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In this section, the process in conducting the study was discussed. The parts of
the study include the following: Research Design, Environment, Respondents,
Instruments, Data Gathering Procedures, Statistical Treatment and Scoring Procedures
as integral part in the conduct of the study.

Research Design

The study used non-experimental method and random sampling was employed
in determining the effects of self-confidence towards the academic performance of the

Research Environment

The study was conducted in San Miguel National High School. It is a public
secondary school found in San Miguel, San Remigio, Cebu. It has sixteen rooms in
good conditions and 27 active teachers who are committed to their profession. In this
school there are four facilities such as Library, Science Laboratory, Home Economics
Room and two Computer Laboratory for Junior and Senior High School. There are two
mode of transportation for the students and teachers to go in this school, first is by
motorcycle and second is by bus. San Miguel National High School has a neighboring
school which is the San Miguel Elementary School.

The school was situated at the heart of Barangay San Miguel, town of San
Remigio, Province of Cebu, Philippines. It is 5 kilometers away from the National
highway. It can be reached by motorcycle (habal2), private and vehicle rides. The area
was exactly 9,007 square meters but was not fully enclosed with a perimeter fence. The
lot where the school was built was owned by the people of Brgy. San Miguel. It is
serving three barangays of San Remigio (San Miguel, Bagtik and Calambua) and four
barangays of Tabuelan ( Kanlim-ao, Kanluhangon, Kantubaon and Tigbawan).

Figure 1

Map of Cebu Province / San Miguel National High School


Showing the Research Municipality and Location

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 students of San Miguel National
High School S.Y. 2019-2020). There are two sections in Grade 11 with the total number
of 74 students but the researchers choose only 10 respondents in every section to find
out the significant effects of self-confidence towards the academic performance of the

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents

N= 20

Respondents Number (N) Percentage

Amiable (GAS-BPP) 10 50%

Benevolent (GAS-ABM) 10 50%

Total 20% 100%

A total of 20 Grade 11 respondents from different strands were surveyed in San

Miguel National High School.

In General Academic Strand-Bread and Pastry Production, there were 10

respondents which resulted to 50% equivalence of the total number of respondents

In General Academic Strand-Accountancy Business and Management, there

were 10 respondents which resulted to 50% equivalence of the total number of

Research Instrument

Questionnaire and 1st semester grades were used to gather the information. The
distribution of the questionnaires was thoroughly done to Grade XI students of San
Miguel National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

A Transmittal Letter was sent to the principal of San Miguel National High School
to formally ask permission to conduct the study. After the approval it was followed by
the arrangement of the researcher and the teacher involved.

Statistical Treatment

This part presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the
questionnaire conducted. The data are gathered and interpreted using Mean,
Frequency Distribution and Spearman’s.

Treatment Data

The following are the statistical treatment used by the researchers in the
presentation and analysis of the data. These include the following formulas:

1. Mean;

2. Frequency Distribution; and

3. Spearsman

Mean. This is used to identify the level of confidence.


Frequency Distribution. This is used to evaluate the grades of Grade XI students of

San Miguel National High School.

Spearsman. This is used to determine the significance of confidence to Grade.

6 Σ D2
r s=1−
N 3−N


r s= spearman rank correlation coefficient

D1= paired different or rank

N= number of pair of cases

Scoring Procedure

The range of score and its description determined the confidence level between
academic performance of Grade XI students of San Miguel National High School.

Table 2

Level of Self-confidence

Level of Self-confidence Remarks

2.1-3 Highly Confident

1.1-2 Fairly Confident

0-1 No Confident

Table 3

Grading Scale of the Students

Grading Scale Performance Description

90-100 Outstanding The students has mastery

of the learning competency

89-85 Very Satisfactory The students has above

average performance of
the learning competency

80-84 Satisfactory The students has average

performance of the
learning competency

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory The students has below

average performance of
the learning competency

Below 75 Did Not Meet The The students has poor

Expectation performance of the
learning competency

Definition of Terms

To provide a clearer and better understanding of the study, the following key
terms were hereby operationally defined.

Academic performance

It refers to strong desire to achieve good grades.


It is a learned maladjustment response and anxiety. A self-defeating behavior

pattern because it prevents the individual from re-approaching the feared stimulus.


It is commonly used a self-assurance in one’s personal judgment, ability, power,



It is the explanation of successfully meeting the challenges and overcoming the

obstacles; a general sense of control of self and environment.

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