Class Rectangle

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class Rectangle

                int length;           //instance members

                int breadth;

Every object has its seperate(own) copy of instance members.

class Demo

                public static void main(String [] args)


                                Rectangle  r1 = new Rectangle();

                                Rectangle  r2 = new Rectangle();

                                r1.length = 4;

                                r2.length = 7;

                                S.o.p(r1.length);              //4

                                S.o.p(r2.length);              //7



class Rectangle

                static int length;               //class member

class Demo

                public static void main(String [] args)


                                Rectangle  r1 = new Rectangle();

                                Rectangle  r2 = new Rectangle();

                                r1.length = 4;

                                r2.length = 7;

                                S.o.p(r1.length);              //7

                                S.o.p(r2.length);              //7




class Rectangle

                int length;           //instance members

                int breadth;


                Rectangle( )


                                System.out.println("My Constructor \n");

                                length = 5;


class Demo

                public static void main(String [] args)


                                Rectangle  r1 = new Rectangle();

                                Rectangle  r2 = new Rectangle();                             

                                new Rectangle();                            

                                S.o.p(r1.length);              //5

                                S.o.p(r2.length);              //5



class Rectangle

                int length;           //instance members

                int breadth;

                Rectangle(int l ,int b)


                                System.out.println("My Constructor \n");

                                length = l;

                breadth = b;


public class ConstructorDemo { 

public static void main(String [] args)

                Rectangle  r1 = new Rectangle(5 , 8);

                Rectangle  r2 = new Rectangle(6 , 3);                     

                Rectangle  r3 = new Rectangle();


        System.out.println(r1.length +" " + r1.breadth);

        System.out.println(r2.length +" " + r2.breadth);


If user provides parameterised constructor; then compiler does not provide the default

Constructors can be overloaded

class Rectangle

                int length;           //instance members

                int breadth;



            System.out.println("Default Constructor ");


                Rectangle(int l ,int b)


                                System.out.println("My Parameterised Constructor \n");

                                length = l;

                breadth = b;


public class FunctionDemo {         

public static void main(String [] args)

                Rectangle  r1 = new Rectangle(5 , 8);

                Rectangle  r2 = new Rectangle(6 , 3);                     

                Rectangle  r3 = new Rectangle();


        System.out.println(r1.length +" " + r1.breadth);

        System.out.println(r2.length +" " + r2.breadth);



class Rectangle

                int length;           //instance members

                int breadth;

        static int m_s;



            System.out.println("Instance Initialiser Block");

            length = 1;

            breadth = 1;





            System.out.println("Static Initialiser Block");

            m_s = 4;           



            System.out.println("Default Constructor ");


                Rectangle(int length ,int b)


                                System.out.println("My Parameterised Constructor \n");

                                this.length = length;

                breadth = b;


        static void statfunc()


            //length = 5; //does not work

            m_s = 1;

            System.out.println("Static Function");


        void nonstatfunc()


            m_s = 2;

            length = 5; //works

            System.out.println("Non - Static Function");



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