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Software Configuration Management

Section A: Multiple Choices 1) Which of the following should be considered as

Configuration Items for any project:
Project plan, Requirement specification, Class diagrams
Design specification, Design tools, Activity diagrams
Source Code, Test plan, test Script, Test tools, Test results
All of the above

2) In check-in, check-out model, version branching and merging are represented by a

structure known as
Version Graph
History Graph
Structure Chart
None of the above

3) Which of the SCM related resource is available in Veloci-Q Procedures:

SCM Plan
SCM Audit
Control of Documents
SCM Guidelines

4) While working with a SCM tool to edit an existing code file, you follow this sequence
of activities:
Check out, make modification on server side and check in
Check out, make modification on your local copy and check in
Check in, make modification on your local copy and check out
Check in, make modification on server side and check out

5) Standardized, measurable process for change management are inherent of

SCM processes ?
SCM tools
SCM plan
None of the above

7) Version branching is used for

Independent path of development
Experimental development
Concurrent changes
All of the above

7) Using any SCM tool you can see:

Difference between two versions of binary files
Difference between two versions of ASCII files
Difference between two versions of files irrespective of their file types
None of the above
8) Change Control could be triggered by:
Defects found during Testing
Requirement changes by the customer
Inconsistencies detected during development
All the above

9) __________ model focuses on supporting the evolution of systems as a series of

atomic changes, and on co-ordinating the change of systems.
Check-in, Check-out
Long Transaction
Change set

10) Which one of the following is a good alternative to Branching and merging
Concurrent development
None of the above

11) Software Configuration management is a CMMi Level _____ process area


12) Configuration Management is a technique for

Overall Change Control ?
Project Plan execution
Scope Planning
Risk Quantificatiion

13) The basic requirements of a SCM system are

Planning, control, status accounting, audit ?
Planning, check-in, check-out, version
Planning, versioning, branching, merging, reports
Planning, check-in, branching, merging, tools

14) Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A workspace can originate from a preserved configuration of another workspace
A workspace can originate from a repository
A workspace originates from a bound configuration in the repository
Maintaining a file system as work area is more space efficient than using a
17) _________ is the process of using one base file for two or more parallel activities
like customization

17) _____________ ensures that the changes made by one user are available to all
the other users of a file:

17) SCM benefits an organization in the areas;

Control, Management, control, quality ?
Document control
Tools usage
None of the above

18) Sharing Files is a good alternative as compared to

None of the above

19) Your project is in the User Acceptance Testing phase and the customer comes back
with a new requirement. What is correct sequence of activities in handling this change
Log the CR in the CCR, The CR is taken up by the CCB for impact analysis, PM
approves the change, Change is implemented
PM approves the Change, Change is implemented,CR is recorded in the CCR,CCB
approves the recorded CR.
CCB approves the Change, PM does Impact analysis, Change is implemented, CR
is recorded in the CCR
Change is recorded in the CCR, Impact analysis is done by the CCB, Change is approved
by the CCB, Change is implemented

20) Any proposals for improvement in SCM process defined in veloci-Q can be raised
TedWeb Request
None of the above
21) __________ provides historic information on the amount of development and
maintenance effort during a product's life cycle
Big report
Status Accounting
Weekly Report
None of the above

22) In this course SCM stands for :

Supply Chain Management
Software Change Management
Software Configuration Management
System Crossover Management

23) __________ process help to control different versions of the product.

Change request
Concurrent development
All of the above

24) ___________ guarantees that only one person at a time is in the process of
creating a new version for a particular branch.
Record Locking
Branch locking ?
File locking
Object Locking

25) Complexity issues that need be considered for SCM tool evaluation are
Ease of use
Availability of support for non-ASCII files
Availability of manuals
All of the above

Software Configuration Management

Section A: Multiple Choices 1) Defining rights of individuals for accessing the project
repository is defined at which of the following stage of SCM:
SCM Planning
SCM Control
SCM status accounting
SCM Audit

2) After reaching a milestone and releasing appropriate artifacts to customer it is

advisable to ________the deliverables to identify a baseline.
Branch and Label ?
None of the above

3) Which of the following is an SCM tool

Clear Case
All of the above

4) Which of the following is not a source of change:

Concurrent Development
SCM Tool ?
Multiple Releases
Product Family

5) Identification of configuration item is an essential part of SCM. Which is the

immediate benefit of identifying the CI?
Managing release of multiple versions
Producing Product Deltas
Analyzing historic information
Reporting project status

6) __________ process help to control different versions of the product.

Change request
Concurrent development ?
All of the above

7) Controlling the retrieval of modifiable copies of files from the repository is

Document Retrieval
Concurrency Control

8) When multiple checkouts are allowed in the CM model, which of the following is not
Changes can only be made with write access
Only users in the access control list can make changes
True person can work simultaneously using the branching and merging tools if possible
No changes are possible to a checked out file

9) Any proposals for improvement in SCM process defined in veloci-Q can be raised
TedWeb Request
None of the above

10) Repeated Application of the same selection rule will result in either same or different
component configurations. Which of the following results in the same component
Partially bound configuration
Bound Configuration
configuration template
Unbound configuration

11) SCM defines basically :

The organization of the components of a software system so that they fit together in
a working order ?
It helps track & prioritize changes to a work item during the course of the SDLC
It helps minimize risks and manage change in software development
All of the above

12) _____________ model focuses on versioning of product components

Check-in / Check-out

13) In a parallel maintenance and enhancement project scenario if one of the bug fixes
from maintenance project line is also need to be fixed for the enhancement project line
then which of the following option is the most optimum?
Suggesting developer of enhancement line to perform the bug fix changes
Performing merge from identified baseline of maintenance bug fix to enhancement
Setting up trigger for automatic bug fix notification
Inform testing team about the bug fix in enhancement line

14) SCM tools maintain the history of artifacts. What is the primary information
maintained within history?
Name and versions of artifacts
Audit status of version
Label associated with versions

15) Which of the SCM related resource is available in Veloci-Q Procedures:

SCM Plan
SCM Audit
Control of Documents
SCM Guidelines
16) An aggregation of CI(s) that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon and taken
into control at single point in time can be defined by……………. and using and SCM
tool it is identified by ……………. (Fill in the blank from respective comma separated
Project, Pinning
Baseline, Label
Branch, Trigger
Keyword, Pinning

17) “SCM is the art of identifying, organizing and controlling modifications to the
software being built by programming team. It maximizes productivity by minimizing
mistakes.” It is SCM’s definition by:
Roger Pressmen
Wayne Babich

18) Component libraries are defined on the basis of ________

Access Control
none of the above

19) A feature has been incorrectly implemented by a programmer. Which feature of SCM
tool can be used to track the programmer and the version from which it is implemented ?

20) Which of the following needs to be taken into consideration for SCM tool selection
OS Support
Development Environment
Hardware Requirements
All of the above

21) According to all definitions of SCM, the basic activities are:

Identifying and organizing Configuration Items
Managing and controlling the version of Configuration Items
Audit and reporting the status of repositories contents
All of the above

22) _____________ ensures that the changes made by one user are available to all the
other users of a file:

23) Standardized, measurable process for change management are inherent of

SCM processes ?
SCM tools
SCM plan
None of the above

24) ______ can help to reverse back to the previous baseline at any point of SDLC
None of the above

25) Multiple people working on one work item is

Concurrent development
None of the above

Software Configuration Management

Section A: Multiple Choices 1) “SCM is the art of identifying, organizing and

controlling modifications to the software being built by programming team. It maximizes
productivity by minimizing mistakes.” It is SCM’s definition by:
Roger Pressmen
Wayne Babich

2) In a project to identify the baseline artifacts which of the following techniques can be
Labeling ?

3) In this course SCM stands for :

Supply Chain Management
Software Change Management
Software Configuration Management
System Crossover Management
4) __________ means proposed changes to a CI are incorporated into the software
configuration after review and approval
Change Control
None of the above

5) To ensure change control, Veloci-Q procedures says:

The request of change should be recorded in Change Control Register
Impact should be determined and client’s agreement should be received for payment
against change incorporation
Change should be tracked till it is PM approves it
Risk assessment should be done in the end

6) _______represent the system structure and provide a list of components or groups in a

hierarchical structure.
Check-in, Check-out
System Model
Change set

7) _________ is the process of using one base file for two or more parallel activities like

8) SCM tools maintain the history of artifacts. What is the primary information
maintained within history?
Name and versions of artifacts
Audit status of version
Label associated with versions

9) Which of the following is a requirement of ISO 9001

Control of documents
Identification and traceability
Control of non-conforming product
All of the above

10) To ensure high quality SCM, which of the following recommended is appropriate:
Use SCM Tool ?
Maintain the project plan
Make a small and manageable team
None of the above
11) Configuration Management is a technique for
Overall Change Control
Project Plan execution
Scope Planning
Risk Quantificatiion

12) ___________ guarantees that only one person at a time is in the process of creating a
new version for a particular branch.
Record Locking
Branch locking
File locking
Object Locking

13) Which of the following options ensure cost saving due to SCM:
Identification of CI(s)
Accurate release control
Proper resource allocation
None of the above

14) Which of the following should be considered as Configuration Items for any project:
Project plan, Requirement specification, Class diagrams
Design specification, Design tools, Activity diagrams
Source Code, Test plan, test Script, Test tools, Test results ?
All of the above

18) CM Audit is mandatorily performed before release of the software to the

customer to ensure :
Requested and approved changes are implemented
Correct versions of the software is being delivered
CI(s) in the current version agrees with all specified requirements
All of the above

19) Control in SCM provides project personnel with the ability to :

incorporate changes
All of the above

20) ______ can help to reverse back to the previous baseline at any point of SDLC
None of the above
21) Change Control Register and Software Configuration Audit Reports are kept
within Veloci-Q section:

22) _________ model focuses on improving support for creating configurations,

managing their history, and using them as working contexts.
Check-in, Check-out
Composition ?
Long Transaction
Change set

20) Defining rights of individuals for accessing the project repository is defined at which
of the following stage of SCM:
SCM Planning
SCM Control
SCM status accounting
SCM Audit

21) SCM related procedures in Veloci-Q are

Configuration Management
Control of documents
None of the above

22) CMMi level 2 is described as


23) _____________ ensures that the changes made by one user are available to all the
other users of a file:

24) If a SCM break downs, which of the following is of the most help:
Individual developer’s knowledge and understanding of the system developed so far
The last complete backup of SCM repository
Team coordination & proper project management in crisis
Running release in production
25) Workspace is a concept using in which of the models
System Model
Long Transaction
Change set

software config

1) A set of patches applied to system releases like mainframe operating systems updates
is an example of model.
Check-in, Check-out
Long Transaction
Change set

2) Workspace is a concept using in which of the models

System Model
Long Transaction
Change set

3) _____________ model focuses on versioning of product components

Check-in / Check-out

4) Which of the following is a requirement of ISO 9001

Control of documents
Identification and traceability
Control of non-conforming product
All of the above

5) Standardized, measurable process for change management are inherent of

SCM processes ?
SCM tools
SCM plan
None of the above

8) Which of the following options ensure cost saving due to SCM:

Identification of CI(s)
Accurate release control
Proper resource allocation
None of the above
8) If you have two sets of changes to a single file and you need to reflect both the
changes, the task to be performed is

8) Which of the following is NOT a CI type

Design Document
Executable Code
Installation Manual
Contract document ?

9) In the composition model, the two step process of composition and selection can be
graphically visualized as ____________ graph

10) An aggregation of CI(s) that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon and taken
into control at single point in time can be defined by……………. and using and SCM
tool it is identified by ……………. (Fill in the blank from respective comma separated
Project, Pinning
Baseline, Label
Branch, Trigger
Keyword, Pinning

11) “SCM is the art of identifying, organizing and controlling modifications to the
software being built by programming team. It maximizes productivity by minimizing
mistakes.” It is SCM’s definition by:
Roger Pressmen
Wayne Babich

12) Status Accounting provides

Status of change request and defect reports
Version status of various configuration items (CIs)
Status of configuration items in various project baselines
All of the above

13) In a project to identify the baseline artifacts which of the following techniques can be

14) Software Configuration management is a CMMi Level _____ process area


15) Which of the following should be considered as Configuration Items for any project:
Project plan, Requirement specification, Class diagrams
Design specification, Design tools, Activity diagrams
Source Code, Test plan, test Script, Test tools, Test results ?
All of the above

16) Management issues that need be considered for SCM tool evaluation are
License Cost
After sales support
Availability of upgrades
All of the above

17) _________ helps us to know how merging works

Merging manual
Merging online help
Merging Semantics
None of the above

18) Multiple people working on one work item is

Concurrent development
None of the above

19) Identification of configuration item is an essential part of SCM. Which is the

immediate benefit of identifying the CI?
Managing release of multiple versions
Producing Product Deltas
Analyzing historic information
Reporting project status

20) Which of the following needs to be taken into consideration for SCM tool selection
OS Support
Development Environment
Hardware Requirements
All of the above
21) To ensure change control, Veloci-Q procedures says:
The request of change should be recorded in Change Control Register
Impact should be determined and client’s agreement should be received for payment
against change incorporation
Change should be tracked till it is PM approves it
Risk assessment should be done in the end

22) Defining rights of individuals for accessing the project repository is defined at which
of the following stage of SCM:
SCM Planning
SCM Control
SCM status accounting
SCM Audit

23) _______represent the system structure and provide a list of components or groups in
a hierarchical structure.
Check-in, Check-out
System Model
Change set

24) CMMi level 2 is described as


25) Some of the parameters considered for change evaluation are

Complexity of Change
Impact on existing system
All of the above

software config (mistake ppl !!!……these qns are from testing)

1) ______ are conducted to find and eliminate errors/defects in the early stages of
product development.
Reviews and Testing
All of the above

2) In a table review, who records the defects and classifies errors?

Review Leader

3) A ______ is a document which describes the objective, scope , approach and focus of
a software testing effort
Test Strategy
Test Script
Test Case
Test Plan

4) In a software development environment ____________ is confirmation that the output

of a particular phase of development meets all of the input requirements for that phase.
Reviews and Testing
Software Validation
Software Testing
Software Verification

5) Tools commonly used for causal analysis are

Pareto Analysis
Root cause analysis
Both (1) and (2)
None of the above

6) The different types of flow/coverage based testing are:

Statement coverage
Full Path coverage
Decision coverage
All of the above

7) An informal meeting for evaluation or information purpose is a

None of the above

8) Table review process is followed mostly for reviewing documents. What is the other
name of Table Review Process?
PEST Analysis
Fagan's Review Process
SWOT Analysis

9) ___________ stage ensures that review comments have been incorporated during
Causal Analysis
Follow up

10) ________ helps analyze the required efforts for validating the acceptability of a
software product.
Test Case
Test Plan
Test Script
All of the above

11) If the cost of fixing a defect in the requirements phase is 1, what is the relative cost
of fixing a defect in the Testing Phase
10 to 15

12) ________ complexity-based testing measures program length and vocabulary,

volume, difficulty, and effort.
None of the above

13) Mike Fagan of IBM published a paper in 1976, describing a method called
__________ which formalised the software review process.
Peer review
Online review
Pair review
Table review

14) ______ provides a measure of the conditions which could ensure that a branch is
Condition coverage
Condition operand coverage
Decision coverage
Both (a) and (b)

15) What is the correct definition of a Test Script?

It is a document that defines the input, action and expected output to determine if a
certain feature of an application is working correctly
It is a document that describes the sequence of steps to execute a test case.
It is a logical group of test cases which when taken together test a particular function or
unit of the system
None of the above

16) _____________ is a way of proving that your system does what is intended and also
meets all requirements.
Verification and Validation
None of the above

17) % of effort recommended for review preparation is _________


18) Preparation of a ________ is very important, before conducting Unit testing.

System Test Plan
Unit Test Case
Unit Test Plan
All of the above

19) Which of the following are the commonly accepted levels of testing in the Software
Development Life Cycle ?
Unit or Component testing
Integration testing
System testing
All of the above

20) __________ refers to testing the features/ navigation/ expected expectations, when
more than one users from different machines operate on same Objects.
Concurrent testing
Functional testing
Module testing
All of the above

21) Sometimes a need may arise for an external review of the software product. Which
of the following needs will prompt you to go for an ERT?
Domain Content
Technical Content
Cosmetic Content
All of the above

22) __________ implies testing the system with the intent of confirming the readiness of
the product and customer acceptance of the product.
Load testing
System testing
Acceptance Testing
Integration testing

23) The basic building block of any activity in any phase of the SDLC which forms the
core of Wipro's Reviews and Testing Process is called the :
Peer Review
Verification and Validation Techniques
ETVX Model
All of the above

24) _______ is done to validate the entire product.

System testing
Acceptance testing
Regression testing
Integration testing

25) JTest, Jprobe, Purify are some of the __________ used in projects.
Verification tools
Testing tools
Validation tools
All of the above

vel q

1) Which of this is not the intended use of Metrics?

To monitor the project performance
To take appropriate decisions based on measured values
To monitor individual performance
To revise plans

2) Objectives of customer focus is to:

Elicit parameters that are critical to quality from customers
Collect data and metrics
Track performance
All of the above

3) All Configuration Audit issues are recorded in -------------- and tracked to closure:
Software Configuration Audit Report (SCAR)
Software Configuration Order Form (SCOF)
Baseline Record

4) The set of actions to be taken when the perceived risk becomes a reality is
documented as part of
Contingency plan
Mitigation Plan
Defect Prevention Report
Risk Tracker

5) Risk quantification is done based on

Risk probability and impact of risk
Risk mitigation
Risk schedule
None of the above

6) Practitioners working on projects can suggest process improvements through a

Process Improvement Proposal
Change Request
All of the above

7) _________ serves as an important verification activity to ensure the completeness of

testing in order to ensure product quality.
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Test Audit
System testing

8) Group that focus on the tools used by projects and the impact of using tools is
Tools group
All of the above

9) Corrective and Preventive Action Plan should be drawn for:

Customer complaints received
Customer feedback ratings
Customer Satisfaction surveys
All of the above

10) Look ahead meetings and root cause analysis are examples of
Defect prevention activities
Error capture activities
Appraisal activities
None of the above

11) The effectiveness of the Quality Management System is continuously improved

Audit results, corrective and preventive actions, CSATs, Management Review
Sales reports, Balance sheets, Company audit reports
Quality group recruitments
Individual Performance appraisals

12) Project monitoring reviews are conducted to

review project progress
understand project requirements
monitor requirements volatality
All of the above

13) Wipro’s quality system is known as

Project Data Bank

14) In the execution of maintenance projects each trigger from the customer is recorded
in a:
Change Request
Change control Register

15) _________is used to document the features/functionality to be tested, test strategy

and testing methods to be used.
Test Plan
Test Form
Test development
Test Design

16) Organizational learning enters Veloci-Q through

Queries and PIP
Audit findings
Project Performance Analysis
All of the above

17) _________ is a technique used for arriving and prioritizing requirements.

Pugh matrix
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Voice Of Customer (VOC)
All of the above

18) Release review process involves

PM, customer and TM
All team members
entire team along with SQAM and customer
19) Each phase /activity of a life cycle model is represented in veloci-Q by the
____________ Criteria

20) Process artifacts that help to perform project activities in a standard manner are
Checklists and Templates
All of the above

21) The threshold value of Risk Score beyond which the Mitigation and contingency
plans need to be documented is

22) is a repository of data and learning from closed projects.

Project Data Bank
Six Sigma
None of the above

23) Six sigma methodology that is used for reduction of cycle time is
Cross Functional Process Map
Six steps

24) is an initiative that involves measuring and analyzing business processes.

Six Sigma
Root Cause Analysis
Pugh Matrix
None of the above

25) Six Sigma measures defects based on:

the team’s decision
Wipro’s Senior management’s perception
Customer’s perception
number of defects in the project
vel q

1) Configuration audits are verification mechanisms used to ensure that deliverables are:
Defect free
On schedule
Consistent with requirements
None of the above

2) In Wipro which model representation of CMMI was adopted

Rank model
Linear model
Staged model
Process area model

3) Each phase /activity of a life cycle model is represented in veloci-Q by the

____________ Criteria

4) PDCA stands for

Plan, Define, Change, Add
Plan, Do, Change, Aid
Plan, Do, Check, Act
Plan, Define, Check, Add

5) In Veloci-Q, intentions and directions for quality initiative are documented in

Policies section
Procedure section
Guidelines section
All of the above

6) What is the monthly mechanism to record and track metrics of the project?
Work Plans

7) For a project that involves resolving incidents, job cycle monitoring and software
upgrades, the process model to be chosen is
V-Process model
Iterative Process model
Production Support process model
None of the above
8) It is mandatory to take corrective and preventive actions for
Customer complaints
(a) and (c)

9) This is the testing procedure according to which modules, sub modules are tested and
test case verification is done
Functional testing
Module testing
Unit testing
System testing

10) Quality is defined as

Ability of the product to meet stated or implicit needs of customers
Set of process and procedures
Use of checklists and templates
All of the above

11) ISO stands for

International Organization for Standardization
International Systems for Organization
International Systems Orientation
International Systems Organization

12) ________ are mistakes / faults caught during the same phase of SDLC
All of the above

13) You are a Project Engineer who has just joined Wipro. You want to know all your
responsibilities as defined by veloci-Q for your role. Where would you go?
Treasure House

14) Prior to start of the project, the PM should estimate

good idea - he can get familiar with our estimation guidelines
it is a must to plan better on execution of the project
verify estimation and address differences if any
all of the above

15) The process model suited for projects with dissimilar service requests is
Service Process model
Rational Unified Process Model
V-Process Model
None of the above

16) The process followed in the software development project should be:
Client specified processes
Processes as described in velociQ.
Tailored ODC specific processes
Any One of the above

17) Voice Of Customer (VOC) can be used to

Prioritize customer requirements
Select requirements
Analyze customer requirements
Requirements traceability

18) In CMMI the Level 2 stage is described as


19) DPMO stands for

Defects per million opportunities
Defects per million occasions
Derivations per million opportunities
Any of the above

20) In the execution of maintenance projects each trigger from the customer is recorded
in a:
Change Request
Change control Register

21) Choose the odd one: One of the process models NOT suitable for Development
Iterative model
Waterfall Development model
V-Process model
Conversion/ Porting Process Model

22) The following is not a section of the project plan template :

Resource Plan
Execution Process Plan
Project Vision
23) What does function point estimation mean:
A standard method to measure size of software projects
A Metric for effort calculation
A review technique / mechanism
An experimental method to calculate project delivery time

24) In CMMi level software process is improved in a controlled manner.

All of the above

25) The quality group responsible for process definition, metrics analysis and quality
assurance activities at vertical/group vertical level is
Tools Group
None of the above

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