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Hanoi University of Science and Technology MIDTERM EXAM


Department of Applied Linguistics and British-
American Studies
Time allowance: 60 minutes

Module code: Exam date: Question approval:

FL3221 23/11/2021

I. Identify lexical categories in the passage given: nouns, pronouns, lexical verbs,
adjectives, degree adverbs, general adverbs, prepositions (1 point).
Geoengineering has been shown to work on a small, localised scale for decades. May
Day parades in Moscow have been held under clear blue skies, aircraft having deposited
dry ice, silver iodide and cement powder to disperse clouds. Many schemes now suggest
opposite methods which aim to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the planet.

II. Apply the constituent test to determine which of the bracketed sequences in the
following sentences form a constituent (Yes) or not (No) (1 point).
1. They hid [in the cave].
2. The sun [keeps us] warm.
3. The goslings [swam across] the lake.
4. Steve looked [up the number] in the book.
5. I love [peanut butter and bacon sandwiches].

III. Draw phrase markers for the following phrases. Use TRIANGLES for noun
phrases (2 points).
1. Beside the lake and beneath the trees
2. Rather difficult but straightforward
3. For you and Tom
4. Very strangely pleasing
5. Really touching and meaningful

IV. Identify the sub-category of verbs and functions of major elements in the following
sentences (2 points).
1. At first, they often seem really nervous.
2. The committee called off the meeting, to everyone’s surprise.
3. He put his hand on the child’s shoulder.
4. The whole class carefully prepared for the final exam.
5. I sat down silently behind my desk.
V. Draw phrase markers for the following sentences, using TRIANGLES for all major
constituents (3 points).
1. We found him a temporary job.
2. The city changed significantly in the post-war period.
3. From my perspective, it was a clear case of abuse.
4. She does yoga for one hour everyday.
5. We often take the children to the zoo at the weekend.
6. She turned his invitation down immediately.

VI. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous and has two different
interpretations. Draw two phrase markers that correspond to two different
constituent analyses (use TRIANGLES for noun phrases) and identify the meaning
of the sentence in each analysis (1 point).
The girl hit the boy with a book.

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