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I couldn’t swim when I was three, but I can now: Toâi khoâng bieát bôi khi toâi 3 tuoåi nhöng baây
giôø thì toâi ñaõ bieát.
2. I couldn’t ski when I was three and I still can’t: Toâi khoâng bieát tröôït tuyeát khi toâi 3 tuoåi vaø
ñeán giôø toâi vaãn khoâng bieát.
3. I stay in bed until eleven:
- What time do you every day?
- I’m always in the office and at my desk at 9.00:
5. Talk to the students in the class: Haõy noùi chuyeän vôùi caùc sinh vieân trong lôùp
6. I want to learn English for my job: Toâi muoán hoïc tieáng Anh cho coâng vieäc cuûa toâi.

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