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Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework

Mapping of curriculum framework codes for Checkpoint tests from 2018 to

the codes for 2015, 2016 and 2017

The Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework has been reorganised under new headings for 2018.
The learning objectives have been reorganised under headings that have a direct link to reporting.
As a result of the reorganisation the curriculum framework codes for the Reading and Writing learning objectives
have been renumbered. This document provides a mapping of the new codes for the learning objectives for 2018 to
the curriculum framework codes used in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The curriculum framework codes for the Speaking
and Listening learning objectives are unchanged for 2018.
The table below shows the link between the headings in the reorganised curriculum framework and the reporting
strands and sub-strands for 2018.

Curriculum framework heading Reporting sub-strand from 2018

Develop broad reading skills not reported
Demonstrate understanding of explicit meaning in Explicit meaning

Demonstrate understanding of implicit meaning in Implicit meaning
Explain, comment on and analyse the way writers Language and structure of a text
use stylistic and other features of language and
structure in texts
Recognise conventions and evaluate viewpoint, Purpose and viewpoint
purpose, themes and ideas in texts
Develop broad writing skills not reported
Select and develop content and use register and Content/purpose and audience
language appropriate to genre, purpose and

Structure and organise ideas coherently using Text structure and organisation
section or paragraphs

Use a range of sentence structures and punctuation Sentence structure

accurately to convey meaning and create particular
Use accurate spelling Spelling

Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework – Mapping of curriculum framework codes for Checkpoint tests from
2018 to the codes for 2015, 2016 and 2017
Stage 7
New code Old code New code Old code
Develop broad reading skills Develop broad writing skills
7Ro1 7Rf6 7Wo1 7Wf12
7Ro2 7Rf7 7Wo2 7PSV3
Demonstrate understanding of explicit Select and develop content and use
meaning in texts register and language appropriate to
7Rx1 7Rn1 genre, purpose and audience
7Rx2 7Rn2 7Wa1 7Wf1
Demonstrate understanding of implicit 7Wa2 7Wf9
meaning in texts 7Wa3 7Wf8
7Ri1 7Rf2 7Wa4 7Wf11
Explain, comment on and analyse the 7Wa5 7Wf10
way writers use stylistic and other 7Wa6 7Wf3
features of language and structure in
texts 7Wa7 7PSV4
7Rw1 7Rf5 7Wa8 7Wf6
7Rw2 7Rf4 7Wa9 7Wf2
Structure and organise ideas coherently
7Rw3 7Rf8
using sections or paragraphs
7Rw4 7PSV5
7Wt1 7Wf4
7Rw5 7GPr1
7Wt2 7Wf5
7Rw6 7GPr2
Use a range of sentence structures and
7Rw7 7GPr3 punctuation accurately to convey
7Rw8 7Rn4 meaning and create particular effects
Recognise conventions and evaluate 7Wp1 7GPw4
viewpoint, purpose, themes and ideas in 7Wp2 7Wf7
7Wp3 7GPw5
7Rv1 7Rf3
7Wp4 7GPw6
7Rv2 7Rf1
7Wp5 7GPw2
7Rv3 7Rf9
7Wp6 7GPw3
7Rv4 7Rn3
7Wp7 7GPw1
Use accurate spelling
7Ws1 7PSV1
7Ws2 7PSV2

Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework – Mapping of curriculum framework codes for Checkpoint tests from
2018 to the codes for 2015, 2016 and 2017
Stage 8
New code Old code New code Old code
Develop broad reading skills Develop broad writing skills
8Ro1 8Rf5 8Wo1 8Wf2
8Ro2 8Rf8 8Wo2 8PSV5
8Ro3 8Rn2 Select and develop content and use
Demonstrate understanding of explicit register and language appropriate to
meaning in texts genre, purpose and audience
8Rx1 8Rf2 8Wa1 8Wf1
8Rx2 8Rn1 8Wa2 8Wf3
Demonstrate understanding of implicit 8Wa3 8Wn1
meaning in texts 8Wa4 8Wn2
8Ri1 8Rf1 8Wa5 8Wf7
Explain, comment on and analyse the 8Wa6 8Wf9
way writers use stylistic and other 8Wa7 8Wf8
features of language and structure in
texts Structure and organise ideas coherently
using sections or paragraphs
8Rw1 8Rf4
8Wt1 8Wf6
8Rw2 8Rf3
8Wt2 8Wf5
8Rw3 8Rf7
Use a range of sentence structures and
8Rw4 8PSV4 punctuation accurately to convey
8Rw5 8GPr1 meaning and create particular effects
Recognise conventions and evaluate 8Wp1 8Wf4
viewpoint, purpose, themes and ideas in 8Wp2 8GPw3
8Wp3 8GPw4
8Rv1 8Rf6
8Wp4 8GPw1
8Rv2 8Rn5
Use accurate spelling
8Rv3 8Rf9
8Ws1 8PSV1
8Rv4 8Rn4
8Ws2 8PSV2
8Rv5 8Rn3

Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework – Mapping of curriculum framework codes for Checkpoint tests from
2018 to the codes for 2015, 2016 and 2017
Stage 9
New code Old code
New code Old code
Develop broad reading skills WRITING
9Ro1 9Rf3 Develop broad writing skills
9Ro2 9Rn2 9Wo1 9Wf2
9Ro3 9Rf6 Select and develop content and use
register and language appropriate to
Demonstrate understanding of explicit genre, purpose and audience
meaning in texts
9Wa1 9Wf1
9Rx1 9Rn1
9Wa2 9PSV5
Demonstrate understanding of implicit
meaning in texts 9Wa3 9Wf7
9Ri1 9Rf4 9Wa4 9Wf5
9Ri2 9Rn8 9Wa5 9Wn1
Explain, comment on and analyse the 9Wa6 9Wn2
way writers use stylistic and other 9Wa7 9Wn3
features of language and structure in 9Wa8 9Wn4
9Wa9 9Wf8
9Rw1 9PSV4
9Wa10 9Wf6
9Rw2 9Rf2
9Wa11 9PSV3
9Rw3 9GPr1
Structure and organise ideas coherently
9Rw4 9Rn6 using sections or paragraphs
9Rw5 9Rn5 9Wt1 9Wf3
9Rw6 9Wt2 9Wf4
9Rw7 Use a range of sentence structures and
9Rw8 9Rn7 punctuation accurately to convey
9Rw9 9Rn3 meaning and create particular effects
Recognise conventions and evaluate 9Wp1 9GPw2
viewpoint, purpose, themes and ideas in 9Wp2 9GPw1
texts 9Wp3 9Wf9
9Rv1 9Rf1 9Wp4 9Wf10
9Rv2 9Rf7 Use accurate spelling
9Rv3 9Rn4 9Ws1 9PSV1
9Rv4 9Rn9 9Ws2 9PSV2

© Cambridge International Examinations 2016

Version 2

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