Listening:Speaking Note - Taking

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Symbols and Abbreviations for Note-Taking*

Symbols Abbreviations

Symbol Meaning Abbrev Meaning

→ leads to, causes (showing result) e.g. for example
caused by, because of (showing i.e. that is

reason) etc. etcetera, and so on
↑ increase, more, go up, up C century, e.g. C20: 20th century
↓ decrease, less, go down, down approx approximate(ly) (see also ≈ symbol)
= equal to, is, are difference, different, difficult,
not equal to, is not, are not, is the difficulty

opposite of imp important, importance
≈ approximately lang language
> greater than max maximum
>> much greater than min minimum
< less than 1st first (similarly 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.)
∴ therefore United Kingdom (similarly US for
∵ because UK America(n), Aus for Australia(n), Eur
ʺ ʺ ditto (same as above) for Europe(an))
& + and Q question
# number A answer
$ money no. number (see also # symbol)
@ at poss possible, possibly
ʹ minutes/feet prob problem, probable, probably
ʺ seconds/inches sts students
♂ man, men, male v very
w/ with
♀ woman, women, female
w/o without

095W18 Note_taking symbols

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