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Scott Davies

Public Services
Unit 3 AO3

Explain and under take a range of

fitness tests that cover the components
of fitness, showing regards for health
and safety and testing protocol.

Muti-stage fitness test


The Muti-stage fitness test is used to test cardio vascular endurance which is also
known as stamina. The definition for Cardio vascular Endurance is: “The ability of
our heart and lungs to work over a prolonged period of time without becoming
fatigued”. The Muti-stage fitness test is used in the police forces to measurer your
level of cardio vascular endurance you need to get a level 4.5 or higher to pass the
test. You need to stay in time with the beeps if you miss the line 3 times and the beep
goes off and you are not on the line or carrying on to the next you fail the test. The
police force would need a high CV endurance because you could be running for a
long period if you are running after someone you need to be able to keep up with the
person this is why you would need a high CV endurance in the police force. There
would be other public services which require a high CV endurance like a fireman etc.


Equipment needed for the Muti-stage fitness would be an ideally a flat surface non
slippery marking and indicator cones 20 meters apart a CD player to play the beep test
and a pen/pencil to record your results and a big area do you test in.

Before we stared the test we did a warm up we started the CD and ran between the cones in
time with the bleep to get used to the CD and the way the test works. Mr Davies ran with us to
set the speed we needed to run to stay in time with the bleeps. We stared the muti-stage
fitness test (as shown above) you have two sets of cones 20 meters apart. You keep
running between the two cones continuous. The time between recorded beeps
decrease each minute. If the spotter sees you miss the line 3 times you fail the test.
After the test we walked round the cones with our hands behind our heads to get more
oxygen into our lungs. We walked round the cones for 20 min to cool down.


In the Muti-stage fitness test my level was 10.

Alex got 8.5 in the Muti-stage fitness test.
Dom got 5.0 in the Muti-stage fitness test.


I think I had a better score then subject 21 because I do a lot more running outside
school I go jogging with me dad. And I think I got a better score then subject 1
because I do more running outside school but subject 1 does some sport outside
school like football and rugby.


I am happy with the score I got level 10 I think it is a good score but next time If I do
the test again I would try and get a level 12 or higher I would try and improve my
score by doing more running outside school and tacking up sports.

Standing broad jump


The standing bored jump is a test of Explosive leg strength. Some sports which need a
high level of Leg strength would be baseball, basketball and volleyball these sport
require a good level of Explosive leg strength. A public service which needs a high
level of Explosive leg strength would be the fire service because they do a lot of
climbing and you would need a high level to quickly get up a ladder.

To do the Standing broad jump you would need a jump pit a tape measure (at lest a 30
meters) an assistant to look at your score when you land by the tape measure and a
pen/pencil to record you results.


We went into the old gym and set up the tape measurer on a white line after that we
stood on the white line with other feet on the edge of the line from a two foot standing
start and leap forwards as far as we could and the partner would have a look your
back foot and see what number it was in line with and that would be your score. We
repeated the test 3 times and recoded the best score down. (Picture of the standing
broad jump below)


In the standing broad jump I got 200m

In the standing broad jump Nick got 212m
In the standing broad jump Kieran got 36m


Nick got 212m in the standing broad jump because he plays rugby and plays a lot of
sport outside school in his spare time so he would be fitter then me. Kieran got 36m in
the standing broad jump because he does not do as much sports outside school as
Nick does. I think I got a better score then Kieran because I am in the cadet forces and
we do a lot of physical actitives.


I got 200m in the standing broad jump which I think is a good result I achieved this
result because I do a lot of running and jumping because I am in the army cadets we
do a lot of obstacle courses which involves climbing and jumping over wall and
jumping to reach certain things e.g. ladders and ropes. And Nick got a better result
then me because he does a lot of sport outside and inside school and he does rugby
outside school so he would be fitter then me because rugby is a fit sport. Overall I am
happy with my result and next time I next time I do the test I would try and aim for a
higher score at lest 220m or 240.
Sit and reach test


The sit and reach test is a test of flexibility. Flexibility is the range of movement
possible around a joint or series of joints. It is linked to certain sports such as
gymnastics and any other sports which involve flexing any other part/joint in your
body. And it could be linked to a public service such as the fire service because if you
need to get up a ladder you a ledge very quickly if you have good flexibility you can
reach higher ledges because you can flex your joints in your body.


For the sit and reach test you would need a sit and reach box (as shown below) and
pen/pencil to record your results.


First thing we did was a warm up because we where doing some other test that day
like the Sgt jump and the standing bored jump we ran around the hall for a few
maintains to get our heart rate higher. After the warm up we contained the sit and
reach test. We would all take off our shoes to make it a fair test we where in a group
of three one of us would sit down and with our feet flat against the sit and reach box
the 2nd person in the group would hold our keens down because if they where up you
would be able to stretch more and the 3rd partner you look at the position of other
hands and record the result down in a notebook.


In the sit and reach test Dom got 12

In the sit and reach test Nick got 60
In the sir and reach test Kieran got 16
I got 12


I think Nick got a better result then me in the sit and reach test because he does sport
outside and inside school and maybe because he does these sports before a game he
does stretching so we would be more flexible then me. Kirean got a better score then
me because maybe he does more stretching then me outside school and maybe he
does some sport outside school. I think me and Dom got the same score because he
both don’t do much sport outside school and does not do as much stretching as Kieran
and Nick do.

I am not that happy about my result I thought I could do better. I am going to retake
the test in a few weeks and see if I can get a better can improve my score. To improve
my score I would do more sports outside school like football or rugby and do more
stretching to improve my flexibility.

Hand grip test


The hand grip test is a test for Maximum strength. Maximum strength is the
maximum force a muscle or a group of muscles can exert in one single voluntary
contraction. We used a handgrip dynamometer it measures the strength of a persons
grip. A public service which would need a good grip would be the fire service and for
sport gymnastics.


We did a warm up in the gym first thing and we sat down and the teacher explained
the handgrip dynamometer to use. The next thing we did was we went up one by one
up to use the handgrip dynamometer we test the grip in both of our hands and
recorded the results in a notebook. To do the test we needed to put the handgrip
dynamometer I our hand and make sure the needle was on 0 and we would put our
hand in the air and hold the grip as hand as we could and bring it slowly down to our
waist we did this in both hands.


To do the hand grip test you would need Handgrip dynamometer


In the hand grip test I got 30 in my left hand and 35 in my right hand
In the hand grip test Nick got 35 in his right hand and 26 with his left hand


I think I got a the same result then Nick in my right hand because we are both right
handed and we do most of the thing in our right hands like writing, eating and normal
things around the house. I think I got a better result then Nick I my left hand because
maybe I just have a better grip in my left hand then Nick.


I am happy with my result I think I got a good result in both hands. Even though I got
a good result I would like to improve my results I would like to get 40 in both hands
Abdominal sit-up test


The Abdominal Curl test is a test of Muscular Endurance. Muscular endurance is the
ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to work for a long period of time without the
onset of fatigue and is important in back support. Muscular endurance can be linked
to a sport like football and marathon running. It can also be linked to a public service
the Army and other armed forces around the world.


We went into the hall and started a warm up we jogged around the hall of a few 20
min and that he got some soft mats out in do the test on you need the test to stay in
time with the CD one bleep will go on that bleep you come up and on the second
bleep you go back down you bleep will get faster and faster and you will need to stay
in time with it until you cant stay in time with the bleeps. We stared the test and one
person would stand on our feet and the other one doing the sit ups we stayed I time
with the bleep until you couldn’t stay in time with them.


You would need a CD player and a pen/pencil and notepad and a flat surface and
some soft mats to do the test on.


Nick got 60 in the sit-up test

Kieran got 36 in the sit-up test
I got 48 in the sit-up test


As you can see in the results Nick got a better score than Kieran this is because Nick
does more sport outside school like rugby and football and is fitter then Kieran. Nick
got 60 in the sit-up test which is a very good score and I think he got this because he
does a lot of sport outside school and is fitter then me and Kieran. I got 48 in the sit-
up test I think this result is good but I think I could get a better score.


I am disappointed with my score I think I could have got a better score then 48 next
time I do the test I will try get a better score around about 50 to 60 if I get that next
time I will be very happen with my result. I will improve the score by doing more sit-
ups outside school and try harder in school in improve my result.

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