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I declare that this report represents the activities I did, skills and experiences I gained during the
period of my field practicum at Bufunda Health Center III, and it has never been presented to any
institution for award of any academic qualification

Signature ……………….………………………………. Date ……………………………………




This report was done under my supervision and is ready to be submitted for examination with my
approval to the Department of Public Health of Bishop Stuart University

Signature………………………………………………… Date …………………………………...

Dr. Tumwebaze Mathias

(University Supervisor)


I, Masereka Zack Frankline dedicate this report to all parties that were helpful during my industrial
training most especially my family that funded me within this period and kept checking on me to
see how I am doing health-wise and economically, my fellow interns for their knowledge they
added to my value in what we were working on and my university supervisor who provided some
counseling and guidance and directions during the period.


Am very grateful to the people who helped me during my practicum to make it a success. I
therefore extend my sincere thanks to my wife Siriwayo Enid. who provided financial support
during the practicum, the administration of Bufunda Health Center III who gave me an opportunity
to practice from their health center and the health center’s staff for teaming up with me during my

I am also grateful to the university administration for including field practicum on the curriculum
and providing us with supervisors who guide us during our practicum.

I also grateful thank my university supervisor Dr. Tumwebaze Mathias for his guidance and advice
throughout the period of internship.

May the lord reward you abundantly.


AIDs Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

ART Ant-retrial Viral Therapy

ARVs Anti-Retro-Virus

CD4 Cluster of Differentiation 4

COC Combined Oral Contraceptive

F100 Formula 100

F75 Formula 75

FSG Family Support Group

HCT HIV Counseling and Testing

HIV Human Immune Deficiency virus

IUDs Intra-Uterine Devices

LAM Lactational Amenorrhea Method

MOH Ministry of Health

MUAC Middle Upper Arm Circumference

OPD Out Patient Department

PIASCY Presidential Initiative on Aids Strategy for

Communication to Youth

PWDs People With Disabilities

UNICEF United Nation Children’s Fund

USAID United States Agency for International Development

VHT Village Health Team

DECLARATION............................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. ii
DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... v
SECTION ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the field attachment .......................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Objectives of the field work ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of Bufunda Health centre III ................................................................................ 1
1.3 Goal ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Vision ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Mission...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Core values................................................................................................................................ 2
1.7 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.8 Target population ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.9 Services/ Products offered at Bufunda Health Centre III ......................................................... 3
1.10 Source of funding .................................................................................................................... 4
1.11 Organizational Structure ......................................................................................................... 4
SECTION TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5
MANAGEMENT OF PRACTICUM EXERCISE .................................................................... 5
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 The role of the organization ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Duties of the department where I was placed ........................................................................... 5
2.3 The role of Agency Supervisor ................................................................................................. 6
2.4 The roles of the university supervisor ....................................................................................... 7
SECTION THREE........................................................................................................................ 8
FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS WHILE AT THE PLACEMENT ................................. 8
3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Describe each case or activity or responsibility that I was assigned to do ............................... 8
3.2 Experience, knowledge and skills gained ............................................................................... 10

3.3 Special contribution to the organization personal ................................................................... 11
3.4 Challenges encountered in the field work activity .................................................................. 12
3.4.1 Organization challenges ....................................................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Personal challenge and how I dealt with them..................................................................... 13
SECTION FOUR ........................................................................................................................ 14
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Personal assessment of the organization ................................................................................. 14
4.2 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 Recommendations to the MOH to improve services offered at Bufunda Health Centre III 15
4.3.2 Recommendation to the Bufunda Health Centre III to improve services. ........................... 16
4.3.3 Recommendation to BSU for better internship placement .................................................. 16
4.3.4 Recommendation to the Department of Public Health for a better internship practicum .... 17
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix 1: Internee Work Plan .................................................................................................. 18
Appendix 2: Photos Taken During Practicum .............................................................................. 19
Appendix 3: Sketch map showing the catchment area (Bufunda Health center III) .................... 20



1.0 Introduction

This chapter presents the background of the organization, mission, target population, objectives of
the organization, products or services offered by the organization, sources of funding for the
organization as discussed bellow

1.1 Background of the field attachment

Field attachment is defined as the field based practical work carried out staff and students for the
purpose of teaching and research in places outside the university control but where the university
is responsible for the necessary safety of its, students and other expose to their activities.

It is therefore a requirement whereby all taught units make and have arrangements for students to
seek, or be helped to get placed in different forms of work in the course of their study programs to
experience the real life of work. This is hoped to help students related academic programs they
study to actual work setting and thus appreciate their applicability.

1.1.1 Objectives of the field work

To enable me to get hands-on real-life experience that I am expected to work in when I graduate.

To provide me an opportunity for me to apply the principles and techniques theoretically learnt in
to real-life problem-solving situation.

To develop my understanding of work ethics employment demands responsibilities and


1.2 Background of Bufunda Health centre III

Bufunda Health centre III existed as one of the Health Centres in Mbarara but with the coming
into force of the decentralization system of government of Uganda (1997) Bufunda division

council became a lower local government with legal powers. Also, the introduction of the 1997
local government Act made this lower local government body corporate with powers to sue and to
be sued. Besides the same Act empowers the lower local government to have autonomous financial
and planning powers based on Article of the 1995 constitution of Uganda

Bufunda heath centre III is one of the health centres in Bufunda 1 A cell, Bufunda Ward, Bufunda
Division, Ibanda Municipality, Ibanda District. One of the facts responsible for the Centre steady
growth has been its location. Bifunda borders with Bisheshe division in east, Kagongo Division
in north, Igorora town council in west.

1.3 Goal

A good standard of health for all people of Bufunda Division.

1.4 Vision

To have a healthy and productive population that contributes to the socio-economic development.

1.5 Mission

To provide highest level of health promotive, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative
services to all people of Bufunda Division.

1.6 Core values

• Professionalism
• Customer care
• Team work
• Confidentiality
• Integrity

1.7 Objectives

To enhance on standards of living of the people in Health Centre catchments and communities
around by providing basic health care through provision of better sanitation facilities

To ensure working of government and non-government policies, regulations and campaign in the
community and good health sensitization HIV/AIDs eradication.

To improve on the quality of health services to all individuals.

To mainstream gender in all health planning practices of government effectiveness of planning

and growth like men escorting their ladies for medical checkups.

1.8 Target population

Bufunda Health Centre III targets all categories of people including men, women, widows, elderly,
PWDs, children, HIV/AIDs patients, pregnant mothers, breast feeding mothers, youth, couples
who live in Mbarara district Mbarara municipality in all sub counties.

1.9 Services/ Products offered at Bufunda Health Centre III

Bufunda Health Centre III offers services like guidance and counseling to all people especially
people with HIV/AIDs, this is through pre-test and posttest counseling.

Daily health education of clients on issues like how to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDs, how to
improve sanitation among people and this is done to protect them from acquiring diseases like
malaria, cholera, and among others.

It also provides pregnant mothers with mother care in the time of labor up to delivery.

It provides preventive services, these are integrated with other curative services and these include;
immunization at static, family planning, Antenatal care and counseling.

Malaria testing and treatment services through laboratory testing and treatment.

Sensitization of the public /health education through carrying out community outreaches to
sensitize people on good nutrition, good sanitation, and use of family planning methods for the
families to have manageable families.
The organization also offers immunization services to all children bellow one year, this is done to
prevent them against eight killer diseases such as influenza B virus, measles, hepatitis B and among

The organization also provides family planning services such use of injector plan and pill plan so
as to manage small families.

1.10 Source of funding

Bufunda Health Centre III is directly funded by the government of Uganda through the Ministry
of Health (MOH).

Furthermore, Bufunda Health Centre III receives funds from implementing partners for example
USAID, UNICEF, and among others. This aims at improving on the quality of services offered at
the Health Centre and enable the beneficiaries get better services.

1.11 Organizational Structure


Senior Clinical Officer

Ass. Nursing Officer

Lab. Tech
Enrolled Midwives Enrolled Nurses

Data clerks Linkage Counsellors Peer Educators




2.0 Introduction

This chapter provides a detailed report about the organization of the field work, duties of the
department, roles of the organization, input from the agency supervisor and the detailed description
of the role played by the student in the department of placement.

2.1 The role of the organization

Promoting health standards through sensitization of communities about government programmes

such as use of family planning methods.

Advocating and promoting interests and rights of the disadvantaged groups within the
communities like the youth, HIV patients, and pregnant mothers and among others.

Conducting training in literacy and health activities to enable the community understand the
effectiveness of family planning, immunization and medical checkups

Enhancing PIASCY programmes in schools with in communities.

Ensuring birth of free HIV/AIDs and health babies through encouraging good nutrition, eating
balanced deities and testing for HIV before, during and after birth.

Mobilizing communities to participate in ongoing health programmes in the Health Centre.

Supervision and monitoring of government programmes like sleeping under mosquito nets so as
to prevent the spread of malaria and promoting good sanitation through conducting village health
programmes under the help of village health teams (VHTs).

2.2 Duties of the department where I was placed

The department gives information about HIV/AIDs as a disease, its effects, measures to minimize
its spread and encourages people to test for the disease once your found HIV positive your

encouraged to start taking ARVs and your found HIV negative your encouraged to abstain from
sex, use condoms or to be faith full to your partner.

Delivering of quality services to people in other communities through carrying out community
outreaches for example sensitizing village health teams (VHTs) about changes taking place at the
health unit

Drug administration, the department teaches village health teams on how to take medicine and
how to administer the drugs to children of 5 years and bellow 2 months, how much doze they
should get, signs and symptoms of some diseases.

It also encourages and teaches people on taking good nutrition especially nutrition of the ART
clients and pregnant mothers about eating balanced diet.

Participating in antenatal family support group, post-natal services and family planning services.

Pre-test and post test counseling. That is counseling clients before and after testing for HIV.

Record management, the department ensures proper record keeping for example it opens and keeps
files for ART clients as this helps in assessing the performance of the health unit

Taking othpometric measurements to determine client’s information. This is also done by the
department in order to determine the medication and services to be given to patients

The department also conducts client index testing. This is done through community outreaches by
testing other members of the ART clients.

2.3 The role of Agency Supervisor

The agency supervisor was responsible for introducing the internee to the entire staff and this helps
the student to cope up with the conditions of the work place.

He also explains the relevant polices of the organization to the students and other important issues
in the organization.

He also helps the student to access the relevant information which she/he needs to write his report.

He assists in guiding on how to run administrative work depending on the current and prevailing
circumstances, He makes supervision on daily work activities.

He ensures that the students are at work in time so as to comply with the agreed work schedule.

He evaluates the student and awards out marks accordingly.

He provides students with the necessary information about the organization such as the back
ground of the organization.

2.4 The roles of the university supervisor

He guides students on tips to a good field work report. This helps the student to come out with a
good detailed report as required by the department of social work and social administration.

He helps the student to adjust and cope with problems of theory conflicts.

He plays the big role in the learning process that is he acts as a bridge between the academic
community and the field experience.

He supervises the student during internship and also guides him/her on how to do certain things
such as on how to write a good report and among others

The university supervisor awards marks to the students which helps him or her to excel in



3.0 Introduction

This contains a description of each case or activity or responsibility that I was assigned to do,
experience, knowledge and skills gained, relevancy of the field work activities to the theories learnt
during lectures, special personal contribution to the organization, problems encountered in the field
work activities (work related problems i.e. those affecting the organization workers and a student.)
and achievements.

3.1 Describe each case or activity or responsibility that I was assigned to do

Filing and record management for example sorting records and putting them to their respective
files such as putting CD4 to files of ART clients.

Filing Family support group (FSG) attendance lists, that is recording client’s names, their family
members, and relatives.

Filing HIV counseling and testing card. This involves asking client’s place of residence, their age,
and sexual status and among others, this is to ensure proper record keeping.

Filling antenatal cards. During the practicum, I would fill antenatal cards for pregnant women for
both those who would come for the first visit, second visit and third visit. On the antenatal cards,
important information such as the name, age, weight, MUAC, address, nutritional status, blood
pressure, ammonerrhoe weeks of the client were taken and filled on them.

Giving appropriate referrals to clients, that is directing clients to different departments

Guiding mother’s with malnourished children how to prepare for them high energy porridge. I
would advise them to get one litres of boiling water, add seven spoons of soya, seven spoons of
millet flour, one cup of milk when you put them down add two eggs and two covers of cooking

I also administered Polio and Vitamin A to babies brought for immunization. I would give polio 0
to children at birth, polio 1 to babies with 6 weeks, polio 2 at 10 weeks and polio 3 with 14 weeks.

I would give vitamin A drops to children with 6 months, 1 year, 1 and half years, 2years, 2and half
years, 4 years, 4 and half and 5 years

I also carryout daily health education whereby I taught clients on issues like the importance of
eating a balanced diet especially to pregnant mothers so as to produce healthy children.

I sensitized women about the different modern methods of family planning like COC, LAM,
implants, IUDs, condoms among others and the effectiveness of those different methods

I was also able to sensitize mothers with malnourished children to prepare ‘’ekiitobero’’. To
prepare it for one child, you get one lump of peeled beans, one lump of rice/ matooke/ posho/ irish
potatoes, one of ground nuts, one of mukeene, a pinch of salt, add water and steam, it should not
be heated directly on fire.

I was assigned to carryout pre-test and post-test counseling for the HIV clients in ART clinic that
is counseling clients before and after testing for HIV for example I counseled a discordant couple
whereby I encouraged them to always use condoms as they are playing sex.

I would also guide mothers with malnourished children in the nutrition corner on how to prepare
F75, F100 and the appropriate time they should be feeding their children.

Nutrition assessment. I was able to do nutrition assessment using a MUAC tape, a Z-score,
checking for bilateral edema and using BMI. Those found to be severely malnourished would be
referred to Natasha ward and those found to be moderately and acute and would be advised to
improve on their nutrition. Those who were obese were advised to change their life style and
improve on their nutrition as well.

Opening files for new ART clients, that is entering them to pre-ART book and giving the file pre-
ART number.

Organizing and arranging files in ART clinic, that is arranging files according to their pre-ART

Packing ARV’s drugs for ART clients.

3.2 Experience, knowledge and skills gained

Confidentiality. I learnt that the patient’s information is confidential and has to be kept as a secret
between me and the client. I also learnt that when the client is aware that what he/she is going to
share with the health worker, then he feels free to give a detailed information which may be useful
in making a proper diagnosis of the health problem.

I achieved decision making skills, this is where I would agree with some clients especially
discordant couple and we decide on what to do in various issues and giving psycho-social services.

I also gained experience on how to handle and welcome clients in the offices and how to give
appropriate referrals to clients.

I also gained time management skills where I was to report at the agency at 8:30am and the leave
at 5:00pm.

I also learnt to patient to clients. This is because some clients were stubborn and others nagging
yet I had to listen to them, so I had to be patient with them and also listen to them in order to
provide better health services.

I gained counseling skills through carrying out pre-test and post-test counseling of clients.

I gained knowledge on how information can be acquired from people through asking them
different questions.

I gained socialization skills through working with different categories people such as interacting
with my fellow internees and staff members

I have learnt how to work with community to identify, assess and take appropriate action in order
to address or mitigate individual client and community health needs and concerns.

I was also able to gain writing skills through filing HCT cards and opening new files for ART

In internship I gained more skills in computer related issues especially on data entrance whereby
I entered files of ART clients.

Interpersonal communication skills. I learnt how to interact and communicate with people in the
Health Center both in a formal and informal way, this is because I had to communicate with the
Health Center staff and clients.

Listening skills. Due to being assigned duties like guiding and counselling clients, I had to be a
good listener to clients’ challenges and views in order to be in position to provide the best health

Public speaking skills were also gained and this was through speaking on behalf of my fellow
internees during giving health education.

Report making. I have been able to appreciate and make activity report to relevant authority in
form of accountability for example to the university and to the Health Center.

Sensitization skills and health education skills. Through the many health education and
sensitization sessions I attended and conducted, I was able to learn and gain the skills on how best
to conduct them. For example, I now know that if am to give a health talk, I have to be having a
theme, the target population, the body, I then allow people to ask questions and then I summarize

Team work. I learnt that in order to provide better services to people, all the staff from different
departments have to work together as a team.

3.3 Special contribution to the organization personal

I requested the in charge of Bufunda Health Centre III through my supervisor to establish a secret
office where HIV patients receive their drugs so as to ensure the principle of confidentiality at the
Health Centre and the office was establish at the Health Centre. This reduces challenges like
missing return dates and late coming among clients, clients especially the new ART clients would
miss their return dates or come late such that they are not seen as HIV patients by fellow clients,
these were the most challenges in ART clinic as well as the health at large.

3.4 Challenges encountered in the field work activity

3.4.1 Organization challenges

The organization faced a challenge of in efficient workers. Due to this challenge, clients could
come and spend a whole day at the agency waiting for services especially in efficient doctors. This
is because the organization has only three permanent doctors yet it receives many clients.

Heavy work load especially in ART clinic during days for ART. These involves organizing and
arranging files, filling in appointment book thus recording clients who have attended so as to search
for those who have missed.

Lack of computers, internet networks and other equipment to work on storing the Health Centre
records. There was only one computer at the Health Centre. This therefore became a challenge to
organization because most offices could not get access to use them yet it was a clear way of
collecting and storing information for the organization.

Lack of facilitation such as transport, lunch especially during outreach times whereby works are
not facilitated with food.

Late coming among clients, clients especially ART clients would come very late in the evening
when the health workers are very tired yet it requires a long process like looking for client’s ART
file, attending to doctor, attending the laboratory for testing CD4 and among other hence giving
medical workers hard time.

Missing return dates by clients, clients especially ART clients would miss to return in the days as
appointed by the medical workers. This would make medical workers to make phone calls or even
go for home visits so as know the reason as why they missed to return at the health centre for
medication hence increasing on the costs like buying airtime for phone calls and work load to
health workers.

The health center was faced with a challenge of poor sanitary places. The sanitary places
(bathrooms, toilets) that were available were few and even the few that were there some of them
would be blocked.

The Health Centre faced the problem of inadequate drugs and other logistics. There is also the
problem of inadequate supply and stocking of drugs at the Health Centre.

There was a challenge of inadequate beds for clients who were admitted. The number of patients
admitted was much more than the beds available, as a result most of the patients had to sleep down
on the floor. In Toto ward especially in the nutrition corner, a bed would be shared by two to three
children. The Health Center was pledging the government to build more buildings

There was a challenge of insecurity in the health Center. This was evidenced by the increased theft
of the patient’s property from the Health Center. This was being minimized by building a face
around the Health Center and increasing on the security guards.

3.4.2 Personal challenge and how I dealt with them

Missing return dates by clients, clients especially ART clients would miss to return in the days as
appointed by the medical workers. This would make me and medical workers like Health Centre
counselor go for home visits so as know the reason as why they missed to return at the Health
Centre for medication hence increasing my on the costs like transport and work load.

Heavy work load such as arranging and organizing files, counseling clients and opening files for
those tested positive.

I also faced the problem of terminologies such as HCT meaning HIV counseling and testing, OPD
meaning outpatient department and among others but later was solved by asking my agency
supervisor different terminologies.

Transport costs were very expensive to me as I used to travel from area of my residence to the
Health Centre but it was solved waking up very early and walking to the Health Centre.



4.0 Introduction

This chapter contains personal assessment of the organization and the suggested way forward and
what I think that the university should do to improve field work exercise.

4.1 Personal assessment of the organization

I assessed the following during the time that I spent at Bufunda health centre III of my internship

All in all, the internship exercise which took place at Bufunda Health Centre III went on
successfully since I was able to gain more skills like counseling through carrying out pre-test and
post-test counseling of clients, communication skills through communicating with different people
at my agency such as communicating with staff members, my fellow internees and clients, public
speaking skills were also gained and this was through speaking on behalf of my fellow internees
during giving health education, socialization skills through working with different categories
people such as interacting with my fellow internees and staff members, among others

However, the Health Centre faces many challenges such as low staffing levels, there is few medical
workers compared to the increasing number of patients especially HIV patients at Bufunda Health
Centre III, the problem of inadequate drugs and other logistics, inadequate supply and stocking of
drugs at the Health Centre, lack of enough space to accommodate the increased number of clients
and staff, heavy work load especially in ART clinic during days for ART. These involves
organizing and arranging files, filling in appointment book thus recording clients who have
attended so as to search for those who have missed.

The Health Centre is aided the government and it offers equal services to all people from all
communities in and outside Bufunda Division. There is also good cooperation and teamwork
among the organization workers as they work hand in hand so as to ensure quality services delivery
and Health Centre also works under cord of ethics such as respect for all people including men,
women, children and PWDs from all corners.

4.2 Conclusion

My entire internship period has been a success because it has enabled me appreciate my course
and its relevance in the real working environment since I have been able to realize how the different
course units for the last two years are relevant in the working field.

I have also been able to identify health issues affecting clients, the services offered at Bufunda
Health Centre III, challenges faced in the delivery of health services to clients and I have also been
able to have a hand on to improve health of the clients.

Special thanks go to the Head of Department of Public Health, my supervisors who supervised me
and guided me on how to do my internship. I am also grateful to the university administration for
including field practicum on the curriculum because it offers great experience to us students.

The internship exercise was so important to me, despite of the challenges I met, however much I
got a chance of learning new things and creating more friends including my fellow internees and
health workers and more knowledge was gained like how to apply counseling principles so as to
have a successful counseling session.

The practicum has also enabled me to learn how to deal with a variety of work demands,
responsibility and also given me an opportunity to work with professionals at the hospital. I have
also gained skills of management such as interpersonal skills and team work.

4.3 Recommendations

4.3.1 Recommendations to the MOH to improve services offered at Bufunda Health Centre

The MOH is advised to develop staffing structure suitable for the needs of Bufunda Health Centre

The MOH is advised to ensure that the budget allocated to Bufunda Health Centre III is based on
the output of the Health Center so that stock outs do not affect the provision of services in the

4.3.2 Recommendation to the Bufunda Health Centre III to improve services.

I recommend the Health Center to always provide interns some allowances for at least motivation
since we also improve on the efficacy of service provision.

Since the Health Centre allows very many interns to practice from there at the same time, it should
make for them a timetable so that we can work in shifts to avoid the problem of interns being very
congested around clients in different wards.

The Health Centre should allow interns to work for half day since we are not given breakfast or

The Health Centre should also replenish the sanitary places available since most of them are
blocked and non-functioning yet it has a high population using them.

The Health Centre should put in place stock taking exercises which should be emphases. This
would enable it to keep track of drug stocks, stock outs and thus provide a basis for planning.

4.3.3 Recommendation to BSU for better internship placement

Since the university has buses, it should consider transporting those intern students who are staying
near campus to places of placement which are near. This will help students not to be late at their
places of placement and as well maintain the name of Bishop Stuart University.

The university should always organize practical for public health students so that we can gain the
practical knowledge and skills. The lack of practical skills made it hard to work easily in the first
weeks which would not have been the case if I had those practical skills.

The university should design uniforms with a badge for public health students for them to put on
specifically during internship placement in Health Centers, this is because in a hospital interns
should be differentiated from clients and staff

The university should secure and give some money to students as they go to the field to help them
overcome some financial constraints during the practicum.

4.3.4 Recommendation to the Department of Public Health for a better internship

The department of Public Health should always at least first orient us about what we are likely to
find in the field, the challenges and how we can try to overcome them, how we are supposed to
behave since most of us have never been exposed to that working life before this will help students
to go when they are fully prepared.

The Department of Public Health should always give us outlined guidelines on the specific
activities they would prefer us to be involved in that are relevant to our course before going for
practicum in Health Centers.

The Department of public health should provide us with improved log books with covers. It has
been providing us with the ones without covers and this makes it hard to keep them safely for two
months without them being torn or worn out no matter how you try to keep them safe.


Appendix 1: Internee Work Plan

Week One Orientation
Postnatal care services
Administration of vitamin a and deworming table
Health education of mothers about breast feeding
Week Two Administration of deworming tables to children
Filling family planning register
Filling immunization tally sheet
Filling postnatal register
Health education about preventive measures of covid 19
Pre-family planning
Week Three Administration of vitamin A and deworming table
Filling immunization register
Follow up of postnatal others
Health education of mothers about breast feeding
Sorting and filling immunization tally sheet
Week Four Administration of deworming tables to children
Filling family planning register
Filling immunization register
Filling postnatal register
Report writing
Sorting and filling immunization tally sheet

Appendix 2: Photos Taken During Practicum

Figure 1: VHTs on case management

Figure 2: Meeting about Covid 19

Appendix 3: Sketch map showing the catchment area (Bufunda Health center III)


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