Evaluation For Unit 3

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Evaluation for Unit 3: Media Production Brief 6975.


For unit three we had to make two media adverts aimed at a young audience of teenagers
and we could choose from two of the age groups given. The age groups which were given
are, 12 – 15 and 15 – 19. I chose the age groups of 15 to 19 because; I felt that my adverts
which I was going to make would have a better and bigger impact on teenagers of those
ages. The two adverts had to be about global warming (climate change) and they could not
be longer than thirty seconds running time. My adverts were based on energy saving and I
made two different adverts about the same topic, but aimed at different genders male and
female. This would give both genders ideas of how they could save energy by doing everyday
Production Process:
Pre-Production – The first thing I did for pre-production was my initial research and I included
what key elements of the brief needed I did to address, what I thought would be the biggest
challenge, what technical skills I hoped to develop, and what were my initial ideas. We had to create
a questionnaire, from that I found out that my target audience knew some information about global
warming and that had impact because, it meant that my adverts would have to stand out and have
new information. It wouldn’t make my adverts look the same as the other global warming adverts.

We had to do beachcombing and from my beachcombing I found quite a few facts, figures, music
which I could use for my adverts, it meant that i could use some facts for my adverts which I found,
all the beachcombing I did was secondary research. We looked at existing public service adverts &
campaigns to give us an idea of what our advert would look like and this impacted on me because,
it gave me an idea what my advert would look it and what kind of shots I could use in my advert. The
shots I could use in my adverts are close up, medium shots, long shots, establishing shots and I could
use a variety of angles such as high angle, low angle etc.

We also had to create a treatment for our two adverts, in which we had to outline the plot of our
adverts, how my two adverts would meet the brief, how I will use the research which I have
conducted and the subject of climate change, what are the key messages and the line of appeal of
my two thirty second adverts, the narrative structure, how will I use conventions of other public
service advertisements in my two adverts and lastly what equipment will I use and how will I use
them. I also had to create a production schedule, of when I will be filming, what I will be filming and
if I am not filming what will I be doing instead, and I also had to include when I will be taking out
equipment, this helped me because I knew what I had to do and when I had to do it so I was not in a
rush. I also created a daily filming sheet, in that I had to include the date & time of when I will be
filming, what advert will I be filming, what scene numbers (from storyboards), whose going to be the
cast in my adverts and what props I was going to use if I needed to use any for when I was filming,
this helped me because I knew what I had to do and when I had to do it so I was not in a rush.

 This is my shooting script for my first advert

 This is my shooting script for my second advert.

Production – For my production, I was filming both of my adverts and I had thought of an
idea of what I was going to do and I was using my shooting scripts which I had made to tell
me what shots were in my adverts and how I would film and where the location was. I faced
a problem because, I had to redo my first advert because the equipment (props) which I
needed to film it was not available, so that had to be changed and because of that change I
had to change the shots which I was going to use and the location as well, which caused me
to fall behind but I did not face any other problems.

Post Production – For my post production, I was editing the footage which I had captured of
both my adverts and I was deciding of what to include and what not to include. I also had to
add the pack shot and the logo which I created to the end of both of my PSA adverts about
climate change. Lastly, for my post production I had to add voice overs to some of my shots
and to the end of both my adverts.

Evaluation of the Finished Product

My two 30 second adverts met the brief, and it met the brief because I did what i needed to
and it was aimed at the correct target audience. I was told to make two thirty second
adverts about global warming which would impact on teenagers and I had to choose
between to target audiences from the ages of “12-14” and “15-19”, I choose the age group
“15-19” because, I thought it would have a better impact on teenagers because, more
teenagers from the ages of 15-19 would understand my advert and would be more effected
by my adverts. My work also meets the brief because; it “...Encourages young people to
examine their current lifestyle and how they might make changes.”

The work was conventional of the genre public service advertisement (PSA) because, it had
a packshot of the campaign; it was about a public issue global warming (climate change) and
energy saving. On the technical side of my work, I would re-film some of my shots again
because, not all of my shots are perfect and they can be improved and I could also of used a
variety of shots and used some transitions when I was editing both of my thirty second

The work appeals to the audience because, the actors I have included are teenagers from
the ages of 15-19 which is the target audience I have aimed both of my adverts to. My
adverts also appeals to the target audience because, the themes I have chosen is something
that teenagers would do, for example in advert one I have two friends (boys) going outside
to the park to play football leaving the television on and in advert two I have two friends
(girls) going out to the cinema, and they left the curlers on which is wasting energy. Both of
my adverts are aimed at different genders which also appeals to both genders of my target

The actors in my first advert are teenagers (males)

from the ages of 15 – 19.

The actors in my second advert are teenagers

(females) from the ages of 15 – 19.

The feedback I got for my camerawork such as framing, is that I used a good range of shots,
the camera angles I used were good and my camerawork was steady for both of my adverts
and I did not get any improvements which I could have made to both of my adverts.

The audience feedback I got for my editing such as pace and graphics was that the pace
between both of my adverts was at a good pace and I used my editing skills which I already
had well and the graphics which I used were good and suited the adverts, I did not get any
improvements which I could of made.

The audience feedback which I got for my sound which was used in both of my adverts such
as music & dialogue was that the dialogue was clear in my first advert. The improvements
which I could make for my first advert was that I could of added music to it. The
improvements which I could make for my second advert is that, I should make the dialogue
clearer and I could have used more SFX (sound effects) and made the music last longer.

The feedback which I got from my audience for creative ideas such as “well realised and
creative use of conventions” was that I used a good pack shot in both of my adverts but the
improvements which I needed to make to both of my adverts is that I needed a clear line of
appeal which I didn’t have and the text needed to be clear as well, other than that there was
no other improvements which could have been made.

The audience feedback which I got for meeting the brief such as (are my adverts clearly
highlighting the problems of climate change and global warming?) was that for both of my
adverts, the logo and packshot was good, the slogan which I used was creative and it meets
the brief because, it is about the topic and the shots were well filmed and were meeting the

The last bit of audience feedback which I got for use of conventions such as (voice overs,
pack shot, slogan, logo, sound effects and duration) was that the duration of both of my
adverts were under thirty seconds running time which was good, I used music well in my
second advert, the logo and packshot was clear and the slogan was catchy and met the
brief. The only improvement which could be made was that the voice over at the end of my
second advert was cut off. I would improve this by,

The skills I have learnt while making both of my media adverts are, that I have learnt how to
add music and how to do voice overs and to add them in to iMovie which is the software we
were using to edit both of our adverts. By learning how to add music and voice overs into
iMovie I have developed my editing skills, I have also improved on my filming shots because,
the feedback I got for my shots was that the shots were good and I used good camera
angles while filming. Another skill I have learnt is doing animatics of my shots so I know how
they would look like on paper and them importing them into iMovie and playing them and
adding any music if I wanted to.

 One of the shots for the second animatic

which I made for my second advert about
global warming.

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