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1. Muhamad Akmal Fakredza 221133766

2. Riswan Faris 221133738

3. Wildan Prasetyo 221133753

4. Arief Nur Hasan 221133781

Class 1 Ak B 2

Accountancy Department


October 2021

Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks be to Allah swt who has given the author the
ability, strength, and happiness, time, energy, and thoughts so that he can complete this
paper about fitri cooking oil.

We really hope this paper can be useful in order to add insight and knowledge.

We realize that there are still many shortcomings in the writing of this paper.
Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism are highly expected from all readers. I
hope that this paper can be useful for anyone who reads it.

Lumajang, October 2021


Table of Contents

Table of Contents...................................................................................................................3
Motto :....................................................................................................................................4
Dedicated to :.........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1...........................................................................................................................5
1.1 Product Profile Fitri Palm Oil by Akmal................................................................5
1.2 Product history.............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2...........................................................................................................................6
Analysis on Fitri Palm Oil......................................................................................................6
2.1 Analysis production by Wildan...............................................................................6
2.2 Distribution analysis by Arief.................................................................................7
2.3 Analysis on sale by Riswan.....................................................................................7
Chapter III..............................................................................................................................8


“Belajar dari kegagalan dalah hal yang bijak”

“Berbuat baiklah tanpa perlu alasan”

Dedicated to

 Both of my beloved parents

 My beloved brothers and sisters



1.1 Product Profile Fitri Palm Oil by Akmal

Address: Jl. Bendungan Melayu, RT.1/RW.1, Tugu Sel, Kec. Koja, Jakarta,
DKI Jakarta 14260

Phone: 0878-7693-4747

Province: Jakarta

1.2 Product history

Fitri's Cooking Oil is one of the product brands of cooking oil companies in
Indonesia, which is located in Jakarta, Fitri's Cooking Oil was first produced in Jakarta in


Analysis on Fitri Palm Oil

2.1 Analysis production by Wildan

1. Sterilization

This sterilization stage in palm oil processing is technically carried out by

providing steam/water vapor to the bunches in a stelizer in the form of a large autoclave.
The purpose of sterilization in the processing and manufacture of the oil is:

a. Destroys lipolytic enzymes so that it can prevent the development of free fatty

b. Makes it easy to release fruit from bunches

c. Soften fruit

d. Coagulates gums/emulsifers to facilitate oil extraction.

2. Striping/threshing/peeling

The tool used at this stage of processing is called a stripper, serves to

release the fruit from the bunch by slamming.

The process of striping or threshing or dinging in oil processing is to:

a. The release of oil palm fruit from the bunch, the resulting shell is called loose fruit.

b. The extracted oil is no longer absorbed by the bunches so it does not reduce
processing efficiency.

c. The bunches do not affect the volume of the material in the further processing

2.2 Distribution analysis by Arief

Distribution is one of the marketing that involves the distribution of goods from
producers to consumers. Channels that distribute goods from producers to consumers are
distribution channels. This study aims to describe production activities from producers to
consumers, analyzing channel price margins and recommendations from experts related to
the distribution case. Both distribution activities and price margins use descriptive analysis
while expert recommendations use analysis IFE EFE, SWOT, and AHP. The selected
samples are cooking oil and Margarine with the brand Filma. From these results, the price
margin for producers, distributors, and retailers for cooking oil is 17,2%, 12,6%, and
15,7%, while for margarine it is 17,2%, 12,6%, 24,7%. According to experts, the main
alternative that can be done is analysis of potential product demand in the market to
achieve a priority margin balance.

2.3 Analysis on sale by Riswan

In preparing a good marketing strategy, a company must know the attitude or

consumer demand for its products and compare its products with competitors' products.
The analysis needed is the analysis of consumer attitudes and analysis SWOT. From the
analysis of consumer attitudes, it can be seen the level of consumer acceptance of product
attributes in this study, the attributes that are considered important by consumers to make
purchases are taste and scent, price and display of cooking oil. Consumer attitudes towards
the product are shown through the value of the consumer attitude index which shows a
fairly good attitude with the acceptance area 2,5. The determinants of success are taste and
scent, price, oil information on packaging labels, ease of access, intense advertising,
competitive position, market growth opportunities and quality standardization. With this
analysis, the marketing strategy is determined by determining the segmentation, target
market and positioning.

Chapter III


Fitri Palm Oil located in Jl. Bendungan Melayu, RT.1/RW.1, Tugu Sel,
Kec. Koja, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 14260. Fitri's Cooking Oil is one of the product brands of
cooking oil companies in Indonesia, which is located in Jakarta, Fitri's Cooking Oil was
first produced in Jakarta in 2017.

Sterilization, This sterilization stage in palm oil processing is technically

carried out by providing steam/water vapor to the bunches in a stelizer in the form of a
large autoclave. Striping, The tool used at this stage of processing is called a stripper,
serves to release the fruit from the bunch by slamming.

Both distribution activities and price margins use descriptive analysis while
expert recommendations use analysis IFE EFE, SWOT, and AHP. The selected samples
are cooking oil and Margarine with the brand Filma. From these results, the price margin
for producers, distributors, and retailers for cooking oil is 17,2%, 12,6%, and 15,7%, while
for margarine it is 17,2%, 12,6%, 24,7%.

From the analysis of consumer attitudes, it can be seen the level of

consumer acceptance of product attributesIn this study, the attributes that are considered
important by consumers to make purchases are taste and aroma (0,16), price (0,14) and
display of cooking oil (0,13).

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