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Evaluation of the finished product


In this unit we had to research, plan and produce a television advertisement campaign to help young
people be aware of the effect of their actions on global warming leading to climate change. We had
to choose a target audience between the ages of 12-14/ 15-19, the one I chose was 15-19 because I
thought my campaign fitted well with that target audience.

Production progress


For the pre-production at the start of this unit we used beach combing which means you get loads of
information and pictures on to one page and then when you are finished, you look back at what you
have researched and pick out key thing that stood out to you, I thought it wasn’t very helpful
because I didn’t know what to research for my advert and what people wanted to know about global
warming. But then we made questionnaires handed them out to my target audience this helped me
because my audience gave me feedback about what they knew about global warming and what they
didn’t know about it, another project that helped me with my research was making a animatic a
animatic is where you draw pictures of what you want in your video but without the description, this
was useful because when I was drawing the pictures out I could see what I wanted in my video and
remind myself what I want the shot to look like instead of reading lots of writing.


When I began my production I made sure that I had all of my equipment for filming both of my
adverts, for my first advert I had problems I had slight difficulty when I was recording the shot as it
was too dark and you could not see what my actor was doing, so I had to re film this shot again it
looked better the second time. The key moments I filmed in my first advert was the actors using all
the different electrical this was the main focus of my film because I was trying to portray them
wasting electricity. For my second advert I had problems when I filmed the car driving because I
broke the 180 degree rule, which made the car face the wrong way I will explain in post-production
how I solved this problem. The key moments I filmed in my second advert was when the car pulled
up and one of my actors say ‘reduce global warming don’t speed’ I thought this was important
because it shows that you can still have fun driving with your friends but without the speeding part
so they can help reduce global warming this relates to my brief as well because it is helping teenager
change their lifestyle.

Post production

When I began my post production I edited my logo in a programme called fireworks and used a
cutting tool to draw around the outline of my hand instead of having a human hand in my video,
when I broke the 180 degree rule I manage to correct this by using the mirror tool in IMovie which
changed the direction of the car. I reduced the sound level of the car radio in IMovie when the actors
spoke so that the dialogue could be heard.
Meeting the brief

The strengths for making my first public service advert, my audience

feedback for meeting the brief was, it was very appealing to teenagers
because a lot of teenagers use electrical equipment and leave them on
to go and do something else, they also liked that the fact that the actors
I used were the same age as my target audience which meant they could
relate to them. They liked how my logo also worked well with my video
because I had all the information and that it relates to the brief.

The strengths for making my second public service advert, my audience feedback for meeting the
brief was, the adverts appealed to the age group I chose which was 15-19 year olds, the music I used
‘Tinie Tempar- frisky’ fitted well with the age group as well as the actor and the behaviour of young
people. They liked that my voice over at the end relates to my brief that you can contact that
number or visited the website to ask any more questions about the brief.

Conventional of the genre

Both my adverts were conventional of PSA’s as the included a action line which told my audience the
web address that they could go to for more information. They also had a slogan
which my audience feedback said was very effective and memorable because it
was simple and easy to understand. The voice overs are conventional as they were
clear and not rushed while it was being said. ‘Good slogan, voice over is clear’.

For my second advert the genre was conventional because the audience thought
that the music went well with my advert, the music suited my age group, the
slogan was catchy and easy to remember, the pack shot was good because it fits
will with the public service advert.

Technical ability

For my first advert the feedback audience said for my technical

ability, I had creative filming by filming in different shots of in
different rooms and how I filmed shots of a light switch and as is get
closer the lights switch turns off so they thought this worked really
well for my advert, had a good number of different shots added in
the video, and also used different angle shots so it didn’t always
look the same as each other. For my editing the audience liked how
my advert it flowed well together, that it shows the message in
every video I cut and that is wasn’t to long at looking at the actors
when they were using different electrical items, you knew what they were doing at the certain times
I edited the video.

For my second advert the feedback audience said for my technical

ability, they like it when I did a close up shot of he car when they was
talking so you knew that they was having a conversation and you
could hear it, they thought I didn’t need any more shots to be re
filmed and that it worked well. For my editing they liked how the
shots flowed really well together for example when the car was speeding and then the car pull up at
the side how it is cut in time to make the car look like it is stopping and they liked how the logo
comes on straight after the video so your not waiting for it to come on.

Appeals to the audience

For my first advert the audience feed said that I had creative ideas, the
best idea was when the switch clicks and everything stops working,
they thought I had a clear message of what I was trying to portray to
my target audience, they liked how one of my actors was the age for
my target audience because it speaks out to us that we are wasting
electricity and that we need to change.

For my second advert the audience feedback said, that it had good
amount camera shots, there was enough framing shots to understand
what my PSA is about, clear message, that is was aimed at my target
audience and that the actors where the age of my target audience so
it worked well together, they also thought I had good ideas on how I
made my logo look like a stop hand this is memorable because next
time we think about driving, we will think again not to speed.


If I got to make my first advert again the improvements I got feedback on was meeting the brief, I
could of used another actor that was the same age for my target audience to show that it is our age
group that wastes a lot of electricity and get the two adverts to have a connection of the same
message that I am trying to reach out towards my target audience, appeal to the target audience
improvement feedback was the duration was too long for the audience to sit there and watch a
quick advert and maybe use more voice overs so we know what we can do to help change global
warming. I could also improve on add more transitions because they all look the same, so the
audience will find it more interesting.

If I could make my second advert again the improvements I got feedback on meeting the brief
connect the message to the first advert but still have the change between them and show more
shots on how we can change the climate, appeal to the target audience improvement feedback was
add more voice overs so the audience can be more informed about global warming and add more
variety of shots so it can be more interesting instead of having the same shots. For my camera work
use the tripod for certain shots so, it doesn’t make the shot shaky.

Skills learned and developed

The skills I have learnt for this unit is, how to use different variety of shots which I didn’t know
before, how to make my own voice over when I have to make the click sound on the switch, what I
had develop is more confidence when I am filming like what lighting to use what angles is correct to
use for the shot and how to use the equipment correctly so my shots are not shaky when I play back
the tape to edit and wont have to re shoot that scene again, editing my film to make it the best it
could be, and meeting deadlines on my filming and editing. I also learned more about global
warming when I was researching, for what I was going to make for my PSA, and learned how to
make animatic’s because I have never used one before and it was very helping when I needed to
make two storyboards for my advert.

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