Money, Fame, or Power

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Good Morning Everyone!

Have you ever wish to become rich? Well, I believe no one doesn't like to... Is there any? I'm
interested to know. Have you ever dreamt to be famous? Or-- What about having a power to
rule or manipulate people? Today, let me share to you a short speech titled 'Missing Pieces';
which is all about Money, Fame, or Power.

Back when we were young, most of us tend to envy rich people. Am I right? Well, I'm guilty
myself. I tend to think how lucky they were for being able to buy anything they wanted to.
Change gadgets and buy the latest and expensive ones, travel to different places, study to a
prestigious school or university, even buying an expensive car as birthday gift seems to be as
easy as one click. Funny, isn't it?

When you were in high school, when beautiful faces and campus crushes were all the rage. It
seems like every single person inside the school knows them; because they really famous. They
have the biggest circles, lots of acquaintances, fans--- in short they seem to be everyone's

Have you ever had one of the wildest dream like being the president of the Philippines
someday? Well, I am not saying that it is completely impossible. Of course you can if you really
wanted to. But knowing the responsibilities, it feels like you don't own your life anymore. What
about being in a family that is full of connections. I think that would be cool. (Kidding!) But
among those three, I wonder what is really the most important money, fame, or power?

But then I realized, these three are interconnected. With money you can be famous and have
this power to influence people either in a bad or good way. Being famous you can also make
money and have power in influencing people by using your charisma. And If you have power,
well I assume you already have the money and the resources. That's how I see it.
You know what, nobody's really happy and contented. Even those who you think has the most
perfect life; every single person have insecurities and that's okay. Sometimes, we are deceived
by our desires, by the people around us and we tend to not realizing it. And our society has
something to do with it. It's ridiculous how society set what is the definition of success and a
good life. You know what, even if you have everything in life, if you don't know how to
appreciate at least small things you will never be completely happy. Because happiness
depends on how you appreciate things and not actually on the things itself.

Even if you have had the money, the fame, and the power there's still things that you feel like
missing in your life. And that is natural because as people gets what they want the more they
tend to seek and acquire more than what they have. And it is your responsibility to find the
missing pieces. As you grow older, you will realize that the real happiness comes from great

And great investments are your good relationship with your family and other people, peace of
mind, financial and emotional stability, and lastly, contentment in life. In seeking happiness,
using your brain or your heart alone won't help you. Try to use them both, balance your mind
with your emotion and you will never get lost.

Now, let me ask you. What do you want?



Or Power?

Well, it depends on your goal in life. But whatever you wanted to have or whatever you wanted
to be I hope that it will give you the feeling of fulfillment. Remember, George Elliot said that it is
never too late to be who you might have been. Thank you.

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