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Republic of the Philippines


Goa, Camarines Sur

College of Arts and Sciences

Name of Campus/College

Module 1
The Sociological Imagination

Name of Student: CHRISTIAN C. PACAMARRA Week No: 2________________________________

Course Code: SOCIO1__________________________ Name of Faculty: Earl John C. Hernandez________
Course Title: General Sociology__________________

Write a short ESSAY (150-200 words only) “Using sociological imagination as a concept, how individual actions (your
actions) make a Bikolano sociological imagination during the time of COVID-19?”
As an individual living here in Bicol, using sociological imagination how do my actions affect the society
during this time of covid 19? As I live in this generation having this kind of new normal setting of living,
covid 19 still rises and the government enforces new protocols to be able to lessen the spread of the
virus. How careful I am and mindful of following these protocols? Do I follow it? Or am I the one who is
not following the rules?

As a member and an active Christian minister here in Goa, the action that I usually do is put hope in
people through Christ. I know that this kind of action will help people to be hopeful and be responsible
to one another. In our church, we are all required to follow the health protocol of the Local government
unit and by that, we may encourage others and influence on following the rules of our local

Covid 19 still rises and it is the major problem why the economies and the social life of the citizen are
affected. We are all limited and taking adjustments in this new normal setup. But for me, if I still don’t
believe and follow the rules I am not a good person and cannot influence others to be responsible also
on their actions during this time of the pandemic.

Usually, I spend my time mostly in my house and in church. Doing ministry and encouraging youth to
have a firm relationship to God despite the sufferings we are facing the cause of this virus. Through this,
I believe this will make an impact on others to be still, be positive, and be responsible on what possible
actions they may act as a citizen living here in Bicol.

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