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This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data collected

from the Grade IX students of San Miguel National High School and their subject
teachers for the School Year 2018-2019. First, it discussed the performance of the
teachers then followed by the academic performance of the students.

Table 4

Performance of the Teachers

Rating Frequency Percentage % Remarks

4.21-5 6 75% Outstanding

3.41-4.20 2 25% Very Satisfactory

2.61-3.40 0 0 Satisfactory

1.81-2.60 0 0 Unsatisfactory

1-1.80 0 0 Poor

n 8 100%

This table represents the Frequency Distribution of Performance of the subject


In the frequency distribution table, the first column shows the ratings of the
performance of the teachers. The second column is the frequency with the total of 8,
these frequencies are converted into percent in the percentage column and then
followed by remarks.

6 or 75% of the respondents belong to the range of 4.21-5 with a description of

Outstanding while 2 or 25% of the respondents belong to the range of 3.41-4.20 with a
description of Very Satisfactory. There are no respondents for the ranges 2.61-3.40,

1.82-2.60, and 1-1.80 with the description of Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, and Poor

Overall 6 teachers got the highest percentage of 75% and 2 teachers got the
lowest percentage of 25%.

Table 5

Academic Performance of Grade IX Students

Rating Frequency Percentage % Remarks

90-100 2 50% Outstanding

85-89 2 50% Very Satisfactory

80-84 0 0 Satisfactory

75-79 0 0 Fairly Satisfactory

Did Not Meet
Below 75 0 0
n 8 100%

This table shows the Academic Performance of Grade IX students. This table presents
the frequency distribution of the data from the general average of Grade IX students.

There are 2 students or 50% of the respondents belong to the grade range of 90-
100 with a description of Outstanding while another 2 students or 50% of the
respondents belong to the grade range of 85-89 with a description of Very Satisfactory.
There are no respondents that belong to the grade range of 80-84 with a description of
Satisfactory, 75-79 with a description of Fairly Satisfactory, and below 75 with a
description of Did Not Meet Expectations.

Overall, 2 out 4 students got the percentage of 50% with a description of

Outstanding and another 2 students got the same percentage with a description of Very

Teacher's Performance and Students Academic Performance


f(x) = 2.35 x + 79.6
88 R² = 0
4.1 4.15 4.2 4.25 4.3 4.35 4.4 4.45 4.5

Figure 3
Polygon Graph
The Polygraph above gives information about the relationship between the teacher’s
performance and the academic performance of the Grade IX students of San Miguel
National High School for the School Year 2018-2019.

As observed in the graph, the teacher who has a rating of 4.19 got different
grades from the students 94, 90, 87, 85 accordingly. On the other hand, the teacher
who has a rating of 4.29 got different grades from the students 94, 93 ,92 ,87 ,86 ,85
respectively. Furthermore, the teacher who has a rating of 4.35 have garnered different
grades from the students 94, 93, 92, 88, 87, 85, 84 accordingly. Moreover, the teacher
who has a rating of 4.41 got different grades from the students 95, 92, 87, 85

respectively. Lastly, the teacher who has a rating of 4.45 have garnered different grades
from the students 94, 91, 87 accordingly.

The polygraph interprets that there is a slight positive correlation between the
teacher’s performance and the student’s academic performance. It shows that when the
teacher’s performance increases, the grades slightly increase. Therefore, teacher’s
performance is directly proportional to the student’s academic performance.

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