys and inscribe value of comparator ( Fn-thr function) by use a RS232C interface’s.

This capability is realized through dispatch from computer following code:

T key -S, T,CR,LF ( 53h, 54h, 0Dh, 0Ah)

I/O key -S, S, CR, LF ( 53h, 53h, 0Dh, 0Ah)
MENU key -S, MENU, CR, LF ( 53h, 73h, 0Dh, 0Ah)
ZERO key -S, Z, CR, LF ( 53h, 5Ah, 0Dh, 0Ah)
key -S, I, CR, LF ( 53h, 49h, 0Dh, 0Ah)
set lower tHr -S, L, x,x ... x, CR, LF ( 53h, 4Ch, x=30h÷39h or comma, 0Dh, 0Ah) max 13 Bajt
set upper tHr -S, H, x,x ... x, CR, LF ( 53h, 48h, x=30h÷39h or comma, 0Dh, 0Ah) max 13 Bajt

For example: Communicate ENQ=(S I CR LF) means this same that press key. RS232C interface installation- rS-232

Choosing 1 (in trYb menu and rS232 option) activate the interface.
It belongs to use proper cable and proper software in computer for correct work of connection interface.

Connection cable WK-1 (RS232C, to connect scale with computer / 9-pin connector):

Conversion of connectors RS232C standard :

9 pin connector 25 pin connector

1 - RLSD 1 - shield
2 -RxD 2 -TxD
3 -TxD 3 -RxD
4 - DTR 4 - RTS
5 - GND 5 - CTS
6 - DSR 6 - DSR
7 -RTS 7 - GND
8 -CTS 8 - RLSD
20 - DTR

Service Guide 11

Connection cable WK-485-1 (RS485, to connect scale with compute r/ 9-pin connector):

Connection cable WD-1 (to connect scale with KAFKA printer):

Setting of internal switch of KAFKA printer:

SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW-4 SW-5 SW-6 SW-7 SW-8
on off on off off on off off

Connection cable WF-1 (to connect scale with ELZAB ALFA cash register): Choose transmission protocol option - Prot

This option allows choice a established protocol and proper parameters of RS232C transmission ( proper
parameters for connecting devices):
-LonG (standard protocol)
-Short (old protocol –post standard ),
-PRO5 (protocol of MEDESA recorder of commodity),
-FARB (special protocol - continuous transmission),
-FIS-E (protocol of ELZAB cash register),
-FIS A (protocol of ANGEL cash register),
-ELTRON (protocol of labeling printer)
-REP (protocol of additional indicators R-01 and R-02)

Service Guide 12

Protocol LonG description

Computer→Scale: ENQ=(S I CR LF),

Scale→Computer: 16Byte, 8bit, 1stop, no parity, 4800bps)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
* * * * * * * * *
+ * 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 * E E * CR LF
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . . . .
* - space (20h), E – unit or name,

1 - sign or space
2 - space
3÷4 - number or space
5÷9 - number, comma or space
10 - number
11 - Space
12 - k,l,c,p or space
13 - g,b,t,c or %
14 - space
15 - CR
16 - LF

Protocol Short description

Computer→Scale: ENQ=(S I CR LF),

Scale→Computer: 11Byte, 8bit, 1stop,no parity, 4800bps

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
* * * * * * *
+ 105 104 103 102 101 100 E E CR LF
- 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . . .
* - space (20h), E – unit or name,

1 - sign or space
2 - number or space
3÷6 - number, comma or space
7 - number
8 - k,l,c,p or space
9 - g,b,t,c or %
10 - CR
11 - LF

Example for scale indicator 100.2g it will be send:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
* * 1 0 0 . 2 * g CR LF

Service Guide 13

Protocol PRO5 description

Computer→Scale: ENQ=05h,
Scale→Computer: 10Byte, 8bit, 1stop, parity, even, 9600bps

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* * * * * *
STX 101 102 103 104 105 106 PD ZERO ETX
0 0 0 0 0 0
* - space (20h),

1 - STX=02h
2÷7 - numer
8 - PD (position of comma)
9 - ZERO=(30h when indication=0, 65h when indication>0)
10 - ETX=03h

Protocol FARB description

Scale→Computer: continuous transmission (SEnd-1), 16Byte, 7bit, 1stop, parity, even, 2400bps
Over describe - it is the same in protocol LonG.

Protocol FIS-E description

Cash register→Scale: D(44h) CR(0Dh) LF(0Ah),

Scale→Cash register: 11Byte, 8bit, 1stop, parity even, 9600bps)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ESC stab + D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CR LF
- * * * * * 0
* , , , ,

*- space (20h), E – unit or name,

1 - 1Bh 5÷8 - number, comma or space

2 - S-stable or U-unstable indication 9 - number (youngest) or zero
3 - sign or space 10 - CR
4 - number or space 11 - LF

Protocol FIS-A description

(8bit, 1stop, no parity, 9600bps):

Cash register→Scale: ENQ(05h) question of ready,
Scale→ Cash register: ACK(06h) – ready, NAK(15h) – no ready
Cash register →Scale: DC1(11h),
Scale→ Cash register: (data block )

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
SOH STX S Space(20h) 104 103 . 102 101 100 k g BCC ETX EOT
(01h) (02h) U - 0 0 (2Eh) 0 0 0 (03h) (04h)

Service Guide 14

SOH(01h) – start of transmission

STX(02h) – start of data record
STA – S-stable, U-unstable
SIGN – space or minus
D3...D8 – number 4, number 3 ,decimal point, number 2, number 1 and number 0
UN – kg signs
BCC – XOR from D1 to D10
ETX – end of data record
EOT – end of transmission
Protocol ELTRON description
Scale was sending record of data to labels printer. Label is prints on adhesive label.

Scale → Labels printer (8bit, 1stop, no parity, 9600bps):

hh:mm [5 signs] CR LF] (hour) [10 signs] CR LF] (date)
mass+unit [10 signs] CR LF

1.The default number of label’s (xxxx) is 0001 (label numer 1).
2. Choosing the ELTRON protocol activate the user function Fn-ETY. This function permits to write any 4 digit
number of label’s (xxxx).
To set number use:

- →0←← - changes a value of a number,

-T – moves numbers left (switch to next number),
-MENU – finishes setting.

Protocol REP describes

Scale was sending indications (8bit, 1stop, no parity, 4800bps) to additional indicators R-01 or R-02, and
receiving press key signal (R-02).

1.2.10. Communicate Err-b switch off option - Err-b

Choosing 1 deactivate the communicate.

1.2.11.Constant tare after start option - tara-r

Choosing 1 cause that last “constant” (written manually) tare was remember and replacing tare after plugging a scale
to the mains. The value is been written from user function.

1.2.12.Automatic tare after start option - tara-S

Choosing 1 cause that indications before turn off the scale was remember and they will be bring back after plugging a
scale to the mains.

Service Guide 15

1.2.13. Preliminary filter USr-A and specific filter USr-B setting option

It is advised to use this option when a scale works too slow or is too sensitive to basis vibrations and zeroing after
switching-on is too long.
• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key,

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• enter trYb menu, choose USr-A option. Following options appear:

- Usr-A-0 – to leave the option without changes,
- Usr-A-x – to set result number used in preliminary averaging, x means the number of results (x=2÷10),

• chose new value with TARE key, press MENU to finish.

Analogously set Usr-B option (result number used in specific averaging (2÷40)).
Advised filters setting:

Scale type USrE-A setting USrE-B setting

B30÷150 1 5
B2000 (B2), B10, B15 3 5
B3000, B6000 5 5
4B <5 <10

1.2.14. User functions selection – On-F

• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• chose On-F menu,

• chose a function with TARE key and activate (1) or deactivate (0) it,

• press MENU key.

1. Activated functions work only after setting StAn-1 option or coding a scale.

2. Function thr can be activated on two ways: thr-1 – impulse/dose, thr-2 – state/signaling).
This function is exactly describes in User Manual (Functions Description).

1.2.12. Exiting a service catalogue – CodE-1 (scale coding - necessarily after repairing!)
• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold MENU key,

• when C-5 communicate appears, let MENU key after acoustic signal occurs,

• choose CodE option and then 1,

• set memory protection switch to “Pr-OFF” position.

Service Guide 16

1.2.13. Increase scale resolution (on time of legalization)

• switch a scale off and on with an appropriate key, then press and hold key,

• when C-5 communicate appears, let key after acoustic signal occurs,

• drop key and then quickly press TARE key (while StAn-0 communicate), a dot appears at the last

• enter each code digit (4,0,5,2,0) with keys:

-C or →0←
← - to change a digit,
-T - to move to next position
• if the code is entered press MENU key,

• for the moment communicate r-SEr appears, and a dot appears at the last position , enter the serial number of
scale using →0←
← and T keys, and press MENU to finish,

Typ wagi: ... Nr seryjny: ... • when the printer is connected title will be printed

RAPORT ZE SPRAWDZENIA • check linearity by put series of growing weight on the pan
Data: ......... Godzina: ......... and press button after each measurement
0,0 kg
• Press →0←
← buton and check the centricity correction by
100,0 kg
... press button after each measurement
100,0 kg
100,1 kg
100,2 kg • switch a scale off and on and signature will be printed
100,3 kg

SPRAWDZIŁ Received printout can be taken advantage as protocol of

AXIS SP. z o.o. check the scale
ul.Kartuska 375B 80-125 Gdańsk

1.3 Scale programming sequence

After having done all necessary mechanical or electronics repairs, programming sequence should be as follows:
1. Enter to service catalog of scale (Decode a scale).
2. Set appropriate scale type.
3. Set working mode if it is not standard.
4. Write primary zero value.
5. Make sensitivity calibration.
6. Check temperature sensor (monitoring).
7. Proceed with temperature compensation if necessary.
8. Check characteristic linearity and proceed with linearity correction if necessary.
9. Check scale sensitivity and proceed with sensitivity correction if necessary.
10. In case of non-standard equipment enable user functions.
11. Code a scale.

Service Guide 17

2. Mechanics description
2.1. Strain gauge mounting verification
In case a load cell must be replaced with the new one, mounting of the transducer should be done very neatly and
carefully, because of its delicate construction (aluminium core with four strain gauges connected with fragile wires).
A load cell is mounted to scale basis with two or four screws. Below a load cell, in pan clamping axis, there is a
screw, which is used as overload limiter.
During load cell mounting take care to handle it very carefully, so as not to tear off strain gauges or break connecting
Before mounting a load cell to scale basis, check if overload limiter is unscrewed. In other case, if it is to high, a load
cell lean on the limiter and, after screwing, it can bend or even break.
In load cell mounting point scale basis is milled, so as a load cell closely adheres to mounting area. Pay attention that
no dirt comes between a load cell and mounting area, which can cause additional and unwanted strains or unequal
screwing. It is important that a load cell is screwed with spring washer, so as load cell mounting screws do not
become loose during work or transportation. Tightening force cannot be too big, i.e. bigger than specified by the
producer. Wrong load cell screwing causes additional measuring errors.
After mounting a load cell, pay attention that load cell wires are guided so as they do not touch it.

2.2. Overload limiter set up

When a load cell is mounted correctly, check if overload limiters are set accurately.
In scales with one limiter, fix a pan to a load cell and put Max weight on it. Then screw the limiter in so as there is
0,5mm clearance between a load cell and the limiter. Now take the weight off, remove the pan and block the screw
with a lock-nut.
In platform scales, beside central limiter, there are additional limiters placed in four corners of a pan frame.
To check if they are properly screwed-in, put 2/3 of Max weight on the corner of a pan. Then screw the limiter in so
as there is 0,5mm clearance between a pan frame and the limiter. Repeat this operation in each pan corner.
To set up a limiter below a load cell, put on a pan corner weight big enough, so that a pan leans on the limiter. Press
TARE key. Indications oscillate around zero. Screw in central limiter so that a load cell rises (negative indications
rise). Screw the limiter out so indications return to zero and half of turn more and then block the screw with a lock-
After limiters are set up, make connections or check if all connections are correct. Perform electronic scale
activation. Put on a casing and check if a load cell touches it.
A pan is mounted with screws and spring washers. During mounting pay attention all mounting areas are clean and

2.3. Load cell centricity correction

To check load cell centricity is performed with activated last digit (StAn-0). Put on around 1/3 of Max weight in the
middle of a pan, press TARE key and move the weight to edges of a pan along horizontal and vertical axis. If results
on pan edges differ too much, file load cell contractions as shown in adequate pictures. (“+” means indications bigger
than zero, “– “ – smaller).
To change non-centric results within few units, it is enough to move a file one time.

Attention: When checking scale with activated StAn option (StAn-1) remember that during 10 minutes after
plugging a scale to the mains, automatic tare function is active so zero indications can be adulterated. To counteract
it, do not tare a scale after putting weight on, until automatic tare function is deactivated.

Service Guide 18


File only minuses.


Service Guide 19

2.4. Four load cells centricity correction

Bad centricity of whole platform can be corrected by resistors on the adder board (R11-R34)


Correcting sequence should be as follows:

1. Short-circuit all resistors.
2. Put the test weight (ex. 100kg) on the center of platform the middle and press T button.
3. Put weight in corner I, II, III and IV in turn and write each indication.
4. Correct great than zero indication by proper selecting resistor – decrease supling voltage for particular corner.
5. Check again centricity of scale. If necessary, return to point 2.

Service Guide 20

3. Electronics description
Scale electronic system consists of a strain gauge, main board, LCD display board, transmitter board and a feeder.

3.1.Load cells connection

Load cell should be connected to mainboard according to description, which placed on brand’s label. Wires should
not be twisted because a temperature compensation is deteriorated.
If it scants description load cells, ohmmeter belongs to take advantage for identification connections:
- connections +Exc and +Ref (adequately –Exc and –Ref) should be cross
- resistance between +Exc and – Exc is biggest that resistance +I and –I
- if indications A/C grow under load , polarization is selected properly

3.2 Main board (EACB41500, EACB4200 i EACB51000)

3.2.1 Measuring unit
Digital unit is based on a microprocessor connected in standard RAM expanding system.
Main part of a system is:
♦ µP -microprocessor 80C32 (UC1),
♦ EPROM – program memory 27C256/512 (UC2),
♦ address buffer 74HCT573 (UC3),
♦ RAM – data memory CDM6116 (UC8),

To start operating, the system needs 11,059MHz quartz resonator (Q1) and restart (reset) RC unit, which consists of
resistor R29 and capacitor C21, separated with 74132 gate (UC5/1). Scales with an accumulator may be additionally
equipped with “watch dog” restart unit MAX708 (UC17), which generates accumulator discharging signal BAT.
If a scale is connected to the mains and there is no acoustic signal and no self-test, following points should be checked with an
♦ restart signal at input and output of UC5 gate,
♦ clock impulse – pin 20 (UC1),
♦ ALE signal – pin 33 (UC1) and PSEN signal – pin 32 (UC1),
♦ signal shapes at all UC1 ports (there should be univocal logic states, indirect states means that one of the units is
damaged or shorted to other signal)
To control AC converter, acoustic signal and scale thermometer, P1 and P3 ports are used.
To communicate with a display, serial data bus I2C is used (SDA signals – data and SCL - clock).
Communication with a keyboard and transmitters takes place by I/O buffers with multiplexed data/address bus
AD1÷7 (P0 port) and address bus A8÷15 (P2 port). CS0÷4 signals, generated with A13÷15 address bits by 74138
decoder (UC4), are used to indicate a peripheral circuit, which µP is actually communicating with.
With an oscilloscope check RD and WR signals presence at pin 6 (UC4) and CS signal at UC4, UC8, UC6, UC13 and UC18.

Before starting to weigh, µP takes up parameters from data memory EEPROM – 24WC02P (UC9), which
defines a mode that scale work in (scale type, calibrating values, enabled program options). Function THR, used in a
scale, needs a second memory (UC16). Communication between µP and EEPROM takes place by serial bus I2C.
Line interference and electromagnetic waves may cause damage of memory contents so while operating EEPROM
memory is write-protected (with open Pr switch, connected to Z5 connector). The switch has shorted pins 7 and 9 of
Z5 and connects pin 7 of UC9 by R1C1 resistor to +5V when opened. To enable writing (ex. during sensitivity
calibration), the switch is closed and connects pin 7 of UC9 to the mass. Information about the state of Pr switch is
transferred to µP by UC13 buffer with K1 signal.

Service Guide 21

ERROR-2 communicate informs about incorrect data transmission between µP and EEPROM. In this case Pr switch should be
checked with an ohmmeter and connection between µP and memory also should be checked (SDA and SCL).

I2C bus has connected PCF8583 clock (UC12) and by Z4 connector there can be attached any other electronic unit
(e.g. additional display). The address of unit is sent by bus before data transmission. Clock has its-own battery B1
and 32kHz quartz resonator (Q3).
Keyboard buffer 74573 (UC6) periodically checks a state of keys.
74HCT573 (UC13) unit is used as input buffer initiated by CS3 signal and 74HC574 (UC18) unit – as output buffer
initiated by CS2 signal. Input buffer is used to control transmitters (OUT1, OUT2 and OUT3 signals), e.g. in scales
with THR function.
OUT1÷3 are put on Z200 connector through transoptors, which fully separates scale circuit and automatics circuit. It
is advised to connect Z200 signals to MP8 board, which consists 8 transmitters or power transistors.
Temperature measuring circuit (thermometer) uses T1 and INT1 signals directly from µP. T1 signal – pin 17 of UC1
inducts a pulse generated by NE555 time unit, which lasts in relation to temperature. Interruption INT1 – pin 15 of
UC1 ends pulse time measuring.
Acoustic signal is turned on directly from µP port with BZ signal - pin 14 (UC1).
Check CS2, CS3 signals presence and also T1 and INT1 signals. Check if BZ signal occurs at once with pressing T key.

RS232 interface is controlled with MAX 232 unit (UC10) connected directly to µP by RxD and TxD signals. Input
signal RI and output signal TO of the interface are connected to RS232C nest by Z4 connector.
Check voltages: V+ - pin2 (UC10) and V- - pin 6 (UC10), should be around +10V and -10V.

AC converter AD7730 (UL1) communicates with µP by signals:

DIN, DOUT- data lines,
SCLK - clock,
RDY – data sent ready (interrupt INT0)
Signal from strain gauge does not need amplification and is put on input of AC converter by TC4427 (UL3) keying
unit - controlled by ACX signal, reverses strain gauge powering voltage with 25Hz frequency – later versions.
The converter has its-own clock 4,9152MHz (Q2). As referencing voltage the converter uses powering voltage of
strain gauge.
Check powering voltages: +5V (analog) - pin 9 and referencing voltage 5V - pin 14 and signals at pins 2 and 22 (UL1).

Scale internal thermometer uses thermistor R14 NTC 150k (on main board) as temperature sensitive sensor. INT1
pulse (UL4 – pin 3) lasting in relation to temperature is generated after each signal T1 from µP. This time is counted
by µP. Because typical scales do not need temperature compensation, the thermistor is replaced with a resistor.
Thanks to that all electronic units work, but there is no temperature measurement.

3.2.2 Feeder
In scales without an accumulator, 12V voltage, primarily rectified in external feeder ZN12V 500mA, is put through
Z7 connector and bridge-rectifier, which protects against inverted polarisation. This unstabilised 11V voltage (Ucc) is
used to supply LED display. +5AV voltage used to supply digital part of scale electronics is taken from IC401 unit
stabiliser (LM7805). +5V voltage used to supply analog part - from IC402 unit (LM7805).

In scales with an accumulator, 12V is put through K1 connector and primarily rectified with IC300 (LM350). Then,
Ucc voltage is get from B300 fuse and is put on (as above) two stabilisers +5V and +5AV (IC401 and IC402). The
accumulator is connected to K2 connector and is recharged through resistor, which limits current, and D300 diode.
In case no external 12V voltage, current from the accumulator flows through T401 and T 400 current-mode logics. If
Ucc drops below 5.7V, IC403/II comparator generates on pin 7 BAT signal for µP. If Ucc voltage drops below 5.3V,

Service Guide 22

IC403/I comparator by pin 1 generates a pulse from IC404 multivibrator on OUT output, which switches off T400
current-mode logic. In consequence a scale is switched off, which protects an accumulator against over-discharging.

Attention: Before each repair all powering voltages should be checked.

3.2.3 5- key keyboard install in main bard EACB41500

It is possible to use 5-key keyboard with new mainboard EACB41500 in older scales. In this case short J1
should be installed (GND is moved to pin 6) and use the 5-key version of program.

3.3.Display board (EWYD62020 i EWYR62010)

Display is installed on MONO board: EACB42000/B i EACB41500. Detached display board takes a stand in
EACB51000/A mainboard only.
Display controller (U1) receives data by serial bus I2C (SDA and SCL) with Z8 interface. Display board is also used
by keyboard signals. Keyboard wires are slipped to Z2 on display board. In case other type of casing inverted Z2
interface is used. In scales with LCD display EWYC61000/B board is used, in scales with LED display –
EWYD62020 and additionally EWYR62010 (repeater).

Service Guide 23

4.Typical scale damages

4.1. Defects and errors communicates
In case any error or defect occurs, the program stops and displays one of communicates given below, which helps to
find the reason of a failure.

Communicates during autotests:

C-1 - test of processor internal RAM

C-2 - test of external RAM
C-3 - memory clearing and rewriting program constants to RAM
C-4 - rewriting constants from EEPROM to RAM
C-5 - rewriting from EEPROM to RAM finished
C-6 - processor first A/D transducer interrupt wait
C-7 - error of data rewritten from EEPROM to RAM
C-8 - no temperature compensation coefficients calculated
B-**_* - program version number ( **_* - a number that defines program number and

Communicates that may occur during work:

Err-b - wrong starting zero value

Err(or)-1 - to big or to small number to display
Err(or)-2 - EEPROM write error (no write confirmation)
Err(or)-3 - single detail weight in pieces counting < 1d
Err(or)-4 - calibration weight to small
Err(or)-5 - EEPROM write control number wrongly calculated
Err(or)-6 - temperature compensation incorrect weight – above or below half of a range
Err(or)-7 - compensation temperature difference to small
Err(or)-8 - temperature compensation error (different temperatures in L-... and H-...)
L - pan and load weight to small
H - overload
---- - (scales with -0- key) wrong zeroing value or minus indication
------ - scale zeroing wait
or Aut autozeroing indicator

Communicates that may occur during programming:

- function is active
-- - writing to EEPROM
- - - EEPROM writing w\error
Pr-on - wrong Pr switch position during normal work,
Pr-OFF - wrong Pr switch position during programming or calibration

Service Guide 24

4.2. Typical damages description

Defect Operation description
Dark display check the connection to the mains
check voltage from 12V feeder
check voltages on main board
check display connection
check restart set on main board 74132 (UC5)
Unstable indications check dirt under a pan
check the state of a strain gauge and its surrounding, go through monitoring
check feeder and AC converter
check analogue part of a scale
clear temperature compensation (CLEAR-ALL)
Scale does not repeat indications check non-centric weight indication
check dirt under a pan
check the state of a strain gauge and its surrounding
check feeder
check AC converter
go through monitoring
check analogue part of a scale
Indications change in time or check dirt under a pan
temperature check temperature compensation
check the state of a strain gauge and its surrounding
Wrong indications check dirt under a pan
go through linearity correction and sensitivity calibration
check non-centric weight indication
check the state of a strain gauge and its surrounding
check AC converter
check analogue part of a scale
Keyboard does not operate check keys shortening with an ohmmeter
check connection to a display board
check 74573 unit (UC6)
Buzzer constantly peeps after Check keys connection and connecting wires
Scale constantly displays zero check if "T/ON" key is not shorted
check AC converter
check a strain gauge
Scale constantly displays “L” or “H” check dirt under a pan
go through monitoring
check AC converter
Defect Operation description

COdE COdE- 0* decoding (I/O, MENU with C5, code 40520)
COdE- 1 coding
StAn StAn - 0* service option
StAn - 1 user option
StAn - 2 EPROM print out
CALIb out calibration options (without CAL, exit to main menu)
ZErO writing primary zero
BIPOL instantaneous switching A / D on symmetrical voltage in (-/+)
CAL- dd correction of calibration by graduation number
CAL-Pt calibration with partial weight
LInEAr linearity correction
CZUL 10 AD7730 sensitivity - 10mV
20 -"- - 20mV
40 -"- - 40mV
80 -"- - 80mV
CLEAr out erasing EEPROM (out-exit)
CL- ALL erasing all EEPROM
CL- LIn erasing linearity
CL-CAL erasing sensitivity
trYb out working mode (out-exit)
SCALE out metrological type (out-exit)
B2 B 2* model B2000
B 2D - ” - B2000D
B 2P - ” - B2000P
B 200 - ” - B200
B 200L - ” - B200L
B 2000 - ” - 4B2000
B 10 B 1000 - ” - 4B1000
B 10 - ” - B10
B 15 B 1500 - ” - 4B1500
B 150 - ” - B150
B 150L - ” - B150L
B 15 - ” - B15
B 15d - ” - B15D
B 1_5 - ” - B1.5
B 1_5d - ” - B1.5D
B 30 B 3000 - ” - 4B3000
B 300 - ” - B300
B30P - ” - B30P
B 30 - ” - B30
B 3d - ” - B3D
B3 - ” - B3D
B 35 B 3_5 - ” - B3500
B 3_5P - ” - B3500P
B 35 - ” - B35
B 35P - ” - B35P
B 60 B 6000 - ” - 4B6000
B 600 - ” - 4B600
B 60 - ” - B60
B 60P - ” - B6
B 6d - ” - B6D
B6 - ” - B6
B 0_6d - ” - B0.6D
B 0_6 - ” - B0.6
B 120 - ” - B120
B 400 - ” - 4B400
B 50P - ” - B50P
SEt SEt-h setting Max
SEt-H setting overload level - H (>h)
SEt-E setting unit e
SEt-d setting unit d (0,2,5,10 or 20)
SEt-LA cover last digit (see LASt)
SEt-P setting decimal point position (0,1,2,3 or 4)
SET-g setting unit for printout (1 - g, 0 - kg)
tYP StAnd single-range scale (standard)
n_ZA double-range scale
n_dZ double-digit scale
AUt autozeroing after startup
FASt_t fast tarring (without averaging)
BIPOL-S setting A / D to symmetrical voltage in (-/+)
Err-b setting zero control (1: Err-b - off)
tArA-r constant tare input after plug-in (1 - on)
↓ ↓ tArA-S startup without tarring (1 - tarring-off)
↓ ↓ totAL switching Total function on after start-up

round rou-0 no result rounding up of results

rou-2 rounding up to 2
rou-5 -"- to 5
rou-10 -"- to 10
rou-20 -"- to 20
LPt printer mode on after plug-in
LASt cover last digit
PrAd 6 setting LED current – 6mA
9 -"- - 9mA
12 -"- -12mA
dIOdA ZERO and TARE indicators - on, zero control - on
Ad420 output 4-20mA - on
dot* dot of autozeroing
FLASh flashing indication (see tHr function)

FILtEr FIL 0 filter switched off after startup

FIL 1 filter 1 switched on after startup
FIL 2 filter 2 switched on after startup
FIL 3 filter 3 switched on after startup
FIL 4 filter 3 switched on after startup
button (no use)

SErIAL RS-232 switching RS232C on

Prot out transmission protocol
Short ENQ=0AFh, 11Bytes,8bit,1stop,no parity,4800baud,
LonG* ENQ=(S I CR LF),16Bytes,8bit,1stop,no parity,4800baud,
PrO5 ENQ=05h, 10Bytes,8bit,parity-even,9600baud,PRINTM
FArb permanent transmission, 16Bytes,7bit,parity-even,2400baud,LONG
FIS-A Angel 16Bytes,8bit,1stop,no parity,9600baud
FIS-E ELZAB 10Bytes,8bit,1stop,no parity,9600baud
ELtron bar code label: protocol date, time, net mass
P_CC SCALEX 2000 system protocol
GLS 7-bit protocol of Germane post
REP protocol for additional indicator 8bit, 1stop, no parity, 4800baud
CAS CAS1-15Bajt,CAS2-13Bajt,CAS3-16Bajt
Out 7 Out 7-0* switch transmitter RS485 off
Out 7-1 switch transmitter RS485 on
USrE A US-A-0 initial averaging off
US-A-x setting number of results for initial averaging (x=1-10)
USrE b US-b-0 setting final averaging for 30 results
US-b-x setting number of results for final averaging (x=1-30)
ON- F out user functions (out-exit)
Fn-dod additional functions package
Fn-CAL calibration function
Fn-thr comparing with the threshold values
Fn-tot total function
Fn-dAt setting date and time
Fn-hyd density determining function
Fn-Out auto switching-off function
Fn-Stb faster stability
Fn-ZEr entering initial zero value

Attention: 1. * - option set automatically on after CLEAR,

2. For simplicity markings: 1 (option on) and 0 (option off) were removed from the diagram.

No: Title: Page:

B-43_3 Programme diagram B-43_3 – indicator SE-01 1/1

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