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Silver bullets can be made, but it isn’t easy. And it isn’t necessary either.

Lead bullets do a very good job. Unless of course, you have to confront a
werewolf. Then you better know where to find a silver ingot, a gas furnace
and a graphite mould. To keep your bullets nice and shiny if you are not in a
desert, you’ll need to coat then with a cellulose nitrate lacquer, better known
as clear nail polish, or wrap them in a silver nitrate impregnated cloth. The
silver nitrate reacts with the hydrogen sulphide in the air preferentially,
leaving the silver bullet untarnished, ready for any lurking werewolves.
The Lone Ranger only fired his silver bullets to disarm, never to kill. He
often left a silver bullet behind after he had righted an injustice. Clayton
Moore, who played the Lone Ranger, made many personal appearances to
promote the show and would give out “silver” bullets to fans as souvenirs.
No problem with tarnishing. The bullets were made of aluminum!
I suspect this little discussion will have reminded some of you of those
“thrilling days of yesteryear” and you can probably hear the William Tell
overture ringing in your ears.

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