Business Plan

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Business Plan

A Business Plan of Greatness Company that produces a Medical

PPE's for medical practitioners in an affordable and
qualitable way

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School of Arellano

University Juan Sumulong Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the course


By: Macarubbo, Carla C.

Mortega, Reggiena
Lapitan, Claire
Lacebal, Leon D.
Lanuza, Sergs F.
Llanan, Vince Kenneth D.
Madriaga, Cris
Mañalac, Robert

Submitted to:
Ms. Maria Gina G. Serrano

"And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and

not to men" - Colossians 3:23

We would like to express our greatest praise to our

Almighty God by giving us the strength and knowledge all

throughout this project. Definitely, without His guidance we

will not be able to finish this plan precisely. We

confidently affirms that all the thrown energy in conducting

this business plan is Godly-centered, for we believe that by

having Him in the center means making something incredible

and wonderful work.

To our entrepreneur teacher, Ms. Maria Gina G. Serrano,

we applause you for the valuable guidance and advice during

our planning area. She motivates us deeply that leads to a

good outcome of the project. Inspiring us means giving us

the power to excel and work luminously on our business plan.

Lastly, special thanks to our beloved Alma Matter,

Arellano University - Jun Sumulong Campus for this

institution offers an Accountancy and Business Management

Strand that gives us an opportunity to excel on developing a

good Business plan that will surely help us on our future


Executive Summary

Greatness is a Corporation company that offers a

Medical PPE products. Making PPE kits has grown popular in

this country as a result of the outbreak. This is why there

is such a high demand for PPE all across the world. The

entire world is currently fighting a deadly virus, and

frontline employees are at risk. Greatness products will

sell PPE not just for the Company's earnings but this

organization also aims to donate a part of its sales

proceeds to programs that help the less fortunate, and it

will contribute some of its stock to charities that help

Christian Churches. This is own and manage by 8 people who

is well-experienced in the business industry. The

organization tends to hire 2 staffs each for marketing,

production and research team that will really help the

company to run smoothly and perfectly.

Our products is fluid resistance, have leak

protections, has a resistance to tear and snags and most

importantly compared to other PPE's, Greatness produces a

wonderful design of products that the customers will surely

love. We creates fantastic quality of products that buyers

will definitely appreciate. Since several businesses in the

Philippines operate on the gold standard, Greatness Company

will offer affordable prices and qualitable products

specifically on the bulk orders that we will be distributed.

These days, there is a lot of product creativity and

encouragement for new lunch products on the market. When you

first start a company and offer a new product at a low

price, you will find it easy to succeed. Similarly, you can

make more money in this situation if you run a company. If

your company has been in operation for a long time but lacks

imagination or innovation, it will not be able to keep up

with the competition.

It has a principal office and manufacturing area

located in Sta. Cruz Manila for it is near to public

hospital sectors and individuals that can be an opportunity

for our target consumer and distributor.

The Company offers a Medical PPE'S to the medical

practitioners and to the individuals that is aiming to be a

distributor of our PPE brand with a cheap yet qualitable

products. Greatness Company has a P500, 000 capital loans

from a bank. The amount of P500, 000 will be acquired to buy

the required assets and to fulfill the project.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
A. Brief description of the product/service
B. Short historical background
Opportunity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A. Environmental Scanning/Environmental Analysis
B. Opportunity Selection
C. Product/Service Selection
Target Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Business Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A. Vision
B. Mission
C. Objectives
D. Key Result Areas
Capital Sourcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7P’s of Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A. Product
B. Price
C. Place
D. Promotion
E. People
F. Packaging
G. Positioning
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


I. Introduction

Description of the Product/ Service

The "Greatness" in our business name stands for having

a great satisfaction of Medical PPE's. "A leap to overcome"

is the company's tagline that unites everyone amidst this

destructive pandemic. We offers an affordable prices for

our bulk orders that the consumers will really do

appreciate. Our main office and manufacturing area is

located in Sta. Cruz Manila.

Qualitable and Authentic product is what 'Greatness

Company' offers. The mask, gloves, body suit, goggles, and

shoe cover is fluid resistance, have leak protections, has a

resistance to tear and snags and is made with wonderful

designs just like what our business name conveys. We

designed this business to avoid the quickly transmission of

any infectious diseases to human's body. With our products,

people can be safe from the widespread of viruses.

Greatness Company will definitely compete with other

local brands of Medical PPE, especially right now that this

kind of products is in demand to the markets. We build this

company to promote the protections and safeties of each and

every one at this era by creating effective and efficient


Historical Background

Since an outbreak of the Novel Corona Virus interrupts

the consciousness of many Filipino in regards with their

health, Greatness Company is built to be a model

organization to avoid the spreading of the said disease. The

Company offers a Medical PPE'S to the medical practitioners

and to the individuals with a cheap yet qualitable products.

Greatness Company is a Corporation Business that is

owned and manage by 8 people. Ms. Carla Macarubbo, Ms.

Claire Lapitan, Mr. Leon Lacebal, Ms. Reggiena Mortega, Mr.

Cris Madriaga, Mr. Robert Mañalac, Mr. Kenneth Llanan, Mr.

Sergs Lanuza. This paper consists of what you need to know

about Greatness Company's foundation from all its aspects.

II. Opportunity Analysis

A. Environmental Analysis


- Affordable quality product

- Different strategies of selling

- Professionals staff and official

- Great target customers


- Small target area

- Newly build business

- Low starting customers and sales

- Product is not 100% guaranteed to protect them


- High demand product

- Pandemic response and safety of customers

- Receive high sales in the future


- More high-quality selling competitor

- Negative feedback from customers

B. Opportunity Selection

 Medical Frontliners and Individuals are seeking for

affordable Medical PPE

 The location is near at the public hospital

 In demand to the markets

 Distributors and resellers of PPE are searching for

cheap yet qualitable products

 Easy to generate income for it is bought per package.

C. Product/Service Selection

The unexpected occurrence of Pandemic serves as an

opportunity for the Greatness Company to be firmly build.

Due to the quickly transmission of COVID-19 to human's body,

people need to be extra careful in their surroundings by

protecting themselves. By the use of Medical PPE such as

face mask, face shield/goggles, body suits etc. is one of

the key to freely eliminate the virus that we can possibly


III. Target Market

Selection and Description

Our main office and manufacturing area is located in

Sta. Cruz Manila. We choose to build it here for we all know

that this location is surrounded by many public hospitals.

In this era wherein Pandemic strikes our country badly,

Medical PPE's become a special needs to everyone, most

especially the medical frontliners.

Personal protective equipment is a special equipment

you wear to create a barrier between you and any bacterial

infections or viruses. This barrier reduces the chance of

touching, being exposed to, and spreading it to our body.

This can protect people and health care workers from

infections. As per research, hospitals in Sta. Cruz Manila

is having a shortage of supplies of Medical PPE. Greatness

came up with the idea that this will be our main target area

for selling our product. PPE kit is highly marketable in the

said area because it is used by the medical practitioners

for their day to day operations. In that case, our target

customer would be the medical frontliners for they are the

ones who served our country. They sacrifice their time and

effort together with their safety while doing their jobs as

medical frontliners. Greatness Company is pleasure to serve

them with good quality of service for them to feel safe

every time they are working on their workplaces.

IV. Business Goals


To expand and be a well-known company that manufactures

great Medical PPE's. Greatness' goals to create a

standardize image to the customer as their top choice for

PPE brands.


Greatness Company aims to produce an authentic and

qualitable satisfaction of Medical PPE to the customers. We

tends to lessen the transmission of virus and other

infectious diseases to human's body. This Corporation deals

to help Local Churches in some parts of their revenue.


We'll use social media sites like Facebook and

Instagram to advertise our product more. We'll also produce

tarpaulins and flyers to increase the visibility of our


- With respect to all business activities, we will always

put the client's desire and feedback first; that's why we

will conduct a survey form.

- Getting a 20% discount when bulk orders are a minimum of 8

or more. - Hire and fully train five new customer service

staff members.

- We will expand our business beyond the Philippines and

make certain that all of our customers are familiar with our


Key Result Areas

Our company's growth process is still ongoing, and

every employee is working hard in their jobs. Every employee

has their things to do; the manufacturers ensure that the

PPE is not damaged or well made. The distributers are always

on time to distribute the PPE in their respectful locations.

This work that we started with this company is sometimes

challenging because the people need our business, so we

don't want any errors. It is easy when you got employees

that will ease your sadness, boredom, and loneliness. The

unity of the employees makes the job easier and the job

faster. Our company's result will be a big help to those who

will work and to those people who will need to use medical

PPE's on their workplace. It is also a help to charities and

other local Christian churches for we will donate some of

our stocks and profit to them.

V. Capital Sourcing

Greatness Company has Php 500,000 from our own capital.

Ms. Macarubbo contributed the highest amount which is

200,000. The other members which is Ms. Lapitan contributed

100,000 amount of money also Mr. Lacebal and Mr. Madriaga

shared the same amount of money consists of 50,000 each. As

well as Ms. Mortega, Mr. Lanuza, Mr. Llanan and Mr. Mañalac

shared the same amount consists of 25,000 each. In our

Capital Sourcing, we use our own personal savings. Each

member contributed relevant amounts of money which varies

from 25,000 – 500,000 now with a total of Php 500,000.

Greatness Company

Statement of Financial Position

In 2 Years

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year

(30%) (30%) (30%) (30%) (30%)


Cash 500,000 650,000 845,000 1,095,500 1,424,150

Inventory 100,000 130,000 169,000 219,700 285,610

Non- Current

Building 100,000 130,000 169,000 219,700 285,610
Land 110,000 143,000 185,900 241,670 314,171
Equipment 100,000 130,000 169,000 219,700 285,610
Furniture 80,000 104,000 135,200 175,760 228,488

Permit 10,000 13,000 16,900 21,970 28,561


Capital 1,000,000 1,300,000 1,690,000 2,197,000 2,856,100

Greatness Company

Income Statement

For 2 Years

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year

(30%) (30%) (30%) (30%) (30%)

Sales 1,000,000 1,300,000 1,690,000 2,197,000 2,856,100
Cost of Goods

Purchases 250,000 325,000 422,500 549,250 714,025
Freight-In 10,500 13,650 17,745 23,069 29,990
Total Goods 580,000 754,000 980,200 1,274,260 1,656,538

for Sale
Purchase 10,000 13,000 16,900 21,970 28,561

Inventory 150,000 195,000 253,500 329,550 428,415
Gross Margin 579,500 753,350 979,355 1,273,161 1,658,109

420,000 546,650 710,645 923,839 1,197,991


Salary 50,000 65,000 84,500 109,850 142,805

Office 15,000 19,500 25,350 32,955 42,842


Utilities 45,000 58,500 76,050 98,865 128,525


110,000 143,000 185,900 241,670 314,172

Total 310,000 403,650 524,745 682,169 883,819

VI. 7P’s of Marketing


Greatness Company produces Medical PPE's. The products

will serve as a protection to the individuals for nowadays,

health is the main focus on every country due to amid

transmission of infectious diseases or viruses. This

includes the body suit, face mask, face shield/goggles,

medical gloves and shoe cover. Greatness' Products is

composed of fabric, wherein it is a key when selecting a

product. 65% polyester and 35% cotton is the preferred blend

by the company's garment makers when producing our PPE for

surgeons, nurses, and everyone in between. This includes the

durability, shrinkage, launder ability, comfort and the

color range available. It has a great satisfactory, for our

company manufactures a qualitable products.


Our product PPE will sell at different prices depending

on how many pieces would buy. The marketing team came up

with the idea to use bulk pricing as a strategy to sell our

product; with the help of this, we can assure that many of

our products will be sold at the target time. We sell all of

our products at affordable prices so that those who want to

be a reseller of our company can still put extra charge when

they sell it. This will also help the company gain customers

because we know that more customers always choose products

they afford with good quality.

Pricing per piece/pack

Product Quantity Prize

PPE 1 pc P120.00
Mask 40 pcs P50.00
Gloves 20 pcs P55.00
Shoe cover 1 pair P15.00
Goggles/Shield 1 pc P25.00

Pricing for bulk orders

Name of Product Quantity Price

PPE 50 pcs P6,000.00
Mask 12 packs P600.00
Gloves 12 packs P660.00
Shoecover 100 pcs P1,500.00
Goggles/Shield 100 pcs P2,500.00


Our company's location will be on Sta. Cruz Manila.

Because we tends to be near to the nearest hospitals that

will be needing our company's product. Around sta.cruz

manila there are hospitals, clinics, and public places that

may possible needed of PPE therefore we concluded that our

product might sold out if we choose this place. Sta. Cruz

manila is full of people, so PPE or Personal Protective

Equipment may be needed to avoid the spreading of viruses

and Covid 19.

Plaza Sta. Cruz


Greatness can make different strategies to promote the

business. We can create a Facebook Page to promote the

business because this is one of the famous app that all

people have an access to their everyday life. We can

actually get potential customers or clients on this app. In

connection with apps, we can also use Instagram Page to

promote the business by posting some pictures on it with

some of our popular models wearing our product. Therefore,

people can be engaged with our

company. We also plan to use

tarpaulin to attract the

attention of the possible

customers and lastly flyers

because we can put all the

details of the Greatness'

products there so that they

will know the product very

well. Most importantly in the

pages, tarpaulin and flyers we

will be included the discount

that the customers can have.



ii. Function and Organization Person to be hired

The Chief Executive Officer or the CEO is the highest-

ranking executive in the business or a company that

there are primary responsibilities that include making

major corporate decisions to managing the overall

operation and resources of a company and the CEO is

ultimately responsible for the success or failure of

their business or company.

The Chief Operation Officer or the COO is one of the

highest-ranking executive in the business or a company

can check and implement the rules and regulation also,

it can give a advised how to operate the businesses or

the company.

Accounting Managers is have an important duty in the

company or in the business. Accountant he/she report

the financial information, and also, it can analyze the

business how to run the business, how to improve the

business. As an Accountant manager you need to consider

the excellent analytical and numerical abilities.

Marketing manager- The Manager is in charge of a

business who directs a training and performance to

conduct business. The manager’s role is the responsible

for managing the company’s activities. It depends on

the business manager to make sure that the employees

are working enough to their respective positions.

Mainly they are responsible for organizing, managing

and controlling the employees. Also, Marketing Manager

he/she do their task to promote the business in any


Production manager- The production manager is the one

who make sure the good and efficient in the work place,

and a production manager is first foremost an overseer

whose main responsibility is to ensure that a group of

subordinates get out the assigned amount of production

when they are supposed to do it and within acceptable

level of quality.

Chief research officer- chief research officer is to

study the product and to gathered the data and survey

if it’s an effective, have a good quality, it cannot

harm in the user.

HR manager- One of the duty of Hr Manager is to recruit

and interview the new applicant and to find a Good and

Efficiency Employees that can help to improve our

business. HR Manager is also help to planning,

Interview the applicant, and to hiring the new


Branch Manager- A branch manager, like a general

manager, is the person who manages all the events of a

particular branch. It also leads people, develops their

business, and earns business sales.

iii. Company and Enumeration Policies

To assure the quality of the product while also

protecting our employee’s well-being, our GREATNESS

Company implemented rules and regulations for our

employees in the company.

Time of Policy- The employees must be having time

management and observed diligence to do their

responsibility based on their position. All employees

must arrive at their workplace at the time call.

Attendance- All employees at Greatness Company are

expected to be present for work on time. Absences,

whether with or without pay, must be reported by all

employees and subject to prior authorization. If you

are unable to report for work for any reason, send

letters to your supervisor as soon as possible, either

by phone text or by personal call, informing him of the

cause for your absences.

Dress Code Policy- The employees of the Greatness

Company must always be clean and presentable manner

when his/her is on the workplace.

Positive Attitude- All employees must respect the

customers of the company.

Act Professional- All employees must show

professionalism and know the duties of their


No to Alcohol, Drug and Smoking Cannabis Policy –The

Greatness Company must maintain and ensure the safety

of the company's employees, promote their health and

well-being, and ensure that their interests are

protected in any accident investigation.


Corrugated boxes are the box we chose for our

product because it has more protection for the products

being shipped. And we chose corrugated boxes because

they are harder and durable compared to other boxes and

they are more affordable because they are cheaper

compared to other boxes.


Greatness creates the idea of a qualitable and

affordable choice of products to its customers. We will

position our company as a great endeavor’s on the makers of

Medical Personal Protective Equipment. We will serve our

clients with an exertion of humility and efforts.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, Greatness Company tends to produce

excellent quality medical PPE products at affordable bulk

prices. Our primary purpose here is to protect Medical

Practitioners and individuals from infectious diseases or

viruses. The market of this Medical PPE is expanding, for it

is a need in every medical sites and to the usage of people.

Therefore, the return of this business would be

satisfactory. Our business can compete well with other

similar businesses as well.

With the expectation of high profitability, it is

assumed that it would be the perfect product to be

manufactured in today's situation. We are highly confident

in our business venture and will generate and develop a very

satisfactory annual investment return. Greatness will

continue to focus on its business tactics, mainly marketing,

to ensure that it is well-known among its clients. Every

year, we aspire to be able to create a solid and loyal

consumer base. Some of our profit gains and stocks will be

donated to charities and local Christian churches.


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