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Nama : Ahmad Faisal

Prodi : Tadris bahasa Inggris (TBI)

Semester: 1 (satu)
Mata kuliah: basic vocabulary
Tema: Descriptive text

• Descriptive text

Basically the descriptive text explanation is a text that aims to explain, describe, or describe
something. This thing could be anything, be it animal, object, location, etc.
Usually a descriptive text is flagged by the use of easy tense and focuses on one specific object.
The object is then discussed in more detail in the descriptive text.
The descriptive text gives information on how something ora person looks, it USES words to
describe something or what a person looks like.
The descriptive text also gives facts about how Indonesian language really is used according to
the rules and how it should be used.

• Function
The purpose of the interpretive text is to explain, describe, or reveal a person oran object.
• Example
The bedroom is my favorite room. The wall color is blue, which is my favorite color. It’s one
snug bed that faces the window. Every morning, the sun shines through my window and
wakes me up.

I put my table for study and do my prep at the corner. Beside that table, there is a massive
wardrobe wherever I place all of my garments.

My father created the wardrobe on behalf of me as my birthday present. On the left aspect of
the table, there’s a shelf wherever I place all of my favorite books. On the table, there’s a
lamp, laptop, stationery, and notebook. Although my room is tiny and straightforward, I
notice it is terribly cozy.

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