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Chapter 3: Discover Your Values and Goals | EDUC 1300: Effective Learning Strategies


Journaling is encouraged. You may already know that there is another voice that talks to you all
the time? The one that lives in your head- sometimes referred to as the “crazy roommate”.  It’s
important that you pay attention to him/her – that’s the one always finding reasons to back out,
sleep in, make excuses or give up. It’s the one that feels anxious, depressed, scared, weak,
limited and unworthy. It’s the one that will tell you that there’s nothing left to do because you
have arrived! For those who have done some personal growth work, you may think that
because you spent a weekend working on personal development, 90 days on a fast track, have
a license or  some letters behind your name- that there is nothing left to do but coach others.
Don’t believe it.

Your True Self, the Real Self that I spoke of earlier, doesn’t play in the arena of lack and
limitation. There is always growth and expansion from wherever we are. Because we have
dominion over our thoughts and we are free to choose in every moment- sometimes we think
that the True/Real Self has left or gone MIA, but the Truth is that our True/Real Self is Always
there, in all ways and all the time- patiently waiting (and it will wait, and wait, and wait- even for
a lifetime) for us to get realigned, back to center, and authentically on course. That is the
beauty, the power the mystery and the trip of free will. Turns out we get to be right about
everything- every thought, every idea, every opinion, belief, conclusion, illusion, suggestion,
projection or interpretation we make up.

Maybe it’s time to look in the mirror…

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