Flow Batteries For Grid-Scale Energy Storage: Joep Pijpers

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Flow Batteries for grid-scale energy storage

Joep Pijpers

Why Flow Batteries?
Upgrade deferral Bulk Power
Power Quality Renewables Integration Management

Pumped Hydro

Flow Batteries Below Ground CAES

Hours NaS, NaNiCl Sealed Battery

Other Sealed Batteries
(Li-ion, Pb-acid)
Discharge Time


1 kW 10 kW 100 kW 1 MW 10 MW 100 MW 1 GW

System Power

Flow batteries can provide high power output and long discharge times at low-cost, anywhere
Schematics of a Flow Battery System
Active Materials:
Negolyte Tank Cell Stack Posolyte Tank
• Redox-active compounds
(Posolyte, Negolyte)

Cell Stack:
• Membranes
• Electrodes
• Bipolar plates

Balance of Plant (BOP):

• Pumps, tanks, piping
Power Conversion
• Control and power
conversion hardware

• Decoupling power and energy capacity makes for flexible design

• High footprint  envisioned for stationary storage applications
How could a Flow Battery System look like?

Source: Lockheed Martin

Requirements for a successful flow battery technology

1. Low cost (in terms of Levelized Cost of Storage)

(σ 𝐶𝐴𝑃𝐸𝑋𝑡 + σ 𝑂&𝑀𝑡 + σ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑡 )
σ 𝑘𝑊ℎ´𝑠𝑡
2. Safe

3. Environmentally benign

4. Low foot print

The incumbency: all-Vanadium Flow Batteries

• Well-established technology
• Good durability
• Decent energy density

• Corrosive electrolytes
Source: www.echemion.com • Cross-over across membranes must be
• Vanadium is expensive

Companies: Vionx, Sumitomo, UniEnergy

Technologies, Primus Power, Solibra, GEC, etc

Hokkaido, Japan (2013 pilot)

Sumitomo, 40 MW, 60 MWh
The incumbency: Zinc-Bromine Flow Batteries

• Many years of development
• Very cheap active materials
• High voltage (~1.8V, good energy density)

• Bromine highly corrosive
– reduced lifetime, expensive BOP
– complicate regulations, customer perception
• Zinc plating at negative electrode
– only partial decoupling of power and energy
– danger of membrane pinching by dendrites

Companies active: Gelion, Redflow,

Levelized Cost of Storage: flow batteries vs. Lithium

Application Power Duration LCOS LCOS Zinc-Br LCOS Lithium

(MW) (h) Vanadium FB FB ($/kWh)
($/kWh) ($/kWh)
Peaker Replacement 100 4 0.21-0.41 0.29-0.32 0.28-0.35
Distribution 10 6 0.18-0.34 n/a 0.27-0.34
Microgrid 1 4 0.27-0.41 n/a 0.36-0.39
Source: Lazard, 2017

At 2017 costs, flow batteries exhibit similar LCOS values

relative to lithium ion batteries for long discharge applications
Project decrease of CAPEX cost: flow batteries vs. Lithium

Source: Lazard, 2017

In light of decreasing costs of Lithium batteries, flow battery

research should focus on using significantly cheaper materials
Cost breakdown Vanadium Flow Batteries

Source: Fraunhofer Institute, 2016

Materials dominate cost, especially vanadium ore/processing

and stack components (membrane, electrode, etc)
Novel developments: focus on cheaper materials

A. Aspuru-Guzik, M. Aziz, Nature, 505, p195, 2014

Ligand A


Ligand B
Metal Ion

Sun Catalytix – Lockheed Martin Harvard University and others

Coordination complexes as active material All-organic redox active materials
Status: prototype (250 kW / 1 MWh) realized 2017 Status: significant academic research
Novel developments: focus on cheaper materials

J. Power Sources, 310, 1-11, 2016

Source: Fumatech

Aalto University Finland Future research project: INEEL and Fumatech

All-copper redox chemistry Electrodialysis using abundant salts
Status: Albufera Energy involved in commercialization Status: innovation on membranes needed
Guiding Questions (1)

• What are the main technological challenges of redox batteries?

• Focus on cheaper materials, for electrolytes and stacks
• Durability often yet unproven (membranes, electrolytes)
• Of the different redox batteries, which are the most suitable to be used as an
interconnected energy storage system to the network?
• Lowest cost technology will dominate. Safety also important, but is
related to cost
• What basic research topics are necessary and relevant to make redox
batteries more competitive?
• Cheaper materials: low-cost effective electrolytes (aqueous!),
membranes, stack components, etc
• What is the environmental impact of this technology?
• Material abundancy not expected to be a problem (compared to Co, Li)
• Corrosive substances may pose a SHE risk
• Footprint of flow battery systems will be large
• Possibility of H2 released in atmosphere due to parasitic reactions
Guiding Questions (2)

• What challenges exist in the integration, monitoring and maintenance of these

• End customers may be risk-averse: a flow battery may be more complex to
operate than a large Li-ion system
• Controls systems need to be developed specifically for flow battery
• MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) values for some flow battery
components doe not exist. Development of reliability engineering
• Cost and application models need to be more refined
• Human resources need to be developed for FB operation and maintenance
• What implementations should a country like Mexico do to be competitive in the
manufacture of this battery technology and which one (s) are the most
attractive redox battery technology (s)?
• Develop its own flow battery research programs
• Engage with international flow battery companies to explore the possibility
of manufacturing in Mexico
Thank You!

Flow batteries based on ‘Electrodialysis’
Animal plant cells: high concentration K+ ions inside
cell, high concentration of Na+ ions outside cell

𝑅𝑇 [𝐾+ ]𝑜𝑢𝑡
𝐸𝐾+ = ln( + )
𝑧𝐹 [𝐾 ]𝑖𝑛

Typical cell: 5mM K+ outside cell and 140mM K+

inside cell: EK = -85mV

Bipolar membrane
Proposal: dissociate water into H+ and OH- ions C A
using bipolar membranes - +
H+ OH-
- +
𝑅𝑇 [𝐻 + ]𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑 - +
𝐸𝐻+ = ln( + ) H+ OH-
𝑧𝐹 [𝐻 ]𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 - +
- +
For 1M acid and 1M base production, EH+ = 830mV H+ - + OH-
- +
- +
- +

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