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Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the fluid properties, the fundamental principles and theorem related to
momentum transfer
2.Apply the physical and mathematical models to analyse the fluid flow phenomena in
engineering applications
3. Solve the steady state and un-steady state momentum transfer problems
Course Outcomes :
1. Explain the properties of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluid and basic principles of
momentum transfer
2. Classify the governing equations related to the momentum transfer phenomena
3. Summarize the different types of flow measuring devices related to the momentum transfer
4. Solve the problems related to the losses incurred during the flow of fluid
5. Analyze the different non-dimensional numbers based on the theorems
6. Evaluate the fluid flow phenomena through packed and fluidized bed

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,9

1. Ability to apply mathematics and science in engineering applications
2. Clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of contemporary issues
9. Problem solving ability solving social issues and engineering applications

Module:1 Basic Concept of Momentum Transfer 5 hours

Introduction and Significance of Momentum Transfer in Chemical Engineering. Definition of
fluid - Classification of fluids Newtonian fluid Characteristic properties of fluids Non -
aw and Hydrostatic law of
equilibrium; Pressure and its measurement- Manometers

Module:2 Concept of Fluid Flow Phenomena 7 hours

Kinematics of fluid flow, Dynamics of fluid flow Basic equations governing fluid flow types
of fluid flow. Equation of Continuity and its application, Equation of motion Derivation of

Module:3 Flow Measuring Devices 5 hours

Importance of metering Classification flow measuring devices, Principle and working of
Orifice meter, Venturi meter, Pitot tube, Variable area meters: Rotameter

Module:4 Flow through Circular Pipes 8 hours

Flow of fluids in Laminar regime Velocity Profile, Shear Stress Distribution Hagen
Poiseuille equation - Concept of average velocity Concept of Kinetic energy correction factor,
Concept of Fluid friction Skin friction Form friction Factors affecting friction Friction

Module:5 Dimensional Analysis 4 hours

Dimensional homogeneity Non-dimensional
numbers, Model laws

Module:6 Fluid Flow through Packed and Fluidized Bed 7 hours

Flow past immersed bodies Significance of form friction - Concept of Drag, Drag
Coefficients and Particle Reynolds number - Drag Coefficient vs. Particle Reynolds number
curves for regular and irregular shaped solid particles. Flow of fluids through packed beds
Packing and types of packing -Pressure drop across packed beds Kozeny Carman equation
- Loading and Flooding Packed Beds. Concept of Fluidization Condition
for Solid particles to be in a suspended condition in a flowing fluid minimum fluidization

Module:7 Transportation of Fluids 7 hours

Transportation Components -Pipe, Fittings and Valves, Types of Fittings, valves -Stuffing
Boxes, Mechanical Seals Estimation of head loss from fittings and valves, Concept of minor
losses- types of minor losses. Fluid Moving Machinery: Pumps Classification and working of
Centrifugal Pumps and Positive Displacement Pumps Basic Principles of Centrifugal Pumps
Pump Characteristics Concept of Specific Speed, Net Positive Suction Head - Factors
influencing selection of pump

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Text Books
1. Mc Cabe, Smith, Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering 7th ed., McGraw
Hill, New York, 2014.
2. Cengel Y.A., Cimbala J.M., Fluid Mechanics (SIE): Fundamentals and Applications, 3 rd
ed., Mcgraw Hill, New York, 2014.
Reference Books
1. Bansal R.K., Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, 9th ed., Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2017.
2. Fox R.W., McDonald A.T., Pirtchard P.J., Mitchell J. W., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics,
9th ed., Wiley Publications, 2015.
Mode of evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Assignments, Final Assessment Test

Laboratory Experiments 30 hours

1. Determination of coefficient of discharge of venturimeter
2. Calibration of an orifice meter
3. Determination of friction factor for flow through circular pipe
4. Determination of loss of coefficient due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction, bend and
5. Determination of Reynolds apparatus
7. Performance characteristics of centrifugal pump at rated speed
8. Determination of pressure drop per unit length as a function of superficial velocity of
fluidization medium
9. Verification of relationship between fluid flow and pressure drop per unit length of packing
10. Determination of friction factor for flow through noncircular pipe
Mode of evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Assignments, Final Assessment Test
Recommended by Board of Studies 15.04.2019
Approved by Academic Council 55 Date 13.06.2019

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