Puducherry Solar Energy Policy 2015

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Realtones win he Rasa Registered No. SSPIPY/44/2015-17 wndiar No. 10410 WPP No. TN/PMG(CCRWPP-88/2015-17 Dated: 1-2-2016 Price; €17-00 ygeben wre ayaa La Gazetie de L' Etat de Poudouchéry The Gazette of Puducherry wDan7d Quvp GevehIG Publige par Avtorité Published by Authority aBensy: % 17-00 Prix: € 17-00 Price: % 17-60 coh) ugnhart Andamisipars 2016 GT were La No. +9 Powdouchéry Afardi 1 Mars 2016 (11 Phalguna 1937) N Puducherry Tuesday Ist March 2016 eurgenéss SOMMAIRES cowrents dad Page Page 0s exetiyse 122 Notifications dv Gouvernement. 122 Government notifications 122 900 apaiinen 132 Avis q’Adjudications 152 Tender notices 12 Aeussrer Spann (3) Etablissements dangercux 153. Dangerous Establishmems 133 enppstbeonsh 137° Annonces 137 Announcements 137 Liz) 126 LA GAZETTE DE _LETAT [2 March 2016 5. 1972-6ie ans Eset Big eau Spaenniss ccLb Wbpo apendy Bubmiuce copaerancoce Apmiaraat antussern SEslantow sradisd 6. Spranact antusssen upcisanob Bsiagenaar Spusaauucr BeeEosy eoap SemBan eee BapeenLuns opm sociame Bikers sip 0D DOs Rigaad Soup’ seip scomy andy &pudenias prise! Upsiase Kongers csiniers Saisetar Apndanowe 969 gppsnenamne pesy. omnis 2 puSames upctith BeLugess eoglubin. Gmoxfaw aang ermamiy) un, géraomdars, Sion ovhd eusot @amséoad, GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY CHIEF SECRETARIAT (ENVIRONMENT) (GO. Ms, No 22016-Envt, dared 19th February 2016) ORDER The Government of India has launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) tunder the National Action Plap for Climate Chaoge (NAPCC) to pramate ecologically sustainable growth while sxavesing India's energy security challenges, The objective ‘of the National Solar Mission is to establish India as 8 {global leeder in solar energy, by creating the policy ‘conditions for its diffusion across the country as quickly. ae possible n Territory is fast devetoping wih Browth in socio-economic development There willbe + contunuous inerease in energy demand from all sectors. To meet the increasing energy demand in a sustainable manner, it is essentish that the Goveroment of Puducherry formulates and implements ‘enotay policies that are driven by a clear vision and implemented trough the participation ofall sakeholdes. ‘This Puducherry Soler Energy Policy intends 10 creates & framewsrk that enables the development of sofar energy in the Union terttery of Pudoeherry. The Solar Energy Poliey-2015 framed by the Government of Puducherry which is appended to this Order is publis foe the information ofall stakeholders (By order of the Licutenant-Governor) S. Twasitu Ganararuy, Deputy Secretsry to Government (Envt) GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION TERRITORY OF PUDUCHERRY SOLAR ENERGY POLICY-2015 1.0 Preamble: LA, Energy is one of the Key driving fowes of socio-zconamie Jeveloprmeat and change. Long: term energy security is thotefore, an essential clement of sustainable development. The eapid depletion of non-renewable energy sources and the adverse effeets eaused 10 the globe by the process of extracting energy from fossil fuels call for urgent solutions while demand for energy will keep increasing, The universsity aceepted view is tha only enceyy fom renewable sourecs offers solution fora sustainable energy fare 12. The Government of India has launched the awahaeal Nehru National Solar Mission (INNSM) under the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) to promote ecologically sustainable growth while addressing Indie's energy security challenges. The objective ofthe Nationsi Sofar Mission isto establish India as a global leader in soler eneray, by creating the policy conditions for its diffision across the country as quickly as possible 13. The Union serritory of Puducherry comprises of four erstwhile French settlements viz. Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe snd. Yanam which o¢e unconnected regions. The Union story i fast developing with significant growth in socio-economic development, There Will be 3 continuous increase in eneray demand from ll sectors, To mect the increasing energy demand in a sustainable manner. itis essential thatthe Goverament of Puducherry formulates and insplemonis energy policies that are dciven by 2 clear vision and implemented through the porticipation ofall stakeholders. 1.4. This Puducherry Setar Energy Policy intends to ereate a framework that enables the development of solar eneegy’in the Union terory of Puducherry. 2.0, Solar Energy Potential in the Union t2erlcory of Pudueherry: 21. The four regions of the Union Territory of Puducherry have an average solar irradisnec of 5.66.0 kWh ! square meter / day and about 300 sunny days in a year, therefore, offering » good solar energy potential March 2016} 22. The wrban areas of the Union tervitory of Puducherry lené themselves well 10. the installation of (Fooflep) grid-connected solar PY systems 23, The rusal areas of she Union territory of Puducherry have execllent electricity grid penetration, therefore. algo offering good ‘opportunities for grid-connected solar PV systems, 0, Solar Energy Viston BI. Solar energy will be a major contributor 40 a fustainable encrgy furwre for the Union sercitary of Puducherry 32. Solar energy development will be part of an overall energy strategy that includes demand side management, energy conservation, eaergy efficieney initiatives, distributed renewable energy generation and smast grid 33. The Union ersitory of Puducherry will achieve, ‘orexceed, the solar cneray pontalio abligations as may be determined by the Joint Eleetriny Regulatory Commission (for the slate of Goz tnd Union Territories) (ihe "FERC") from time lotime, 34, In the Union territory of Puducherry xolae energy will be 2 mainsiccem energy source by 2028, 0. Solar Energy Policy Gbjectives: 4.1. Define clear and transparent poliey governance. 42. Encourage public-private parmerships and joint ventures: mobilize investments in tolar energy projects, manufacwuring facilites, research and techvology developimeat 43, Facilitate open access vo the public electricity rid of the Puducherry Union Territory and thereby erent opportunities for grid-connected istibuted generation of golar power and smart ‘grid solutions, such as che propagation of lecteie iransport, in order to. reduce the dependence oo fossit (Uels and urban ir pollution 44, Encourage to set up sols energy plans in Industrial, commercial and residenta! buildings 45, Establish 2 ‘Single Window System for etna upon Funding support end projet 46, Create an invesiment-ricndly environment that provides opportunities for private individuals, Companies local bodies, Government depariments snd others to contribute 10 and participate iv an. 48. 49, LA GAZETTE DE _LETAT ky the generation of solar energy, parioulatly for the elecricity consumer to beromes “prosume! (2 preducer-consumer). Initiate information. communication and ‘education measures for promoting solar energy. Encourage and promote solar cocrgy research and development through technical instiations in the Puducherry Union Territory Establish okages with Nations and International ‘astttions foe ative collaboration in development. demonstration and commercializaion of sols technologies and systems 5.0, Scope of the Solar Energy Pelley su 52 33 ‘The policy will be applicable xs projects. programs and installations relating to both solar phatovoltaic energy (solar PV) and solar thermal energy: The policy will be in force from the date of notification ang shall be reviewed for ite efficacy every five yeats with the sole purpose of considering improvements ?heé may expedite the realization of the Pudueherry Solar Energy Vision ‘The Puducherry Solar Energy Policies will be aligned with Various National policies ond initiatives relating 10 the promotion of new and renewable evergy 6.0, Solar energy Implementation mechanisms: 6 The implementation of solar energy in the Pudueherry Union Terricory will include, but, not be limited to the mechanisms, facilities and initistves listed botow. Solar energy gross feed-in and metering: The solar energy is fed into the grid and sold to Electricity Depariment, Pudueherry ("EDP") oF other distribution licensee. In addition to the existing gervice connection meter that records the consumption of eneegy at the premises. fan coergy moter will be installed by EDP or ‘ther disribution icensee to record the energy fed into the grid. The solar energy fed into the ‘arid will be purchased by EDP or other distribution hieensee al the prevailing solar ‘energy tariff ag determined by the JERC., Under the solar gross feed-in mechanism, solar ‘energy may algo be fold (0 another distribution Hicensce or to a third party under tbe open access mechanism hs LA GAZETTE OF LETAT UU March 2016 6.1.2. Solar energy netomieering: The sotar energy is Used for self consumption with the surplus iony, being exported to the grid. A bidirectional service connection energy meter will be insted by EDP or ather distribution licensee lo record the imported, exported and netsimported energy for the purpose of nci-melered billing. Solar net-metering will be available forall metered electricity consumers. 6.1.3, Solar energy group net-metering: To cncowage solar plants on rooftops of buildings that ceannol consume all of the energy generated localiy, there shall be group net metering, whereby. surpius energy exported to the grid from a solsr plant in excess of 100 per cent of Imported energy at the location of the soler plant can be adjusted in eny other (one or more) electricity service connection(s) of the consumer within the Puducherry Union Territory. The purpose of this provision is to help maximize ‘he utilization of toafiop space vor solar energy generation for consumers with multiple buildings and service connections. 6.14 Solar energy virtual net-nictering: To give aecets 10 te Solar aciemetering facility for consumers whe do not have a suilable root for installing 2 solar system (eg. residential consuiners whe live m apirunents, consumers With shaded rooftops) there will be the facility of virwa) net metering. In virtual net-metering onsuimers ean be beneficial owners of 2 part ff collectively owned solar system, All exergy produced by a collectively owned solar system Will be fed iata the grid through an energy ‘meter and the exported energy as recorded by that meter will be pro rata credited in the cleetricty bill of exch participating consumer fm the basis of beneficial osmership. Collective ‘ovnership of solar plants may be established through Sociclies, Trusts or section 25 Companies ot any other lega entry thay sfeguards the inereste of paticipating consumers, Including rights which ae et par with the rights enjoyed by consumers who have solar netemetering with # solar system installed on their own r00!, 6.5, Solar energy systems for buildings: Solar PY Systems may be installed on roaftaps caicgories Of existing and_new buildings connected to the grid of EDP's or other distribution licensee. Solar PV systems may also be installed on elevated structures and on [round mounted strvciuees within the premises of building, 7.0. Sustalnable H 6.1.6, Soler energy syerems on renied rooftops: Developers may rent roofs from building owners snd install solar PV systems on these roofs with solar energy gross feed-in, net feed-in of rstmetering araigement. The roof owners may be paid a fixed or a variable rent linked with solar zeneration as may be agreed upon between the oof owner and the project developer 6.1.7, Solar Energy Special Economic Zones and Solar Parks: The Government will promote the development of Special Economie Zones for esearch, development and manufacture af solar ‘energy products und systems. Suiteble land will be identified for developing Solar Parks 6.18. Ston-alone and solar-wind hybrid systema: In vilisges and habitats where grid connectivity fs not feasibie or not cost effective, offgrid solutions based on micro-grid and stand-alone solar PY, solae - wind hybrid solutions, solar see! lights and lanterns will be taken up. 62. Other solar energy implementation initiatives will nelode: 621, Solar thermal (hot water, steam, drying,

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