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Hello everyone, we are Smart Life Group. Today, we will talk about our project that is
Smart Campus Project

B. Purpose and objectives of the project.

Based on the development of ICT, we have maximally applied ICT to the
management and control of the environment and learning activities for students.
This project will focus primarily on smart education, smart transportation and creating an
open and safe environment.

The goal of the project is a global approach to make Duy Tan University and the city of
Da Nang inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

C. Ideas
The project is built mainly on the IoT system. Our Smart campus project ideas include:
Smart classroom, Smart library, Smart medical, Smart parking, Smart stadium, Smart
dormitory, Smart map, Multi-function integrated areas, Intelligent storage and extraction
system, Air filter system.

The construction of a smart school campus and education system aims to optimize
activities and reduce labor load on the university campus.

1. Smart Library
This is bring the best space for users, we have designed a smart library model to
optimize the necessary needs to create a modern academic environment. 

a. Smart locker: These lockers will operate on/off based on QR code scanning cameras
or student card slots with barcodes or chips instead of using keys and physical locks.
Makes it easy to self-preserve personal belongings while ensuring the privacy of users.

b. Sound Sensor

Sound sensors are equipped in soundproof individual classrooms, it will work to warn
when the user does not meet the essential criteria. At the same time, when the user makes
excessive noise, the sensor will notify the led light before the sound function is activated.

c. Automated security equipment

When someone enters or exits the library, the device is activated to recognize the object
and track progress while participating. The scanning eyes work flexibly from the time
you check-in to the time you check-out, and your activities such as picking up books,
booking self-study rooms, returning books are recorded by the system.

d. Automatic book management machine: The user must use the QR code or
student card to check whether the right object is correct, and then accept the next
steps. Activities such as payment, book search, book loan/return registration, will be
system records. And using robots to arrange books, cleaning robots to clean books

2. Smart classroom

a. Internet

Internet is a necessary factor to be placed first. In order to help teachers and students use
it effectively, it is necessary to install an internal Wi-Fi network. Thanks to the Internet,
devices are connected to each other to form a synchronous system between smart devices
in a classroom, making it easy for users to connect and control them.

b. Smart podium

Touch screens are installed to replace writing boards and projectors, both saving space
and optimizing the teaching of lecturers or presenting problems of students. 

The podium is designed to be flexibly pulled out and pulled in with the control. When
making presentations as in the case of one person presenting to others, the podium is
pulled out


c. Class Gate

Outside the classroom will be equipped with a small smart screen, displaying parameters
such as class code, subject, teacher in class and it will automatically change according to
the classroom timetable to suit.

d. Smart tables and chairs

The desk is integrated with a smart screen so that students can scan their QR code,
student card to select the list of textbooks and documents in the personal data store,
besides the screen can also choose the program.

The seat is designed according to optimal standards to help people sit comfortably and
prevent hunchback or wrong posture to ensure health. Noise canceling indicators are also
integrated so that they do not make any noise when moving.

3. School yard
a. Smart map

Smart map: uses a geographic information system to accurately reflect real-world

geolocation, giving us an accurate overview of cameras in multiple locations. 

 Smart map is viewed as Overview: In 3D with multi-dimensional viewing angle.

The map has automatic voice guidance. Appear the class code in the room and the
teacher's name, students can learn the outstanding culture and activities of the

 Use digital contact tracing: identify potential transmission of COVID and notify
others at risk

b. Other items include:

A few other smart areas in the schoolyard are Smart seat: roof, changes according to the
weather, rain automatically dries for you. 

- Automatic lifting robot: used to lift goods when moving to school, using this function
helps to reduce labor and costs

- The school gate has an automatic person-scanning camera is When someone enters the
school outside, they scan the license plate and face format

4. Smart medical
a. Information integrated management equipment, security and hygiene management:

-The software links with the student's medical history: Linked with the nationwide
hospital system, it can promptly diagnose and provide timely and accurate first aid
measures for students

- Disinfection system, temperature sensor: Keeping students and staff safe.

-Automatic cleaning equipment will help save labor and increase the productivity of
cleaning activities in the area.

b. Furniture

-Flexible folding hospital bed

-Full medical supplies


5. Multi-purpose integrated area:

- Brief introduction: Multi-purpose integrated area including smart canteen, smart gym,
Internet system.

a. Smart canteen:Operated mainly by AI in the buying and selling process and cleaning.
Management with sales management software: Accurately quantify materials,

thereby completely eliminating losses. Convenient order by touch screen:

On the screen will show full dishes, drinks with prices and clear illustrations. Hand-held ordering
machine (tablet):

Data is synchronized quickly from order to kitchen and counter.

b. Smart gym Fully equipped with modern equipment to help students in exercising

(nhìn thêm slide)

c. Entertainment center: The entertainment area integrates healthy fun activities, with a
movie room.

d. Management system Students using recreational services are supervised by the school
to avoid students abusing recreational services. All areas in the multi-purpose integrated
area are equipped with surveillance cameras to avoid unexpected incidents.

-Students will be given weekly hours to use the multi-purpose integrated area. No need to
pay in cash, students will scan the code to be authorized to use the services.

6. Smart dormitory
a. Smart Furniture

-Our project allows students can cook in the dormitory

-Safety systems: including room/alarm/fire fighting system.

 -Lock cabinet and smart room lock: This device is used to activate QR code / student
card to prevent unauthorized people from intentionally trespassing.

 -Smart bed and desk: These two items will integrate together as a bed, saving space and
creating order. The desk when needed will be activated.

b. Smart dormitory area.

- Security and automation equipment: This makes it easier to manage and control outsider

-Study area: Help students do group exercises after the official class time.

-Conveniences included

+Vending machines

+Laundry room: Control activities based on QR code/student card to avoid wasting



7. Smart Stadium The pitch consists of 1 large grass field, surrounded by a contoured
circle between the grass field and the stands, the outermost is surrounded by a stand for
the audience. Smart stadium needs to be equipped with artificial grass for easy cleaning
Capacity of 20,000 people at the same time. High power lighting system to No heat to
avoid increasing the temperature. the next is camera system, projection sceen and
soundamplifying spoeaker to capture images,project them directly on the big screen for
vivid vision and sound.

8. Smart parking lot help in make our car park work faster, control access more
securely, and what technology devices can be used instead human labor. The smart
parking system is designed by us to operate as follows:
When the car enters the Automatic car access control gate. Then can scan Scan student
card/QR Code, Take a photo of the car and the sender, Record the bus ticket, License
plate recognition. The system will Automatic barrier opening and Parking lot Parking
floors by the hour to avoid congestion. Not only when the car comes out to confirm anti-
theft. Save the space of the garage, there are students with the same class time to share
the same work area, so they can go in and out once, saving money, saving time

9. Intranet system (including intelligent data storage, artificial intelligence) 
9.1. An overview of the intranet
LAN is an acronym for Local Area Network. This network system allows devices to be
connected to each other to work and share data. 
9.1.1 Intranet at smart school campus.
- The school's intranet system integrates multi-function, allowing access and transmission
of information within the school. 
- Including Intelligent Data Storage System, Artificial Intelligence, Air Purification
9.2. Smart data storage
9.2.2 Smart storage system at school campus.
- Storage system: Using Storage area network storage system
The main purpose: to link all the storage resources in the network together to form a
large storage system including information about lecturers, staff and students.
Content: All data and information about activities taking place during the day at school
will be aggregated, processed and stored into the system at the end of the day.

9.3. Artificial intelligence
9.3.1 General 
9.3.2 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in schools
Using AGI has the ability of an AI agent to learn, perceive, understand, and like a
- Using AGI: 

 Control attendance on behalf of the lecturer, send information about absent

students to the system for easy management and send reminders to absent students.
 Perform some basic health checks at the medical room.
 Manage the lending, return of books, noise control and activities at the library.
 Control sanitation problems at schools.
 Remind students about tests and assignments.
 Answering students' questions and concerns about learning and searching issues.

9.4. Air filtration system
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Air filtration system at school
- Equipped with air purification system for the entire campus, classrooms, medical
rooms, libraries and function rooms.
-In addition, the air purification system is equipped with a humidifier to keep the air from
getting too dry due to using air conditioning.

10. Environmental factors:
That is:

 Greening the space not only creates a green, clean and beautiful environment

 Place bin systems in different locations.

 Using billboards using Dooh technology emitting colored light helps to develop
instead of normal billboards when operating, it will generate heat and CO2
 For planes with large cross-sections exposed to sunlight such as eaves and roofs, it
can be a natural source of energy for the systems. use existing electricity.
 The school encourages students to limit the use of single-use plastic items or
plastic bags with natural.
 Using safe biological hygiene products
 Organizes sharing and training sessions on the effects of daily activities on the

D. The ability to realize the project (hết time đọc chữ đỏ)
To complete a project like this requires a lot of money and construction time.
However, this is a highly feasible project in the future, so if you want to do
renovation, you need to call for economic investment, meet the organization's labor
- To train the lecturers and staff at DTU
- It is necessary to build physical facilities and hardware systems that meet the basic
- Perfecting the system, applying intelligent applications and software
- The current organizational structure of personnel and lecturers at DTU has basically
met the requirements for proficiency in using intelligent systems and applications
E. Solutions (đọc slide) The solutions offered include improving human resources,
budget and economy.
Human Resources
• Training qualifications for staff, lecturers
• Update and constantly renew the thought of each individual in the

• Mobilizing economic resources, calling for investment from the government and
outside investors.
• Divided into several sub-projects for each sub-project
• To complete the project, it needs the support of the state government, educational
investors in terms of budget, environment and related land documents

F. Conclusion 
Our team's design model of Duy Tan University campus helps people understand
what a smart campus of a University in the coming years will look like. Campuses such
as smart classrooms, smart libraries, smart dorms or smart maps, etc. are all equipped
with information technology and devices with modern features to suit a city. as smart as
Da Nang. 

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