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Application to move to a senior house

Student’s name …………………………………………………………………….

The above student has requested to move to a college senior house. Senior houses are for responsible, serious
students who, through greater independence, will see this as an opportunity for personal development and preparation
for University or adult life. Senior houses are normally available to final year students only, studying A2, B2 or UFP.

As parent/guardian your permission is required before a move to a senior house is allowed, and your attention is
drawn to the following information. Please note that final approval to move rests with the college and will take into
account the student’s past performance both academically and within boarding. Please be aware that:

 A senior house differs to a supervised boarding house in that there are no staff living in the property, and
there are no curfew times observed. All the boarding rules still apply, (e.g. no smoking inside, no alcohol, no
non-Bosworth visitors, no members of the opposite sex in bedrooms etc.).

 Students have daily cleaners, 24 hour emergency support, full cooking facilities (although they are still
expected to eat at the College restaurant), free internet, and have free access to the house at any time.

 The houses are checked regularly by college staff, and any breach of the trust placed in a student will be
subject to sanctions, such as moving the student back to a supervised house, suspension or expulsion in
serious cases.

 Parents/guardians are expected to confirm each student’s holiday plans to College by email. For example,
staying in senior house, going home, visiting family elsewhere in the UK, staying in a hotel in a town or city
other than Northampton.

 Accommodation during Easter and Christmas holidays is chargeable as an additional cost for each night.
Another student might use the room if your son/daughter is staying elsewhere during holidays.

By agreeing for your son/daughter to move to a senior house, you are confirming that they will:-

 Study effectively during the college day, and be on time for all lessons
 Maintain an excellent college attendance record
 Lead a healthy lifestyle – which will include ensuring adequate sleep and eating healthy meals
 Behave in a way that ensures their own safety and the safety of their house mates, and will attend all safety
briefings as required
 Agree to act responsibly and will observe all house notices and boarding rules
 Be considerate to their housemates and neighbours
 Be expected to pay for any damage or excess costs through failure to act in accordance with the rules
 Accept collective responsibility with other house mates if no individual accepts responsibility
 Comply with the computer acceptable use policy and not download obscene/pornographic/racist material from
the internet

I agree to support this application to move to a senior house, and accept the terms and conditions stated above.


Relationship to student……………………………………………………………


Please return a signed copy by email to:

Thank you.

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