BBGeography GoogleEarth

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Google Earth ideas

diff between road/river course and as the crow flies e.g Canvey to Thames Barrier
Route from school to various local locations
Distance from … to…
Shortest route between 3-4 cities (5/6 10/12), find differences, compare different
routes, record in table

Use measuring tool to convert distances, complete a table

Start at ……, move North km, then East …, then SW …km. Where are you?

Follow rivers to their source and mouth – can you find them?
Identify features of settlements (list), at ……. (weirs, bridges on rivers: why are they

What do you notice about all river mouths / sources

Tour a river

Follow the … river and identify the following features ………

Find and take snapshots of the following river features……

Using a blank map of ….., use google to find main roads, mountains, rivers.
settlements ……

Zoom in on your locality, take snapshots of key features of your area:

1. compare to Cities Revealed shots, what has changed?
2. can you think why particular features are where they are (parks, shopping
centres etc)
3. identify undeveloped areas, what might they be used for?
4. identify use of different areas
5. identify one land use which you would change

All of these to be followed up by field trip, taking photos/videos, preparation of PPT


Aerial views of areas in the news to illustrate work.

Aerial views of penguin habitats (Y6 transition).

One offs
(Apart from finding home locality, house, school etc)
Adjust globe to show maximum area of water/land
Teacher rotate globe to unfamiliar orientation – identify known features, UK, London,
continents etc; with compass covered (Restore window, resize), point to N, S, E, W

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