Chapter 3

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COVID-19 Pandemic: The impact to UE Caloocan SHS student's performance.

Group 1

University of the East Caloocan

ABM 11-4

Ms. Liezelle Charmaine Padilla

December 10, 2021


Chapter 3

Research Design

Haha sino dito?

Research Locale

The study was conducted at the University of the East Caloocan campus, this place was

selected in performing the study of COVID-19 Pandemic: The impact to UE Caloocan SHS

students’ performance. and implemented to the SHS ABM students of University of the East

Caloocan Campus, Wherein knowing the effectiveness of the online education platform this

pandemic compared to face-to-face classes in SHS ABM students of University of the East

Caloocan campus.

Participants of the study

This research is entitled "COVID-19 Pandemic: The impact on UE Caloocan SHS

students’ academic performance." focuses on the senior high school students studying at the

University of the East Caloocan. Caloocan City is a first-class, urbanized city in the Philippines

Metropolitan Manila. As a result, the study's population includes all the students who meet the

researcher's standards, which is being a senior high school student at the University of the East

Caloocan. The researchers would choose a sample of students from the University of the East

Caloocan which is founded in 1954 that offers quality education even in distance learning.

The researchers will use the simple random technique to choose the samples for this

study. Senior High School students from the University of the East Caloocan are selected entirely

at random. Creating a survey through google docs will be performed to collect information. The

researchers will select random students who are chosen and answer the questions about the

impact of their academic performance during the pandemic.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers made a questionnaire with 8 questions, with each of them

about their experiences and trouble whilst learning amidst the pandemic. The questionnaire has 4

parts, with 2 questions each. Part 1 covers their experiences with learning amidst the pandemic,

and will ask about how your academic performances are going.

Part 2 is to find out whether or not the pandemic greatly affected their studies, it will ask

about the participants if they are active in classes or not.

Part 3 asks if the participants had a positive or negative impact regarding the sudden shift

of mode of classes.

Part 4 will also be a tool to find out if their experiences with online classes came out

good, or if they experienced a negative outcome. It will question the participants if they are

comfortable with the change, and if they were able to manage their stress.

Data Gathering Procedure

In terms of gathering knowledge, we found some credible journals and articles from

which we were able to gather data for this study. We certify that all of the information gathered

was properly cited and credited to its rightful owners.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers assembled, categorized, structured, and tabulated the data as soon as they

collected it. They were subjected to statistical analysis in order to answer the study's questions.

The frequency distribution, percentage, ordinal scale, and weighted mean were the statistical

techniques used.

1. A frequency distribution is a data arrangement that indicates the frequency of

distinct values or groupings of variables.

2. Using the formula, a percentage is to be used to find the proportion of each

supplied data set.


% = (F/N) X 100


% = Percentage

F = No. of respondents N = total number of cases

The percentage and frequency distributions were utilized to depict the distribution of UE

Caloocan SHS students in a specific range in terms of academic achievement and living

conditions. These statistical methods were applied by categorizing the scores.

The percentage and frequency distribution were computed for the performance of the

respondents in the subjects covered in their academic strand: Accountancy, Business and

Management Strand, Humanities and Social Science Strand, Science Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics Strand, General Academic Strand, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track, and,

Arts and Design Track.

3. Weighted mean, the arithmetical average obtained by adding all the arithmetical

scores divided by the number of cases as presented by the formula. =

∑ fx
x´ =



´x = weighted mean

∑ = summation

F = frequency of each option x = weight of each option

Ethical Consideration

Members of the research group should base their decisions on worldwide norms of

ethical considerations related to moral values such as dignity, physical integrity, autonomy, and

privacy while considering study ideas. Such ethical issues are stated in various recommendations

for UE Research Department assessment, and while they may be worded differently in different

instances, comparable concepts are frequently cited. The World Health Organization (WHO)

specifies in its guidelines for ethical assessment that protocol acceptance or disapproval should

be based on the research's ethical acceptability while taking into consideration its social value,

scientific validity, and applicable legislation. According to the Council for International

Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) rules, every research involving human subjects

must adhere to the moral weight of three essential ethical principles: respect for individuals,

beneficence, and fairness.

According to the UE Basic Education Department's standards, a research ethics

committee should include four major components: dignity, physical integrity, autonomy, and

privacy. UE Work Immersion and Research even recommend that researchers pre-check their

proposal to ensure that it adheres to the principles of human dignity, equitable distribution of

study benefits and costs, and protection of research participants' values, rights, and interests. The

Philippine Health Department provides guidelines on governance arrangements for researchers in

examining study proposals in order to operate as part of an efficient, accountable, and impartial

body in preserving the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of research participants.

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