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Explain the following:

a. What is Mendel’s Law?

Gregor Mendel started his experiment on peas and they undergo meiosis where in the
cell duplicates its DNA and it is divided twice that produces four gametes. Most cells
inside the body are diploid which means that they have two copies of each
chromosomes. But because sex cells have undergone meiosis, it resulted to one copy
of each chromosome and are haploid. During sexual reproduction two gametes, which
is the egg and the sperm is fused together which forms a diploid cell that will eventually
produce an individual organism. The diploid cell named zygote, receives one copy of
each chromosome from the parent. The appearance, or phenotype, of the individual will
depend on the dominant or recessive copies of different alleles from its parents.

Therefore, Mendel concluded that:

 Mendel started cross true-breeding white flower and true-breeding purple flower
plants, which produced a hybrid offspring therefor Mendel was convinced that
living things have distinct factors that helps to know its features, it is now known
as genes
 Every organism possesses two different version of this factor which is known as
the alleles.
 Each sex cell contains only one of the versions of each factor. It is now known
that gametes are haploid.
 Mendel also examined the pattern of inheritance of seven pairs of different traits
in a pea plant by cross-breeding dihybrids after that he then crossed these
dihybrids. The parent has an equal contribution to the offspring but for each
factor only one of them is dominant than the other which can be easily seen as
the result.

Because of Mendel’s experiment he created the Mendel’s Law which are the Law of
Segregation, Law of Independent Assortment and lastly the Law of Dominance.

Retrieved from:

Updegraff, E. (2019.). Explanation of Mendel's Three Laws Through the

Discussion of Meiosis. Retrieved from:

Mendel’s Law. Retrieved from:

b. What is Law of Dominance?

Law of Dominance states that in a heterozygote, one of the traits will hide the presence
of another trait for the same characteristics. Instead of having both of the alleles to have
contribution to a phenotype, the dominant allele will be shown more. The recessive
allele will stay "latent," but it would also be transferred to the offspring by the same way
in which the dominant allele is transmitted. The recessive trait will only be shown when
the product has two copies of this allele, then the offspring will breed truly when self-

As used by Gregor Mendel in this modern time scientists experiments the relationship
between alleles by crossing two true-breeding parents together. After that they check
which allele is the most noticeable in the offspring.

Retrieved from:

Boundless. (2019, Nov. 19.). Mendel’s Law of Dominance. Retrieved from:
c. What is Law of Segregation?

Law of Segregation states that allele pairs separate or segregate during gamete
formation and randomly unite at fertilization.

Mendel Pea Experiment expressed that a cross breeding between a green pod plant
and a yellow pod plant resulted into green pod plants for the First Filial Generation. It
showed that the yellow pad had disappeared but in the Second Filial Generation

is showed a very surprising result, the yellow variant suddenly appeared in the offspring.
Because of this Mendel came up with the Law of Segregation.

 There are different forms of genes, the units that determines the trait
characteristic that the offspring will inherit. These are known as the allele.
 A certain organism will have one allele from the parent.
 A sperm cell or an egg cell only carries one allele for each traits which is paired
during fertilization.
 When the results are different, one allele is fully seen which is known as the
dominant allele while the other is masked which is named as the recessive allele.

Retrieved from:

Law of Segregation. Retrieved from:

d. What is Law of Independent Assortment?

The Law of Independent Assortment states that the alleles found on two or more distinct
genes get sorted into gametes independently of one another. In other terms, the allele a
gamete receives for one of the gene does not affect the allele received for another

This law defines the random inheritance of genes from the paternal and maternal
parent. According to the Law of Segregation, the chromosome is apart from its
homolog, or counterpart, during meiosis. Therefore, the maternal and paternal
chromosomes from the parents are independently assorted, which means that the
chromosomes from the exact parents do not have to end up in the same gamete.

One of its examples is that one gamete could inherit all the maternal chromosomes
while the other have a mixture of both maternal and paternal chromosomes. This proves
that the genes on these chromosomes are independently assorted which results to a
large amount of varieties based on the unique combination of genes.

Retrieved from:

Khan Academy. The Law of Independent Assortment. Retrieved from:
2. Differentiate the Dominant and Incomplete Dominance.
a. Meaning

Incomplete Dominance is the circumstance wherein neither of the alleles are dominant,
rather they are equally combined and they display a new trait by the fusion of the two
alleles. On the other hand, Co-Dominance means that this is when two of the alleles of
a gene are dominant and the resulting traits are equally distributed.

b. Dominancy

In Incomplete Dominance neither of the alleles in a gene is dominant and expresses a

new trait. Unlike Incomplete Dominance, Co-Dominance have a fully dominant allele.

c. Example

Some examples of the Incomplete Dominance are Snapdragon and Mirabilis Jalapa
while Co-Dominance has Roan character in cattle, as well as the A and B blood group
in human.

d. Effect

Even though two of the alleles blend their effect in Incomplete Dominance, there is an
allele that is more noticeable than the other. Co-Dominance is containing alleles that
equally blend but unlike the Incomplete Dominance, they show their equal effects.

e. Other features

In Incomplete Dominance the offspring will always give a new phenotype while the Co-
Dominance has no new production of a phenotype.

In Incomplete Dominance the new phenotype has no allele of its own while the Co-
Dominance has its phenotype containing the combination of two phenotype with their

Retrieved from:

Rachna, C. (2017, Aug 3.). Difference Between Incomplete Dominance and Co-
Dominance. Retrieved from:
3. What are Multiple Alleles?

The Multiple Alleles is under the non-Mendelian inheritance pattern which include more
than just the normal alleles that usually is fused for a specific characteristic in a species.
The multiple alleles, proves that there are more than two phenotypes that could be
found in the trait and the dominance pattern the single alleles follow when they are
merge together.

Multiple Alleles are found in a population wherein there are many types of gene. They
merge in unique ways in a certain population which results to different phenotypes.
These phenotypes are resulted by the proteins encoded by the different alleles. Though
each of the gene encodes for a certain type of proteins, the different alleles can cause
high variants in the role of these proteins. This is the foundation of natural selection, and
as new variants arise and new lines of genetics are born, new species takes place.

“Three or more kinds of gene which occupy the same locus are referred to as multiple
alleles.” Altenburg

Retrieved from:

Scoville, H. (2018, Sept 29.). Law of Multiple Alleles. Retrieved from:

4. Give examples of multiple alleles.

a. Wings of Drosophila Melanogaster – Drosophila wings are usually long.
There occurred two fusion at the same locus in different flies, one that
caused vestigial meaning reduced wings and the other produced antlered
or less developed wings. Both vestigial and antlered are an example of
multiple alleles.
b. Coat Color in Rabbit – The resulting colors of the skin in rabbits are
influenced by the multiple alleles. Normally the color of their skin is brown.
There are white races named as albino and Himalayan as the mutant
races. The Himalayan is almost the same to the Albino but it has darker
nose, ear, feet, and tail.
c. Blood Groups in Man – Some genes in man results to multiple allelic
series which affect an amazing and important physiological characteristic
of the human erythrocytes. The erythrocytes contain a special antigen
property by which they are compatible to a specific component of the
blood serum.
d. Female Mosquitoes (Malaria) – Malaria is a parasitic disease that greatly
affects humans and it is transferred by female mosquitoes. When promptly
and correctly treated, P. falciparum malaria has a mortality rate of 0.1
percent. But in some parts of the world, it has evolved resistance to some
drugs that is used to treat malaria. Technically, the most effective malarial
treatments can be different to every region.

Retrieved from:

Sharma, A. Multiple Alleles: Meaning, Characteristics and Examples l Genes.

Retrieved from:

Multiple Alleles. Retrieved from:


Sumiti Vinayak, et al., "Origin and Evolution of Sulfadoxine

Resistant Plasmodium falciparum," Public Library of Science Pathogens 6, no. 3
(2010): e1000830, doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000830.


Proilan, Queene Ara Joy R.

STEM 11 – Jose Rizal
Dr. Victorio B. Duyan
December 10, 2019 (Tuesday)

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