Players Guide v1.2

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Dark ages

Outremer (v20)
Players Guide
A Chronicle based on Jerusalem by Night (Vampire: The Dark Ages)
Version 1.2

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Setting Assamite 8 Tremere Thaumaturges 12
Information 4 Followers of Set 8 Assamite Sorcerers 12
What is Outremer? 4 Gangrel 8 Setite Sorcerers 12
The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Malkavian 9 Necromancers 12
5 Nosferatu 9 Cappadocians 12
Jerusalem – The Holy City 5 Ravnos 9 Giovani 12
Timeline 6 Tremere 9 Lamia 12
The Diet of Olives 6 Bloodlines 9 Nagaraja 12
Clans 7 Baali 9 Merits and Flaws 12
High Clans 7 Giovani 9 Specializations and Fields of
Brujah 7 Lamiae 9 Expertise 13
Cappadocian 7 Nagaraja 10 Backgrounds 13
Lasombra 7 Allies 13
Chapter Two: Character
Salubri 8 Creation 11 Alternate Identity 14
Toreador 8 Artifact 14
Prelude 11
Tzimisce 8 Contacts 14
Material 11
Ventrue 8 Domain 14
Options 12
Low Clans 8 Herd 14
Blood Sorcerers 12
Influence 14 Human Bodies 22 The Vitreous Path 29
Martial Training 14 Vegetarian Vampires 22 Necromancy Rituals 29
Mentor 14 Vitae 22 Thaumaturgy 30
Retainers 14 The Blood Oath 23 Thaumaturgy Rituals 30
Animal Retainers 15 Ghouls 23 Akhu 30
Status 15 Torpor 23 The Revelations of Duat 30
Languages 15 Amaranth (Diablerie) 23 The Revelations of Eden 30
Religion 16 Combat 24 Dur‘An‘Ki 30
Christianity 16 Maneuvers 24 Awakening of the Steel 30
Catholic 16 Damage 24 Combo Disciplines 30
Greek Orthodox 16 Unique Forms 24 Occult Knowledge 31
Oriental Christianity Disciplines 24 Miscellaneous Rules 32
(Armenian, Syrian and Auspex 25 Downtimes 32
Georgian Churches) 16 Animalism 25 Using Backgrounds 32
Nestorian Christianity 17 Celerity 25 Raising Backgrounds 32
Islam 17 Daimonion 25 Reducing the cost 33
Sunni 17 Dominate 26 Favors 33
Shia 17 Fortitude 26 Trivial Favor 33
Sufi 17 Obfuscate 26 Minor Favor 33
Kharijite 17 Obtenebration 26 Major Favor 33
Other 17 Presence 26 Blood Favor 33
Jewish Rabbinites 17 Protean 26 Death Favor 34
Jewish Karaites 17 Quietus 27 Appendix One: Equipment
True Faith 18 Serpentis 27 35
Submission 18 Valeren 27 Armor 35
Chapter Three: House Watcher 27 Purchasing Armor 35
rules and clarifications Vicissitude 27 Helmets 35
19 Blood Sorcery 27 Purchasing a Helmet 35
Experience Points 19 Abyss Mysticism 28 Shields 35
Spending 19 Necromancy 28 Purchasing a Shield 36
Gaining Merits and Removing The Bone Path 28 Weapons 36
Flaws 19 The Centaph Path 28 Purchasing Weapons 36
Willpower 20 The Corpse in the Monster Crafting 36
Roads & Paths 20 Path 28
The Graves Decay 28 Appendix Two: Updates38
Auras 20
The Haunting Path 28 Update 1.0.1—29/8/21 38
Sensing the Beast 20
The Sepulchre Path 29 Update 1.0.2—30/8/21 38
Failing a Road 20
The Ash Path 29 Update 1.0.3—02/9/21 38
Dice and Difficulties 21
The Twilight garden path 29 Update 1.1—06/9/21 38
Blood 21
The Path of Skulls 29 Update 1.1.2—15/9/21 38
Getting it 21
Update 1.2—30/8/21 38

This document is a compilation of house rules and setting information compiled for use on the DAV20 Server
Dark Ages: Outremer. Many of the house rules originate or take inspiration from Oregon by Night, Louisiana by
Night, Belgrade by Night and others.

The rules presented in this document are still in flux. Any rules which get openly abused or don’t work out may be
subject to change.
Chapter One:
surface of Palestine has grown spotty with various
encampments, fortresses, even full-scale towns – all
evidence of the determination of the Christian cause.

Setting After the Crusade’s initial successes here, Frankish nobles

established landed domains within areas won from the

Muslims. Over the next century, the largest of these areas
– places such as Acre and Jerusalem – even grew to
become fully functioning feudal bureaucracies of their
own. These areas in particular became Christianity’s
What is fortresses on the front lines of the struggle to regain the
Holy Land, known as “Outremer” to the Frankish
Outremer? settlers. As such, they have been a draw to the undead
Children of Caine since their establishment

I n the time since the establishment of the first After the failure of the Fifth Crusade in 1218,
Crusader Kingdoms in Palestine, the conquering however, wherein the Christians attacked the world
Franks have referred to the entirety of the Holy Land as symbol of Muslim wealth and power, Egypt herself, a
“Outremer.” The word itself has its origins in French, shaky truce was established between Islam and
indicating a perimeter area and roughly translating to a Christianity – one that crossed the veil of life and death.
catch-all phrase meaning “beyond the sea.” The term Christian Ventrue lords and their Frankish vassals in the
eventually falls out of usage following the collapse of the West needed enough time to gather together another,
Latin Kingdoms in 1291. more organized (and feasible) crusade, and a truce with
In the time since the First Crusade in 1099, wherein the embittered Assamites and their Muslim charge was
the crusaders “liberated” Jerusalem from Saracens, the the only means by which this could be accomplished.
Earlier, the Followers of Set had nearly been successful in
their attempt to use the tide of the Crusades against their
enemies in Egypt. Meanwhile, the Assamites grew doubly
enraged at the duplicity of the ignorant Franks, whom
they wrongly believed would have been smart enough to
avoid any dealings with the Serpents.
This truce lasted just long enough for the new Holy
Roman Emperor, Frederick II, to enter the picture with
an agenda of his own. He foresaw a unified, Christian
Outremer under the banner of his own empire, and he
began an organized campaign effort to squeeze oaths of
fealty and vassalage from the various land-holding
Frankish barons. He granted numerous fiefs in Outremer
to German barons and sought to increase the power of
the Teutonic Knights, who were exempted from taxation
in 1226 and upon whom the emperor recently gifted the
former royal palace on the Street of the Armenians in
Jerusalem. German Ventrue and Roman Lasombra
quietly encouraged these “diplomatic” efforts, while
Genoese, Venetian and Pisan interests chafed at the
emperor’s self-important designs. Still, many of
Outremer’s Cainites had grown weary of feuding, having
numerous losses due to vicious in-fighting and the overall
fractionating of the Christian cause, and the were thirsty
for the unity and leadership that Frederick and his plan
represented. Therefore, many of Outremer’s Christian

What is Outremer?

Cainites came together in their support of the Emperor the new Christian kingdom, and many new Christians
Frederick at the time, contingent to his following through soon immigrated to the area, providing the kingdom with
on all the promises he had made during the long a diverse population of Greek Orthodox, Syrian,
campaign. Armenian, Georgian, Jacobite and Nestorian Christians.
With the recent return of Jerusalem to Christian Many of these immigrant workers chose to live inside the
hands, however, the bitter feuding has returned to safety of the walled city, but with the expansion of the
Outremer. Many in the Frankish nobility resented kingdom during subsequent Crusades, many seized the
Emperor Frederick’s casual assumption of the crown of opportunity to take land in the surrounding areas as well.
Jerusalem after negotiating the return of the Holy City. With the arrival of Salah ad-Din, however, the
Upon the death of his wife, Frederick was no longer king Christian hold on Jerusalem came to an end, and
by virtue of being married to a queen, but simply the Jerusalem finally returned to Muslim hands in 1187. For
guardian of the infant king, Conrad. As was their right, 40 years Christians chafed at the loss of their capital and
the barons would have been entitled to refuse him home until finally, in 1228, Emperor Frederick II
regency if they desired – had they been asked one way or negotiated for the kingdom’s return. According to the
the other. And two of the most powerful barons of terms of his treaty with Sultan al-Kamil, Jerusalem,
Outremer, Behemond of Antioch and John of Ibelin, Bethlehem and Nazareth were to be restored to the
acknowledged no overlord – least of all Emperor Christians, along with a narrow strip of land – known as
Frederick II. the “Oultrejourdain” – connecting the kingdom to the
sea at Jaffa. This land included towns such as Toron and
This disunity has echoed in the affairs of the undead.
Montfort, as well as all the previously Muslim-held areas
While officially cut off from Rome since his
around Sidon.
excommunication, Frederick’s campaign posed much less

Jerusalem – The
of a theat to the power base of Outremer’s Cainites. But
with the emperor’s recent reconciliation with the Pope
through the Treaty of San Germano, he now has the full
support of Rome once again, making him a true threat to
Outremer’s overall sense of independence. In the wake of
Holy City
this reapproachment, many Cainites have begun to
scramble for whatever they can take from one another,
leaving Outremer of 1230 a land of swirling questions…
and opportunities.
In broad strokes, the land of Outremer is composed
of four main domains, and nearly all vampiric and mortal
residents of each must pay at least a nominal fealty to
their respective overlords. In the east lies the Kingdom of
Jerusalem, which includes both the city itself as well as
surrounding territories. To the north, the principality of
Antioch-Tripoli comprises those two neighboring city-
states. The southern Kingdom of Acre encompasses the
coastal cities of Acre, Tyre, Beirut and Sidon, and sitting
aloof to the west of the mainland, the Mediterranean
island of Cyprus
(For more information on specific locations inside
the city of Jerusalem itself, reference Jerusalem by
The Latin Kingdom of Night pg. 50-59)
Jerusalem Many in Jerusalem believed that the First Crusade
would never survive the transition from dream into
In the early days of Outremer, the Kingdom of reality. They, too, had heard the rumors drifting in from
Jerusalem was the blanket term for the Christian holdings the West, but by and large chose to disregard them as
in the Holy Land. After the city itself fell in 1099, the papal grandstanding, In the months leading up to the
Catholic patriarchy assisted in encouraging the growth of

Jerusalem – The Holy City

First Crusade, however, when the truth of their fate frontiers. Jerusalem is in the hands of the Crusaders,
became suddenly and unmistakably apparent, the citizens under Holy Roman Emperor Frederick’s infant son, King
of Jerusalem – both Cainite and kine – fell into a terrible Conrad IV Hohenstaufen.
panic. Some among the undead knew of the bloodshed
to come and sought to warn their fellows. Others played The Diet of Olives
politics, parlaying favors with Christian authorities in
exchange for amnesty during and after the siege. In December of 1228, after the last Muslim ruler had
In July of 1099, after finally breaching the city walls, fled Jerusalem, a convocation of Cainites met on the
the knights of the Cross stormed through the city like a Mount of Olives outside the Holy City. Its inceptor, a
devil wind, laying waste to all in sight. The crusaders Muslim warrior Salubri named Qawiyya el-Ghaduba, had
slaughtered without selection or mercy, staking their a vision for Outremer – one she wanted to share with the
claims to any home they so desired simply by murdering leading Cainites of the area – and the time was right for
its previous owner and placing their personal shields its implementation.
upon the door. Some 70.000 men, women and children The Salubri warrior had appeared in Jerusalem a mere
were put to the sword in the first week alone. handful of years earlier, but with her came righteous
During this time, nearly all of the remaining Cainites retribution. She met with an aged Salubri healer named
in Jerusalem succumbed to a massive blood-borne frenzy. Nahum ben Enosh – a childe of Saulot himself – and
They went mad, clawing and tearing with wild abandon with his aid, contrived to rid the Holy Land of the foul
until nothing remained of their victim and then moving presence of those who would flaunt the will of God. The
on to a new target, letting the precious blood slip away Tremere of Jerusalem, who had been steadily growing in
into the streets. Even peaceful Cainites were seen power and influence up until then, knew nothing of this
ravaging one another. Brother set upon brother, and no pact and were caught completely unaware when the two
single family or clan seemed immune. Cainites even Salubri finally took up arms. All the resident Cainites of
forgot to flee to their havens as dawn approached, and the Jerusalem Chantry simply disappeared one night,
many met grisly, shrieking ends at sunrise. The waking their ghouls and mortal servitors mysterically freed from
nightmare that was Jerusalem at this time became known any obligations (blood-borne or otherwise) they may have
as the Weeks of Blood. After the terror subsided, had to Clan Tremere. Only a single Gargoyle servant, a
Cainites slowly began to return to Jerusalem alongside beautiful creature named Rusticus was spared.
the gradual influx of mortals. While the city rebuilt, To everyone's surprise but her own, every Cainite lord
several prominent Cainites rose to positions of influence who had been issued an invitation did indeed respond to
within the city. the Salubri's call. From Acre came the Ravnos prince
With the return of Jerusalem to Christian control, a himself, Etienne de Fauberge, a devout Christian who
new political figurehead for the undead has stepped seemed to immediately grasp the meaning and intent of
forward. His name is Lucius Trebius Rufus, a Ventrue of the Diet. From Antioch came Zakariah, vassal and child
significant ties to the Military Orders, particularly the of Ahmed ibn Zayyat, the Assamite Prince of Tripoli.
Knights Hospitaler. As a mortal, Rufus hailed from Rafqa, the Brujah Prince of Beirut, arrived in person.
southern Italy’s minor aristocracy, but he did not find his The Salubri were honored by the presence of their
true calling until arriving in the Holy City as one of the compatriot from Jerusalem, an elder Malkavian named
undead. Throughout his time in residence, he has Shahnazar who had risen to considerable influence in the
worked to keep the city safe and sanctified at all costs, as Holy City since it returned to Muslim hands in 1187.
was instrumental in the return of the Church of Holy And from far-off Cyprus arrived an unnamed ghoul in
Sepulchre to the Greek Orthodox Church in 1187. The service to Nehemiah – a silent witness to the proceedings.
coronation of Rufus as the Prince of Jerusalem took part Of all of Outremer's influential domains, only the court
in 1229. at Tyre – that of the Lasombra Prince Nicolao – did not
have a representative at the Diet, and this only because

Timeline no word had been sent to Tyre in the first place. (The
Salubri never did reveal to the others why Tyre had been
passed over).
T he year is 1230. The Sixth Crusade has happened.
The Christian Crusaders are struggling on all
In a large villa on a hill at the foot of the mount (the
former location of the Tremere chantry in fact), the


Cainites and their entourages assembled. For three High Clans
nights, all in attendance were the guests of the Salubri
who fully guaranteed both comfort and security. A large,
quiet and hooded individual tended to any and all needs
during the meeting, moving deftly between the crowded
assembly and just as quickly fading from view once more.
When it was all over, the Cainite lords of the greatest
cities of Outremer had signed a pact that they agreed
would last for a minimum of 10 years – the length of the
truce between Emperor Frederick and Sultan al-Kamil.
The terms were simple and threefold:

F irst, mutual non-aggression was to be observed

between all the Cainites involved (and their
vassals and lieges) for the duration of the treaty.

S econd, all parties involved would endeavor to

share any and all information pertaining to the
Baali and/or those who would come to the Holy
Land to plunder its faith or treasures, lending
support to actions against said individuals where

F inally, no Cainite lord involved would agree to
grant the hospitality of his or her domain to any The philosopher-kings of Outremer are numerous,
usually filling the boots of knights, scholars, mercenaries
transgressors of the above rules. (The Salubri
eventually managed to convince all in attendance the and politicians. They come from minor aristocracy, are
Tremere almost always fell into this category.) well educated, usually with some status to back them up
and hold significant sway over mortals. Towards what
goal they operate is hard to determine, since each Zealot
The Diet was a great success, Everyone present had has an ambition of their own, but one thing is certain –
not only signed, but also seemed willing to trust that the whatever they seek, you can be sure that they are pursuing
others involved would adhere to the treaty's terms, in it with burning passion.
both letter and in spirit. The only exception was in the Limit: None
representative from Cyprus, who had been instructed not
to make any concessions or sign any treaties on behalf of
his Cainite liege. The ghoul merely took note of the Where but Outremer could so much religious lore
Diet's conclusions and quietly departed, having uttered exist? The Cappadocian who strives to know more,
no more than a handful of words during the entirety of understand more, incorperate more ancient wisdom,
the convocation. must study in the Holy Land.
Limit: None
Clans Lasombra

Please consider checking the #🛑clan-restrictions🛑 The Lasombra Clan has influenced or controlled
channel on the server before planning a concept. Some Outremer’s religious patriarchy through influential
Clans and Bloodlines may be restricted at times. pilgrims and advisors for hundreds of years, though the


instability of the region has made maintaining this Ventrue
control into a frustrating chore.
The Ventrue are biding their time and gathering
Limit: None resources. They wait for the next great Crusade, and
Salubri intend to be in the position to benefit. For now, they
know that their rivals have the upper hand within the
The few Salubri of the region, still thoroughly shaken region, and as such avoid open confrontation.
and disoriented in the wake of Saulot’s destruction, flock
Limit: None
to the area in search of safe haven. Elusive and fearful,
they are turning to their own more and more when they
seek allies, for they can trust no others. Notes left in Low Clans
obscure places, written in the ancient language are all well
and good – but real contact with others, others like Assamite
yourself, becomes increasingly important as the Salubri The Assamites are by far the most powerful Low Clan
become more isolated and cautious. Jerusalem, always a of the region, and one of the most numerous, although
nexus of intrigue, draws Salubri as the area is under the they are split along religious lines. To say Assamites got
Diet of Olives, and has become somewhat of a shelter for their hands full would be an understatement. With
the remnants of the Clan. majority of the Clan in the Ashirra their efforts are being
Healer split between opposing the Cainite Crusaders, battling
Limit: Some the infernalists, and aiding their brethren in Egypt
against the Setites.

Limit: Some Vizier

Toreador Limit: None

Builders, artisans, lovers (and preservers) of the
exquisite – the Toreador in Outremer struggle with the Limit: None
current political and religious upheavals which endanger Sorcerer
so much historic beauty. They still seek to build further Limit: 1
for the glory of God (and in some cases, themselves), but
times and circumstances don’t always permit such
Followers of Set
noteworthy endeavors. At least there’s always politics for The Setites of the region find all religions except their
some members of the clan to fall back on. And in own anathema, but cannot resist the temptation of
Outremer, politics can definitely be an art form all their seducing throngs of pilgrims new to these lands. They
own. have to stay cautious though, as revealing their true
Limit: None nature might result in their swift demise.
Tzimisce Limit: None
The venerable Tzimisce seem somewhat out of place
in Outremer. With most of the Clan fighting wars in Limit: Some
their homeland, very few would show interest beyond the Gangrel
borders of their domains. This specifically applies to
Kolduns and those of the Old Clan who are, safe to say, The Gangrel currently in Outremer are about as
unheard of in the Holy Land. If a stray Fiend has found individualistic as one might expect. The battles of those
their way to Outremer, they would have done so as spies who truly care about the region are not their battles; the
for their Elders, and other Clans are unaware of their causes of the Cainites who war here are not their causes.
presence. It’s safer for all concerned that way. Their services may be hired, but they are no more than
Limit: Some mercenaries in the conflicts that steadily erupt. Needless
to say, they prefer it that way.
Limit: None


Malkavian reestablish their power within the region.
The Malkavians of Outremer, as elsewhere, have no Limit: None
coherent organization. Madness tends to be solitary; this Tremere
is a good thing. Malkavans in and around Outremer
probably have no particular reason for being there – or The presence of the Tremere in Outremer is pretty
anywhere else in particular – beyond whatever personal much non-existant since the fall of the Jerusalem
voices drive them individually. Terror and treachery Chantry. The Diet of Olives making them extremely
entice; torment and temptation thrill. unwelcome, to the point of being openly hunted, though
they have not given up on acquiring their own power in
Limit: None
the Holy Land, infiltrating the Order of Cyprus and are
Nosferatu currently engaged in secret discussions with a faction of
Egyptian Setites who they believe may be able to help
Nosferatu in the Outremer region are in a particularly
them establish a foothold either in Outremer, or at least
fortunate position. The leper colonies they prefer are
northern Africa. To date, these discussions have not
everywhere, yet avoided by Cainite and mortal alike. They
progressed particularly far.
can gather information from the region’s population and
Limit: 1
from the thousands of religious pilgrims who travel the
roads, yet never have to worry about their own havens Bloodlines
being intruded upon. Cainites of other Clans are willing
to trade information for information, though, and thus
the Nosferatu reach extends far and wide.
Limit: None The notorious infernalists since the days of the
Second City, Baali have a large presence in the Outremer,
Ravnos despite it being the land of the Holy. Rumored to have
The Bashrite Ravnos have led and bled the trade city multiple strongholds in the area, the number of Baali
of Damascus nearby for over 500 years – a position of nearly matches those of the Major Clans. With the Diet
power understood, if not respected by all Outremers of Olives in effect, and infighting of the Baali factions,
Cainites. Except the very new or the very naïve. Surviving their position has become rather unsecured. If being a
and thriving through the cycles of empires, both East and Vampire is a tale of the struggle of the accursed, than
West, the Bashrites believe that the downfalls of the great being a Baali is a downward spiral into damnation.
civilizations and the presence of holy armies mark the Limit: 3
coming of a dark chaos. Their most ardent members seek
to destroy all that is holy, battle against the Methuselahs
and prophesy the imminent rise of the Antediluvians (Members of the Giovani Bloodline are considered a
from their age-long slumber. The rest are simply in it for High Clan)
the profit, to a greater or lesser extent. Even though still small in number, Giovani have
Because the Bashrites have a higher calling, the found their way to the land of Outremer, due to the vast
generally care little for the petty infighting of the mortals presence of the Venetian merchants. The land offers a lot
during the Crusades. Each side requires supplies, and of trading and business opportunities, and ancient texts
provisions to feed armies are difficult – and expensive – and relics are aplenty. A perfect place for the Young Ones
enough to obtain that the merchants of Damascus have to amass wealth, power and knowledge, much to the
considerable leverage. The Ravnos take advantage of opposition of the Diet of Olives, because, at the end of
Arab, Jew and Christian equally, with two exceptions: the day, the real Clan Weakness of the Giovani is greed.
They are vitally interested in holy relics, and work to Limit: Some
undermine the activities of the crusader Cainites who
seek to disrupt the Bashrite prophesies.
In a time when the future of faith is at stake, The Gorgons are as elusive as they are few in number.
desperate Cainites deign to make pacts with even the Although a wondering duelist-scholar might be found in
Ravnos, trading bargains and favors in efforts to the Holy Land, they never stay for long in one place,


always returning to their flock with the newly accrued
knowledge. Lamia are feared as much as they are hated.
Those who know of their existence also know of their
martial prowess and powerful Necromancy. They
venerate Lillith as a Godess, which is a breach of the First
Tradition of Caine, making them heretics of the kindred
society, and one of the reasons why they align with others
who are rejected, such as the Baali. They share as much
hatred as any other Cainite for the Setites, followers of
the false God.
Limit: 1
One of the eldest bloodlines, the Flesh-Eaters remain
the undisputed masters of necromancy in the lands east
of the Indus, using this unique advantage to bargain with
other clans. They have long struggled to carve a place
amongst hoary ancients, even as their curse and insular
nature alienates them from higher societies. Even the few
who do not guard the First Necropolis keep the secrets of
the bloodline, remaining survivors first and foremost.
Cosmopolitan in their dealings but zealous in outlook,
the Flesh-Eaters walk the newly-reformed Silk Road,
sending neonates to seek allies, resources and the lore of
Nod while their elders scrutinize Enoch’s secrets.
Nagaraja treat with the clans as clients and seek out the
myriad experiences of the living world, if only to fully
grasp the twisting cycle of life and death — and under-
stand the strange nights in which they find themselves.
Limit: 1


Chapter Two:
Reader to edit the sheet, to minimize the chance that you
will need to recreate it from a clean copy.
Additionally, use the Google spreadsheet, a.k.a.

Character Character Tracker provided in the #🧻resources🧻

channel for your character log (essentially, a mirror of

your character sheet’s contents that provides a more
detailed and trackable breakdown of how your character
was built and where XP is spent). Open the Google
Sheets link, make a copy and edit the gray cells only.
Submit a link to your Tracker along with your
Before submitting the character sheet and tracker to a
storyteller, please rename both of them with your
character’s name at the start of the (or in replacement of
the original) filename for ease of filing.


For system and mechanics:

• Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages
• Vampire 20th Anniversary: Companion
Prelude • Vampire 20th Anniversary: Tome of Secrets

B efore putting your character down to a sheet, please

contact a Staff member with your character’s broad
(Some additions from Vampire: the Masquerade 20th
Anniversary, Lore of the Clans, The Black Hand: A
concept (Clan, history, personality) and any oddities such Guide to Tal’Mahe’Ra and other supplement books are
as rare Merits or Flaws. This will save you the time of possible, at Storyteller discretion.)
creating something that may not be allowed or isn't
available at the given moment. It will also allow the Staff For lore:
to assist you in making the most efficient build to fit the • Dark Ages: Europe p. 173 – 188 (Outremer section)
concept. • Jerusalem by Night (Majority, but not everything)
Use the four-page Character_Sheet.pdf provided in
the #🧻resources🧻 channel. The sheet has shown Suggestions:
massive incompatibilities with any web browser- • Knights of the Black Cross (for Cainite Crusaders)
based .pdf viewer, and several desktop .pdf viewers as • The Veil of Night (for Ashirra)
well, resulting in a partially-erased or otherwise corrupted
document. Use only either Acrobat Reader or Foxit


Options and require each ritual to be bought.

What you may play is generalized to the Clans listed Tremere Thaumaturges
on Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 42-67, and,
in rare cases, Bloodlines. Certain options may become Thaumaturges always start on one of the Lesser Paths
unavailable depending on player population or the (Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 297-299) and
ongoing plots in the story. may learn as many Lesser Paths as they want to any level.

Please refer to the Clans Section7 to see available options.

Assamite Sorcerers
Dur’An’Ki starting Paths are Creatio Ignis (The
No fresh character may be older than 100 cumulative Creation of Fire) and Iter Pernix (The Swift Journey).
Setite Sorcerers
Base distribution:
The Akhu starting Path is Potestas Tempestatum
Attributes (7/5/3) (Power Over Storms)
Abilities (13/9/5, max 3 at this stage)
Disciplines 4 Necromancers
Backgrounds 5
Virtues 7 Cappadocians
Merits and Flaws (7 points of Flaws maximum) Mortiis starting Paths are The Corpse in the Monster
or The Path of Grave’s Decay. Secondary Paths may
Freebie points 15
include any of the Giovani Paths. Any other Necromancy
Paths require a Mentor.
Freebie Costs:
Attribute (5 per dot) Giovani
Ability (2 per dot)
Discipline (7 per dot max 4 at this stage) Starting Paths are Ash Path, The Bone Path or the
Background (1 per dot) Sepulchre Path.
Virtue (2 per dot; does not raise Road or
Road (2 per dot) Starting Path is The Path of the Twilight Garden.
Willpower (1 per dot; Maximum 8 at creation)
Via the initial dot allocations and freebie points, you may
Starting Path is Vitreous Path.
not end the character creation process with more than 4
dots in any Discipline.
Merits and
Blood Sorcerers Flaws
To learn the first level of any Greater Path, the
Sorcerer must master one of the Lesser Paths to a level 5.
All Blood Sorcery and Necromancy Traditions get T •
he following Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages
Merits and Flaws are explicitly prohibited:
one Ritual (of equal or lesser power than their Primary
Path rating) for free upon learning a level in their Primary • Clan Apostate
Path. • Common Sense
Abyss Mysticism Rituals are excluded from this rule • Oracular Ability

Merits and Flaws

• Spirit Mentor • Antitoxin Blood (Ravnos only)
• Settlement • Heart of Needles (Ravnos only)
• The Company of Saints and Heroes • Flawed Reality (Ravnos only)
• Vassal • Oathbreaker (Ravnos only)
• Blasphemous Pact • Indelible (1pt only)
• Profane Trappings • Impressive Restraint (Self-Control Virtue only)
• Unholy Stain • Master of the Masquerade (Road of Humanity only)
The Merit Demonic Patron is restricted to Baali only • Slowed Degeneration (Road of Humanity only)
at creation. Taking this Merit is the only way to get a • Arcane Curse (Tremere only)
Mentor that can teach Dark Thaumaturgy, and the Allies • Mage Blood (Tremere only)
provided by the Merit have been replaced with Contacts, • Thaumaturgically Inept (Tremere only)
representing the Demons knowledge. • Bioluminescence (Tzimisce only)
• Pain Tolerance (Tzimisce only)
The following Merits and Flaws from Vampire: the • Haven Affinity (Tzimisce only)
Masquerade 20th Anniversary are allowed: • Unblinking (Tzimisce only)
• Bruiser • Privacy Obsession (Tzimisce only)
• Tic/Twitch • Uncommon Vitae Preference (Ventrue only)
• Vulnerability to Silver
• Lazy
• Permanent Fangs Specializations
• Shy
• Phobia and Fields of
• Clan Friendship
• Sleeping with the Enemy Expertise
• Clan Enmity
• True Faith
T he following Abilities require a Field of Expertise at
the first dot: Commerce, Crafts, Performance and
The following Merits and Flaws from Lore of the
Abilities gain specialization as usual, when the 4th dot
Clans are allowed:
is purchased for it, and additional specialization for each
• Addictive Blood (Setite only)
dot beyond 4th. With 5 dots in a single trait, additional
• Hive-Minded
specializations can be purchased in play with XP.
• Totemic Change
Additional Fields of Expertise may be purchased with
• Member of the Pack
XP at a cost of 3XP per Field. The number of Fields of
• Call of the Sea (Lasombra only)
Expertise a character can have in a single trait cannot
• Secret Stash (Lasombra only)
exceed the number of dots the character has in that same
• Instrument of God (Lasombra only)
• Insubordinate
• Distracting Aura (Malkavian only)
• Stigmata Backgrounds
• Foul Blood (Nosferatu only)
• Lizard Limbs (Nosferatu only)
• Long Fingers (Nosferatu only) A ll Backgrounds are capped at 5 dots at creation
unless noted otherwise.
Backgrounds may not be purchased with XP during
• Monstrous Maw (Nosferatu only)
• Piscine (Nosferatu only) creation. Some Backgrounds may be purchased and
• Sleep Unseen (Nosferatu only) raised in-play with Downtime actions and XP
• Tough Hide (Nosferatu only) expenditure, combined.
• Rugged Bad Looks (Nosferatu only)
• Stench (Nosferatu only)
• Anosmia (Nosferatu only) Allies Background will not be used in this chronicle.


Alternate Identity tool to swing decisions to character’s advantage.
Influence dots may be added to the Contacts dice
A character must have at least 1 dot in this pools to find minor contacts in other Fields of Expertise.
Background to nurture a pseudonym, alias etc. and the
evidence to support this fake identity. Points Description
1 Some sway over mortals in a single district
Artifact 2 Some sway over mortals in a single city
This Background is not purchasable at character 3 Some sway over mortals in a small region
creation or in-play. It can only be awarded by the 4 Some sway over mortals in a whole kingdom
Storyteller. 5 Some sway over mortals in the region
of Outremer
Martial Training
Contacts represent mortal NPCs of lesser importance,
possessing information in a single Field of Expertise and Mechanics for this Background, as well as the
Location, which must be selected at the moment of available Special Maneuvers are listed in the Vampire
taking the dots in this Background. They will provide 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages Tome of Secrets p. 85-87.
relevant information when required, but will be stationed
at a single location, and by no means accompany the Mentor
character. Additionally, a player may roll their Contacts
Dots in Mentor Background represent not the overall
(difficulty 7) to find minor contacts in other Fields of
power of the Mentor, but rather how much they are
willing to aid the protége. This means that a character
Domain may still have a powerful Mentor even at one dot of the
Background, but cannot expect to be aided much.
The following Flaws prevent Characters from taking Mentor is only willing to teach their in-Clan Disciplines,
dots in Domain Background: Nameless, Outsider. and only up to the level of the dots invested in the
Background. Mentor will not willingly share their unique
A starting character can have up to 3 dots maximum Clan or Bloodline Disciplines without a good reason. (ex.
in any category of Domain Background. All available Vicissitude, Valeren etc.) A character may have multiple
categories of the Domain Background, and their lesser-value Mentors, but the Background still caps at 5
mechanics can be found in the Vampire 20th dots.
Anniversary: Dark Ages Companion p. 108-109.
The first dot taken in Domain Background must be
Retainer NPCs have drastically reduced stats for ease
allocated into Domain (Size) category.
and balance of play. Note that this is narrativist, not
Herd simulational; that is, their stats represent how much they
will do for you in specific more than they represent their
Herd background is “portable” – meaning that players total capabilities in the abstract. This Background caps at
can benefit from it’s mechanics in every location. They Generational Maximum.
may bring individual members of their Herd along into Points Attributes Abilities Other
the scenes where they need a quick refill of their Blood 1 Base 2 2 at 2 Willpower 3
Pool. Herd members who get killed in the scenes may With 1 at 3 and 2 at 3 All Virtues 2
cost the player a dot of the background. Use this 2 Base 2 4 at 2 Willpower 5
mechanic with caution. With 2 at 3 and 2 at 3 All Virtues 3
3 As Per Ghouls and Revenants Pg. 116
Influence represents character’s general sway over Full-sheet Retainers (3+ dots) are still fully-statted per
mortals. The name alone carries weight and is used as a the base point allocation, but have no freebie points or


Merits or Backgrounds, and are limited to their dot rating characters may choose to ghoul swarms or packs of
for any Attribute or Ability (ex. a 3-dot Retainer can have animals. Swarms and packs have their own mechanics
a maximum of 3 dots in any given Attribute or Ability). and stats listed in Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages
See the Ghouls and Revenants p. 116 for the process. p. 399. Due to a significant difference in stats, different
swarms and packs will require a different amount of dots
Players may spend XP on full-sheet Retainers. invested in the Background before they can be acquired
as Retainers, listed below:
Animal Retainers
Swarm Retainer Background Cost
Each individual animal Retainer will use the stats Small Bugs 1
from Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 396-399, Large Bugs 2
and for the simplicity of play will be the only animals Flying Bugs 2
available as Retainers (no Giraffes 😔). As it states in Birds (Small only) or Bats 4
Ghouls and Revenants p. 170, Should a vampire simply
Rats 3
let the animal feed on vampiric blood, the maximum
Feral Cats 4
Blood Pools are halved to reflect the fact that its blood
has not been drained. This rule applies (halved Blood Wild Dogs or Wolves 5
Pools are rounded down to a minimum of 1). Due to a
significant difference in stats, different animals will
require a different amount of dots invested in the Status Background is limited to max 2 dots at
Background before they can be acquired as Retainers, creation.
listed below:
Animal Retainer Background Cost Every Kindred which was Released and Accounted
Alligator or Crocodile 3 for, by their Sire should have Status 1.
Large Primates 3
Bat (singular) 1
Bear 3
Lion or Tiger 3
Leopard, Jaguar, Panther 2
or Cougar
Small Bird 1
Large Bird 2
Camel 3
Lynx 2
Domesticated Cat 1
Small Dog 1
Medium Dog 2
Small Horse 2
Large Horse 3
Small Pig 1
Large Pig/Boar 2
Rat (singular) 1
Constrictor Snake (singular) 1
Poisonous Snake (singular) 1
Spider (singular)
Illiteracy is the default in Outremer. Characters must
Additionally, instead of ghouling individual animals,
take Literacy (1pt. Merit) if they wish to read and write.


Taking Multi-Lingual (2pt. Merit) gives the character mundane faiths which are commonly, but not exclusively
languages equal to character’s Intelligence dots in Abrahamic Religions. Majority of Cainites are Noddists
addition to their native and Latin. who respect the Covenant, but other contrary beliefs
Additionally, all characters possess the Lingua Franca exist. The most common mundane Religions in
(1pt. Merit) for free, to have the ability to speak the Outremer are:
“common tongue” of Outremer consisting of frequently
used words and phrases of all common languages. The Christianity
base for Lingua Franca is Old French.
The first great schism had been building between the
Most common languages in the area of Outremer are: Latin, or Roman Catholic, Christians and the Eastern
• Latin Orthodox Christians, culminating in mutual
excommunications in 1054. Of course, minor theological
• Arabic
variations had occurred previously and further
• French
segmentation continued to occur. Again, the descriptions
• Hebrew
that follow are generalizations.
• Greek
• Armenian Catholic
• Italian
The largest of the Christian sects, the Latin Catholics
• Aramaic
claim to be the “pure” Church. They are fierce warriors,
and tolerate no dissension from the teachings of the
Religion Church’s Patriarch of Rome. When they got to
Jerusalem, they took possession of all of the Christian

R eligion is a fundamental aspect of the Outremer

region and the Dark Ages in general. Every person
shrines that had been built by other Christian sects,
including wrestling possession of the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher from the Greek Orthodox.
Greek Orthodox
The Eastern Orthodox, or Greek, Church separated
from the Latin Church in 1054. Its followers believe that
the third segment of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit,
emanates solely from God, not from God and Jesus.
Moreover, they use leavening when they bake their
communion bread.
Greek Orthodox are tolerant of other religious beliefs,
and known for being relatively even-handed. Salah ad-
Din entrusted the Church of Holy Sepulcher to their care
after taking Jerusalem back from the crusaders.
Oriental Christianity (Armenian,
Syrian and Georgian Churches)
The Armenian Christians came to Jerusalem in 1030.
They’ve been slowly expanding ever since, and have
become a sizable community with a separate quarter in
the city. They maintain their own traditions and their
own language, and not accept converts. The Armenians
believes in a higher power of some sort, and it’s the believe that Jesus is wholly divine, with no humanity to
friction between these beliefs that cause the intolerance his characteristics. They celebrate festivals out of sync
and conflict. Every character must select a Religion they with other Christian groups, including the celebration of
follow at creation. These Religions are exclusively Lent at Jesus’ birth. They reportedly have an
irreconcilable hatred of the Greeks.


The Syrians are similar to the Greeks in their worship Sufi
and religious traditions, but maintain a separate culture
Not a truly separate belief system of Islam, “Sufi” is a
because of language differences. It is said that they pay
general term for a Muslim mystic. Sufism doesn’t follow
tribute to other groups in order to be left alone.
any particular tradition or denomination. Sufi walk a fine
The Georgians are also similar to the Greeks, but they
line between worship and being accused of pretending to
venerate St. George in addition to standard Greek
be divine; one ought not to take credit for performing
miracles and healings when one does so in the name of
Nestorian Christianity Allah.
One of the first groups to splinter off of the main Kharijite
body of Christinity become known as the Nestorians.
Never a huge force in Islam, the Kharijites are still a
Nestorius taught that Joshua had two natures, human
factor in 1197. They believe, as do the Jewish Karaites,
and divine, and that Mary had been mother to the
that the religious structure has put laws between humans
human Jesus. In 431 AD, this was sufficient to cause the
and Allah. They militantly follow the teachings of the
Latin Church to condemn this group, causing them to
Qu’ran, and just as the Karaite reject the authority of the
break away from the established Church.
Mishnah and Talmund, the Kharajites reject the
The Nestorians were banished from Jerusalem along
authority of the Sunna and sharia.
with other small Christin groups when the crusaders took
Jerusalem. Nestorians are fairly tolerant of other Other
monotheistic traditions, neither do they persecute people
who profess faiths other than their own.
Jewish Rabbinites
Islam The Rabbinites follow traditional rabbinic law,
Again, the descriptions that follow are generalizations; including Torah, Talmund and Mishnah. To the majority
variations occur within each subsect. The Shia in of Jew, the Rabbinites are correct and recognizably
particular, are known for being extremely factionalized observant in their practices. Every year during Sukkott,
within their subsect. however, the Rabbinite Gaon would make sure to bring
the Torah scrolls with him and, during the festivals,
Sunni would ritually excommunicate the Karaites camped on
the opposite hills. The Karaites, as might be expected,
Sunni Muslims form the majority of Islam and follow
reciprocated by excommunicating the Rabbinites every
the teachings of the Qu’ran, the sharia, and the Sunna.
year. When the Muslims took Jerusalem back from the
The community itself is important to Sunnis, and there is
Christians, they instead that these reciprocal, ritual
a strong tendency to try to reach agreement by consensus
excommunications be stopped. Under Islamic laws, both
rather than legal rulings.
groups had equal rights and equal access to Jewish holy
Sunni do not credit their religious leaders with any
sites in the city. Tensions still run high, however, with the
special wisdom; rather, they believe that any pious
Rabbinnites claiming that the Karaites deframe the
Muslim is qualified to be a leader. Sunni tend to be
Jewish Covenant with Yahweh, and the Karaites claiming
egalitarian and tolerant of other religious ideas.
that the Rabbinites place the laws between humans and
Shia the Covenants.
Shia Muslims differ with the Sunni on several levels. Jewish Karaites
The most divisive theological issue is over the importance
Their name derived from the word from “scripture,”
of the Sunna; Shia do not feel compelled to follow all of
the Karaites split from the traditional forms of Judaism a
the habits of the Prophet (peace be upon him) who was,
little over 300 years ago, in 880 AD. Anan ben David
after all, only a human and therefore fallible.
immigrated to Jerusalem from Khursan, and found strict
Shia, however, tend to be more rigid in their
rule of the Jerusalem rabbis oppressive and narrow.
interpretation of the Qu’ran. The imbue their religious
While the Karaites follow the Torah, al-Qumusi and his
beliefs with sacred wisdom, and tend to be a bit fanatical
followers reject the authority of the Talmund, including
in their devotion.


the food restrictions and the laws regarding purity. They
devoutly follow the written text of the Torah, but the Submission
Talmud is, in their opinion, simply oral law accreted by
humans onto the divine teachings. To escape the wrath of
the rabbis, the Karaites live outside of the city walls, W hen your character is complete, submit both your
Character_Sheet.pdf and the share link to your
tracker to the Staff member you had initially discussed
having built their quarters on the east slopes.
your character concept with; each file renamed with or to
True Faith your character’s name as mentioned above. They will
review it and inform you of any issues.
To have True Faith the player will need to buy a Once your character is approved, write a brief bio
modified version of the merit: containing any publicly available information about your
character and post it, alongside a portrait, to the #🧛
True Faith (7pt. Merit) characters🧛
The character has a deep-seated faith in and love
The portrait cannot be of a real person. You may use:
for God, or whatever name they choose to call the
Almighty. The character begins the game with one
point of True Faith (Vampire 20th Anniversary: •
Dark Ages p. 392-394); this Trait adds one dot to the •
characters Willpower, and they may spend a will or any of a host of other similar services to obtain art;
power to cancel successes of a supernatural attacks if you are using a real person’s visage as the base for
against them, equal to their True Faith. The services like these, ensure it is in the public domain.
character must have a Road rating of 9 or higher on Alternately, you may produce your own original works.
an appropriate road to choose this Merit, and if they
lose even a single point, all their True Faith points After your first ever character has been approved, you
are lost and may be regained only when the lost Road receive 50XP. This is a one-time bonus, you do not
is recovered. Individuals with True Faith are capable receive it for subsequent characters; additionally, it is
of performing magical acts akin to miracles, but the applied after character creation is finished and thus
exact nature of those acts are up to the Storyteller. cannot be applied to XP expenditures delineated in the
part of Character Creation that addresses XP carried
forwards from previous sheets as applied to character


Chapter Three: Trait Cost

House rules and New Ability*

New Discipline

clarifications New Path

(Necromancy or Thaumaturgy)
Secondary Path

Current rating x4
(Necromancy or Thaumaturgy)
Experience Blood Sorcery Ritual Rating x2
(Necromancy or Thaumaturgy)
Points Abyss Mysticism Ritual Rating x3
Attribute Current rating x4
Experience is distributed weekly as follows: Ability Current rating x2
Award Prerequisite Clan Discipline Current rating x5
1 XP For having an approved character. Other Discipline Current rating x7
1 XP For participating in Unguided RP. Virtue Current rating x2
1 XP For participating in at least one player-organized Road Virtues Current rating x2
event (if any). Willpower Current rating
Additional XP may be distributed based on organized
Road Current rating x2
Voice/Text Game Sessions. Additional XP may also be
*Abilities which require Field of Expertise at the 1 st
rewarded to quality writers.
dot may be re-purchased with another Field of Expertise,
and stand as separate Abilities.
XP may be spent at any time you are not in a scene;
mark down the expenditure on your tracker and add the
Once the 5th dot in an Attribute or Ability has been
purchased dots to their appropriate location in your sheet
reached, additional Specializations can be purchased with
and tracker.
XP at the cost of (2 x current number of Specializations)
XP. Storyteller or narrator still holds the right to demand
If you retire your character, 75% of the XP on your
justification or deny these purchases.
sheet, rounded up, carries forwards to your next
character. Retired characters may never return to play, Gaining Merits and
but if they are sufficiently setting-important, may be
converted into NPCs at the storyteller’s exclusive Removing Flaws
With storyteller approval, Flaws may be bought off for
Players have a grace period of 14 days for players to
(2 × current rating) XP. This does not apply to every Flaw.
try out their character, and if it doesn’t work, they can
A reason must be provided.
retire without a penalty.
The following Merits may be purchased with
storyteller or narrator approval, for (2 × current rating)
If your character dies, 90% of the XP on your sheet,
XP and fulfillment of their minimum requirements
rounded up, carries forwards to your next character.
(listed in parenthesis).
This penalty may be waived, and full XP may be
returned, if storyteller or narrator determines the cause of Merits Requirements
death to be sufficiently dramatic, or narratively satisfying. Ambidextrous Dexterity 4
Bioluminescence* Vicissitude
The following XP expenditures are available when Bruiser Intimidate 3
carrying over XP from a prior character: Academics 1
~ Characters made with XP may add 0-3 years to their Celestial Attunement (FoE: Astronomy)
age as a vampire per 1 XP on their starting sheet. This age Heart of Needles Chimerstry 3
has no mechanical benefits or penalties.

Experience Points

Merits Requirements ability to distinguish Humane from Inhumane Roads.
Impressive Restraint Self Control 4
Inoffensive to Animals Animal Ken 2 Humane Roads/Paths
Literacy • Road of Humanity
Long Fingers* Vicissitude • Road of Heaven
Master of the Masquerade Road of Humanity • Road of Kings
Monstrous Maw* Vicissitude • Path of the Archangel
Pain Tolerance* Vicissitude Inhumane Roads/Paths
Piscine* Vicissitude • Road of Beast
Sleep Unseen Obfuscate 3 • Road of Lillith
Sturdy* Vicissitude • Road of Blood
Tough Hide* Vicissitude • Road of the Abyss
*These Merits can only be given by Vicissitude and • Road of Set
come with the Monstrous Flaw, dropping your • Road of Bones
Appearance to 0 if it wasn’t already. (Vampire 20th • Road of Sin
Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 421) • Road of Metamorphosis
• Road of Yasa
Willpower • Path of Paradox (Western)

Sensing the Beast

E xpended dots of temporary Willpower recover at a
rate of 2 points per week. Every Saturday when the
Weekly XP reward is posted, Willpower points will also
Vampires and ghouls are immediately capable of
recognizing each other when no means of disguise are in
be recovered. This makes Willpower a valuable resource
place (ex. Obfuscate, certain Merits): their Beasts know,
for a character that should only be used in crucial
as a supernatural effect, when they encounter another
Beast (although this does not inform whether the
If you reach zero temporary Willpower, your dice
character is a ghoul or vampire). This extends to the
pools are halved for all non-reflexive rolls, stacking with
impact of the Conviction Virtue any character with it is
wound penalties to a minimum of 1 die in any pool.
tangibly off, even beyond the sense of the Beast. The
You may not spend more than one Willpower per
radius for recognizing the Beast in this was is
combat round on an extra success on an action.
approximately 5 meters/yards.
Unless specifically mentioned in a power’s text,
powers that require Willpower to be spent for their Failing a Road
activation cannot also have Willpower spent to gain an
automatic success on their activation roll. • At Road Rating 2, character gains the effects of
the Eerie Presence Flaw until they improve their
Roads & Paths Road rating. They will have trouble interacting
with mortals without disguise. Additionally,
Hunters and Werewolves will instantly recognize
Auras what they are. Using mundane methods of
disguise will remove the effects of this penalty,
Beyond Sensing the Beast (see below) Vampires, and lasts the until the disguise is ruined, or
Ghouls and even some gifted mortals can sense the cover blown. The roll for a mundane disguise is
radiating effect of kindred Auras. This effect radiates in a Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6).
form of a character’s “vibe” and while Auras have their Supernatural disguise and appropriate Merits
own mechanics in the DAV20 system, these “vibes” always remove this penalty.
should always be roleplayed, especially when characters • At Road Rating 1, everyone will blatantly
enter the scene. Road Aura by no means reveals the recognize the character for a Beast they are.
characters Road or its rating, but it does provide the Mortals will flee or attack, depending on their

Roads & Paths

Willpower, Virtues and circumstances of the
scene. Character’s unaltered appearance is Blood
considered a clear breach of the Silence of the
Blood at this point, making them a threat to all
• Moments of Truth mechanics are exclusive to
the Dark Ages Roads system, and are very
situational. Consult the Storyteller to use them.
They can be found in Vampire 20th
Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 115

Dice and

Getting it
The hunting system is subject to the following
cumulative modifiers:
R oad pools are capped at 10 dice. Aggravated Damage
pools are capped at 10, Lethal Damage at 15 dice
and Bashing damage, as well as all other dice pools are
• +2 difficulty if your unaltered appearance is
considered a breach of the Silence of the Blood.
not capped. Automatic successes gained by spending (Clan Nosferatu Curse, Nagaraja Curse, some
blood to activate Potence bypass this cap for damage Merits and Flaws etc.)
pools. • +(Variable) difficulty if you have any Flaw that
would ward mortals away from you, as specified
Difficulties are always between 2 and 10. Any by the Flaw (Touch of Frost, Eerie Presence,
difficulties that would fall under 2 will automatically be etc.)
rolled at difficulty 2. Any difficulty that would exceed 10 • +2 difficulty if you have the Clan Ventrue Curse
will still be rolled at difficulty 10, but every number that or Giovani Curse.
exceeds the difficulty will instead subtract the number of Difficulty is also modified by characters Aura
successes from the achieved total. The player must always modifier.
roll to account for 1’s and Exploding 10’s due to
Specialties. Supernatural disguise and some Merits can remove
the first two modifiers, and Obfuscate 6 (Mask of the
Devil) can remove the Aura modifier.


3 Will most likely cause them to pass out
• Domain (Size) and in some cases Domain and feel drained for a week.
(Secret Passages) as well as Fame Backgrounds 4 Will harm them to the extent of needing
reduce the difficulty of hunting rolls by -1 for several days of medical care.
each dot of the Background. 5+ Will almost certainly kill them without
• Herd Background increases the hunting dice immediate transfusion
pool by +1 for each dot of the Background.
Vegetarian Vampires
The difficulty of hunting rolls by region is as follows, It is no secret that some Vampires often feed on
per Vampire: The Masquerade 20th anniversary p. 259- blood of the animals, mainly those of Clans Gangrel and
260: Nosferatu. Some even feed on Animals exclusively. They
Blood are known as Farmers in the society, a derogatory term,
Base Quality which makes these individuals frowned upon, and
Hunting Grounds Difficulty Modifier shunned by the others, as it is seen a sign of weakness
Slums/ the Circus: 4 -2 BP and shame for a kindred. Stereotypes aside, food is still
food, and a character may choose to feed on animals if
Lower Class 5 -1 BP they want (unless they have feeding restrictions which
Neighborhood: prevent such).
Market District: 6 The rolls for hunting animals MUST be either
Dexterity/Manipulation + Animal Ken, for luring the
Suburb: 7 animals in urban areas, or Wits + Survival for trapping or
High Class District or 8 +1 BP stalking them in the wild. The difficulty for these rolls is
Palace: variable, consult the storyteller.
Blood from animals is less nutritious, not less
Wilderness 9 voluminous it’s all about the quintessence. Animal blood
Once per calendar day, you may make a hunting roll is also less appetizing: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th
in the #🩸hunting🩸 channel. This roll should include a anniversary p. 132 states that “vampires find the blood of
full breakdown of its difficulty (any applicable modifiers animals flat, tasteless, and lacking in nutritional value;
listed above, applied to the chosen region), what dice [...] in fact, it heightens [their] desire for ‘real food”’.
pool is being used etc. Your successes on this roll Blood pools of various animals listed in the table in
modified by the Blood Quality in the area are the number Vampire 20th anniversary: Dark Ages p. 341.
of blood points you receive. A successful hunting roll
yields a minimum of 1 BP after the modifiers are applied, Vitae
while failed rolls yield no blood at all. Botches cannot be
negated by the Blood Quality modifier. One blood point of vitae is approximately a mouthful
of fluid.
Human Bodies The first time in a scene that a given vampire’s vitae is
The sensory ecstasy of the Kiss, combined with the tasted directly from the source (ex. from an opened vein),
blood loss from feeding, leaves mortals in a brief, mild the drinking party must make a Self-Control / Instinct
fugue. They will remember something, but nothing roll at difficulty 6 to resist a terrible thirst incited by its
distinct (except the effects such as the Giovani Curse). intoxicating, addictive taste. Success on this roll allows
• Nagaraja bite can not perform the Kiss. the drinking character to consume as much or as little as
Per Vampire 20th anniversary: Dark Ages p. 341, they desire, failure causes them to consume a full blood
mortals regain one blood point a day. point’s worth, and a botch causes them to drink until
they are sated (this cannot cause accidental Amaranth).
Blood Taken Result
Effects such as the Foul Blood Merit override the prior
1 Will leave them light headed until they
mechanics in their entirety, and the Addictive Blood
eat and rest.
Merit increases the Self-Control / Instinct roll’s difficulty
2 Will leave them woozy and slightly low to 8.
for a few days. The taste of vitae cannot ever be disguised or altered,


but beyond its baseline, varies from kindred to kindred weaknesses from their regnant (i.e. they are all treated as
based on diet due to the emotional resonance and health having the Blood Flaw Immunity Merit from Ghouls &
of their prey. A vampire, ghoul, or previously exposed Revenants p. 137)
mortal may detect vitae by taking a moment to smell it You may ghoul animals without Animal Ken or
with a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 6). Mixing Animalism Discipline, but their effectiveness as thralls is
with other sorts of potable liquids preserves Vitae’s ability significantly reduced as you don’t possess any way of
to ghoul and bond but removes its ability to confer the communicating or training them. They will be your
Becoming. harmless pets at best (approaching them in the first place
Vitae sitting in the open loses its ability to ghoul in 3 will prove to be a significant obstacle without Inoffensive
hours, its ability to bond and attune to Disciplines in 6 to Animals Merit). Once an animal is ghouled, its
hours, is useless for Blood Sorcery that requires a target’s instinctive aversion to vampires is gone, and any vampire
vitae after 12 hours, and is spoiled in all ways after 24 (not just the original domitor) can maintain its
hours. Freezing or boiling Vitae destroys all its ghouldom, though Animalism is still necessary to
supernatural qualities. command and Animal Ken is still necessary to train
ghouled animals.
The Blood Oath
Beginning or advancing a Blood Oath requires Torpor
ingestion of a full point of vitae, per Ghouls & Revenants
p. 36. Bonds are no longer maintained by proximity or
interaction alone, more vitae must be provided. A torpid vampire donated at least one blood point by
another vampire of three or more Generations
below them automatically awakens (with a new Blood
At a third-level bond, attempting to do any of the Oath, should it be applicable).
following things to your regnant requires a successful A vampire who falls to torpor as a result of damage
Willpower roll as per Dark Ages Vampire: 20th can only awaken by spending a blood point and making
anniversary p. 342—343: disobeying them, physically the Awakening roll (Road rating difficulty 8). Only one
resisting them, scheming against them, damaging their roll per night may be attempted this way. A vampire
property, relationships, or interests, divulging their without any blood in their bodies cannot make the roll
secrets, or attempting to directly harm them. until fed at least one blood point. Feeding a torpid
vampire a point of Vitae will cause them to awake with a
level-one Blood Oath to every kindred who’s Vitae
they’ve been fed. A kindred who awakens with
insufficient blood in their system must make a Hunger
Frenzy check roll.

A vampire in voluntary torpor may choose to wake up

dusk at any day after the first spent in torpor, and may
wake immediately by spending a point of Willpower if
they sense blood or danger in their vicinity.

Ghouls I n addition to the Diablerie rules from Vampire 20th
anniversary: Dark Ages p. 354-356 we will be using the
Diablerie rules from The Black Hand: A Guide to the

G houls maximum blood pool is 10 with 2 of those Tal’Mahe’Ra pg. 180.

points being Vitae. Ghouls do not inherit Clan

Amaranth (Diablerie)

Combat Unique Forms
A character may assume only one of these “Major”
forms at a time:
Discipline and level Name of the form
Clinch & Hold: Breaking Clinches & Holds through
Obenebration 5 Tenebrous Avatar
additional actions with Celerity (or similar) abilities is
cumulative with the intended action and will count as an Protean 4 Shape of the Beast
Extended Action towards breaking the said grab action. Protean 5 Lurking Mist
All the successes from these actions are cumulative until
the grab is broken. The holder may also spend their Protean 6 Ephemeral Slumber
Celerity (or similar) action for the purpose of resisting the Protean 6 Loki’s Gift
breaking of grabs.
Serpentis 4 Typhonic Avatar
Headbutt: (Dexterity + Brawl; difficulty 6; Damage: Spiritus 5 The Wild Beast
Strength (Bashing)) This maneuver can be performed
during Clinches & Holds, but only against the grappling Vicissitude 4 Awaken the Zulo Form
opponent. If the target soaks all the damage, any number Vicissitude 6 Chiropteran Marauder
of successes that exceed the damage soaked inflict as A character cannot wear any armor while in these
Bashing damage on the user instead. forms.

Pull Punches: When you wish to do less damage than

you rolled, you may subtract as much damage as you want Disciplines
from the hit, to a minimum of 1 damage still inflicted
(this does not allow damage to be shifted between type, • When first learning an out-of-Clan Discipline,
i.e. aggravated damage cannot be “pulled” to lethal). you must receive instruction and purchase the
Characters in frenzy cannot pull punches. Automatic first dot in that discipline at the same time,
successes on damage rolls from activated Potence cannot within the same night you drunk a point of
be affected by this mechanic and will always do full Vitae from someone with the Discipline. While
damage. This mechanic cannot be applied to Ranged subsequent advancements do not require
attacks. further vitae to be drunk (per Vampire: The
Masquerade p. 128), XP must still be spent at
Cover: Taking cover is now a full action that will, in the same time instruction is provided.
most cases require no roll, unless the storyteller requires Advancing out-of-Clan Disciplines requires an
one, due to circumstances of combat. instructor for every level, except Potence,
Celerity, and Fortitude, which only require
Damage instruction for the first dot.
• All discipline powers with listed duration may
• Explosions use the Fire & Burns table on be canceled at any point prior to the end of
Vampire 20th anniversary: Dark Ages p. 356. their duration.
• Aggravated damage may be healed with the • Discipline effects that add dice to pools (chiefly
mechanics on Vampire 20th anniversary: Dark Potence to Strength, Celerity to Dexterity, and
Ages p. 345. Strenuous activity during the night Fortitude to Stamina) also add their ratings as
prevents healing aggravated damage that night. “phantom” dot modifiers to appropriate Traits’
• If multiple types of damage are applied at the raw ratings when applicable (ex. for the purposes
same time and the character is able to soak all of calculating movement speed, use Dexterity +
three of them, the soak roll is applied first to Celerity, for the purposes of calculating lifting
Aggravated, then to Lethal, then to Bashing, or throwing capacity, use Strength + Potence).
otherwise, first to Lethal, then to Bashing. These benefits are only gained when the
Disciplines aren’t being actively used, just as the


Disciplines only contribute to pools when not short lengths extending from projectors and their bodies
activated. and may attack it.
• All Mind and Emotional Control Disciplines Ambiguity in a destination will generally lead to a
(including Presence, Dominate, and all similar known entrance to the location.
effects) have a subtle effect upon activation.
(Presence can still be resisted as normal.) Animalism
• All Discipline powers and Rituals that remove
Animalism 4 (Subsume the Spirit) If you are killed
dots permanently, or for a period longer than a
year automatically have their duration reduced while possessing an animal, the torpor your fall into lasts
to one year of real time, upon which the dot is for a whole day until you would rise again.
returned. (The exception to this rule is The
Revelations of Eden Path, which has it’s
duration reduced further. Listed below in the
Setite Sorcery section) Using Celerity allows you to reflexively spend one
point of blood to ignore difficulty penalties for multiple
Auspex actions up to your Celerity dots for the turn. For
Auspex 1 (Heightened Senses) does not decrease the example, a character with Celerity 3 makes three actions
difficulty of other Auspex powers. before suffering +1 difficulty for multiple actions. This
does not mitigate the dice pool reduction, however. Only
Auspex 2 (Read the Soul) can only be used on beings, a number of these additional actions equal to half your
not objects, therefore cannot detect any sort of Blood Celerity (round up) may be attack actions. See Vampire
Sorcery, Hedge Magic, or Mortal Sorcery, operating on 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 322 for rules on multiple
objects or areas. Any dots in this discipline that exceed actions as they differ greatly from V20 modern. There are
the level of this power can be used as difficulty reduction additional ways of using Celerity as noted on Vampire
modifiers down to a minimum of diff 4 (ex. Auspex 5 is - 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 202.
3 diff on Aura Perception rolls.)

Auspex 3 (Spirit‘s Touch) The following difficulties

shall be used for this power: Daimonion 1 (Sense the Sin) Using this power on a
Difficulty Time you wish to read back to character initiates a 30 day cooldown before it can be
Diff 4 Up to a week used on them again. Note that even after the cooldown
Diff 5 Up to a month expires there might not be any relevant information that
Diff 6 Up to three months power would yield, even if re-used.
Diff 7 Up to a year
Diff 8 Up to a decade Daimonion 4 (Psychomachia) does not bring any
Diff 9 Up to two centuries Derangements the target has to the fore. Instead, it pits
the target against an apparition of targets lowest Virtue,
Diff 10 Everything beyond
devised by the Storyteller.
Objects do not contain information about events they
weren’t used for or during. Only very scant visual
Daimonion 5 (Condemnation) requires the target to
information is gained, enough for a positive ID on the
be within casters field of vision and earshot to be used.
person using the object, and the person or thing the
Only one effect can be cast on the target at the same
object is being used on. To read impressions from
time. Any subsequent application overrides the previous,
previous owners adds +2 Difficulty for each previous
even if done by a different caster. To fit the scope of the
owner before the most recent.
chronicle, the durations of this power have been
significantly reduced:
Auspex 5 (Psychic Projection) Only the Projector
Successes Result
may see the entire length of their own cord. All others
who are able to interact with the projector can see the 3 Three months


4 Five months
5+ A year Obfuscate 5 (Cloak the Gathering) The range for
targeting individuals with this power is the same 5 meters
Dominate per dot of Wits + Stealth that governs the range of
Obfuscate’s mental occlusion.
Dominate 1 (Command) The target of this power is
obligated to perform the command issued immediately Obtenebration
on a successful roll. No matter how the command is
issued the target must perform the valid action that was All Obtenebration powers last until the end of the
commanded without delay. Whatever else was said by the scene, but can be canceled earlier by the user. Falling
user may be considered by the target, but not obeyed unconscious or to torpor cancels the active powers. Some
without question. However, the target may still be Rituals can also force the powers to cancel. Attacks from
inclined to do exactly as told, depending on the Obtenebration count as such for breaking Obfuscate and
individual. similar.
Obtenebration 3 (Arms of Ahriman) Recasting the
Dominate 2 (Mesmerize) as it states in the fluff text power spawns a new set of Arms with fresh stats to
in Vampire: the Masquerade 20th anniversary p. 152 “A replace the previous ones, with all the previous Arms
subject can have only one suggestion implanted at any time.” disappearing. All Arms perform their actions last in the
This suggestion can be a simple sentence or a complex initiative order, on the same turn they are summoned,
one, but cannot be a chain of complex commands that before the Multiple Actions are resolved, instead of the
requires alteration the subject’s consciousness over a long casters initiative.
period of time. The user cannot chain multiple complex
commands into a single power use and force the target to Presence
perform them each, subsequently. Every additional Presence 5 (Majesty) cannot be resisted via the
directive will require an override of the previous one, general Presence resistance mechanics, and can only be
using the mechanics listed in the system. resisted via the mechanics listed inside Majesty itself. A
character physically attacked by someone with Majesty
Dominate 4 (Conditioning) only breaks down the activated becomes immune to it’s effects for the rest of
target’s will, making the further usage of Dominate the scene.
powers by the same user easier to take effect, and nothing
else. It will by no means implement the use of lesser Protean
Dominate powers on the same target without rolling for
the use of intended power. Protean 2 (Feral Weapons) Each activation of this
power requires a separate blood expenditure, up to three
Fortitude activations total (Hands, Feet & Horns/Tusks).
Fire and sunlight can be soaked with Fortitude, but
Protean 4 (Shape of the Beast) On learning this
not with automatic successes. power, a character may select any appropriately-sized fight
and flight form (as though they were a Gangrel) the
Obfuscate mechanical benefits applied to the wolf and bat forms
remain applied irrespective of the flavor choice. These
This Discipline is a trick of the mind and covers all selections are permanent unless the character has the
senses. Totemic Charge merit. In essence, the rules on Lore of
the Clans p. 91 for form selection apply to all characters.
Obfuscate 2 (Unseen Presence) Even when seen or When in any Flight or War form that has teeth, you still
unseen, a secondary use of this power allows a vampire to have access to your Vampire Fangs and you cause The
conceal small items already on their person, or, with a Kiss when you bite. In Flight form you may only drink 1
successful Manipulation + Subterfuge from 5 to 9 (based Blood Point per combat turns. Fight Forms may drink 3
on the amount of observation) they can grasp and per combat turn, as per standard rules.
conceal an easily moved item.


Protean 5 (Lurking Mist) Can last until the character
sleeps, but can be canceled earlier by the user. Falling Vicissitude 4 (Awaken the Zulo Shape) Lasts until
unconscious or to torpor cancels the power. Some Rituals sunrise, but can be canceled earlier by the user. Falling
can also cancel the power prematurely, and Protean 6 unconscious or to torpor cancels the power. Some Rituals
(Ephemeral Slumber) can extend it during the characters can also cancel the power prematurely. The Attribute
sleep. bonuses both exceed Generational limit and stack with
Blood Buffing. All Physical traits are still capped at 10 for
Quietus all kindred. All unarmed damage while in this form is
Poisonous blood still retains the supernatural
properties of Vitae, and therefore poison is rendered
inert after 24 hours of leaving the kindreds body. Blood Sorcery
All Serpentis powers last until the end of the scene,
but can be canceled earlier by the user. They can be used
while other Serpentis powers are active. Falling
unconscious or to torpor cancels the active powers. Some
Rituals can also force the powers to cancel.

Watcher Valeren 1 (Sense Cycle) is replaced with
Warrior Valeren 1 (Sense Death) because of the powers
complicated mechanics.

Vicissitude can add some Merits 19 and remove

Physical Flaws, requiring at least Vicissutide 3 (Rend the ll rituals from all traditions that lack explicit casting
Osseous Frame) or greater. Application of Vicissitude in times now take 5 minutes per level to cast, as
this manner requires the recipient make a Courage roll generalized from the rules for Thaumatugy rituals on
(difficulty 6), and inflicts unsoakable aggravated damage Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 302.
(1 point for a 1-point Merit/Flaw, 2 points for a 2- or 3-
point Merit/Flaw, 3 points for a 4+ point Merit/Flaw). Willpower may be spent on Rituals only with
Success on the Courage roll allows the recipient to Storyteller approval to guarantee their success. The risk
spend XP on the Merit or Flaw as normal. (Gaining of meddling with Blood Sorcery is a chance for a botch to
Merits or removing Flaws with this method must be always be there. Botching a roll to activate a power or
approved by the Storyteller) ritual incurs the following cumulative penalties:
Botch Amount Penalty
Vicissitude 3 (Rend the Osseous Frame)The user of
1 Lose 2 blood points
this power can be a “subject” of the modifications. Each
modification requires a full action, and the target suffers 2 Lose 2 temporary Willpower points
a 5 – (number of successes scored on the activation roll) 3 Take 3 points of Lethal damage
levels of Lethal damage (to a minimum of 1) which they (May not use Armor to soak)
can soak as normally (Armor does not apply to the soak). 4 Lose 1 Permanent Willpower point
The user will clearly be a breach of the Silence of the
Blood while having modifications active. Only one difficulty reduction mechanic may apply to

Blood Sorcery

casting Path Dots of Blood Sorcery. If more mechanics The Path of Woe is not available. For any available
are operating than allowed, the Player may choose one. Paths, see below.

Before taking any secondary paths consult a The Bone Path

The Bone Path 2 (Awaken the Homuncular
Abyss Mysticism Servant) The maximum number of Homonculae the user
can animate with this power cannot exceed their
Abyss Mysticism requires minimum Occult 3, and no
Necromancy rating.
ritual the character buys may exceed either their
Obtenebration or Occult rating. The Bone Path 3 (Shambling Hordes) The
maximum number of corpses (Zombies) the user can
If the character does not have an Occult Specialty in
animate with this power cannot exceed their Necromancy
Abyss Mysticism the difficulty for all related rituals is rating.
increased by 1.
The Centaph Path
Abyss Elemental (Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark
The Cenotaph Path 4 (Death Knell) Instead of
Ages p. 271-272): The casting time for this Ritual is 5
always sensing when someone dies, the user may choose
minutes. Only one Elemental can be summoned at a
to roll as per normal to get a sense of the most recent
time. Elemental is used for scouting and spying purposes,
passing that resulted in a wraith’s appearance and be
and therefore cannot be used for combat. Otherwise uses
driven towards it. Any subsequent uses of the power in
the same stats as Talon of the Abyss. It only possesses
the same week automatically raise the base difficulty of
Obtenebration 1 as its Discipline. Elemental is immune
the power by +1, although the storyteller may additionally
to Clinch, Hold, Tackle and similar combat maneuvers
raise the difficulty of the roll due to disturbances in the
due to it’s tiny size, but can be targeted with Brawl, Melee
Shroud or other factors.
and Ranged attacks at +2 difficulty. It’s unable to
communicate with anyone other than its caster. The Corpse in the Monster Path
The Corpse in the Monster 2 (Algor Mortis) can be
Talon of the Abyss (Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark
used to resist emotional manipulation Discipline powers.
Ages p. 272): The casting time for this Ritual is 5
minutes. Only one Talon can be summoned at a time. It The Graves Decay
only possesses Obtenebration 1 as its Discipline. Talon is
immune to Clinch, Hold, Tackle and similar combat The Grave’s Decay 2 (Rigor Mortis) is rolled at a
maneuvers due to it’s tiny size, but can be targeted with difficulty of 7. Only one effect can be cast on the target at
Brawl, Melee and Ranged attacks at +2 difficulty. All the same time. Any subsequent application overrides the
damage that Talon inflicts is considered Lethal. previous, even if done by a different caster.

The Haunting Path

Calling the Hungry Shade (Vampire 20th
Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 272): This Ritual is not This path requires a mentor found in-game.
available in this chronicle due to the vagueness of its
mechanics. The Haunting Path 2 (Summon Wisp) The Wisp
under Necromancer’s control can only move inside the
The Background Oubliette is not planed for use in Necromancer’s field of vision. If the user breaks the field
this chronicle. of vision, the Wisp remains static until it is dispelled or
the field of vision re-established. The Wisp lasts until
Necromancy sunrise, but can be dispelled earlier by the user. The
Wisp has no substance, and therefore cannot harm
Sequela mechanics are not in play due to the anyone in any way, and is immune to all damage,
complexity of book keeping (Vampire 20th Anniversary: Disciplines, Rituals etc.
Dark Ages: Tome of Secrets p. 52)

Blood Sorcery

The Haunting Path 3 (Harrowing) The effects of this
power can be prolonged for the number of nights equal The Sepulchre Path 4 (Haunting) After successful
to the successes scored on the activation roll. use of this power, additional Necromancy powers can be
used on the same wraith as normal. The wraith becomes
The Haunting Path 4 (Phantasms) This power can imprisoned in a location or an item, but can be further
only be targeted at another character, The target gains the manipulated with other powers such as Compel Soul etc.
flaw “Haunted” (Dark Ages Vampire p. 427) for the rest The Ash Path
of the night. The user may direct their successes to
increase the intensity of the flaw by invoking the more The Ash Path 1 (Shroudsight) Activating this power
powerful wraiths, or summon additional wraiths, is considered a Reflexive action for the purposes of
essentially stacking the same flaw on the victim for every combat.
success scored on the activation roll. Recently Deceased
The Twilight garden path
wraith costs 1 success, Spectre wraith costs 2 successes,
Old Soul costs 3 successes. This power lasts until sunrise, This path requires a mentor found in-game.
but can be canceled earlier by the user.
The Path of Skulls
The Haunting Path 5 (Spectral Menacing) The This path requires a mentor found in-game.
wraiths summoned with this power are Spectres
(Vampire: the Masquerade p. 385) and the number of
The Vitreous Path
wraiths that will plague the target is equal to the user’s This path requires a mentor found in-game.
Necromancy rating. If not prematurely canceled the
power will cause a permanent Derangement to the victim The Vitreous Path 2 (Aura of Decay) The power
when the power diminishes naturally. starts damaging the items affected immediately, rendering
them harder to use with each blood expended. Every item
The Sepulchre Path
in the radius of the power suffers a +1 difficulty increase
The Sepulchre Path 1 (Peering across the Shroud) to use for each BP invested in the power, decaying them
Activating this power is considered a Reflexive action for to complete uselessness after the period of time listed in
the purposes of combat. the Dark Ages Vampire p. 291. The user is still limited to
his Generational maximum expenditure for using this
The Sepulchre Path 2 (Summon Soul) A target power.
summoned with this power will always appear in a form Necromancy Rituals
of a Recently Deceased wraith (Vampire: the Masquerade
p. 385), unless the roll is botched. If a roll is botched, the If a Ritual specifies a Clan in its text, a character will
target appears as a Spectre (Vampire: the Masquerade p. need to find a Mentor of that clan learn it from, or
385) and is always hostile to the user that summoned it. someone else who knows it.

The Sepulchre Path 3 (Compel Soul) The user must Chill of Oblivion Ritual cannot extinguish
immediately issue tasks or ask questions, as per successes supernatural attacks manifesting as flame, but can any fire
achieved on the roll, and cannot delay them for later. created by magical means.
Upon successfully Compelling the wraith, Necromancer
loses all control over the wraith, and cannot re-summon Dead Man’s Hand Ritual will cause the subject to
it, or change the Compel orders or questions. The wraith make Courage rolls (diff 6) for each level of damage taken
cannot be ordered to become a protector or a slave to any after Injured, as they consciously witness their body
person or guard a specific location or an item. Upon rotting and getting infested with maggots. Failing this roll
answering the questions or completing the tasks or the sends them into a panicked frenzy from the
duration of the power expiring, the wraith disappears decomposition. A kindred who falls to torpor after 12
into the Shroud and is unlikely to ever return, even if hours of Incapacitation due to effects of this ritual cannot
summoned, although rare exceptions can be made for awaken with blood expenditure and must be fed blood
powerful or plot-related wraiths. from an outside source to awaken.(They will still spend
one blood per night, even in torpor until completely

Blood Sorcery

exsanguinated) Akhu
Additional Rituals Also known as Setite Sorcery, initiating their powers
is identical to that of Thaumaturgy (see Vampire 20th
• Haunting Breeze (Rites of Blood p.93)
Anniversary: Dark Ages p. 297) except that in the place
This ritual does not affect the caster.
of Occult, use Theology
• Word of Insight (Rites of Blood p.93)
A Practitioner of Akhu may use any of the Paths from
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy with approval of a Storyteller.
The Following are Akhu exclusive Greater Paths:
The Lesser Paths of Thaumaturgy are: The Revelations of Duat
• Creatio Ignis (The Creation of Fire)
• Iter Pernix (The Swift Journey) The Revelations of Duat. With the level 3 (Pharaoh’s
• Potestas Motus (The Power of Motion) Sentry) and level 4 (Imbue with the Grace of Anubis) of
• Potestas Tempestatus (Power Over Storms) this power, the sorcerer can a quantity summon up to
there casters rating in sentries in total, even if combining
The Greater Paths of Thaumaturgy are: the levels of the power. With the level 5 (The Sorcery of
Life) of this power, the sorcerer can summon only one
• Potestas Elementorum (The Power of the bane-mummy, and it prevents them from summoning any
Elements) lesser sentries in addition.
• Iter Pernix (The Swift Journey)
• Potestas Motus (The Power of Motion)
• Potestas Tempestatus (Power Over Storms) The Revelations of Eden
Iter Pernix (The Swift Journey) The Revelations of Eden Sorcery Path’s permanent
Each success on this roll adds an automatic success on effects now last two Real Time weeks and the
a Traveling roll (where applicable). Rating/Permanent Dot then returns.

Potestas Vitae (The Power of Lifeblood)

Potestas Vitae 2 (Blood Awakening) The difficulty Initiating their powers is identical to that of
increase to frenzy from this power lasts until sunrise. Thaumaturgy (see Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages
p. 297)
Potestas Vitae 3 (Inner Vessel) The user can not drop A Practitioner of Dur‘An‘Ki may use any of the Paths
their effective Generation below 4th with the use of this from Thaumaturgy with approval of a Storyteller.
power. The Keepers way is not an allowed path.
The Following is and allowed Dur An Ki exclusive
Greater Paths:
Thaumaturgy Rituals
Awakening of the Steel
Wards cannot be bypassed through planar travel,
transformation, teleportation, possession or other such The mechanics of this Path can be found on
methods. You must defeat the mechanics mentioned in Vampire: the Masquerade p. 440.
the ward to travel past it, no matter the situation. If you
fail to defeat the mechanics, you can’t go past it or
interact with the warded objects until you do. This also
Combo Disciplines
applies to any powers originating from a being denied Before purchasing Combo Disciplines seek Storyteller
entry. approval. Some can be quite situational and may not
come up in play, so be warned.
Dedicate the Haven (Level 5) is required for more The Following Combo Disciplines from Lore of the
than one Haven Ritual to be cast upon your haven. Clans are allowed:
Name Page Restriction

Combo Disciplines

Eyes of Blades 29 Bloodlines are allowed:
Shadow Feint 30 Assamite Name Page Restriction
Command the Weary Beast 49 Brujah Command The Swarm* 16 Baali
Iron Heart 49 Brujah Soul Separation** 70 Nagaraja
Leaps and Bounds 49 Unseen Spirit 71 Nagaraja
Scourge of Alecto 50 Brujah Old Friend 100 True Brujah
True Love’s Face 69 Setite Jackhammer Punch 100 True Brujah
King of Beasts 90
See the Reflected Form 90 Gangrel *Command the Swarm allows the use of Daimoinon
Shatterproof 90 Gangrel 1 (Sense the Sin) through the swarm, and nothing else.
Spirit Tacking 90 Gangrel The max range is 75km.
**Soul Separation 2-successes effect applies the 1-
Empower Minion 125 Lasombra
success effect in addition to it’s effect listed in the table.
Mind Strike 125 Lasombra
This Combo Discipline only works on the living.
Shadow Mark 125 Lasombra
Shroud of Absence
Do as I Say, Not as I Say
125 Lasombra
144 Malkavian Occult
Malkav’s Pavlovian Response
Screams Made Real
145 Malkavian
145 Malkavian Knowledge
Ze Monkey’s Paw 145 Malkavian
ccult is specialized at 4th dot, and these
Forbidden Zone 164 Nosferatu specializations represent the sum total of knowledge
Haunted Place 164 Nosferatu outside the general kindred lore provided by it.
I know 165 (Additional Specializations can be purchased with XP)
Power Animal 165 Nosferatu The following is meant as a guide, not a hard and fast
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 165 Nosferatu rule, your characters may have blind-spots in their lore,
Carriage Horses 183 Ravnos and should.
Eventide Strength 183 Ravnos Occult Description
Waking Dream 184 Ravnos 0 Understanding of the basic necessity (blood)
Doubletalk 203 Toreador The banes (fire, sunlight, and stake)
Haunting Seduction 203 Toreador The Traditions
The High and Low Clans of the region
Scalpel Tounge 204 Toreador
The Properties of Vitae
Soul Painting 204 Toreador
1 Knowledge of the nine original Disciplines gifted
Under the Skin 204 Toreador
to Caine (Animalism, Auspex, Celerity,
Blood Sight 220 Tremere Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence,
Chain of Slavery 220 Presence, Protean)
Chaining the Beast 241 Tzimisce Character has heard fables of other supernatural
Ears of the Bat 241 Tzimisce creatures local to the region, but nothing of their
Soul Decoration 242 lore.
The False Drink 242 Tzimisce
Divine Aura 262 Ventrue
Impeccable Manners 263 Ventrue
Rescue Beacon 263 Ventrue
Retaliatory Terror* 263 Ventrue
Telepathic Command 263 Ventrue
*Retaliatory Terror activation is optional.

The Following Combo Disciplines from Lore of the

Occult Knowledge

Occult Description systems do damage equal to your successes on an
2 With an Intelligence+Occult roll (diff 7) you can Intelligence + Survival roll.
identify the weakness of a Clan. • Maximum blood absorption rate is 5 per turn.
Understanding of the rarer Clan disciplines Vampire can only drink 3 Blood Points per
(Chimerstry, Dementation, Obtenebration, turn.
Protean, Quietus, Serpentis, and Vicissitude) • Vampires without the Indelible Merit return as
A nuanced understanding of the Generation closely to the state in which they were Embraced
and diablerie. as possible. If the change causes no appreciable
Has heard of the fabled land of Nod and vague, damage (ex. shaving, cutting one’s hair, piercing
nameless rumors of the concept of Gehenna. a body part, getting a tattoo) the vampire’s body
A rough knowledge of major events in Cainite eliminates the change during the day.
3 Knowledge of the several of the legends of the
First Days of Gehenna.
Knowledge of the existence of the Antediluvians
as figures past mythic archetypes. A downtime action can be carried out once a week
A basic, non-practical understanding of Blood with Saturday being the reset day for consistency.
Sorcery traditions. Downtime actions cannot be stored.
May know some legends about transcending the
Curse of Caine. Using Backgrounds
4 Basic knowledge of some of the more public
bloodlines. Players may choose to make use of the Background
Can name many Antediluvians and many of the dots as part of their weekly downtime actions. These can
major Methuselah. be achieved in numerous ways, by making a simple dice
5 May have heard rumors of the diablerie of the roll. Players should contact the storyteller with their
Antediluvian [Brujah]. intents and be assigned dice pools to roll.
May have heard rumors about the important lost Some examples of using downtime actions with
cities. Backgrounds are:
May have heard of the location of the historical • Getting information from Contacts
Baali strongholds.
• Buying things
There are many knowledges even beyond the scope of
Occult 5, some of which can be covered with appropriate • Crafting
Specializations, and some are beyond the grasp of • Research
kindred who aren’t low enough Generation to learn
them. Raising Backgrounds
Miscellaneous A downtime can be used to increase a background by
a single point. This process will require expenditure of
Rules The cost to raise a background will be as follows:
Trait Cost
• During frenzy, the only active Disciplines you New Background 3
may use are Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude,
Raise Existing Background Current rating x3
and outside of those Disciplines, blood may only
These are restricted by standard generational
be spent to heal or increase physical Attributes.
maximums, and any other rules under the Backgrounds 13
• Traps are set with the following system: first, roll
Dexterity + Subterfuge to set and conceal it;
Status and Generation may not be acquired by this
when sprung, damage is determined by the trap
type: weapons use their base damage, pits and
drops cause falling damage, spring loaded


Reducing the cost • Assisting with a task for the evening, such as
working security for a salon.
In addition to raising backgrounds, players may spend
• Leveraging one of your disciplines to aid your
their weekly downtime action to “prepare” their
creditor’s cause.
backgrounds by whatever means, and reduce their XP
cost to buy and raise. Minor Favor
The player spends a downtime action and makes a
roll assigned by the storyteller. A successful roll lowers the A minor favor represents a favor that requires a
cost to buy the appropriate Background by -1 XP. The significant amount of time or effort, but is ultimately low-
cost of Backgrounds cannot be lowered below 1 XP. risk.
Starting difficulty for this downtime roll is 6. Each Payment of a Minor Favor should involve simple one-
subsequent roll to reduce the cost of the same dot of that time favors or services that take no more than a month to
Background is increased by +1 difficulty, to a maximum complete. Example scenarios involving Minor Favor
of 9. Willpower may not be spent on these rolls. include:
The date, dice roll, and the results of these downtime • Leveraging backgrounds and influences on
actions should be logged in the Downtime Log of the someone’s behalf.
players Character Trackers. • Revealing crucial information.
• Disposing of a threat without risking life or
Favors blood.
• Teaching low levels of common disciplines.
Trivial and minor boons combine, at a three-to-one
ratio, into a boon of the next category.
Major Favor
A Major Favor represents a large debt that requires a
Record your favors owed in the #📋favors📋 channel good deal of time or resources to pay, and may involve
with the following formatting: risking your personal political or social capital. Payment
of a Major Favor should involve one-time favors or
• [MY CHARACTER] is owed [NUMBER] services that take no more than three months to
[TYPE] favors(s) by [CHARACTER] complete. Example scenarios involving Major Favor
• The [TYPE] favor(s) owed by [CHARACTER] include:
was transferred to [CHARACTER] • Leveraging your backgrounds and influences to
someone else’s agenda.
Fulfilled or otherwise negated favors can be simply • Teaching advanced levels of a common
crossed out or deleted. discipline or low levels of an uncommon
Trivial Favor • Revealing a major secret that is potentially very
A Trivial Favor is a simple favor owed for receiving a damaging.
minor service, political consideration, or forgiving a faux • Purchasing a major business, building, or land.
pas. This type of favor should be freely offered and • Aligning yourself with a political or social
accepted, much like a business card. Payment of a Trivial agenda that potentially harms your own position
Favor should involve simple one-time favors or services with your Clan and allies, such as supporting
that take no more than a single game session or a night to someone’s bid for Praxis.
complete. Example scenarios involving Trivial Favor
include: Blood Favor
• Making a formal social introduction to an A Blood Favor is a sacred debt that can only be repaid
important Kindred. by shedding blood on behalf of the creditor. The debtor
• Covering a potentially embarrassing social faux will betray allies, ruin their own reputation, or place
pas. herself in a potentially life-threatening situation in order
• Supporting a political or social agenda that does to further the agenda of the creditor, thus the name
not undermine your own position. “Blood Favor”. Example scenarios involving Blood Favor


• Coming to another ones aid and suffering
grievous injury.
• Betraying Clan secrets or teaching proprietary
Disciplines, knowing that you will be labeled a
• Assisting in a Praxis seizure via force, and killing
allies to see it done.
• Holding off a fearsome enemy so that the
creditor can flee.
• Murdering a rival or an enemy knowing that you
might be hunted if you are caught.

Death Favor
A Death Favor is a rare boon that should only be
given in circumstances when a kindred saves another
kindred from an external threat that will destroy the life
of the debtor. A powerful kindred cannot simply threaten
a weak enemy and claim a Death Favor for not destroying
her. Many kindred consider owing a Death Favor as
equivalent to being an unreleased Childe. To owe a
Death Favor is to surrender all of your own will until
your Final Death would repay your debt to them.
Example scenarios involving Death Favor include:
• Protecting a fugitive (who might even be an
Infernalist or broke the Diet of Olives) on
behalf of your creditor.
• Protecting your creditor from the Prince’s justice
to the bitter end.
• Hiding a terrible crime, such as diablerie or
• Saving the life of another vampire from an
enemy at significant risk to your own life.

Appendix One:
minimum of 1).

Equipment For details on these types of helmets see Vampire
This Appendix is not to give extensive rules for each 20th Anniversary: Dark Ages Companion p. 126
weapon or type of armor, but more a place to calculate Class/ Perception
how the characters purchase things and give a quick Description Rating Penalty
reference guide of where to look. Simple items like
clothing will be costed by how much the characters are Arming Cap 1 0
willing to spend, rather than having a fixed price. Arming Cap and Iron Cap 2 1
Arming Cap and Mail Coif
Armor Arming Cap Mail Coif, Iron Cap 3 1
Open Face Helm, Arming Cap

A rmor is not really a subtle thing in the dark ages, and

should form part of characters description upon
entering a scene, unless they have a supernatural method
Arming Cap Mail Coif, open 4

Great Helm, Arming Cap

to conceal such.
For details on these types of armor see Vampire 20th Great Helm, Arming Cap, Mail 5 3
Anniversary: Dark Ages Companion p. 124-125 but we Coif
are not using separate limb values.
Great Helm 6 3
Class/ Dexterity
Description Rating Penalty Purchasing a Helmet
Gambeson 1 0
Although head protection is made of layers of armor,
Cuirboilli, 2 1 a character buys a set of armor consisting of all the layers
Armoured Surcoat for simplicity, and cannot later split them. Or put
Gambeson w/ Cuirboilli or 3 1 simpler, a character buys a class of armor and can
Armoured Surcoat represent it however they wish, but it will always be that
Gambeson w/ Mail 4 2 • Purchasing helmets requires Resources
Gambeson w/ Mail and Surcoat, 5 3 Background dots equal to (Armor class) -1
Gambeson w/ Brigandine,
Coat of Plates or Lamellar Shields
Purchasing Armor hields come in three classes. The table below shows
some of their statistics. Please refer to Vampire 20th
Although armor is made of layers of armor, a Anniversary: Dark Ages Companion p. 126 for more
character buys a set of armor consisting of all the layers information, as they can be used as weapons.
for simplicity, and cannot later split them. Or put
Minimum Parry Attackers
simpler, a character buys a class of armor and can
Type Strength Difficulty Penalty
represent it however they wish, but it will always be that
Buckler 1 4 0
• Purchasing armor requires Resources Pavis 3 7 +1
Background dots equal to (Armor class) -1 Standard 2 6 +1
• This takes (Dexterity Penalty) in downtime Shield
actions, reduced by 1 for each dot in Resources
Background beyond the initial cost (to a


Purchasing a Shield Resource
Description Min Statistics Location
• Purchasing shields requires Resources Poleax 3 122
Background dots equal to (Min Strength) -1 Staff 2 122
Staff Sling 1 123
Weapons Purchasing Weapons
W e are using the revised weapon statistics from the
Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark
Companion, not the Vampire 20th Anniversary: Dark
• As part of a purchase action, the character may
acquire up to their Resources Background dots
in combined item levels from this section, as a
Ages core book.
singular downtime action.
• Resource 0 items can be acquired easily, and do
Description Min Statistics Location
not require an action.
Crossbow 2 123
Heavy Crossbow 3 123
Bow (Compound or 2 123 Crafting
A ll things that can be bought can be crafted, to craft
an Item a character must achieve successes totaling 5
times items resource minimum/cost to a minimum of 5
Dart 0 123 successes. This is part of an extended action and can be
Hurlbat 1 123 rolled once per day. While making this roll, player needs
Throwing Ax 1 Melee: 121 to keep track of total successes and how many rolls have
Thrown: 123 been made.
Battle-Ax 2 121 • The dice pool is Dexterity + Craft (Appropriate
Two-Handed 3 121 Spec) difficulty 7
Battle-Ax • The player may make one craft roll per day.
Pick Ax 2 121 • Hand of the Master Artisan allows a number of
Club 0 121 rolls equal to the characters celerity at the cost
Flail 1 121 of one blood point, or until creating the item is
Mace 1 121 finished, which ever comes first.
Warhammer 2 121 • Fails do no decrease successes, but do increase
the total number of rolls made.
Knife 0 Melee: 121
• Botches indicate the need to start over.
Thrown: 123
Once the character has finished such an item, their
Dagger 1 Melee: 121
total successes divided by the number rolls made
Thrown: 123
(rounded down) becomes the items quality. (The item
Falchion 2 121 becomes finished when 15 successes are reached. Any
Knights Sword 3 121 successes that exceed that number are considered
Long Sword 4 121 “wasted” and don’t add to the total amount)
Saif 3 121 Quality Result
Javelin 1 Melee: 122 5+ Superior, consult ST
Thrown: 123 2-4 Average, as standard entry
Lance 2 122 1 Poor, +1 diff to use.
Spear 1 Melee: 122 Some example superior stats may be:
Thrown: 123 • Shatterproof – Resist one break effect ever.
Glaive 1 122 • Lightweight – reduce penalty/requirement to
Maul 3 122 use.
Peasant Flail 1 122 • Keen – +1 Armor Piercing


These are just preliminary examples. Whatever is
implemented may be different as it shouldn’t be game


Appendix Two:
• Removed level 7 & 9 Discipline Powers from
the unique Forms list, since they are unlikely to
ever come into play.

Updates • Willpower can no longer be spent on any Blood

Sorcery Rituals to guarantee their success.
(Reverted rule. NOW – At ST discretion)
Update 1.0.1—29/8/21 • Clarification for Protean 2 (Feral Weapons)
• New Combat Maneuver – Headbutt
• Spelling corrections – General. • Clarification for Potestas Vitae 3 (Inner Vessel)
• Blood Sorcery - Clarification of free rituals, or power
not.12 • Calling the Hungry Shade – Abyss Mysticism
• Noted source for domain rules.14 Ritual is banned, due to the vagueness of its
• Added Marshal Training section to mechanics in RAW
backgrounds, and where to find further • House Rule for awarded Blood Sorcery Rituals
information.14 at Character Creation is removed. We are
• Swarms updated.15 reverting back to RAW, where each Blood
• Added willpower Cap at creation. Sorcery gets one Ritual of equal or lesser power
• Added rule on Unique transformation forms24 when taking the next dot of Primary Path.
• Presence 5 (Majesty) Clarification added.26
• Vicissitude 3 (Rend the Osseous Frame) Update 1.2—30/8/21
Clarification added.27
• Major overhaul of the game. Basing the
• Removed a duplicate combo discipline from
chronicle on Jerusalem by Night. Slight
being available30
mechanical changes, and re-wordings.
Update 1.0.2—30/8/21
• Added Section – Sensing the Beast23
• Revised Hunting mechanics further25

Update 1.0.3—02/9/21
• Minor rewording and corrections, moved some
stuff around
• Added Fields of Expertise purchase system

Update 1.1—06/9/21
• Revised Downtimes.
• Added Travel method for Flight Protean Forms
• Added a new mechanic for the Herd
• Minor rewording here & there

Update 1.1.2—15/9/21
• Further clarification for Rigor Mortis power
• Further clarification for Arms of Ahriman
• Removed “The Sus” mechanic
• Willpower can no longer be spent on Downtime
Action rolls to reduce the cost of Backgrounds.

Appendix Two: Updates


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